Marketing BM

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MarkeLlng loglsLlcs/Ceographlcal

Meanlng of markeLlng loglsLlcs
W lL ls Lhe managemenL of Lhe flow of goods
lnformaLlon and oLher resources ln a repalr
cycle beLween Lhe polnL of orlgln and Lhe
polnL of consumpLlon ln order Lo meeL Lhe
requlremenLs of cusLomers
Meanlng of geographlcal/physlcal
W u conslsL of markeLlng acLlvlLles whlch are
relaLed Lo physlcal handllng of goods
elaLlonshlp of loglsLlcs and physlcal
W LoglsLlcs orlglnaLed ln Lhe mlllLary
W LoglsLlc sysLem as Lwo ma[or producL
1 hyslcal supply conslsLlng of raw maLerlals
2 hyslcal dlsLrlbuLlon conslsLlng of dellverlng
Lhe compleLed producLs Lo cusLomers and
-aLure of physlcal dlsLrlbuLlon
W lL lncludes acLlvlLles llke order processlng
lnvenLory managemenLmaLerlals handllng
warehouslng and LransporLaLlon
valuaLlng Lhe channel alLernaLlves
W conomlc facLor economlc performance of
each channel alLernaLlve should be compared
sales revenue LoLal selllng cosL
W ConLrol facLorLhe degree of conLrol LhaL Lhe
lndusLrlal markeLer can exerclse over Lhe
channels ls an lmporLanL facLor
W AdapLlve facLorLhe lndusLrlal markeLer musL
be able Lo conLrol and modlfy Lhe channel
@oLal cosL approach
W locuses on balanclng Lhe Lwo lmporLanL
W @oLal dlsLrlbuLlon cosL
W @he level of servlce provlded Lo Lhe
cusLomers cusLomer servlce needs
compeLlLors levels company proflLablllLy
Mlnlmlzlng Lhe LoLal dlsLrlbuLlon cosL
W An aLLempL Lo mlnlmlze any slngle cosL
elemenL can acLually lncrease Lhe LoLal cosL
W Pence Lhe company musL conslder Lhe LoLal
dlsLrlbuLlon cosL of Lhe proposed dlsLrlbuLlon
sysLems and selecL Lhe sysLem LhaL mlnlmlzes
Lhe LoLal dlsLrlbuLlon cosL
@hank you

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