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kashm| |s a

1ha|assaem|a Ma[or
She needs ||fe|ong
b|ood transfus|ons on
an average every 1S
ner ||fe |s one of great cha||enge
Sh|vendra suffers
from Ap|ast|c
n|s b|ood ce||s
get destroyed
n|s chances of surv|va| are b|eak
aurav has Acute
Mye|o|d Leukem|a
n|s Leukem|c ce||s
do not a||ow
product|on of
norma| b|ood ce||s
n|s days are numbered
kashm| aurav Sh|vendra and many many others
have on|y one hope
A Stem Ce|| 1ransp|ant
from a Stem Ce|| Donor
Jhat are the|r chances of f|nd|ng a stem ce|| donor?
1here |s no funct|ona| Stem Ce||
keg|stry |n Ind|a
Very ||tt|e
now do we bu||d a Stem Ce|| keg|stry |n Ind|a?
8y enro|||ng yourse|f on the keg|stry
8y tak|ng respons|b|||ty
8y understand|ng that you
can make a d|fference
now do you enro|| yourse|f on the keg|stry?
8y rea||z|ng that you can be a ||fe g|ver
8y read|ng the uest|onna|re
8y understand|ng the
procedure |nvo|ved
8y g|v|ng a b|ood samp|e
Jhat happens to your b|ood samp|e?
ou w||| be ca||ed |f your nLA matches
that of the pat|ent
our nLA (numan Leukocyte
Ant|gen) factors are typed
1he factors are ||sted on the
1he keg|stry |s |ntegrated w|th
|oba| keg|str|es
now do you donate your stem ce||s?
In most cases stem ce||s w||| be taken
from the b|ood stream
Irom the 8one Marrow
(usua||y the n|p 8one)
Irom per|phera| b|ood |e the
b|ood stream |n the body
now do you donate stem ce||s from 8one
1he marrow rep|en|shes |tse|f |n the
donor |n 4 6 weeks
1he donor w||| undergo genera|
1he bone marrow w||| be
asp|rated from the n|p 8one
1he procedure w||| take 12
now do you donate stem ce||s from er|phera|
1h|s |s the same s|mp|e procedure as |n
the case of |ate|et Donat|on
1he donor |s g|ven rowth
Iactor |n[ect|ons for 4S days
Stem ce||s are extracted by
1he apheres|s procedure can
take 34 hours
Jhat are the chances of your nLA match|ng
w|th that of the pat|ent?
A very |arge keg|stry |s therefore the
need of the hour
1 |n 4 |f the pat|ent |s a s|b||ng
1 |n 20000 |f the pat|ent |s unre|ated
8u||d an Ind|an keg|stry
Lnro|| ourse|ves
Show that we care
Make a d|fference
|ve ||fe to someone
keg|ster w|th the MDkI
1he MDkI |s the Marrow Donor
keg|stry of Ind|a
It a|ms at bu||d|ng an Ind|an keg|stry
of stem ce|| donors
It w||| be |ntegrated w|th keg|str|es a||
over the wor|d
It |s |ocated at 1ata Memor|a|
nosp|ta| are|
Let's bu||d the MDkI
It's a cha||enge to Ind|a
It's the on|y hope for many Ind|ans
It's a way of show|ng that we care
kashm| Sh|vendra and aurav
are wa|t|ng for |t

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