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UNIDAD 1 GRAMMAR Imperatives Plurals: regular and irregular Place prepositions and interrogative pronoun: where There is/are Possessive adjectives and interrogative pronoun: whose How many Possessive s

VOCABULARY Alphabet Numbers Body parts Classroom objects

UNIDAD 2 GRAMMAR To be: interrogative, negative and affirmative Interrogative pronouns: what, where, how old, how many Review possessive adjectives Review possessive s VOCABULARY Rooms in the house Personal information Review classroom objects

UNIDAD 3 GRAMMAR Have got: Interrogative, affirmative and negative Review articles: a / an Can Demonstrative adjectives: This /that / these / those Prices Review alphabet Review possessive adjectives VOCABULARY Physical description Role-play shooping Animals Review body parts Review rooms in the house Review classroom objects

UNIDAD 4 GRAMMAR Present simple: affirmative, interrogative and negative Adverbs of frequency The time Like + ing Review: to be, have got, can and present simple VOCABULARY Verbs of daily routine Verbs of free time activities Verbs of house work Days of the week Months of the year Professions

UNIDAD 5 GRAMMAR Present continuous: affirmative, interrogative and negative Time expressions for present continuous Describes people VOCABULARY Items in the house Verbs of activities in the house Review rooms in the house Clothes Review body parts Family Beach vocabulary

UNIDAD 6 GRAMMAR Difference between the present continuous and the present simple VOCABULARY Expressions of time Review verbs of daily routine, free time activities and house work

UNIDAD 7 GRAMMAR Must Lets Refusing and accepting a plan Future: going to Comparatives Place prepositions VOCABULARY Buildings and places in town Giving directions Review verbs of free time activities Food Some adjectives

UNIDAD 8 GRAMMAR Past simple: to be There was / there were Past simple: Regular and irregular verbs (affirmative, interrogative and negative) VOCABULARY Time expressions for the past School subjects Review places in town Review days of the week Review job and professions Verbs in the past: daily routine, free time activities and house work

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