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E dw ard Peake C of E M iddle School

Helping us to help your children

19th September 2008
Dear Parents,

As you will know, both from our prospectus and from the experience of previous years, it
has for some time been the policy of the school to make a small charge to families for work
produced in Art, Design and Technology lessons. This represents a contribution towards
the ever-increasing costs of the materials used in these subjects, and has meant that we
have been able to significantly improve both the quality and the range of materials used by
the children.

Some schools raise this money by charging children to take their work home, but we believe
this unfairly penalises children of poorer families and often means they are unable to keep
work of which they are proud.

Our solution is to ask families ‘up-front’ for a contribution. We would be grateful for a
contribution of £5.00 per child, as an annual payment for materials used. Families with
several children should pay no more than £10.

This policy will mean that, once again, we will be making no charge for individual items which
are made during the year, although children will be expected to bring in ingredients that
they need for their Food Technology lessons.

Please could you arrange to send the completed reply slip and your contribution into school
as soon as possible? Your support in this way is very much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Garraway (Headteacher)


Materials contribution

Child’s name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class ……………….

I enclose a contribution of £5.00 towards materials used at school.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………….

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