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O or Every symboI oI LIe uIpIubeL, LIere Is onIy one sLuLe LrunsILIon In DA.
O e do noL need Lo specIIy Iow does LIe NA reucL uccordIng Lo some symboI.

O DA cun noL use EmpLy SLrIng LrunsILIon.

O NA cun use EmpLy SLrIng LrunsILIon.

O DA cun be undersLood us one mucIIne.

O NA cun be undersLood us muILIpIe IILLIe mucIInes compuLIng uL LIe sume LIme.

O DA wIII rejecL LIe sLrIng II IL end uL oLIer LIun uccepLIng sLuLe.

O I uII oI LIe bruncIes oI NA dIes or rejecLs LIe sLrIng, we cun suy LIuL NA rejecL
LIe sLrIng.

How to Draw DFA for Start with?

Steps for 0rawIng 0FA.

ExampIe:StrIngs start wIth 011.

- Keep In hInd
(1) There shouId be one Stuck/0ead State.
(2) Stuck/0ead State shouId have seIf Ioop.(For all
(3) Fnal/Accetance State shouId have seIf Ioop.(For all

- Steps
(1) FInd out hInImum Length StrIng In Language. (e.g 011).
(2) 0raw hInImum Length + 1 number of states.

(3) hark FIrst state as InItIaI State.
(4) hark Last state as FInaIlAcceptance State.

(5) 0raw TransItIon for hInImum Length StrIng.(011)
(6) 0raw SeIf Loop for FInaI State.

(7) 0raw one IsoIated State wIth SeIf Loop. (Stuckl0ead

(8) AII PemaInIng TransItIon attach to Stuckl0ead State.

ow,Your 0FA Is compIete Check It

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