Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae

First name(s) /Surname(s) Moustafa SAID ALLAM ELDIN

Address 22 , rue de Borgogne , 75007 Paris , France
Date of birth 15/11/1983
Mobile 0033609515594

Education and training
2011- 2012 Vasler |r pr|vale |rlerral|ora| |aW ard |rlerral|ora| lrade |aW
al 3oroorre ur|vers|ly( Parlror-Assas), Par|s, Frarce (expecled)

2009-2012 oclorale |r pr|vale |r |rlerral|ora| |aW (d|sserlal|or sl||| |r corp|el|or process)
A|exardr|a ur|vers|ly, Egypl (expecled)

2007 - 2009 V |r lrlerral|ora| 8us|ress aW, Vag|slere de |'|rsl|lul de dro|l des alla|res
|rlerral|ora| (lAl)
Frercr deparlrerl , Ca|ro, 3oroorre ard aupr|re ur|vers|l|es

2007 - 2008 |gr |p|ora |r pr|vale |aW
A|exardr|a ur|vers|ly, Egypl

200 - 2007 |gr |p|ora |r ecoror|c ard l|rarc|a| sc|erces

A|exardr|a ur|vers|ly, Egypl

2002 - 200

8 |r |aW

Add|t|ona| educat|on
O Aug 2010: ague Acadery ol |rlerral|ora| |aW, Tre ague, Nelrer|ards, 0ourse
|n 57;,90 |nrernar|ona| |au.
O u|y 2010: ague Acadery ol |rlerral|ora| |aW, Tre ague, Nelrer|ards,0ourse |n
5:-. |nrernar|ona| |au
O u|y 2009: |p|re de Frara|s ur|d|que 82, Tre lCC Par|s, Frarce, W|lr 0rade

anguages 8k|||s
- Arab|c : Volrer lorgue

- ng||sh : Exce||erl ; Read|rg , wr|l|rg ard spea||rg

- rench : Exce||erl ; Read|rg , wr|l|rg ard spea||rg
omputer sk|||s
|ndows , off|ce and |nternet
ork experience
200 - 2011 awyer
lr |rlerral|ora| ous|ress |aW ,|rlerral|ora| Var|l|re aW ard Aro|lral|or , ls|ar|c |aW , ls|ar|c l|rarce
Al r 3a|ar E| Vo|ader aW 0ll|ce
3 3aad Zagr|ou| 3l, 21131 A|exardr|a (Egypl)

2010 - 2011 ega| researcher

Al Cerlre d'Eludes el de ocurerlal|or Ecoror|ques, ur|d|ques el 3oc|a|e (CEE) (a
Researcr ur|le |r lre Frercr lore|gr alla|rs r|r|slry )
3e|l E| Fade| 3l, Ca|ro (Egypl)
2008- Present
ega| trans|ator (free |ancer}
Frercr/Arao|c , Erg||sr/Arao|c
Add|t|ona| |nformat|on
Researches and Pub||cat|ons :
|n rench :
a 3a|s|e des Nav|res
|a resporsao|||l du gesl|orra|re de porleleu|||e (Vro|re, lAl)
e Voropo|e dars |e secleur de l|corrur|cal|or er Egyple (Vro|re, lAl
|n Arab|c :
Tre va|ue Treory 200Z Tre Rerl Treory 200Z
A correrlary or lre corsurer prolecl|or |aW, Corparal|ve sludy, 2008
lre |ega| ralure ol A| 3uFA'A 2008
Tre 3aud| corpel|l|or |aW ard corsurer prolecl|or 2008
Tre Cred|l Ral|rg Agerc|es 2009



Iob 1|t|e hone Number Lma|| Address
ur Salah Ll Mokadem
Lawyer before LgypLlan
CassaLlon CourL

+20123322933 salahelmokadem[gmallcom
rof Paflza Ll Paddad
Alexandrla unlverslLy prof of
prlvaLe lnLernaLlonal law
arblLraLor and lawyer before
LgypLlan cassaLlon courL

+20101717378 haflzaelhaddad[hoLmallcom
rof Plsham Sadek
Alexandrla unlverslLy prof of
prlvaLe lnLernaLlonal law
arblLraLor and lawyer before
cassaLlon courL

Crgan|zat|on Membersh|p]ko|e Member S|nce
LgypLlan 8ar AssoclaLlon Member March 2007
AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal Member SepLember 2010

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