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By: Prao

My Question: Which one between the roto-copter that is big and one that is small. which one will fall down the fastest? My Hypothesis: It would both spin around then fly up and lastly it would fall down.

What do I need? Print-out the Roto-Copter pattern . Pencil Scissors Paper clips Steps 1) Print out the RotoCopter pattern. 2) Fold A toward you. Fold B away from you. 3) Fold C and D over each other so they overlap. 4) Fold the bottom up and

The A&B spin quickly Spins around Fly Dropped C&D was pointing down towards the ground. The smaller one fell down quicker that the bigger one.

My Time Chart
The Rounds Small Rotocopter
1st round 2nd round 1:66 second 1:50 second

Big Rotocopter
1:34 second 1:72 second

3rd round
4th round 5th round

1:25 second
1:72 second 1:50 second

1:71 second
1:63 second 2:13 second

Firstly I throw the big/ small Roto-copter in the air but it fell down so quickly. I thought that if I go stand on a chair and throw it would go higher so I tried and it actually went high. I also thought that the paper should have been hard

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