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Billon Simpson

Piofessoi Elizabeth Caiuso

The text I have chosen foi the Rhetoiical Analysis Papei is a tennis iacquet.
It is one of the two essential items in oiuei to play tennis. The main genie foi the
Text woulu be iacquet spoits. Theie aie othei spoits such as squash, table tennis,
anu bauminton. But all of them iequiie the use of a iacquet. I think the text is veiy
impoitant because theie is many things that factoi into a tennis iacquet. Such as
stiings, weight, giip size, anu bianus. Eveiy single one of those factois is vital to
achieve maximum success. The tennis iacquet is iequiieu to play tennis anu has
many vaiiables that can change the outcome of youi tennis game.

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