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lndlrecL quesLlons

W lndlrecL quesLlons are pollLe longer forms of

normal quesLlons
When ls Lhe LesL? D|rect quest|on
uo you know when Lhe LesL ls? Ind|rect quest|on
orm|ng Ind|rect quest|ons
W lndlrecL quesLlons are formed of Lwo parLs a
pollLe expresslon and a quesLlon whlch has no
sub[ecL/verb lnverslon llke a normal quesLlon
When ls Lhe LesL? ulrecL CuesLlon
uo you know when Lhe LesL ls? lndlrecL quesLlon
W Pere Lhe pollLe expresslon ls uo you know and Lhe
quesLlon parL ls when Lhe LesL ls? noLe LhaL Lhe
sub[ecL and verb dldnL change place ln Lhe quesLlon parL
W lndlrecL quesLlons do noL use Lhe auxlllary verb
Lo do ln Lhe maln quesLlon
When does Lhe nexL Lraln arrlve? ulrecL quesLlon
uo you know when Lhe nexL Lraln arrlves? lndlrecL quesLlon
When does Lhe resLauranL close? ulrecL quesLlon
Could you Lell me when Lhe resLauranL closes? lndlrecL
Look aL Lhe examples and pay aLLenLlon LhaL Lhere ls noL
verb/sub[ecL lnverslon
Lx uo you know when Lhe nexL Lraln arrlves?
9hrases Lo creaLe lndlrecL quesLlons
W Pere are some expresslons used Lo creaLe lndlrecL quesLlons Look
LhaL noL all Lhe quesLlons are quesLlons aL all
l wooJet lf/wbetbet? woolJ lt be posslble fot yoo to?
l coot temembet lf/wbetbet? ls tbete ooy cbooce yoo coolJ?
l coot temembet woolJ yoo mloJ tellloq me lf/wbetbet?
coolJ yoo tell me lf/wbetbet? l Joot soppose yoo coolJ
lJ llke to koow lf/wbetbet coo yoo tell me lf?
W @hese quesLlons are followed by elLher fout a wh word or |f
@hen you add Lhe sub[ecL Lhen Lhe senLence
emembet! oo Joot oeeJ oo ooxllloty socb os Jo Joes
JlJ ot coo
Lxerclses CompleLe Lhe lndlrecL quesLlons
Lx Where ls your broLher?
Can you Lell me wbete yoot btotbet ls?
1 Are you comlng Lo Lhe parLy?
Can you leL me know lf ____________________ ?
2 Pow does lL work?
Can you explaln _______________________ ?
3 WhaL are you dolng?!
uo you have any ldea ___________________ ?!
4 Could you lend me 30 lucas?
ls Lhere any chance _______________________ ?
3 uoes !esslca llke pop muslc?
l canL remember lf _______________________
6 Could you Lake me Lo Lhe alrporL?
ls Lhere any chance _______________________ ?
Change Lhe followlng dlrecL quesLlons
lnLo lndlrecL quesLlons
1 Where ls she golng? ______________________________
2 uo you know her name? ___________________________
3 Who ls she? _____________________________________
4 WhaL Llme ls lL? __________________________________
3 Why was she happy? _______________________________
6 ls your slsLer comlng LonlghL? _______________________
7 uld Lhey sLudy for 9Su? ____________________________
8 uld your faLher buy you a car? _______________________

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