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Progress Report #3

The Jump Drivers

Team Member attendance: Kristin Yee, Kevin Shelly, Steve Kerst, Jerry Witmer (SME) Contacts with SME: Monday, November 29th at 8:00pm via email Main Work Focus: We are responding to our students responses on our Wiki discussion forum and were also creating our final presentation. We also are conducting a post assessment. Progress: We were able to meet with our SME and conduct a post assessment for our target audience. We also separated our project into three equal parts for the final presentation. Next Steps: We need to analyze our post assessment results for inclusion into the final presentation. Action Step Assignments: We have finished our implementation portion of the ADDIE model and are currently in the evaluation process. Product or Content Needs: NA Sticky Problems: We hit a small roadblock regarding the post-assessment format, but finally decided on five questions using the multiple choice format. Problems Solved: Our students were able to create WikiSpace accounts, which allowed them to respond to the discussion forums. Other: NA

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