H14 15

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1op|c n|story
Sub[ect Code n 14 1S
Speaker rof kom||a 1hapar
Date 1|me 30092011 090010S0
Sect|on A
Our Knowledge oI the past comes entirely Irom
(A) Philosophy
(B) Religion
(C) Archaeology
(D) History

2 %he major occupation during the Harappan Civilization was
(A) Agriculture
(B) Commerce
(C) A& B
(D) Only B

3 %he Harappans traded primarily in which oI the Iollowing?
(A) Gold
(B) Copper
(C) Lapiz Lazuli
(D) Both B & C

4 agadh emerged as the most important city during
(A) 3
Century BC
(B) 2
Century BC
Century BC
(D) 5
Century BC

5 %he Arthashastra was written during the auryan period and
extended upto the
(A) It ended during the auryan Period
(B) It covered the Gupta Period too
(C) It was written during the ughal Period
(D) None oI the above

6 Radha Gupta was a inister during the
(A) auryan Rule
(B) Gupta Rule
(C) Saka Era
(D) Hun Era

uest|on 1 2 3 4 S 6
Answer C 8 D D 8 A

repared by
Name of the Cff|cer 1ra|nee Arun|ta hukan
ko|| No 10
Lma|| arun|tapQgma||com

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