Nicole Vosper ALG 27.11.11

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Nicole Vosper Action Learning Guild 27th November 2012 Permaculture Nat.

Dip Gathering Billberry Centre

What is going well?

Been a great get together, meeting others in same situation and to know who to tap into for support/offers I have great skills in relation to where others are I am aware of the skills I still need I got my diploma work together and ready for this event Im recognising that a biotime diary could be useful(Aranya may have one of these recording sheets) Its been a great design process refresher good to have time set aside Recognising that the PDC I did has value (I wasnt sure it was as good as doing a two week one) Getting on top of the Vector system and realising I could offer these skills to others Recognising that I have opportunities where I live with my site and with great resources like Patrick on my doorstep I have a supportive family & a great site to work with.

What has been challenging?

The continuous building work at Brook End has stopped me working on the land etc Its draining the energy form a good old garden girl! Finding my niche- Im noticing that Im always the youngest person at these events and that my route here has been unconventional Getting all of my work documented and onto the website/blog Working two days a week in paid employment and finding balance Still struggling to come to terms with the animal use in permaculture sites etc The paid work may compromise my access to grant funding Learning the vector system made me want to smash the computer Feeling energetically exhausted

What are my long term dreams and visions?

To accredit my diploma in 2013 This year I want to o Implement Brook End Design o Get the Red Brick Building Young Peoples Project off the ground To Get my skill sets sorted broad scale & woodlands Grow an urban based food and medicine garden Get Brook End on the LAND project Make my designs useful and transferable for others on diploma pathway Plan a medicinal session for a pdc Organise a DST/DSE on brook end To not get overwhelmed and to accept that 2013 is a goal not a condition To get good herb and perennial designs to suit people who have less time/ability/mobility

What are my achievable next steps?

Start a bio-time diary (self or land?) Type up garys alg Arrange intro weekend and advertise Get Gaia University out to pc people/contact re the life skills dates/visits? To blog ALP Get on top of the RegenAG course stuff Do an end of year review and tweak the ALP Get Brook End into a process and onto the internet Look up all of the resources highlighted in my notebook Finish the Brook End website

Find out how to do proper research Get Permaculture into my work eg incredible edibles Get the posters designed for the young peoples project Do a proper skills audit and note where Im effective Get on top of my documentation process and log it for others on diploma pathway

Feed back form the listener

I Liked that.
o You have realised that your PDC has value I reckon it was probably more in depth and that you have consolidated the learning much better that people who have done a 2 week residential you clearly have a depth of knowledge and a skill set that others would envy and as you have noted you tend to be the youngest which is a great asset, think how old the pioneers now are That you have worked at the vector system (what ever that is) and you are willing to share it/show its value That you are keen to engage permaculture with young people being one you have an opportunity to reach out in a way that others may find challenging You have accepted that you have limitations You are still engaged with the concept of vegan permaculture in our climate the point of a permanentculture is that it meet everyones needs if its not researched then how will we know? The RegenAG model is unashamedly meat and money centered and I reckon there is room for all You are going to do an end of year review and tweak remember to document any changes and your reasons why.

o o o o o

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