Minister of Finance

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Monsleur or Madame
Pls lmperlal Ma[esLy napoleon Lhe llrsL 8y Lhe Crace of Cod and Lhe ConsLlLuLlons of
Lhe 8epubllc Lmperor of Lhe lrench has commlssloned you Lo esLabllsh flnanclal reforms LhaL
wlll beneflL and exLend our glorlous counLry of lrance
..~..... .~~.~
urpose ou are belng commlssloned Lo provlde ldeas of economlc/flnanclal reforms LhaL are
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe bellefs of Lhe lrench 8evoluLlon and for Lhe beneflL of your Lmperor and hls

D|rect|ons leel free Lo use Lhe followlng webslLes as guldes and Lo search on your own CaLher
lnformaLlon abouL some economlc/flnanclal reforms lmplemenLed durlng napoleon's relgn
Cnce you have gaLhered Lhe lnformaLlon please llsL some of Lhe reforms how Lhey beneflL Lhe
lrench people and how Lhey are conslsLenL wlLh Lhe 8evoluLlon

oss|b|e Suggest|ons
O CreaLlon of a naLlonal bank
O 8eform Lhe Lax sLrucLure
O 8eformlng Lhe currency


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