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TV Panel Discussion

Adam Behnke

As a whole, this was one of the most boring, generic, TV discussion panels ever. I did not contribute, but controlled, shaped, clarified, and summarized. There was no discussion; I asked and everyone else answered. Alyssa and Caleb spoke their minds freely, which eliminated any awkward pauses, but besides a few good points by Alyssa, there was nothing said that was of value. Besides a few times by Caleb in the beginning, we all had trouble looking at the camera. A main reason there was little discussion on the issue of prison ministry was the type of questions I was posing. I asked questions that had just one answer, and many times when I was asking clarifying questions, it would only elicit a response from one person. Some random thoughts on the discussion. -Of all of us, Caleb looks the best in front of the camera -Doug makes the best facial expressions -Doug was the most interesting to listen to -Alyssa gave the best responses

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