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The Good Samaritans

Maria M. Vidal Del Valle Eng. 3335 Young Adult Literature July 8, 2011 Prof. M. Pabelln



Being a good Samaritan means doing something for someone else without wondering what that person will do for you in return.
Is doing a good action.








Likely to break or fall apart; shaky.
A mark or flaw made by the breaking off or gouging out of a small piece.

Insane; mad
The area around a thing or place.
To lose brightness or vividness of color.

A state or quality of feeling at a particular time.

The Good Samaritans Reading

1) Julia and Manuel are teenagers, having a serious relationship. 2) They typically spent their weekends going to the beach or to the movies. 3) Teatro Caguas was near Julias house, so they would walk to the theater.

4) But, they always took an indirect

route to avoid passing the public housing project. 5) Public housing do not have good reputations, Julia and Manuel thought that people who lived there were bad people.

6) One Saturday evening, they decided to go to the movies. When they came out of the theater it was night time. 7) Julia and Manuel did not notice a car with three men, at the corner of the theater.

8) They said something vulgar to Manuel.
The boy responded back to them. The men came out of the car looking for more trouble. 9) Julia grabbed him frantically and started to run. 10) Unconsciously, they had taken the route that went by the public housing project.

11) They started to get nervous again, because they noticed they were in front of the project and because they hear the noise of car doors slamming. 12) They had no alternative, they had to go inside one of the apartment buildings.

13) A woman appeared and invited them to her apartment. She locked the door and turned the lights off. 14) The three men appeared in the hall. 15) When they went the woman turned on the lights.

16) They introduce each other. The woman went to the kitchen to get a snack. Meanwhile Julia and Manuel examined their unfamiliar surroundings. 17) Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, it was Rogelio. 18) After a while Mrs. Snchez told Rogelio to take home the teenagers.

Give a new title to this story.

1) Keep in mind the teenagers attitude toward people who live in public housing projects.

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