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What is Sociology and my social problems as a student

Submitted To: Prof. Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Iqbal Submitted by: Kashif Rasul 9106


I am grateful to ALLAH almighty, for enabling us to fulfill this tiring, but interesting job for the completion of Assignment. The present Assignment is submitted to Prof. Mr.Zulfiqar Ahmed Iqbal. I express my deep sense of indebtedness to his for his invaluable advice and encouragement and for giving me very useful information that helped me a lot in completing this assignment. It is also my duty to pay thanks to my parents for the moral and financial support. Last but not least i also feel please to thanks to the whole management of Superior University in general for their cooperation in the formulating of this assignment.

The Assignment has been assigned by my respected Teacher Prof. Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Iqbal of the topic of sociology and my social problems as a student This assignment is the result of great efforts. It is a matter of great satisfaction for me that my respected teacher has given me a chance to show my abilities.

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