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Winffeld (Kan.) Daily Courier, Fri., Nov.

25, 2011

Good health is good business
It is time for us in Cowley County people's unmet health needs. Institute has ranked us 83rd of A study by the Kansas Health 105 counties Our rates of diabetes than the national norm. of uninsured poverty children than most to do something about our in terms of health outcomes. and heart disease are a good deal higher

Our rates of cancer are also higher. We have a higher percentage other Kansas counties. We have a higher rate of childhood Kansas counties. Unfortunately, to these conditions. If we ourselves We cannot We cannot have health insurance be satisfied. health needs to and access to good health care. we let ourselves in our population. afford any longer to ignore our responsibility meet those needs . . Plainly. there is motive to meet such needs among fessionals. A number department, of them have joined Cowley County with the city/county health United Way and Legacy to steer health prowe, like too many Americans. have gotten used than most other

afford any longer to deny the unmet

work on an $80,000 are in terms of health Hopefully our people.

federal grant to find out exactly where we needs and outcomes. will point us toward actions we

that investigation

can take to reach a higher level of health and health care for all A safety net clinic might be one of those actions. make a difference The however keeping We should in this entire area. at the grassroots. in health care, of and that the business It could

key to this effort is attitude

laudable. are not enough; healthy

all realize that past achievements

our population

is good for all of us.

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