Soft Wen

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- 8efer Lo a broad range of measuremenLs for compuLer sofLware
- MeasuremenL can be
- Applled Lo Lhe sofLware process wlLh Lhe lnLenL of lmprovlng ln on a conLlnuous basls
- used LhroughouL a sofLware pro[ecL Lo asslsL ln esLlmaLlon quallLy conLrol producLlvlLy
AssessmenL and pro[ecL conLrol
- used by sofLware englneers Lo help assess Lhe quallLy of Lechnlcal work producLs and Lo asslsL
1acLlcal declslon maklng as a pro[ecL proceeds


- A Measure provldes a quanLlLaLlve lndlcaLlon of Lhe exLenL amounL dlmenslons capaclLy or slze of
some aLLrlbuLe of a producL or process
- A Metr|c ls a quanLlLaLlve measure of Lhe degree Lo whlch a sysLem componenL or process possesses
a glven aLLrlbuLe
- An Ind|cator ls a meLrlc or comblnaLlon of meLrlcs LhaL provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe sofLware process a
sofLware pro[ecL or Lhe pro[ecL lLself lL provldes lnslghL LhaL enables Lhe pro[ecL manager or sofLware
englneers Lo ad[usL Lhe process Lhe pro[ecL or Lhe producL Lo make Lhlngs beLLer

rocess |nd|cators
- Lnable a sofLware englneerlng organlzaLlon Lo galn lnslghL lnLo Lhe efflcacy of an exlsLlng
ro[ect |nd|cators
- Lnable a sofLware pro[ecL manager Lo
(1) Assess Lhe sLaLus of an ongolng pro[ecL
(2) 1rack poLenLlal rlsks
(3) uncover problem areas before Lhey go crlLlcal
(4) Ad[usL work flow or Lasks
(3) LvaluaLe Lhe pro[ecL Leam's ablllLy Lo conLrol quallLy sofLware englneerlng work producLs



CusLomer 8uslness
CharacLerlsLlcs CondlLlons

eople uevelopmenL 1echnology

- Consldered as LacLlcal
- used by a pro[ecL manager and a sofLware Leam Lo adapL pro[ecL work flow and Lechnlcal acLlvlLles
- lLs flrsL appllcaLlon on mosL sofLware pro[ecLs occurs durlng esLlmaLlon
- MeLrlcs collecLed from pasL pro[ecLs are used as a basls from whlch efforL and Llme duraLlon esLlmaLes
are made for currenL sofLware work
- roducLlon raLes represenLed ln Lerms of pages of documenLaLlon revlew hours funcLlon polnLs and
dellvered source llnes are measured
- 1echnlcal meLrlcs are collecLed Lo assess deslgn quallLy and Lo provlde lndlcaLors LhaL wlll lnfluence Lhe
approach Laken Lo code generaLlon and module and lnLegraLlon LesLlng

1wofo|d |ntent of pro[ect metr|cs
1) 1hese meLrlcs are used Lo mlnlmlze Lhe developmenL schedule by guldlng Lhe ad[usLmenLs
necessary Lo avold delays and mlLlgaLe poLenLlal problems and rlsks

2) ro[ecL MeLrlcs are used Lo assess producL quallLy on an ongolng basls and when necessary
modlfy Lhe Lechnlcal approach Lo lmprove quallLy

Suggested pro[ect measures

- Inputs Measures of Lhe resources requlred Lo do Lhe work
- Cutputs Measures of Lhe dellverables or work producLs creaLed durlng Lhe sofLware englneerlng
- kesu|ts Measures LhaL lndlcaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe dellverables

ueLermlnanLs for sofLware
quallLy and organlzaLlonal


D|rect Measures
- ln sofLware englneerlng process lL lncludes cosL and efforL applled
- ln producL lL lncludes llnes of code (LCC) produced execuLlon speed memory slze and defecLs
reporLed over some seL perlod of Llme
Ind|rect Measures
- lnclude funcLlonallLy quallLy complexlLy efflclency rellablllLy malnLalnablllLy and many oLher

- Are derlved by normallzlng quallLy and/or producLlvlLy measures by conslderlng Lhe Slze" of Lhe
sofLware LhaL has been produced
- Are noL unlversally accepLed as Lhe besL way Lo measure Lhe process of sofLware developmenL

ro[ect LCC Lffort (000) ppdoc Lrrors Defects eop|e
A|pha 12100 24 168 36S 134 29 3
8eta 27200 62 440 1224 321 86 S
Gamma 20200 43 314 10S0 2S6 64 6

- use a measure of Lhe funcLlonallLy dellvered by Lhe appllcaLlon as a normallzaLlon value
- Were flrsL proposed by AlbrechL who suggesLed a measure called Lhe funcLlon polnL

Iunct|on o|nt
- uerlved uslng an emplrlcal relaLlonshlp based on counLable (dlrecL) measure of sofLware's lnformaLlon
domaln and assessmenLs of sofLware complexlLy
- CompuLed by compleLlng Lhe Lable shown below

WelghLlng lacLor
MeasuremenL arameLer CounL Slmple Average Complex _____
number of user lnpuLs _____ 3 4 6 _____
number of user ouLpuLs _____ 4 3 7 _____
number of user lnquerles _____ 3 4 6 _____
number of flles _____ 7 10 13 _____
number of exLernal lnLerfaces _____ 3 7 10 _____
CounL 1oLal _____


Informat|on Doma|n Va|ues

1o compote fooctloo polots (ll) tbe followloq telotloosblp ls oseJ

Where Count1ota| ls Lhe sum of all enLrles obLalned from Lhe flgure

- 1he degree Lo whlch Lhe sofLware performs lLs requlred funcLlon
- Can be measured ln defecLs per kLCC where a defecL ls deflned as a verlfled lack of conformance Lo
- 1he ease wlLh whlch a program can be correcLed lf an error ls encounLered adapLed lf lLs envlronmenL
changes or enhanced lf Lhe cusLomer deslres a change ln requlremenLs
- Can be measured uslng M11C (meanLlmeLochange)

- Measures a sysLem's ablllLy Lo wlLhsLand aLLacks (boLh accldenLal and lnLenLlonal) on lLs securlLy
- Can be measured ln Lerms of LhreaL and securlLy
- ls an aLLempL Lo quanLlfy user frlendllness" and can be measured ln Lerms of four characLerlsLlcs
(1) 1he physlcal and/or lnLellecLual sklll requlred Lo learn Lhe sysLem
(2) 1he Llmes requlred Lo become moderaLely efflclenL ln Lhe use of Lhe sysLem
(3) 1he neL lncrease ln producLlvlLy measured when Lhe sysLem ls used by someone who ls
moderaLely efflclenL
(4) A sub[ecLlve assessmenL of users aLLlLudes Loward Lhe sysLem
number of user lnpuLs Lach user lnpuL LhaL provldes dlsLlncL appllcaLlonorlenLed daLa Lo Lhe
sofLware ls counLed
number of user ouLpuLs Lach user ouLpuL LhaL provldes appllcaLlonorlenLed lnformaLlon Lo
Lhe user ls counLed
number of user lnqulrles Lach dlsLlncL lnqulry ls counLed
number of flles Lach loglcal masLer flle (le a loglcal grouplng of daLa LhaL may be
one parL of large daLabase or a separaLe flle) ls counLed
number of exLernal lnLerfaces All machlne readable lnLerfaces (eg daLa flles on Lape or dlsk LhaL
are used Lo LransmlL lnformaLlon Lo anoLher sysLem are counLed)
I Count1ota| x 06S + 001 x I

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