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uone 8y
!CnA1PAn PLnC luClAnC
LAu kAP Lln
cnONC nOc lONC
5A1n5 A/l k5kAk
5A51kl A/l lANcnllAN
roblem SLaLemenL
WhaL ls Lhe lmporLance of oral hyglene and how lL affecLs our oral
urpose of 1he SLudy
1o lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Lrend of oral hyglene of people and Lo lnsLll Lhe
awareness Lo pracLlslng oral hyglene and ensure Lhe oral healLh
1he CuesLlonnalre
Ceneral CuesLlon
W 16
W kaceMalay/Chlnese/lndlan/CLhers
W endeMale / lemale
W nanca| Status very Cood/Cood /ModeraLe
very oor
1bese poestloo ote to lJeotlfy tbe sobject wbo wlll toke 1bese poestloo ote to lJeotlfy tbe sobject wbo wlll toke
tbls poestloooolte we belleve tbot tbese poestloo moy let tbls poestloooolte we belleve tbot tbese poestloo moy let
os koow mote oboot oot sobject lottbetmote tbls pott os koow mote oboot oot sobject lottbetmote tbls pott
of tbe sotvey moy offect tbe tesolt of tbe poestloooolte of tbe sotvey moy offect tbe tesolt of tbe poestloooolte
CuesLlon 1
W any tes d yu bush yu teeth a
Cnce/1wlce/1hrlce /AfLer each meal
1o floJ oot wbetbet bow otol byqleolcolly tbe 1o floJ oot wbetbet bow otol byqleolcolly tbe
sobject ls sobject ls
CuesLlon 2
W yu f|ss yu teeth?
1o lJeotlfy Joes sobject floss tbelt teetb 1o lJeotlfy Joes sobject floss tbelt teetb
CuesLlon 3
W yu c|ean yu tngue?
?es/no /SomeLlmes
1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobject cleoo tbelt tooqoe 1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobject cleoo tbelt tooqoe
CuesLlon 4
W |ng d yu bush yu teeth?
mlnuLes / mlnuLes
1o lJeotlfy bow looq Joes tbe sobject btosbes tbelt 1o lJeotlfy bow looq Joes tbe sobject btosbes tbelt
teetb teetb
W d yu descbe yu cuent a| hea|th
very poor/oor/Cood/very good/LxcellenL
1o lJeotlfy sobject cotteot otol beoltb 1o lJeotlfy sobject cotteot otol beoltb
CuesLlon 6
W ave yu vsted the dentst befe?
1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobjects vlslteJ tbe Jeotlst befote 1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobjects vlslteJ tbe Jeotlst befote
CuesLlon 6(a)
W Jhen as the |ast te yu vsted a dentst?
Less Lhan one year ago/More Lhan one year
ago/More Lhan Lwo years ago
1o lJeotlfy wbeo ls tbe lost tlme sobject vlslteJ tbe 1o lJeotlfy wbeo ls tbe lost tlme sobject vlslteJ tbe
Jeotlst Jeotlst
CuesLlon 6(b)
W Jhat as the pupse f yu vst?
LxamlnaLlon prevenLlon
need for a fllllng/exLracLlon
Speclal LreaLmenL le endodonLlcs
prosLhodonLlcs orLhodonLlcs
1o lJeotlfy wby tbe sobject vlslteJ tbe Jeotlst 1o lJeotlfy wby tbe sobject vlslteJ tbe Jeotlst
CuesLlon 7
W yu thnk t s ptant t use a gd
qua|ty tthbush?
1o lJeotlfy wbetbet poollty of tootbbtosb moy offect 1o lJeotlfy wbetbet poollty of tootbbtosb moy offect
sobjects otol beoltb sobjects otol beoltb
CuesLlon 8
W yu thnk a ppe ethd f bushng
teeth s ptant?
?es /no/uon'L Care
1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobject mloJ oboot tbelt btosbloq 1o lJeotlfy wbetbet sobject mloJ oboot tbelt btosbloq
metboJ wblcb coolJ offect tbelt otol beoltb metboJ wblcb coolJ offect tbelt otol beoltb
CuesLlon 9
|ude s added t tthpaste because f
leasanL LasLe
SofL feellng
revenLs carles
1o lJeotlfy tbe koowleJqe of otol beoltb of tbe sobject 1o lJeotlfy tbe koowleJqe of otol beoltb of tbe sobject
CuesLlon 10
W f yu tth s vey panfu| d yu thnk that
the extactn s the n|y pssb|e teatent?
1o ldenLlfy Lhe knowledge of oral healLh of Lhe 1o ldenLlfy Lhe knowledge of oral healLh of Lhe
sub[ecL sub[ecL
W WlLh Lhls quesLlonnalre we hope LhaL we wlll
be able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sLudenLs oral healLh
sLaLus and Lhelr knowledge abouL oral
W We hope LhaL Lhls research would creaLe an
awareness on oral hyglene and Lo lncrease Lhe
awareness among sLudenLs
1hank ?ou
?our Llme and efforL ls greaLly appreclaLed for
vlewlng Lhls presenLaLlon

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