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ln CASL Cl A PLA81 A11ACk

A former LM1 w|th CareI||ght (same as L|fe I||ght |n nouston

(but |n Da||as ) sent th|s |nformat|on ne sa|d do not have the
heart attack pat|ent swa||ow the asp|r|n but p|ace |t under the
tongue 1he reason |s there are 2 good s|ze ve|ns (wh|ch
return b|ood to heart) that are on|y covered by a th|n |ayer of
membrane 1h|s a||ows for the asp|r|n to a|most |mmed|ate|y
enter the b|ood stream go|ng to the heart If swa||owed the
asp|r|n has to take a |onger [ourney through the stomach
before reach|ng the heart If you go to a m|rror and st|ck out
your tongue so that you can see the unders|de you can see
the 2 b|ue ve|ns runn|ng para||e| on e|ther s|de of the center of
the tongue 1h|s former LM1s Dad was |ucky to a|ready know
th|s procedure when he had h|s heart attack and cred|ts |t to
sav|ng h|s ||fe


SomeLhlng LhaL we can do Lo help ourselves nlce Lo know
8ayer |s mak|ng crysta| asp|r|n
to d|sso|ve under the tongue
1hey work much faster than
the tab|ets

Why keep asp|r|n by your beds|de?

4bout neort 4ttocks

1here are oLher sympLoms of an hearL aLLack besldes the poin
on the /eft orm

Cne musL also be aware of on intense poin on the chin as well
as nouseo and loLs of sweotinq however Lhese sympLoms may
also occur less frequenLly

Note 1here may be nC paln ln Lhe chesL durlng a hearL aLLack 1he ma[orlLy of
people (abouL 60) who had a hearL aLLack durlng Lhelr sleep dld noL wake up
Powever lf lL occurs Lhe chesL paln may wake you up from your deep sleep

lf LhaL happens immediote/y disso/ve Lwo
asplrlns ln your mouLh and swallow Lhem wlLh
a blL of waLer


phone o neiqhbour or a fomi/y member who /ives very c/ose

soy heort ottock!
soy tbot yoo bove token 2 ospirins

toke o seot on o choir or sofo near Lhe fronL door and wa|t
for the|r arr|va| ooJ

Do NC1 L|e Down

A CardlologlsL has sLaLed LhaL lf each person afLer recelvlng
Lhls emall sends lL Lo 10 people probably one llfe can be

bove olteoJy sboteJ tbe lofotmotloo wbot oboot yoo?
Do forward th|s message |t may save

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