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8/eoch (UV 8otlcbl

romanlzed as 8L4cn ln !apan) ls a !apanese boeo manga serles wrlLLen and
lllusLraLed by norlakl 1lLe kubo 8leocb follows Lhe advenLures of lchlgo kurosakl afLer he obLalns Lhe powers of
a Soul 8eaper ( blolqoml
llLerally ueaLh Cod)a deaLh personlflcaLlon slmllar Lo Lhe Crlm 8eaperfrom
anoLher Soul 8eaper 8ukla kuchlkl Pls newfound powers force hlm Lo Lake on Lhe duLles of defendlng humans
from evll splrlLs and guldlng deparLed souls Lo Lhe afLerllfe
8leocb has been serlallzed ln Lhe !apanese manga anLhology weekly boeo Iomp slnce AugusL 2001 and has been
collecLed lnLo 31tookboo volumes as of AugusL 2011 Slnce lLs publlcaLlon 8leocb has spawned a medla
franchlse LhaL lncludes an ongolng anlmaLedLelevlslon serles LhaL ls produced by SLudlo lerroL ln !apan
Lwo orlglnal vldeo anlmaLlons four anlmaLed feaLure fllms seven rock muslcals and numerous vldeo games as
well as many Lypes of 8leocbrelaLed merchandlse
vlz Medla obLalned forelgn Lelevlslon and home vldeo dlsLrlbuLlon rlghLs Lo Lhe 8leocb anlme on March 13
2006 CarLoon neLwork began alrlng 8leocb ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes as parL of lLs AdulL Swlm block on SepLember 9
2006 vlz Medla has llcensed Lhe manga for Lngllshlanguage publlcaLlon ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Canada and has
released 34 bound volumes as of March 2011 as well as publlshed chapLers of 8leocb ln lLs booeo Iomp magazlne
slnce november 2007 vlz Medla released Lhe flrsL 8leocb fllm 8leocb Memotle of NoboJy onuvu ln norLh
Amerlca on CcLober 14 2008 1he second fllm 8leocb 1be ulomooJ uot kebellloo was released on SepLember
13 2009
volumes of Lhe manga have sold more Lhan 72 mllllon coples ln !apan and ls one of Lhe mosL sold mangas ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes 1he anlme adapLaLlon has been slmllarly recelved lL was raLed as Lhe fourLh mosL popular anlme
Lelevlslon serles ln !apan ln 2006 and held a poslLlon amongsL Lhe Lop Len anlme ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes from 2006 Lo
2008 1he serles recelved Lhe Shogakukan Manga Award for Lhe boeodemographlc ln 2003 and ls among Lhe
besLselllng manga lssues ln boLh !apan and Lhe unlLed SLaLes

(lrom Wlklpedla lor more lnfo please vlslL hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/8leach_(manga) )

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