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GCSE Self Assessment.

Look back at your work and try to forget that you ever wrote it. Self-Assessment is very personal; people are often very hard on themselves and get frustrated. Imagine that you are assessing this for a classmate if that helps. Look at the dartboard below. Shade in the segments according to how well you do each of these things. The following number of points are identified The following number of points are re-worded



The following number of points are relevant (about how something or someone is seen)
10 5

The following number of points are supported with quotations

10 5 1 1

10 5 5


The following number of quotations are embedded

10 10

The following number of quotations were facts

The following number of points are introduced appropriately using discourse markers (E.g. the first impression; Secondly the writer gives us the impression that; finally; lastly)

The following number of quotations were short (one word or phrase)

What I need to focus on (areas with less colour):

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