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What is Research? -Systematic inquiry aimed at the discovery of new knowledge.

What are its components ?

5 components of Research areType of Survey Sample Survey Design Incentives Analysis

Why is secondary research important?

- Secondary data might answer the question asked by oneso that one does not have to do his/her own research. - Secondary data can be compared to primary data to see if ones research is valid and reliable. -It saves time, money and energy.

What is secondary data used for?

-Secondary data can help to form hypotheses. -Secondary data can be information provided by the government, therefore would take one a lifetime figuring it out for him/herself. Example: College records can be used to determine if there are gender differences in academic performance. Here, college records are the secondary data.

How does it supplement primary research?

In Primary research, -There is no data available for the researcher. -The researcher has to start from scratch. -The researcher needs to design questionnaires, collect data from respondents and then analyze the result.

In Secondary research, -The researcher have the necessary data available. -Data are made available through other publications or reports, like newspaper or annual reports of companies. -No need to start from scratch. -Researcher uses the data or information done by other organizations or publications

How are the outcomes of research used?

-One may have less control over how the data was collected. -There may be biases in the data that one does not know about. -Its answers may not exactly fit the research questions. -It may be obsolete data.

That is why before using, -One should assemble relevant data. -Make tables, charts or diagrams to understand the findings clearly.

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