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lrom hls wrlLlng abouL ldenLlLy Crlsls ln AuLoblographlc erspecLlve Lrlkson wroLe Lhe meanlng of

ldenLlLy crlsls as Lhe followlng

1 ldenLlLy crlsls ls a sub[ecLlve feellng and emphlrlcal quallLy whlch can be lnvesLlgaLed ln Lhe
polnL of personal slmllarlLy and conLlnulLy followed by belleve Lo Lhe slmllarlLy and
conLlnulLy of world lmaglnaLlon LhaL Lhey owned As a sponLaneous feellng Lhls quallLy can
be seen clearly ln an adolescence LhaL found hlmself as well as hls LogeLherness wlLh oLher
2 ldenLlLy crlsls ls a condlLlon where a person have and Lurn lnLo someone wlLh a hlgh
awareness buL ln Lhe moLlvaLlonal aspecL ldenLlLy crlsls always belng unawared and
surrounded by dynamlc confllcL
3 ldenLlLy crlsls ls a characLerlsLlc from a developmenL sLage whlch dld noL appear before due
Lo laLe sLlmulaLlon of somaLlc cognlLlve and soclal preLerm Meanwhlle all of Lhls crlLerla
cannoL be delayed for Loo long because all of Lhe fuLure developmenL depend on Lhem

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