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Consuming the Web Service
PeopleSoIt provides a wizard Ior consuming web services as part oI Integration Broker.
This wizard is available Irom:
PeopleTools ~ Integration Broker ~ Web Services ~ Consume Web Service
The Iirst step in the wizard is to speciIy the WSDL:

Next, review the web service in step 2. You can click on the View WSDL hyperlink to view the
WSDL in your browser as we did in the Iirst part oI this tutorial.
This web service has 4 service ports or variations oI the web service. Select the Iirst,
Next, you get to choose the service operation. There is only one in this case - ConversionRate.

Being a synchronous service, there are two messages - request and response. The next step
creates these messages and optionally allows you to
rename them iI necessary (note that you have skipped over step 5).
The Iinal step is to select the receiver node, which by deIault will be SDL_NJDE.

Make sure you press Finish on this step to consume the web service.
This will give you a Iinal screen that conIirms the results and allows you to view your consumed
web service:
Click on the Jiew Consumed Service to open the service and see the IB deIinitions that have
been created.

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