The Queen Puppy

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1he Cueen uppy

lL all sLarLed ln uppy World ln 2006 when Lhe rlncess uppy aLches became
Lhe Cueen uppy

8uL one day someone sLole aLches' crown When she wenL Lo look for lL she
could noL flnd lL! lL was because Lhe 8ad up puL lL ln Lhe garden

So she wenL and asked Maddy lf she had seen her crown buL she sald no
1haL's okay l'll go ask Mllly" sald aLches
So she wenL and asked Mllly afLer she asked Maddy and Mllly sald ?es l have
seen your crown"

aLches sald Where?" wlLh a blg smlle on her face

ln Lhe garden close Lo Lhe flowers" sald Mllly

uo you know who sLole my crown?" sald aLches

?es 8obber up"sald Mllly

1hank you l wlll have a Lalk Lo hlm"sald aLches 8obber up goL puL ln Lhe
dungeon Lhen we never saw hlm agaln 1hey llved happlly ever afLer

1PL Lnu!!!!!!!!!!!!
8y Abby MoekoLLe))

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