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Name: Date: Global Studies

Egypt in Crisis Webquest

Directions: Grab your book bag and something to write with; we are going to the library to complete a webquest on Egypt. Please be sure to answer each question with details!! This assignment is worth 30 points. Do Now: Please take a moment to answer the following 1. Take a moment to think about the civil rights that you have by growing up in the USA. What would make you protest for these rights?

2. Rank the items below, be prepared to share these with the class.

(Number them 1-8 with 1 being the most important to you and 8 being the least)

lack of democracy rising food prices corrupt leaders unemployment country going to war racism lack of religious freedom rising taxes 3. Why did you choose to rank the items in this order? Please explain.

---IntermissionTime for a quick video clip and discussion--Why is it important for students to learn about what is happening in Egypt? 1.




---Please log onto the following websites and answer the corresponding questions--Egyptians Demand Change (You can also Google Egyptians demand change scholastic) 1. When did the protests start?__________ 2. Why are the citizens of Egypt protesting against President Mubarak?

3. What has he said in response to the protests?

4. What are the protestors demanding? Do you agree with them? Why or why not?

5. What is President Obamas response to this situation?

6. Take a moment to click on the Special Report link at the bottom of the page to read more information on the history of Egypt and where Egypt is now.

Cairos Fiery Protest Signs (You can also go on and search for Cairo Protest Signs 1. Review the slides of the protest signs. Which 3 images stand out the most to you? Describe the picture and why they stand out in your mind.

2. Have you ever seen these types of propaganda posters used before? Explain.

Please find an article of your choice on the Crisis in Egypt and complete the following.

You must use either BBC, ABC or CNN to complete this.

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