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Song 1lLle 1ype of Song accordlng Lo

uescrlpLlon ln Lerms of Muslcal
1 Sakura/Cherry 8lossoms
(!apanese) uescrlbes Lhe beauLlful
cherry blossoms Lrees ln sprlng
naLure Song nasal volce Slow Lempo MeLer
ln 2 enLaLonlc 1onallLy
ModeraLe 8ange Monophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
2 Mo Ll Pua/!asmlne llowers
uescrlbe Lhe purlLy and fragrance of
Lhe [asmlne flower
naLure Song nasal volce ModeraLe 1empo
MeLer ln 2 enLaLonlc LonallLy
ModeraLe 8ange Monophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
3 Ahrlrang/uear and 8eauLlful
A meLaphor for a love who ls dear
and beauLlful
Love Song nasal volce ModeraLe 1empo
MeLer ln 3 enLaLonlc 1onallLy
ModeraLe 8ange Monophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
Song 1lLle 1ype of Song accordlng Lo luncLlon uescrlpLlon ln Lerms of Muslcal
4 Lol Lol kraLhong (1halland)
1he kraLhong ls made of
flowers floaLed on Lhe rlver
represenLlng one's leLLlng go
of sadness and bad feellngs
lesLlval Song nasal volce ModeraLe 1empo
MeLer ln 2 enLaLonlc LonallLy
ModeraLe 8ange Monophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
3 kecak (lndoneslan)
Monkey chanL performed
durlng Lhe rescue of SlLa ln
Lhe dance drama 8ama and
SlLa and also used as a
cleanslng rlLual ln 8all
8lLual and uance Song CuLLural volce lasL 1empo
lrregular undeLermlned LonallLy
narrow range PeLerophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
6 namane kare ChaLure
(lndlan) Song of 8especL for
one's Leacher
Song of 8especL ChesL volce ModeraLe Lempo
MeLer ln 4 Modal LonallLy
Wlde range Monophonlc
1exLure MellsmaLlc hraslng
Song 1|t|e 1ype of Song accord|ng to
Descr|pt|on |n terms of Mus|ca|
7 Pava nagllah (lsrael) Weddlng
song LhaL accompanles Lhe
lsraell Pora clrcle dance
Cccaslon (Weddlng uance)
ChesL volce ModeraLe Lo lasL
Lempo MeLer ln 2 Mlnor
LonallLy Wlde range
Pomophonlc 1exLure Syllablc
8 kumbayah (kenyan Congo)
kumbayah ls a shorLened form
of Come by here
8ellglous song ChesL volce ModeraLe Lempo
MeLer ln 3 Ma[or LonallLy
ModeraLe range Pomophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng
9 lunga Alafla (Llberlan)
Welcome song LhaL means
Welcome eace l glve Lo you
Welcome Song ChesL volce ModeraLe Lempo
MeLer ln 4 enLaLonlc LonallLy
ModeraLe range Pomophonlc
1exLure Syllablc hraslng

Song 1|t|e 1ype of Song accord|ng to
Descr|pt|on |n terms of Mus|ca|
10 Salre Marals (souLh Afrlcan)
An Amerlcan war song adapLed by
Lhe Afrlkaans durlng Lhe 8rlLlsh
war Lelllng Lhe sLory of one's
beloved moLher
Love Song ChesL volce lasL Lempo MeLer ln
4 Ma[or 1onallLy ModeraLe
range Pomophonlc 1exLure
Syllablc hraslng
11 Mbube (SouLh Afrlcan)
Mbube ls Lhe Afrlkaans word of
naLure Song ChesL volce ModeraLe Lempo
MeLer ln 4 Ma[or 1onallLy Wlde
range olyphonlc 1exLure
MellsmaLlc hraslng

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