SAP Modules T-CodesList

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FI/CO Transaction Codes

FI/CO Frequently Used Transactions

General Ledger

CLOCO Closing cockpit

CLOCOC Closing cockpit (templates & task lists)

CLOCOS Closing cockpit (overview)

F.13 Clear GL Account automatic

F.13E Clear GL Account with currency automatic

F.14 Process recurring entries

F.15 Recurring entries list

F.56 Delete recurring document

F.80 Mass reversal

F.81 Reverse accrual/deIerral document

F-02 General Posting

F-03 Clear GL Account

F-04 Post with clearing

F-05 Valuate Ioreign currency

F-06 Incoming payments

F-07 Outgoing payments

F-65 General document parking

FAGLFCVAL Foreign Currency Valuation (new)

FAGLB03 Display GL balances (new)

FAGLF03 GL reconciliation (new)

FAGLGVTR Balance Carried Iorward

FAGLL03 Display/change GL line items (new)

FB00 Editing options

FB02 Change document

FB03 Display document

FB04 Display changes

FB07 Control Totals

FB08 Individual reversal

FB09 Change line item

FB41 Enter tax payable

FB50 Enter G/L Accounting Document

FBCJ Cash journal

FBD1 Enter Recurring Documents

FBD2 Change recurring document

FBD3 Display recurring document

FBD4 Recurring Document display changes

FBRA Reset cleared items

FBS1 Enter accrual/deIerral document

FBV0 Post/Delete Parked Document

FBV2 Change Parked Document

FBV3 Display Parked Document

FBV4 Parked Document Change Header

FBV5 Parked Document Display Changes

FBV6 Parked Document ReIuse

FKMT Account assignment model

FS00 Maintain GL Account Centrally

FS04 Display GL Changes centrally

FSP4 Display GL Changes chart oI accounts data

FSS4 Display GL Changes company code data

FV50 Edit or Park G/L Document

KCH1 Create proIit centre hierarchy

KCH2 Change proIit centre group

KCH3 Display proIit centre group

KCH5N Change proIit centre hierarchy

KCH6N Display proIit centre hierarchy

KE51 Create proIit centre

KE52 Change proIit centre

KE53 Display proIit centre

KE54 Delete proIit centre

KE55 ProIit centre collectice processing

OBGLACC11 Mass changes chart oI accounts data

OBGLACC12 Mass changes company code data

OBGLACC13 Mass changes descriptions

OKKS Set controlling area

SALR87012357 VAT Return

SALR87012400 EC Sales List

SALR87013642 Open / Close Accounting Periods

SB2088000153 Enter Currency Exchange rates using a Worklist

SPLO86000028 Balance Sheet / P&L Statement

SPLO86000030 GL Account Balances

1KE4 ProIit Centre Assignment Overview

6KEA ProIit centre Display changes

GP12N Enter (New)

GP12NA Display (New)

GLPLUP Upload Irom Excel

FAGLGP52 Copy Model Plan

FAGLPLSET Set Planner ProIile

ccounts Receivable

FB70 AR miscellaneous invoice

F-22 AR Invoice general

FB75 AR miscellaneous credit note

F-27 AR credit note general

F-28 Incoming Payments

F-26 Payment Iast entry

FV70 Park/edit invoice

F-64 Invoice parking general

FV75 Park/edit credit memo

F-67 Credit memo parking general

FD10N Display Balances

FBL5N Display/Change Line Items

F-32 Clear

FD11 Analysis

FB12 Correspondence Request

F.64 Correspondence Maintain

FB15 Assign/clear open items

FB17 Edit assigned items

FD01 Create customer master (no SD)

FD02 Change customer master (no SD)

FD03 Display customer master (no SD)

FD05 Block/unblock customer master (no SD)

FD06 Set master record deletion indicator (no SD)

FD04 Display master record changes

F.2D Compare FI to SD

VKM1 Credit Management blocked SD documents

VKM2 Credit Management released documents

VKM3 Credit Management sales documents

VKM4 Credit Management all documents

VKM5 Credit Management delivery documents

FD32 Maintain credit limits

F.34 Credit limit mass change

FD33 Display credit limits

FD24 Credit limits display changes

FCV3 Credit Management early warning

F150 Dunning

F.27 Periodic account statements

F.07 Carry Iorward

F.30 Display evaluations

ccounts Payable

MIRO Invoice VeriIication

FB60 AP invoice entry

F-43 AP invoice entry general

FB65 AP credit note entry

F-41 AP credit note entry general

FB10 AP Invoice entry / credit memo Iast entry

FV60 Park AP invoice

F-63 Invoice Parking general

FV65 Park AP credit note

F-66 Credit memo parking general

F-53 Post Outgoing Payments (no Iorms)

FK10N Display balances

FBL1N Display / Change Line Items

F-44 Clear

XK01 Create vendor (with MM)

XK02 Change vendor (with MM)

XK03 Display vendor (with MM)

XK05 Block / unblock vendor (with MM)

XK06 Set deletion indicator vendor (with MM)

FK01 Create vendor (without MM)

FK02 Change vendor (without MM)

FK03 Display vendor (without MM)

FK05 Block / unblock vendor (without MM)

FK06 Set deletion indicator vendor (without MM)

FK08 ConIirmation oI Change (Single)

FK09 ConIirmation oI Change (List)

FK04 Display Changes vendor (without MM)

F.48 Compare master records FI to MM

F110 Payment program

F.07 Balance carrried Iorward

F.46 Display evaluations


FF67 Manual Statement entry

FF5 Import Bank Statement

FEBP Post Bank Statement

FF6 Display Bank Statement

FEBABankStatement Reprocess bank statement

FF68 Manual cheque entry

FEBAcheckdeposit Reprocess cheque entry

FI01 Bank master data create

FI02 Bank master data change

FI03 Bank master data display

FI04 Bank master data display changes

FI06 Bank master data mark Ior deletion


ABZON Post asset with auto oIIset entry

F-90 External asset acquisition with vendor

ABGL Credit memo in invoice year

ABGF Credit memo in Next Year

ABZE Capitalize Irom in-house production

AIAB Distribute AuC

AIBU Settle AuC

ABUMN TransIer within company code

F-92 Retirement with revenue with Customer

ABAON Retirement with revenue without Customer

ABAVN Asset retirement by scrapping

ABNE Subsequent revenue

ABNK Subsequent costs

ABNAN Post capitalization

ABZU Asset write-up

ABAA Unplanned depreciation

AB03 Display Asset Document

AB02 Change Asset Document

AIST Reverse capitalization oI AuC

AB08 Reverse other asset document

AW01N Asset explorer

AS01 Create Asset

AS02 Change Asset

AS03 Display Asset

AS05 Lock Asset

AS06 Delete Asset

AFAB Depreciation run

AFBP Depreciation run log

SALR87099918 Primary cost planning

AJRW Fiscal year Change

AJAB Close Iiscal Year


KA01 Create Cost Element

KA02 Change Cost Element

KA03 Display Cost Element

KA04 Delete cost element

KA05 Cost element: display changes

KA06 Create Secondary Cost Element

KA23 Cost Elements: Master Data Report

KA24 Delete Cost Elements

KAB9 Planning Report: Orders

KABL Order: Planning Overview

KABP Controlling Documents: Plan

KAH1 Create Cost Element Group

KAH2 Change cost element group

KAH3 Display cost element group

KAK2 Change statistical key Iigures

KAK3 Display Statistical Key Figures

KB11N Enter Manual Re-postings oI Costs

KB13N Display Manual Re-postings oI Costs

KB14N Reverse Manual Re-postings oI Costs

KB21N Enter Direct Activity Allocation

KB23N Display Direct Activity Allocation

KB24N Reverse Direct Activity Allocation

KB31N Enter Statistical Key Figures

KB33N Display Statistical Key Figures

KB34N Reverse Statistical Key Figures

KB41N Enter Manual Repostings oI Revenue

KB43N Display Manual Repostings oI Revenue

KB44N Reverse Manual Repostings oI Revenue

KB61 Enter Reposting oI CO Line Items

KB63 Display Reposting oI CO Line Items

KB64 Reverse Reposting oI CO Line Items

KBC1 Cost TransIer Layout Variants

KBC3 Screen Variants: Stat. Key Figures

KBC4 TransIer Revenue Screen Variants

KBH1 Create statistical key Iigure group

KBH2 Change statistical key Iigure group

KBH3 Display statistical key Iigure group

KK01 Create Statistical Figure

KK02 Change Statistical Figure

KK03 Display Statistical Key Figures

KK03DEL Delete Statistical Key Figures

KK04 Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Report

KO01 Create Internal Order

KO02 Change Order

KO03 Display Internal Order

KO04 Order Manager

KO12 Change Order Plan (Overall, Year)

KO13 Display Order Plan (Overall, Year)

KO14 Copy Planing Ior Internal Orders

KO15 Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan

KO22 Change Order Budget

KO23 Display Order Budget

KO24 Change Order Supplement

KO25 Display Order Supplement

KO26 Change Order Return

KO27 Display Order Return

KO2A Change budget document

KO2B Display budget document

KO30 Activate Orders Availability Control

KO88 Actual Settlement: Order

KO8B Display Settlement Document

KOB1 Orders: Actual Line Items

KOB2 Orders: Commitment Line Items

KOB4 Orders: Budget Line Items

KOB6 Orders: Settlement Line Items

KOBP Orders: Plan Line Items

KOC2 Run Selected Reports

KOC4 Cost Analysis

KOCF Carry Forward Order Commitments

KOCO Budget CarryIorward Ior Orders

KOH1 Create Order Group

KOH2 Change Order Group

KOH3 Display Order Group

KOL1 Order List (Master Data)

KONK Maintain Order Number Ranges

KOP1 Create Orders Ior Plan Revaluation

KOT3 Display Order Types

KP04 Set Planner ProIile

KP06 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning

KP07 Display Planning CElem/Act. Input

KP90 Delete Planned Costs

KP91 Delete Planned Costs

KP95 Revaluate Manual Planning

KP97 Copy Planning Ior Cost Centers

KP98 Copy Actual to Plan Ior Cost Centers

KS01 Create cost center

KS02 Change cost center

KS03 Display Cost Center

KS04 Delete cost center

KS05 Cost Center: Display Changes

KS07 Execute rough entry oI cost center

KS12 Change Cost Centers

KS13 Cost Centers: Master Data Report

KS14 Delete Cost Centers

KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items

KSB2 Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items

KSB5 Controlling Documents: Actual

KSB9 Planning Report: Cost Centers

KSBB Run Selected Reports

KSBL Cost centers: Planning overview

KSBP Cost Centers: Plan Line Items

KSBT Cost centers: Activity prices

KSH1 Create Cost Center Group

KSH2 Change Cost Center Group

KSH3 Display Cost Center Group

KSU1N Create Actual Assessment

KSU2N Change Actual Assessment

KSU3N Display Actual Assessment

KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment

KSU5 Execute Actual Assessment

KSU6N Actual Assessment: Overview

KSU7N Create Plan Assessment

KSU8N Change Plan Assessment

KSU9N Display Plan Assessment

KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment

KSUB Execute Plan Assessment

KSUCN Plan Assessment: Overview

KSV1N Create Actual Distribution

KSV2N Change Actual Distribution

KSV3N Display Actual Distribution

KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution

KSV5 Execute Actual Distribution

KSV6N Actual Distribution: Overview

KSV7N Create Plan Distribution

KSV8N Change Plan Distribution

KSV9N Display Plan Distribution

KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution

KSVB Execute Plan Distribution

KSVCN Plan Distribution: Overview

RPC0 User Settings

RPO0 User Settings

OKP1 Change OKP1 Change

SE16 Display Table

SA38 ABAP Reporting

SM37 Job Overview

SP02 Own Spool Requests

OKKS Set Controlling Area

MB51 Material Documents

MR51 Accounting Document Ior Material

MMBE Stock Overview

Transaction Codes
aterials anagement aster Data Transactions
aterial aster

MM01 Create Material Master

MM02 Change Material Master

MM50 Extend Material Views

MMPV Close Period For Materials

MM06 Flag For Deletion Material

MM17 Mass Maintenance Material

MM71 Archive/Delete Material

MM72 Display Archive
'endor aster

MK01 Create Vendor Purchasing

MK02 Change Vendor Purchasing

MK05 Vendor Block Purchasing

MK06 Flag Ior Deletion Purchasing

XK01 Create Vendor Central

XK02 Change Vendor Central

XK05 Vendor Block Central

XK06 Flag Ior Deletion Central

XK99 Mass Maintenance Vendor Record
Customer aster

VD01 Create Customer Master Data Sales Area

VD02 Change Customer Master Data Sales Area

XD01 Create Customer Master Data Complete

XD02 Change Customer Master Data Complete
Info Record

ME11 Create InIo Record

ME12 Change InIo Record

ME15 Flag Ior Deletion InIo Record

MEMASSIN Mass Maintenance InIo Record
Source List

ME01 Maintain Source List

ME0M Maintain Source List By Material

ME05 Generate Source List

ME06 Analyze Source List

ME07 Reorganise Source List
Quota rrangement

MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement

MEQM Maintain Quota Arrangement By Material

MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement

MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangement

MEQ7 Delete Quota Arrangement
Batch Data

CT04 DeIine Batch Characteristics

CL02 DeIine Batch Classes

MSC1N Create Batch

MSC2N Change and ClassiIy Batch
essage Conditions

MN01 Create Message Condition RFQ

MN02 Change Message Condition RFQ

MN04 Create Message Condition Purchase Order

MN05 Change Message Condition Purchase Order

Create Message Condition Scheduling Ag.

Change Message Condition Scheduling Ag.

MN10 Create Message Condition Delivery Sched.

MN11 Change Message Condition Delivery Sched.

aterials anagement Other Frequently Used Transactions
Reorder Point Planning

MD14 Convert Planned Order to Purchase Requisition

MD15 Collective Conversion to Purchase Requisition
MD12 Delete Individual Planned Order
MD20 Create Planning File Entries
MDAB Planning File Entries (background)
MD01 Total Planning Online
MDBT Total Planning (background)
MD03 Single Item, Single Level Planning
MD08 MRP Reorganisation List

ME51N Create Requistion

ME52N Change Requistion

MEMASSRQ Mass Maintenance Requisition

ME56 Assign Source oI Supply

ME57 Assign and Process
RFQ Process

ME41 Create Request For Quotation

ME42 Change Request For Quotation

ME9A Print RFQ

ME47 Maintain Quotation

ME49 Price Comparison
Scheduling greement

ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement

ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement

ME9L Print Scheduling Agreement

ME38 Maintain Delivery Schedule

ME9E Print Delivery Schedule
Purchase Order

ME58 Create PO via Assignment List

ME59N Create PO Automatic Irom Req

ME21N Create PO Ior Vendor

ME22N Change Purchase Order

ME9F Print Purchase Order

MEMASSPO Mass Maintenance PO

Release Purchase Order

ME29N Release PO Individual

ME28 Collective Release PO
Goods Receipt

MIGO Goods Receipt Ior PO
Invoice atching

MIRO Enter Invoice & Maintenance

MRBR Release Blocked Invoices

MR8M Cancel Invoice
Stock ovements

MB1A Goods Issues

MBST Cancel / Reverse Goods Movement

TransIer Postings (Stock and Status)
Consignment Stocks

MRKO Consignment Settlement
Physical Inventory

MI01 Create Count Document

MI02 Change Count Documeny

MI21 Print Physical Inventory Document

MI04 Enter Count

MI05 Change Count

MI11 Recount

MI07 Post DiIIerences

MI20 DiIIerences List

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