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November 27, 2011

Steve Cannane Australian Broadcast Corporation Email: Dear Mr. Cannane: Thank you for your email of November 24, 2011. I have already provided you with a response denying Valeska Guiders contention that she was aboard the Freewinds against her will. My response included in summary form the many times Ms. Guider left the ship alone, with her husband and with family members. We have no facts that would support Ms. Dienes-Brownings opposite opinion. Yet her contention is so vague it is impossible to respond without more information. When exactly is she claiming that Valeska Guider was imprisoned. What were the exact circumstances? Where aboard the ship does she contend this took place? For how long? Does she contend that Valeska Guider was physically prevented from leaving? If so, when did this occur and what evidence does she have to support her claim? How does she claim to know this information?

If you could supply this information I would be in a better position to respond to your latest claim.

___________________________________________________________ 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA, 90028-6329 Phone: (323) 960-3500 Fax: (323) 960-3508/09

Page 2 Steve Cannane November 27, 2011

The Freewinds is a passenger vessel with hundreds of people aboard and that Ms. Guiders staff positions regularly placed her in contact with many parishioners and staff throughout the entire time she was aboard the ship. Thus, we require a lot more than mere assertions that Valeska Guider was not aboard that ship voluntarily. I must reiterate that your allegations have no merit. Ms. Dienes-Brownings employment from the Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Org was terminated in 2003. Valeska Guider was a member of the crew through 2007 and there is evidence of her self-determined, willing and continued participation as a volunteer staff member too numerous to count. None of this has anything to do with the ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. You are on notice that you are aware your sources stories are flawed and that you are in clear violation of the Australian Broadcasting Code if go ahead and broadcast these false and defamatory allegations. Regards,


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