BITH 315 - A Little Exercise For Young Theologians

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Adam Behnke

CPO 246 A Little Exercise for Young Theologians/ Thielicke, Helmut

Professor Migulez BITH 315 1/14/10

1. ...that theology makes the young theologian vain and so kindles in him something like gnostic pride. The chief reason for this is that in us men truth and love are seldom combined (16). I enjoyed how Thielicke understands and is keenly aware of real-life situations. It is fascinating that the more I learn, the greater the temptation there is inside me to dominate others with my superior knowledge. However, if truth came with love inside of me, I would not even use the term superior knowledge because the comparison would not be made. With the Bible and the things of God, knowing more truth should mean exhibiting more love. Too many times judgment instead of guidance and love comes out in discussions and clarifications of theology. These talks should never be arguments like the example of the student and the pietist on page 18. 2. Otherwise suddenly you are believing no longer in Jesus Christ, but in Luther, or in one of your other theological teachers (31) This statement provoked strong feelings in me because I have felt these urgings to praise and lift up great men of faith. Thankfully the Holy Spirit has indeed prompted me to explore new teachings further, but I think we think it is easier to learn biblical material through the medium of a human teacher rather than through personal investigation. It is great for teachers to present new material, but each and every Christian should test and approve the material for him or herself. 3. This transition from one to the other level of thought, from a personal relationship with God to a merely technical reference (33). Especially with Bible/Theology classes as General Requirements (such as this class), it is tricky to keep from reading the Bible for an assignment and approaching Gods Word as a textbook rather than as daily bread. The personal application should always be present even in assignments because this keeps it a relationship with God rather than a religion of knowledge about God.

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