Diagnosis Ulcus Duodeni

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ulagnosls ulcus duodenl

W CbLalnlng a medlcal hlsLory especlally for

pepLlc ulcer dlsease lnfecLlon
lngesLlon of nSAlus or smoklng ls essenLlal ln
maklng Lhe correcL dlagnosls
W plgasLrlc paln ls Lhe mosL common sympLom
of boLh gasLrlc and duodenal ulcers lL ls
characLerlzed by a gnawlng or burnlng
sensaLlon and occurs afLer mealsclasslcally
shorLly afLer meals wlLh gasLrlc ulcer and 23
hours afLerward wlLh duodenal ulcer
W ood or anLaclds relleve Lhe paln of duodenal
ulcers buL provlde mlnlmal rellef of gasLrlc
ulcer paln
W aLlenLs who develop gasLrlc ouLleL
obsLrucLlon as a resulL of a chronlc unLreaLed
duodenal ulcer usually reporL a hlsLory of
fullness and bloaLlng assoclaLed wlLh nausea
and emesls LhaL occurs several hours afLer
food lnLake
W CLher posslble manlfesLaLlons lnclude Lhe
uyspepsla lncludlng belchlng bloaLlng dlsLenLlon
and faLLy food lnLolerance
ChesL dlscomforL
PemaLemesls or melena resulLlng from
gasLrolnLesLlnal bleedlng Melena may be lnLermlLLenL
over several days or mulLlple eplsodes ln a slngle day
8arely a brlskly bleedlng ulcer can presenL as
SympLoms conslsLenL wlLh anemla (eg faLlgue
dyspnea) may be presenL
Sudden onseL of sympLoms may lndlcaLe perforaLlon
W Alarm feaLures LhaL warranL prompL
gasLroenLerology referral lncluded
8leedlng or anemla
arly saLleLy
unexplalned welghL loss
rogresslve dysphagla or odynophagla
8ecurrenL vomlLlng
amlly hlsLory of Cl cancer

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