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Is Michelangelo Right?

From Allan Cox Week 47

Learning Is Your Dance Of Life 1. Some of our best learning is unlearningwhen we learn what we thought was true, isnt. 2. Some of our best knowing is not knowingwhen we have beginners mind. 3. I am still learning. Michelangelo at age 87. 4. Learners are the best teachers. 5. Often our best answer to life is a question. 6. Dialog is learning. 7. Silence is learning

Photograph by Cher Cox

Dancers I have a set of bookends fierce in their reach. I see and feel them as Iconsreal onesSpiritual. Their texture is rough to the handcold, heavy black steel castings. Identical. Naked, looking-to-be Giacometti men with slim muscular bodies. Bookends keep books inkeep them from sliding; falling over, making a mess. Thats their work, applying pressure.

These do more than that, though, youll see. They are seated firmly, solemn eyes outward, buttocks against the books, backs leaning straight, legs crossed at the ankle, left over right. Opposites, you know the look; in one you see his sole, the other his locked ankle. maximum force would be both feet planted on the shelf, bracing, no giveback and upper arms tense. Yet theyre not relaxingcrossed legs almost always betray angstand theres a shading of movement here, man and book intermingled, both tension and a drawing upon mutual supportfor now, most supplied by the men. Listen, though, for these men are journeymenas St. Paul was a tent-maker for hireproducers, adequacy known and paid for when I brought them home from the store. But moremuch more lies in wait for themas it was with St. Paul, by leaning on the books as he leaned on the knee of Gamaliel his teacher . . . Through their backs---that precious contacttheir leaning strength of inquiry, and belief, from just this bent, they draw out into their pores wisdom, ease, patience, and rise when I sleep, to live, and dance the teaching, and the Word and Art become one, giving me yet another chance.

Allsns new book coming May 1. 2012

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