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Megan Augustin The Demise of Land Land and I have a history, and let me say not a good one.

My brother older by 15 short months motivated me to walk earlier than was even thought possible. Just to keep up I crawled towards the cushioned hearth and pulled myself up with wobbly legs and determination. As I took my first step my brother accepted that as a challenge get me to run. By the age of 10 months I was sprinting through the house, running into walls tripping over my feet and colliding with the floor. We knew that land would never be my friend. In an attempt to overcome the treacherous terrain beneath my feet my mother put me in ballet lessons. After two months the ground still reached up to destroy my footing. Not to say Mrs. Ellie didnt put in her effort. Pllie, releve. Plie, releve. Land was determined. My pink satin toes had no chance against Land. I gave in. The tutus and sequins went into the closet and Land took round two. Round three: basketball. One broken nose and two black eyes. With the bell Land once again prevailed. Round four: tennis. One hospital and a broken arm later the despicable Land won without a struggle. My bruised and mangled body surrendered to the Land in hopes of one day prevailing in the ongoing fight. But Land would not surrender. Walking. No go. Land pushed me over as I walked through the church courtyard one Sunday afternoon. Almost in slow motion I fell to the ground my hands carrying a cake for Pastor Dans birthday. Land had no sympathy as my cherry red glasses and my face collided with the sweet vanilla frosting and hand painted letters. Despicable, terrible, horrible, awful, Land.

One summer day Land thought it would be funny to reach up and push me in the crystal blue pool. Oh but Land had made a horrible mistake. My hand gently fluttered through the clear water. With a flick of my wrist I soared. A kick of my foot sent me across the pool. My body moved gracefully through the miraculous water. Land had gotten the best of me until I discovered a power unlike any other. Water. It was a glorious day when Land had met its match, Water.

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