SW 2

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System Engg Process

Usually Iollows a waterIall model because oI

the need Ior parallel development oI diIIerent
parts oI the system. Little scope Ior iteration
between phases because hardware changes are
very expensive. SoItware may have to
compensate Ior hardware problems.
Inventialy involves engineers Irom diIIerent
disciplines who must work together. Much
scope Ior misunderstanding here. DiIIerent
disciplines use a diIIerent vocabulary and
much negotiation is required. Engineers may
have personal agendas to IulIil.
Requirement deIinition , System design, Sub-
system development, System integration,
System installation, System evolution, System
Software process model
A structured set oI activities required to
develop a soItware system
SpeciIication, Design, Validation ,Evolution
.soItware process model is an abstract
representation oI a process. It presents a
description oI a process Irom some
particular perspective. The waterfall
model:Separate and distinct phases oI
speciIication and development
Evolutionary development: SpeciIication
and development are interleaved
Formal systems development:A
mathematical system model is Iormally
transIormed to an implementation
Reuse-based development:The system is
assembled Irom existing components.
Water fall model

Requirements analysis and deIinition System and
soItware design.Implementation and unit testing
Integration and system testing. Operation and
maintenance.The drawback oI the waterIall model
is the diIIiculty oI accommodating change aIter the
process is underway.

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