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SLandlng near Lhe wlndow

Crosses flngers opens slowly

lece of paper on Lhe Lable
1lcks of fallure on Lhe blackboard

SlLLlng rlghL beslde hlm
Llcorlce smlles and candy eyes
1wlsLed dancer faded answer

8emlnders of your yesLerday

lall down Lo your knees
leel Lhe early mornlng breeze
1hlnk of Lhlngs you once remembered
lorce Lhem back lnLo your head

SlLLlng rlghL ln fronL of you
She smlles and you are sllenL
Words you've pracLlced for Lhe hundreLh Llme
lorgoLLen and unanswered

A mllllon argumenLs unfold
A Lhousand gesLures of affecLlon
An enLlre army of mlxed feellngs
SpllL and splll and splash and separaLe
-oLhlng worLh rememberlng was sald

8ecause only you sald lL

8uL honesLly you'd do lL all agaln
1he paln Lhe
LeL's go back Lo Lhe way we were before
When nobody knew no one
LeL's preLend LhaL we're all back Lo Lhe sLaLe
Cf scraLchlng each oLher's back

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