Breasts, Penis, Vagina and The Obsession With Size

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Breasts , Penis, Vagina

And the Obsession with Size

What is Objectification?
Being represented and perceived as an object (your body) rather than as a person.


It can be women or men

Why object to it?

It dehumanizes and strips away identity of a person by reducing them to body, or just body, parts of body. body.

What is beauty?
A quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind
Definition of beauty

Only 2% of women feel comfortable describing themselves as beautiful

Source: Campaign for Real Beauty

We Are A Society Obsessed With Size

We Are A Society Obsessed With Size

We Are A Society Obsessed With Size

We Are A Society Controlled by Mass Media

In Mass Media

They sell you insecurity

Were obsessed by womens breasts and their size

Many winning Pageants contestants secret formula is body sculpting and plastic surgery

Plastic Surgery Includes

Breast augmentation, Liposuction Nasal surgery Eyelid surgery Abdominoplasty

Going under the knife

In US Over 12.5 Million people underwent plastic surgery

American Society of Plastic Surgeons

And it can go wrong

Or badly wrong

Real and Idealized Selves

Ideal Self:
A persons conception of how he or she would like to be Partially molded by elements of a consumers culture

Actual Self:
A persons realistic appraisal of the qualities he or she does and does not possess

Fantasy: Bridging the Gap between the Selves:

Fantasy: A self-induced shift in consciousness selfFantasy appeals: Marketing communications aimed at individuals with a large discrepancy between their real and ideal selves

Fantasy Appeals

Women feel need to get breast implants to get the right size

Petite, thin women worry breasts too small

Breast Augmentation
Our culture tends to equate breast size with sex appeal thinking larger breasts will increase their allure

Supersize: 70% women dissatisfied with their breasts.

300,000 breast augmentations and 100,000 breast reductions in US per year.

Reality: A woman will have breasts that fit her frame

Breast Augmentation

Enhances the size of the breasts using inflatable saline or silicone implants Implants placed behind breast or pectoral muscle tissue Cost: $5,850 (saline) $7,050 (silicone)
Breast Augmentation Surgery in Los Angeles Personal Image Center <> 22 March 2006.

Those who have breast surgery twice as likely to commit suicide

Breast size craziness spread to rest of world

Chinese and Japanese women were fairly flat chested, and thin, but now bra sizes there increasing.

Media images make women believe the ideal is big and perky breasts

Breasts come in all kinds of sizes and shapes: small to busty

and vary with cycle and pregnancy

Asymmetrical breasts, nipples where one is bigger than the other, is very common as are sagging breasts

Breast Enlargement Risks

Your body may reject the implants Soreness, scars, swelling, change in nipple sensation from weeks to months Risk of post-operative infections and blood clots postFluid loss Nerve damage Implants may need removal or replacement for problems such as deflation or the formation of scar tissue around the implant

Many men are obsessed with the size of their penis.

Most women cant tell the difference in penis variation

Its not the size its how you use it.

Internal structure of the penis: top view

(between glans and the body) (internal, in pelvic cavity)

Male Sexual Anatomy (cont.)

(head of the penis; lots of nerve endings)

(expands to form the glans)

(engorge with blood during arousal)

Fig 5.1a Interior structure of the penis: (a) view from above.

Penile Implant

Men are increasingly having cosmetic surgery too.

Corporate message sells insecurity to sell you product

Myth: 30 Million men have erectile dysfunction

Reality: It is too inclusive

Any problem with an erection is included.

They didnt ask and is it a problem for you?

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD): Claim is 43% of women suffer

Pharma and Sex industry focus on 4 things:

Efficiency, numbers game, predictable, cookie-cutter sex

Common reasons why people have plastic surgery

to have a perfect body a job investment recapture the looks they had in their youth born with physical defects that haunt them throughout their childhood and adolescence disfigured by accidents or disease

The Perfect Vagina

Like the Perfect breasts, or Perfect Penis is a myth created by the sex industry, to sell the Perfect body.

Does size matter?

Not at all. Surely We created man of the best stature Holy Quran 95:4

If we can learn to be content with the way God has created us, there is no greater source of peace

When is Cosmetic surgery OK?

Cant do it just to be more attractive
In the Qurn, God says that Satan will lead people astray and that Qurn, one of the ways he will do this is to get them to alter Allahs creation.

Reference: If you have any questions check with a Muslim Scholar

When is Cosmetic surgery OK?

To correct deformities or to return a persons appearance back to normal after an accident, or disease (eg breast cancer) (eg

Reference: If you have any questions check with a Muslim Scholar

Women come in all shapes & sizes the variation in breasts Observe in the street, gym, with girl-friends

Dont let them define you with a measurement and number

You may not be able to change societys view on breasts, but you can change your own

Less is more
Just because you have healthy breasts you shouldnt flaunt them, not should you feel ashamed of them.

"Even I don't wake up looking like Cindy Crawford."

Cindy Crawford

You are unique, you dont need to abuse your body

Understand modern beauty is manufactured not real

The Evolution video uses time-lapse photography to timeillustrate how much a models natural appearance has likely been modified in an advertisement

Images taken from Evolution, available at

Beauty is the whole you Inner and Outer

So Beauty is about the whole self.

"O God, as You have made my appearanc e beautiful, likewise make my character beautiful.
Muhammad, Prophet of Islam

Understand standards of beauty change over time

Be Accepting:Breasts, Penises are body parts

Of who we are, not making any alterations to it.

We must believe
That all of Gods creation is beautiful, because He does not create anything except with beauty and perfection.


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All images are from public domain and copyright of respective owners

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