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uahlsLroms lashlonlsLas SLep up 1o 1he lloor

8y 8achel nocker
Cn CcL 14 2011 l saL down wlLh Lwo sLudenLs who were en[oylng lunch aL
uahlsLrom Mlddle School We Lalked abouL how sLudenLs dress and whaL Lhey acessorlze
wlLh 8ella klassen sLudenL aL uahlsLrom was flrsL

We sLarLed wlLh whaL she LhoughL abouL Lhe weaLher and how lL affecLed whaL
klds wear ersonally my favorlLe weaLher ls summer lLs warm and mosL klds wear
shorLs" 8ella sald She also llkes shorL sleeves [usL as mosL klds would She loves
caprees buL doesn'L see Lhem on klds as much

Sabrlna CasLlllo also a sLudenL aL uahlsLrom answered some quesLlons She Lold
me LhaL her favorlLe Lhlng Lo wear are shorLs and a 1shlrL AlLhough we arenL aloud
Lo wear shorLs aL school l wear Lhem everywhere else" Sabrlna sald

SLudenLs follow Lhe Lrend" 1hls monLhs Lrend ls bows and loose Lops AlmosL
everyone wanLs Lo look cuLe and comforLable

klassen and CasLlllo canL walL Lo see whaL nexL monLhs Lrends wlll be Who wlll
sLarL lL? WhaL wlll lL be? Who wlll follow? ?ou'll have Lo Lune ln nexL Llme Lo flnd ouL

klasses wearlng a plnk bow and LhaL's Lhe Lrend of Lhe monLh!

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