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CA LENDA P A ND ,-, rp ~ 1..t ?

Q u 0 I S E ~H C HI LD third and f 0 urt h c i r c 1e s

'C' T tr ""

You now have the which has been named, TON"ATIUH, the Sun God; the Second circle called, THE OLLIN MOVEMEWT= and now the Third circle what Anthropologist call, THE CALENDAR. Little is given the fourth

circle except it is to symbolize the combination of five-in-five days. The two rr.ust in combination be in association and be considered as functioning

to one of the other, to corr.eetly. synchr.onize time. CHILD,

~he fourtn Circle or what nas Deen named, ~ME TURQUOISE is a 360 day Calendar. It will revolve( once eve~¥

2 days=1,728 hours.

It will make 5 such revolutions and you will note that the OLLIN MOVEr:1ENT keeps track of the nurnbe . Th e OLLIN r,:OVEI,lENT will make one complete r revolution in 120 hours or 5 days ai'ter- THE TURQUOISE CHILD has made This does not include the movement of THE SUN GOD.

its. revolutions.

The Third Circle will make one complete revolution every 437 days, 13 hours, and 39 minutes, representing the trail of two Great Serpents.

Donrt worry about the 5 hours, 46 rr.inutes,and 48 seconds needed every

365 days which accumulates to 23.12 hours every 1;460 hours, because
the Sun God is keeping track how many have passed and at what power the Sun is at each of the four quarters.Qn Earth.

someone to say this is day one or two on the CALENDAR had to

have traditional teachinrs and training and know his or her Clan. That is why when one looks at the Anthropology interpre~ation on·when .was, day

one through twenty, it proves there is no knowledge of the Clans. Only a traditionalist knows the beginning of the Third Circle. This becomes

hard to believe, especially when the Eagle and the Serpent can be found almost, everywhere in Mexico. The Serpent representing the Ancient's concef

on ~i~e which can also be found on the Third and Fif~h circles of the AZ~:r::::: S·~CI'·;? The Ea-g br i ns-s in the legend of Cr-ea i cn and The Sky Le t Wo:ran. Ther~ is no question in my mind, that Julius Caesar had an object close in detail to that of the AZTt:C STONE when he created the JuH .. an Calendar. Truthfully, the Gregorian is only a continuation of it. Calendars who use the Julius Caesar concept

The Julian or Gregorian

of the Leap Year day; .Tery:fourth·'year had made it,impossible to reach back in time to correctly synchronize, making the present out and the future impossible to reach. By adding one day to the calendar and then it for three years, puts accuoulated time in error according


to the Universe and Creator, Great Spirit's time. Just from the present to when the AZTEC STONE was said to be completed, the Gregorian Calendar at the very least is in error by 259 days, 3 hours, and 50 minutes, according making to true time. But I said the AZTEC 'STONE was frozen in time, In this fr·ozen.position, it identified

it an Ancient 'I'Lme Capsule.

S time events, times 10= making a total of 80 predictions in time. I

beLt eve at the time this STONE was made 3 had already came to past, times 10= 30 predictions had come to past. Being a descendant of the Ancients'

the Taos Pueblo in New ~exico. Canandaigua is also mentioned in the Court Case, PEOPLE OF THE STA TF OF NElNYORK, -v- BOOTS, 1981, so the Judges and the state are aware of the area. My Grandmother Flute use to tell me in my youth on the reservation (Sisseton, South Dakota) of the time WE, as a nation built our first capital after the catastrophe that created the Mississippi River. It was in thearea known today as St. Paul, Hinnesota. The main downtown called

was at the Mound, or what the Ar-chae oIog i st and Anthropologist

a Temple. Today, you will find a Hospital built on top of this Temple which is called The Mounds Hospital. A walk down Kellogg Bouliverd in St. Paul, you find the past history recorded on Stone. The area had a population of 20,000 people both white and Indians before it was named

St. Paul. There is no mention to what it is called before, nor can it be found in any archives. My Grandmother seated we were the last of our

tribe to-ieave our capital city and I can still find the boundrys to my personal property in the city. This has always remained with me because

the white schools had taught me the Iv:ississippiRiver was over 75 million years old through Archaeology and Anthropology. The question before me was, is St. Paul, Minnesota 75 ~illion years old, or around goo years old as is Canandaigua, New York and Taos Pueblo in New Mex i.c? o In a small review.of my life, 40 years or so after my Grandmother told of these legends; the reading of what seems like tons upon tons of reading material, scientific papers that would fill any major archive, I can conclude today, that my Grandmother was absolutely, scientifically, actually correct in the legend passed on to me" but it was the AZTEC STONE that unlock the stored information in my mind. Just how old does the civiIi zed scientific
c ommurri y authorize to t

be use as the age of the Niagara Falls and the Mississippi River to Be?

after visiting Niagara Falls, through his calculations,

placed it at

35,000 years ago. What has never been brought to light on the time Lyell made his calculations, was that after talking to Confederacy members or Indians who gave him certain land erosions equations to use, which would have placed the time of the creation of the Niagara Falls close to the year of 1157 A.D. The reason he gave as for not using the Indian's method, was they have a way of exaggerating facts. Now this is what you call a real Indian hater. FroQ the year of 1794 to when the last'eeientiti~ eatirr.&tiGn was made 155 years later, the estimation before the present time. is still from 500 to 1500 years

VIhat scientist are or had trouble with is, This

trying to stay with the theory of or Doctrine of Uniformity.

Doctrine is the method of aging the earth which Dust began with the last Ice age and there can be no catastrophes from then to the present. If there was a catastrophe, the aging theories are useless. There is no dispute that the last Ice age was around 4000 years from the present time. So, the calculations of the AZTEC STONE of 1131 A.D. stand as solid as any Scientist'of Anthropology can conclude. of the Geology Societiis

~f the world,
of the time

The same problems existed on the estimation

of the Mississippi

River. Were speaking about the notables in these grea

sciences, such as-G. Henson, Royal Society of Canada; W.A. Johnson, alse of this Society; Humphreys and Abbot report on the Mississippi River; C. Wolfe, Professor of geology at Boston University; F.B. Taylor, Michigan The Ice Age in North America; ReF. Fli

Academy of Sciences; G.F. Wright, of Yale in Glacial Geology

and the Pleistocene Epoch; just to name afe~ who are trying to prevent the bones

Of course we have the die-hards

of Charles Darwin from shaking, rattling, and rolling in the grave such as, A

Penck, of "Das Alter des l'-lenschengeschlechts, Zeitschfrift fttr T!

~1_~ ~~ .; '"' -t-hO



vears for the methe

relate an event in history that the civilized world today can only assurr.e all probabilities, might have happened. in The fact that these people dedicated five days a year to the CREATOR , GRF~T SPIRIT was omitted from interpretations, would never know what event.---so the rest of the world This circle is called, THE OLLIN MOVEMENT

which was frozen by stone, so that certain events would never be lost. But the Stone itself was only an object copied after the real, which did move as a clock, calendar, ritual'-dat~, and history recorded of the Past, Present, and the Future. For over four hundred years, a', ruth' has been hidden, by the telling t of an untruth. The people of the AZTEC STONE believed in human sacrifice and had to be nourshied by human blood and hearts. Yet, all they did

was record some past events along with afew into the future. Isn't it str.ange that the accuser practices the old Isis Cult of strong drink to bring the New Year in. Gives great reverance and dedicatic to tEe Holy day of Isis. today as Sunday. Recorded religious history cannot deny that the masters of Human sacrifice are the members of the Isis Cult. That their preparation of the cooking and baking of Human Blood and Hear-t is done with a Gourmet's s touch. The very wording of Human sacrifice, human blood and heartsThe day of tne'Sun; or what' is ·better known

in that order, reve~ls someone that is pa~t 'ofthe rit~al because -legend has it that whoever has seen It, _not being a f'c'l r, never'lived to Lowe tell the world about,it.

SO, THE FOSSILIZATION millions of years to form.



does not take


HAS REMAINED THE SAME FROM BEFORE THE ICE AGE(S), life ~tyle, and culture; theories so ~s a race cannot be

in body structure, included


in Anthropology


BECAUSE descendant


MAN, the Indian becomes

the only

who has witnessed

Catastrophe (s ) of FOSSILIZA TIJN


could be linked to the CRO MAGNON

and NEANL::?,:'I-L

MAN; all scientific

evidence and Anthropology



are closed to the public as of 1984, so says THE SMITHSONIAN of Washington, D.C. MAN is the only Anthropology of ETolation

This GOLDEN of Darwin's

find that could fit all


that the civilized race could have ccrtle who has of time that mixed with the GOLDEN MAN

from a lower class not changed since

of animal life. The Indian of the America's the beginning

or WOMAN genetically: " .•.•• as of gigantic stature, between 12 and 15 feet tall. Their skin was dark of an almond colour and tawny, their lower jaw bones prominent, their count.enances oddly flattened, their eyes small but penetrating, and Tery widely apart: They had no foreh::ad, but an extraordinary mass of flesh bulged out, and the head was of a very much retreating slant, while round and about it was a reptilian skin with extraordinary reflections as the light shone on it • .The l~gs: arid arms,' above all :were proportionately very long, much longer than those of modern man. Their hands, and feet and heels were very pronounced. From the back and on the shoulders hung a skin like that of a rhinaceros, but Tery scaly, like that of a Saurian. This race lived with the Dinosaurs and Saurians and aF;ear to have ruled over and enslaved them. In the right hand these monster men carried a war club, and in the left, held in leash by a cord made of strong vegetable fibre, was an enarmous and repulsive reptile that rendered them the services of a Falcon in the chase." SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTH AMERICA ,Wilkins, Rider and Co.~ pgg. 26),264.

I will quote several world events in which these events effec '_E:d. .h \...e world. The~e event~ could not have happened unless some one had Some knowledge to the life-span of The Great Serpent, was able to synch:cLized time, and prophesied with a human voice in full knowledge that sorn~ type of event would happen. These events cannot be scientifically be the results of the Pla.nets in certain positions and 'cannot be scientifically explained. However, assum~d to

within our sola:' e y st.e c

the events can be .:':::'und

as precise events that happen through Ancient Rituals of Prophecy. Because of certain Ancient by any Ancient, Ancient Tribal Rules, these events were not per~c~ilied

so it had to be a civilized group, in a position t~ ~~:le( the Ancient records, and than try to see if

records, translate

prophecy by the Great Serpent did work. Please bear in mind the years presented in B.C. and A.D., ~hows that these historical records were

looked upon after· Oct. 15,1582 A.D. when the Roman Gregorian came :nto existence with a forward 11 day adjustment that .. as' made; after Sept. w

14, 1752 A.D. when the European Gregorian came into existence with a forward 12 day adjustment, which now had to be synchronized with the

Roman Gregorian, and; after June 2,1779 A.D. when the Gregorian wa~ ~ow moved back 17 days. 45 B.C.-At the time of Caesar's· death.,: the Sun g;id not give-f{~ light which caused the air to be thick, cold and hazy a.nd the. :-c'ps £~ile~ that ~ear.(Pltitarch, in Jul~Caes.~ap.87; Dio·CE~~.vli, Virg.Georg.i.,466.) ~5gA.D. August 22, The Ear-th was darkness from 2 1:.0 3 hours ar.,: J'-~ierE was an Earthquake that destroyed several cities in Nic _::.ecia; Macedonia, and Pontus. There was no objects or Planet~ ~ear or by the Sun that could have cut off the light. (AmmiL. ~~;..:c~ xvii. ,7)

Now, being


The requirement


that the Gau must stand witpout

nailed, (PRESENT

glued, or bolted

together. IT STANDS AS SUCH) why the CREATOR, logically, GREAT SPIRIT handed-

THE GAD AND SHOW THAT many reasons

One could present

down such a requirement, because


and scientifically, an

it can only be done in one manner system that separates their own spiritual a people senses.

and this manner presents from all others

educational would

so the young

develop Today,

this place and time----I contact with the American

find the descendants Indianhave forgotten

of those who had the reason they

the second were

sent here. In the early 1600's, their ancesters were sent here as convicts from

a judgement that prisons nature destory


a sentence

to a crime that was alleged contact with

to be so hidious the

would not prevent

other human beings_and contact with

of their crimes was such that any personal the Victorian Morality principles

anyone would

of the civilized


None Ancestors countries. What Death

of these present-day were not beheaded


have figured out why their France, and other European

back in England,

legal fact prevented

the Sentencing

Ju~ge from carrying

out the



corning frem The Second Law of AEISAMENTUM-v-

'The La nd (SecundumLune Deterrninabantur, BACON VI § 88, AERIRA -v- AEREAi

AISIAMENI'UMi and AELICUS -v- CAELICUS)wi th three Court Cases I can't even pronounce, that Prosecutors that any personal were able to prove their cases before contact would have destroyed PRINCIPLES INQUISITION COURTS. to the



newly ·created VICTORIAN


for the new~civilized


These Morality OF THE GROUP,



with a SONNETrelieved




the world

responsibilities History the meaning OF RELIGIOUS

to fellow human beings. them as being called: PRIGRIMS and if can understand PLACE BECAUSE




The word comes

from the LATIN(Peregrinus)meaning Christian Bible

FOREIGNOR. 42 years after unconditional Language gave

Now the original Engl~nd!sJCRTER surrender

in use since 4S1A.D.



sacked, accepted

from the·ROMAN. EMPIRE, was printed in use throughout European

in a late Egyptian

that had been the Secerts


for centuries.that

by doctrines

of the 12 Apostles

and their spiritual

powers. done by

Then carne the new translation the Peterborough Monastery

of the Bible and its teachings

of England. by the Inquisition Cour~s for but the were

These Ancestors believing Judges

were found guilty

in this old Bible translation the death

in the~)Egyptian language because these

could not pronounce Descendants



also Signatory

who had signed

Treaties with

the Indians here

prior to 1491A.D. Their sentinee was to be banished from Europe forever and to serve

their remaining

years as members

of a penal colony here. Bible and its teachings believe were

But they had heard that the original done here in the original language.


this there would

have to be some kind of proof which Pueble written Treaties sitting

can still be found today. of Santa Fe New Mexico are

in the Archives language. because freedom

in this same late Egyptian records


them as PILGRIMS

at the time, and their

it was the only £ulilled

place in the world that freedom.

that had religious


When the PILGRIMS Did these American were doom without

landed, they were

faced with an unknown


Indians believe hope.

in a BIBLE?

If not, these Ancestors

with only one alternative them the Universal

left, they met with these Indians to be murdered on the spot.

and handed

Gift expecting understood

But these Indians Courtesy, which

and were bound traditionally with VICTORIAN MORALITY,

by Tribal that also

is in direct conflict

had a Sonnet: MY HOME beings in the world.



one responsibile

for all human

It was this UNIVERSAL made their survival through

GIFT and through

Tribal Custom

and Usage that an enjoyable one.

the first cold bitter winter

the Taos Pueblo in New Mexico. Canandaigua is also mentioned in the Court Case, PEOPLE OF THE STATF OF NEVI YORK, -v- BOOTS, 1981, Judges and the state are aware of the area. My Grandmother Flute use to tell me in my youth on the reservation (Sisseton, South Dakota) of the time WE, as a nation built our first capital after the catastrophe that created the Mississippi River. It was in thearea known today as St. Paul, Minnesota. The main downtown was at the Mound, or what the Archaeol-ogist and Anthropologist called a Temple. Today, you will find a Hospital built on top of this Temple which is called The Mounds Hospital. A walk down Kellogg Bouliverd in St. Paul, you find the past history recorded on Stone. The area had a population of 20,000 people both white and Indians before it was named St. Paul. There is no mention to what it is called before, nor can it be found in any archives. My Grandmother stated we were the last of our so the

tribe to leave our capital city and I can still find the boundrys to my personal property in the city. This has always remained with me because

the white schools had taught me the Iv:ississippiRiver was over 75 million years old through Archaeology and Anthropology. The question before me was, is St. Paul, Minnesota 75 ~illion years old, or around 800 years old as is Canandaigua, New York and Taos Pueblo in New Mexico? In a small review of my life, 40 years or so after my Grandmother told of these legends; the reading of what seems like tons upon tons of reading material, scientific papers that would fill any major archive,
I can conclude today, that my Grandmother was absolutely, scientifically,

actually correct in the legend passed on to me, but it was the AZTEC STONE that unlock the stored information in my mind. Just how old does the civilized scientific co~~unity authorize to be use as the age of the Niagara Falls and the Mississippi River to Be?
_r"I ,-,L , __


after visiting Niagara Falls, through his calculations, placed it at 35,000 years ago. What has never been brought to light on the time Lyell made his calculations, was that after talking to Confederacy members or Indians who gave him certain land erosions equations to use, which would have placed the time of the creation of the Niagara Falls close to the year of 1157 A.D. The reason he gave as for not using the Indian's method, was they have a way of exaggerating facts. Now this is what you call a real Indian hater. FroQ the year of 1794 to when the last'~eientiri~ &atim&tiGn was made 155 years later, the estimation is still from 500 to 1500 years before the present time. Vihat scientist are or had trouble with is,

trying to stay with the theory of or Doctrine of Uniformity. This Doctrine is the method of aging the earth which must began with the last Ice age and there can be no catastrophes from then to the present. If there was a catastrophe, the aging theories are useless. There is no dispute that the last Ice age was around 4000 years from the present time. So, the calculations of the AZTEC STONE of 1131 A.D. stand as solid as any Scientist ·of Anthropology can conclude. of the Geology Soc Le t Ls e i]f the world· of the time

The same problems existed on the estimation

of the Mississippi

River. Were speaking about the notables in these grea~

sciences, such as-G. Henson, Royal Society of Canada; W.A. Johnson, also of this Society; Humphreys and Abbot report on the Mississippi River; C.\ Wolfe, Professor of geology at Boston University; F.B. Taylor, Michigan Academy of Sciences; G.F. Wright, of Yale in Glacial Geology The Ice Age in North America; RoF. Flir

and the Pleistocene Epoch; just to name afew.

Of course we have the die-hards who are trying to prevent the bones of Charles Darwin from shaking, rattling, and rolling in the grave such as, A

Penck, of "Das Alter des ~'lenschengeschlechts, Zei tschfrift fitr T1

Ethnologie, XL. by trying to keep in the millions of years for the methoc

Ifm still only in possession like many Indians, with limited and small parts of all origianal rituals, so construction of the past is limited to this knowledge. According to the AZTEC STONE, the Aztec Nation started officially

on October 2, 1422 If the Anthropologist recording the stories on this Stone from Indians appear to have gotten wrong information, the truth as shown, appears the anthropologist applied the information on the wrong circles. When the

fact that the Ritual Calendar had been stated as consisting of 260 days, which correlates with the authority and the office of what is called; The Sun God, found in the Lnt.e r-c r-c.l.e of the STOT'TF. i This 260 days, appli~s to the highest office in the Indian culture because so~eone knew how to apply the Great Serpent and the Equation.

Lets decipher this to civilized knowledge by beginning with this 260 days and changing it to an Ancient equation. 260 x 15.083333= 3921.66658 - 3300(Lifespan of the Serpent)= 621.66658 666(Time Rquation) - 44.33342(age of Indian doing the synchronizing)= 621.66658. 44.33342 x 2 = 88.66684 + 1,000 + 3300 ~15.083333=290.961343888 1422.75537634408 - Z90.961343888= 1131.79403246 years.

If we look at the TURQUISE CHILD of 360 days x 15.08333=5429.99988 -600(first born} -e08(women of the Clan)-630(events)-3300(the Serpent)= 2~2 years. - g(minutes per days for the light of the Sun to reach Earth .00555536366= 2~O.3S6795745 years, which makes the 360 day Calendar st~rting 150 days before. On October 16,113lA.D. at 9:07A.r,1., major global catastrophe came to a an end. This catastrophe began on December 29,1130A.D. at 8:07P.M. U.S. Scientist can only estimate that it happened between 1100 to 1200 A.D. of the Seneca's in New The time of the Strawberry Feast or Dance

York can be traced back to the building of their first capital after thIs great catastrophe which created Niagara Falla. The year can be estimated to be 1157 A.D., so the area known today as Canandaigua, New York has continuedly been:ocdupied for 828 years, making it as old as











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I'm still only in possession like many Indians, with limited and small parts of all origianal rituals, so construction of the past is limited to this knowledge. According to the AZTEC STONE, the Aztec Nation started officially on October 2, 1422 If the Anthropologist recording the stories on this Stone from Indians

appear to have gotten wTong information, the truth as shown, appears the anthropologist applied the inforffiationon the wrong circles. When the

fact that the Ritual Calendar had been stated as consisting of 260 days, which correlates with the authority and the office of what is called; The Su."1 God, found in the r-c Ie of the STONF. ~his 260 days, applies to the hizhest office in the Indian culture because so~eone knew how to apply the Great Serpent and the Equation.

Lets decipher this to civilized knowledge by beginning with this 260 days and changing it to an Ancient equation. 260 x 15.083333= 3921.66658 - 3300(Lifespan of the Serpent)= 621.66658 666(Time Equation) - 44.33342(age of Indian doing the synchronizing)= 621.66658. 44.33342 x 2 = 88.66684 + 1,000 + 3300 ~15.083333=290.961343888 1422.75537634408 - Z90.96l343888= 1131.79403246 years.

If we look at the TURQUISE CHILD of 360 days x 15.08333=5429.99988 -600(first born} -608(women of the Clan)-630(events)-3300(the Serpent)= 292 years. - 8(minutes per days for the light of the Sun to reach Earth .00555536366= 290.386795745 years, which makes the 360 day Calendar starting 150 days before. On October l6,1131A.D. at 9:07A.r.1., major global catastrophe came to a an end. This catastrophe began on December 29,1130A.D. at 8:07P.M. U.S. Scientist can only estimate that it happened between 1100 to 1200 A.D. The time of the Strawberry Feast or Dances of the Seneca's in New York can be traced back to the building of their first capital after th"is great catastrophe which created Niagara F&lla. The year can be estimated to be 1157 ~.D., so the area known today as Canandaigua, New
. '----'1"--

1..--- .... ,.~.,.....


f'n .... R?R


mak'i nz it as old as




Antiquity, Anthropology, and Astrology scholars and scientist have spent billions upon billions of dollars through research, trying to find the answer to how did the Ancients know in their writtings of the past, and still know with all their records destroyed, when the Planets of MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, EARTH, and JUPITER would synchronize in Orbits. For a very good reason!


The American Indian knew by the Orbit comparasion of the Planets at


a given point and time, the number of years that had passed since an Ancient event. Just what this event could possible be, you would have to understand old Ancient Traditional Indian thinking and it would surp~ise alot of people including those that look for their daily horoscope readings. Now, this Ancient event of the past, plus the Orbit comparasion of the Planets, is the future. THE FUTURE TO WHAT? Again! we would have to search the logics and sayings of the Indian for the past 500 years which has been recorded not only i~ English, but Medieval English, Medieval Spanish, Medieval French, Medieval German, Medieval Latin, and Medieval Arabic. What this event could possible be to the American Indian, it has top priority in the lifestyle that satisfies human desires, spiritual fulfillmer. and the completeness of a human life span. Every Governmenta 1 Officia 1, Scholar, Sc ientist, and Ethnic Res earcher


that is working with, or worked with, the Indian and collected culturual data, can hear and see it but cannot explain it. by these people as a conclusion without a subject. THE AMERICAN INDIAN IS WAITING FOR AN EVENT TO HAPPEN, THAT SHE OR HE CANNOT EXPLA IN OR RELATE THE EVENT. It is always presented

2. There is a price that must be paid, not in wealth or presitag~. or person classification, but by personal attitudes that open knowledges to genetics that establish the rules to communication with the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT. As stated,The Indian is the most written about one subject, and such Authors as ROBERT W. WILSON, HERBERT J. SPINDEN, SYLANUS MORLEY, ESCALONARAMUS,. G. ZIMMER, J.T.GOODMAN, JUAN MARTINAZ-HERNANDEZ, J.ERIC S.THOMPSON, WATERS, and of course DOCTOR LAIRMORE of the FOUNDATION of AKASCHIC RESEARCH of London all wrote about the stranger culture and sciences of the American Indian. When I was taken from the reservation and placed in a Government Indian School to learn the english language, we were not permitted to speak about the subjects these authors wrote about or speak in our first language or pray to the CREATOR, or receive a beating that often ended in death. The Prayer was over one word. Not the CREATOR, but GOD. So I've paid the price or dues to the subjects I lecture on. Also stated, Aristotle's Intellectual system is quite different then Tribal Logics by others who have listened to my presentations on Ancient American Indian Culture and sciences, who, could not understand simple mathematics when applied to a different lifestyle and culture. I spoke of subjects that my Grandparents taught before I could speak the english language and was surprise to learn they were subjects that were unknown in this White Man's World. I assumed everyone was in command bf Abstract Logics and discovered it was not Abstract but common coming from another culture. This mistake will not be made again because it made the American Indian complex, when in fact, it is a simple lifestyle that one cannot help but live in gentle ease. The difference being what are the common teachings to A,B,C, and 1,2, and 3's. I will lecture ATTITUDES. on the following subjects.

They are considered Tribal Courtesies that must be habitual. They are not taught to make one a better individual, but to qualify one for the lifestyle and assure one will control their own destiny. that help synchronize your physical Earth and the Universe. existence from birth with the must


OF TIME so one can learn about the eight times, the CREATOR listen to your wishes falling within two SUGh cYGies. OF EARTH so one can understand TIME WALKING rituals belong to all people. and MEDITATION that l<eep your physical can be understood. the corriders THE PRESENT

and why we believe all so the unseen as follows:

CENTER clear,

of time, past and present. It is worded minus THE PAST, equals THE FUTURE.


During living behind made have

the 1920 and 1930's, Indian



their right

to go to Washington in payments.

D.C. every year for lease monies owed by and all citizen This was the whole States· could If tribes country which was 10 years this so they they coul' this right, The United no longer offord surrendered

on our territories. tribal

a deal with that was


a seat in the United Tribal leaders GREAT

States Government.

It turned out to be Vice-Presid, by losing the right to "poli. to go gave the



for only 4 years. had made a very bad mistake so they began to Pray, give this problem. the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT been given to a traditional, spiritual, SPIRIT that would sing and dance for a sign from

the pot~ every year, the CREATOR, to Washington requested tribal

the right and knowledge

and correct

In the year leader,

of 1932, in the spring,

sign to go by. It hadn't brncrawling

but to a little Indian

boy struck down with Polio who could and knees. This sign was felt by White and Indian but it was the considered it an insult from it had to be Spiritual

only get around everybody Indian that knew

on his hands South Dakota,

living/Sisseton, GREAT

the reason for it. My people SPIRIT because health. alcoholics Not a cripple! which gave

the CREATOR, Straight with

the one to recieve the reason

and in perfect were

Htf ;;,X/Sre//ce_

My parents who approved


to be done away of my people I was not the

and many such attempts common

were tried

and failed. Not s~ for many leaders Killing and murdering did nothing to stop it.

the surrendering

this right.

by my people was first-born, I had

and the government

My Grandmother the reservation AT THE TREATIES. My Grandmother me in a high Society house and having

knew I had recieved

this sign, even though

the right to this knowledge

of old and after was to leave STATES WILL NOT LOOK and placed around the for one summel to my and

on a quest- TO FIND OUT WHY THE UNITED got the government playroom to purchase

legs braces

home where one watched my Grandmother

Maids and Chauffers requested my return

a personal-

20' by 40feet

No sooner:.having ~ottel I returned

used to this new lifestyle, so I could attend reservation. expense My mother

a tribal ritual. and Grandmother and preparing

In the mid-1930's

now went through great effort

for an outfit

for the coming ritual which was to mark about 50 tribal members packed Tents, foo,

my future duties drums, and sacret

as'a tribal member. articles to do this ritual into cars and we traveled about

Then carne the day in mid-June


7 miles Northwest prepared.

30 years

from Sisseton, only certain

South Dakota members

to grounds

that had. been till almost in

Imagine! later.

of each family were selected. a handfull

I never understood the last days.

why the rest of our family was not present state there will be only the events

But our prophecys

Over 50 years later,

that took place are remember the most beautiful into the position select

like it took place only yesterday. The first eveningI've heard presented Songs, dances, and prayers and seen, even to this day. to the Elders. Before elements I had to answer questions were created. handed-down Soon it became my turn to be ask. Could I tell how Light, Heat, GREAT SPIRIT Time and Light along with my mothE in the area was she

I would be accepted

by my family, why.

Cold, and other under what

Just how did Time create Light and from the CREATOR,

What was the formulas situations

could they be used and why. Explain before touching Earth. my Grandmother while eating because putting

and why they changed

It must have been successful gave me an extra bowl of Buf~alo circle. The dances and songs were

from the sacred

good and the spirit made a remark

very good and it was time to go to sleep for the night. While my parents were covering me up my Grandmother happen~-that I can believe of danger knew what would "if you are in a situation and the

Whi te Man demands prayer

you pick a religion,

pick one in maJ-;:e-believe." we were now a member of the meal.

The next morning, Fire People. appointed

before the Sun came up, we got up to do a song and to our tents to cook and eat the morning prayer and song, letting

just has the SUN could be seen,because We returned

It was becoming colors, GREAT SPIRIT Police, knocked

that time that we had to put on our outfits with the the CREATOR, and State with not only in Time, but mind and heart. drawn, running up and

to do the Highnoon

know we were synchronized from over the hills of the National shouting,"


carne White Men who were B.I.A. the Elders Wings,


Guard with weapons

down our tents. They were hitting of the Drummers, Drums, Rattles, gasoline

and Clan Mothers

their rifle butts the hands Everything



One Soldier ;~ro'.-

and the Gaus. like it was part of this on it and was burned. and in a pile and

my pe0ple were wearing on the ground, us names. were placed

that looked

ritual was placed

was poured

Our foods and blankets spit on it ~nd calling burned them.

in a pile. The White Men now pissed our tents

They now placed

Some were many years

old and had been used in the signing of

5. Treaties. By now we were all full of blood Mother forced and Grandmother. to march stated brought from the many beatings including my We could not ride back to town in the cars but me a cripple. and shamed whose again. and getting drun} me and to some Indians to be ridiculed

the 7 miles back to town including before they would never

We were children

sing or dance Indian

Afew days with Indians.

later, the Sisseton I remember

Sioux held their 4th. of July celecratior were dancing even today that ridiculed

and the same Policemen their children's nobody to know. be ashamed

that gave us beatings, the children


I know their deep dark secret Indian.

that they want

They are the generations a Dakota

who from the past, claimed

of being

If I named them, you would have heard

of some of them.







Believe me when I say that all the hundreds on hundreds of-"WHY?" and "HOW COME?" had been said. To have watched over 50 small Indian children picked a beating to death in Government Indian schools, then surrender the right to pray and sing to the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT, NO Scholar can deny, that after watching this, a person can never mature beyond this point of reality because it is the absolute---- the ultimate in all realities where Abstraci Logics become phrases that one should to sing to, to pass thE time of day .. Even the united States Constitution had been taken apart because it hac been alleged to state that one was entitled to freedom of religion and discovered that it legally said, there would be no national religion. The alleged scholars and attorneys guarding THE AMERICAN INDIAN RELIGIC FREEDOM ACT that they could not protect but record the rituals of the American Indian in religion, having under covert secrecy, a Spy on all Indi2 reservations, to record any rituals outside the accepted Indian religions. So the United States had government policies on what was accepted as their religion. As an Indian Activitist and an Indian Legal Advisor, this brought to light that Indians had established somewhere in the past, what was a proper Indian religion. There had to be a confrontation between Indians in which Congress had to help, through legal- movements to establish their wishes. All these ideas turned to be dead ends. But this much was known to be able to work out possibilities HOW COME could be answered. 1. Congress had established an accepted religion for Indians. Indians in on WHY or

2. There had been the past. 3 Attorneys religions were

a confrontation

on this issue between

for THE AMERICAN RELIGION FREEDOM ACT know what are and how they are to be performed.


My Grandmother had taught us, as small children, the first thing we to do when awakening, was to put on our shoes so we could run. RUN FROM WHAT? ~also had taught me- IF YOU ARE IN A SITUATION OF DANGER AND THE WHITE MAN DEMANDS YOU PTCK A RELIGION, PICK ONE IN MAKE BELIEVE! That said it all. My Grandmother had to pick a religion to stay alive in her young life and she knew and had been part of the confrontation between Indians on the issue of religion. Next, the White Man had created religions for the Indian to follow and my Grandmother's religion was not one of them. This would have opened a question on her and her teachings to the average person as to be evil or bad for the person who knew it. But the white man's knowledge did not dispute with it. It f\lled the missing pieces and made it. more accurate.


There has been many years, ----long years and each passing one, reduce the number of friends that had been taught the same .traditionaL formUlas and equations that was different then traditional teachings of our same ( reservations. At the same time other scientific conclusions uncovered ~ I separates\those with this old knowledge as a unusal and with plans that are genetic and programed to come forward at an appointed time Finally in 1990 you are the only one left and one Aunt to ill to give any information or references, knowing less about her Mother as a daughter. The years had proven I was master on the American Indian problems, second to none. There was a book put together showing how to combat any tribal problem by procedures. Two well known Universities offered two accredited Doctorates for turning this book over to them. This was refused because it was not put together for educational degrees but to help in my quest. The secret Archeaology finds of the VERO and MELBOURNE MAN proved scientifically that the American Indian as a tribal unit had survived all Ice Ages by living in Peace with Dinosuars, with the same dress, same lifes drying foods and cooking with Fire, and having the same body srtucture of Indians found on reservations today so they cannot be included in DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVALUTION. The complete conclusions gave the United States anthropology knowlegable to what tribes were descendants of MU and what tribes were descendants of ATLANTIS. That_an Occult religion did a prayer, called The Prayer of Atlantis every day at a given time, so The Time Walker Society would not reawaken on Indian Reservations. Another religious organization performed a song, called the Song of St John, the Divine or Pandora's Jar of Plagues every full Moon, so the Dances and Songs of Creation would never be performed by Indian tribes. The Gregorian Calendar had been changed on June 19, 1779 and now became June 2, 1779 because U.S.Nation ieaders knew it took 17 days and 36 minutes for tribal leaders to make a decision that dealt with their tribal lifestyle. On July 19, 1991 over 25 major scholars and scientist of the world on American Indian cultures could now predict the times American Indians would lose their tribal lands, to become strangers in their own country and would gather as units to begin the grouping for the last Great Indian Migration or the coming of the next Ice Age. This was a small sample of Information passed unto Indian reservations and it took o~er 17 years to discover that Indians who had not been taught Ancient tribal knowledges, could not reason in ,tribal logics. Of all the reservations saved by confrontations, the future descendant. couldn't stand for me to be around. They enjoyed the lifestyle but would do. nothing to protect it. ]n fact they would do and approve acts that would help terminate the tribal lands , So when SITTING BULL stated- THERE ARE NO MORE INDIANS, reason why he said this, which now gave a clue the direction there was a gor research had



to go because it was FOOLS CROW around March 15, 1973 that told me, it was SITTING BULL'S brother that killed him and not the U.S.Army as everyone had been lead to believe. So who was BIG FOOT and what was the alleged slaughter of WOUNDED KNEE of l890.? Why tra BIG FOOT 9ttac)~e:~and not -the Ogalala Nation znd why wa s it cal s an Indian War.? Just what were the Issues that caused this war? To find the answers to these ~uestions would help in my quest.

However, because of a confrontation and research, I had known for several years that both COLUMBUS, as well as CORTEZ were Pirates who were issued International Ciphers and Signatures, so they did not come here becau of DISCOVERY, or that the world was flat. It was known that White Tribes forced the signing of a Unconditional Surrender of the Roman Empire around July 2, 408A.D. and it is written on a temple wall north of Mexico City, that American Indian tribal leaders were present at this signing. Tha t the purchase of terri tories by the lfui Races form ~fui te te tribes had a trea ty stipula t ion in 1491A. D. wh i ch wa s a Treaty signed before Columbus that is followed letter-perfect today. But it was COLUMBUS' cipher and signature that was known for about 20 years but it would~1992 before this Signature would be translated to its purpose and its Authority. Before we continue, lets establish some known facts amoung Government Officials that deal directly with Indian Issues. 1.Uni~ed States Congress cannot pass legislation that could or would gi~e a legal trail for a Tribal member to become a citizen of the United States, directly from tribal membership for the following: (a)It would be a Violation of a Treaty Stipulations that all civilized nations are bound by since February 1491A.D. (I) It would Violate THE TE DEUM filed with the International Court in Hague, February 18, 1493. (II) It would Violate the MANAFEST DESTINY renewed in 1990. (III) It would Violate the Basic International Laws that govern all civilized nations such as SECUNDUM LUNE DETERMINABANTUR, Bacon,

v t ,:


2.United States Congress cannot pass legislation because it feels it could legally, and help protect Indian Tribes, Congress is bound by Treaties which supercedes the United States Constitution. Outside of 35 square miles, Indian tribes hold titles to the so called Continental Territories of the United States .. (a)AII legislation requires approval from a group of Indians or tribe that must number at least 28 with women heading groups within this group who have elected a leader to speak on their behalf. (I) This group. had to have made a trip to Washington D.C. and presented their wishes before a select Committee. (II) This Committee sends representations'back to the territory for a refferredum vote from its membership. (III) Then legislation is passed which gives a date it will become law and enforced. I have-vet to find an exception to these procedures.


The reason Indians have trouble with citizenship is because they don't understand it. They don't even know that they are citizens of their tribe. Of course we have Antiquist, Anthropologist, Scholar, Authors, Radio, Newspapers, and T.V. who always, speak in a Lecture or debate or write in a newspaper or Book- that the Indian is a citizen of the u.s. The Newspaper or hook becomes documented evidence in support to this alleged fact. They are all part of a secret covert operation to help the Indian belieu8 this assumed fact. Even Federal Courts are careful not to make such direct statements. They begin by mentioning citizenship. who is or who isn't- and continue on, to the next issue. So it is Indians that do in Indians or their own people. Not the Presid or Congress or Special Interest Groups. Special Interest Groups must get the support or approval of Indians, 28 of them,to steal lands and resources. Call them what you want, RED APPLES-SELL OUTS- HANG AROUND THE FORT INDIANS, it is the unactions of other tribal members that permit this which makes them accessories to the fact. This is not only a traditional, but a legal fact. In tribal traditions- SILENCE GIVES APPROVAL THis now makes a new issue or question. Are tribal members taught or do they know tribal traditions or laws of their own lifestyle? So, SITTING BULL knew without BIG FOOT, there would be no Indians sometime in the future. He made this statement before he was murdered? or Killed? or Assassanat I believe he was Assassinated because he fulfilled the two requirements according to International Law and there has to be an International trail because Indians and their tribes are International. only of of at as The Original BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS in International Law. which had COMMISSIONERS dealt

The BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS created from the Indian reorginzation act the 1920's, deals only in restricted Domestic Law, because the Treaty the Sioux 1868 is caught in a International problem that must be resolved an International level. meanwhile. the Indian is restricted to areas prisoners of war till this internation problem is resolved.

The United States cannot permit this problem to be resolved at this level because Congressional Reccordsare documented on the white origanzation called THE INDIAN RING and THE WHISKEY RING were the implements that caused the United States to violate this treaty time and time again. Just where are these stricted aEeas used as ~laces for prisoners of War? They are called: RESERVATIONS, RESERVES, PUEBLOS, RANCHEROS, aud INDIAN COUNTRY or INDIAN TERRITORIES. The LANDLORD is a prisoner of war by the tenant because cannot find the correct TRBUNAL to punish the Tenant the LANDLORD

These are facts that FELIX S. COHEN was careful(ly)by not putting this in his book: Handbo6k of FEDERAL INDIAN LAW. (Rutgers Law Review.Vol. IX pp.345-53(winter); 47 Harv.L.Rev.145(1953); 130 New Rwpublic 17 (1954».

So, from 1917 to 1950, a total of 33 years, the sciences of GEOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, and ANTIQUITY could not give an opinion on To put "THE VERO and MELBOLTRNE MAN" to sleep, which did happen.

their sciences accredited.

would have to be by someone outside of-these-sciences

It was done by an Attorney at law so that the sciences of GEOLOGY or ANTHROPOLOGY a creating~lie or ARCHAEOLOGY or ANTIQUITY could never be accused of

so they could continue to teach false sciences(I.Rouse,


!'VERO and MELBOURNE Se.II,Vol.12(1950}.}


of the New York Academy of Science.:

This paper by I. Rouse had to contain scientific

data that any science could not bring into dispute so that the other contents would not be challenged.

MAN" were descendants of an Indian Nation that was thought to be extinct around 2000 B.C. to Zero A.D.(A fact that they knew which Indian Nation and the time it was destroyed.)

la:The only Indian Destroyed by a major Global Catastrophe in the area of the "VERO AND MELBOURNE MAN" was the nation of ATLANTIS. lb. I have talked with some Confederacy members that know they are descendants of ATLANTIS, and one who through Tribal Genetics practices, gives the reason of the Bermuda Triang~e, because one of the machines had not turned off when it sank beneath the Seas, which turns off and on by time synchronization of the serpent. but not published destruction of the last Ice Age, my theory:

lc.In my book:"GOD OF EAGLE'S DAWN" copyrighted my research, I also give the time of the ATLANTIS about this same time and tQe time of which the White Man's scientific data supports

As Indians, you could consider this as !rHEA Y." Don't get lost yet, V because we haven't got to the "HEAVY STUFF!! yet! Don't lose fact of this one important conclusion!!!! finds(VERO fossilized. These Ancient Indian

& MELBOURNE MAN} are only about 4000 years old and they are

In the late winter of 1986, I was asked to speak at the College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico. The subject! I was to defend my Indian Religion and prove that it was not witchcraft. To this day, it is not clear why I was asked to speak because the sponsor of the Forum, would not let me finish each subject-matter presentE and the talk was a constant interruption, till it finaly came down they no longer wanted to hear what I had say. I could only conclude two possible facts why they wanted me to speak. 1) To hear the stereotype phrases from an Indian, or, 2) For me to help discredit a member of the forum who sat on the Board of Directors, who believed in Witches and witchcraft. Now these witches were present because they had been invited to also speak at this forum. They were given all the courtesys due a speaker. To present their concepts of Witches and the rituals. Questions and answers. They were even asked to return and speak again. When the stereotype phrases were not coming from my mouth as an Indian, it was time to get ride of me. STEREOTYPE. To be without originality. This brings to light another incident in my life as an Indian Activist, where everyone present knew from past experience, that what I had to say, would not be stereotype presentation of the Indian problem. The time was: May, in the year 1973. THE UNITED NATIONS, ~orning-' in a meeting with civilized Press Members of the world. Never was one Indian so openly hated and despised by this civilized Press of the world, as on this day. Even before there was any type of presentation. I had brought the Chiefs of Wounded Knee and as the International Legal Advisor for Wounded Knee,to the United Nations.

We had been given the opportunity to present our side of this confrontat The Chiefs were not in the mood to speak, so it became the time to present the issues as I saw them and believe me they were original. They knew they were not going to hear: THEY ARE KILLING US, STEALING OUR LANDS. WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE US ALONE? The College of Santa Fe, wanted to hear: ITS AGAINST THE GREAT LAW TO PRACTICE WITCHCRAFT. Somehow, one gets the feeling that the civilized members of the Press of the world got hold of this phras e and thats the way it carne out. The PHRASE before civilized translation changes, was; ITS AGAINST THE



What you are about to read, is not stereotype Indian Religion. You may have to walk that one mile in your own shoes, with no Indian standing beside you. Your civilization created it, so it should be no secret to you. However, a_ promise stated in a phrase, found

there maybe some who want to fullfill

in the Bible, somehow escaped .~trans lation changes. Book of JOHN, Chapter 8, Verse 32: AND YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. Truth and facts are two different war with England in the l700's(Fact ideas. Exa~ple! United Staes won the

printed in Books} Iroquois Confederacy who established a boundary line and told/would live where to establish Peace. (Truth by treaty) Had the United States won this war, Canada would have become part of

the U.S.

There is a Stipilation in this Confederacy Treaty. If the People

of Canada wish to become part of the U.S. as e state, they only have to vote it in. The Canadian People tried to change this by becoming part

of France, but treaty will not hold up this idea.




But everybody knows that Fossilization takes millions of years. It can be confirmed by any ANTHROPDLOGIST, ARCHAEOLOGIST, or GEOLOGIST.

This teaching is the way of the RED, WHITE, and BLUE! MOM'S APPLE PIE, and worth going to war to protect. Anybody ever hear of "'PHEVERO AND MELBOURNE MAN?

Any learned man or scientist that claims Fossilization

takes millions

of years as a scientific fact, is out of his tree trying to pick marbles off the ground with his eyeballs!!! REMEMBER! I told you to keep in mind that THE VERO and MELBOURNE MAN was only about four thousand years and was fossilized?

Let me give the other parts that is knowledge not open to the public. 1. There is no matter or substance known today that is in the process of fossilization at any stage, so fossilzation by stages cannot be established or even be considered to take -millions of years by any scientific data. It can only be considered a wild guess at most. 2. What little examinations that can be given fossilized objects, it is known as a scientific fact that there is no known process or energy on the face of the earth that can create a condition for fossilization.

3. Even if there was a known formula for fossilization, the theory

of it would go against all known Physic laws of life. But this still doesn't take away the fact, that learned men knew these Indians were from a extinct Indian Nation and knew the time they became extinct, even if they were fossilized. The fact that they were fossilized makes it a new ball game with a new Umpire. Now for the last scientific fact before .the story. Every object that was fossilized, any scientist can give all the data needed, included down to the DNA. The substance that keeps the fossilization intact has also been isolated. It is the substanc keeping the fossilization intact that establishes the last known scientif; fact about the process of fossilization.

We as human beings, and I don't care what culture or lifestyle you come from, know the following: All humans, Animals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Trees, Plants, you name it, are all governed by laws of physics, or the laws of CREATION, that no one on the face of the Earth can change. That is a known fact. In the process of fossilization and the substance that keeps it

intact, would have been defeated by the laws of physics in decomposition of life if it happened in stages taking several hours. To stretch it out for several million of years, makes a beautiful idea plan stupid. This substance isolated having a molecular structure and weight would

need an unknown such as X factor Plus; or X factor Minus to help in fossilization taking millions of years. Remember another known fact

that is not general knowledge for the Public. The previous Ica age to ATIA~TIS, happened about four thousand years earlier, which is the of MU became extinct, which was under

Time I say that the Indian Nation the same conditions. If there was such a condition

of fossilization taking place requirina with age and not decaying with

time, we as humans, would be fossilizing age. That is simple tribal logic.

~hepe is only one way this substance which keeps fossilization intaCT could happen. IF PPENED INST.ANTANEOUSLY!!!

and under conditions where the EARTH combined her forces to create an energy not, known by present scientist (Nilsson, "Synthetische Artidung,

(1953).), then and only then could Silca become part of human tissues
and hold the fossilization intact. It would also collaborate the global catastrophes that take place while the Indiars were on their Long Journey, The Great Migration watching the RED WIND cleanse the lands of pollution, including people. With the Hopi in the Katchina Ritual, telling when it was safe to come

·T R_ I B A L

To most, this chapter should be the Genetic Code. Code and Clan are two different concepts. The Code can omit the Clan, but the Clan cannot. The

omit the Code. The Clan is the Code, but the Code is not the Clan.

Clan is a life style, while the Code is a rule. To most Indians found in the America's, little is known about the Code and as of lately, many

Indians have lost the knowledge to tribal Clans. Ancient tribes who have made the rules that International a tribe without Clans. FQr what'ever argument that. best suits you, one cannot defeat the fact that The Genetic Clan must perform cermonies within synchronized seasons so that tribal rituals fulfill the next sequence in tribal life styles. In-these Gregorian tribal rituals, we depend on dates to perform and with the Law must live by, say: You cannot be

Calendar to make decisions from, we better take another long is reliable. Simple tribil logic demanj~

lean look to see if the Gregorian

this review. ~s a tribal member and if you have been wondering why your Sweat Lodge or Kiva or Long House has not been to successful in its spiritual battle to hold back the system that wants to destroy your culture, then its a simple spiritual conclusion. The CREATOR, GREAT

SPIRIT is not in your places of worship because of some type of spiritual violations. This could be the time the ritual is performed.

The first tribal law within a tribe, is the Clan Law. If you have the Clan Law, you have within your tribe the Genetic Clans, which is ,_____) required in all rituals. The first basic Clan Law is that no two Indians can marry if they both belong to the same tribal Clan. This does not in any way, include, if for example, if the children are Bear Clan and the

father is Eagle; and the childern go out and marry Eagle.

But belonging Leather, beads, to a Clan of a Tribe is alot more than putting on and Feathers. Each Clan has certain duties and how The next time you attend or food

these duties are carried out will amaz~ou. an Indian Pow-Wow, watch these Indians.

There are no Billboards gets done, including

mailed out duty rousters, but everything for the needy who are at this Pow-Wow,

you will note do not have to The reason for this is simple

tell anyone that they do not have enough.

but cannot be explained due to the lack of words that have to explain certain tribal However, expressions, which I doubt anyone could understand. if one makes a study of lifestyles and in these lifestyles, than also and

certain duties are done by habit and without second-thought, these lifestyles must have duties

that require full concentration

absolute attention.

Clans within a tribe do not escape this concept. unit, many times the only relationsip family members, are members belonging Laws are the same family and by can marry that belong to the same human genetics. Clan has become, each Clan has a other Clan duties in certain tribal

It is a perfect working family found because there are no immediate

to the same Clan, which under Tribal Clan Law, no two members of a tribe Clan. A system that keeps perfect

To show how advanced a Tribal Mathematical rituals. Also, there Equation that defines

are five mllthemat~ical equations that can be used by Clan duties of which four have been interpreted the Ancient to how they

members for certain

are to be used. But for the Clan Equations,

who has this and share this

knowledge has not found it to make his or her'~ appearence knowledge. But what will be shown in religion

is more than enough to prove that the or worshipping the eRE! TOR, GREAT SPIR but by an

Indian of the America's

wa~ not done

by change or hoping or looking for an unknown,

exacting science.

GOO 5I~ HUNDRED C L !:l E (:1 U ~~I I (11'1 I..II-j I CHI ~::FOr;: THE tl T ~G[ OF THE INDIUIDU~L. ::: 0 + ~;'3 ; :: ~:I~:; 0 (I ~ : ::: !:;

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:::S35-GOO=2~95 +15.08333333=138.563535955
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q. 7 ~: 1 :~::: 2 0 ::;: -- :3'3 • :j q- = 1 I] 'j' q. 0 ~::31 t, ~I'3::: H 0 U F:: ~:: : .


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..... ' ,_

v ,: ~'. _,

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~:::; 'i' 5 -- I) ::: =: 2 C

-·23.xSO=52.I]Q87232 SEcuHDS


-,. 1::; :::::;::::::~::3:;::3 ::: 1 .0

=16.972376712 -16.XGO=5~.~4~bU~7~ MINUr~s =58.34260272 -:;8.X60=iu.sSblb~~ SEcONDS

;~ ':'1 t, 7 _.6 0 ::::-~ 5 (:' ..:..1 5 • :2:.::

~I (, • 'j' [I 'j' 2:;:: t, :3 D r-I'/ S 1::: ::: 1 ';) E, . 7' 0 'f' ~ t::::: 3 f, :;: -- 1 '3 t, • ::< 2 0:+ :; 1. E, • ;=, 7 2:3 t, I' 1 ;:: H 0 U F:' ~~ 'r

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~15.08333333=11G.088397~lS D~YS =11G.088397815 -116.x24=2.121SQ75G HOURS =2.12154756 -2.x60~7.29285:3G MINUTES =7.2928536 -'j'.xGO=17.S712!6 SECONDS

comments to their usage. There appears Ancient knowledge and its calculations it should be practiced.

to be an agreement that this is coming into the time that seen the reactivity of

have personally

discussions by Indians, including an Anthropo~ogy

organization that

has joined in presenting old records for these Indians to review, on the Indian Prayer Wheel, which is very much a part to the ritual where Tribal Clan equations are used. Some of the Indians that know this ritual in parts are quite open about how the Clan Mothers use the equations for members of the same Clan along with many prayers to the ritual. It is the prayers one enjoys going over because how they are used in the ritual, brings back childhood days, when you were forced to intend religious services while in an Indian school. The prayers are the same only now you have a complete picture because you know how the prayers are to be used in an Old Ancient ritual. It further awakens stored knowledge one acquires through age.

such as, there is a Bible sitting in the British Museum that outdates the civilized Septuagint by 2000 years. What this translates a lay-man's lan~uage down too

in a conclusion is: This Bible was found amoung

Old Ancient Indian belongings in the United States. That you are a live descendant of a people that practiced these prayers in a pitual for close 'to 4000 years. The Reading of the Great Law by the IrGquois is now done on both sides of the border. It is taught in the Native Tongue and English on the United States side, in the Native Tongue and French on the Canadian side. The most important fact one would miss at these readings, is the written language from which the Great Law is Translated by the Medicine People. Any lay-man in the study and translating of Ancient Languages

can easily trace it back to the lost Continent of ATLANTIS. But I warn scrolls you, to come up and ask for a peek 'o~ a look at these Ancient kept by,the:Medicine People is not a friendly

gesture. You will have to

pay, your dues. Any time an Indian tells you,you have to pay your dues in dealing with Indians, you must spend time, win confidence and trust

and in turn you will have every feeling and emotion brought to the end of its existence. That is paying your dues. The Medicine People are not
t hem

secret about the scroIls. Only many have come to

and when they_left

and at a later time it was discovered by the Medicine People, that the scrolls had been misinterpreted. again be miSinterpreted It is this idea that the scrolls will

that makes them unfriendly. Any time you are

forced to swallow your pride, angry, hate, am resentment:" and then present yourself as warm and friendly, that is not make-believe because

others must feel you are warm and friendly;

"You have paid your dues!"

O! Yes! You will find yourself to be a better person and alot of life that you missed, Sofar·you will open up to you.

have learned four of the five Tribal Clan equations used is for 198

in tribal rituals and the lifespan of the G~ear Serpent which days, 21 hours, 2$ minutes, and 50 seconds. Lifespan of the Serpent existed exactly

The Ancient knew that the

only because of a human influence.

They also knew that this influence had to be translated into a language that the rest of the tribe could understand, where worshipping the CREATOF

GREA T SPIRIT was an exact science and no tribal member would leave a ritucl wondering if,there was such a thing as a Supreme Being or a Creative ForcE the Serpent is not a God but the simplest ~e~icle that everyone could understand where some type Being could

As stated earlier, that could be concieved of a communication meet.

system between mortal human and a Supreme

In the construction of such a language, the Ancients had to take into consideration the weakest and the limited between the two. I was hoping that I .wouldn~t have to identify which, assuming everyone knew. A Supreme Being is without limit, which would leave the Mortal Human. From these weakness's and limitations, strong po Lnt sihad to first be found. They concluded that every living thing on the face of the Earth understands and darkness living in a world of light from the Sun as the beginning of night as the end that could'be isol~ted as one day.

Within this day, habits would separate other parts of this day, such as meals, baths, visiting, ect. From this came the concept, the language had to be in time, from'which came the Great Serpent and the Clan Equation From that time to the present the Earth has never been blessed again with such exacting and simple human logic, where the human found the very exact location of THE CREA~OR, GREAT SPIRIT in a dimension and existence foreign to humans and abstract to human understanding. For decades, philosophers have quoted: "TO KNOW ONESELF, IS TO KNOW GOD!" cannot be backed by exact scientific findings such:.a what the Anciet s left, who could claim to the world: "TO KNOW ALL OF MANKIND AS A WHOLE IS WHERE GOD CAN BE FOUND!

Aside from the Tribal Clan Equationsthat have been shown, there was another part of tribal life that still included the Great Serpent, where the promise from the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT was that the Heavens(Universe) would open at appointed times that was different to each individual human being,could command by prophecy, certain destined events through the trail

of the Great Serpent. It can best be described as the Indian home prayer wheel and signs, which was a prayer whee~ !or different seasons of the year that also had Sacred Tobacco, Ind~an MediCine, and other family emblems, placed upon it. From this there is know~lonly four of the equations and how they

PER Recently

F E C T ION of the believers in the old ancient

I was asked by descendants Indians,

way of the American THIS KNOWLEDGF


AND WHAT CAN WE DO TO GET 11' BACK?" group who do a prayer against all THE PRAYER OF THE DIVINE.

~his is after showing a spiritual meITcbers of tribes of the American

Indian daily called:

A'T'LAN~IS, and a melody sung taken fron: THE SONG OF ST.JOHN, The question spiritual and concerns have merit, because anyone

who is in the

or religious

or occult

fields, knows they are only a prayer spiritual power from a ritual. by the lower-class of

and a song, and they draw their Now! To most people, a ritual hurans

is performed

or a special merrber of a civilized civilized

classified individual

Fthnic member or person. who is doing

that omits any white Victorian But only one question the rituaL needs

to be asked that identifies

WHO OPPRESSES AND STEALS. LAND, ~'fATERIALRESOURCES OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN THAT GOFS AGAINST ALL SPIPITUAL TEACHINGS AND DOCTRINES? ~he answer answers the question. is because those doing the ritual, The reason the ritual takes place, don't understand what the meaning individuals that

or description are 0ppressed

of what takes place in a ritual. are the subjects


who ~ive the spiritual or description

power to the ritual

bv not knowin~ what the meaning

of a ritu~l-i~ ..

7he word is a LA~IN word meanin~=

Any act, observance, or custom perf orr somewhat re~ularly or forrrally to delay. or spiritual

You will please notice, things. Anyone

it has nothing to do with religion of Witchcraft lifestyle

in the practice to support their doings

knows this and anyone who mus'

keep followers Anyone

knows this. to have this

in spiritual

knows that anyone who wishes

same power,

could prayer to a kitchen

frying pan with deciication, and have


I'm asked to speak on the American one must adjust the subject

Indian or the Indian and even

of the America's, this requires

to the listener

a great deal of consideration. the American Indian is THE ONE MOST WRITTEN ABOUT SUBJECT and

WHY? Because IN THE WORLD. Letters material

No other subject in Institutions printed subject matter

of Higher Learning

can produce

that could equal by half, the Indian and the of

that is produced

yearly on the American

Much of this printed matter goes to the Elite of the world first requirement Letters of this group is to be a graduate

of an Institution

and here again there is only one exception, States. His state of the Union Message to the peoples

and that is the Presiden to Congress States, which is he gives

of the United different

then the message

of the United

an exact policy

of suppression

and oppression

of the American

Indian for

the coming_ next four years. This makes a subject on the American ignorance Indian complex and complex here that is complex

is that of a personal is due to ignorance.

to the subject. Anything

Let me give a small example of this. In Institutions of Higher Learning one is taught in the Geological Time Scale, that Man's beginning was between 1 million to 3 billion years ago. In Institutions of Letters one is taught that Man's beginning is not a debatable question and because of the Archeaology find of THE VERO AND MELBOURNE MAN, the American Indian cannot be included in DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION because he or she has remained the same in body structure as the Indians found today on Indian reservations having the same song and dances, the same knowledge of eatables, h6w to cure and cooking with fire, the same knowledge of medicines and how to live in.Peace with not only with human beings but with Dinosaurs The solution to a scientific problem sought! How did the American Indian as a tribal unit survive the last five ice ages without any fear for the global catastrophe that ends as an ice age? This alone would make the American subject and brings to the surface, Indian the most written about one

that there are two classes

of scientist

in the civilized


That these named descendants


of the early

1600's and later were


of signatorys ,vho signed

treaties with the Indians

here prior to 1492 a.d. None of these descendants whose ancestors landed here at Plymouth Law

Rock and other places clasue called: the Victorian TRIBAL

were not beheaded COURTESSY whichK

due to an International is in direct conflict


Morali ty clause.:of: IB YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THE GROUP, YOU

ARE AN OUTSIDER. For these reasons!no state or federal prison can be built on of the united States, but/undetrimined Indian lands. So, these descendants should be able to tell me about had them and they were understood that remembers in the on territories

the child's a Universal

toy or GIFT because gift that the early Now there history

your ancestors

American Indians


on the books for anyone

fTom 680A.D.

through 1491 A.D.

that have not been tried Courts

past which does not exist because closed because were destrpoyed. It is taken from International

of the Inquisance

that were

it was aretrimined that these descendants

not signatorys

Law, Second Law of the Lands(Secundum -v- AEREA; AEISAMENTUM -v-

Lune Determinabantur, AISIAMENTUM;




CHIEF FOOLS CROW even registered in at the United Nations, that no one seems to remember or know. Yet, I met and saw representatives from every News Agency in the world when they personally met Chief FOOLS CROW at the united Nations. Even JACK ANDERSON can't say, he never heard of FOOLS CROW. in the third " because

This Newspaper continues:"Fools Crow quit school grade to work to help his family earn a living This mayor may not be true,

I for one can't agree or disagree

I don't know. You don't become

the Head Chief by being unlearned, and unique that are subjects

on a

issue or issues that are complex in Institutions the world of Letters

taught only Law in

or the three schools experience,

of International

and, from personal Public,

I know whenever

CHIEF FOOLS CROW Interpreter because To

spoke to the American

he did so with a personal

he was gifted not only in Sioux or Lakota, know personally, he could prove whenever any High-School

but the Dakota languages.

he spoke the english English Instructor


which was ~o articulate, their head in shame.

would hide

But he was an American American Indianism

Indian first. No one can say

that he never projected It was on March South Dakota Air Flight than just'a traditions Sioux,

first. in Porcupin


as we sat in an old abandoned house Colorado,

trying to find a ride to Denver,

where there was an

to New York City and the United Chief, but an Ancient


I found him to be more cultur~ and old

Chief who was relating Indians

taught to me by my ancient

from the Sisseton-Wahpeton to know let alone relate. He for one reason and it was facts that I never knew. of personal research

that from the past was a DEATH-PENALTY wanted WOUNDED KNEE to be a success

personally this reason The~e

that opened my eyes to historical truths

facts today have great

to them because

and at the time FOOLS CROW was either with great authority on the subject.

a baby or a small boy as he spoke


He told me that the Slaughter


KNEE 1890 was over r~ligion. for his people to believe

That the White Man had a brand-new in but SITTING


BULL, RED CLOUD and others religion,

stood in the way, of getting rid

of the old ancient to prevent

which BIG FOOT and his small group were trying by hiding. permission received from other Indians in by killing

from being destroyed

By the killing


(He told me who killed SITTING BULL) the Army was now free to move and destroying the ancient religion and its members.

So, to FOOLS CROW, provided taught

the success

of the NEW WOUNDED KNEE would have Dakota Religion would again be from other Indians. by documentation that WOUNDED of a

that place where

the Ancient conflicts


any political

Today, KNEE

I can prove without


1890 was over religion

and I'm trying to carry out the wishes

dear friend. The quiet had seen. S I LEN NEVER! CE

truths he lived so longe with and what his eyes





I know we'll meet again where he walks of Light, in the House made of Dawn.

in beauty, on the first rays

Meredith Quinn MUSA DAKOTA


G 1FT I spiritually feel that

I've been known to speak a phrase whenever there will be an exchange American Indian of gifts.

As, many know,

it is a custom of the to visit someone.

to exchange

gifts when one has traveled of the second

But this custom in the beginning Man, earned us the classification GOD. It was shortened

contact with the White LOS SIN DIOS or THOSE to where

of being called:

WITHOUT today,



it is best known as- INDIAN E IS THE

all because

of this exchange of gifts. F EAR . Reality

HOP A word and Fantasy accepted


from this phrase,

is idealogically,

the medium between therefore

that has contributed

nothing to neither,

it is widely

as the answer for the solution this single word to both REALITY identifies

to the short-comings a lifestyle

of both.

Also, the Epitom~

that marks or draws there


when, both have discovered,

is no Mountain-top This word, writtngs

after arriving


at: THE PLACE OF NO RETURN. religious

from the phrase,

is an excerpt from present-day skillfully

that has been changed

from it's original

and quite to a for

intellectually, religion

so that it might become a religion required

or an attribute teaching

when events or circumstances

a spiritual

the final outcome. I'm speaking on this word because is directly it deals with your spiritual steps

and why it was changed of the America

linked to the reason, a gift.

why the Indian

on his journey,


In the days of Old, no matter friends wherever

how long or distance

traveled or how many met because

that were met, the Indian had a gift for, everyone or whenever he stopped, he also received

a gift, so the gift gift.

he gave, he also received

one, so the gift had to be a Universal

{4 )

From my ancient turns into a GIFT be changed POW




It begins

as a Prayer, and cannot TOY.

that cannot be GLUED,



in it's arrangement. ER, WISDOM.

It can double as a small child's and L0VE . OF THE CREATOR,

MAY THE POWER, The one most who aren't American liZE M BI carry-over description A,"


BE WITH YOU ALWAYS. today, by people, descendant, expression on the exact is-

feared word in the Caribbean Indians or even


able to claim Indian

or "Z E MBA

." It is only a linguistic

from the Indians that use to occupy these Islands of this GIFT. These descendants of a very Rich

who are not Indian or Indian Slave Trade of

descent, but descendants the Uni ted States.

and Money-making



Why is such fear placed on a word Because Elite Historians

that is the description Nations today,

of a GIFT?

of Civilzed

cannat deny or

agree in context Indian Treaties, the Atlantic due to treaty The GIFT

because of National which would reveal to set-up a trade signed


that deals with American had exact maps to cross Indian tribes earlier.



route, with American

stipulations identified

and agreed to several Indians entitled



the Signatory

to these stipulations.

On October arrived with Caribbean.

12, 6205(Julian)

or August

12,1492(Gregorian)COLUMBUS the Islands of the

90 crew members sailing

the Seas~n

Now, according and sophisticated, and Wild Game

to documented delectables


by COLUMBUS, eatables

they found Exotic of Fruits, V~getables, Yet these

and delicious

in quantities~that

staggered-theit preference


sam~ crew members recorded and well

had an established documented

for a daily diet. It was killed and ate one

they these

crew members

million recorded

Indians annals,

as food in three years that Historians cannot

from one Island alone.

These Indians

dispute, over 10 million for the sailing 10 years.

were killed the Atlantic

and used as fresh meat supply which became depleted after

ships crossing

Now! How did these crew members

know what Indians were

to be killed,

records were

are open on the fact that. many

Indians, both Male and Breeding

and Female, purposes. I've France,

taken back to some countries

as Slaves

had the experience and England-whom American in color? They responded birth records,

of meeting and speaking and confrontated

with girls from Germany, them with having

I noticed-


Indian physical


even though they were Lily White

without hesitation: American Indians,

They all could trace taken back as Slaves,

back in their were then



into their

family trees or genetics. again! How did COLUMBUS' crew members know what

So the question Indians

were to ge back or become part of the food supply? that wou Ld no longer carry the

By those that had the GIFT a_ru:1 those GIFT. The carrier no longer

of the GIFTs were the food supply and those

that would

carry the GIFT became the slaves. know the GIFT as the GAD. In three parts that could not identified they had

You~ibuld be Glued,


or Bolted. To not be able to exchange this GIFT GREAT SPIRIT. Therefore

one as! ~who no knowledge non-believer.

did not know the CREATOR,

to the Clan and Tribal :formulas and equations.

Sort of a


( 6)

After all Low , Mi ddle, ..a.R"d- High European, Hebrew, and Arab-schools, scholars records,

Old, Med ieval-rGreek , Latin, were destroyed, civilized

and language

educational expression


all aboriginal


on the word or

for THE GAU by substituting this word,

the meaning

as THE GHOST. would only kn ow ~I111

By changing an unknown

the future generations

and no clues

to the ritual

and prayer of the GIFT. Language meaning



is a civilized

word corning from the German entities

but religious

people have made1separate

to both-GHOST

and SPIRIT. Is SPIRIT separate Is HOPE separate For the reasons spiritually, HOP E from GHOST, or is GHOST the same as SPIRIT? or is WISDOM the same as HOPE? be answered--

from WISDOM,

that these questions Indian calls;

cannot correctly

the American THE



According constructed

to legends,

the GAU as a GIFT or child's TOY, when fully or bolted, meets and fills

but is still not nailed, glued, physic laws throughout

all Engineering However, altered-

the Universe., cannot be changed or

once constructed,

the arrangement

it must remain

the same to fulfill

it's function

spiritually. SPIRIT

Tr ibal and Clan r itual Laws violation to change

cons ider it" almost" a GREAT

the arrangement, WILL


OF THE ARRANGEMENT is a spiritual



to the GAU. and clan rituals, many formulas and equations function

There are among tribal

that are taught to the young holders is to teach the holder the CREATIVE energy force.

of the GAU, but its main

of the GIFT to not only to see, but feel spiritually it demonstrates in a Micro-Micro

FORCE of the CREATOR which

(7 )

To begin the construction, functions are pretty Universal, Indian, in a full circle. To the American because

keep in mind, and one that

that many engineering is,~he number of degrees

a: 5T1e/t',:rl-r
he visualizes a full circle as ~ell~s breadth, and thickness. length,


it must have to any magnitude,

To the circle of the White Man,

..fello'IV:!!I. c:L t! /

it is constructed

and seen as

scientist calculates that there are 360 degrees in in a the ancient states there are 4,320 degrees of thickness ..

The civilized

one full circle, while full circle which


the magnitude

But we must use what everyone So, 360 degrees for a complete

has learn as the medium

for calculation.



J...L ~r.



The first rule that must be carried travel around, using all directions, or negitive,

is that when one is to


in a circle or/with


the total degrees

from starting

point to finishing excess


would end at the starting

-('1M N

360 degrees. That is en9)nefiring ahdjor mathematical physic law. i) ~ JJ Lo/ (; N c U C-I& ,p JI 0 AJ To 1Ff/ .s In the creation of the GIFT, we know it has three points. Many


point, must be and can never


ma t.he t ic i ans have proclaimed ma


.any pyramid\ to have a set degree Jd-f Ihl/7



There are _ many such references

as being scientific If questioned,

mathematically the Ancient

which can be care for

do not always agr~e with the~Ancient. quite dogmatic

about his sciences rand will defend

it with littl~



any other


theory no matter how many credentials


He can become quite nasty where communication that surround

c Il.~/Z,

will be presented


will be lost and of_first

the mysteries hand

him will be lackirig for a source

information. The first rule for an Ancient on the subject must be presented. to his rule and

No matter

what anyone may think, have been worked

the Ancient

is dogmatic

and his sciences no civilized

for over 30,000 years unchanged


has been able to find a flaw in his sciences. equations, N0 and rituals must balance S! angles. and

THE RULE! All formulas, be equal, in a child-like


E X C E P T ION the GAU with

On this alone, I~tlconstruct

120 degree


WHY? Because your personal first-born in tribal societies status. the mark of birth identifies you to

The beginning

GAU and its equation

goes to the


or Male. The 120 degree GAU, belongs of the Clan, Medicine angled GAU'S.

to the first-born. and Elders

But the Woman also have separate Because TIME WALKER Melody

people, Time Walkers,

of the daily PRAYER OF ATLANTIS Society will not reawaken

done to assure

that the ~,

on Indian Reservations,


done on each full Moon from THE SONG OF ST. JOHN,


assure that the Song and Dances of Creation on Indian Reservations, we will make

will not come back to life

the GIFT, that of the TIME WALKER.


of the GAU almost of the United anywhere, States,

Today, we can find the drawing

or motiff

on money, it is the LOGA for the General some religions have


it, but to me, I see and remember morning,

it, when men with

guns and clubs came on a warm summer ~ homes, stumped hundreds

set fire to our prairie broke up religious and among drums

and pissed on our food supplies, old/along with other objects

of years

them was the from our bodies 7 miles into

GIFT. Each of us was given a beating after which we were Sisseton,


blood flowed

lined up in single to be ridiculed

file and marched

South Dakota,

by whites and Indians

who no

longer practiced

the Ancient religion. but a SONG and DANCE

You see the GIFT not only has a PRAYER, more beautiful then you have ever heard

and seen, that I had again so the

heard and seen about PRAYER, SONG,

15 years ago in the remote areas of Canada, are still alive. to many alleged mysteries


Th~ GAU or GIFT can be associated civilized world with Scholars trying

of the

to make one believe

the true meaning THE

being lost or forgotton, SONG and DANCE, world. With

yet less then,

498 years ago, the PRAYER, were known throughout



the the

this mind, the ritual it separated

to the GIFT had to stop throughout in A CREATOR from those

world because that beleived

those that believed

in a mortal GOD. WHEEL, and THE WINTER COUNT are tools for the But it begins7

THE GAU, PRAYER future and what

it has to offer and how it can be changed. with children.

with the TOY and like all TOYS, it begins

(11) THE Whenever articles Leather F LAW Indian makes one of his known use-such as Jewlery, that

and ubateve-r the American

for resale

to the publicI or for personal or Pottery-he

goods, Beadwork,

or she begins by a phrase

is an exacting incorporated

sCience.) So exacting

as a science

that it is still not

in the white

man's sciences


this date.

"WHERE TO PUT THE FLAW?" The American article is thought Indian out, knows by tradition, it will contain that no matter how well an
A Biffi~le

a flaw or a imperfection.

verific~tion ~"

for this

problem could be

iYe me L1m exact

[01 mula


In creating angles according

the GIFT,

it would begin Instruments

by a drawing on paper manufactured,

for precise

to civilized

but to take this

to material other then paper, an American "WHERE TO PUT THE FLAI\T?" The FLAW is so exacting, it is applied. Even ASTROLOGIST it must be

Indian science has to be applied.


into everything

wherever and if

in ASTROLOGY where

it deals with Human Beings, as the American

were to do their thing correctly, every day in time, past,

Indian knows according of

this science---for

present, or future;

to how it deals with

human beings and according must be added to every Indian

to the time placement day in accumulation for

the stars- 5.2595 hours each individual. What

the American

calls; THE DUMB TIME because to comprehend any subject seconds stages

this amount of time

is needed for human life.


or event in a p~rson's for every individual

It will take

at least 13.14875

to carry out in thought It also gives

through its final an idea how much

on any event or circumstance. hUman mind in.compari~on

slower the

to the mind of the CREATOR. and its sciences do not always follow

So visual interpretation



Dear Sir; I wish State to clarify of New York Indian types one concept legally. that belong either or the United States I do not participate to licensed Federal attorneys Courts in legal of the Courts. against

and law procedures

or Supreme

I use my expe r t and knowledge a treaty flicting To avoid United we must ~. ~nited of law which would

only when basically

a charge is brought

if and when it can be proven in a mock court which we must any of the Indians or the United and accepted on which

that there are two conbring it into the catagory that there are and the Secondly, of the of

of a moot point no treaties

I feel this court will become. first establish Kingdom of the Six Nations of England.

any misunderstanding, between government of America

States States


that the Seneca act or statute


are legal citizens the immigration

legal citizens

of the State amount

New York by some alization history to make legal lands which

bypassing there

and naturof legal a of Congress States

qualifications shows

is a sufficient limits

that it would take in the territorial and Alleghany

an act of both houses of the United

each Indian


of the United States.

Thirdly, Seneca States

that the territorial have been ceded not only of America and the of of England exists. on the State

of the Cattaraugus title that

to the State of New York but the United fee simple


claim by the United out. any of these three


New York-be~n in existance be corrected. 1. been proclaimed


I do not beliEve

that there is any reference But I have not and could


a goel so I am human

and am subject to error

The fact that on the Dnondaga between of England

there are Grand Council Reservation States, regularly,


of the Six Nations Kingdom

proves that the treaties and the United

the United

the Six Nat~ons

do exist in this territory.

2. Marlene citizen State Kennedy has never requested or approached States the Immigration to become a and Naturalization Department States. of the United Sec. B, Page 1, Sec. 6, of the United J, Ref. 1, Indian Law, Page 5 and I quote: the limits of the of of

of New York, Title of an Indian

26, Art.

"A member United

tribe residing


States who has not been ria ur-a.Li.z ed .is not a citizen t or of the state of his residence of a foreign state within or the statutes conferring nor is he or a subject the meaning

the United States a citizen federal state Indian living the Constitution

jurisdiction States

on the an

courts nor is there a citizen legally

an act or statute

in the laws of the that made or

of New York~br

the laws of the United

by being born on his reservation Indian becoming

on his reservation) Kennedy a terminated an inhabitant of the right acts of the United States sent to the Secretary of the elective system, Dean

Nor is Marlene which

who is judged under the civil was done by a special and to the former Interior Wiliiams.

enrollment president


Nor have United States extends

the territories Seneca been Currently,

of custom

and usage

of the Cattaraugus of New York or the with the United the Seneca Indians area which border and as Ref. 2, 1, Part J, making him

and Alleghany States.

ceded to the State

ther are land claims in persuading

which have been unsuccessful from the Canadian border

to cede the territories far east as Rochester Paragraph United York.

of the Buffalo Creek of Ohio. Amendment


to the Pennsylvania 14, Sec.

and the State

Sec. B, Pag~.J,

of the United States Constitution,



that the Indian is not born in the to the jurisdiction thereof, States but to the State of New

States nor subject

a foreigner

not only to the United


For the assumption or federal and codes the tribal district elective

of state can come system

jurisdiction. upon citizens of government.

No city, county, and enforce elective of the United Tribal


on a reservation

the laws systems

that are imposed


such as the one that is currently their treaty rights are corporate that is_!he decisions corporation public york of charters operating for Indians not enforcing Reservations jurisdiction, and federal

on the Cattaraugus

and Alleghany

and subject to state of New York which Law 92-264, Sec. government.

corporat~ and Public

charter' only'--Sec E .. Page 2 notes two court state that it is a public this same Revenue Code as of the State of New Internal tribal community

in the state



as a political States identifies

subdivision T~e the Indian United

and the United


just below this Other court

not a possession thereof~ Fellows

of the United States decisions, aate .

or a political States

subdivision· said - that--...... which

v. New York Indians,

v. Blacksmith

that the ~-.~,...._-.-~~--.courts an elective

have -=-=--=._ repeatedly ... ~ of government

they will not stand behind as proper Parts tants under


.. has _been aE..J2.!_?ved the DJ;'~sidentand senate/ of the United States by


r-cpr cscrrta i.ves of for-eign treatief;.1 25 U.-S-:-C.A.33, t 2 '-'---~ -

quoted, passed September -~';'_="-=-===or c;tizens alienation

Ind ians v::.i !:?1lill~ to su_rr end_~ r

~b:el£_~_eserya t_ i_ ?21_~~nc!_, __ c~~_e.~ _~_~.:: be ~~0 ~ _

their territories or to the federal court court of the Ninth

13, 1950, provided -~~.~~


further -

that=. those .. -

of the United States

do not come

to the state of New York January


At the bottom

of page two, the district

~3.i.c ial D-i§'tric~on~ana, t there must be a tribal ~tion


18,. 1971,

clearly: st_§;.tes that. res~l~~



by a tribal~Ecil

for TjJle_2Y=~yhe

Civil Right Acts


of 1968 and there has States for the pr~sented two the tO


been such a referendum of state tax board



in the United of New York

assumption types



is a briefing

the franchise traditional of Indians system taxation

of the State


of Indians

on the Cattaraugus

and Alleghany

Reservations, to an elective trespass

group who enforce who follow through

their treaties which you could

and the Seneca Nation intrude and

and uphold their allegiance and Alleghany

of government

on the Cattaraugus

Reservat:ons Kennedy


if they 'receive Title Sec. B is a resume in Washington, D.C.

IV funding

from the United

States government is not a member.

and the State of New York, in

of wh i.chMarlene and which

v.h h was sent to the Civil i.c

Rights Commission I have not received


to date,


a response. Civil Rights to it. powerless

On January 29, 19'/4, I met with a l"Ir. Wheeles Commission and asked him why they could with a treaty stated that the Civil Rights when it dealt Commission Indian

of the was

not respond on his at the in the State Indians

He simply



Sec. D is a letter

to Mr. John Elfvin,who, judicial systems

time, was a United that we felt local, that we demanded cases further Indian. is a briefing Erie County, to imposestate Mohawk which nor has there 'that plaintive suffering: araugus hunting County,

States Attorney, in which we cited state and federal

four cases

of New York was unfair in providing and one of them presented dealt

justice for the Seneca with a murder

a reply from him so that we could

take up these of a Seneca Sec. E Term, Special

There has not been a response to t~e State James the Honorable jurisdiction

to it to this day. in which order

Supreme Court,

J. O'Donnell

they tried

of a restraining

from Niagara

Power Corporation are a copy


they have never to the briefing. remedy

been able to enforce The last two pages

been a response has no adequate

of the restraining

order show on the second pag~ at law for the harm it is Page, Cattthat he made on to make . to me, showing and J.':O! !~ters Underneath

Sec. F is a briefing New York showing


sent to Judge Richard that the decisions his jurisdiction


and fishing

were not within paper

Sec. H is a copy that Dean Williams giving that is a letter to the President

of a B.I.A.

that was handed documents

has on rec ord certain

him the right to speak from Tadadaho of the United given

for the Six Nations. and the secretary States stating

of the Six Nations

that there has never Sec. J you will

been any authorization of the Six Nations notice Jackson to Harcld

to anyone

to be able to speak on behalf Senate, Henry Warrant for colusion, -~o the on the

or the Six Nation Parker, Sr. stating


that the first page is from the United States bill of service in which we charge when it dealt with currently rendere~ Under

that there was a request for and an Ex Parte with these is the request fraud, Indians Indians referring

a re-hearing}a of Admission a re-hearing and laches land claims Cattaraugus

and Private Rights.

the government

the Seneca

being presented Reservations

to the Seneca to accept

and Alleghany

it so that the

territory Further of the Buffalo Creek Treaty might be ceded has be en no response the briefing to the state to this request. Page 11 of improper of New York. of Admission identifies person, To this day there you will find Rights and Private


called Ex Parte Warrant

which was also presented. On page.1S is a statement

three types of people and savage. the procedure a citizen 43 USCA 1460, 1464.

and three types of jurisdiction, On page 24 of the same briefing fgr the and the state of Abandonment~ Qf. .. bill tbai;= a alienation and seveLa~_


defens~citing Indian

there is outlined to become New York.

which must be followed of Tribal

of the United states


lmis the Certificate

_:t!1g C ert if ic.£l.j; C omJ2 e 0f etal1q~. .Num r_ be _J__i.§=--=~ pass~jrwh~~h reliev~d g~ardians~~R!

~.rtifirzcate_ of Eligipili ty..:..,.. tlumber 4~ ~~res~ ty .. .Jju,JJlber .5~ the Q~tificaj:e

of Cj t.. ~§.~~_hat...-~~ iz.. court history of the United United determined states States. voice by your


CONCLUSIONS. country 1.

This is accumulated is not a citizen

and your government. The Indian or the State .;;. of New York by the Constitution .~fprej_grl territories to that~h.e_ his territories




of government

are not the sovereignty for a fo_re ign nation Lts ownlaw~.

s 0 they cannot ygi_c an opinion e

to corne


to exercise agency


The law enforcement of New York is aware _ received/that ~~Q,.nlY~a year ~he has

of the state police briefings system

of the State

by previous

that it has of government

it has no

jurisdiction the elective ~~,_...~~ of tho~

on that reserv:ation.

It has been aware that -,. public

g~orI2.0ration ,9} .!.r:.!L state of New York and lal29.-.§It has, in the . ..:... jeopardized and men but the women, children in the area, repeatedly

",,=.ll£.!. th"e soverei~.£~

~ngt I have been jeopardized States,

lives not only of the Seneca the treaties and the Seneca

which exist among England, People.

United 4.

For this court to assume Seneca reservations~that

that upon the termination

of the

the Indian would not go to the

Department the United which of Immigration states, of inhabitants and Naturalization of conquered to become citizens fall into in that all treaties person ) of that they would all let themselves rights, rights,

the catagory Indians

or ceded ~erritory to assume and their

they would have no civil or human are ignorant of their specific

bear out that they have the right to become and this state and a citizenship provided passports for in the Constitution and not the catagory of the United elite who cannot Constitution

citizens States

of this country for the very in the Abram. when juris-

in the catagory of the United detained

of a private

be taxed, arrested, States

and who do not need described jurisdiction

of natural


into which you fall, Judge of state court history

To assume that you have it has been established two hundred prudence years over treaty rights for system,

the assumption through


for almost the civil of the to

that no court has been able to corne up with Indians .1or n<?~. s<2._verE:!Jgn!.Y." can write Hogg, president Mohawk



an.~ther sove::rel£_tr~~. For the State Police of Mr . Robert charter of Niagara of the State of New York, Power CorSeneca Mohawk that a to d~ this agaln to court when the traditional that Niagara

to have taken the consultation electiye poration People a corporate come on the reservation to create have repeatedly corporation which

on behalf proved

this confrontation upon tn lands

with briefings

is a foreign the contract new that attempts tions between confr6ntation cannot history

of the Seneca People, write which it has refus8d whereupgn of a word

it has is illegal

and that it should

one which would

be fully recognized, people

were being made by Mr. Robert the Seneca and Niagara

Hogg to set up negotiaMohawk

th~t took place was now the breaking the Seneca Indians, This briefing schooled would is in detailed

to these Indians, be trusted.

that the white man's references


so that anyone

in the processes

of researching the fact court

legal history/that this Mar1ene cannot


that would prove I further

that this cart does not have the legal right Kennedy at this time. Kennedy hold Mrs. Marlene so noted or arraign

to hear and arraign state that this her until this briefing and federal

has been satisfied, legal history

and that the clauses

in the state

in here be disqualified

by other legal

procedures another York might title United Indian



I must be D12de aware, from ano-Lher avenue the assumption

so that I can provide that the state of state of New jurisdiction, in the of the operate



try to institute

and that would states located

be using the concept and it assumes within

that being that the fee simple and not of a sovereignty

of the state that

of New York is questionable the characteristic

or a colony ~urisdiction independently

is able to deal with its territory. St~tps

the sovereignty that it could

This t i orr o f state yet we all know that that would S~ates its living Americ:an


go under the concept

of the United mechanism States

of America,

the government of the United exceed


owes its allegiance the treaties

to the Constitution

and cannot voice

its jurisprudence Japan, Latin States,

the power

to override France,

t~at th~ United

has with England, Countrles within would TROY, MAGNA jurisdiction

Spain, Germany, it deals

or th~ Constitution simply because

of the United

or vOise Indians this

with sovereign

its boundries, be presenting SOLOMON'S CHARTA,

if the state the authority concept


of New York makes

attempt, which OF

then it must go according

to international

law procedures

of "NOAH'S DOVE, PALLADIUM the aboriginal ceding nation,

SEAL" which deals with BELTS" which

territories of royal

to a civilized Al\'D WAMPUM

"CHARTA DE FORESTA, to purchase and


------------fami~y Indians torial limits did not go through That o_"_ _. L. Carr, D. ..._. ., __ ._. enter the house Section selze.

deals with the recognition who are identthe terricharges


b~ood lines having or Quod Vide.

the right

occ uj.y the aboriginalsas the freedman

_Land base and territories

It is our right as treaty was done outside so the persons channels making

to state that this incident of the United States the proper a police trailer officer legal

of its own country. of New York, Kennedy under and did

of the State and Marlene

of Michael

690.35 CPL with a sea~ch warrent

That this code applies

to enter and search legally

only to the territory legal.

belonging Kennedy briefing

to the State of New York that was not

and that it entered

a foreign this this its

countryfovith a document and myself so that court will have

That Mrs. Marlene so that and scrutinize extablish

will now leave this courtroom to examine and legally

an opportunity

it can correctly

right would of jurisprudence ~-)e within Treaty or jur i ud i.c i.on if there t of having for an incident that is any so that it

legal confines Seneca

the right

to arraign to everyone Treaties

a which in

Traditional territory encompasses the State Kennedy States meanin~ hold


on Seneca

that will be interpreted all treaty Indians of New York and Canada. would the United

satisfactorily To restrict

of the Jay and Ghent

Mrs. Marlene the treaties and the United as "STATUS QUO" to

and myself

be and act of violating Kingdom of England

that exist between


and the Seneca People as it was befor~

can only be interpreted

and that the state of New York has now To continue Kennedy can now be construed this country. rights or the yellow that

gone to war against no Indian Indian country would United white, Page Indians within

the Six Nation Confederacy. limits

or confine Mrs. Marlene

the territorial

of the United States That the in this races and it

can ever hope of having

justice within the browns,

can only hope to hav~no such as the blacks, place me in the position States, European

civil or human

that I recommend to countries as that

to all treaty other than the the Indian is 1

to cede their territories and oppressed or European

that is to be interpreted descent

to be suppressed

sj_';1ply because according

he is not civilized, to Title 42, CoJ.S. 688, Paragraph 1. as a If of the

647, Paragraph

1, and 42 C. J.S 28, Page disregarded Kennedy

this briefing confinement vomit.

is totally

and the continuance

of Mrs. Marlene

can only be interpreted

dog that would throw up its food and g~_eefully devour

its own

~ffiREDITH M. QUINN Legal Advisor

January TO WHOM January which IT MAY CONCERN: 29,

9, 1975


The following Commission,

is a transcript

of a conversation Wheeles A. Buggs, of


between Mr. Meredith and Designate.

Quinn and Mr. Herbert D.C. 20425,J:rll'1 was handling rather

the Civil



S-taff Director a complain~ employment. for the delay November

Mr. Wheeles Commission took place

for the Civil Rights This conversation D.C. in response

the resume as , than a resume for at approximately the reason it on

in his office

2:JO P.M. in Washington

2, 1973.

I was attempting

to ascertain

to the resume

since I had submitted

Mr. QuiB¥d you make a decision Mr. Wheeles: No, I wasn't that. Mr. Quinn: Doe~n't

on my resume? asking for a response and took it at

sure you were

a resume


employment? you to ask for references. instead of

Mr. Wheeles: I was on the verge

of contacting

Mr. Quinn: Why did this resume go the complaint department personnel or the employment department?

Mr. Wheeles: I don't know, but as far as using you as a consultant, ...YES ... But Y0u're just of too high a caliber for ~his office. I would feel embarrassed, I can't deal with this. Mr. Quinn: Did Mr. Buggs receive Mr. Wheeles: This resume , a copy of my resume? COUNCIL, ...I think ...I think .. on this

C~lli FROM THE GENERAL qualified

Mr. Quinn: Is this department resume?

to make an evaluation

Mr. Wheeles: NO ...bear ln mind this Commission is powerless ...we have no authority or jurisdiction to enforce .... I want to make that

clear ...The unfortunate thing is that the Civil Rights Commission can't do anything to help anyone ..... ..The Commissioners meet once a month and are paid on a per diem basis and are basically insensitive to the problems of the staff and those are people endeavoring to serve. This meeting lasted




I next went to see Mr. Carl Stoiber of the Indian Civil Rights, Justice department at the Todd Building, 550 11th. N.W., Room 606. We talked at length on WOUllded Knee. I asked if there was any legal help on civil rights because the Justice Department had acted illegally in every step at Wounded Knee. He said there was not any such services set up for treaty Indians, that he had no authority to issue assistance to treaty Indians. I remarked that his answer was interesting, because his department met with Chief Fools Crow, who is a treaty Indian, and because he had the authority to take on civil right cases even when it had not been determined that this complaint of the Indian had not been reviewed to see if it was a treaty violation. I next asked Mr. Stoiber if the Justice Department had any resources to assist treaty Indians to researchh their treaty rights and the application of these rights .... He replied that his department had no authority to provide.assistance to private individuals ... Mr. Stoiber proved to be tricky so I tried it another way.. I asked the question in this manner; Does this department provide funding or other logistics to assist treaty Indians in pursuing their Federal rights .. he answer~d; Sure! it provides funds on the selected court cases it takes on!


o~ (f)

-fTI 2;U fTI<







.~ !

l0::: W

o o
CO cry

AS ~


LY has asked unilaterof a

The Traditional for no assistance ally or unde~


Indian Nation

from any other nation

the old illegal procedure v. a domestic security Seneca

foreign nation(Indian) (New York). ritories


The national

of the terIndians are

of the Traditional

not in jeopardy corporations

at the moment.

Those foreign will be diplomacy. of

upon these lands illegally strict and considerate security

dealt with with

Should the national the Traditional

of the territory


Indian people

be jeopardfrom another

ized, it would have to seek assistance Nation unilaterally.






T R A D I T ION A L - SEN ECA INDIAN -ALLEGHENY-CATTARAUGUS-COHNPLANTER-OIL M A I LBox 55 Irving~ New York 14081 Telephone 716-532 3874




Immigration & Port of Entry Territory of Cattaraugus North America

TO:Supreme Court,Special Term,Erie CountyNew York, July 5,1974 -HONORABLE Thomas J.O'Donnell-Justice Presiding Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Bureau of Indian Affairs-Robert P.St.Arnold(Liason Officer) Frederick C. McCall Jr.-General Attorney & Assistant Secretary Jaeckle,Fleischmann,& Mugel-Attorneys Sgt. Harold Galbraith Sgt. Anthony Aschieri Dep. Marvin Franklin Dep. Sheriff Jos. R. Obstarczyk A Gentlemen: On July gentlemen REPLY

9, 1974,

at approximately




P. M., four Dep Marvin thinking


in suits, shirts

and ties who gave their names Aschieri, Frankperhaps tem·asked for certain ensued, thousands names on

as Sgt. Harold the territory. Instead, porary Court,


Sgt. Anthony

lin and Dep Sheriff

Jos. R. Obstarczyk

A great deal of excitement involving

they had won some quiz contest restraining County identify order.

of dollars.

it was a summons and an order to show cause with It is headed of Erie and we are perplexed Senecas. into ours. at the moment

State of New York, Supreme because of territories

we cannot arrive

this area within· the sovereign

the Traditional their country when-~hey

The only other conclusion Of course, the territory

that we can out of is that they left and-usage We in the enhence concept

at is that these four gentlemen entered into the Seneca

must have wandered of custom


not the total territories shall present very near future.

of the Traditional departments

Seneca people.

to your various

this legal

May I at this time, quote you something your legal mechanism--United Sec~ 1 part "Indians members States

that will further Amendment





Elk v. Wilkins,

112 U.S.


28 L.Ed.

643, 5 S.C.R. 41:

born within the territorial limits of the United States, of and owing immediate allegiance to one of the Indian

tribes, although in a geographical sense born in the United States are not born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof." Seneca Nation of Indians v. John, Seneca Special Term, Erie County, Special New York, July 1891, Nation of Indians v. Jaimson,

~erm, Erie County, New York, Jan. 1909. Two decisions made from your judicial process that the government of the Seneca Nation of Indians which Dean Williams is currently President of, is a public corporation of the State of New York created by statutory recognition that has been defined as a public office in the State of New York. P.L. 91-264 ~ 5, 84 Stat. 260, 261. corporation as a political Identifies this same type of public subdivision thereof. Internal States Revenue Code of 1954,
"An Indian

§ 103(a)(1).

tribal community is not a possession nor a political subdivision thereof." 233. Parts quoted AND PROVIDED

25 U.S.C.S.


"AND PROVIDED FURTHER that nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorizing the alienation from any Indian nation, ,; ,tribe; or barid of Indians of any lands w i thin any Indian reser~-.:_ va.t i on in the State of New York: PROVIDED FURTHER that nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring jurisdiction on the courts of the State of New York or making applicable the laws of the State of New York in civil actions involving Indian lands or claims with respect thereto which relate to transactions or events transpiring prior to the effective date of this act. (September 13, 1950) Canons of Judicial Ethics #3. Constitutional Obligations.

"It is the duty of all judges in the United States to support the federal Constitution and that of the state whose laws they administer; in so doing, they should fearlessly observe and apply fundamental limitations and guarantees." United States v. New York Indians, v. Blacksmith, 19 How 3 15 17 U.S. 464 (18 ); Fellows

"In accordance with the rule applicable to foreign treaties, the courts have repeatedly indicated that they will not go behind the terms of a treaty to inquire whether the representatives of the tribe accepted as such by the President and the Senate were proper representatives." 400 U.&. 423, Robert Kennerly JUdicial District of Montana et ale V. District Court of the Ninth et ale No 5370, Jan. 18, 1971.

This decision clearly shows that before the assumption of state jurisdiction can take p~~ce in the absence of a sovereign Indian government, a tribal referendum must be held, backed by a tribal

council resolution for Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of in a sovereign


The New York Senecas government enforcing

are sufficient


its treaty rights

as you have come to notice.



1460, 1464.

These two statutes, because of their allegience to the United States, would disqualify all licensed attornies, all judges, courts at all levels and all judicial processes at all levels from viewing and reviewing foreign treaties and the protection of those members not citizens of the United States and not protected by the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution, because there is no part of the Indian problem that would not prejudicial the interest of the United States government. On the summons and order to show cause with a temporary names appear in sequence, instead offic~als restraining order where individual Seneca Nation. the majority of naming and In poor Court, INDIAN the

of these names are the government Individualizing Traditional Special Niagara Seneca

of the Traditional

their names

Indian government County,

was unethical

taste by Niagara Mohawk Term, Erie Mohawk Power

Power Corporation

and the Supreme SENECA

State of New York.

It should have read,



GOVERNMENT. Therefore, if the Indian community is not born in the United States and who hold l8.nd title of their territory then the Indian is a the Seneca Nation from the tribal was created for the have said are not it is your over them and court rooms and foolWe the right to nation. be slightly of an Indian tribal foreigner: recognition Indians, community assumption public

is not a possession Further,

of the United States, corporation received called

if the state of New York gave statutory permission

to a public

which has never for a referehdum state

and no resolution treaties,

jurisdiction of foreign

which your courts

the representatives corporation

even though judges,

and you have no jurisdiction attornies, can be disqualified the problems it would

with the fact that ali licensed jUdicial processes, ish and stupid to give your hear, view and review would appreciate 6;, ~. to the Traditional

judicial legal mechanism of our sovereign this paperwork

your returning Seneca

that was delivered

Office on July

9, 1974.



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r". .J:)

Irvlng~New Yort,14081 Telephone 716-532 3874


G 0 V ERN MEN T . at Rt:438 __ Versailles Plank Territory of cattaraugus, Allegheny, all spring, cornplanter North America











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~UCH.l\f:':, 1'. :~E"lNlmY - \il~r:' a i. 1]_ 8;3- Plank r~I')ad I,a\'lt~ons, l',iO'''' York
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HEREDITH _i1. QUINN 43 South 53th Lane Kansas CIty, Kansas 66102 Tel.: (913)287-2301




United States Commission on Civil Rights Division of American Indian Civil Rights Washington, D. C. 20425
Rev. Theodore Boo Hesourgh, C.S.C.~ Chairman r·lr. Stephen Horn, Vice Chairman :'Ir!. Frankie F. Freeman f:Ir. Naurice B. r-1i tchel1

Hr. Nanuel Ru1z, Jr. Mr. John A. Buggs, Staff Director-designate

Dear Sirs: To best under aband the Indian Bill of Rights that is sometimes called the Indian Civil Rights of 196~~,we as Indians must understand certain facts. To begin with

Hr. Robert S. Rankin

Indians are not Americans, therefore, we are not entitled t~ cdrtaln basic constitutional rights. Indians as le~al identifiable members of the human race cannot fulfill the legal requirement of "Porson" which term legally describes a citizen of a civilized nation who by requirements is protected by the l)octr'lne niscovery, must be civilized .. of 'iI!litc, European, or European descent.* That Indians living on the reservation, or in urban areas, who are enrolled in srnne type of enrollment ordinance, tribal roll, base roll, or otherwise, that identifies him to this particular tribe

*Nor are Indians "Inhabltants§ of a ceded or conquered territory s such as: r-lexicans~ Latin Americansi, Span1sv sur=name] Puerto Rlcansi cubans(terrninated Indians)i Negro~ or Blacksi Asians, or Asia Minor people; they are Savages, Natives, ~'r)ori~inals,.,., or Indians, as classified by ;;'' '1- dC!j_u\ Law, and Treatles or Florida, Guadalupe Hidalgo,ana ou sana.



Resume to Qualify t'1eredith :~. Q,uinn, ex facto Legal Adv t.s to 'rrea~lp:hts o.r V 3,. Indian Civil Rights (continued) are not protected on the re3srvation by the tribal system of self-government brought int:_, existence, with the Cattaraugus Alleeheny-Seneca Indian system of self-government in 1848, the self-~overnment systems of 1887, the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 and 1950, and are best classified legally as: TRIBAL ELECTIV GOVERm1ENTS UNDEn CORPORATE CHARTER. There function is to replace traditional r~dian (native aboriginal) governments, so that treaties, Lr.nd s and membe rsh Lp will be isolated from sovereignty without 1xCootectionand redress. These'governmental systems that are instrwnents of tile government of the United states are in no \1ay associated to or coming from the aboriginal native, or, Indian governmBnt that was in existence when treaties were signed between Indian Nutions and the United States government, making them legal instruments and interests of' the government of the United states. The~c sovernments of elective systems owing their al10Giance to u~e consti~~tlon of the United states are in di~~Jt conflict in rep:~~enting the Indian who has membership to :l 't.'ibethat has a ti,_;:.ty with the United states government.

The cattaraugus Seneca Indians have r'e af'f'Lr-med heir t so1ereignty by first notifying the State of New York that the St3.te of' New York has no Jurisdiction over them, then notifying the federal government of the United states throv~h the Interior and Insular Committee Subcorrunittcc hear'~ngs September 17, 1973 that because of Public Law 86-533 federal supervision has been terminated. It was found, that one, Arthur Lazarus, Jr., legal reprcsentative of the elective system of government of the Senecas also belonged to the law firm that represents Dick ~'Jilson,Cha Lr'rnan of' the tribal ccunc t.I on the Pine Ridge neserv~tion that brought on the physical confrontation at Houtiaed Knee. Mr. Lazarus t law firm also represents myreaer-vat t on which is the Sisseton-VJhapeton Indian Reservation. It was also found that Mr. Lazarus is·the.:-consulting'attorney for an organization called Association of A~erican Indian Affairs in the City of New York. This association said ougn a telephone conversation with Nl'. 13ill Byler that any Le ga I help to the members of the Nation of the Cattaraugus Senecas would be in direct conflict with the elective system vrh Lch the organization represents. Thereby establishing that all legal systems lioensed and credentlalled by the States of the United states and the government of the United states are in direct conflict \,lith members owing an allegiance to this Indian tribe. The elective systems of government which are instru:nents of the federal government, cannot protect treaty rights belonging

Re aumo to Qualify f.dvisor to Treaty

M0rcdi th 'r, Quinn, ex facto Legal Rlg!lts vo -.Indian Civil Ril3hts (continued)

to the members of the tribe" are now governed by a legal instrument called the LndLa.i Bill of Rights, or, the Indian R1ghts Act of 1968. This legal instrument was written to tie the hands of the elective systems of Indian-self-government from interferring with American citizens coming on to reservatlons to c ond emn , confiscate, intimidate, to purchase, and entice tribal members to surrender their land rights, and to keep any legal instrument from being created or used to prot~ct the members of this tribe. The members of Indian tribes are not protected by any system of government having no redress for grievances because these governments are inttruments and owe allegiance to the United States federal government. The Indian Bill of Rights, or the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 are to restrict and control the elective systems from protecting its tribal members. 'I'he r-ef'or-e , the United staees Conunission on Civil Rights handling the American Indian civil ~ights must seat a treaty Indian knowl edge ab le in Aboriginal Code and International Law. This treaty Indian must be able to categorize and avert types of legal adjudication that could conflict Vlith treaty rights of members of Indian tribes. One such case was the Puyallup Fishing Rights cases (at Tacoma~ Washington, January, 1971) where I legally represented and presented the~legal prpcedures in which the State of W~shington created these .:1~1~ trials into a conspiracy case,

Tndians are not citizens of the United States(l), they are not;~ legally born 1-n the Unltea. States and tney· have no sovereign government to protect their lands, their ~eso~rces, and membership.


(1) Indian

Title 26; Art.l, Sec. 6~ pg.5: of an Indlcm tribe resid i n3__;.;i<17i~t:.:.h:..::i~n~tx.h~e the United states ~Jho has not been n~1tur$.lizQg_,_JJLJJ-""o..><.t_a=-__ citizen of the United states nor of· the state of his resi. _~dence2 nor is he a citizen or sub,Jcc€C51'aroreIgnstatel itith1n the meaning of the constitution cr the statutes __ __Q_9nferr:.ing_jurlGdictlon on the. feder&l_. courts; Jt_
," A member

Law2 state of Now York,


United States Constitution, Amendment 1~, Sec. 1, ~art 3, paragraph 7 p Elk v. l,'!f'fl(ins, US 91+) 2b L .Ed .64 z 5SCR 41; 112 "Indians born \-1ithin the territorial limIts of the United States" "member-s of and owLng immediate allegiance to one of the Indian tribes, although in a geographical sense born in ~he United states, are not born in the Unitdd states and suh:Ject to the Jurisdiction thereo:t~ ulthin the meaning of this section."




to Qualify r,1ercdith n. (uinn, ex facto Legal to Treaty Rights vs,_ Indian Civil Rights (continued)

Hany criminal codes and charges brought against members of Indian tribes could be a.rd often are in direct conflict with 3Gvcrcignty, treaty rights and agreements with the United states.

This paper is presented to the United states Commission on Civil Rights to protect Indian members so that their treaties" their sovereignty, their lands and their mineral rights will not be stolen or confiscated throl~h the ignorance of the Indian not understanding International Law wne n it pertains to hi3 reservation. I am confident and know that I am a qualified treaty Indian having dealt with Indian Law and jurisdiction for the Laa t eight years and am considered the und i sput.ed authority on this subject, and residing outside the al1e2;iance to the United states government. I uaa elected by the traditlonals at vlounded Knee ..N;irch 11, 1973 as their International Legal Advisor, ar.d cmde Legal Advisor to a band of traditionals of the cattaraugus Seneca Indians reasserting their sovereignty September, 1973~ and I am also the author of a book entitled: DDakota Proclama t Lcn" ~vhich gives many of these concepts Hith references in this paper. To the civilized Persons who arc not acquainted ~lth Native, Savage, Indian~ or Aboriginal Code, credentials that qualify are not determined by the present system accepted but by native tradition and culture of commtmity life-styles wh~ch are based on kno~ledge of the subject only. I am an enrolled member of the base enrollment of the Sisseton-~~apeton Indian Tribe and have declared and announced my allegiance to traditional sovereign Indians and can disqualify by legal briefings any attorneys_, Ju.dses and courts Hhcn it conflicts with treaty Indians to treaty rights. I remain, Identlfln.blc, A Sava~,:::


IF the United St9tes Judical System can get Indian Treaty Monies yet THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS is not open to the Arrerican Indian then there Rre INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. IF the United States School Sys~em can get free-built schools yet it is against the law for Indians to attend these schools freely, then there are INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. IF the United States Navy can get new hospitals built that will be escheated from the INDIANS for public use, then there are INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. IF the United States_Immigration Dept. can get Indian Treaty Monies to pay Each Cuban that left Cuba $144. dollars per week which cannot be reviewed or disqualified or recorded and is TAX FREE, and these Indian monies are not open to the Indians on the same basis, then there are INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. IF PERSONS who are not yet citizens and are not INDIANS can get Business Loans from Indian Organizations that have a Federal CharterE on Indian Reservations TAX FREE and this same monies are not open Indians, then there are INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. IF the American Indian can get a Passport from the U.S.Immigration Dept. because of Executive Order Number 6 of the Immigration Laws which states that the Passport is for his or her convenience as an ~ndian, then there are INDIANS according to the U.S. Constitution. IF the Simthsonian Institution can get Indian treaty monies to make studies on the American Indian and such grants are not open to Indians because such grants are open to only PERSONS which the Indian is .not , then there are INDIANS according - -t o the U'.S .CbnstittIti IF Meredith Quinn~ an Amer Lean. Indian, once was aU. S.Interna 1 Revenue Agent without giving an Allegiance, was given tax loads for only advanced agents in which he never got the payor credit, Was forced to do the dirty cases without credjt or pay and was kept one day short of being"'.:a"'permament emplpyee and_was told he h~d~no redress or recourse because he was not a citizen of the UnIted States but an Indian, Then there are INDIANS according to the U.S.Constitution. No where do I find that the Internal Revenue Service has the right to make an agreement with Officers-and former Officers of the United States to terminate 2nd escheqt Indian tribal l?nd~ by using treety s ove r e i.s-n rights to the identity of 2_ b e i ng 2. SIGNATORY INDIAlJ 1tJ1;ich,,,1(juld b ecau se the subjects wel'e nc.t SIGN_I',_ IEDIi\NS ; fE! +I TORY but O_f'r'ice:rc arid inY'n'?J" Gi'ficers I~: United States. the It is d oc un ent.e arid crnno t be disputed snc1 is part of cour t h i st.or-y d 2nd r.S.lnternal Revenue Service referenced recorded.




14 December 1975



There is a confrontation taking place in Se~inole, Oklahoma, which is beginning to assume the dirnensions of another "Wounded Knee". Peaceful negotiations were scheduled to take place in Seminole on December 11 between the SE?-HNOLENATION TREATY PEOPLE and representatives of Santa Fe Railroad over a land lease agreement. The scheduled meeting was turned into an ambush when, instead of railroad negotiators, railroad security police appeared along with FBI Agents with drawn guns. The FBI had neither jurisdiction nor provocation to cause an incident. They dispersed the Indians and no negotiations could take place. Negotiations were rescheduled for the following day, December 12, at noon in the town of Seminole, it being understood that suitably empowered corporate officers of Santa Fe would be present to represent the railroad. In the interim, the FBI local and '.'lashington offices were contacted and advised that their presence was not legally proper, desirable or necessary. Local media were cantacted as well, with the plea that they provide adequate visibility to preclude further shenani~ans by the nonlndian parties of interest. Acting in good faith, the Indian people appeared at the agreed meeting place ~n the town of Seminole at the appointed time. No railroad representatives, nor anyone else, showed up. We ask if this is bar-za nfnz in good i faith? It has also been learned that the FBI ambush situation was initiated Qv one Joseph Fasco of the U.S. State Department (Why are they involved?) and that, on the following day an item appeared in the Washington Post indicating that Fasco's wife had been designated a member of the Board of Directors of Santa Fe Railroad. Isn't this clearly a case of conflict of interest? As the days wear on, negotiations are suspended; the railroad has halted service through the Seminole area; the Indian people are frustrated and threatened; and government troops are moving into the area, promLsLng further intimidation and escalating tension to the crisis stage. We ask the media to investigate the situation and provide objective avert impending violence.


F 0 ]{ E H !\ R

/if'/.}) ·PR.:I·'VKft:_

~:I'c:. ;-J TS

This briefing \'13.3 r-o acn r'chcd and wr Lt t cn by an Indian, classified by United states Federal Statutes as 8 Sava~e, not a person, or an Inhabitant of a ceded or conque~ed territory, claiming none of the professional or academic. standards that arc required 1.£ the br LcI'Lng \1a3 in the ar-ea of probl ems that belong to any legal citizens or Inhabitants that owe allegiance to th~ Government of the United States, of America. This briefing is outside this allegiance, and not restricted by the laws, religions, or concepts of this allegiance. The legal sense of this briefing is to establish for the first time since the European first believed he was the super race and had to conquer the wo rLd ough the concept of discovery, which permitted all other aboriGinal groups to be in direct conflict and outside acceptance of any social order practiced by this code and ethics of European concepts. The concepts of International Law are respected in this brie~ ing which the nations in the world follow because aboriginal code, ethics and law have been destroyed, making this International Law the only law between nations left to be respected, ~nd if this law does not exist, there is no law between nations, man, or concepts, but, the fact that there are international boundary lines between countries of various names, which were brought into existence by a conflict of interests and ideologies, settled by a war between these r.ations, from which a treaty was agreed and s1gned~ separRting a winner and a loser of this war, does give this briefing its legal and just existence for the American Indian~ which was restricted by those that manacert Guardianship.of thR Indian, and, Alien~ tion and Severalty.of the Sovereignty. and Territories of his ~ations, Tribe2, and Reservations. The citizens and Inhabitant:; of the United States of-America --cannot teach, instruct, or relate) to the American Indian of his lmlque legal sense, because of the allegiance owed to protect the Government of the United states) and thi8 fact disqualifies any of t n« ocLenc es of instruction to History) Law" Government) or HeLll31on. The fa.ots presently being printed and advertised arc for its citizen members, that are the policies of this Nation, are in direct conflict with the actual docl~entation between Indian Nations and the Government of the United states, and this practice or policies of relating history to citizen members, that the rest of the populations of the world a3GUme to be corrcct~ is 3o!':18what d Lf'f'er-errt content than wha t actually shou'l be reLa t ed to in d Indians, and we are speaking of that Indian that does not asswne to be a citizen of the United States) having no record or educatlonalrequirements presented to que st Lori from a ,

( 8)

In tcr'na t 1onrl1


pr o t cc LLon C onc ep t , tile: v al Ld.l t.y of any f:hroul:~h a cd uc a t Loria I progl':).m of fns t r-uc t ton, when it deal~ w,lth a relatIon statcmcll~ G~twccn Indlari Tribcs and the Government and history of the llilltcd States. This bl'ief1ng 1~;,that d Loqua LLf'y Lng Lna t r-umcnt: ric ed cd by the Indian when t.he que s t l.on of val tdlt,v to any s t.a t cmo n t that dlst:lnLEU ....
l3ulnhc:J t.hc Lndl nn


abo r-LgI na1 f'ound Ln what ic 0." •

non-Tnd Lan , 18 c aI l ed as



b e Lng



and South


I\. L


SInce Un i t cd States c Lt Lc ench Lp was o I'I'c r cd to rTl.,V people (American Indians) and citIzenship of the United States in this CCl3e 18 ,q nci'! country for' the Indian to move to. s haTl cal} t h t n c f t Lz cnah Lp for the IndL;,U1 "a pr om.t c!", ... a Now thJ.3 promise to the Indl~n! prcsentnd in a legal mLl.nnpr '::hIchthe AmerLcar: Lnd t an ac sume d to be a lC[r,al c:t zen of tt t he United State3 r wh Lch in turn .. the Gov e r-nmc nt. of the United stati"s a ssume d it could enact ]3.i'13 that wo uld termina tc Ind t an Sovel~cl£.':n land 8 and coun t r Le s , by getting these Lnd Lan s to accept a. tYre of gov ernmon t to manage Indian tribal affairs and rule over' members .of these sovereign nations by a system of Government that was foreign and not the type of Government) the United States found when making t.hc trcat.iN; w l.t.h se Indian Na t t ons , Lr the Thcse type~ of Gov0rnmcnt: ..presented to those Indian Natj.ons are in direct: conflict to thc t nt eres t s and pr-o t ec t Lon of the Indian that has an d still is faithful to his Indian Nation, while the Indian that asswnes he is a legal citizen of the United states, nf:simll?tes to the ma j or- coun t t.e and e cities of the Urlited states, forgot to take this Government with him. These types of government, written from the concept of International Law, are for people or physical beings -that are classified as, havin8 dnal or multiple nationallties, or Inhab1.tants of a ceded or conquered territorles to have c Lt.Lz h Lp and constitution I'lr~~ttennd approved by the cnc a Congress of the United States ... -;h1(:h was done, meeting the conditions of the 'I'reaties of FLORIDA) LOUISIANA, GUADALUPE 2IDALGO, (sometimes referred to as the Treaty of Queretaro, or the 'I'reatyof New Mexico) and of course) the Treaty of ALASKA. These physical beings are not necessarily conquered, but in the territory that was conquered because of wars between countries that follow European concepts) which is for European or European descent only.


When the Indian leaves the protection of the reservation, --this docs not mean that he is an Inhabitant of a ceded or conquered territory) but exercising his right of OCCUPANCY) which canno~ be changed, altered, or set aside because the American Indian has and did win the conflicts between Eur0~ean groups or m8mbers, where treaties were signed that Gave ldcntity to t~ese groups cf European de8cent) as a natinn for the first time. A trust wa~ ~lven to theRe grour~ of European descent people that kept them out of the INTE!U-IATIOI1AL CONCEPT of Inhahitants of a ceded or conquered territory) which legal history shows they very badly kept. It is this "TRUST" or :Jometimcsreferred to as, "GUARDIANSHIP" that gives a true leGal identity to the people and Government of the United States of America) to be ac~epted in the eyes
(10 )

and policies

of tile rest

of the wo r l d ,

It is this same "GUAI1DIAN,sIIIP" that s epar-at e s the Ld en t Lby of Indian Natlons from the Government of th~ United staten of America ,j us t 'as there is a scpa ration of po op Ies owing a11 ef_>:iance the United states Gov ernrne t , sue h H,:;l: to n


Beln~ the true citi~cn of the Un1tad Sl,atc~J nrotcctcd by the Constitution, which has ;t:;:ttutC';, re~uj_rf'ments or l ;in(: yJh{tl~, Clvillzed~ ~urope~n or European dp~c0nt.

INHADITANTS-rhys!c~l beings lri the territory the lIni ted St3,tc3 that are not European or E\1l'OpI?3n escen t or not. Sav ag es , br ough t d into exi3ten~e by the Treati.;s of FLORIDA,


pr-o t c c ted

by various c1v11 rtc;ht act::;and statute8 if the .t.nhabf.t.ant. bc l Leves ('1' a neumc s they are citizeD8 of the United Stat~s. Indian3 that believe or ass\une to be United States citizens arc inhabit~nts, ~alled: a people with dual and multiple nationalities acoord Lng to International Law, owing 1,!ATURAL and LOCAL alleGiances, to two or more types of European Nations sLd e by side.


i::; the Lnd Lan s that identity a~ Savages;

are ::ti.ll and h av e nc vcr changed


B8in~ the true citizen of Indian Nations~ protected by treatics, and a "TRUST"-:'ltatus for wlnnin~ the conflicts that gave identity to the first group of European people that is DOH ca lled the Un.i cd St.ates of America. t Tile,r;cs this classified of (federal s t a t u t.c ) people are the on lv non-European s pcrmittcci to belon~ to thp civilized Internat101FI.J !1cl,tloDS of Eur-o an or European pc descent. No allegiance owed to U.S.A. inhabitant type of identity, that



them~elvps from briefing was born.


Fo~ a n\~ber of years it has been the practice of the United States Attorney General members, Solicitors of the Interior, members of the American Bar and other related State agencies, organizations, and associations, assuming that all Indians ha~e surrendered their allegiance to their Indian Nations and assumed to be United States c Lt i.z ns , to pass legal enc (11)




actments that ha~e termlnated certain territories bclonein to Indian Nations. With the acceptance of certain Indian eovernment systems written by members and citizens of the United states, presently being practiced on Indian reserva· tions, Attorneys, Judges, and Senators of the United State~ in the, assumption, lay DECISIONS, POLICIES, and LAHS, STATl on Indian LAND, RESOURCES, and CIVIL HUHAN RIGHTS that are ambigities in context) omitting the "ABORIGINAL" title and the legal voice review because of this asswnption. This ~ractice has been widely accepted by the American Indil because of "ignorance") brought on by educational concepts, supplies, and other treaty stipulations that were directed t the Indian that was trying to become a United States citizor. and not to the Indian that was faithful in his allegiance to his Indian Nation, so; to date, no treaty stipulations have been met to Indian Nations. Also, allegiances and restrictions laid down to Government agencies that are administrating Indian resources, rights, and monies must direct actions in favor of the Government that they are citizens of, and the PRECEPT, CONCEPT, and CONCLUSIONS of their actions are held in secret, because they cannot pr-eIud La.L the interests of the governnent Lc they are citizens of. Then there is the Bureau of Indian Affairs which is now under the Department of the InterJor. This Bureau was to be the liaison between Indian Nation3 and the Government of the United States. Today thIs Bureau is used by special interests groups by legal manners that are in conflict with the interests of Indian Nations, so, for the Bureau of Indian Affairs to continue under the control and part of this Department of the Interior_, is not in the best interests of the Indian or his lands.

-, .( .

There are many people that call t.hemsel s End t ans, working ve for this Bureau and according to their civil service employment applicatj.on, gave their allegiance the United States, io they will have to be renamed (i.e.) Netis- the Indians that accepted the French cu l ture; files tizo-the Indians that acccrtcd the Spanish culture.


It come:';to that time to name the LndLan l;~ll,:,vlns Ims el f to h b~ an Arne!' an ci t Lz en , be Lorig Lng to the En[,;l1shculture, that Lc Hould separate Indians following the Enclish culture from Indians faithful to their Nations~ and any act that Indians followin~ the Enelish culture would have no pOHer, and the right to act or
(12 )


from the Indl~n Sov0rctsnty ba3e js lost because changing of allegiance and citizenship.



This briefinG is in this area of law. The Indlan about his business of his nation and problem c La ssLfLed as a (Sav~~e, Abo r Lg.Lna L, s opa ra t Lng him from the Indian f'o Lk iFF El1Clish culture tryIng to become a citizen of the United States. The pract1~e of Attorneyc, Judges, and other citizens of the Un i.t.ed ta t.e s to AD~lINIsrl'HATE, S CHARGE, REPRESENTING J or PROSECu"TIHG: by writ: or any of the known leg:).lpr'C'ccdiJres that enact the court systems from which legal citizens of the United states depcrid on, for their' j us t tce ;:have been administrating their European type of justice outside the context al1d jUt'iadiction of theil' ovm laH and IaN structure

Even the Federal Bureau of Inv0stigation which is to protect 2nd investigate murders or murderers of Indians on reserva-tions has failed in their duties, which is a dir~ct violation of treatJes be t we cri the United st(lt~s and Lnd Lari Nations 1'lhich comes from tho White Man in Indian Territories. This Bureau alonG with United States District Attorneys, have even glven permlssion to 10ca1y county, and state lat-[ enforcement agencies to harass and arrest Indians_,and their associates" about their ~usiness of Indian sovereignty problems, for which the Government of the Unitp.d states must,apolo~lzc for. G 0 V ERN ~ENT

It Ls a fact that must be t.r an sm Ltt.ed to Indians, members of tribes, reserva.tions and nations) that a form of government presented, classified as an;elective systrm under Corporate Chqrter. is in fact an :lnstrument to be utLl Lz ed by the Government of the United States to centrol Indian Nations. It is this same elective system lmder Corporate CharterJ that imposes guardianship over the Indians' lands,_money~ home~, and resources, that this elective systemJ which has 9nly an --administrative function representing the interest of the Govf;rnment of the United States, is in fact, in direct conflict to the members of this Indian tribe, his treaty and his sovereiGnty, that this elective system cannot protect its citizen Indian members, or its territorles; that it cannot protect the legallty of his sovereignty, that its numbc r one function is to .terminate the Indian from h Lc treaty, his lands, and his territory. This elective system of' g ov ernmcn t 1s in actuality an ins t rumcn t of the European system of [!;overnment, commonly referred to as "European Code and Ethic8"~ This system origln.qtes from the colonization concept to remove aboriginals in the world from their land base without due process of consideration or redress. It is the one subject that has hrunpered the (13 )

world from enjoying a peaceful state of affairs.

The Indian of the Ame~ica8 because of his treaties~ makes a legal state of aboriginal right~ representing the biggest land base problem in the world. Because there are legal differences in intellectual concepts between the Indians and i<lhiteNations which G8parate these two and there t s no political, religious, or; legal instrlunent in existence 'today that protects the Indian, lndlviduullYJ or, collectively ,faithful to his tribe, trc.:l.t.y, sover-c Lgnt v., 1~. this briefand ing prescnted. We ar8 in reference and writing about two types of government, a.nd Indians that are in confl ~_c t to tHO d Lf'f'e r-. ent types of allegiances:


that Indian believing cLt Lz en of t he United legal proof, and

himself to be a legal states without any


~\'1at Indian knowl ng he t.s 8. c r.t of hi~ nd Nation, t.r , or) reservation. j




A government that is called, o~ 01asslfied as an elective system under a Corporate Charter,and the traditionaJ, original voice of the Indian which Rlgned the treaties with Spain, Portugal, Francc~ Holland, The Netherlands, England, Canada, RusHia,and the United States.


We have described the elective system which is an instrument of the Government of the United States, or what ever- government, European type of government, in existence where the Indians of America are presently situated. The little kno\'m fact of identity for sovereignty of the aboriginal of the world, can, for example, be described as such: using the Indians located in the territory limits of the United States _having treaties, or protected by the strongest treaties in the territory. Though the Indians who have memberships identified b~ enrollment ordinances; or tribal rolls, base roll, or otherwise, must first announce their allegiance to their Indian Nation, Treaty and SovereiGnty. Next, even though there has been a great decimation of his knowr edge to his cult~rc which identifies his Sovereignty through r-e Lon , arid reI Lg Lori in t h La sense 1.9 identified because: Lt.g first, IndIans use five systems of religious houses, namely, the Longhouse, the Sweathouse, the Tepee, the Kiva, or the Hogan. These five reliGious houses in C!omparison to European systems of government heads, can be identified to, Parliament House 1n England, or the Cap:1.tolof thc United States. Next, the Indian must understand that in these religious houses



\':hr;r::- o r Lg Lna ILy all conc<'Tk: !-o hi;; 1j~01 cc,y \':ert:' t.augb t and IH'flcticed .:1nd 1Il(.j; :Ln. fl.ll In'J l'ltl II1s'r.1b~l'::_; ct: ,'1 t r Lbc arc t r8.cllt; iOI1Cll Il1dJall~: wh e n they h3,'!C s L'l teel openly of t.he Lr (l,llct:l;lnc~ t,) t.h e Lr I'rid I a n Na t i.on to the Guardian whLch :b t h c United ;;tate:3. It 1.8 at this po l.n t tha t e;uardLanch t p c e as cu and trwy b o c ome t r ent y iy'opl (' p r o t e c t eI h;: 1;11'.: r ca t.y an.I have l.h o r'Lcht t t o t.h e b c n e f Lt (~f S:,'vc·I'(!J[;l1ty .. and So v c r c j Cnty in I t3 full (;oncf?pU: 1'0.1 J,tJnc te\, Ir.t~!'-~nat:tO!Hll T,;'J~'! hav I ng it;) rul~, p rac tt c e an.t l~~'::;t·"ctlr:'n. So an Indian that i~~ I'a It h I'u" t:I.' !li:: 'l't':lbc~ n')tt0~:. o,nd ne8~l'\';)t t.on 1:3 pr-o t e c t e d Ln hl~-; full SovC'r.-:,~-cnty hv ~- Tr~::],t:v., prac tt c e s anc] b,!lievcs in 11:l8 t r ad Lt.Lon .• ah~_\ in dO:)c cp t , beC011C8 t ha t Indian, 01' Indians that; Ls outside th~ s upc rv Ls Lon and ._1ur.' lsdlc 'c ion (~f the ~ov,~ l'r!:n':?:1t of th~ Un:t t: I"(j stat~~J or t n e Government t ha t I.e:: J~1 rO~\":~r enntl'o111n..::; CU::l r(U,'3,~shll', f)-r:' ~<ihc o the Inr:l Lan !'t? 2 .1'1"S Ln 1'\,';'th c'r South r fl.Incr.icH, '.rh{~ l!yl:Lan th8l, 1.8 f,dt.hful t o i;hn '::lcc'tive ::.~n;tc;n o f [(~vcrn;;>cnt o I' :::1. CCl'[,or'C'te Ch::1rtel' L0 i:.f~ ..:1:.; n s ub.t cc t or t e t·~rj 03 an;'l ca nn o t. ~~e prcd>:ctr"_l r-:y tl':'v-'l~tiOI1RJ. Tnd.Lan tt~r;J.ty. lIe (l,l._1.l0n::1tlr.:alJy C'~:i::l):n~!~ an l:1hol)i,t:::.nt of a cr:c1cd O~' c()r~CJ1.)f:rcr:: terl,~lt(_)r'J' ~'Jl\-hr:~l1t ~'~:--:ht;; to
h Un l StC't: t.b e-

fnJ 1 citl;-;';n,3hirJ of she natt.on c:r-,ntc'olllnr:; GU~1.'.I:t''1nship of the Indian I n t h e country T(!hr;r'C' he rc;:Jdc2.. Thc c l.c c t J.v o sy s t em of Lnd Lari Go v c r nmcn t can a I s o b·_::>J nos;;') f Lci in InG _tcrn<.t~lcm:l.l Law 3.3 c Lv i.I t.z cd c oric c p t , OT' r-u l C' unoc r Eu r ope an
C!;d0. -:;,r.J !::f_.h!'C3. Th'.~ IndL'l.rl t'C"!.r_l!121]y ii"nl;:lJlr'r:'l. t o h~3 L;;"}'-ltY,lyl ,r;nv(~r'(~Jcnty C3.!1 n':;.~·; !)(' ~~1?:=:;8i.rl('J :i.n ~r.t;:T'n.qtj_a~:;lJ L;ni



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the G)'!:·.~}~)r~·::·~!~~ 11:1~ :l;{"l~)ti<;')~ ~~/ ~0 ~i.-11 ~}1 -. ; i: 5J_'~1 :' f ~(,.", (.~ C r- J_£:n t;; I !l~1. ) (1.r~~."'; 1) f:~ C" Q.. 1J ~';t':' 1. L '-1 r.:-;. :J. r ::'r;hr)0}_-:, '!r!;:-~.:;ltutt,)t:s o I' hi.:_·h:'l' lC';::Y'~l:tnt:, '-b'l~: \'l'~1,~1d hs v e :'~:vi~ t 11(~ In:11 o.n I) rl~ h{~ ,'\:~':r"':i,:';l;. .3 n 1·1 C '.1 1. f~,""}1 '': },),!,' ::;C';: (II r-r:::;:t C:(')~'" I v.hl _"" roll '~~' hI:', 1"; (rhf~ j":"'.""l:-"· (If hI ,-: 'T"""."1 i- t ,-.,"'11'" 0'In.~_ .... \ ., _.Lv' ,_ ~ ~ ,:;2, t; Lori =,,11 n.: t j_ t u t 1.'J.'1 :,: I; r. UY' T_i~) U;,~, t :-:; ;:11>":,. ': r:,,! '" l' 1:':~ t .:. ';, t ,'"~~ ~ l;)t ';--~:::>':~ -l;h'? ~!'J_:'j =.n o f ,,,! ::I-"':;::'·('~.lC!l l:;~~; i .:)~~ t . Y'l::-l, \1'_"': r:~'r:'~;(~]~\J':,. ';)' r.1rQ",:lr:l' h Lr: :::n1.i::;n !,:~\;'1__0n. It L;.', h.'l:.1l~Ol'(·'J !'~7 ,) ')"',... -:->:- srI) (.;:1.1'11 n ;:)J 1 I~~')_,WI r~C' "!h 1('h 11'11;_: t, r 1.,,_, t (>~ t- :'.1',3 ,; 1t :l ~ n r:. ::-. ':'!"J~!, :':'d',J Y:C't t ,!~~~i:1ltl:L~>~ ll>:-'\'~1 t~~ S()\I"~\''-:>Jc;.nty l·l()r~~~_:. 'l'hl~)'.; 1:-; no r ch oo l , :t::~.t-.itlltJt~n .. (l~~.:"'C"':!!_2,tt'Jr)~
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L'r~p;H't:l'('nt of thr• Ini',('l'J')l' 'l a l.-! ,-h'vln pnl t,_':l~s that \1/0111(1 n-vc r C11Jn.l.lfy In(11rl.n:: foY' th~ Inl~£:'11f>('tll·1} t'n, t o t ha t c Lv l.Ll.z cd man ha s , as a :~t:)nrJ:ll'.) Lf) the bl~::~:l.ng0 of plenty 8.11c1 v/(~;i.lth fen' the ne ecl hl" hO\1~Je.Th~ f::11 oh'j_nc ~'::l.~-; found ruuong y our- book s o I' po ILc y :

t hc


IITEIlTf\'1.'IVE COUnSE OF STUDY l·'OR unrrr:» STI\TES llIDI/\!J SCIIO('-'T,;.).

-Dera.'r'; of

th,;, t e r f.c r En

Lnd schoo10 r.ns t t r-at n I~he Inclian youth of both sexes, to take uron them~elvcs the duties and rcsr~~81b11jti~s of cjtl7.cnshi~. To do this; rec]11:Lt'p.G 2.. ~:y3l;.~r:: Dr s o hoo Lc an1 an orGanlzat1o~, capnbl~ o~ prcpar ir:E_:: thE' End jan Y011:1C: p e o p I e to ear-n a l:t'ling (2.) ar:loDS th~J_r cwn r·~or]c., ':'1') (2) ,-=i\\'ay from the 7:'('<:'e r v a t Lon home and in c ompct.t t i cn with their whit~ ~rcthren. Th:U.> dOC2. not or un Lv er s Lt v ,

c on t.emp late a c o t l C[;8 or P.'!"?!; n. pr("r_12T.'8.tor'y for c~llege cntr~n~c.~

such R :"'Jli.;;y t11,:; InrUan c(_\\~ld ncv c r br:, in c cmpe t Lt t on \'lith his ','Jhtt~ br-e t h r c n , 110r could he ov e r Le a r n t he ]"1'>quf.r-emen t s that ar-e needed to develop h ls Indian ~!at:ton.

A lc,sal Lnd epe nde nt; Ln s t r urnen t c apa.b l e of pre s erit Lng a J PC;;l.J. Sovercir;n E1ttltuJc fc)r Lnd Lans to othc:c nn t t ons from Indian Nation3 ia this brlRflne fulfilling the requir0ment, because the United State8 Qov~rnment with EY0cutlv~ OrdcrG~ ;:tnd Ac t s of Con1:;I'eSS no lonce!' h as thf> .iurl;.;dlction to pr()~cct Trust, or Re~trictcd status of Indian lands, or ~errlt o r t o s ~ (25 C.F.n. chapter CDC, appendix l;G. It23, 42}t s h25: J.~26 -




shall be known


('x pat' t~. HAn !1A})T OF AD~HSSI0H





cuardianship i~ out~ld6 thesc laws and codes.

the structure

and jurisdiction


It is a180 the practice of the Federal court system with their judges to accept and place on court ca.lendars and Log s where hearings and trials of cases involving Indians and Indian problems omlttin~ ~uardian~htp or its jurisdiction of the American Indian, who have been charged with a crime that only a citIzen of the United ~t3.te~, or a vi;;iting alien, or an Lnhab t of a c cd ed or conquered t.e rr Lt or-y , t It is becallse of this lone; accepted practice and because there is no law or court system located in the territory limits of the United States that deals in International Law, or an educational system to teach the procedures to the American Indian, makt.ns; th1 So c ornp LaLn t pr-c scn t ed BLANKETED IN CONCEPT, FREE OF AMBIGITIES IN CONTEX1\ and OUTSIDE OF CONFLICTS OF IHTERSSTS J to FHOTECT" t hc land sand, the r co our c C3 of the American Indian lliltilhe can in8tltute pL,opRr action to have his GUARDIANSHIP reviewed fairly and co~rectly.










"ex parte DAKOTA

Department may, when not prejudicial to the interests of the Government~ furnish authenticated or unauthenticated copies of any official books, records, papers~ docur.1ents, maps, plates, or diagrams wIthin his custody. _ All r-ec or-d of End Lan c and Indian rights and pr ope r ty are s -ptotected under this a~t or statute. It also disqualifies all organlzatlon(s), educational Instltutions, and hu..l71anist corporations3 and all courts at all levels. Clt~tlon: U.:-;.C.A. J.116Ji The Sc cr-o r'v of the Intert.n lor may pr'C'GcrTOerules and reGulations GOverning the recoenition of acents, attorneys, or other persons representing claimants before his department, and may require of such persons, agent3, and attorneys before being recocnized as representatives of claimants, that they shall show that they are of good

h~ u. S--:-C.A. 1}~60 The Sec r e t ar-y of .the Interior, or any uf the officers of that

(18 )

moral character and in C00~ repute, possessed of the necessary quaJifica.tions to enable them to render such claimants valuable service, and otherwise competent to advise and assist such claimants in the pr-e serrt.aLon of their claims 'and such Sect retary may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend or exclude from further practice befor'8 his department any such person, agent, or attorney shown to be incompetent, disreputable, or who refuses to comply with the said rules and regulations, or who shall \'lithintent to defraud in any manner, deceive, mislea1J or threaten any claimant, or prosp~ctive claimant, by word, circular, letter, or by advertisement . ., BRIEFING: 'Legal fact. 'l'he Secretary of the Int.erior ..protects, stores, and controls all records of ~~erican Indians in the United States by order of the President. This control includes Guardianship, Alienation, and Severalty, of each Indian in the United States, along with the Indians' personal rights. - Now , if the r ecords show the Government of the Un 1 ted State s in an act, si t ua t Lon , or c ond I t Lon that i~1 pr el ud Lc La I to the intere~ts of the Government of the Unitod Statos of America, the Secretary by law (43 U.S.C.A. Ih60) docs not have to show or make ~ory or distribute the knowledte of them, and if aorne one should g e t s orne of this documentation from the Secretary anJ tries to use it in a court of law, the Secretary of the Interior has the Authority to dictate to the courts at all levels} t.hc a.lro i.s sLbll J~y ac f:vld~nC'e of these records or documentation in a c cur t. of lal'l(Titl e 28 Judiciary and Judicial Proccdut'es~ 8cGtion 1733) and no court can by writ force the Sec r e t ar-y to open for review' _ any records or doc ume nt a t Lon so that an Ind12.n cou1d- have -a ·fair and juct trial when charged with crimes that have been written for American citizens and the inhabitants of a ceded or conquered territory. (Lane v. U.S. Dist. Co). 1916, 36 s.c+. 599" 241 U.S. 201, C)O J~.E(1. 05().1 Stoo](ey v. Wilbur 1932, 5R F.2d. 522, G1 App. D.C.,V.S. v. Lane 1920, 21_)9F. 202, 50 App. D.C. 123, appeal d t sm.l cd , 42S.Ct. ao 31L~, 258 U.S. 632,66 L.Ec1. ~~Ol, 43 U.S.C.A. Ih57 note 17) and all attorneys licensed by the various state bars and C).gentsor pcr-s onn ("Person!:!"; beinr, defin(~c1 by s t a t u t es as ~fu1te or European or European dcscent. Fraz~e v. Srokan~ County 69 P. 779,7~2J 29 Wash. 278) 42 C.J.S. 1 parasraphs 1: 2, 42 C. J .S. 2n par-ag r aph 1.) are rootric tcd and held by an allegiance and rules and rer;ulatloD8 from enforcing an order or writ or even relating the legal identity and rights


of the Indian or his records., and this limitatIon can not be revealed to the Indian bj wor d , c t rcular, letter" or advertisement, and this nct or laws make it impos3ible for an Indian to be represented by consul of law that would be fair and just, and prosecution would present that part of court procedure that would be unfair and outside the concepts of justice and the beliefs of the Indian that he, was getting a fair trial and his presentation and representation could have a fair judgment, because the Judee that would lay his decision from the evidence could only come from this restrictive presentation (43 U.S.C.A.1460,,1464), and this same Judge could not protect attorneys from state or government oaths) allegiances, and restrictions, if they decided to present the Indian problem or case that would enlighten court procedures or protocol in favor of equal facts and evidence for Indian and nonIndian. So any court or court system within the United states or possession of territories, could not fairly .j ud g e or try by law, an Indian on his Treaty rights to his property or territories. CONCLUSION: Therefore or therein or wheresoever, Indians charged with crimes that come in conflict with his Indian identity either encompassing the concept of tribal or the word or sound or the law of the Indian, whether it comes from Township, town, city, county, state, or United States federal or Supreme courts, -there can be no representation from the leGal services or associations that belong to the American Bar or other related associations, organizations, or concepts, and any attorney or judge licensed by same, is outside the representation or prosecution of the American Indian. So, whenever this condition exists with the Indian, he has no proper defense or protection to a fair trial or hearing, so whenever this situation occurs, the Indian can not be brought to trial and the reason will simply be stated as, lIim_ proper Defense."



J U D G E S.






TO: Hex parte DAKOTA

BRIEFING :. Legal fact. The Secretary of the Interior protects, stores, and controls all records of American Indians in the United States by order of the President. This control includes ,Guard ianship r Alienation r and Several ty of each Ind ian in the United states, along with the Indians' personal rights. NOW, if. the records show the Government of the United States in an act, situation, or condition that is prejudicial to the Interests of the Government of the United states, the Secretary by law (43 U.S.C.A.1460) does not have to show or make


copy or d t s t r i but e the k;:":H'llcdce t.hrm , and if someone of should gei; o omc of th 'l d ocumen tat ion f'r-om s the S8C r-c ar y t of the Interior and tries to use it in a CO\ITt of law, the Secretary has the authorIty to dictate to the courts at all 1~ve13 the admissibilIty as evidenc2 of these records or dOcl~entation in a court of law (Title 28 Judiciary and Jud:tcial Procedures" s8Gtion 1733) a!1d no court can by writ" force the Secretory to 0pen for review any records or documentation so that em IndIan could have a ~air.and Just trial.when charged .crimes that have been written for funerican citizens and the inhabltant$ of a ceded or conquered territory. £iane v. g.S. Dist. Col. 1916~ 36 S.Ct.599, 241 U.S. 201~ o-L:Ed.9S6, Stookey v. Wilbur 1932, 58 F.2d. 522, 61 App. D.C., U.S. v. Lane, 1920, 269 F.202, 50 App.D.C. 1~3, appeal disnissed, 42 S. ct. 314, 258 u.s.632, 66 L.Ed.801, 43 U.S.C.A.1457 not~ 17) and all at t:orneys licensed by the V:1r Lous s t a t e bar-s and agents or persons, ("PERSON" being defined by statutes as White or European or European descent. Fr'a~ee v. SnokElne CO'lmty, 69 P.779, 7(32.129 VJash. 278~ 42 C.J.S. 1 Parae;raph I, 2, 42 C.J.S.28 Paragraph 1.) are reGtri~ted and held by an alle~iance, and rules and regulations from enforc1ng an order or writ or even relating the legal identity and rights of th~ Indian, or his records, and this limitation _cannot be revealed to the Indian_by word, circular, letter, or adve r t Ls cmen t , and this ac t: and 'l aw nn.deit Lrnpo ss Lb le for an Indian to be represented by consul of Jaw that would be fair.' and JWJ t J and pr osec ut.Lon \<1 .u ld present that pa rt of court pr-o c ed ur-e that would be unfair and outside' the concepts of justice and the beliefs of the Indian that he was getting a fair trial and his presentation and represeritation could have a fair judgement, because the Judge that would lay his decision from the evidence could only come from this,restrictivc. presentation, and this same Juuge could not protect attorneys from state or government oaths, allegiances, and restrictions, if these same attorneys decided to prescnt the Indian problem or q_ase ~that would enlighten court procedures or protocol in favor of equal facts and e vi.dcnc for Indian and non-Indian. e So any court or court syc t.em w l.t h Ln trw United States or possessions or territories ~ could not f8.trl;,'iudGe or try , by law a~ Indian or his rights or property or territories. Now, the rules and rel:;ulatiotl~t118. t the ~~(~cr"etary of t.hc Interior g0v~rnln~ the recognition (43 U.S.C.A. 1464) of such persons, agents, and attorneys which shall be p2rmittod to practice or represent claimants before his depar-t men t , It is the rules and regulations that the Secretary of the Interior must prescribe, that are influenced by Oat hf a ), Allegiance(s) of the country that the Secretary of the Interior represents and the cOlli1tryhe



to prC8C]''1C 1,110.r Lgh t s of the people of the United States, which are people protected by the Constitution of the United States (Knl~ht v . United L<1.I1,1 Assoc'n.Cal. 1891, 12 S.ct. 258, )I~ 35 L.Ed.97lr, Hal'llev v. Diller.h'ash.1900" 20 S.ct. 9·%, ITR U.S.57h" 4h L.Ed. 1l57j Orch.:lrd v. l\J.exand'2r'" 1895 .. 15 S.Ct. 635) 157 U.S. 372, 39 L.Ed. 937, 1£3 n.S.C.A. '1'1)7 r-o t e 6 paragraph 5, l~3 U.S.C./\. Ih57 r o t e 7 paI'af~raph 3) and publi~ 18.nd;; is Land that js 1~I·Cl..ji'! av a L'lab l c tCJ citizens or the UnI ted S t at e s and inl1:).bl tan t s of a ceded or conquered territory.
1:3 a c Lt Lz en of"

CONCLUSION: Therefore, OJ' there in, or wheresoever End Lan s char-ged w1th crimes that come in conflict with hl.s Indian identity ~1th0r e nc ompa os Lng the concept of t r-Lba l Or' the w()rd ()r e ound <:11:" the law of the Indian, wh8ther it comes from tow~3htpJ t0wn, city, county, state, or the UnLt cd 3t:a.tos fC(lCr2.1 court or Supreme COl.l1 tS, there co.n be: no r-e pr-c s c n t a tt on .from t h e lecal services or aS30ciatlona that bslong to the American Bar or other rel~te(i a~sociatlons) ~rganl~at10ns3 or ~oncepts, and any attorney or .judgo licenser! by s arne , is outside the representation or prosecution of the American Indian. Because of this condition the Indian ha s no proper defen~e or protection to a fair tri~l o~ hearine;, so -whenever t.hl s s t on occurs) the In(118.n cannot: b~ brought to trJ8.1., and the J'eaSOl1 1\'111 slmply be e t at cd as, "Improper Defense". The r-u l e s and r cgu La t Lonr- t ha t ar e laid down by the Secretary of the Interior, influenced ~y oath(s) and a.Tl cg Lanc c f s ) of the c Lt Lze n s hl p of the country t h Ln Secretary represents, and the people of this country can only be from the viewpoint that will protect the people and the Government of the United states s o 8.11 attorneys and .jurJge8 t hat a r c in the l~rofession or bua.l ne s s of law and its practtces} are person(s) and people that belong to the concepts and b~licfs for the United States of America and not Indian Nations, tribes) or reservations, and - no state or Government a.gency, ney or .Judc;e, corpora-tion (profit or non-profit) or any nne owing allegiance to the Sovereignty of the United states of America can relate t h e a e facts t.o the Amcr Lc an Lnd I an , b e c a uc o it wou l d prejudicial th(~ Ln t c cc e t a of the Governmp;nt. (J~3 U.S.C.A.11160)


J URI S D I C T ION ( Prepared by the author .• l"Icredi th f'1. QUinn I'r om the hook "DAKOTAPROCLAr1ATION"pg. 96, 97.) Excerpts and concepts tal<:en from this book by permission of author. PART THREE OF SIX PARTS TO: QUINN PAPERS". "ex parte DAKOTA



E X C L U S I V E'



COtv7PLJUNT: Charging by writ or other related systems of court procedures used to brinB physical beings to the decision by either juries or judges, guilty or not, of a complaint to a code, law 6r statute, of American Indians, where Juris Prudence has not been agreed upon between Indian Nations~ tribes, or reservations, and the Government of the United states, and which is in direct conflict of Indian land, resources, and riehts BRIEFING: Citizens or members of Indian Nations, Tribes, and Reservations cannot assume to have obligations to, or under the protection of a Nation other than their own, because United states citizenship and Indian Exclusive Jurisdiction control in direct conflict due to Indian Sovere1>';n Land Base Rightsd Courts have no Right( s) to aSS1.U~le his Jurisdict tion when it cannot prove that any cxistinrr tribal relations or. affiliations have terminated or dissolved because the Indian having left Indian Sovereign Territories (pract icine; his right of occupancy). This que s t ion of jurisdiction, or the lack of it, is the exclusive right of Con~ cress, Pr-e a Ld en t , and the Secretary, of the Indian which cannot be set aside, changed, or altered as long as the Indi~n has not asked that Guardianship, Alienation, and Severalty be relieved. (U.S.-Halbert v. U,SO) Wash., 51 S.Ct.615, 283 U.S.753, 75 L.Ed. 1339, reversing, C.C.A ..•U.S. v. Salbert, 38 F.2d. 795. U.S. v. Provoe .. 33 F.2d. 799, u.s . v , l,,<1:'1.llcm-Jsky, 33 F.2<..i.. 805, URS, v. HoLf son , 38 F.2d.8oQ, certiorari c;rn..nted albert v~S., H 51 S.ct.23, 282 U.S. 318, 75 L.Ed.731,,-U.S. v.Dewey---eounty, S.D., 14 F.2d.781f, affirmed" C.C.A.) Dewey v. U.S." 26 F.2d.434, certiorari denied 49 s.ct.94, 278 u.S.""1')If9, 73 L.Ed.561, -U.s. v. r;lty of Sal::uncn~0.)D.C.N.Y._. 27 ?Supp.5InJD.C.-1tJol.~k v, U.S., ex rel.Gouj.n; 18 F.2d.820, 57 App. D.C.170, 31 C.J. Pc:.1182note 1~9(a) (3)).

1';0\.1, t ho quc n t Lon 01' ~harc:es or crimes that conflict Lnd lau la~'1 ac;reeri1.1pOn betwcen the United States and

with InJian Na t Lon , Tribes, and r-e cr'vatrons and thl:::.Ju~.'isd1Gtion13 s questionable becau~e(the court3 of this country has never been opened to the Indi2.11 and civil libcr'ties of United States ct't Lz ens given to End Laria • (J~~~[~er. , U.S., 27 Ct.. v C1 .278) .

A l'v1 E R I C A N AT EMENT 0F C I T I Z F. ~rC' '1' J[ J:;' 0F L0CA T ED u INDIANd IP IN L I [·1 I T S TEREIT0RY NITED 0F E U TH A M l:' R I C .A '"' T A T E S 0F

.. H



"ex parte




! .••


To best und er-s t'and , what is or who is, the HmIAN


is the key to best understand just what is the AZTEC STOHE. No one is more aware then I, of the hundreds of books written about the subject, which have been done with a touch of authority, making another such book alittle late and out of place. However, it is a condition that fits an,english_phrase and assocciated with' Indians. long used

As a Indian Hard-core Activist for over

18 years I found this english phrase fitting the circumstances of the Indian on each new reservation visited. It could be recorded in civilized

books as the condition best describing the Indian. But if the Indian had been described as such, it would prove that the most written about one subject in the world, the authors knew little or nothing about the INDIAN OF THE Ar·1ERICAS. ' "THEINDIAI'; IS ALWAYS A DAY LATE AND A DOLLAR SHOET!" Enough has been written about the Indian, that anyone can conclude that there arises questions that cannot be answered that contradicts this english phrase. To BE and know \lIRA or WHO is the INDIA~; OF THE AMERICA'S T along with the knowledge of legends and prophecys to this culture, one does wonder if the 18 years spent in direct conflict with the United State Government over Indian issues, perhaps were years spent standing in the

way of the r·~aster Plan of the CR.EATOR, GREAT SPIRIT for the INDIAN OF THE A~,IERICA S which always has been. ' Some of the Indian prophecies create this conflict. t:AT THE EKD-TI!'J!E, ONLY A HAKDFUL WILL [v:AKE THE GREAT ;·J:GRA TIm:!

By culturual teachings, over 15 years of research into all cultures, you know this handful of Indians who know their culture including the knowledge of their Clans can be no less than 2,592 and no ~ore than 4,)20. Others who have no tribal knowledge and not Indians can be no less than 2,592 and no more than 4,)20 who will follow the Indians.

To be able to understand the Aztec Stone, all one has to do is take out all their information on Indian Cultures and the pieces will fall into place. To say that the builders of the Aztec Stone believed in Human Sacrific and had a need to be nourished with human blood and hearts, is almost as bad as a Medicine Man in the state of Oklahoma who stated that he had to teach the young Braves liTheScalping Ritual.1I When I told him that the

Sioux only perfected Scalping that they, had learned from the White Man and proved they were better at it. However, it was never part of any

Indian Culture. Scalping came from the Civilized Castle Dungeons of Europe as a method of torture. It was brought to this part of the world and used openly on the Indian. As high as $12. dollars was paid for an Indian Scalp and ~any a White Man became millionaires from this going business.

But, when the Sioux discovered the White Man feared being Scalped more than anything else in his life, they perfected and started scalping Whi te Me n , Then and only then did scalping become a crime against human i ty and to this day, no white man has ever tried to scalp another Indian. Now, for human sacrifices. If 90% of all modern medicines to day came from Indian knowledge of medicines of the past which the Department of

the Interior comp i Led in a set of Volumes between 1900 to 1914 on all medicines of the Indians, who even had it down to how certain medicines react differently to different ethnic groups; this knowledge of the Indian could not have come from doing human sacrifices, but by trying to save human lives. When they brought S~~LL-POX blankets to the Indian reservation~ as part of treaty stipulations, it wasn't done ~o killed the Indians which it did, but to test the Indian to see if they still had their knowledge of medicines and to see if they still had their spiritual power to throw off diseases. For so-called born again christians; to be one you have to

be able to pray for t~e sick and heal them. The p~ayer-line found in some churches was introduced by Indian tribes.

This is taken fron the tribe of TSIMSHIANS and it calculates and show that the Second_Innt~r Circle"is a Turtle, the second part of the Creation Legend. If one is to add a mathematical pro~lem or write a sentence in english, he must first know the markings that identifes a literary trail to the culture. If one has only studied english all of their

a c cumu La t es axz c t Ly like the OLLn'I l\!OVEMEN~ the AZTEC STONE, but both' of

life and aletter is placed before one in Arab, what the eye sees and what the mind understands, is absolutely nothing. The same is true of the

Indian of the America's. Unless you have learned the literary trail, what your eyes see and what the mind understands is absolutely nothing. There is even a reason why you are drawn to the writting method

of tr

Indian. "They are the languages and writtint method handed down by the CREA TOR, _CR!"A T SPIRIT , to the Indian. They are the ff.r-st and are called; EARTH LAKGUAGES. If an Ancient Indian was asked how to write the sacred name of the CREATOR, GREAT SPIRIT, the sign of the concept separater would be made and then three Earth objects would be drawn in the tribes motiffs in a order. Translated, conditions it means that each of these objects under normal

on Earth, makes a sound of a syllabel in the order of the

objects drawn to this sacred name. If any claim to be the descendants of I!At,;ASTAZpT, perhaps they can

tell this poor dumb.Sioux Boy from the plains of South Dakota, the time needed for certain items mentioned
1. When

on the AZTEC STONE. between the positive years and the

is the true separation negative years?,

2. If there has never been two Moon Cycles the same in time since the beginning of time, but for three years there appears to be

a close relationship to continueing cycles, but the fourth year the Moon cycles are so foreign that any previous cycles are lost for references, which one of the four years does one use for calculations?, 3. Why is there a discrepancy of 15.015625 on the calculations on a full Earth day as compared to other places of l5.083333?, or could the AZTEC STONE have been remade and this discrepancy put in there? However, we are looking at an object that has been written about in the past without the viewpoint of the Indian.






This is TONATIUH, Sun God of written about.

t hr-AZTEC



hundred of authors on the subject. This they will not dispute

If one could open up Medicine Men or Women to give an opinion on this drawing, they would be ready to turn these authors over to some D.E.A.Agent because whatever they are smoking its pretty dangerous stuff

and its not Indian Ceremonial Tobacco. Better yet!! Without having to go and visit an Ancient Culture; go

to your Library and read the books on Ancient cultures and you will find that the Sun Cod or Sun Sign is Universal amcung Ancient People which includes the I~DIAN OF TH~ A~~EICA'S. I'rr. lmost certain that any Boy a

Scout who co~y after Indian Cultures from New York, Eastern Canada, Novia Scotia, Oregon, Washington, of this symbol. To proclaim to the world that this a Sun God who believes in human sacrifice having the need to be nourished by human blood and hearts lived and Alaska can tell you the meaning

at the same time Ancient Indians and in the same area, which is completely

foreign and unknown to the descendants

of these Ancient Indians.

At the Lake region of "Coahuila!! in the country of Mexico, lived Indians in the past that called themselves ATLANTES. Today you can see

and visit members of the Iroquois Confederacy who made Wampum Belts, dres; and Baskets identical in every aspect or with no changes as found in

Mexico. At the New York Academy of Sciences, TITheVero and Melbourne 1":an,·

1950; there is no dispute that the Iroquois Confederacy are descendants

of ATLANTIS. Does these Confederacy members have an object in Indian call= TONATIUH, Rituals that would give a clue as to what Anthropologist the Sun God? The answer is YES!!!

In fact they can prove that one has

been given to almost every major Royal Family in Europe as a gift. It is called: "A FALSE FACE.

If any Confederacy members wish to

visit this area, it can be reached by starting from Laredo, Texas and then traveling Mex i co Highway 85 south to !v:onterrey. From here one west on Nex'i co Hig:lway 40 to Saltillo, of Coahuila.
t r'ave s L

which is the Capital for the state

The Iroquios Confederacy religious False Face is truly a prize. The face is craved out of a b'Lo ck of wood and the type of wood depends on the purpose of the False Face. But all begin td_th the same basic Teachings. With the eyes, nose, and mouth craved out, they are replaced

by ones made from some type of metal and attached to the face generally by being nailed in. The ears and rings in the ears also made of a metal, and attached to the head. Next comes the unusual., The hair is real human hair many times donated by a religious Indian or one who may have spent a year in rituals to overcome or change alife situation. string is attached in the back so that it can be hQng up. I am as logical, SCientific, and analyzing as anyone who researches as I do, yet I witnessed a power that takes place in the ritual of the False Face. In this ritual, the false face is hung on the wall. Each evening ft bowl oE mush and a glass of ~~ter LS placed next to the false face. Bear in mind no one but myself was permitted to be near the F~lse A small leather

Face which included put t out the mush and water each evening. In the CC'af';!e two weeks each mo cnd ng the mush of

gone along with the water,

and at the end of this time, the hair grow four inches on each side of the false face, and this event had six witnesses who will verify it. But it is the basic beginning t£nchings to the False Face which can the six beads.

answer all the pur-pos of the AZ'rFC ST:JN fI'0NE, es S including

The false face now identifies what the purpose of the AZTEC STONE is.- It"is"not a SUN GOD who believes in human Sacrifice that must be

nourished by human blood and hearts, but a sYmbol of a Grandfather spirit of the past which provided the wisdom and knowledge so that the tribe could go through a major global catastrophe without any harm. The AZTEC SUN STONE .is a tribal Prayer Wheel which will tell of a major event that happened on earth and give most of the necessary details. (Dakota) Winter Count. Like the Sioux

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