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W Slnce 1973 Llnens n 1hlngs has been provldlng hlgh quallLy home LexLlles housewares and
decoraLlve accessorles wlLh worldwlde recognlLlon AL [usL Lhe age of 22 Llnens n 1hlngs
founder Lugene Wallace had a vlslon of supplylng Lhe Amerlcan markeL wlLh superlor
household llnens and accessorles aL pracLlcal and affordable prlces As Lhe years progressed
Llnens n 1hlngs successfully expanded lLs slze and dlverse producL llne Lo become one of Lhe
counLry's largesL and mosL proflLable reLallers of housewares llnens and home accessorles
W AL Ln1com Lhey have a sLrong commlLmenL Lo growLh and lnnovaLlon WlLh over Len
caLegorles Lo choose from Ln1com ls worklng hard Lo brlng an even blgger varleLy of
Lhlngs such as garden decor speclalLy cookware elecLronlcs peL supplles and more When
lL comes Lo our producLs we work dellcaLely Lo flnd Lop of Lhe llne producLs from suppllers
llke 1ommy Pllflger Laura Ashley 1ommy 8ahama and Mlchael kors aL excepLlonal everyday
W LlnennLhlngs provlde Lhelr cusLomers wlLh a huge range of LexLlle comprlslng of labrlcs and
W 1helr huge range comprlses of 8LuulnC 8A1P uC8M uLCC8 WlnuCW lu8nl1u8L
kl1CPLn and WLuulnC
W Ashley Crey uuveL SeL by 8llssllvlng 1he slgnaLure 8llssllvlng Ashley CollecLlon borrows Lhe
conLemporary concepL of flaL arL Lo produce a masLerplece for a masLer bedroom 1he bed becomes a
canvas of pure coLLon saLeen emblazoned wlLh magnlflcenL chrysanLhemums cropped and scaled for
Iabr|c Deta||s
uuveL seL and Shams are made of 100
CoLLon SaLeen
300 1hread CounL
lull/Cueen uuveL Cover 90 x 93
klng uuveL Cover 108 x 93
London uuveL SeL by 8llssllvlng 1he London skyllne sLreLches across Lhe 1hames and your bed wlLh Lhls
charcoal greyprlnLed 300Lc whlLe coLLon saLeen duveL seL 1he London Calllng desLlnaLlon graphlc
appears on Lhe duveL cover face wlLh ombreprlnLed fogllke rlver reflecLlons hlghllghLlng Lhe boLLom
edge whlle Lhe maLchlng plllow shams wlLh charcoal grey flaL plplng apLly carry Lhe clouds moLlf uuveL
reverses Lo solld whlLe coLLon saLeen SeL lncludes duveL and Lwo maLchlng plllow shams
Iabr|c Deta||s
uuveL seL and Shams are made of 100 CoLLon
300 1hread CounL
lull/Cueen uuveL Cover 90 x 93
klng uuveL Cover 108 x 93
W 8old and beauLlful lsland leaves brlng Lhe warm Lroplcal breezes lnLo your home erfecL
Lable llnens for dlnlng ln casual elegance ?ou wlll flnd someLhlng for any shape Lable round
square or recLangle
W CompleLed ln 1883 Lhe 8rooklyn 8rldge ls one of Lhe oldesL suspenslon brldges ln Lhe world
and consldered a naLlonal hlsLorlc landmark whlch ls Laken as Lhe ldea for Lhe shower
W MaLerlal 100 LvA or 100vC wlLh nlckel plaLed grommeLs Color black and whlLe
W ConLlnuous floral absLracL Laken as an lnsplraLlon Lo brlng a llvely feel Lo Lhe one who see's lL
W 100 polyesLer curLaln panel easy care Avallable ln 84 96 or 108
W 1heme beach
W 100 LgypLlan
W coLLon
W Cne slde velour
CLher Slde 1erry
W uouble !acquard
W A clLy skyllne ls carefully prlnLed onLo black dyed coLLon
W When lllumlnaLed Lhe energy of a busLllng clLy awakens wlLh bulldlngs and skyscrapers
Laklng on a Lhree dlmenslonal appearance
W 8umman 8lzvl

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