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VERKOPE Nuwe of gebruikte sleepwaens! HUUR Volledige reeks ONDERDELE

DIENS & ONDERHOUD JOHANNESBURG 011 826 1472 Ons koop gebruikte WES-RAND 011 764 2114/5 waens OOS-RAND 011 826 1529 Inruilings PRETORIA 012 807 5651 welkom NELSPRUIT 013 752 3669 4819

HEIDELBERG: Ueckermannstr. 9 TEL 016 341 6373/4/7 NIGEL: Hendrik Verwoerdstr. 93 TEL: 011 814 1020/40

Incorporating Heidelberg/Nigel News


Your leading local newspaper

Fax:086 675 0170 Fax: 011 814 1159


Vol. 27. No. 48

30 NOVEMBER 2011


AfriForum-tak reg vir aksie

Carla du Plessis HEIDELBERG - Die burgerregte-organisasie AfriForum het op 17 September n Heidelbergtak gestig wat die huidige aantal takke landwyd op 31 te staan bring. AfriForum se plaaslike takke het ten doel om die gaping te vul tussen die staat en die wetsgehoorsame burger en toe te sien dat belastingbetalers selfstandig onder die AfriForum vaandel hul grondwetlike regte beskerm. Johan Bester is tydens die stigtingsvergadering as voorsitter van AfriForum Heidelberg-tak verkies. Ek wil graag n oor wees vir die gemeenskap en hul probleme aanhoor om sodoende stappe te neem en n positiewe verskil te maak.As deel van AfriForum Heidelberg-tak se eerste veldtog gaan die tak onverklaarbare ho elektrisiteitrekeninge, dwelmmisbruik in die dorp, informele straatverkope en Horskool JW Luckhoff se veiligheid en rioolprobleme aanspreek. Johan s hy sal ook die pad in die hoofstraat wil regkry, siende dat die herstel daarvan deur die munisipaliteit nie juis vrugte afgewerp het nie. Heidelberg-tak vergader weer op 30 November te Wiesenhof om 18:00. Elkeen wat n positiewe verskil in die gemeenskap wil maak, is welkom. Vir meer inligting oor AfriForum-takke kan Tiaan Esterhuizen by 082 824 7297 geskakel word. Om lid te word van die Heidelberg-tak, kan Johan by 084 405 4405 geskakel word.

Pasop vir kloning by OTMs

Magda Maritz NIGEL - Pasop, daar is n toestel wat inligting op bankkaarte in Nigel kloon, waarsku A/O Von Wielligh van SAPD Nigel. Die eerste slagoffers is by die ABSA outomatiese tellermasjien (ATM) by Ferryvale Spar met di slenter gevang. Volgens A/O Von Wielligh word n spesiale toestel oor die ATM kaartgleuf aangebring wat alle inligting op verbruikers se kaarte dupliseer, terwyl die skelms in die omgewing ronddwaal. Di toestel lyk volkome geldig en wek geen suspisie nie. Wees gewaarsku: daar behoort geen toestelle oor enige tellermasjien se kaartgleuf te wees nie, s A/O Von Wielligh. Sy vra die publiek om SAPD Nigel by 011 812 6511 te skakel, selfs al vermoed iemand net daar is n vreemde toestel oor die kaartgleuf van n tellermasjien aangebring.

Tydens AfriForum Heidelberg-tak se stigtingsvergadering is die bal aan die rol gesit en n bestuurskomitee is gekies. Johan Oelofse (onder-voorsitter), Johan Bester (voorsitter), Jaycee Krger (penningmeester), Tiaan Esterhuizen (AfriForum takorganiseerder), Walden-Smith, Sybrand van der Spuy (addisionele lid) en Lourens Hirschhorn (addisionele lid) sien uit omn positiewe verskil te maak.


Tel: 016 342 2830 Fax: 016 342 2831 or 079 749 9135/ 082 415 4434 Heidelberg





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

One million tons p.a. for Consol

Magda Maritz NIGEL - Members of the media, business partners, stakeholders and delegates from Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) were welcomed at the new home of the Consol Greenfield Factory in Visagie Street, Pretoriusstad during its official launch on November 17. * SETTING THE SCENE Situated in Visagie Road, Pretoriusstad, this twofurnace glass factory with an investment value of R1,9-billion and an output capacity of 400 tons per day per furnace (110 000 tons of good glass per annum per furnace) will bring Consols glass capacity to an excess of one million tons per year. The first furnace was commissioned in September 2011, but August 31 was a monumental date on the Consol calendar, as this was the day when the first trickle of glass rolled out of the orifice ring at the N1 Furnace. Four weeks after the first trickle of glass, the Nigel team achieved the first 90% pack to melt. A mere week after the start-up of the last machine, the first load of bottles left the gates and headed for customer selling lines. * FUTURE INVESTMENT Phase two at Consol Nigel will depend on market conditions, but the additional investments made during Phase one in general plant infrastructure, will allow for an even more compressed construction period of between nine to 12 months. Once the second furnace is complete, the additional capacity at Consol Nigel will increase Consols annual glass packaging output by a further 25% (220 000 tons), elevating its total glass production to over onemillion tons per annum (in excess of an estimated 4-billion glass containers). Plans are currently on the table to invest a further R200-million in similar cullet (waste/broken glass) processing plant capacity over the next four to five years to facilitate future growth in glass recycling. This would bring the total investment by Consol to over R400-million.Consol is leading an environmentally-conscious drive to further reduce the carbon footprint of glass packaging through the deployment of even more advanced technology and processes to manufacture bottles and jars that weigh up to 33% less without any loss of strength or quality. * IMPROVEMENT OF PRODUCTS In 2006 the average weight of a 750ml nonreturnable wine bottle was 516g - today Consol is producing a bottle with a screw cap finish for the wine industry that weighs just 350g; a significant reduction of 32%. This Consol wine bottle is 100g or 25% lighter than any other lightweight bottle currently available in South Africa. Recycling remains a key internal focus on a group basis in order to minimise Consols demand for raw materials and to optimise energy efficiency. Accordingly the Nigel factory includes a basic cullet processing

facility to recycle all waste produced at the site. In addition, the master layout for Nigel includes provision for an external cullet processing plant as part of its future expansion programme. Initially the Nigel plant will be supplied with externally processed cullet from the existing Consol processing facility at its Clayville factory, as this plant currently has excess capacity following a recent investment. * RE-USE, RECOVER AND RECYCLE Construction of the Nigel cullet plant will begin when recoveries from the waste stream exceed the currently installed processing capacity. In addition to this Consol invests operational expenditure relating to the glass recycling project which

supports local business. Consol encourages glass recycling, incentivising the collection and recovery of post-consumer waste glass for cullet (broken glass) usage as a part-substitute for raw materials. * GOING GREEN Consol has also taken on the headline sponsorship of the Miss Earth South Africa initiative in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. The real impact on the Nigel community will come in the secondary spend where the additional interaction in the town will impact the rest of the community who have not been directly involved with the process to date. All in all, the Nigel town and the community stand to benefit from this investment and Consol is proud to be a part of this.

Hiroe Mallane, Japanese interpreter from Cape Town with Thandi Radebe, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Customer Care Centre manager and Executive Vice President of Nihom Taisanbin Glass Bottle Manufacturing in Japan, Takeshi Tsutsumi, who attended the Consol Greenfield Factory launch.




30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Eight injured in collision

Magda Maritz NIGEL - An accident involving two vehicles on the R42 between Heidelberg and Nigel, left eight people seriously injured on November 25. Paramedics from ER24 Advanced Life Support and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) as well as emergency service workers from Lesedi Fire & Resque arrived at the scene at approximately 22:00 to find six people who sustained serious injuries, whilst two people were in a critical condition, trapped inside the vehicles. Paramedics had to work at speed to free the victims. While the exact cause of the accident remains unknown, HERAUT learned that the driver of the Nissan Sentra was travelling from Jameson Park towards Dunnottar with four passengers. Christo Billings was driving in a BMW from the opposite direction towards Heidelberg, with two passengers. Possibly misjudging the distance between him and the approaching traffic, Christo overtook some cars, but found himself out of sufficient road space. In an attempt to avoid a head-on collision, he managed to cut in between the car in front and Musas Nissan Sentra. He however, failed to avoid contact and Musas car collided with the rear of his BMW, sending both vehicles spinning out of control. Musas wife, Duduzile Nhlapo, their children Gift (17), Nkositathi (11) and Nomsa (7), Christo Billings and both passengers sustained serious injuries and were transported to hospital by ambulance. Duduzile and Daniel were in critical condition with several fractures and head injuries. They were rushed to Heidelberg Hospital. The cause of the accident will be investigated by SAPS Heidelberg.

Nigel Child Welfare at new address

NIGEL - The office of Nigel Child Welfare will relocate to 54 York Street, Visagie Park on December 1. For further information, phone 011 739 5668.

IN SHOCK - Nomsa Nhlapo (7) sustained serious injuries in an accident, involving a Nissan Sentra and BMW on the R42 between Heidelberg and Nigel on November 25.

Join Springs/Nigel WESSA branch for well deserved year-end function

NIGEL - The Springs/ Nigel branch of the Wildlife and Environment Association (WESSA) will host its year-end activities at the picnic site of Marievale Bird Sanctuary on December 4 at 12:00. Anybody is welcome to attend the bring and braai. According to committee member Mrs D Johnson, the past year has seen a number of achievements within the association, which include purchasing a spray unit for the management of reed encroachment, total refurbishment of Flamingo Hide, (including a new roof and replacement of benches that were stolen), new paint and informative posters, tree planting at Marievale and the Grootvallei Reserve, tiling of tables at the picnic site, erection of reed doors to the toilets to replace the stolen ones and general maintenance. Mrs Johnson also said that only through ongoing fund-raising, donations and hard work by the Friends of Blesbokspruit, have the improvements been possible. Alan Madden and committee members wish local residents a blessed Christmas and peaceful and happy New Year. Friends of Blesbokspruit will meet

again on January 8 at 09:30 and thereafter every second Saturday of the month.

To find out more about WESSA or the Friends of Blesbokspruit, phone Alan on

011 734 4137 or 082 716 5352 or Mike on 011 818 3405 or 082 391 6304.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011



30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Kersfunksie saam met Mathys n treffer

NIGEL - Nigel Apteek het vir die 12de opeenvolgende jaar bejaardes met n kersfunksie saam met Ria Erasmus en Mathys Roets bederf. n Onblusbare gees het op 19 November onder bejaardes geheers terwyl Mnre Chris Potgieter en Sarel van der Walt almal verwelkom het. Dit is Nigel Apteek se manier om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap. Ria Erasmus, oudinwoner van Nigel het bejaardes met haar engelstem bekoor. Opera het nog nooit so mooi tussen die mure van Nigel Stadsaal geklink nie. Tydens n gelukstrekking het wenners n geskenkie ryker geword voordat versnaperings bedien is. In opwagting is daar vir die hoofgaskunstenaar Mathys Roets gewag en soos gewoonlik het hy homself oortref en hartsnare geroer. Hy het van sy nuwe treffers bekendgestel en hande en voete het ritmies op die maat van die musiek beweeg. Die funksie is afgesluit deur samesang van die welbekende kersfeeslied Stille Nag, net die regte manier om die kersseisoen te begin.

Ria Erasmus en Mathys Roets het as gaskunstenaars tydens Nigel Apteek se kersfunksie opgetree. Dit is die 12de jaar wat Mnre Chris Potgieter en Sarel van der Walt van Nigel Apteek hierdie bederf vir Nigel se bejaardes rel.

RCF-leaders behind bars after meeting turns violent

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - Four members of Ratanda Community Forum (RCF) was arrested on November 22 for public violence after a public meeting to discuss high electricity bills and the suspension of electricity supply. After spending the night in police cells, they were released without appearing before a magistrate. James Buthelezi (chairperson), Moholdi Motai (deputy chairperson), Kenny Tsotetsi (secretary) and Blessing Motsepe (organiser) was in discussion with SAPS Ratanda communications officer Captain Thivhulawi Tshilate on November 21, when members of the public took to the streets. They broke windows at the homes of Lesedi Local Municipalitys Councillor Joyce Mokoena and Speaker Simon Moremi. By the time they reached the Executive Mayor, Mrs Lerato Malokas house, police were already present. Captain Tshilate said that he would arrange to accompany us to see the mayor. When we arrived at the police station on November 22, we were arrested. Our rights were read to us, but a state lawyer never came to see us, Buthelezi said. On November 23 at 12:10 the four men were released without seeing a magistrate. Acting Municipal Manager, Mrs Cynthia Mokoena, declined to answer HERAUTs questions concerning this matter over the phone. HERAUT sent her an email on November 24 to query a meeting held on the same day at Ratanda Multi Purpose Hall and to find out when they will meet with residents concerning their electricity grievances. Mrs Mokoena has been silent ever since.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Munisipale woonstelle bly n kopseer

DIE REDAKTEUR - Na aanleiding van die anonieme persoon se brief (12 Oktober) oor Betty Radebe by Nigel Munisipaliteit, wat in beheer is van Noycedale- sowel as die pensioenariswoonstelle in MacKenzieville, wil ek alles beaam. Hier gebeur presies dieselfde. Mense van sover as Durban, Klerksdorp, Vanderbijlpark, Sasolburg en Kaapstad kry bo die plaaslike inwoners voorkeur om n woonstel te bekom. n Sekere invloedryke persoon het nou al drie woonstelle vir haar familie bekom, terwyl ander plaaslike inwoners se name al vir jare op die waglys is. By ander munisipale woonstelle geld huisrels sodat almal rustig en in vrede hul oudag kan geniet, maar hier is dit net die teenoorgestelde. Terwyl die rels hier bepaal dat geen troeteldiere toegelaat word nie, trek sommige mense met n hele dieretuin in. Verder word slegs een motorafdak aan huidige inwoners toegewys, terwyl nuwe intrekkers tot twee afdakke op n slag mag huur. Een motorafdak word gebruik deur een van die inwoners se familielede. By een van die woonstelle word n besigheid bedryf en gevolglik moet die elektroniese hek heeldag daarvoor oopstaan, anders verloor die persoon klandisie. Me Radebe veroorsaak baie probleme en onenigheid tussen die inwoners met haar dubbele standaarde. Rel 20 van die munisipale woonstelle bepaal dat inwoners alle huisrels moet respekteer, maar Betty Radebe het vir nuwe intrekkers n ander stel rels en voorskrifte voorgel. Wanneer n mens haar daaroor aanspreek, word jy met n prokureur gedreig. Een van die ongelukkige inwoners - NIGEL. HERAUT het Me Betty Radebe telefonies vir kommentaar genader, sodat sy geleentheid gebied word om haar weergawe voor te l. Sy weier egter om repliek te lewer op enige bewerings en het HERAUT se verslaggewer meegedeel dat haar prokureur die aangeleentheid verder sal voer.

Klippies in my skoen ...

Ronelle se klippies in haar skoen is die feit dat sy voel haar ma is nie meer lief vir haar nie. Dit is nogal vreemd, omdat algemeen aanvaar word dat geen liefde groter is as die liefde van n ma vir haar kind nie. Toe ons verder gesels word alles vir my duidelik. Ronelle en haar beste vriendin is tans in Volkskool. Uit dit wat in Suid-Afrika gebeur, wat die media berig, ens is hulle persepsie dat Afrikaans as taal gaan verdwyn. Binne die volgende vyf jaar gaan alle Afrikaanse skole oorslaan na Engels. Die getal leerlinge neem af en in sommige skole is daar reeds honderde voorskoolse kinders wat die klasse volsit terwyl township skole uit hul nate bars. In die toekoms gaan Engels die taal wees wat in ons land gepraat en geskryf word en hulle wil hulself solank voorberei. Haar beste vriendin se ouers stuur haar volgende jaar na Nigel High waar sy dan ook in die koshuis gaan bly om vinniger te kan inpas en aanpas. Toe Ronelle vir haar ma vra om ook na die ander skool te gaan, het haar ma botweg geweier. Na weke se baklei en trane, het haar ma ingewillig om haar te laat gaan, as sy 40 redes kan gee. Dit het sy gedoen, maar nog steeds weier haar ma en daarom voel sy haar ma dra nie haar belange op die hart nie, hou vas aan ou idees en is nie meer lief vir haar nie. My liewe kind, dit is waar jy n baie groot fout maak. Dit is reeds omdat sy vir jou baie, baie lief is en jou by haar wil hou, dat julle nou verskil oor die pad vorentoe. Laat ek probeer verduidelik deur my verhaal vir jou te skets. My ouers het meer as 100 kilometer van die naaste dorp af geboer en ek was slegs 5 jaar oud - daardie jare kon jy nog so vroeg skooltoe gaan - toe ek in die koshuis moes gaan bly. Slegs vakansies kon ek plaastoe gaan, maar elke tweede of derde naweek het my ouers vir my kom kuier en dan het ek, en later ook my broer, by hulle in die tuishuis of huis in die dorp gaan bly. N skool is ek Stellenbosch toe, het in Johannesburg begin werk, is hier getroud en nog al die jare hier rond. Wat ek eintlik vir jou wil vertel is dat ek nooit ooit al die jare se trane van my pa, maar veral my ma, sal vergeet wat gestort is as ons weggegaan het van mekaar af nie. As kind het ek nooit gehuil nie, eers toe my kinders self groot begin word het. Ek huil nou al meer as n week terwyl ek hier probeer skryf, was bevoorreg dat my kinders lank in die huis was. Sal meer as die helfte van my miljoene gee om net eendag weer saam met my ouers te wees. Bly in jou ouerhuis solank jy kan. Al die Engels wat jy nodig het kan jy leer deur Engels te lees. Moet nooit vergeet om elke dag vir jou ma n drukkie te gee nie en vertel haar dikwels jy lief vir haar is. Lovies.

Heres a little suggestion

THE EDITOR - Put a traffic light on the R42 road over the N3 highway. The suggestion is because of the increase of heavy vehicles (trucks) on both roads. With trucks coming off the highway offramps and just going into the crossing with its interlink trailers, the vehicles on their way to Heidelberg have to stop and wait for the truck that is blocking the road. Add to that the waiting for vehicles going to Nigel and getting on the highway. I would also like to suggest that lights be put up until where the road going to Nigel becomes single. If Lesedi Local Municipality starts to wonder where they can get the electricity from, they can use the electricity of the streetlights which arent working in Bersig for the past month - which rates and taxes I have to pay each month. Just a suggestion. R42 user - HEIDELBERG.




30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Its Mofaya time at Vodacom Shop

HEIDELBERG - It is Mofaya Summer at the Vodacom Shop and loads of give-aways and hot deals await you, just in time for Christmas. Sign a new contract or upgrade an existing one before December 7 and participate in their pop-a-balloon promotion, in which great prizes can be won. Also up for grabs and exclusively to the Vodacom Shop in Heidelberg, is a quirky Razor E100 Electric Scooter, which will be yours absolutely free, when signing a new contract on the impressive Noka C2-01. This powerful scooter can reach a speed of up to 16km/ h and will provide hours of fun for the whole family. With this deal, you also receive a Nokia C2-01 phone with features such as fast 3G for web browsing, 3,2 MP camera, MP3 player, FM radio, Facebook application, Ovi Store for downloading games and other applications, Bluetooth, Java, Email as well as 120 off-peak free minutes. Other in-store deals include 20GB of data for only R499 (once-off data bundle, or on prepaid and top-up). Visit the Vodacom Shop at the Victorian Centre today and make sure that you do not miss out on these hot Christmas deals, or phone them on 016 341 2082.

90 Goue jare herdenk

HEIDELBERG - Enna Rosslee van plaas Zandfontein, distrik Grootvlei, het op 14 November n mylpaal van 90 jaar behaal. Sy het die spesiale dag saam met familie en kinders met n heerlike feesmaal by La Roson gevier. Ons is baie dankbaar teenoor die Skepper vir hierdie goue jare en die pragtige voorbeeld wat sy vir ons almal stel. Mag sy met die keur van die Here se seninge gesen word en goeie gesondheid geniet. Ons hoop om haar nog vele jare saam met ons te h, het haar familie ges. Klein Ian sit hier op Ouma Enna se skoot. Van Ouma Enna tot by klein Ian is vyf geslagte.

The Vodacom Shop at the Victorian Centre offers some crazy, hot Christmas deals, which will only be valid until December 7. Hurry and visit the store today to sign a new contract or upgrade an existing one today.

Aurora kon moontlik mynwerkers vergoed het

SPRINGS - Pleks daarvan om die meer as 5 000 werkers te betaal, het Aurora Grootvlei Myn in Springs se direkteure goud ter waarde van sowat R122 miljoen verkoop en die geld veilig in hul broeksakke gesteek. Asof dit nie genoeg is nie, het hulle die infrastruktuur waaronder die skagte, pompe en pype in twee myne gestroop en di ook verkwansel. Dit volgens Mnr Deon Botha, een van die likwidateurs van Pamodzi Gold aan wie Grootvlei- en Orkney Myne eers behoort het. Hy s daar moet vasgestel word wat van die geld geword het en in wie se bankrekenings dit oorbetaal is. Hy voer ook aan dat daar tans ondersoek gedoen word om vas te stel of die bestuur van Aurora Grootvlei Myn (en Orkney Myn) dit nie moontlik op n bedrieglike wyse bekom het nie. Die likwidateurs het n verklaring afgel nadat die direkteurs van Aurora Grootvlei Myn hulle op die Hooggeregshof beroep het om die insolvensieondervraging ingevolge die Maatskappywet waaraan hulle tans onderwerp word, ongeldig te laat verklaar. Die direkteurs voer aan die likwidateurs wil insae h in hul bankrekenings en meen dit is onredelik en hulle oorskry hul magte. Enver Motala is in Oktober 2009 as likwidateur van Aurora Grootvlei Myn aangestel om di te bestuur, terwyl sy likwidasieproses afgehandel word en n moontlike koper vir myne gesoek word.




Spog-perdetelers gooi deure hierdie naweek oop vir publiek

ook n optrede deur Armand die Singende Cowboy wees, asook vermaak vir die kinders en uitstallers. Kos en koeldrank wat verkoop word se fondse sal geskenk word aan die Heidelberg Tehuis vir Bejaardes. U word hartlik uitgenooi om die dag saam met ons te kom geniet. Plaaslike besighede kan hulself tydens die opedag kom bemark. Stalletjies kan gratis opgerig word in ruil vir n bydrae aan die Heidelberg Tehuis vir Bejaardes. Bring jou besigheid na n geleentheid gevul met pret. Vir verdere besonderhede kan Ina by 083 225 7559 of Loilyn by 082 888 3441 geskakel word.


Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

HEIDELBERG - Victrio Training is gele net buite Heidelberg op Caesarsvlei Landgoed, die plaas van Dr Hannes en Ina Snyman. Die afrigters, n pa-enseun-kombinasie van Leon en Victor Botha, skool en skou perde vir die afgelope 20 jaar. Perde van verskillende rasse word by Victrio geskool tot die hoogste vlak om sukses te verseker in kompetisies regoor die land. Victrio het in 2011 Suid-Afrikaanse Arabier Kampioenskappe met vier kampioene, drie reserwe kampioene en 10 Suid-Afrikaanse Top-5 plekke weggestap. Die afgelope naweek het hulle Heidelberg verteenwoordig op die Mpumalanga streekskou (ook bekend as die Summershow) en het weer met vier kampioene en een reserwe kampioen ryperde huistoe gekom. Verskeie rasse (Arabier-, Fries-, Boer-, en Nooitgedachter perde) word gestuur van so wyd soos Kaapstad en Komatipoort om by Victrio geleer te word in verskillende afdelings om dan professioneel vertoon en geskou te word op skoue regoor Suid-Afrika. Hannes, Ina en hul dogter Loilyn is al die afgelope vyf jaar bedrywig met hul stoet, Inanna-Ishtar Arabiere. Hul teelprogram vir suiwer Arabier halterskou-, ry-, en uithouritperde het al n hele paar kampioene opgelewer. Hulle het onlangs ook die Engelse Arabier Hings, Silvern Lance in vennootskap na Suid-Afrika ingevoer. Caesarsvlei Landgoed bied op 3 Desember (Saterdag) hul eerste opedag aan en alle Heidelbergers en omliggende gebiede is welkom om die dag by te woon. Verrigtinge begin om 10:00. Victrio sal hul klinte se kampioenperde vertoon en Inanna-Ishtar sal perde in hul teelprogram tentoonstel. Daar gaan

Armand die Singende Cowboy gaan by Caesarsvlei Landgoed se eerste opedag op 3 Desember sorg vir vermaak. Besoekers gaan ook Victrio Training se perde in aksie sien.

Victor Botha in aksie by die Summershow. Hy ry Gala de Bask, n English Pleasure kampioen, wat deur Jacques en Laura Mostert van Malelane besit word. Foto: H2 Photography.

Boeta reik uit na ander gestremdes

NIGEL - Roch Mathysen (Boeta) is 25 jaar oud en Serebraal gestrem. Hy is te vroeg gebore en het breinskade opgedoen as gevolg van sy longe wat nie sterk genoeg was nie. Dokters het vir sy ma ges dat hy net 24 uur oud sou word en dat hy nooit sal loop, praat of iets vir homself sal kan doen nie. Hulle was verkeerd. Nie net kan Boeta loop nie (al is dit met baie moeite), hy kan lekker gesels ook. Sy ma s die kuns is nie om hom te laat praat nie, maar om hom te laat ophou praat as hy eers aan die gesels is. Boeta het n breimasjien waarmee hy homself besig hou. In die verlede het dit vir hom n klein inkomste verwek, maar hulle het onlangs na Nigel verhuis en het nie meer n afsetpunt vir die breiwerk nie. Om sake te bemoeilik beskik Boeta se ma nie oor haar eie vervoer nie en kan dus nie Boeta se breiwerk in die dorp versprei nie. Wanneer hy nie wol het nie of sommer net n ruskansie wil neem, kyk Boeta graag televisie, maar dit is ook nou nie moontlik nie, want hul lugdraad kan nie in di nuwe omgewing opvang nie. Ten spyte van familie en vriende se pogings om dit korrek in te stel, kry hulle steeds geen opvangs nie. Boeta se ma het destyds n sentrum vir gestremdes in Ermelo begin en dit vir drie jaar lank bestuur. Hy verlang na die lekker saamwerk en saamkuier saam sy gestremde maats. Boeta weet dat daar in Heidelberg ook n sentrum is, maar vanwe hul omstandighede kan hulle nie daarby aansluit nie. Boeta droom eintlik om weer saam met gestremdes te werk en hul bediening uit te leef soos by die Mia Sentrum vir Gestremdes in Ermelo. Indien daar iemand in Nigel is wat hierdie gesin kan help op enige manier, bel hulle asseblief by 079 642 1380. Ouers met gestremde kinders wat net raad wil vra of wil gesels, kan 079 642 1352 skakel

4859 ...

Boeta, of Roch Mathysen is n 25-jarige gestremde wat onlangs saam met sy ma na Nigel verhuis het en graag ander gestremdes in die omgewing wil ontmoet en leer ken.

30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Pienkie Ponkie roem op perfekte balans

HEIDELBERG - By Viljoenstraat 1 is die vrolike kinderstemme van Pienkie Ponkie Kleuterskool n kenmerk. Onder koeltebome is n Pienkie Ponkie dorpie weggesteek. Skoolhoof Reinette Cunningham het vertel hoe die skool uit vyf losstaande geboue bestaan. Dit is met paadjies gekoppel met vyf speelgronde tussenin. Die speelgronde word met riviersand bedek en toepaslike apparaat gevul om by verskillende ouderdomsgroepe te pas. n Vriendelike, huislike atmosfeer word hier geskep sodat kinders geborge voel in die tyd wat hulle sonder hulle ouers moet funksioneer. Die personeel stel die voorbeeld deur goeie gesonde en liefdevolle verhoudings te handhaaf. Sodoende leer die kinders. Dissipline en liefde in perfekte balans, skep n gesonde en positiewe klimaat wat die leerprosesse bevorder. Die skool bestaan uit n Gr R-klas wat in twee groepe van 12 elk verdeel word. Hul program word deur opgeleide onderwyseresse met n passie vir kinders en onderrig aangebied. Die vyfjariges word in twee groepe van 11 en 12 verdeel. Die vierjariges word in twee groepe van 10 en agt verdeel, terwyl hul driejariges in drie groepe verdeel word. Groepe word verdeel sodat daar nie meer as agt kleuters in n groep is nie. Die peuters funksio4761

neer in hul eie gebou en op hul eie speelgrond. Die personeel hier is toegewyd en uiters bekwaam om hierdie klein mensies deur n komplekse en dinamiese fase te begelei. Hulle word gekoester en geleer deur middel van alledaagse aktiwiteite en n program wat nommerpas vir hulle is. Hier leer hulle hul eerste grense ken. Die baba-afdeling is n plek van koestering en versorging, ook in hul eie gebou, genaamd die

Melkery. Daar is n beperkte aantal plekke in beide die laaste twee afdelings. Ouers bly altyd die heel belangrikste gesag in n kind se lewe, daarom kan n skool nie sonder die samewerking, ondersteuning en wedersydse respek van sy ouers effektief funksioneer nie. Pienkie Ponkie se adjunkhoof, Carol Willemse se fyn aanvoeling vir opvoeding en onderrig dien voortdurend as aansporing vir die

personeel om hul roeping met uitmuntendheid te vervul. As span van 22 personeellede, werk hulle getrou in hul akker van ongeveer 125 kosbare klein mensies. Op hierdie manier help hulle saam met elke ander toegewyde opvoeder en onderwyser bou aan n gesonder en sterker Suid-Afrika. Skakel Pienkie Ponkie by 016 341 4791 of 078 632 9495 of 016 341 5509 vir meer inligting.

Women take the lead at Ikageng Sethaba

Magda Maritz NIGEL - Ikageng Sethaba SA Nigel is a nonprofit organisation in Alrapark which is run by a group of women. It was established on 2 March 2010 to provide assistance to people within the community who suffer from incurable diseases, by regularly providing them with clothes and a warm meal at least once a day. Project manager Martha Klein said that they dedicate their lives to help those who cannot do it themselves. There is no self enrichment within Ikageng. We strive to help people and we will never show any person the door, Martha said. She said it was a challenge from the start, as they had no facility to operate from. Ntuthuko Yabasha Development Centre has recently allowed Ikageng to use a portion of their building, but Martha and her team cook the meals at home, because the building has no electricity. It also needs to be repainted and secured with burglar bars and fencing. Although having applied during 2010, Ikageng Sethaba SA Nigel still has not received government funding and has to rely on donations and sponsorships from the public. We planted some vegetables here and want to expand it into a self-sustained vegetable garden, Martha said. However, with the assistance from political parties and local companies such as Shoprite, Manjoh Ranch, Seton South Africa, Goofy Take Aways, Casoojees, MacKenzieville Fruit & Veg and Mrs Botes from the HERAUTs office, Ikageng continues its quest to provide clothes and meals every day. Anyone who wants to provide financial aid or contribute towards clothes, food or paint, can phone Martha on 072 377 8958 or Lorraine on 074 990 1068.

By Pienkie Ponkie Kleuterskool glo Carol Willemse en Reinette Cunningham dat goeie maniere en dissipline kinders n voorsprong gee.

Students do Sedibeng College proud


Ms Lungile Pheko-Tshabalala, Ms Inno Masilela (TSSMS), Ms Marcelle Coetsee (Sedibeng College: Heidelberg), Mr MD Khanye, Mr Tumelo Maseu, Ms Sarah Nhlapo ( Executive Mayor: Dipaleseng) and Mr Naledi Motaung (Sedibeng College). Ms Sarah Nhlapo, Executive Mayor of Dipaleseng visited students to wish them success on their career paths. A group of learners from Dipaleseng Municipality were recruited for an accredited learnership on End User Computing. Ms Sarah Nhlapo, Executive Mayor of Dipaleseng, came to visit the students to wish them success on their career paths. The first group is currently placed with companies for experiential training, whilst the second group is about to finish their institutional training at Sedibeng College, after which they will be placed for experiential training. TSS Management Services has been involved as lead employer, providing an excellent opportunity for growth and development to these young people in collaboration with MICT SETA and Sedibeng College.


Eenslaapkamer woonstel met kontantkrag, Heidelberg Sentraal, R2 200 per maand. Beskikbaar vanaf 15 Desember. Skakel Andre 083 280 9178 of Elmari 082 877 2737.



30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Masincedane mik na nog meer

Carla du Plessis HEIDELBERG - Masincedane het hul Algemene Jaarvergadering op 31 Oktober gehou waartydens die jaarverslag voorgel is. Volgens die verslag was dit n goeie jaar vir Masincedane. Petri Kruger (voorsitter) het gaste verwelkom, waarna Ds Arri Preller die vergadering met gebed geopen het. Komiteelede vir 2012 is as volg bekendgestel: Christine Kruger (programkordineerder), Petri Kruger (voorsitter), Ritte Hll (skakelbeampte), Cornelia Pienaar (funksies), Elma du Preez (ouerverteenwoordiger), Willie van Niekerk (gemeenskapslid), Petro Stapelberg (bemarking), Annette Kruger (tesourier) en Riana Hendriksz (sekretaresse). Christine Kruger het die vergadering op datum gebring deur van jaar se projekte, waaronder die grootste fondsinsamelingsfunksie met Mathys Roets as gaskunstenaar, n reusesukses was. Lede van Masincedane sit nie stil nie. Debbie Massyn van 180 CookeryNook bied bak-en-brou klasse vir die lede aan, en hulle pak weekliks vishoeke waarmee hulle n klein inkomste verdien. Hulle doen ook mosaiek- en lapverfwerk en gaan gereeld op uitstappies. Lede van Masincedane maak ook borslappe vir verswakte bejaardes van Adventhaven Ouetehuis, kussings vir n kleuterskool in Ratanda en gaan gereeld na Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek om vir pasinte te sing. Verdere fondsinsamelings sluit die markverkope deur Elma du Preez in en die verkoop van 2012 jaarkalenders wat nou teen R30 beskikbaar is. Dit was n goeie finansile jaar vir Masincedane en Christine het ouers, personeel, vrywilligers, die komitee, borge, Ds Arri en Bennie, asook die NG gemeente bedank wat grootliks tot die sukses bygedra het.

Verjaardag-jolyt by prokureur-praktyk

Die komiteelede van Masincedane: Petri Kruger, Christine Kruger, Cornelia Pienaar, Petro Stapelberg, Willie van Niekerk, Annette Kruger, Ritte Hll, Elma du Preez en Riana Hendriksz (afwesig) kan met gemoedsrus die jaar afsluit. Masincedane se finansile state toon sukses en die komitee glo dat volgende jaar die sukses sal handhaaf.

Festival and Nitro Raceway

Summer is in full swing and Nitro Raceway is holding a Summer Year End Festival packed with action to get you in the mood for the holiday season. Gates at the Brakpan-Benoni Airstrip opens at 07:00 as the first adrenaline event starts early on December 4. Drag racing will carry on until 13:00 where racers skills and speed will be tested. A sound, as well as show-and-shine competition will put the best against each other. With nine South African titles under his belt, Brian Capper is a must-see at the festival. Capper, who was crowned Mr Price National Supermoto Champion, will perform a range of daredevil stunts. The rest of the days entertainment kicks off at 14:00 in the marquees tent. Artists such as Giovanni, Fredi Nest, Dewald Dippenaar, Manie Jackson and DJ Ossewa will get visitors on their feet. We will have jumping castles to entertain the children. Santa Clause will visit the children and bring a few presents with him, organiser Isabel Greyvensteyn said. Tickets are R50 per person and R20 for children under 12. Phone Isabel at 083 766 6606.

HEIDELBERG - Petro de Witt Prokureurs het hul 11de bestaansjaar op 1 November gevier. Voor die dag na harde werk omgeskakel het, het hulle ontbyt saam geniet om die spesiale dag te begin. Mirriam Tsotetsi, Janine Stander, Magda Erasmus, Clarissa Marais, Marthinus van Dijk, Gerda Kelly, Petro de Witt en Yolandi Boshoff is geesdriftig oor die volgende 11 jaar wat voorl.



30 NOVEMBER 2011



DB Thermal invests in adults of tomorrow

NIGEL - The Incentive Programme of Nigel Secondary School in MacKenzieville, which stands to promote and motivate academic performance amongst learners, received financial aid from a local business, which enables the school to purchase merit awards, trophies, certificates and reduce school fees in some cases. Learners who excelled academically throughout the year, will benefit from the programme by receiving an award at the schools prizegiving function on December 7. DB Thermal sponsored an amount of R20 000, which was formally handed over to the school on November 2.

Mr Deon Vengatsammy, incentive programme organiser of Nigel Secondary School, with Mrs Mercia Titus, Incentive Programme committee member and ASGI South African co-ordinator for DB Thermal, Mrs Sandra Barone at the hand-over ceremony on November 2.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Working hard to help others

HUWELIKSKLOKKIES- Anna-Marie en GC van der Westhuizen is op 8 Oktober deur Pastoor Pieter Kleinsmith vanuit die AGS Kerk Nigel in die eg verbind. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Nigel. Care workers at Indawo Yosizo dressed up in their new shirts, making it easier for the community to identify them. This non-profit organisation held their Annual General Meeting on October 12 to explain what they have achieved in the past year.
Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - Indawo Yosizo held their Annual General Meeting on October 12 at Heidelberg Methodist Church to determine what they have achieved during the past year. This non profit organisations plight is to help the addicted, HIV/AIDS infected/affected, poor, marginalised and abused. Rev Ray Goddess of Heidelberg Methodist Church explained that with the new centre manager Marnette Eva, they have managed to employ over 60 care workers who tend to more than 500 people infected/affected with HIV/AIDS. Indawo Yosizo runs empowerment schemes including dressmaking and training for care workers. To boost income to help others, Rev Goddess said that as from November they will be taking over a local launderette. Chairperson Bernard Kelfens said that they are trying to make a difference every day through their projects. Every month is a sad month as HIV patients die. Feeding projects remain a challenge as the food cupboards are bare, Kelfens said. Indawo Yosizo received funding through the year by various donations, interest received on an investment and government grants. Members of the public and directors of the board heard that this organisation is in desperate need of transport. With the various donations that they receive and hand out, they need a vehicle that can carry large goods. Phone Marnette Eva on 016 341 3338 for more information on Indawo Yosizo.

Getroue gimmers verdien n breek

Invitation to Ward 88 committee elections

NIGEL - DA Councillor Wally Labuschagne invites residents in Ward 88 to attend the ward committee elections, which will take place from 11:00 at Nigel Town Hall on December 4. For further information, phone Naima on 082 859 2109.

HEIDELBERG - Die Senior Burgers van FIT Gim-klas is op 9 November deur Jasmyn Kwekery bederf. Vir al hul harde oefening deur die jaar het Alet Trollip en Annemarie Deysel vir elkeen n geskenkie tydens hul Kersfeesafsluiting gegee. Voor sit Monica Cronje en Leone Roodt, saam met Denise Prinsloo, Jenny Gorny, Bernice Smit en James Roodt. Jenny en Hans Oosthuizen staan agter by Maryna Rossouw en Erlwyn Schultz.

Offers are valid from 19 November 2011 to 20 December 2011. Prices quoted include free fitting, but exclude balancing and new tubeless valves. Tread pattern shown is not necessarily the tread pattern of the tyre quoted. * Terms and conditions apply.

Shariffs Tyre Centre

4865 4824

016 341 2187 - HEIDELBERG 23 Schoeman Street.


30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Kees se trofee kry nuwe huis op Robberts se rak

Carla du Plessis HEIDELBERG - Heidelberg Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging het tydens hul jaareindfunksie 2011 se uitblinkers aangewys. Laer Volkskool se skoolsaal was op 4 November stampvol met lede van die vereniging en hul gades. Ds Zet Robberts het verrigtinge geopen en Philip Otto (voorsitter) het gaste en lede verwelkom, waarna pryse oorhandig is. Spogfotos is vir die fotokompetisie ingeskryf en Jannie Botha het eersteplek in die aksie-afdeling ontvang, terwyl Jaco Nel in die ope-afdeling met eersteplek gespog het. Jaco is ook as wenner in die natuur-afdeling aangewys en het in die jagter en sy prooi-afdeling derde gekom. Die Trofee van die Jaar is aan Jannie Botha vir die bok met die langste horings in sy klas oorhandig, terwyl Leon Uys as Skut van die Jaar aangewys is. Zet Robberts was die wenner van die Gekketrofee Bobbejaan. Nadat elkeen iets te ete gekry het en hul glase volgemaak het, is verskeie items opgeveil en sowat R4600 is ingesamel. Die Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging se Heidelberg-tak se volgende byeenkoms is n bring en braai op 1 Desember by die Ou Tronk en op 3 Desember vind die Sure Focus skietkompetisie plaas. Navrae: Philip Otto by 083 520 7306.

Al wen ons nie die Wreld-rugby nie, wen hulle darem lekker pryse
Lede van die Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging Heidelberg-tak het tydens hul jaareindfunksie uitblinkers aangewys. Die bestuur: Theron Gertenbach, Hillary Pendzialek, Cornie Booysen, Marlene Nel, Pieter le Roux, Jaco Nel, Tom Louw, (voor) Zet Robberts, Johann Prinsloo, Philip Otto en Leon Uys is trots op n suksesvolle jaar.
HEIDELBERG - Pick n Pay het tydens die Wreldbeker Rugby n promosie van stapel gestuur. Elke klant wat meer as R200 by die slaghuis spandeer het, kon inskryf. Mafika Mthunzi het met die eersteprys, n klein braaier, op 11 November weggestap terwyl tweedeprys aan Jaco Steyn (regs) gegaan het. By hulle is slaghuisbestuurder, Jaco Venter.

Tydens die Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging Heidelberg-tak se jaareindfunksie het Zet Robberts met die Gekketrofee Bobbejaan weggestap, terwyl Leon Uys as Skut van die Jaar aangewys is.






Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Another good reason for drinking more water this summer

Drinking cold water can burn calories even when youre inactive. According to a recent study in the International Journal of Obesity, an Israeli research team found that drinking cold water elevated the burning of calories in overweight children. In this study, 21 overweight and obese but otherwise healthy children came to the research facility in the morning, after at least 12 hours of physical inactivity and complete overnight fasting. During this time they were not allowed to drink any water. The children were then given 10ml per kg based on their body weight of water with a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. The amount of calories the children burnt, was measured before and after drinking the water. The researchers noted that the amount of calories burnt after drinking water, increased by 25% than before drinking it. This weight loss was attributed to the effect that water has on the production of heat in the body. Researchers concluded: Consuming the recommended daily amount of water for children (6-7 glasses) could result in an energy expenditure equivalent to an additional weight loss of about 1.2kg per year. This is one good reason for drinking more water during a hot summer.

SAVF bereik groot getal behoeftiges

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie (SAVF) Heidelberg het hul algemene jaarvergadering gehou. Nadat lede en gaste geluister het na take wat die afgelope jaar uitgevoer is, is die nuwe bestuur vir 2012 verkies. Mev Rentia Kotze het op 27 Oktober in haar voorsittersverslag van 2010/2011 ges dat die SAVF vanjaar 107 jaar oud is en dat Heidelberg-tak reeds vir 106 jaar aktief betrokke is om n diens lewer. Buiten fondse wat beskikbaar gestel is om professionele menings te bekom, is personeel ook bemagtig om opleidingsgeleenthede by te woon. Ons het die kantoor te AG Visserstraat 18 verfraai, sekuriteit aangespreek, die klerekamer opgradeer, hulp verleen met vervoer waarmee ons uitry na begunstigdes en aankope vir die kleuterskool gedoen, het Mev Kotze ges. In samewerking met SAVF Vanderbijlpark, word verantwoordelikheid by n bejaarde fasiliteit gedeel. Ons befonds die professionele insette en aktiwiteitsprogram en Vanderbijlpark se tak ondersteun met aankope van voedsel, verfraaiing van die eetkamer en spesiale etes, het sy bygevoeg. Streekbestuurder Louise Ferreira het ges dat, ten spyte van hul beperkte hulpbronne en klein getal personeel, het SAVF Heidelberg tussen 1 April en 30 September aan 524 begunstigdes dienste gelewer. Ongeveer 40 kinders het die dagsorg gereeld bygewoon en 1831 begunstigdes het by vakansieprogramme baat gevind. Deyzel, Odendaal en Vennote in Pretoria het die ouditeursverslag geoudit en bevestig dat SAVF Heidelberg gesonde finansile state het. Die nuwe bestuur van SAVF Heidelberg is hierna aangewys. Hulle is Nikki Barnard, Rentia Kotze, Sanet Venter, Tania Pienaar, Marelize Human en Jonathan Leopeng. Skakel Louise Ferreira by 016 341 2329 vir navrae of om by di organisasie betrokke te raak.

SAVF Heidelberg het hul nuwe bestuur verkies. Nikki Barnard, Rentia Kotze, Sanet Venter, Tania Pienaar, Jonathan Leopeng en Marelize Human is reg vir die uitdaging wat die volgende jaar kan lewer.




30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Moedige Fatima ontvang welkome skenking

Magda Maritz NIGEL - Albei Fatima Morgan (62) se bene is onlangs hoog bokant die knie geamputeer. Dit volg na n jarelange stryd teen tipe 2 diabetes wat n vernouing in die are veroorsaak het. Dokters by die Charlotte Maxeke Akademiese Hospitaal in Johannesburg het op 16 Julie, as gevolg van n gebrek aan bloedtoevoer na die bene, geen keuse gehad as om Fatima se een voet en toe later die oorblywende been tot onder die knie te amputeer nie. In n poging om Fatima se ander been te red, is n aaromleiding terselfdetyd uitgevoer. Septisemia het egter ingetree en sake versleg. Die uiteinde was n noodoperasie in Augustus by die Verre Oosrand Hospitaal waartydens albei Fatima se bene afgesit is. Hoewel skaars drie maande gelede, stoot Fatima haarself behendig met die rolstoel voort. Sy glimlag moedig wanneer sy vertel dat sy as enigste broodwinner moes sorg dat die potte aan die kook bly en gevolglik min aandag aan haar siekte kon skenk. Mens dink nie regtig aan die probleme wat vorentoe kom nie. Ons werk en werk en gaan net aan. Fatima se siekte het haar werk later negatief benvloed. Sowat drie jaar gelede het sy noodgedwonge n vroe pensioenuittrede by Seton aanvaar. Van haar vier kinders is dit net die 27-jarige CarolAnn wat nog by haar woon. Sy het Fatima se versorging sedert die amputasie oorgeneem. Ek sukkel baie om my ma te bad. Ek moet haar alleen uit die rolstoel tel en in die bad neersit om haar te was. Dan moet ek haar weer uit die bad oplig en terug in die rolstoel sit. Dit is nie maklik nie, het die fyngeboude Carol-Ann vertel. n Behoorlik-ingerigte stort met handreling en sitplek het in oorweging gekom, maar die gedagte is weens n gebrek aan fondse laat vaar. Carol-Ann het haar hart by die werk teenoor n vriendin, Vanessa Vermaak uitgestort. Op haar beurt het Vanessa met haar verloofde Alan Glutz, gepraat. Hy is n direkteur van EWN&S en het besluit om R10 000 aan Fatima te skenk. Sharon Lindemann het op 27 Oktober die tjek ten bedrae van R10 000 namens EWN&S aan Fatima en haar dogter oorhandig. Carol-Ann het dadelik n boukontrakteur aangestel wat binnekort met die oprigting van Fatima se stort gaan begin.

Carol-Ann en haar ma Fatima Morgan het op 27 Oktober n tjek vir R10 000 van Sharon Lindemann namens EWN&S ontvang. Fatima se bene is in Augustus geamputeer en die geld sal aangewend word om n spesiale stort in haar huis aan te bring.

BRAKPAN - Saam met sy nuutste album, Eksie Ou wat winkelrakke eersdaags tref, tree Suid-Afrika se eie-gevaarlike-romantieserapper Jack Parow op 10 Desember by Carnival City se Mardi Grass teater op. Nadat meer as 50 000 eksemplare van sy eerste album, Jack Parow verkoop is, is hy vanjaar terug met n album wat aanhangers sal laat lag, dink, huil en bons. My lirieke is maar los en grapperig en kom natuurlik met n ouderdomsperk van 16 jaar, het hy aan HERAUT ges. Hy wou nog altyd vir mense musiek maak om te lag, want volgens hom is Suid-Afrikaners te ernstig en te vol ... dinge. Vir sy nuutste album het Parow vriende soos Dawid Kramer, Francois van Coke Kartel, Pierre Greeff van Die Heuwels Fantasies, Gazelle, Haezer PH Fat en Sibot nadergetrek. Die musiek daarop beweeg van harde Hip-Hop ritme, na Dub Step tot rave en volwasse kontemporre klanke. Parow s hy word begeester deur verskillende invloede op sy reis tydens die skryfproses. Oor Dawid Kramer s hy: Die man is my hero. Ek het grootgeword met sy musiek en om n liriek saam met hom te doen, was intens maar ook senutergend. Met snitte soos Hosh Tokolosh met Gazelle, Afrikaans is dood, Welkom terug met Pierre Greeff, Biscuits and Biltong met Dawid Kramer, Hard Partytjie Hou met Francois van Coke en Bons met Haezer het aanhangers hope om na uit te sien. Min mense het geweet dat Parow n ambassadeur vir Movember is. Dit is n Mens

Health liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat geld regoor die wreld insamel ten bate van prostaaten testikulre kanker. Parow het op 20 Oktober blootstelling aan hierdie veldtog verleen tydens sy optrede by die Universiteit van Kaapstad se Mo-off teen Maties. Hy het ook die Mo-Bros kompetisie op 24 November by die Trinity Gala partytjie in Kaapstad beoordeel. Moenie di vertoning by Carnival City Mardi Grass teater op 10 Desember misloop nie.

Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket.

Navrae: Anneke by 083 414 4974.




Jack Parow tree op 10 Desember by Carnival City op. Kaartjies is by Computicket beskikbaar.


Inmates not left to rot in prison

are being taught by educators Mr Nick du Toit and Ms Lorraine Madlala. The IT facility of NCC is however, deficient in proper equipment such as computer hard drives with software, keyboards, printers and screens. We currently make use of old, secondhand computers and it hinders progress. We also urgently need to expand this facility, Mr Du Toit said. Prisoners involved in the art and cultural skills development programme participated in the Germiston Eisteddfod where they received medals, certificates and trophies. One of the prisoners, N Burt, won the open art competition. The public is invited


Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Kamp fokus op ontwikkeling van meisies se leiereienskappe

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - Voor die 2012 skooljaar afskop, het Vroue in Aksie 20 meisies op n voorbereidingskamp vir horskool geneem wat op die meisies se leier-eienskappe gefokus het. Vroue in Aksie het n ontmoetingsaand met die mas en hul dogters op 3 November by Laer Volkskool se personeelkamer gehou. Sandra Taljaard het hulle toegespreek oor wat dit beteken om vrou te wees. Vroue moet sag wees, maar dit beteken nie dat mense oor hulle moet loop nie, het sy ges. Die meisies en ses Vroue in Aksielede het vroeg op 4 November na Mooikrans Equus vertrek. Elna Wahl en Gavin Cooper het by die kamp hard aan die meisies se karakter gewerk. Elke meisie het verantwoordelikheid geleer deur hul eie perd op te saal, te roskam en te voer. Deur die dag het hulle geleer perdry, in die plaasdam geswem en geleer om n kleilat te laat praat. In die aande het die Vroue in Aksie-lede verskeie lesings aangebied wat op die ontwikkeling van die meisies se leiereienskappe gefokus het. Dit was n suksesvolle kamp en ons gaan volgende jaar weer een aanbied, het Ann Huisamen (voorsitter) ges. Die volgende Vroue in Aksie byeenkoms is ook hul Kersafsluiting wat op 1 Desember plaasvind. Dit vind om 18:00 vir 18:30 by Hor Volkskool se hotelskool plaas. Skakel Elizm by 082 782 3814 vir navrae.

Magda Maritz NIGEL - In an initiative to further their education, 32 prisoners from Nigel Correctional Centre (NCC) were recently introduced to computer classes, whereby basic computer skills

to donate unwanted, usable computers and artistic equipment such as paint and brushes to Nigel Prison. Anyone who can make a financial contribution towards new computers, can phone Mr Snyman on 011 814 8138/9.

N Burt (far left) entered several of his paintings and won the open art competition. John Chulu (right) entered three dimentional, hand crafted art for which he received a medal and a certificate and Wolf Riseborough (second left) entered several of his paintings. He also received medals and certificates. Unit Manager Mr Katiso Rantlha and educators Mr Nick du Toit and Ms Lorraine Madlala showed off some of their students arts and crafts.


Vroue in Aksie het 20 meisies op n voorbereidingskamp geneem. Die meisies se leier-eienskappe is ontwikkel en elkeen het daagliks perdgery. Lesings is in die aande deur Vroue in Aksie-lede aangebied.



30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


KINDERLYN: 0800-55555. Is jy n kind met n probleem en niemand luister nie? Ons sal help. Ook vir persone wat n kind se probleem wil rapporteer. DIVORCE A TO Z. No hidden cost. Letitia Herbst 073 584 9400 or 011 362 3224. VRIENDSKAP KLUB in Heidelberg. Skakel vir meer besonderhede. Kontak 072 312 1731.

LIFT CLUB: We run from Alra Park Nigel Heidelberg to Johannesburg Central / Booysens / Ormonde. I am also looking for a co-driver with a PDP as we like to operate 12 months of the year. Contact Kevin Wilkins on 071 687 1497.

TOUCH WOOD CREATIONS Time for a new kitchen? We design and fit kitchens (country, melamine or sollids of your choice) according to our taste. Layout advice and professional sketches available. Designing and installation of doors (sliding, happy etc.) windows and frames of any size. Cupboards, wall units, shopfitting, stairways, shelves, flooring, all furniture, decking and partitioning. Wood related home repairs, restoration of furniture or any general woodwork. Phone Roelf at 082 974 2562 for a callout/quote. Workshop 46 Schoeman Street, Heidelberg. Enquiries: AAB WENDIES: 3m x 3m R3600, 2m x 4m R4300, 3m x 4m R4600. We do all sizes! Wendies made from treated pallet wood. Wendies incl 1 window with glass, wooden floor, zink roof, door. This price incl delivery. Country wide deliveries. Contact Tian 073 907 4447. ABA WENDIES: 3m x 3m R3650, 2m x 3m R3300. Incl delivery and erection. Wendy consist of 1x door, 1x window frame. Zinc roof, treated with wax oil. Big or small we do them all. Contact Marius 073 133 1452. ALGEMENE BOUWERK en pleisterwerk. Elektriese omheining, loodgieter, oprig van geute, verfwerk. Plaveisel en telwerk, algemene dakwerk. Opsit van afdakke en elektriese werke en palissade. Kontak 082 646 9928.

083 675 7795

Nigel Tel: 011 814 7992 James 073 628 5826

* Betonmure * Verlengings * Staalpalissades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel DIE BETER KEUSE 1536

BLACKIE: we supply we supply 083 357 5152 011 814 2518 | 011 814 2315 011 814 2743 9 Van Riebeeck Ave., Nigel



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HENDRANA/STEAM KING CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS For all your carpet & upholstery cleaning. Call us for special speedy, cleaning services. All work done under owners supervision. Cleaning since 1995. Phone Hendrik all hours. 011 814 8024/7276 or 072 810 3307. GC MAT EN MEUBEL - SKOONMAAKDIENSTE. Flinke en betroubare diens. Beskostigbare pryse. Onder eienaar toesig. Kontak 011 814 6544 of 079 856 0647. R&P SKOONMAKERS: Wil u n skoon erf h? Moeg vir rommel? Ons maak skoon en verwyder! Skoonmaak van huise en tuine as u wil intrek of uittrek. Plotte en plase welkom. Skakel my gerus. Ronel 072 013 3667. MAT MASTER - (Loraine) Steam cleaning specialist, carpet & upholstery. Owner supervision. SABS approved chemicals. We also sell and install carpets. Free quotations. Call 016 341 6922 / 072 630 208. SPEEDY CARPET CLEANING: Average 3 bedr house for R250 and extra room R50. We clean any day of the year. Contact Louis 079 526 7684. CLEANING PROFESSIONALS: 072 277 1501 or 072 027 7153. We do carpet, upholstery and blinds cleaning, also water extraction. Guarantee on all work. 24/7 service. Pre occupation cleaning. PRESIDENT CARPET CLEANERS: Cleaning of carpets and upholstery in all areas of Nigel and Heidelberg. Owner supervision. Contact Pierre 073 478 9381 or 016 341 3986.

GENCOLEC - New electrical installations or repairs & C.O.Cs including any size intercom system & security lights. Supply & fitment of any type carports, palissade fencing & sliding gate. Full installations and repairs on Centurion/ Duraslide sliding & swing gate motors & garage door automation. Supply, fitment & repairs on any lenght electric fencing at a very low cost. For speedy & reliable service call Riaan Jooste 083 460 5257. MAKHOANA CONSTRUCTION CC MKNC Building maintenance, brick work. Plastering, paving, painting, tiling and roof. Lapa + braaistand, renovations. Additions, house improvements. You name it, we do it. For fast efficient service and competitive quotes. Phone 083 480 0197 Philemon. NHBRC Registered.

SPRAY-ALL PAINT PROJECTS: for all your painting solutions. Domestic & Industrial. Call us for a free quotation. Raynier 082 322 1048.

BOHLABATSATSI Grasdakke & building construction. Joseph Maake cc. 23 Years experience. Thatch roof, lapas, building, painting, tiling, plumbing. Diamantdraad, lemmetjies draad, grasdak ceilings. Kitchen & bedroom cupboards (Cape Riet) ens. Wendy house & log home. Phone 082 510 1926. ODD JOBS 2000 SEDERT 1979 IN HEIDELBERG EN OMGEWING: Bouwerk, loodgieters, elektries, alterasies, grasdakke, verfwerk, swembaddens, plaveisels en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het deur die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Kontak kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar 082 603 1860.

UPHOLSTERY & REPAIRING: Household furniture and office chairs done professionally at reasonable prices. FREE quotations Heidelberg, Nigel and Eastrand Phone 011 814 1950 or cell 082 375 6453 We fetch and deliver. ASPIGON: Multichoice Accredited Installer 17019 Mc. Installation of Multichoice and DSTV. 18 Stuart Street Balfour. Contact Alex 078 574 2457 or 082 847 6487. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS: Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op verskeie panele: Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual & Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddellik. Doen Solar Geysers en Heat pumps, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666/082 491 9093/083 547 4037. PJW PLUMBING: Vir alle loodgieterwerk, geysers, verstopte dreine, krane, pype, toilette ens. Kontak Pieter 083 329 4316. KWALATA KONSTRUKSIE: Opknapping, kombuiseenhede, loodgieters, skrynwerk, elektries, hek outomatisering. KWALATA CONSTRUCTION: Renovations, kitchen units, plumbing, carpentry electrical, gate automation. Frans Pretorius 082 497 3066. PETCAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS: Aandag!!! Bou en staalwerk in Nigel, Heidelberg, Grootvlei, Balfour en Villiers omgewings. 2005 en 2006 NHBRC Homebuilder of the year in Mpumalanga. Bou van nuwe ontwikkelings, huise, woonstelle, motorhuise, werkswinkels en kantore. Doen ook aanbouings, plaveisel, Rib and block slabs, telwerk, pleisterwerk, verfwerk, bou van skermure, slaan van plafonne, issolasie binne plafonne, oprigting van nuwe dakke en geute, asook instalasie van skylights. Staalwerk sluit in oprigting van palisades, staalhekke, diefwering, afdakke, trappe en handrelings. Vir gratis kwotasie, skakel Anton 071 507 9006, Marius 072 883 3490 of Peet 079 443 4947.

AAC WENDIES: 3x3 R3600, 2x3 R3250, 3x4 R4600, 3x6 R6950. Inc 1 door with glass, wooden door, zinc roof treated with wax oil. Our wendies are from quality pallet wood. We have 10 years experience. Allen 072 928 1724. EXECUTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE: Building, paving, steelwork, gates, balustrading, carports, painting, steel structures and allround maintenance. No work too big or too small. We will beat any written quote. Contact Louis 079 299 8977. AABCD WENDIES: We pride ourselves in quality and service for 10 years. Compare how nice wendy is. 2x3 R3300, 3x3 R3650, 3x4 R4650, 3x6 R7000. Wendies comes complete EXCEPT LOCK for door. We deal with any type of wood. The price is for pallet wood only. Put us to the test. Contact Joe 073 283 5945.



Heraut se spertye vir Desember koerante is as volg: Uitgawe van 7 Des = 2 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 14 Des = 9 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 21 Des = 14 Desember om 12:00



Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

EXECUTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE: Palisading 30m 1.8m high incl 3m sliding gate R13 999 all inclusive. Carport 6 x 6m R7 999 all inclusive. Contact Louis 079 299 8977. MOLLS PLUMBING: I specialize in plumbing and Ive got 50 years experience behind me. I recently moved to Heidelberg and will be available in Heidelberg area. Contact me Jan Moll 083 228 7895. S & G PROJECTS: Professional painters, plumbers and general handyman. Competence assured. Cheap and fast 24 hours. For free quotes call Gert 079 352 4103 or Sharn 082 779 2830. BERBB: Repairs, seal and painting of roofs. Inand outdoor exterior and all other general paintwork. 10% discount on all quotes. Contact Eddie 079 571 7177 or Rina 072 103 1055. SKUUR VAN HOUTVLOERE: Professionele skuur herstel en behandeling van u houtvloere. Ondervinding in enige tipe houtvloere. Nou vir Kerstyd spesiale afslap prys. Gratis kwotasie. Kontak Bon 083 609 6968. SUIKERBOS KITCHENS & WOOD DESIGNS: We specialize in the design and fit of kitchens to your taste. Please contact us for any wood project you have in mind - transform your entertainment area with custom storage solutions. Contact us today: Marius 071 678 4109

DETOXING Alle gifstowwe uit jou liggaam. Vir n lekker voetbehandeling Kontak 072 312 1731 SLEGTE-HAAR-DAG Ek kom na u toe. Mobiele haarsalon. Kersfees aanbod. French tips R180. Highlights + sny R130 kort hare. Pedicure mini R50. Pensioenarisse Kontak Charmaine 072 539 3850. Na ure ook beskikbaar.

ALLE FUNKSIES: Annetjie Lehman is weer volstroom in die onthaal bedryf met n pragtige onthaal area en alles wat nodig is om jou funksie op almal se lippe te h. Kontak ons vir billike pryse en alle bybehore. Annetjie of Veronique 082 414 9985 of 011 814 3052. THE PARTY PLANNER - FUNKSIE VERHURINGS Tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke, stoelrokkies, stoelbande, overlays, runners, borde, under plates, messe, vurke, glase, koppies en pierings, blom vase, blom / kers staanders, springkastele. Kontak Theuns 082 447 2491 Magda 084 032 9969 vir kwotasies en pryslys. Email: Website:

PLAYCARE EXPRESS - EMERGENCY DAYCARE Getting things done, while your little one is safe and having fun! 26 Rissik Street, Heidelberg. Tania 016 349 2395 / 083 692 9704. SILVEROAKS MONTESSORI PRIMARY SCHOOL PRESENTS: HOLIDAY CAMP 12 DECEMBER 2011 - 17 JANUARY 2012 Excluding public holidays. R70 per day for full day 07h00-17h00 and R45 per day for half day 07h00-13h00. Offering holiday care for children from 18 months to 10 years. Booking essential. Phone Aimee on 076 443 0765 for more info & bookings.

PC EVOLUTION: For all your PC and IT requirements. Programming, software development, web hosting & design, PC repairs and upgrades. 3D Graphic design. Networking. Virus removals, lost data recovery + all other computer related services. Internet and computer usage services also available. Claude 016 341 2824. Email: Visit our website


ALLE STAALWERKE, veiligheidshekke, diefwering en afdakke. Installeer van motorhekke. Alle klein handyman werkies. Gratis kwotasie. Kontak George 074 403 5377 of 078 893 3725. JAKKALS FENCING: Our services are the best you wont regret Fences: Electric, game, free standing, wall-top, palisade, precast wall/palisade. Gates, gate motors. Maintenance on all. Cell 082 448 2712 or 016 341 3412 o/h.

ROMMELVERWYDERING/BOOMVELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Velling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Suikerbos Transport - Hennie 082 890 9516. MOSES RADEBE: Verwyder rommel en bome vir afgelope 16 jaar. Baie betroubaar. Kontak 082 962 6711. FUNTIME GARDEN SERVICES: We will provide you with quality free time and a beautiful garden while you sit back and relax, so call now for your dream garden. Call now for a free quote to receive the best service at the best price and permanent supervision for your safety. 072 576 8049. AFSAAG en WEGRY van bome. Blanke toesig . Kontak Henk 082 967 6348.

SONBED! SONBED! SONBED! Bespreek nou om gou bruin te word. n Mooi bruin lyf laat die koppe draai, en laat jou lyf lyk of die sentimeters ook waai! Gele in Jordaanpark. Netjies, gerieflik en privaat. Na ure sessies kan gerel word. R15 per 30 min sessie. Body Drench sonbed produkte ook beskikbaar. Kontak Marlene 016 341 2039 of 083 984 0226. J & B NAILS NIGEL: Does silk/fibre, acrylic, gels, UV glaze. We have most colour tips. Designer tips, sprinkle glitters, striping tape design & a foot spa price from R80. Full set to R110. Full set toes from R40. Full set to R50 full set. So come and let your mind go!. Contact 079 584 5033.

SPRINGKASTELE / JUMPING CASTLES: Nuwe adventure Island, jumpside en tropical Island, helikopters ens. Aflewering kan gerel word. Afslag as u self kom optel vanaf R250 p.dag. Kleuter stoele en tafels. Kontak Chris 011 814 4646 of 083 305 6100. Visit our website: JUMPING KIDS: HIRE FOR 1 DAY - KEEP FOR 2 days.Ons lewer af en kom haal.Verskeidenheid van kastele vir elke ouderdom. Playstation, Wurm, Tropical Island, Super Gladiator & groot verskeidenheid. Belinda by 082 554 6160. Visit our website: MORNING STAR JUMPING CASTLES: You ring we bring. Contact Leoni 084 405 8617.

PEST SOLUTIONS: P9795. Certified pest controllers. 24 Hours, 7 days a week. Disease and devastating outcomes go hand in hand with some pests breeding in the very place you call home and your workplace, not to mention pests causing financial loss like termites, bull worms, bedbugs, cockroaches, rats and numerous others. We are here to prevent any of these mentioned demoralizing and dangerous events occuring. With FREE inspections and quotations in the whole of SA we are a phone call away! Phone our 24 hour service line 071 097 0328 (Ruaan) Dex, 6 Schoeman Str, Heidelberg. Fax 076 531 6807. 24 HOURS. 7 DAYS A WEEK.

LEGAL CLINIC ABORTIONS from R500 painfree. Sameday sametime. Quick and safe. 100% guaranteed & proven. Contact Dr Dean 072 841 1327. Strictly on appointment.

SALE TE HUUR! Kenmekaar Dienssentrum, Eerstelaan 41, Nigel. 2 Sale en n konferensiekamer beskikbaar. Tafels en stoele ingesluit. 7 Dae per week. Breekware, eetgerei en tafeldoeke beskikbaar. Spyseniering kan gedoen word. Kontak Riana 011 814 7017. JR & KIDZ TRAILER HIRE HEIDELBERG. 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, luggage, bike and car trailers available. Rent on day/week or month basis from R100 to R250 per day. Business hours: Mon - Friday 07:00 - 17:00. Sat, Sun and public holidays 07:00 14:00. 12 DF Malan Street Rensburg Phone James @ 082 570 7992 or Elize @ 079 491 0121.

BLUEFROG POOLS NIGEL will take care of your pool needs. No need to travel to other towns! *Free water tests, *Chemicals, *Filters, *Motors, *Pool repairs etc. Give us a call @ 011 814 3229 or Jacob Coetzer, 084 898 3323; Jacques Jamneck, 082 756 3207. Heidelberg Rd, (next to Kings Butchery) for excellent, sparkling service and advice!

SPEED QUEEN SPECIALISTS. Service, repairs & spares. Plus all other makes of appliances. Fridges: Domestic & commerial. Washing machine Experts. Contact 011 740 2450. HAARKAPPER OVERKRUIN. Seuns hare sny R45, Mans sny R50, Dames kort hare sny R60. Dames lang hare sny R70, Perm kort hare R150, tint kort hare R150. Kontak Elrida 016 341 2746 of 076 509 8368. Avory Shlain produkte beskikbaar. 2 YOUR HEALTH HEALTH SHOP. 25 Meyer Str Heidelberg. NEW Dairy free icecream! Magnesium oil and Coral Calcium and Raafa. Supplements to assist your bodys pH balance to become more alkaline. Visit 2YourHealth for a free copy of an alkaline foods chart. Tersia 082 491 9093/015 341 3168. ALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS: RHR Appliances, we do repairs to fridges, freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, dishwashers and commercial fridges. Contact Ria 011 740 3395 / 7250 or 072 703 1165 / 7.

DREAM CREATIONS @ DVINE GARDEN CAF 18 Van Der Stel Street, Nigel. 011 814 3612. Open 6 days a week for Breakfast & lunch. Your one stop function and decor shop. Perfect venue for kiddies parties, baby showers, kitchen teas, weddings, 21st and any parties. For venue and restaurant queries visit, For decor ideas and queries visit Also on Facebook - DVine Functions Caf. WEDDING WORLD SPRINGS A - Z vir troues & partytjies! 200 + ontwerpers + ingevoerde trourokke, aanddrag, moedersuitrustings Ontwerp en maak van droomrokke vanaf prentjie - te koop of huur! 400 mans en seunspakke ens. Verhuring van breekgoed, eetgerei, tafellinne, vase en meer. Vriendelike diens. Redelike pryse. Kontak Elize 011 811 5776 of 083 280 4584.

BULPERD TRAILERS TE HUUR Kontak 072 656 9996. DUNNOTTAR TRAILER RENTALS. Nigel Ave (rain road). Car trailers, 4m trailers, 2.4m trailers, 2m trailers. Trailers from as cheep as R120. 24 hour service. Contact 083 368 3054 / 084 408 8702. TE HUUR: KLANK TOERUSTING vir enige funksie. Kontak 072 312 1731.

PLAAS JOU TROUE, ONTHALE OF jaareindfunksies in die ervare hande van ANLU spyseniering. Ek behartig dit elders of hier op ons plaas Uitkyk, in ons mooi tuin. Ek doen self die spyseniering en die blomme, indien verkies (20 jaar + ondervinding) Die volgende is ook te huur: markiestent, tafels, tafeldoeke, overlays, blomstaanders, stoele, breekware en stoeloortreksels. Kontak Annatjie by 011 819 1679 of 083 469 7099. NEED A VENUE Goldfields Lodge and Conference Centre - Specialise in Weddings, Birthday Parties, Conferencing or any other functions you can imagine! View our website: 082 641 9184 /

ERNMORE COMPUTER, PRINTING & SIGNAGE. Tel 011 814 4242. Eeufeeslaan 27. New computers, networks, software, updates, repairs, full colour digital printing, posters, business card, binding, flyers. Full colour sign boards, shop fronts, banners, magnetic signs, stickers, name badges. Kodak photo printing and much more. EJ & RS PRINTING SERVICES: Besigheidskaartjies, faktuurboeke ens. Fotostate (S & W + kleur), alle tikwerk, boekies, laminering tot A3, faksdiens, internetkafee, ringbind, Ink cartridge hervulling, begrafnisbulletins, kalenders, verkoop nuwe rekenaars en ens. Breytenbachstraat 93, Nigel Tel/Faks 011 814 5158 of sel: 082 658 3919. email: TAX REMEDIES: Accountants and tax consultants. Individual Tax Returns, VAT, PAYE, CC Registrations, Financial statements and more. We resolve your tax problems. Call: 016 341 3399. 37 Mare Street, Heidelberg. E-mail: Website:


30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


RITA LUES PHOTOGRAPHY - Professional wedding photography with flair. Studio shoots - special memories are captured for a gift with a personal touch. Family portraits, pregnancy & newborns, kids photos & boudoir.Call 073 246 6223 or visit DIGITAL PHOTOLAB: Foto Friends. We take ID, passport and Visa photos. Professional printing and photo shop of any photos. Photo books, canvas prints and enlargements up to A1 family photos, model portfolios, baby & children photos. Professional wedding photography and videos. For more info call 016 349 1736 (general enquiries). Yolanda Billing 082 412 0294 (photographer and make - up artist) Chanelle Billing (lab and studio manager) Dirkie Lochner 072 736 2796 (videos).

TJ PIENAAR MEUBELVERVOER Plaaslik en Republiekwyd en Stoorgeriewe. Streng persoonlike toesig. Telefoon en faks dag en nag. 016 341 4480 of 083 748 9856 / 082 798 7051. ALL-WAYS Meubelvervoer en berging. Toe voertuie, opgeleide personeel met ondervinding om u verhuising so gemaklik en glad as moontlik te maak. 011 744 3737 TK TRANSPORT - HEIDELBERG: Plaaslik en omliggende dorpe. Vervoer van meubelment. 2 Tonner bakkie + trailer in diens. Verwyder enige tuinrommel. Boomvelling. Baie billike tariewe. Skakel Theresa 082 626 5299/ Deon: 072 639 0667 vir gratis kwotasie. LEKO TRANSPORT & MEUBELVERVOER Vir plaaslike & landwye meubel en algemene vervoer. Laat ons u verhuisings so gemaklik moontlik maak. Alle grootte voertuie beskikbaar 1.5 ton tot 34 ton. Toebak meubelwaens en platbakke sleepwaens. Koos - 082 605 1255, Charmaine - 083 768 6027. Kantoor/faks - 011 814 5111.

TINY BOTTOMS: 4th Ave Nigel 082 799 4204 Disposable nappies 100s baby pullups, adult nappies 10 R70, adult pullups 10 R75, toilet paper, educational toys, diabetic sweets, biscuits variety, buy bulk and start own business. Baby gift hampers, equilibrium and cream. SUPERMEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMAN STR HEIDELBERG 016 341 4445: Staalrakke (enkel * dubbel), 2 sitplek banke, liasseerkaste, kantoorstoele, lessenare, sponsmatrasse, 2de handse blokmatte R2.50 elk, divan matrasse R90 elk of 2 vir R160, tweeling & 3 wiel stootwaentjie, babakotmatrassies, stainless steel tafels, industrile gas griller, locker, pine kombuiskaste, los kopstukke, blou bad, kerkbank, slide, swing, see-saw, bedkassies, nuwe dubbelbeddens, tuimel-drors, wasmasjiene, swart / silver kombuiskaste en TV kaste, oudhede, glas vase, glase, koekpanne baie van, babaklere, gordyne Nuwe motor en bakkie bande. Super groete.... MASSIVE SALE of all showroom stock - all stock less 20%. Beautiful leather handbags, mirrors, furniture etc. Visit us at 100 Merz Street, Heidelberg. Open Monday to Friday - telephone 016 341 3398. KOELKAMER grote 6m x 3m met spore en rakke volledig met vleishakke ingesluit. Vrieskamer grote 1,2m x 3m ook met spore en rakke. Markwaarde R90 000. Beide in 100% werkende toestand gewaarborg. Maak n aanbod! Skakel: 072 587 3896

SERVICE AND REPAIRS on: Trucks, trailers, forklifts. We also do airbrakes & auto electrical CO7 on all vechiles. ADE 366 Turbo and natural engines service exchange. Contact Gert 082 461 4468 or Lilanie 072 139 4338. D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines Stroopers All work guaranteed. DANIEL 082 348 4499.

For more Property to let go to page 23

SHOP TE LET: Shop in Nigel (Rhodes Avenue) 66 square metres very neat en tiled. Own bathroom. R2500 pm. Contact Hennie 082 498 6428. Will email pictures.

Kontant word betaal vir gebruikte voertuie in goeie toestand. Modelle 2005 - 2010. Skakel Paulo by 016 341 6107 or 082 969 1511

NOAHS ARK PETSHOP TEL: 011 814 4514 Noord Straat 132, Nigel. Vols, saad, visse, viskos, Koikos, akwariums, krieke, meelwurms, bearded dragons, hondekos (3-in-1). Avi-plus produkte. 7 dae oop per week. 09:00-17:00. Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00-16:00 DANIES DOGGY SALON (VANAF 1990) 016 341 5733 vir professionele diens, alle rasse! Op en aflaai diens. Pick-up and delivery service. Ook in voorraad. Kwaliteit honde speelgoed, bedjies ens teen die beste pryse. Wampum Antibacterial mouth spray for bad breath. Wampum shampoo vir sensitiewe vel. Skakel vroegtydig. HONDJIES: 3 JACK RUSSEL hondjies te koop, 6 weke oud. R350 elk. Kontak 071 799 7115. MINIATUUR SCHNAUZERS te koop. Opreg, ingent en ontwurm. Fantastiese gesinshonde. Kontak Elsabe 072 335 8768.

SELF STORAGE MINI UNITS: Electric fence. Motorised gate. CCTV camera. Fingerprint access control. Sizes 3x3m / 3x4.5m / 3x6m / 3x9m with 2.1 or 2.7m roll-up doors. Phone Erika 016 341 6102 office hours. 12 m CONTAINER TO RENT / STORAGE on secure premises at Heidelberg Agricultural Holdings. R1200 pm + dep. Forklift available on premises. Contact Hennie 082 890 9516. VLOERSPASIE TE HUUR: Vir stoorplek doeleindes, klein fabriek of kantore in Heidelberg industrile gebied. Kontak 082 807 0934 of 016 341 2520. SELF STORAGE UNITS IN HEIDELBERG: Midtown with electric fence. Motorised gate 3 x 6m. R700 pm. Contact 082 553 4853.

Certified Used Vehicles

DRINGEND OP SOEK NA GOEIE GEBRUIKTE motors en bakkies.Kontant word betaal. Skakel Stephan by Stander Motors, HF Verwoerdstr 66, Nigel. Tel: 011 814 2575 / 082 580 9495.


EK KOOP BYNA alle tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combis en Double cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Kontak Unes 082 959 9120 of 072 203 1614.

Plase van enige grootte met verbeterings, lande en weiding. Kommersile en Residensile eiendomme.
DRINGEND BENODIG vir Desember. Enige beeste, kalwers en slagvarke. Maak gebruik van ho pryse. Kontak 073 353 5340.

Skakel Johan de Wet 083 701 8527 BALFOUR EIENDOMME

PERSONAL LOANS: No ITC checks, garnished and blacklisted its welcome. We consolidate. R1000 up to R100 000. Contact Saney 072 364 6725. CONSOLIDATED LOANS: Do you have numerous loans with different companies or financial institutions & they deduct a lot from your income? Apply now for a loan of up to R120 000. Quick approval and quick payout. Call Thomas 083 875 6964 24hrs. CHRISTMAS LOANS: Blacklisted or Garnished welcome. SMS Gross & net salary to 083 355 4835 or call Shadrack 011 739 4291. Email: LOANS up to R30 000. Cnr Kerk and Pretorius Str Nigel. Opposite Standard bank. Blacklisted & garnished welcome. Call Betty 073 995 6452 or fax 086 515 5607. LOANS FROM R1000 up to R150 000. Blacklisted or garnished are welcome. No ITC. For more information call Precious 084 398 7831.

AGNES is looking for domestic employment in Heidelberg, 3 days a week. Contact 074 260 4226.

For more Property for sale go to page 23

VACANCIES: Medium sized enterprise is looking for a sales representative in steel industry to start in January 2012. Fax CV to 011 814 3309. DATA ENTRY WORKERS needed. Earn R720 in your first week guaranteed and up to R1440 per day with or without a computer. Easy step-by-step tutorials. SMS name & address for full brochure to 071 749 9228. VACANCY: Baker required. Experience in bread & cakes. Call / Fax CV 016 341 4542. VAKANTE POS: Grafiese kunstenaar wat kreatief en kunstig is en Corel Draw en Photoshop goed ken. Moet te alle tye baie vriendelik en geduldig wees, hardwerkend en moet onder druk kan werk. Werksomstandighede baie gunstig. Applikant moet 3 Januarie 2012 kan begin. Faks CV met foto asb na 086 675 5755. SALES REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED. Bussiness Link 016 341 5704: We need young or old energetic sales consultants. Must be self motivated. Very good commission and incentive bonus offered. To sell 8.TA and MWeb contracts. Part time or full time agents required. Please fax CV to 016 341 5704. ERNMOR COMPUTERS: Printing & signs looking for a organised, neat in appearance and well spoken lady. To do work with signage, vinyl cutter, digital printers etc. Must work well under pressure. Must be computer literate Corel Draw experience. Work with customers. Must live in or around Nigel area and must have a valid drivers licence. R4000 plus commission. Contact Ernest 083 287 3448.


GOLDFIELDS LODGE (FOUR STARS) Nigel 011 814 7104 or 082 641 9184 Heidelberg 016 341 5272 or 079 694 6360 NIGEL - Permanent accommodation flats available. Security complex with DSTV dish. Bachelors flat - R2000; One bedr flat - R2500; Two bedr flat - R3000. Stuur asb applikasie na: of faks: 086 627 5041. PLAAS BUITE NIGEL: Netjiese gemeubileerde kamers, rustig en veilig vanaf R990 enkel en dubbelkamers. Karavane en staanplek. Pensionarisse, kontrakwerkers. Etes en wasgoed ekstra. Kontak 011 819 1127 of 082 787 1546 of 082 788 6017. HEIDELBERG KLOOF LODGE AND CONFERENCE CENTRE: 4 star, 18 luxury rooms en - suite, DSTV and aircon. 079 122 1708 HEIDELBERG ACCOMMODATION: Double / Five sleeper rooms. Meals provided. Television, swimming pool, bar, pool table, braai area and lapas. Gaarona Lodge 016 349 6424. HIBBERDENE: Selfsorg eenheid. Slaapplek vir 8 persone. R600 per nag. Beskikbaar 1 - 15 Desember 2011. Ten volle toegerus. Brings slegs handdoeke. Kontak Anneke 084 556 6886. 2006 HYUNDAI ATOS 1.1 GLS. Great student car and light on fuel. Aircon, power steering, front electric window, very good condition. 76700km R45 000. Contact Marius 071 678 4109.

IT Company in Heidelberg requires the services of a qualified IT Technician, will do hardware/software repairs, troubleshooting, support and sales. Good communication skills. Fax CV to 086 663 3736.




WOONWAENS, SLEEPWAENS EN MOTORS: Het u n karavaan, sleepwa of voertuig onder R20 000 wat staan en verniel? Kontak Johan 016 349 1208 of 072 588 6496.

SEKELBOSHOUT TE KOOP 7 kg sakke @ R13.50. Jacobs Str. 40 - Distributor Services. Tel 087 151 4750. ANTIQUES OUDHEDE Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108. STAAL KASKAR te koop @ R900. Kontak 084 500 0773.

ALL AUTO ELECTRICAL SPARES. Starters, alternators & distributors - New and recon units, as well as servicing and repairs of old units. Modules and coils with testing on-site. All spotlights, globes, wiring, accessories and consumables. 40 Jacobs street, Heidelberg 087 151 4750 / Werner 082 563 5134 Robbie 083 563 6922.

in Heidelberg A young, dynamic lady required rendering her services immediately. Requirements: Preferably between 20 - 35 years old Must be neat and hard working Must have matric Must be computer literate Must have good English and Afrikaans reading, writing and conversational skills. Pastel Accounting experience a bonus. Please send shortened CV with contactable references to fax: 016 341 3486 or 086 240 8076. The successful applicant will be notified by the 7th of December 2011.


Heraut se spertye vir Desember koerante is as volg: Uitgawe van 7 Des = 2 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 14 Des = 9 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 21 Des = 14 Desember om 12:00




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011



A Nigel based engineering company requires the services of an










who has the following knowledge & experience. Computer Literate (Excel, Microsoft Projects) Knowledge of ISO9001 Quality Management System Knowledge of relevant engineering codes, standards and specifications Knowledge of welding procedures and codes Extended experience in the Engineering and construction field Able to read engineering drawings Compile of Data Books Valid drivers licence and must be prepared to travel. Salary negotiable Please fax CV to 011 814 6620 Closing date: 6 December 2011 Successful candidate must be able to start on 4 January 2012. Please note that if you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after closing date, you can consider your application as unsuccessful.


Half Day (8:00 until 12:00)

The successful candidate will possess the necessary attributes to perform the following: Reconciliation of balance sheet accounts Drafting of monthly financial reports Cashbook control Expense control Creditor payments Stock taking Banking Skills: * Computer literacy (Turbo Cash, Excel, Word, etc) * Administrative and organisational skills * Good communication skills Minimum Requirements: ~ Matric with bookkeeping and treasure experience ~ Minimum of 5 years working experience Closing date: 10 December 2011 Contact person: Lt Col VM Fitzpatrick Fax: 016 340 2030 Application letters with CV (references attached to be hand delivered at SA Army Gymnasium Military Base (Duty Room).


Heraut se spertye vir Desember koerante is as volg: Uitgawe van 7 Des = 2 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 14 Des = 9 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 21 Des = 14 Desember om 12:00



Marley Pipe Systems Building Division has a vacancy for an Electrician Requirements: * Electrical Maintenance on buildings & services * Electrical Maintenance on machinery * Electrical Maintenance of Engineering Service Area * Electrical Maintenance of Lab Testing equipment * Installation & Maintenance of new equipment * Knowledge of PLCs and VSDs Qualifications: * N3 Electrician and a recognised Trade Test Certificate * Wiremans Licence (if not, willing to obtain) Experience: * 5 Years, working in the Maintenance Department of a Manufacturing concern Interested applicants to e-mail a detailed CV to Copies of qualification to accompany CVs. Applications will be considered in accordance with the Groups Employment Equity Policy. Applicants who do not hear from us by the 15th December 2011 should consider their applications to have been unsuccessful. CLOSING DATE: Tuesday 6 December 2011

Marley Pipe Systems Building Division has a vacancy for a Fitter & Turner Requirements: * Maintenance of PVC Extrusion Plant * Maintenance of Injection Moulding Plant * Maintenance of Engineering Service area * Maintenance of Lab Testing Equipment * Installation & Maintenance of new equipment * Maintenance of HDPE Extrusions Plant Qualifications: * N3 Fitting & Turning and a recognised Trade Test Certificate Experience: * 5 Years, working in the Maintenance Department of a Manufacturing concern. Interested applicants to e-mail a detailed CV to Copies of qualification to accompany CVs. Applications will be considered in accordance with the Groups Employment Equity Policy. Applicants who do not hear from us by the 15th December 2011 should consider their applications to have been unsuccessful. CLOSING DATE: Friday 6 December 2011



30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40




NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENCE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACT, 1977 (ACT NO 120 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that AJ MOTORS hereinafter referred to as the applicant, has submitted an application for a RETAIL licence, application number D/2011/11/21/0002. ERF 1, ERF 2, AND ERF 3 2 EUFEES AVE, FERRYVALE, NIGEL. The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone: (012) 444 4444; or Fax: (012) 341 4428; or E-mail: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy, 70 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002 Postal address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 4833 Private Bag X19, Arcadia, 0007 JAMESON PARK: Open stand. 2082m R200 000. Contact 083 765 0642. LEEUPOORT VAKANSIEDORP: Warmbad/Thabazimbe R830 000. Hierdie tweevlak huis, gele in die hartjie van n natuurreservaat, waar die wild nog tussen die huise beweeg, bestaan uit 3 slpk, 2 badk, een en-suite, gaste toilet, groot oopplan sit / eetk, TVk, groot kombuis met aparte opwas. Die onderste vlak huis n motorh, werkskamer en stoorkamer. Kontak Hein 082 484 8715. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Baie veilig. R950 000. Hierdie huis bestaan uit 2 groot slpk, 2 badk, baie groot sitk, TVk met antrasietstoof, binnebraai, groot komb met n lieflike groot swembad, gevestigde tuin en onderdak parkering vir 2 motors met elektriese hek. Kontak Hein 082 484 8715.

An Opportunity exists at our Heidelberg plant for a Supervisor. To be considered for this position, applicants will need to have the following minimum requirements: Senior Certificate (Grade 12) Good interpersonal skills and Shop floor discipline Chilled food packaging and stock control experience Be computer literate in Microsoft excel and e-mail Be able to report on agreed KPAs Interested candidates should send their CVs to or fax 086 634 1546 before 9 December 2011. If you have not received a reply within 15 days please consider your application as being unsuccessful.

Pre-qualification applications are hereby invited from experienced SMME/BE Enterprises, as subcontractors for NRA R 570-012-2010/1: R570 JEPPES REEF BORDER POST TO N4, R571 FROM N4 TO MANANGA BORDER POST, ROAD D797, D1120, D2948 AND D2683 (NKOMAZI FEEDER ROADS). Only Enterprises with a minimum CIDB contractor grading designation of 3CE and a maximum designation of 6CE may apply. A compulsory information briefing meeting will take place on 8 December 2011. Prospective applicants shall meet the Project Management Team at the Nelspruit Rugby Club, 1 Kiepersol Street, Nelspruit at 11:00. Pre-qualification application documents will be available at the information briefing meeting. Only one package: Pavement maintenance (bitumen work) is available. Applicants must be represented at the information briefing meeting by a representative who must be the Applicant himself or an authorised person in the direct employ of the Applicant. The Pre-qualification and supporting documents shall be sealed in an envelope or package clearly marked Pre-qualification Nkomazi Roads and shall be delivered to the Tender Box at the Offices of Worsley Parson, 12 Liebenberg Street, Komatiepoort. In all cases the Pre-qualification Application Document shall reach the stipulated address not later than 12:00 on 4 January 2012. No late entries will be accepted. Queries relating to issues arising from this document may be addressed to: Mr GF Joubert, (t) 082 564 6786, (f) 056 471 0748 or e-mail: 4 8 0 9

NOTICE IN RESPECT OF A LICENCE APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACT, 1977 (ACT NO 120 OF 1977) This notice serves to inform parties that may be interested or affected that BLESBOKSPRUIT FILLING STATION hereinafter referred to as the applicant, has submitted an application for a RETAIL licence, application number D/2011/11/22/0002. ERF 423 HEIDELBERG 93 VOORTREKKER STREET, HEIDELBERG. The purpose of the application is for the applicant to be granted a licence to undertake petroleum retailing activities as detailed in the application. Arrangements for viewing the application documentation can be made by contacting the Controller of Petroleum Products by: Telephone: (012) 444 4444; or Fax: (012) 341 4428; or E-mail: Any objections to the issuing of a licence in respect of this application, which must clearly quote the application number above, must be lodged with the Controller of Petroleum Products within twenty (20) working days from the date of publication of this notice. Such objections must be lodged at the following physical or postal address: Physical address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy, 70 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002 Postal address: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X19, Arcadia, 0007 4872

Pre-qualification applications are hereby invited from experienced SMME/BE Enterprises, as subcontractors for NRA R037-012-2010/1: R37 FROM BURGERSFORT TO NELSPRUIT AND R40 FROM BARBERTON TO NELSPRUIT AND WHITE RIVER KLASERIE. Only Enterprises with a minimum CIDB contractor grading designation of 3CE and a maximum designation of 6CE may apply. A compulsory information briefing meeting will take place on 8 December 2011. Prospective applicants shall meet the Project Management Team at the Nelspruit Rugby Club, 1 Kiepersol Street, Nelspruit at 11:00. Pre-qualification application documents will be available at the information briefing meeting. Only two general maintenance packages are available. Applicants must be represented at the information briefing meeting by a representative who must be the Applicant himself or an authorised person in the direct employ of the Applicant. The Pre-qualification and supporting documents shall be sealed in an envelope or package clearly marked Pre-qualification Sabie Roads and shall be delivered to the Tender Box at the Offices of Worsley Parson, Old Lydenburg road (Barnhoorn office complex), Sabie. In all cases the Pre-qualification Application Document shall reach the stipulated address not later than 12:00 on 4 January 2012. No late entries will be accepted. Queries relating to issues arising from this document may be addressed to: Mr GF Joubert, (t) 082 564 6786, (f) 056 471 0748 or e-mail: 4 8 1 0

DUNNOTTAR R1000 CASH BACK Brandnew 2 bed/ 2 bathoom units, secure complex, prepaid elec from R3200 pm. Contact Ebeneda 083 661 4670. *Terms and Conditions apply. NIGEL: Luukse gemeubileerde eenman woonstel. Antirook. Baie pakplek, groot badk met stort en klein ingerigte komb. Wasgoed, krag, water, linne en breekware ingesluit. Swembad met lapa vir eie gebruik. R1500 dep. R650 per week of R2800 pm. Kontak 082 579 0585. DUNNOTTAR: n 63 Jarige netjiese man soek iemand om n tuinwoonstel met 2 slpk, eie badk en toesluit motorhuis in Dunnottar te deel. R3000 pm W & L ingesluit. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011. Kontak Jozef 083 271 1200. VISAGIEPARK NIGEL: 3 slpk huis, groot standplaas. R4500 pm ohb. Kontak 083 498 9908 vir besigtiging. TE HUUR: Eenmanwoonstel te huur vanaf 1 Desember 2011. Privaat ingang met onderdak parkering. Inhoud: yskas, vrieskas, mikrogolfoond en 2 plaatstoof met oond. Kom kyk. R1800 pm water en ligte ingesluit. Geen dep nodig. Kontak Freddie 011 814 7342. NIGEL TE HUUR: Eenmanwoonstel met eie ingang en onderdak parkering. Krag, water en tuindienste ingesluit. R2000 dep + R2000 pm. Kontak 084 952 8402. FERRYVALE: Vergrote 3 slpk huis met baie kaste, badk, sitk, ruim TV / Eetk, komb met baie kaste, telvloere, kontantkrag, buitek + 3 afdakke. R3900 pm + dep. Kontak 073 272 6527. TO RENT or FOR SALE: 3 bedr house, 2 bath, garage, carport, alarmsystem, cashpower, newly renovated to let for R3500. Selling price R450 000. Contact 011 814 3240 or 082 763 4624. NOYCEDALE: 3 slpk huis te huur. Dubbel motorhuis. Beskikbaar 10 Desember 2011. Koopkrag. R3000 pm + R3000 dep. Kontak 072 473 9460. NIGEL KLEIN KOMPLEKS: Angelo Mall 500m. 2 slpk, 2 badk (een en-suite) koopkrag, veilig, omhein, toegangshek afstandbeheer. Privaat braai/wasgoedlyn. Toesluit motorhuis. Ekstra parkering. Pragtig. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R3800 pm. Kontak 083 655 1538. BERGSIG: 2 bed & bath. Openplan living, double storey & garage with secure yard. Incl water but own electricity (pre-paid) Available January 2012 at R5500 pm + dep. Contact Mbuso 083 778 2231. HANNABELLA MEENTHUIS TE HUUR: R5000 pm + dep. 2 slpk, 2 badk, oopplan komb + sitk, enkel motorh + afdak in sekuriteitskompleks. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. Kontak Annelize 082 908 9229. TE HUUR JORDAANPARK: Villa Toscana. 2 slpk woonstel in veiligheidskompleks. Koopkrag. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R3300 pm + dep. Kontak Marius 082 462 3151. TE HUUR: Bachelor flat. Veilige parkering. Skoon en netjies. Middedorp. R2500 pm W & L ingesluit. Deposito betaalbaar. Kontak 082 800 8763. TE HUUR RENSBURG: Tuin woonstel geskik vir een persoon. 1 slpk, komb, sitk, badk en afdak. R2500 pm. Kontak 072 418 9861. HEIDELBERG CENTRAL TO LET: 2 bedr flat on 1st floor, open plan kitchen, lounge, diningrooom, patio/braai area. 2 Carports (shade net). R4200 pm + dep + R500 key and remote dep. Pre paid electricity. Available from 1 January 2012. Regret no pets. Contact Johan 082 389 2657 or Jenny 082 720 0195. PLAASHUIS TE HUUR: Greylingstad omgewing. 3 slpk. Veilig. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R3000 pm + dep sluit krag in. Kontak 084 408 1673 of 084 699 9400. BERGSIG: 2 slpk meenthuis, badk, toilet, aparte komb/sitk, oopplan. Toesluit motorh en afdak + alarm groterige tuin, tuindienste en koopkrag. R4100 pm + dep. Kontak 082 211 3166. NIGEL: 3 slpk huis, 2 badk, 3 leefvertrekke, aparte opwas, swembad, lapa met ingeboude bar, boma, boorgat, alarm, dubbel motorh, dubbel afdak en tenvolle omhein. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R6600 pm + dep. Kontak 082 211 3166. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Huis met 1 slpk woonstel. 2 slpk huis, 1 badk sit - en eetk. Oopplan Lapa met dubbel afdak. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R6000 pm + dep. Kontak 082 211 3166. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Ruim sonnige 3 slpk woonhuis + studeerk. Oopplan woon/eetk. 2 badk met gaste toilet. Komb met aparte opwask. Alarmstelsel, swembad met lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R7500 pm + dep. Kontak 083 377 9729. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Privaat ruim 2 slpk woonstel, met aparte komb, badk, sitk, eetk wat uitloop op balkon. Loop afstand na besighede en skole. Sekuriteitskompleks met afdak + ekstra parkering. Hele woonstel is nuut uitgeverf en getel. Koopkrag. Langtermynkontrak. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R3800 pm + dep. Kontak 083 377 9729. HEIDELBERG KLOOF: Sonnige 4 slpk woonhuis. 3 vol badk met gaste toilet. Studeerk. Oopplant sit en eetk, pragtige komb met aparte opwask. Motorh geskik vir 4 motors. Geen troeteldiere. R13000 pm + dep. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 082 569 4631. RENSBURG BACHELORS FLAT: Available immediately. 1 x bedroom flat. Open plan living room / kitchen. Tiled. Locking garage. Front + back yard. Palisade. R2580 pm. Clean credit record please. Contact 084 657 3300.


156 Hendrik Verwoerd Str. Nigel Central TEL: 011 814 7864 814 8865 FAX: 011 814 1166

JEANETTE 072 381 2644 OU FERRYVALE R650 000 (OHB) 5 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, s/bad, d/m/huis, lapa. SENTRAAL R740 000 Sitk, eetk, TVk, 2 Badk, 3 Slpk, w/stel. UITBR.2 R860 000 (Netjies) Loopafstand van Afr. skole. 4 Slpk, 2 badk, Sitk, Eetk, Onthaal Area, S/Bad. FERRYVALE R1.4M D/verdieping. 4 Slpk, 3.5 Bad/k, d/mhuis, bar, O/Area, S/bad. VISAGIEPARK R430 000 3 Slpk, badk, sitk, TVk, afdak, m/huis. DANIE 082 786 3516 VISAGIEPARK R560 000 (Baie netjies) 3 slpk, sitk, eetk, m/huis, afdakke. VISAGIEPARK RIF R1M (Netjies) Sitk, eetk, TVk, 3 slpk, 2 bad, d/m/huis, s/bad, d/afdakke, onthaal vertrek, gaste toilet met stort, elek hek + heining, sek ligte. FERRYVALE R1.8M Dorpshuis. Luukse kompleks. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, d/motorhuis, deck, s/bad. ALRAPARK R495 000 Sitk, eetk, TVk, 3 slpk, 2 badk, m/huis, buitekamer + buite toilet. MAGRIET 082 873 5428 GLENVARLOCH R590 000 3 slpk, sitk, eetk, 3 m/huise, stoorkamer NOYCEDALE R560 000 (Netjies) 3 slpk, badk, sitk, eetk, opwas, afdakke, m/huis. SENTRAAL R795 000 (OHB) 3 slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, sonstoep, rondawel. PLOTTE EN PLASE VANAF R165 000 - R3.1 M.


HEIDELBERG 22ha woning: 3 slpk, 2 badk, swembad, lapa, jacuzzi, woonstel, 2 boorgate, dam buitegeboue, motorhuis vir 5 voertuie. R1,7 miljoen Kontak Hennie 083 521 2601 FOR SALE: Stunning bank repossession property offers 3 bedr, 2 bath in secure complex. Was R540 000. Now R295 000. For more information contact Jerry 083 449 0780. BERGSIG: Woonstel te koop R480 000 ohb. 2 slpk, 1 studeerk, 2 badk. Toesluit motorh, koopkrag. Grondvloer woonstel. Goeie belegging. Kontant eienaar 082 979 1307.


Heraut se spertye vir Desember koerante is as volg: Uitgawe van 7 Des = 2 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 14 Des = 9 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 21 Des = 14 Desember om 12:00





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011


Schools news

JP na Coca-Cola Krieketweek
HEIDELBERG - JP Kotze, Graad 11-leerder aan Hor Volkskool, is gekies om Gauteng tydens die Coca-Cola Krieketweek te Kaapstad te verteenwoordig. Die toernooi vind van 11 tot 16 Desember plaas, waartydens verskillende provinsies teen mekaar sal meeding. Die Gauteng proewe vir die toernooi het by verskillende skole in Johannesburg plaasgevind waar ongeveer 230 seuns oor n tydperk van 10 dae sewe wedstryde gespeel het. Na afloop van die eerste ses dae, is 72 seuns gekies om aan die finale proewe deel te neem. Met n kolfgemiddeld van 60.2 per wedstryd, het JP uitgeblink. Hy het ook n totaal van 301 lopies gedurende die toernooi aangeteken. Hy het as 17-jarige deelgeneem en is na afloop van die toernooi vir die Gauteng 0/19- krieketspan gekies. Wat die prestasie meer merkwaardig maak, is dat JP een van twee o/17-spelers is wat die beste prestasie in Gauteng Skolekrieket bereik het deur in die o/ 19-krieketspan opgeneem te word. JP is ook die eerste krieketspeler in die Vaaldriehoek wat vir Gauteng Skole se o/19span gekies is. Hy het op 10-jarige ouderdom aan die Gauteng krieketproewe begin deelneem. Wat begin het as n droom, het werklikheid geword.

Vossies sluit af met toekennings en bekendstelling van 2012 se leiers

NIGEL - Leerders van Laerskool Tini Vorster is tydens die prysuitdelingsfunksie wat op 17 en 18 November aangebied is, met verskeie sport- en akademiese toekennings vir hul harde werk gedurende die jaar beloon. 2012 se leiers, mediaprefekte, diensgroep, brandspan, noodhulp- en ondersoekspanne en skolierpatrollie is ook tydens die prysuitdeling aangewys.

JP Kotze is die eerste speler in die Vaaldriehoek wat vir die Gauteng Skole o/19-krieketspan gekies is. Hy gaan in Desember aan die Coca-Cola Krieketweek deelneem.

Tydens Laerskool Tini Vorster se prysuitdelingsfunksie op 18 November is die volgende leerders as 2012 leiers aangewys: Deolize Fouch, Michelle Honiball (onderhoofmeisie), Sanet Kleinhans (onderhoofmeisie), Charlize Lourens, Zaini Ras (hoofmeisie), Valerie-May Rosato (onderhoofmeisie), Elweri Turck, Melissa Van der Merwe, Cherina Visser, Leandr Voges, Ruan Grobbelaar (hoofseun), Charldon Boshoff-Mostert (onderhoofseun), Ryno Deysel (onderhoofseun), Ruan Grobbelaar (onderhoofseun), Bjrn Bezuidenhout, Gerhard Briel, Fanie Jacobs, Kevin Pretorius, Duan Tromp, Frans Verwey en Ryno Viljoen. Bernice Borcherds, Ruben de Jager, Danelle Janse van Vuuren en Maryke Roets is tydens Laerskool Tini Vorster se prysuitdeling op 18 November met sertifikate beloon vir sewe jaar getroue skoolbesoek.


Die volgende Gr 7-leerders het toekennings ontvang: Anphen Koekemoer (erekleure akademie), Maryke Roets (Top akademiese presteerder, akademiese erekleure, vyf akademiese vaktoekennings en erekleure vir kultuur), Keegan Janse van Rensburg (goue ster vir deelname, akademiese erekleure en sporttrofee vir landloop en atletiek), Somari Dames (drie akademiese vaktoekennings, akademiese erekleure en Rapportryerstrofee vir Afrikaans), Juanita Geyser (toekenning vir atletiek en sportmeisie van die jaar), Maryke Potgieter (tennisspeler van die jaar, akademiese erekleure en erekleure vir kultuur), Divan Uys (akademiese erekleure, erekleure in kultuur, rugbyspeler van die jaar, toppresteerder binne- sowel as buite skoolverband, tennisspeler van die jaar en redenaar van die jaar), Chantelle Meadon (akademiese vaktoekenning, akademiese erekleure, toppresteerder buite skoolverband en nebalmeisie van die jaar) en Graad 6-leerder Duan Tromp (middel agter) is as krieketspeler van die jaar aangewys.



30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40



Schools news

Mrs Van der Merwe voted top teacher

HEIDELBERG Heidelberg Public School teacher Mrs Loraine van der Merwe is the Sedibeng District Teacher for primary excellence. She was entered in the National Teacher Awards by principal, Mr Johan Pretorius who submitted a portfolio of her work and community service. This prize was awarded to her on November 3 after she competed against teachers from Heidelberg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark and Meyerton.

Harde werkers beloon

HEIDELBERG - Di Graad 1-leerders van Laerskool AG Visser is as die akademiese span vir die derde kwartaal aangewys: Macheri Delport, Lani Wolmarans, Mitchell Strydom, Landon Bassadien, Damien de Jager, Tertius de Lange, Dylan Kriek, Christiaan Gryffenberg, Nicholis Montgomery, Mehan van Rooyen, Ast Olivier, Graeme Croucamp, Carmi Venter, Carmen Pelser, Clariz Wucherpfennig, Johannes Cloete, Christiaan Venter, Rudolph Botha, Liam Barnard, Herman Mar, An Rossouw, Ilinc Jordaan, Mia Bezuidenhout, Zandile Ndaba, Jeandr Kitching, Brandon Lumgair, Ryan Fitz-Patrick, Nikita Bannister en Johann Muller. Afwesig: Delaine Willemse.

HEIDELBERG - Mr Steven Nel from Heidelberg Public School qualified for the first round of judging for the National Teacher Awards on October 18.He received a leadership prize for his work as Head of Department: Senior Primary.

HEIDELBERG - Laerskool AG Visser het hul Graad 2 akademiese span vir die derde kwartaal aangewys: Carla van Wyk, Kayla Botha, Ren Kuhn, Annique Dippenaar, Zander de Vries, Henri Otto, Troepie van der Schyff, Nathan Underhay, Calvyn van Wyngaardt, Tiaan Allers, Ludwig Ankiewicz, CJ Brits, Nikita de Beer, Chresane de Jager, Jurie Dietrechsen, Waldo du Plessis, Christi Jordaan, Lerize Ludick, Sumari Schutte, Tammy van Vuuren, Marn Venter, Chant Baird, Lean Cronj, Mika Cronj, Vincent Greeff, Gabrielle Kruger, Shan Maloney, Lean Oosthuizen, Christiaan Scheepers, Denielle Scheepers, Inge Steyn, Deminey Wiese, Juanique Smith, Tarien Trollip, Favour Umeh, Divan van Niekerk en Marcel Visser.

HEIDELBERG Foundation phase teacher Mrs Tina Steyn of Heidelberg Public School was entered in the National Teacher Awards by the schools principal Mr Johan Pretorius. She received a prize for excellence on October 18.

Vissieland wys hul hoofleiers vir 2012 aan


HEIDELBERG - Laerskool AG Visser het op 11 November hul hoofleiers vir 2012 aangekondig. Voor: Jana Goetsch (onderhoofmeisie), Carmen Britz (hoofmeisie) en Monjah Holtzhausen (onderhoofmeisie). Agter: Zander du Preez (onderhoofseun), Juan-Jac Cronje (onderhoofseun) en Andy Haasbroek (hoofseun).


Heraut se spertye vir Desember koerante is as volg: Uitgawe van 7 Des = 2 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 14 Des = 9 Desember om 12:00 Uitgawe van 21 Des = 14 Desember om 12:00




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

Volkies verkies leerlingraad


Schools news

HEIDELBERG - Laer Volkskool het hul leerlingraad vir 2012 aangekondig. Die seuns is: (agter) Francois van Niekerk, EJ Viljoen, Altus van Niekerk, Dwayne Rossouw, Lehan du Toit, (middel) Armant Cronj, Hannes Visser, Christiaan Taljaard, Juanrich Dercksen, Eugene Marais, (voor) Andr van der Lith, Heinco Botha en Pedr Pieterse is opgewonde oor die termyn wat voorl.

HEIDELBERG - Marelise Fourie, Drianette Leinmer, Franz Janse van Rensburg, Chan Olwage, Karlien Spykerman, (middel) Megan van der Velde, Bernadine Cronje, Janke Pretorius, Kyra Beukes, Annika Kruger, (voor) Noelene Marshall, Elose du Plessis, Anize Bester, Liza Uys en Danelle Coetzer is die meisies wat as Laer Volkskool se leerlingraad vir 2012 aangewys is.

Nigel High honours learners for hard work

NIGEL - Nigel High School honoured learners who excelled in sports and academics during the year, by awarding them with certificates and trophies at the honours evening on November 4.

Manhoor Butt, a Grade 8-learner of Nigel High School received the Dux award for Grade 8 at the Honours evening which was held on November 4. The award was bestowed upon her for achieving academic excellence.


During Nigel High Schools honours evening, Lerato Mohale received the Grade 10 Dux award for achieving the highest aggregate. Lerato also received various other academic awards.

Grade 9-learner Aman Butt received the Grade 9 Dux award for achieving academic excellence during the schools honours evening on November 4. She received various other awards.

Maziya Sibeko received the Grade 11 Dux award for academic excellence at Nigel High Schools honours evening on November 4.

Bothlale Kubyane received several awards for academic excellence.

30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40



Schools news

Sagies skitter tydens 2011-prysuitdeling


NIGEL - Leerders van Laerskool Hannes Visagie het tydens die prysuitdelingsfunksie op 17 November, met arms vol pryse en trofees weggestap, toe hulle vir harde werk op akademiese sowel as sportvlak beloon is. Meruscka Naude, Rohan Myburg en Merusha Moore van Laerskool Hannes Visagie het toekennings ontvang vir sewe jaar getroue skoolbesoek.

Hierdie Sagies het op 15 Oktober Oos-Gauteng kleure vir jukskei verwerf: Jaco Botha (seuns o/13), Tiaan Potgieter (seuns o/13), Charlande Swanepoel (meisies o/13), Bianca Botha (meisies o/13), Marelize Pretorius (meisies o/13), en Don Smit (meisies o/13). Rehani Wirths is net vyf jaar oud maar neem in die o/13 ouderdomsgroep deel. Hulle gaan gedurende die Desember vakansie aan die SA kampioenskappe in Kroonstad deelneem. Links: Carmen Pienaar het tydens die prysuitdeling geskiedenis gemaak deur een van slegs twee leerders te wees wat, sedert die skool se bestaan, al die vaktrofees vir beste prestasie in haar graad ontvang het. Carmen het halwe erekleure vir akademiese prestasie, n toekenning vir Top 10-leerder, erekleure vir vyf jaar akademiese prestasie, silwer sertifikaat vir rekenaarvaardigheid, trofees vir beste prestasie in Graad 7-Wiskunde, Sosiale Wetenskap, Ekonomiese Bestuurswese, Kuns en Kultuur, Lewensorintering en Natuurwetenskap, sowel as erekleure vir Tempo Tone vir vier jaar, halwe erekleure vir kultuur, erekleure vir D5 netbal, trofees vir mees opkomende jukskeispeler en beste o/13 netbalspeler, die Juffrou Drieka-trofee vir volgehoue en pligsgetroue diens as lid van die leiersgroep en Dux leerder.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011


Schools news
Sagies se leiers vir 2012 bekendgestel
NIGEL - Laerskool Hannes Visagie se leiers vir 2012 is Nico Seegers, Tiaan Potgieter (hoofseun), Roan Palm (onderhoofseun) (afwesig), Leanca van den Heever (hoofmeisie), Nelisca Pienaar (onderhoofmeisie), Angelique Fisher (onderhoofmeisie), Shan Joubert, Bianca Botha, Jeanine Janse van Vuuren, Camilee Fourie, Adrienne Van den Berg, Christiaan Nell, Zelda Fourie, Diaan Wessels, Len Alberts en Hardus Potgieter.

Hupstoot vir Volkskool se koffers

Leanca ryg hulle in

HEIDELBERG - Laer Volkskool se adjunkhoof, Mnr Jan Harmse en skoolhoof Mnr Piet Strydom het rede om breed te glimlag. Algehele bestuurder van Eskort, Koos Botha en fondsinsameling kordineerder Miemie Pienaar het n tjek ter waarde van R34 000 aan die skool oorhandig. Die fondse wat gebruik sal word vir opknappingswerk, is op 28 November oorhandig en is deel van die wins wat tydens vanjaar se Varkfees gemaak is. Leanca Van den Heever, Graad 6-leerder van Laerskool Hannes Visagie is aangewys as hoofmeisie vir 2012 en is die tweede leerder wat tydens die prysuitdeling, al die vaktrofees in haar graad ontvang het. Sy het halwe erekleure vir akademie, toekennings vir Top 10 akademie, dienslewering by die skolierpatrollie, Vinnige Vlytige Vingers sowel as eersteplek tydens deelname aan die Wiskunde Olimpiade, n goue sertifikaat vir rekenaarvaardigheid, boekprys vir beste prestasie in Afrikaans, verskeie trofees vir beste prestasie in Wiskunde, Engels, Sosiale Wetenskap, Ekonomiese Bestuurswese, Kuns en Kultuur, Natuurwetenskap, Lewensorintering, Tegnologie, Rekenaarvaardigheid en onderleier van die 2012 Trompoppies en erekleure vir kultuur.





30 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Silver for Geelbooi

HEIDELBERG - Shaunelle Schoonraad het beoordelaars vanjaar met haar danspassies betower. Sy het tydens die National Eisteddfod Academy Prestige Awards funksie erkenning vir haar besonderse prestasies ontvang. Sy was ook die enigste danser wat n diploma verwerf het. Shaunelle het drie goue sertifikate ontvang en het met die titel as afdelingswenner in haar afdeling weggestap.

HEIDELBERG - Trevor Jobe, owner of TJ Industrial Supplies, sponsored Geelbooi Matsaneng to participate in the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge on November 20. Geelbooi ended fourth in his group of 457 cyclists while cycling the 94,7km with 17 831 participants. Geelbooi shows off his silver medal here with Trevor Jobe.






30 NOVEMBER 2011

Waterbabas ryg medaljes in

NIGEL - Verskeie swemmers van plaaslike swemskool Swimming Sensations het op 5 en 19 November aan die ESP Aquatics Novice Gala te Kempton Park deelgeneem. Terwyl die agtjarige Melissa Malan en Ngwaya Hlatswayo eersteplekke behaal het, was deelname aan so n groot kompetisie n onvergeetlike ondervinding vir Giaconi Middel, Bernard Koekemoer, Keamogetse Mbele, Gugulethu Skosana en Chant.

Melissa Malan (links voor) van Swimming Sensations het op 5 November tydens die Brackfin Gala te Springs eersteplek behaal en n goue medalje vir noodle race, silwer vir freestyle en brons vir kickboard racing ontvang. Ngwaya Hlatswayo (regs voor) het goue medaljes in kickboard, noodle asook freestyle racing ontvang.
Ngwaya Hlatswayo het tydens die ESP Aquatics Novice Gala as finalis geindig en n geel band ontvang. Hy het ook n pers band vir vlinderslag en twee groen bande, een vir freestyle en die ander vir rugslag ontvang.

Jandr soos n vis in water

HEIDELBERG - Jandr Moll van Victor Aquantum Swemklub het op 29 Oktober aan die Vyf Provinsies Interprovinsiale Gala te Ladysmith deelgeneem. As deel van die OosGautengspan het hy drie goue medaljes verower. Vir seuns o/10 het hy n eersteplek in die 50m vlinderslag en vryslag behaal. In die wisselslag aflos het Jandr ook n eersteplek losgeswem.

Amicke verdien medaljes tydens eisteddfod-vertonings

HEIDELBERG - Amicke Eijsermans (13) het tydens die Alberton Eisteddfod in Augustus drie goue medaljes in Funk solo, Contemporary slow solo en Jive solo ontvang. Sy het ook in Cha-cha n silwer medalje behaal en is as die Jive afdelingswenner aangewys. By die National Eisteddfod Academy in Oktober, het Amicke twee goue medaljes saam met die Mini Teams en Big Teams verower wat n reeks kontemporre danspassies uitgevoer het. Sy het in Hip-hop, Bangra, Jive en Cha-cha silwer medaljes verower.





30 NOVEMBER 2011



Rugbyklub se room van die oes beloon

Magda Maritz NIGEL - Nigel Rugbyklub het tydens hul prysuitdeling op 25 November toegewyde spelers, afrigters en bestuurslede vir harde werk deur die jaar vereer. Die tafels het omtrent onder die gewig van trofees gekreun. Spesiale melding is van die o/19-span gemaak, wat gedurende die afgelope seisoen slegs een wedstryd verloor en as ligawenners gesevier het. Die klub se nuutste toevoeging, die Sewes-span, het ook spesiale melding gekry n hul weghol-sukses die afgelope seisoen. Trofees is aan elke o/19- sowel as sewesspan-speler oorhandig. Tweedespanspeler George Fritz, wat die meeste punte vir die klub aangeteken het, is as Beste Opkomende Speler aangewys, terwyl Ramon Swart (o/ 19) die toekenning vir Speler wat die Meeste Drie gedruk het, ontvang het. Phillip van den Berg is as Beste Agterspeler en Vicus Strydom as Beste Voorspeler aangewys. Die klubtrofee vir Ballboy van die Jaar het Louise Delport te beurt geval. Na afloop van die prysuitdeling het die manne hul rugbystewels vir dansskoene verruil en het gesellig tot laataand gekuier.

Thinus de Wet (links) is deur Nigel Rugbyklub as Spanbestuurder van die Jaar aangewys. Louis Bezuidenhout het die trofee aan hom oorhandig.

Tydens Nigel Rugbyklub se prysuitdeling op 25 November is Louis Bezuidenhout (links) as Bestuurslid van die Jaar aangewys. Jimmy Meadon het die trofee aan hom oorhandig.

Bo: Nigel Rugbyklub het twee persone uitgesonder om die trofee vir Afrigter van die Jaar te ontvang. Baba Kotze (middel) en Andr Engelbrecht (regs) het die trofees tydens die prysuitdeling ontvang. Links: Nigel Rugbyklub het Ollie le Roux as Junior-, en Johan Zondagh as Senior Speler van die Jaar aangewys.

Die Spelers van die Jaar is Ramon Swart (o/19), Innes Potgieter (o/21), Quintin Eagleton (afwesig - derdes), Strachen Nortje (tweedes) en Vicus Strydom (eerstespan).



Ramon Swart het die trofee ontvang vir die meeste drie wat gedurende die seisoen gedruk is.




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

30 NOVEMBER 2011

01 Kia Sportage 2.0 4x4

07 Suzuki GSX-R 1000

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6 Schrader Street. Tel: 016 349 1333 Nico: 082 680 1141 Hennie 082 334 3602 Marius: 083 472 6860 Jean: 083 279 7643 Elvin: 072 843 2079 Frank: 082 507 6117


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