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lnLernaLlonal CulLural

LnvlronmenL aklsLan
W Cn May 19 2010 A aklsLanl courL Loday
banned Lhe use of lacebook ln aklsLan
W As response Lo a lacebook page called
Lverybody uraw Mohammed uay!
rophet Muhammad
WConsldered by Musllms
Lo be a messenger and
propheL of Cod
W;uran Lhe cenLral
rellglous LexL of lslam and
Musllms was wrlLLen by
hlm represenLlng Cods
Lverybody uraw Mohammed
4conLesL SkeLches of ropheL Muhammad
4lLs consldered an acL of blasphemy by Musllms
mar probems n the past
4 ln 2006 afLer ropheL Muhammads
carlcaLures were prlnLed ln a uanlsh
newspaper 1000's of people Look Lo Lhe
sLreeLs ln aklsLan burnlng banks resLauranLs
and gas sLaLlons afflllaLed wlLh WesLern
4 2008 a car bomb exploded ln Lhe parklng loL
of Lhe uanlsh embassy
W 31 May 2010 aklsLan llfLed ban as lacebook
apologlzed and lnformed LhaL all Lhe
sacrlleglous maLerlal has been removed from
Lhe u
W 8uL facebook losL lLs repuLaLlon ln Lhe Arab
naLlons because Lhey dldn'L glve lmporLance
Lo Lhelr CulLural bellefs

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