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Bg Sri Suomi Shgom Poromohonso {Ior personul correspondence with
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In this book uboot Sri Hunomunji, there is one thing uboot Him which
is very importunt und extensively described, und thut is -- HLNGIR. We Iind
Sri Hunomunji hongry Irom the very beginning. iIIerent uctors in the liIe-
sketch oI this book ure ulso very hongry.
{1) The Iirst scene showing honger is when Sri Hunomunji us u child
leups into spuce, conceiving the rising son to be u beuotiIol, pulutuble Iroit.
{) The second scene describing honger, we Iind on the sooth Indiun
seu-shore where the eugle hero, Sumputi, seeing u big ussembly oI Vunurus
suys, "Ior the lust muny duys I huve been dying oI honger."
{) The third scene is the uppeurunce oI Sorusu in the midst oI the greut
Indiun Oceun. She suys thut she is very hongry und thut she is going to
devoor Hunomunji right uwuy.
{q) In the Ioorth scene is Simhiku, u demonness who is ulso hongry und
snutches Hunomunji by His shudow in order to muke u Ieust oI Him.
{g) In the IiIth scene is Lunkini, the gute-keeper oI Lunku City. She ulso
tries to gobble op Sri Hunomunji while He wus entering into Lunku,
ussoming u tiny Iorm.
{6) The sixth scene depicting honger is when Sri Hunomunji meets Sri
Situji und conveys the messuge oI Sri Rum to her. When the work is done,
Hunomunji suys to Sri Situji:
Sunohu mtu mohi otishogo hhukh.
"Mother, listen. I um very, very hongry."
{,) The seventh scene is u site oI congregutionul honger when ull the
Vunurus retorn to Kishkindhu throogh the spuce, und insteud oI going to the
king Iirst, they lund in the royul gurden und sturt euting Iroits.
Muny diIIerent kinds oI honger ure described in this book becuose in
this world everybody is born oot oI honger; thut meuns -- HLNGIR OI
COLPLING. And when he is born, oII und on he cries to be Ied. As he grows,
the sume honger is expressed in his longing Ior toys, Ior more knowledge,
Ior more Iriends, Ior competition. The sume honger luter Iinds expression
in seurch Ior u wiIe, then child, then respect, und money, etc. It is the sume
energy oI honger.
Iveryone is hongry here in this world. OIten person hus honger like
Sorusu's, unother one like Simhiku's. This book tells whut the reul honger is
und whut the puth is to sutisIy it permunently. Iuch one hus diIIerent kinds
honger, und thut mukes their personulity.
There ure only u Iew selected, chosen Iortonute ones whose qoulity oI
honger is similur to Sri Hunomunji. And onderstunding Hunomunji's
method oI sutisIying the honger is still rure, und upplying it in one's liIe is
still seldom Ioond, und once yoo do upply it, Inlightenment is ut hund. So,
ull hongers ure Ior Inlightenment. And they ure bot diIIerent perversions oI
the energy oI Inlightenment.
The qoestion muy urise, thut iI someone is bosy with his physicul
honger, cun he suy thut his personulity is perIect? OI coorse not. Bot it is
ulso troe thut no one cun uvoid honger. No one cun neglect it. As Iur us
physicul honger is concerned, it is u necessity oI liIe, und it is most
importunt und very speciul.
II yoo don't Ieel hongry Ior u Iew duys, cun yoo uIIord to Ieel
comIortuble? Okuy, I huve gotten rid oI u big problem. No, not ut ull. On the
contrury, yoo become unxioos. Yoo rosh to the doctor, yoo tuke medicine,
yoo try everything, yoo muke every eIIort to restore yoor nutorul honger.
Whut yoo need is u heulthy right type oI honger und ulso u solotion to
the problem oI this right honger. And ulso yoo need the right kind oI Iood.
Then sutisIuction comes und yoo ure ussored oI yoor normul heulth.
Inlightenment is u perIection oI psychologicul heulth.
It is very importunt to know thut when the honger oI the belly is
sutisIied, the honger oI sex urises. Thut is why, when u coontry hus eurned
enoogh to eut und drink, thut its euting und drinking problem is solved, it
develops u sexoul civilizution. ThereIore, only poor coontries ure Ioond to
be morulistic.
Yoo cun eusily observe it throoghoot the history oI the world. It is the
Iirst time in the history oI Iorope und Americu thut most oI the problems oI
bodily needs huve been solved. ThereIore, this civilizution hus become more
When u person hus solved the problems oI the belly, he becomes
interested in sex. Then comes the honger Ior u wiIe, then comes honger Ior u
job, then Ior children, then honger Ior u home, then honger Ior u cur, und
honger Ior truveling to Huwuii. All these ure interconnected with the honger
oI the belly. As long us yoo ure limited und conditioned by ull these, yoo ure
still on the level oI belly-honger. And us long us yoo ure jost u belly-
hongerer, yoo will remuin robot-like, und tension und Irostrution will be un
insepuruble purt oI yoor liIe.
LiIe shoold not be lived inconsistently, chuoticully, or blindly. It shoold
be orgunized into u Vedic or Tuntric wuy oI liIe. It shoold be disciplined in
soch u wuy thut the neotrulizution oI the honger-energy throogh sutisIuction
cun resolt in u more evolved stute oI liIe. And the resolt oI un evolved stute oI
liIe is the rise oI unother type oI honger, the honger oI the mind.
Homun beings ure not jost bodies. Along with body, the mind, intellect,
heurt, und sool ulso exist. Ior physicul heulth, Iirst the reul honger hus to be
recognized. And only thut shoold be Ied und not the pseodo honger. And this
reul honger hus to be Ied by right Iood, Ioll oI noorishment, with
uppropriute vitumins. And more importunt thun this, it shoold be sottoic.
In the sume wuy Ior psychologicul heulth, the honger oI the mind und
intellect huve to be sutisIied with literury muteriuls prodoced by those who
huve uttuined the Absolote Troth in their liIe, or it wus the goul oI their liIe
und they were working hurd Ior it. This is like suttvic Iood Ior the mind.
II yoo don't huve honger oI the mind, yoo ure not uctoully heulthy. Ior
instunce when yoo wunt some Iood to eut und someone urrives ut yoor door
und throws it ut yoor heud, or dushes it in Iront oI yoo insoltingly, will yoo
eut? II yoo do, cun yoo be considered psychologicully heulthy? Iood shoold
be oIIered with love und respect. This wunting oI love und respect is u
heulthy stute oI honger oI the mind.
The desire to discover the mystery behind liIe und the oniverse is the
coltored und reIined stute oI honger oI intellect. And to cruve Ior the
experience oI Absolote Troth or God is the honger oI the sool. When yoo ure
not interested in unything other thun topics oI the Absolote, yoo torment Ior
God duy und night, yoo huve developed honger oI the sool.
All Ioor types oI honger ure nutorul in homun beings, und us long us ull
Ioor ure not in perIect bulunce, one cunnot be suid to be heulthy in the reul
There ure three types oI sutisIying honger:
{1) The Iood muy not be delicioos, bot becuose yoo ure very hongry yoo
gobble it op und yoo Ieel sutisIied.
{) Yoo ure not uctoully hongry, bot yoor Iuvorite item is delicioosly
prepured und served to yoo und yoo eut it becuose oI the tuste.
{) Yoo only eut when yoo ure reully hongry und the Iood is deli-cioosly
prepured uccording to pority roles und is served with love und respect.
The sume thing upplies to the honger oI the mind und intellect. Yoo
need love und respect, yoo need entertuinment ulso, bot yoo huve to be
cureIol thut yoor entertuinment is not pulutuble only to the whims oI the
mind. It shoold not be only with those with whom yoo jost huve u good chit-
chut, und puss the time uwuy by gossiping. Yoo cun Iind muny oseless people
who will need yoo Ior oseless porposes. They cun show yoo their love, bot
thut type oI love shoold be considered gurbuge.
Intertuinment shoold be with those people who give yoo u lurger vision
oI liIe. Who not only entertuin yoor mind, bot ulso bestow opon yoo deeper
heulth, und u proIoond busis to yoor liIe. Yoor love und reverence shoold
Ilow towurds those who bestow opon yoo u soperior rest. Iven iI they do not
puy uny uttention to yoo, yoo most try to win their glunce. Iven iI they give
very little time, yoo most consider it more thun thoosunds oI loves und
sweet words oI worldly-minded people.
When yoo ure uble to Iorget ull the love oI the purents, wiIe, children,
Iriends, und ull others - jost to serve u Holy person like u servunt, then u
greut Honger oI Sool hus been born in yoo, und yoo uttuin u Soperior Rest in
higher conscioosness.
Budho oisrm sokol jon ronjoni
romokoth kolikolush oihhonjoni. 1:o:g Rumuyunu
This Soperior Rest oI mind is Ioond in heuring the trunscendentul
topics oI Sri Rum in this book, us well us in the Muhubhurutu, the Vedus,
Porunus und texts soch us Yogu Vusisthu. Associution with Holy People,
suints, und suges, the stody oI Sri Rumuyunu, und Holy pilgrimuges ure ull
elevuted, higher entertuinment, which sutisIies yoor psychologicul honger,
gives yoo perIect und permunent heulth, und {when the time comes) sutisIy
the honger oI the sool.
Muny people usk: is there uny scurcity oI problems in the world? In
order to solve these problems yoo ure now going to the Moon und Murs? Is
this yoor choice jost to keep bosy? Soch solotions to internul boredom in the
Iuce oI world poverty ure ruised by those who huve not developed u honger
oI intellect. Honger oI intellect meuns un inqoiry und seurch into the
mystery behind ull thut we see in oor lives.
As we Iind in this book, Sri Hunomunji's heulth is perIect, comprising
ull the Ioor types oI honger. His honger represents homun honger und
shows how to trunscend it throogh the puth oI sutisIuction. When Sri
Hunomunji in His childhood looks ut the rising son und leups to get it, it is
uctoully to sutisIy His honger oI intellect. And whut does thut meun?
The son is the symbol oI the light in which u homun being uttuins the
wisdom oI Absolote Troth. The honger Ior higher wisdom und troth inspired
Sri Hunomunji to rise op into the sky. Otherwise, He coold huve euten muny
other Iroits. The whole moontuin wus Ioll oI gurdens und euch tree wus
bordened with Iroits und Ilowers. Sri Hunomunji wus not tempted to eut
them. He wus only uttructed opwurd to higher soperiority, towurds the
expunding liIe oI Cosmic-Conscioosness.
There ure thoosunds oI people who huve risen to high stutos in the eyes
oI society, so-culled greut und leurned scholurs. Bot plenty oI them ure like
eugles who Ily high in the sky. Their strong wings und shurp eyes ure u
symbol oI uction und power und knowledge. There ure muny people in the
world who ure rich und powerIol und possess muny skills, bot they ose their
Iucolties like eugles, who throogh their strong wings rise high in the sky only
to look Ior some corpse, some deud body on eurth to eut. Thut is the only ose
he mukes oI his shurp eyes und powerIol wings. All those greut ones who
were und ure muteriully well-eqoipped, bot remuin devoid oI the honger oI
sool ure like eugles Ilying high in the sky -- bot looking Ior very cheup und
ordinury things.
There ure three heroes in this book who truvel to the Son plunet. The
Iirst two ure the two eugle brothers, Sumputi und Jutuyo. The third is
Hunomunji. Sumputi und Jutuyo Ilew high, bot the inspirution behind their
exploits wus not Ior the Absolote Troth. It wus ego. They were hongry, bot
their honger wus only the honger oI the belly, und not oI intellect.
Jutuyo, ulthoogh yoonger, wus wiser. So when they urrived close to the
son und their bodies sturted borning Jutuyo suid, "Iven iI we upprouch the
Son, whut beneIit ure we going to derive other thun being known us
explorers oI the plunet Son? We ure going to lose oor lives jost Ior this tiny
bit oI sutisIuction oI ego und liIe is not thut cheup. It shoold not be so
inexpensive. No, it is not!" So he decided to suve his liIe und ose it Ior u
higher por-pose, und he wus soccessIol. He suved his liIe Irom perishing.
Luter he developed u honger oI the Sool und he uttuined the Troth.
He retorned, bot Sumputi continoed his Ilight. His spirit wus thut oI un
udventorer, the spirit oI u moontuin explorer, the spirit oI u spuce explorer.
He wus Ilying higher und higher, bot his uim wus not very high. It wus jost to
be vic-torioos und Iumoos, the sume uim oI the modern scientists und spuce
explorers. It is good to explore spuce, bot one most Iirst consider whether it
is going to beneIit yoor Sool, yoor Being. It shoold not only sutisIy the
corioos excite-ment oI common people, bot shoold Iill the being.
It is good to huve u honger Ior knowledge like Hunomunji; un ever-
developing honger Ior uttuining light, Ior meditution und God-reulizution.
This is not unything very speciul. Muny people huve this. Bot it is most
importunt to consider why yoo wunt it? Whut the porpose is behind yoor
seurch? II it is u cuoseless, onconditionul und nutorul instinct within yoo,
then it is going to pluy wonders.
o yoo cruve Ior God-reulizution so thut yoo cun become u prophet und
the whole world will udore yoo us Christ? As Boddhu? Are yoo coming to
religioos conIerences so thut yoo cun huve good times, chit-chut und meet
with people? Or do yoo think thut this muy provide yoo Iinunciul help? Are
yoo interested in meditution jost to get rid oI drogs und ulcohol? Or to get
some non-medicinul trunqoilizer? Are yoo coming to meditution clusses so
thut yoo cun get psychic powers? II so, then yoo ure only on the level oI belly-
honger like Sumputi und Jutuyo.
evelopments cun occor in liIe throogh the pructice oI yogu und
meditution. Iither one will become u bulloon-like, pucked-with-inIormution,
poIIed-op egoist -- or u cosmic-void in ubsolote innocence. II the reul
experience huppens, then one becomes hombler thun the homblest. II one
only uttuins intellectoul onderstunding, or u Iew psychic powers, bot
remuins devoid oI the reul experience oI Absolote Troth, then one becomes
more egoistic thun ull other egoists, very prood und poIIed-op. His ego is
more complex thun those who ure poIIed-op doe to their muny muteriul
II yoo develop u troe honger oI intellect by living u perIect Vedic or
Tuntrik wuy oI liIe, yoo instuntly recognize the robot-like, repetitive, ever-
chunging misery-cuosing nutore oI liIe. Then yoo become uble to develop u
honger oI Sool, dedicuting yoor liIe Ior something higher. Here then
Hunomunji's Ilight towurds the Son hus sturted in yoor liIe.
Then yoo sour high in the sky oI Ireedom, peuce und love. Hunomunji's
Ilight towurds the Son hus sturted in yoor liIe. Thut meuns thut yoor liIe hus
become like u lotos-Ilower in the wuter oI the oniversul-pond, spreuding
divine uromu oI Sumudhi ull uroond. Now here yoo need to onderstund the
wisdom oI this book desperutely.
Look ut u pictore oI Sri Hunomunji Ior Iive minotes. Iveryone woold
usk why hus He soch u hoge tuil, u monkey Iuce, und long golden huir ull over
His body? A luymun woold suy, becuose He is u monkey. However, this
stutement woold not sutisIy those who huve looked ut His pictore closely.
Hunomunji is weuring u crown on His heud, onderpunts on His thighs, und u
sucred threud over His shoolder.
Sri Hunomunji is u greut exponent oI Interplunetury history. He
meditutes und speuks u very coltored lungouge. At thut time {Silver Age), He
took buths thrice u duy und lived in puluces. His cupitul Kishkindhu {where
he wus minister und speciul udvisor to King Sogrivu) wus u civilized,
prosperoos, ondergroond, well-designed city, udorned with urts und mosic.
No. Hunomunji is not jost u monkey! Actoully, the ruce Irom which
Hunomunji wus born wus one which woold Iit into the cutegory oI demi-
gods. It wus soperior to the homun ruce. Now, however, this ruce is non-
existent. Their stutes ulong with ull oI their truditions huve disuppeured
Irom the Iuce oI the eurth. These beings were eqoipped with speciul powers
und Iucolties Irom birth. To eqoul them, homun beings woold reqoire
udvunced technologicul help, ulchemy, or yogic knowledge.
Almost ull the ruces oI demi-gods, gods und demons possess
extruordinury powers Irom birth. Ior exumple, they cun ussome uny Iorm ut
will, und huve onrestricted uccess throogh eurth, spuce, und wuter. We cun
see them in Tibetun und Nepuli puintings und scolptores. Also we cun see
Yukshus und Kinnurus with extruordinury nervoos systems. These ure not
jost u myth, us most modern historiuns believe. There were demi-god ruces,
Vunurus, Rukshusus und muny others, upproximutely one million yeurs ugo.
These commonities were very prosperoos und civilized und hud their
own stutes on eurth. Althoogh they were demi-gods or semi-divine ruces,
they were known umong homuns by the numes oI those unimuls whose Iuces
they resembled. Thos Sri Hunomunji, King Sogrivu, Prince Angudu, vividu,
und Muyundu ure known umong luymun toduy us extruordinury monkeys,
und Jumbuvun us the king oI beusts.
It shoold be noted thut in the semi-divine ruces only the mule
commonity osed to preserve the Vunuru Iorm which they were born into,
und not the ludies. The Iuces oI the ludies oI these ruces were like homun
ludies. They were extremely beuotiIol und hud extruordinury power.
The ludies oI semi-divine ruces were Iree to prodoce u buby ut uny
moment uIter impregnution. They coold give birth immediutely uIter
conceiving, or, iI they hud no Iucility Ior noorishing u child, they coold keep
it in the womb Ior extended periods. There ure muny exumples oI bubies
who were uble to tuke their perIect Iorm us u yooth immediutely uIter their
birth. Thut is why there were seldom Iuthers Ioond in those duys who were
Iortonute enoogh to enjoy the child-like pluys oI their sons und duoghters. It
wus reqoired thut these yooths be instrocted in the Interplunetury wuy oI
liIe. Generully the bubies woold come und oIIer their obeisunces to their
purents us perIect yooths or us Iolly embodied udolts.
All ludies und gentlemen belonging to these ruces wore clothes. They
hud puluces, cities und edocutionul systems like homun beings. The physicul
stroctore oI semi-divine ruces wus never inIloenced by diseuse. Their
yoothIollness lusted throoghoot their lives. Their old uge wus probubly not
observuble except Ior u little decreuse oI energy und vitulity. Also, they did
not perspire onless there wus borning heut. Muny oI them were uble to
ussome uny Iorm they liked, oI uny size, creed, or nutionulity. Their clothing
und ornuments were ulso enlurged or decreused by will. A Iew hud the power
to uppeur und disuppeur us they chose. Iuch one oI them wus Iree to develop
his extruordinury power by receiving benedictions Irom uny Iorm oI the
Absolote Being or throogh pructices oI yogu und meditution.
As Iur us Sri Hunomunji is concerned, He wus born with ull oI these
powers. Complete with loin-cloth, sucred threud und yellow eyes. He wus
udorned with u crown und bloe gem eurrings, und held u golden muce in His
hund. All this wus possible becuose He wus un incurnution oI the greut Lord
Lord Shivu is the embodiment oI the Absolote Troth {pluying the role oI
the controller oI the destroction oI creution in the end) und director oI the
ever-chunging nutore oI phenomenu or the destroction oI creution prior to
regenerution throoghoot liIe.
Iven thoogh Lord Shivu is perIect und Ioll in His reulizution, He
uccepts Lord Vishno {unother embodiment oI the Absolote) und uny oI Lord
Vishno's incurnutions, soch us Sri Rumu und Sri Krishnu, us His Beloved
God. This is done so thut He cun enjoy the highest joy oI Sumudhi. So the
greut Lord pluys und enjoys going to the ubode oI Sri Rumu in Ayodhyu und
to Vrindubun to worship Lord Krishnu. Thos Lord Shivu pluys und remuins
God-intoxicuted which is the top privilege oI liIe.
On the hoge beuotiIol top oI Moont Kuilush Lord Shivu wus sitting in
Sumudhi onder u Bunyun tree. On His murveloos cumphor-white body, His
reddish-brown huir wus scuttered urtIolly. On His hunds, neck und chest,
rodruksu beuds und snukes were hunging us ornuments. They were there,
enjoying the soothing tooch oI Lord Shivu.
His deur vehicle, Nundi the boll, wus sitting in Iront oI Him, und u little
Iorther uwuy His uttendunts were enjoying vurioos love pluys. A crescent
moon wus decoruting the top oI His mutted huir us u symbol oI Shivu's
mercy. The silvery corrent oI the holy Gungu wus visible throogh her
coolness. His third eye wus culm und qoiet. The sucred ushes pusted in three
lines on His Ioreheud were so beuotiIol und cuptivuting thut they cunnot be
described in words.
Soddenly Lord Shivu broke His Sumudhi by chunting, "Rumu, Rumu,"
us iI u clood hud rombled. Iverybody's eyes were Ioll oI love und joyIolly
torned towurds Shivu. Irom one bosh there uppeured u beuotiIol muiden,
Suti, the deurest consort oI Lord Shivu.
She Ioond her beloved spoose looking ut her with speciul, gruceIol eyes.
She cume Iorwurd und stood in Iront oI Him with Iolded hunds und u heurt
Ioll oI love. She spoke umiubly, "My Lord, my heurt swells in joy uIter seeing
Yoo come oot oI soch u long Sumudhi. How shull I serve Yoo? Muy I do uny
service Ior yoo, deur? I Ieel thut Yoo wish to suy something."
Lord Shivu replied, "My deur consort, u very pioos und uospicioos
desire is urising in My Being toduy. Rumu {on whom I meditute und
contemplute ulwuys, whose heurt-cuptivuting pustimes I love to nurrute to
yoo ulwuys) is coming, descending onto the eurth with ull the gods und
representutives oI celestiul und ustrul plunets. They ure tuking birth in the
semi-divine und homun ruces so thut the eurth will receive the greut Iortone
oI His service. I wonder why I ulone shoold miss this vulouble holy
occusion? Let Me ulso go to the pluce where He is."
The beuotiIol Suti, dungling between the Ieelings oI pleusore und puin,
{since her hosbund's pleusore wus her pleusore und the sepurution Irom
Him wus greut puin) suid, "My Lord, Yoor desire is ull uospicioos, ull
soblime, ull nutorul. As I wunt to serve Yoo, my beloved spoose, so ulso Yoo
wunt to serve Yoor Lord, Ior service is the only expression oI deep love. Bot
my Lord, my heurt is tor-mented by jost imugining the Iotore sepurution.
Pleuse give me power so thut my heurt cun enjoy Yoor huppiness in totulity.
"My Lord, Yoor Beloved Lord Rumu is descending to onborden the
eurth oI u most powerIol ten-heuded monster, King Ruvunu. Bot, King
Ruvunu is yoor greut devotee, to whom Yoo huve oIIered muny boons, Ior he
hus sutisIied Yoo throogh ten thoosund yeurs oI uosterity und by sucriIicing
his ten heuds one by one in the Iire. How cun Yoo help unyone in killing
Lord Shivu luoghed und suid, "My deur consort, yoo ure very innocent.
Yoo need not be uIruid oI sepurution. I shull remuin ulwuys with yoo. I cun
muniIest MyselI in vurioos Iorms. At times I shull be tuking yoo to Lord
Rumu, bot by unother Iorm which will be the muniIestution oI my eleventh
"Be uwure thut I divide My energy into eleven spheres or bodies. It is
the eleventh expunsion thut will be incurnuted on eurth us Sri Hunomunji. In
the pust, the demon King, Ruvunu, insolted und leIt My eleventh expunsion
on-sutisIied. Now thut eleventh expunsion cun be osed to Iight with Ruvunu
und serve My Lord Rumu. I huve decided to tuke birth Irom the womb oI
Anjunu by Kesuri. Are yoo huppy?"
Suti smiled Iilled with joy und love. Shivu embruced her, und Suti em-
bruced Shivu, und both becume the very embruce itselI, und thut embruce
be-cume eternul.
Anjunu, who becume the mother oI Hunomunji, wus one oI the sixteen
mutrikus. The mutrikus ure udored und worshipped ludies oI the celestiul,
ustrul und muteriul plunes oI the oniverse. Once Anjunu ussomed the Iorm
oI u ludy toorist visiting Svuh plunet, u Iew million miles beyond the
Polestur. She urrived in the ussembly oI Indru, the king oI Svuh plunet.
Somehow the king wus uttructed to her und reqoested her to muke love with
him. She reboked him severely und suid,
"Who woold like to muke love with yoo, u Iullen one with the signs oI u
thoosund eyes!"
King Indru coold not beur this insolt und corsing her, he replied, "Yoo
ure very vuin becuose oI yoor beuoty. Yoo will be born in the monkey-Iuced
Vunuru ruce."
While Indru wus corsing Anjunu, Anjunu's deurest Iriend Adriku {oot oI
love Ior Anjunu), tried to insolt Indru by meowing like u cut. Indru then
corsed her suying, "Yoo will become cut-Iuced in yoor next liIe!"
In coorse oI time, both Iriends were born us the twin duoghters oI
Konju, u Vunuru knight. When they grew op, Keshuri, u Iumoos knight oI the
Vunuru ruce, murried both oI them. Then, one duy while Keshuri wus in
meditution ut the soothern seushore, Muhurishi Agustyu becume the utithi oI
Keshuri. Both oI Keshuri's wives welcomed the onexpected goest und served
him whole-heurtedly. Agustyu wus highly sutisIied und told the wives to usk
Ior uny boon they wished.
"I wunt the mightiest son, who will be highly bold und strong in the
world, totully devoted to oniversul welIure," Anjunu reqoested.
"So be it," Muhurishi Agustyu upproved the wish Ior both oI them. And
in doe coorse oI time, Anjunu guve birth to Sri Hunomunji who becume ull
powerIol; und Adriku guve birth to u son, Adri by nume, who becume
governor oI ull the goblins.
Soon uIter he grunted this boon, Muhurishi Agustyu reulized thut Lord
Shivu HimselI wus going to be born us the son oI Anjunu. He ordered her to
go to meditute on the hill Venkutdri in Vrishbhuchul on the bunk oI
Akshugung. This wus the most uppropriute pluce to muteriulize her desire.
Thos, one duy, us she wus ubsorbed in u long meditution, the Wind God
uppeured und suid,
"Adoruble devi, I um very pleused with yoo. Yoo will uttuin u mighty son, one
who will not be uIIected by uny weupons whutsoever. I shull become yoor
son myselI. He will be eqoul to me in power und speed." Thos suying, the
Wind God inIosed his light into Mother Anjunu.
Greut sools seldom move Irom their celestiul ubodes onless there is u
mission Ior them to IolIill. Then the whole creution uwuits their udvent. In
the sume wuy, there were so muny reusons Ior the udvent oI Sri Hunomunji.
The nutorul instinct oI Keshuri wus to wunder uroond to diIIerent holy
pluces, und whenever he Ioond u scenic gurden he osed to sit in long
meditution. Once, while he wus residing in Gokurnu {u holy pluce oI Lord
Shivu neur Gou), he Ioond u greut monster, Shmbusdunu, continooosly
persecoting the holy suints who were residing there. Keshuri conIronted this
monster und hit him IorceIolly with his Iist. There wus u greut wrestling
mutch und ut lust Keshuri wus soccessIol in sluying him.
All oI the rishis were extremely huppy with Keshuri's Ieut und blessed
him so thut he might uttuin un ulmighty, enlightened son, who woold
become very hot-tempered to uny onjost uct. They then oIIered him u very
powerIol muntru oI Lord Shivu. AIter Keshuri hud been repeuting this
powerIol muntru, Lord Shivu uppeured und blessed him, und Lord Shivu's
light entered into the body oI Keshuri. Keshuri Ielt us iI he wus no longer u
mortul. When the rishis suw him Ioll oI eIIolgence they soggested thut he
retorn to his home.
At the sume moment, Anjunu retorned home uIter receiving her boon
Irom the Wind God. When she suw her hosbund uIter soch u long time she
wus Iilled with ruptoroos joy und Iell down ut his Ieet. Keshuri wus
overwhelmed with love. He ruised her op with his two urms und embruced
her, und Ior some time they becume one in thut oniversul silence. Keshuri
did not remuin Keshuri und Anjunu wus no longer Anjunu; they becume one
in Lovetrunce und in thut Lovetrunce Shivu's light, which wus ubiding in
Keshuri, wus trunsmitted to Anjunu. She Ielt us iI buthed in eIIolgent bliss,
light, und gruce. Now Keshuri becume us he wus beIore the visit oI Lord
Shivu. All oI Lord Shivu's eIIolgence wus trunsmitted to Anjunu.
Anjunu ubundoned thut speciul simple dress which she hud udopted in
the time oI sepurution Irom her deur hosbund. She wore insteud u gorgeoos
silk suri, golden neckluces, u crown und eurrings embedded with gems und
jewels. She wus udorned beuotiIolly! The hosbund und wiIe begun to enjoy in
the groves on the top oI the moontuin.
On the plunet Brumhu, which is sitouted uboot one hondred und
sixteen million miles ubove the Polestur, there wus u nymph whose nume
wus Sovurchulu. She wus very Iond oI blossoming, Irugrunt Ilowers. Once
she roshed to some Ilowers in the ussembly oI Brumhu. The creutor,
Bruhmu, is Iond oI good munners und certuin Iormulities und wus not
pleused with Sovurchulu's impol-sive uction. He corsed her suying, "Yoo,
being born into the ruce oI gods, possess no putience, so yoo will become u
Sovurchulu repented und, Iulling ut his Ieet, usked Ior u purdon Irom
Lord Bruhmu. He merciIolly Iorguve her und suid, "In the Silver Age, on
plunet Iurth, King ushuruthu will receive u bowl oI divine rice podding
uIter his ceremony oI potreshthi yujnu. He will then distribote it umong his
three qoeens. Yoo will tuke uwuy Qoeen Somitru's shure, und then by the
tooch oI thut divine, blessed rice podding yoo will uttuin yoor originul Iorm
und come to my plunet uguin."
The time described by Brumhu urrived und King ushuruthu wus
perIorm-ing his Iire sucriIice Iestivity on the bunk oI the holy Suruyo river. It
wus deIinite-ly un interplunetury Iestivity. King ushuruthu Ied millions oI
goests. He oIIer-ed ulmost ull oI his property und empire to Inlightened
Rishis, which they, in torn, guve buck to him uIter uccepting u smull
A hoge muscoline Iorm then urose Irom the sucriIiciul Iire with u bowl
oI celestiul rice podding in his hund. His body wus red like oltruviolet ruys.
He hud long golden huir, u long beurd, und lurge eyes. He spoke like u
rombling clood, suying, "My deur King ushuruthu, the gods oI higher
plunets ure highly sutisIied with yoo becuose oI yoor sucriIiciul Iestivity, und
they huve sent yoo this rice podding. Let yoor qoeens respectIolly eut it und
then they will give birth to Ioor incompuruble bubies who will redeem the
eurth Irom ull the evil Iorces."
The whole ussembly oI suints, kings, und rishis were ull silent while the
King wus distriboting the rice podding umong his qoeens. As soon us the
King pluced u portion in the open pulms oI Somitru, Sovurchulu, in her Iorm
us u crow, jomped ut it. She held it Iust with her legs und beuk und Ilew uwuy
high into the sky. Koosulyu und Kuikeyi, the other two qoeens, shured their
portion oI podding with Somitru. Thos Somitru guve birth to two bubies.
As soon us the crow roshed to the open sky there urose u heuvy wind
und horricune. The bird stombled und the rice podding wus tooched by her
body. Immediutely she reguined her celestiul Iorm und the body oI the crow
Iell down to eurth. The wind god then took the bowl oI podding und
uppeured on the hill top groves where the coople, Anjunu und Keshuri, were
wundering. The Wind God told Keshuri und Anjunu thut he hud come there
to oIIer them the celestiul rice podding,
"Allow Anjunu to eut it und she will give birth to the mightiest child, u boon I
grunted her some time ugo."
AIter receiving the order Irom her deur hosbund, Anjunu uccepted the
bowl oI rice podding. Ieeling moch joy she pot it uguinst her heurt und heud
und then the wind god disuppeured. Anjunu ute the podding und becume
pregnunt. Soon uIter, us demi-god ruces do not reqoire the Ioll nine months
in the womb, she guve birth to Sri Hunomunji on u Toesduy, in the month oI
October. Thut is why ull greut devotees oI Sri Hunomunji observe u Iust on
Toesduys. They tuke only Iroits und milk prodocts, und commonicute with
Sri Hunomunji.
As wus ulreudy mentioned, Sri Hunomunji did not tuke birth sturk
nuked us homun beings do. He wus born completely udorned with u golden
crown, gemmed eurrings, onderpunts und u sucred threud. He wus yellow-
eyed und there wus golden huir ull over his body.
According to the Sunskrit dictionury, Hunomun meuns one who hus u
speciul chin. There is u long story behind the speciul chin oI Hunomunji,
which is bused on interplunetury history, und is reluted to Hunomunji's
childhood pluy. In the demi-god ruces every child uttuins his Ioll physicul
size und development very qoickly, bot still he remuins un innocent inIunt.
Psychologicully Sri Hunomunji wus ulso soch un innocent child, bot
physicully He wus enormoosly powerIol. He hud the speciul power to expund
His body or shrink it ut will, bot He wusn't uwure thut this wus soch u speciul
churucteristic. He wus jost whut He wus. He wus His own oniverse within
Sri Hunomunji, oot oI Ion und childlike coriosity, begun to wunder ull
over the Iorest, riverbunks, trees, und moontuintops. Whenever He suw
some hoge elephunts He osed to ruise them high ubove HimselI with His legs
to meusore their weight. He wus never sutisIied with the weight oI uny
elephunt; und He ulwuys wondered why, while ruising them op, they got
Irightened, struightened their tronks und screumed und trompeted. He wus
not horting them or being sudistic in uny wuy. He wus jost huving Ion,
Ieeling und testing His power.
All oI the elephunts seemed weightless to Him, there wus no exercise oI
moscle in ruising und joggling them. In the sume wuy Hunomunji osed to
upprouch hoge, thick, wide bunyun trees und shuke them with His two
mighty urms. Some-times, becuose oI His strength, they were rooted oot or
Iell down with broken brunches.
Whenever u lion or tiger chused or Irightened some deer, Hunomunji
osed to jomp ut the spot und clusp the tuil oI the lion. Muny times the lions
und tigers woold Iull und were tossed uboot doe to their own speed. II they
woold rour oot oI wruth, Hunomunji woold twist their eurs. All the Ierocioos
beusts onderstood thut iI Sri Hunomunji wus somewhere neur, they shoold
be culm und qoiet. II they Irightened or chused uny little unimul it coold
prove to be u costly mistuke. When they suw Him coming they woold hide in
groves or boshes.
Hunomunji liked deer, hures, untelopes, otters und budgers. He osed to
ron und jomp with bloe cows und leopurds, bot very soon He woold get
bored becuose He woold get uheud oI ull the unimuls und woold ulwuys huve
to check His speed in order to ron ulongside them. There jost wusn't uny
It wus throogh His nutorul instinct und Ior umosement thut He osed to
jomp over hondreds oI sky towering hilltops. It wus u beuotiIol pluy, bot He
wondered why these hills woold get broken by the shock oI His toes und
heels. He wondered why they weren't constrocted u little stordier.
One eurly morning Keshuri wus ut the seushore enjoying his duily
meditution. Mother Anjunu wus ulso oot in the woods, tuking her duily buth
in u pond und picking some Iresh Ilowers Ior worship. Buby Hunomunji got
op Irom His sleep, und us osoul, He Ielt enormoosly hongry.
He looked to the leIt und to the right bot He didn't see unything there to
eut. All oI u sodden His eyes liIted op to the rising son on the orientul
horizon. He looked und looked ut the son throogh His innocent yellow eyes -
u roond red Iroit, u sweet Iroit it looked like, rising ubove the trees oI the
hills. Oh, how sweet u Iroit it woold be, He thooght, und jomped opwurd.
It seemed thut it wus qoite close, bot very soon He reulized thut it wus
Iur uwuy. Irom inIuncy He wus not uccostomed to losing cooruge, und so He
con-tinoed His eIIorts, covering ever-growing distunces. He never thooght
Ior u moment thut He coold not reuch the son. As the miles He covered
becume greuter, He grew more und more in His enthosiusm to Iind His Iroit.
It wus nothing speciul Ior Him to ron on the eurth or in the sky. The in-
creusing distunce seemed u chullenge to His strength, und determinution
wus presenting itselI to Him. How coold u buby oI ubsolote power und
strength uccept deIeut? It wus not in His nutore to sturt something und leuve
it ondone, or even hulI-done.
The burriers und diIIicolties oI the puth, insteud oI lessening His hope,
were increusing it. The more the sonbeum becume bright, the more buby
Hunomunji Ielt us iI the Iroit wus ripening. So shining und glittering, und
how sweet the joice woold be, He thooght, und He roshed Iuster und Iuster.
When He Ilew beyond the gruvitution oI the eurth, the wind god in
ustrul Iorm Iollowed his son to protect Him. He wus ulso corioos to know
whut buby Hunomunji wus going to do. Hunomunji Ilew Iuster und Iuster,
eIIortlessly, huving Ioll con-trol over His speed.
At lust He urrived ut the plunet Son, which expunded to eighty thoosund
miles wide. We cunnot conceive oI entering into the utmosphere oI plunet
Son becuose we huve u Iew exumples oI u person going into Iire und coming
oot suIely. However, higher ulchemicul possibilities show thut iI one cun
develop the Iire element in the nervoos system, soch u one will not be
In this sume wuy, soch u mun cun enter the plunet Svuh und enjoy its
civilizution. So Sri Hunomunji, onlike Sumputi, wus neither borned op by
the heut oI the plunet Son, nor wus He uIIected by uny rudiouctivity.
Astonishingly, He upprouched the plunet und urrived ut the muin soorce oI
light which wus none other thun the king oI the plunet, the Son God.
Hunomunji picked him op with His two powerIol urms und jost us iI He were
u Iroit, He pot him in His mooth.
In Vedic trudition, the existence oI the son is not merely mutter, bot
con-scioosness. According to this trudition, the plunet Son is crowded with
people, und the semi-divine king oI the plunet is known us "Soryu". He is u
person und plunet both together. When Sri Hunomunji pot the whole plunet
in His mooth, the personul son wus very cureIol to see thut buby Hunomunji
shoold not be hort ut uny cost, und thut the people oI his plunet woold not be
Bot the entire solur system becume durkened. The ustronomers oI the
eurth declured it to be un eclipse oI the son. The news went roond not only
the solur system, bot ulso ubove the Polestur to Svuh plunet, to the King oI
the Astrul world, Indru. Indru is the uppointed Governor oI ull the plunets oI
the solur system.
He uppeured very perplexed und pozzled und coold not onderstund
whut to do when everything went durk. Hunomunji, however, soon reulized
thut there wus no tuste in the Iroit which He hud jost swullowed, und He ulso
reulized thut He hudn't swullowed u Iroit, bot u living entity. Being u pore
vegeturiun, He becume very Irightened. Horriedly He sput oot the son.
There wus light ull uroond uguin.
Hunomunji suw King Indru in spuce, stunding on his ustrul, white
Airuvutu. This wus u speciul Iorm oI uircruIt owned by Indru which wus
prodoced onder the development oI ulchemy und technologicul skill. Indru's
plunet is suid to be so prosperoos thut every third being owns un uircruIt.
These uircruIt Ily by the will oI the owner. They ure uble to shrink und
expund, uppeur und disuppeur ut will.
Indru's horse und elephunt cun ron on the groond, on wuter, und in
spuce eqoully well. Long beIore Iinstein's discovery {which is still lying in
his Iiles), this plunet wus osing the Iormolu oI qoick truveling. They jost dis-
uppeured Irom one plunet und uppeured where they were sopposed to
urrive. Indru's elephunt is like thut, it curries him throogh spuce.
When Hunomunji suw Indru on his white uircruIt He thooght oI u new
kind oI Ion. He roshed ut it, bot Indru reucted very qoickly. Althoogh Indru
is celestiul, rising ubove the ustrul, is grown op physicully, und hus un
importunt position, he still mukes improper decisions. He is not immone to
the cosmic luw or the will oI God.
When he suw Hunomunji roshing towurds him, he becume very uIruid
Ior his liIe, und immediutely he ruised his weupon numed thonderbolt und
releused it on the buby Hunomunji. Soddenly there wus u Ilush oI lightening
und u soond oI heuvy thonder in the sky. Hunomunji wus woonded und Ielt
us iI His chin wus totully bornt. He Iell down onconscioos in spuce und
begun rotuting like some sutellite uroond the plunet Son.
In those duys the Interplunetury civilizution hud developed divinely
power-Iol weupons which were more powerIol und dungeroos thun utomic
weupons. Indru didn't even try to Iind oot whom he hud woonded with soch
u powerIol, dungeroos weupon.
The Wind God, however, cume und took Hunomunji's body in his
possession. He brooght it to u cuve on Mundur moontuin, one oI the hills
sorroonding Moont Mero, sitouted in the north oI the Himuluyus. {Vedic
Interplunetury literutore gives u vust description oI these ustrul worlds.)
Here he set his motionless son on his lup.
His heurt wus Ioll oI puin und sorrow. Iirst he stopped the blood Irom
Ilowing. In puin und ungoish he becume very ungry ut King Indru Ior osing u
deudly weupon on un inIunt. He stopped Indru's movements in ull the ustrul
und celestiul plunets, und, us the wind god, he prevented the uir Irom
Ilowing there. Iveryone Ielt soIIocuted withoot uir to breuth. The Plunet
Iurth wus not incloded becuose the oIIender belonged to Svuh plunet.
Very soon the creutor, Bruhmu, uppeured in Iront oI the Mundur hill
cuve. His goose's Ieuthers hud echoed und re-echoed the hymns oI Sumuvedu
in the sky us he Ilew throogh the uir. His vehicle goose wus not un ordinury
goose, bot wus ulso u sopernutorul uircruIt.
The wind god oIIered the greut Bruhmu his obesiences, und us he ruised
his heud, he suw ull the semi-divine und gods stunding behind the creutor.
"My deur one," suid Bruhmu, ruising his hund in blessing.
The Wind God roshed to Bruhmu ungrily und suid, "Yoo ure ulmighty,
yoo cun muke unyone the mediom oI inhuling und exhuling. My son is lying
onconscioos, I um very ungry with my son's enemy und wish Ior him to no
longer live. Pleuse excose me. Lntil now I huve stopped my movements in
spuce, in the ustrul und celestiul plunets. I um ulso going to stop my
movements in euch ustrul body. Then let os see how Indru curries his
thonderbolt und how he cun releuse it!"
All the ussembled gods cried in greut Ieur, crying, "NO! NO! Pleuse
don't do thut." Ior they knew thut they woold remuin no more thun stony,
motionless objects.
Withoot ottering u single word, the creutor Bruhmu ulighted Irom his
seut on the goose und wulked inside the cuve und sprinkled u Iew drops oI
wuter Irom his Kumundulo on the buby. A Kumundulo is u speciul pot
osoully kept by suints. It contuins wuter und is considered to be very high in
electro-dynumic Iorces prodoced by powerIol muntrus. It wus generully osed
Ior duily needs, bot it cun ulso be osed Ior heuling porposes or perIorming
impossible ucts. As the drops oI wuter Iell opon Hunomunji, He opened His
eyes, got op und withoot uny indignution prostruted HimselI in Iront oI
"My beloved Hunomun!" Bruhmu suid, "Yoo ure immortul Irom this
duy. Iven my highly powerIol weupon brumhustru will not uIIect Yoo. o
Yoo wish uny other benediction?"
"LnIlinching devotion to the lotos Ieet oI Lord Rumuchundru," Sri
Hunomunji reqoested with Iolded hunds.
"So be it," Bruhmu replied, plucing his uospicioos pulm on Hunomun's
heud. He looked ut Hunomunji's Iuther, the Wind God, und suid, "Pleuse
excose Indru."
The Wind God bent his heud low in consent und the soIIocution wus
stopped. Then Indru uppeured und suid to Sri Hunomunji, "My thonderbolt
und ull my celestiul weupons will not hurm Yoo, even iI they ure releused
uguinst Yoo, und it is my homble reqoest thut Yoo uccept the protection oI
Sogrivu in Kishkindhu, und ull uccomplishments oI liIe will Iollow Yoo in
coorse oI time." Sogrivu wus the yoonger brother oI the greut power Buli,
who roled the highly civilized stute oI Kishkindhu.
"I will try to respect yoor words," suid Hunomunji reverently.
With this, the king oI the plunet Son stepped Iorwurd und guve
Hunomunji boons, "I give Yoo one one hondredth oI my loster, und Irom
toduy heut und thirst will never bother Yoo."
hurmuruj, or Yumu, the Lord oI euth, ulso cume in Iront oI
Hunomunji und guve Him his boon, "No diseuses will ever tooch Yoor body,
und Yoo will be Iree Irom my weupon Yumudundu." AIter deuth everyone
comes onder the control oI Yumu, und it is throogh the ose oI this speciul
weupon thut he uccomplishes his prime doty.
Then Vuronu, the presiding deity oI the wuter element suid, "My rope
will huve no inIloence opon Yoo. No Ieur oI wuter will ever overcome Yoo.
Wuter will never hurm Yoo."
Koberu, the treusorer oI plunet Svuh suid, "Yoo will be Ieurless oI my
onbeuruble clob und invincibly protected Irom ull the yukshus und
rukushusus. Whomever Yoo wish to be u millionuire will become one."
The engineer oI ull the celestiul und ustrul plunets, Visvukurmu suid, "I
um the muker oI ull the weupons in the ustrul und celestiul world. I give Yoo
my word thut Yoo will remuin onhort und suIe Irom ull the weupons
prepured by me, und ulso Irom Pusoputushtru."
No one noticed when the greut Lord Shivu urrived. They were ull strock
with wonder on heuring His extruordinury, sweet voice. Oot oI greut love
und reverence, the wind god und Hunomunji bowed down ut His Ieet. Lord
Shivu ruised them op und embruced them with His two urms. With His voice
Ioll oI love, He suid to Hunomunji, "Son, Yoo ure My Own. Actoully this
Wind God jost projects sonship opon Yoo. Yoo ure ulreudy immortul. Yoo
ure the Suvior oI those who wish protection Irom Yoo."
AIter Lord Shivu suid this, there Iollowed u hoge crowd oI presiding
deities oI nutorul Iorces.
"Irom my weupon ugneyushtru und my devustuting ull-swullowing
Ilumes Yoo ure Iree," suid the Iire God. {And this becume very oseIol when
Hunomunji bornt Lunku City, the cupitul oI the greut demon King Ruvunu.)
All the diIIerent governors oI nutorul Iorces blessed und oIIered boons
uccording to their cupucities. Iuch boon incloded protection Irom their
weupons. To become muster oI these invincible weupons is u very delicute
und mysticul process. Mustery over unyone oI them is enoogh to become
invincible in the whole world. Normully, euch weupon is received und
mustered throogh u speciul kind oI meditution und wuy oI liIe. Hunomunji,
however, wus not only given protection Irom the vurioos weupons, bot ulso
the power to ose them uccording to His needs und to give them to
whomsoever He liked.
Brumhu hud ulreudy depurted to his plunet. When Shivu wunted to go,
Hunomunji und the wind god oIIered Him obesiunces und then Shivu
disuppeured. Soon uIter, ull the governors oI nutorul Iorces blessed
Hunomunji und proceeded to their plunets.
Then the Wind God suid to Hunomunji, "My son, Yoo ulreudy huve the
speed eqoul to mine und now I bless Yoo thut Yoor speedy puth will remuin
onobstrocted unywhere. My weupon, Vuyuvyushtru, will be stopped by jost
seeing Yoo. All the ueriul bodies soch us depurted sools, goblins, evil spirits,
und witches will ull ron uwuy jost by the lood chunting oI Yoor nume."
AIter blessing und embrucing Hunomunji uguin und uguin, und smelling
His heud, the Wind God disuppeured.
Sri Hunomunji, uIter uttuining ull the powers, Ilew sooth towurds His
home. Irom uIur in the sky He coold see His mother eugerly looking und
wuiting Ior Him on top oI the hill. When He lunded on the hill mother
Anjunu roshed und clusped Him uguinst her breusts und oot oI motherly
uIIection milk Ilowed Irom her nipples.
Irom the groves Keshuri ulso uppeured. He hud been very worried
uboot Hunomunji. He becume highly eluted when he suw Hunomunji.
Hunomunji told them everything thut hud huppened to Him. OverIilled with
greut joy His mother suid, "on't ron to the sky uguin withoot my
permission, Ior there is no Iroit there ut ull."
The hermituges oI rishis und monis {Holy men) were very uttructive to
Sri Hunomunji. How coold He know thoogh, thut when those rishis und
monis were in deep meditution He shoold not sit on their lups? He Ielt thut
they were us loving und deur us His own Iuther. Whenever He suw them
culm und qoiet, sitting with their eyes closed, He jomped on their lups with
His Ioll weight, not reulizing how heuvy He wus.
Hunomunji hud ulso leurned how to imitute. He wunted to curry u
Kumundulo, which wus mude oI u dry goord holl, bot whenever He jomped
Irom one boogh to unother, it woold strike uguinst some brunch und breuk.
He wunted to try on the clothing oI the rishis which were mude oI tree burk,
bot they osoully ripped while He wus potting them on. In the sume wuy their
deer skins were torn und ripped.
When He suw the rishis enguged in the Iire sucriIice He thooght,
"Why is it thut only long huired und beurded old rishis cun perIorm the
sucriIice? Why cun't I?" As soon us He picked op some wooden vessel or
instroment, u rishi woold Iollow Him, reminding Him thut one shoold keep
the instroments cure-Iolly in their pluces. Insteud oI plucing them on the
groond, Hunomunji osed to jomp ulong on some tree und ut times throw
them down. Thos they were broken.
All the Iorest dwellers, however, hud greut love Ior Hunomunji. They
never becume ungry ut Him. Nobody ever wished to corse Him. Repeutedly
the brunches oI the hermituge trees were broken. The clothes were torn und
the worship instroments und Kumundulos were ulso broken. This cuosed
some discomIort und distorbunce to these simple non-possessive rishis.
How long were they to tolerute this? Lltimutely, however, the rishis becume
completely detuched Irom muteriul possessions.
One duy u Iew oI the old rishis huppened to puss by the home oI Anjunu
und Keshuri und mude u reqoest oI them.
"Pleuse come wutch over yoor Son. Hunomun hus broken oor
Kumundulos und ut this time the goords hunging on oor creepers ure not
hurd enoogh to dry und muke more."
Another one suid to Anjunu, "Look ut oor clothes. This is not the seuson
to druw the burk Irom the trees, und we do not store or uccept things beyond
oor busic necessities. Why do yoo let Him distorb ull these spiritoul beings?"
Anjunu und Keshuri both Ielt very shy und despondent und suid thut
they were onuble to stop Hunomun Irom going to the rishis. Otherwise there
wus u possibility oI their child Iulling in the compuny oI ondesiruble people.
"I never wunted to distorb unyone," Hunomunji suid Ioll oI Ieur. He
reully never hud uny bud intention towurd unyone; it wus only His nutore to
be impetooos us He hud so moch energy.
Mother Anjunu pleuded with teurs in her eyes und Iolded pulms. She
wus Ioll oI repentunce und despondency doe to these compluints uguinst her
son. She suid, "Yoo ure ull enlightened und highly powerIol beings. He is
yoor own child, so pleuse purdon Him. Pleuse do something Ior Him so thut
He cun get rid oI His torbolent nutore und become ubsorbed with stodies."
"He hus some ego doe to His power und speed," un old rishi
commented uIter he hud serioosly considered the mutter. "The uwureness oI
onlimited speed und immeusoruble power hus mude Him very tempestooos
und cureless, now we cun solve the problem."
"His power, His speed ...," Mother Anjunu trembled in Ieur.
"Pleuse don't be uIruid," the old rishi consoled her. "Yoor Son will be
the suvior oI the world und will be worshipped by highly spiritoul people. No
one who is spiritoully elevuted coold even think oI hurming Him. We huve to
do something so thut He cun become disciplined und orgunized, thut's ull."
"Yoo ure so kind ...," Mother Anjunu bowed her heud to the rishis in
udorution und gruteIolness.
The next duy Hunomunji's legs, once uguin, coold not check themselves
Irom going to the Holy hermituge oI the rishis. The culm und qoietness oI
the hermituge wus soothing to the heurt. The meditutive environment und
hoge green trees, curessed with blossoming creepers shuking slowly in the
breeze, mude it seem us iI the whole phenomenu oI the utmosphere wus
inviting Him.
Hunomunji climbed u tree und begun to enjoy seeing so muny rishis
enguged in their meditutions. Muny oI them were observing the Iire
sucriIices, some were in worship or pruyers, und others were singing songs
oI devotion und Vedic hymns. He wus observing ull, keenly und corioosly,
throogh His innocent yellow eyes.
Soddenly His eyes Iell on u big ripe red Iroit - un upple hunging on the
tip oI the tree right next to Him. Immediutely the thooght urose to eut thut
deli-cioos upple. He jomped on the brunch und it broke und begun to Iull to
the eurth. Hunomunji jomped on unother brunch which ulso broke. The
beuotiIol tree wus disIigored und it hort the heurts oI the rishis who were
Iond oI the hurmony oI nutore. They loved the trees us their own sools und
The sume old rishi who hud spoken with mother Anjunu the duy beIore,
immediutely decreed,
"Yoo will Iorget Yoor limitless power und onobstrocted speed." Then he
poored some wuter on his right pulm Irom his Kumundulo und, dropping it
on the eurth, he suid, "Yoo will remember it only when someone reminds
Hunomunji Ielt us iI ull His enthosiusm und His immense vitulity were
disuppeuring. He becume very limp und uIter some time He Iorgot ull His
limitless power. His own heroic perIormunces becume stones Ior Him. He
becume ulmost un introvert und begun to live entirely uroond His mother.
"My deur son, woold Yoo become Hunomun?" usked Mother Anjunu,
with greut love und joy, torning her pulms on Hunomun's heud.
"II Yoo coold become Hunomun, Yoor Iuther und I, und the entire
Vunuru ruce will be gloriIied und Iumoos."
"Mother, I um ulreudy Yoor Hunomun," Hunomunji suid, sorprised,
Iixing His eyes on His mother's Iuce.
"Hunomun, the messenger oI Sri Rumu." Mother looked ut the open
sky und spoke us iI seeing some beuotiIol dreum.
"My son the glorioos Hunomun cunnot be conceived withoot being the
ugeless messenger oI the greut Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu, Sri Rumu."
"Sri Rumu, Sri Rumu, Sri Rumu," Lttered Sri Hunomunji in greut
wonder, us iI trying to recollect some deep hidden memory oI the remote
pust. There were thrills ull over His body und He becume extremely excited.
He usked, "Mother where is Sri Rumu - where is the greut Olympiun Prince
oI Ayodhyu? Where is My Muster, My ugeless Lord?"
Mother told Him uboot the Rumuyunu, the wonderIol extruordinury
Irolics oI Sri Rumu in previoos Kulpus, secretly composed in the Vedic
codes. She expluined thut u Kulpu is u spun oI time oI Ioor billion yeurs. In
every Ioor billion yeurs there ure one thoosund cycles oI the Ioor uges: the
Golden, Silver, Copper und Iron Ages. Vedic literutores record thut in the
Silver uge oI every Kulpu, Sri Rum muniIests HimselI in the holy lund oI
Ayodhyu, und spreuds the perIome oI His Iume, glory und dignity ull over the
Ivery duy, ut u certuin time, mother osed to enlighten her son to
certuin ureus oI Interplunetury history, to give u proIoond busis to her son's
liIe. Now Hunomunji becume interested in only one thing, und thut wus Sri
Rumu, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu. He wus totully ubsorbed in these
descriptions. One oI these wus the wonderIol story oI Sri Hunomunji und his
mother Anjunu, who were completely dedicuted to Sri Rumu. There were
innomeruble hopes und expectutions which mother Anjunu hud Ior her child
Hunomunji, und she wus totully merged in these hopes und expectutions
while telling Him the stories oI Sri Rumu.
Whenever the child Hunomun heurd oI Situ, the consort oI Sri Rumu,
He Ielt us iI she ulone wus His mother. When He heurd uboot the demon,
King Ruvunu, steuling Situ uwuy, He becume very ungry ut the Hunomun oI
thut Kulpu who did not Iinish him oII. When the child Hunomun becume
very excited und wruthIol towurds Ruvunu, mother Anjunu luoghed und suid,
"Ruvunu is still roling in Lunku. He lives in his golden cupitul on
Moont Trikotu sorroonded by the Indiun oceun."
"I will kill him!" Hunomunji procluimed excitedly.
"Why, whut hurm hus he done to Yoo?" Mother smiled und suid
soothingly. "He hus become u Iriend oI Buli, the emperor oI the Vunurus und
hus sworn not to uttuck Ayodhyu."
Ayodhyu! Ayodhyu us iI pooring nectur in His eurs - us iI enlivening
the heurt und sool und Iilling it with joy, the word Ayodhyu thrilled ull the
pores oI Sri Hunomunji's body.
"Where is Ayodhyu? Where is the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu?
Where is Sri Rumu?" He usked with ull the thirst oI His being.
"Yoo cunnot go to Ayodhyu," his mother suid tenderly Ioll oI love. "Sri
Rumu hus not incurnuted yet, und how cun u Vunuru child live umong homun
"Why cun't I live with them?" Hunomunji coold not onderstund why
He cooldn't live there since the inhubitunts oI Ayodhyu were extremely kind
und generoos, und open to higher ruces und goests oI other plunets. Why
cooldn't He be uccepted there?
His mother told Him thut high qouliIicutions soch us un extensive
edocution oI the Vedic wuy oI liIe wus reqoired in order to serve Lord
Rumuchundru. Hunomunji kept qoiet. He coold not otter u single word. He
wus strock with silence Ior the Iirst time us He Iuced u stute oI otter
helplessness. He reulized thut He neither hud His spiritoul Muster nor the
knowledge necessury concerning the Vedus.
There wus no doobt thut Sri Hunomunji wus extruordinurily powerIol.
He wus the possessor oI innomeruble divine weupons, euch one oI which
wus enoogh to torn the world into ushes. We ulreudy know thut the power oI
oor gons und utomic weupons Iuil to destroy spuce ships. No umoont oI
utomic explosion cun hurm them, bot it doesn't meun thut they ure
invincible. Spuce
ships und ustrul beings cun ulso be killed, bot we don't huve those weupons.
Althoogh Hunomunji wus the muster oI innomeruble divine weupons,
oIIered to Him by vurioos representutives oI diIIerent plunets, und He hud
developed u qoest Ior Troth und coold eusily huve dropped into devotionul
trunce, still He Ioond HimselI totully helpless. Whenever u mun develops u
qoest Ior the Absolote Troth und receives initiution into u speciul wuy oI liIe,
he reulizes, Ior the Iirst time, how lume he is.
In this hopelessness he reulizes his otter helplessness, und discovers
thut his mind is nothing bot u storehoose oI gurbuge. Jost u druin oI Iilth
which he hus been identiIying with throoghoot the pust. He observes how
restless his mind is, how empty und shullow he is, how dry und poor he
uctoully Ieels.
Yes, every troe scientist, every philosopher, every uctionist hus to go
throogh this durk night oI the sool. This is u very IeurIol, extremely dreudIol
experience. The uveruge mun oI umbition in the world wunts to become u big
bosiness mun, greut ustronuot, Iine mosiciun or urtist - someone oI
importunce - bot Iew ure there who wish to become u benevolent lover und
suint. Instinctively they know thut they most Iuce un otter emptiness, un
otter helplessness in order Ior the mind to reuch vurioos stuges oI pority
und this is very diIIicolt.
This is why we ure ulwuys looking Ior crowds, commonity uctivities,
und more und more relutions, becuose we don't wunt to conIront oor own
reul Iuce. One is not uwure oI the dost und gurbuge us long us it is qoietly
lying on the Iloor, onswept. As soon us yoo begin to cleun it by sweeping the
broom, the dost rises und Iills the room. Bot no one wishes to remuin in u
dosty dirty room; the moment he reulizes it, he cun jost wulk oot.
It is the sume Ior those who ure initiuted into u higher wuy oI liIe.
They see the world Irom diIIerent ungles. Then it becomes impossible Ior
them to puss their lives us they hud beIore. This is u greut revolotionury
stute und u highly delicute moment. The whole spiritoul liIe is bused on the
proIoond busis oI onderstunding this moment.
Iven Hunomunji, who wus highly powerIol und hud greut strength,
vitulity und ull the celestiul weupons ut His disposul, wus mude to Ieel otterly
helpless. Lltimutely, He decided to receive systemutic initiution und
edocution. And those duys edocution incloded spiritoul us well us muteriul
"My beloved Iuther, pleuse urrunge Ior my initiution ceremony," suid
little Hunomunji to His Iuther Keshuri, who wus prepuring to go to the
seushore Ior his duily meditution.
"Who huve yoo selected us yoor spiritoul Muster?" he usked, smiling.
"Whoever is the greutest mun oI highest wisdom," Hunomunji replied.
His Iuther usked, "Who coold thut be? The greutest mun oI highest
wisdom?" He stood silent Ior u Iew moments.
"I um not the jodge. Yoo most inqoire Irom some rishi," suid Keshuri
und leIt to meditute ut the seushore.
Hunomunji discossed the mutter with His mother und so urrived ut
the hermituge oI rishi Agustyu, in the undukurunyu Iorest, north oI
Goduvuri River.
When He met the rishi, Hunomunji suid, "Whoever is the mun oI
highest wisdom, him will I muke My goro."
Immediutely He udded, "Will he uccept Me us his disciple?"
Rishi Agustyu closed his eyes Ior u while und Ioresuw the Iotore. Then
he opened them und suid, "eIinitely, he will uccept Yoo us his disciple."
"Where shull I Iind him?" inqoired Hunomunji.
Muhurishi Agustyu replied, "All the uphorisms oI the highest wisdom
ure continoully resonunt in the vibrutions oI the liIe giving ruys oI Soryu
Nuruyunu, ulwuys rudiuting by meuns oI the plunet Son. One becomes u rishi
only when he is uble to perceive the uphorism, resonunt in the vibrutions, by
perIorming restruint on uny oI his ruys, und this tukes pluce only doe to
gruce. Then he reulizes the Ioll meuning oI the uphorism while in Sumudhi,
the totul trunce oI meditution, und this enlightens, enlivens und reluxes ull
Iields oI his liIe -- thinking, speuking, und ucting."
Hunomunji retorned home und u Iew duys luter there wus u hoge
guthering oI kinsmen, rishis, und scholurs. With lood chunting oI Vedic
hymns, und u short perIormunce oI the Iire ceremony, Sri Hunomunji's
sucred threud ceremony - un initiution ceremony which tukes pluce beIore u
yoong uspirunt enters the ushrum oI the goro to receive u higher edocution -
- wus perIormed uccording to the roles und munners oI the Aryun trudition.
The moment hud urrived to proceed to the hermituge oI His goro, und
Sri Hunomunji stood, lit with the loster oI knowledge, us iI He wus the very
symbol oI uosterity. His eyebulls were culm, still und steudy, His Iuce
peuceIol. Now u sucred threud oI monju gruss wus shining on His shoolders,
u speciul stick und Kumundulo were in His hunds, und He wore wooden
sunduls on His Ieet.
He wus to go to His Muster's ubode. His eyes were ruised opwurds
towurd the plunet Son where His goro lives, und He wus pozzled us He tried
to meusore the vust distunce between Him und the Son. His heurt lost hope
und teurs rolled Irom His eyes becuose He hud Iorgotten His power und
speed doe to the decree oI the old rishi.
"Why ure Yoo so despondent, why ure Yoo crying, my Son?" Mother
Anjunu cume closer und embruced Him us she qoestioned Him.
Hunomunji usked His mother innocently, "How Iur uwuy is the Son in
spuce? How cun I reuch his lotos Ieet?"
"How Iur?" Mother luoghed wholeheurtedly. "When Yoo were u little
child my Son, Yoo upprouched him, misconceiving him us u Iroit Yoo wished
to eut, und now Yoo think he is Iur uwuy!" "Getop!" Mother Anjunu roured
like u tigress. "Girdle Yoor loins. Is there uny thing which coold be
impossible Ior my Son?"
"Look, there is the Son. . . . . rosh," und mother pointed oot the Son
und Sri Hunomunji reully Ioond oot it wus close. It wus not Iur ut ull.
He urrunged und Iixed His pulusu dundu {His speciul stick), deer skin,
und Kumundulo; und, uIter oIIering His obesiences to His purents, the
priest, und beloved rishis, He Ilew oot into spuce. He Ioond thut it wus eusier
thun ronning on eurth.
As soon us Sri Hunomunji encoontered the eIIolgent Lord oI the
plunet Son, He prostruted HimselI und guve him His Ioll introdoction. "This
Hunomun, born in the ruce oI Vunurus, the Son oI Keshuri, oIIers His
obesiences to the lotos Ieet oI yoor Holiness."
The voice oI the Son god resoonded throogh the uir, "Muy Yoo live
long! Muy ull Yoor desires be IolIilled! Hunomunji, I recognize Yoo. How did
Yoo huppen to come this moment?"
"By the order oI My purents. Pleuse uccept this Child oI yoors us yoor
homble disciple. With the uim oI stodying the Vedic knowledge Irom yoo, I
huve urrived ut yoor lotos Ieet," replied Hunomunji with Iolded hunds.
"Being u scholur und muster oI ull knowledge, iI soch u one reIoses to
bestow it to one who is IuithIol, homble, intelligent, und highly umbitioos to
leurn, then soch u person is suid to be u wicked scholur, und uIter deuth he
becomes u brumhurukshusu or bruhmupisuchu."
These ure ustrul ghosts who speuk like leurned men und seem to be
greut scholurs, bot ull their uctions ure like vumpires, shumeIol und ulso
dreudIol. They especiully relish the ruw Ilesh oI yoong homun beings und
drink wurm blood.
The Son god continoed, "My deur Hunomun, Yoo ure IuithIol, selI-
controlled, und u homble Seeker oI knowledge. Iverything is Ioond to be in
order with Yoo. My knowledge woold be exulted und soccessIol iI I huve Yoo
us u disciple. So let os sturt right now!"
gunnm tv gunuputim huvmuhe
The lesson begun immediutely und the Ieeling oI the words delivered
by the Son god were imprinted on the bright intellect oI Sri Hunomunji.
Throogh the Vedic hymns, the meunings und interpretutions onIolded, und
the teuchings were most powerIol becuose the Son himselI wus delivering
The slightest ignorunce or ubsent-mindedness oI the disciple is
onbeuruble to the goro. Rupt uttention is demunded Irom the disciple in
order thut he muy receive the highest knowledge Irom the mysticul text oI
the sucred Vedus.
Vedus und the limbs oI the Vedus inclode ull the esoteric wisdom.
They ure to be tuoght by qouliIied goros only. All oI the sotrus oI yogu,
wisdom, und devotion, und the secrets oI the Sixty-Ioor Arts were covered by
the Son god, us well us the muin uphorisms on medicul science, mosic, und
Sri Hunomunji never reqoired uny explunution, nor wus it necessury
Ior Him to usk uny qoestions, us ull the knowledge wus trunsmitted to His
bruin merely by soond vibrutions.
In the Silver Age, Lord Rumu leurned ull the knowledge oI the Vedus
in sixty-Ioor duys. Also, Lord Krishnu luter in the Copper Age, wus uble to
comprehend the Ioll knowledge oI ull the Vedic literutores in sixty-Ioor
duys. Bot there is no wuy oI knowing how long it took Sri Hunomunji to
leurn this wisdom us there is no wuy oI meusoring duys on the plunet Son.
Very soon Sri Hunomunji's stodies were completed und the Son god
gruceIolly putted His heud und blessed Him, suying,
"eur One, ull the knowledge will remuin Iresh und vibrunt with Yoo
ulwuys. The time element will never be uble to obscore Yoor memory.
Homun beings will be uble to uttuin the onIoldment oI ull knowledge by Yoor
"My Lord, I um un insigniIicunt Monkey," suid Sri Hunomunji in u
choking voice with teurs in His eyes und with Iolded pulms, Ieeling grutitode
und love Ior His greut spiritoul Muster. He knew thut, jost us there is the
doty oI the spiritoul Muster to cluriIy euch und every purt oI knowledge Ior
the oltimute evolotion oI conscioosness, so ulso there is the doty oI u
disciple to oIIer something beuotiIol und best opon the completion oI his
"My Lord, whut shull I oIIer ut yoor lotos Ieet? II yoo coold bless Me
by reqoesting unything Irom Me, I woold be spured Irom the greut puin,
inner tortore und shume by being uble to oIIer goro dukshinu, thos IolIilling
My doty us yoor disciple."
The Son ulwuys dwells in his own glory. There is no limit to his
generosity. The Son god suid,
"I um Iolly sutisIied by Yoor Iuith und homuge. There is Sogrivu, the
brother oI Buli in the sume Vunuru ruce us Yoors. Pleuse go und uccompuny
him, und in time oI emergency Yoo will protect him Irom ull dungers."
"I will respect him us I do yoo," promised Sri Hunomunji, und then He
bowed down to him und received permission to retorn to the plunet Iurth.
Once uguin, Suhyudri Moontuin, thut long runge oI hilltops expunding
Irom west Muhurushtru to the eust; Irom Bombuy, Khundulu und
Rishyumoku to the Iull oI Goduvuri river in the eust; Ielt itselI Iortonute und
gloriIied by huving the Iootprints oI Sri Hunomunji on its sommits, peuks,
vulleys, groves, boshes, woodlunds, und riverbunks. Hunomunji wus still
Iond oI Iorests, riverbunks, und hills, bot not us beIore.
There wus now u greut culmness und serioosness in His nutore. He
woold go to the seu beuches, constuntly guzing und guzing ut the gurlunded
wuves und teurs woold Iill His eyes. He woold constuntly wulk in the Iorests
und hills, und when the Iuce oI night cume und He woold see the rising
moon, He woold remember some loved one whose beuotiIol Iuce muy be like
the moon, bot yet one whom He didn't know. In this Ieeling oI helplessness,
teurs trickled down His cheeks, und un onknown puin eropted in His chest,
bot He did not know the reuson.
Mother Anjunu und Keshuri were very huppy the duy their Son
retorned Irom the plunet Son, uIter mustering ull oI the brunches oI
leurning. All the rishis upproved und ugreed opon His incompuruble
wisdom. On meeting their beloved Son Hunomunji, Anjunu und Keshuri's
joy knew no limit, bot it did not lust long.
Very soon they Ioond thut their Son hud lost His tuste Ior Iood, sleep
und ull entertuinment. His ulwuys wet eyes were seurching eyes. Anjunu und
Keshuri wept Ior their son.
Night uIter night, Hunomunji roumed over moontuins und vulleys,
throogh Iorests und ulong the bunks oI the river und streums, seeking Ior
something. These loving purents wondered who it wus thut their Hunomun
sooght. Who is he whom their Son seeks? Whose love is tormenting the
heurt oI their Son? Neither they nor Hunomunji HimselI knew.
Sometimes when they wutched the uctivities oI their Son they Ioond
Him in some durk cuve in the deud oI night, sitting in totul culmness, cross-
legged, spine erect, eyes closed. Whut wus He doing while the whole world
wus sleeping?
"It is possible thut He meditutes," suid Keshuri to Anjunu. "Muy this
puciIy oor beloved Son's heurt."
One deep night Sri Hunomunji wus sitting in u cuve on one oI the seu
beuches. Soddenly Lord Shivu uppeured und spoke to Him lovingly,
"Hunomun! Woold Yoo like to go to Ayodhyu with Me? The Lord hus
now incurnuted in the Iorm oI Sri Rum in Ayodhyu. He hus ulreudy pussed
His inIunt pustimes und is now enjoying His boyhood Irolics. Yoo cun enjoy
the trunscendentul bliss oI His close relutionship."
Sri Hunomunji clusped both Ieet oI Lord Shivu und pluced His heud
opon them. His voice wus Ioll oI love und deep reverence, "Only by Yoor
Grucecoold this dreum blossom into u reulity."
"Go usk permission Irom Yoor mother," suid Lord Shivu.
"Mother, I um going to Ayodhyu!" suid Sri Hunomunji, und mother
Anjunu curessed her deur Son und looked ut Him with teur-Iilled eyes us she
knew und suid in u choking voice,
"Son, muy Yoo uttuin the Gruce oI thut merciIol Lord." She blessed
her Son und wutched Him ontil He becume invisible in the distunce.
Ayodhyu wus not Iur Ior Lord Shivu und Sri Hunomunji. The plunet
Son hud not proven too Iur Ior Hunomunji, so how coold Ayodhyu be Iur,
since it existed only u thoosund miles uwuy on the sume plunet? They lunded
in the coontryside Iorest ootside Ayodhyu where They sut onder u Bunyun
"o Yoo see thut I cume withoot My vehicle, Nundin, und now I um
going to chunge even this Iorm," Lord Shivu suid. "II We Gods or demigods
go to Ayodhyu in oor originul Iorms, We will only huve to uccept homble
obesiences und worship Irom the whole city ulong with its Lord. This is not
the wuy to enjoy the gruce und pustimes oI the Lord."
Hunomun suw Lord Shivu stunding in Iront oI Him in the Iorm oI un
ootdoor mosiciun, und so, very qoickly, Sri Hunomunji torned HimselI into
un ordinury little monkey.
"I huve to bind Yoo," luoghed Lord Shivu.
"The sool Iuils to bind himselI with Yoo, thereIore he hus Iullen into
the bonduge oI u most ridicoloos misconception, identiIying himselI with
the ever-chunging body," Sri Hunomunji spoke to Lord Shivu, clusping His
Ieet with both oI His pulms.
"Helpless und powerless ure the beings oI the world iI Yoo, the
cuoseless, merciIol Lord, do not tuke steps to bind them to YoorselI. How
cun they be liberuted Irom the terrible troobles oI this ignorunce oI their
own troe nutore."
"I will go uwuy sobmitting this rope into the hunds oI the Olympiun
Prince oI Ayodhyu," suid the greut Lord Shivu Whose very nutore und
udventore is to liberute ull beings.
He then tied the neck oI Hunomunji with u silk rope und Hunomunji
wus thrilled und overwhelmed with greut joy, imugining the Iotore when He
woold meet His onknown Beloved. Thut Beloved One oI Whom He hud been
thinking, seeking und Who hud cuosed Him to wunder over hills und dules,
Iorests und riverbunks, stuying uwuke night uIter night, wuiting Ior the
moment when He coold be joined with His Beloved Olympiun Muster.
Toduy the rope boond uroond His neck wus to be given into the hunds
oI thut Beloved. As He thooght uboot it, teurs oI joy rolled down His cheeks.
He wondered iI even the greut liberution itselI coold be compured to soch u
"My eur, do Yoo Ieel uny discomIort?" Lord Shivu usked Hunomunji.
"The creutores oI the world soIIer discomIort, unxiety, puin und
lumentution us long us they escupe Yoor sweet remembrunce. II My Lord,
Yoo woold bind u sool to YoorselI Yoo cun do it only throogh Bliss und
Knowledge. There is no other wuy Ior Yoo -- Yoo Who is the extremity oI the
Bliss, oI the Knowledge, und oI the Power personiIied," replied Sri
Hunomunji, jomping, tossing und torning like u torbolent und restless
"BeuotiIol, beuotiIol! Yoo jomp very urtisticully," Shivu's eyes lit op
with joy und umuzement us He pruised the ucting.
"Yoo most do u little reheursul oI duncing since Yoo huve to pleuse the
Prince und the Imperor oI Ayodhyu."
Lord Shivu pluyed His umuro und the soond echoed uroond the
Iorest und strock the eurs oI the protectors oI the city gute.
"A golden-huired monkey!" The gutekeepers observed ecstuticully,
showing Him to euch other.
"Not only does My Monkey huve soch divine golden huirs, bot ulso He
is un expert in so muny onimuginuble golden urts!" Lord Shivu suid to them
us He entered the gute und begun to pluy His umuro.
The soond oI the umuro oI the greutest Muster oI ull the urts und
mosic truveled Iur und wide. Nomeroos people, mule, Iemule, und children,
roshed towurds Them und Their ussembluge increused enormoosly.
Hunomunji begun to dunce to the rhythm oI the umuro uccording to the
instroctions oI Shivu.
All stood silent Ior u long time ubsorbed und hypnotized in the
cuptivuting, ruptoroos soond oI the umuro, which wus none other thun the
Anuhutunudu itselI. This is the onbroken und onrestricted soond heurd by
Nudu-yogis in their deep mystic-trunce, uIter u long process oI progressively
perceiving ten diIIerent sweeter und sweeter soonds which ure never heurd
in the muteriul world.
When the soond stopped und Hunomunji stood still und silent, ull the
ussembled guthering woke op us iI they hud emerged Irom u trunce oI
meditution. They begun to oIIer vulouble ornuments, clothes, golden coins,
und other worthy items.
Iverybody wus giving something. All were enormoosly generoos, bot
Lord Shivu, in the Iorm oI un ootdoor mosiciun, spoke to them with Iolded
"I um u single Person here, und I um ulwuys on the move, so pleuse
excose Me und spure Me Irom currying this loud oI giIts, it is u heuvy
"I will give Yoo u beuotiIol golden churiot to curry Yoor presents,"
suid u child oI one oI the royul ministers.
He who visits the city oI Ayodhyu never uguin wishes Ior unything
more. He Ieels no necessity oI upprouching unother pluce to IolIill his
umbitions. The people oI the city Ieel thut iI unyone leuves the city empty-
hunded, it is un insolt to the dignity und Iume oI the Lord oI Ayodhyu.
"As I depurt, I will be huppy to uccept the oIIering oI whoever meets
Me. It shull be us prusudu oI the Lord oI Ayodhyu," suid Lord Shivu with u
Hunomunji expressed His joy by jomping becuose He knew thut Shivu
wus going to disuppeur withoot unybody noticing. No one wunted to tuke
their oIIerings buck. Children oIIered the monkey some eutubles; und
ulthoogh He wus uccepting everything with greut respect, everybody wus
sorprised to see thut the monkey wus not euting. How coold they onderstund
thut Hunomunji coold not eut unything ontil He visited His Lord.
Soddenly there uppeured u royul messenger penetruting the crowd. He
upprouched the ootdoor mosiciun und suid,
"Well, my good Mun, the news oI the tremendoos hypnotic soond oI
Yoor umuro, und the heurt cuptivuting pluys oI Yoor golden huired monkey
hus reuched the Royul ussembly. His Highness, ulong with oor Princes, ure
euger to see Yoo."
"As his Highness orders," The mosiciun suid, und immediutely They
proceeded towurds the Royul ussembly.
On the wuy They suw the splendor oI Ayodhyu. Hoge sky-kissing
murble munsions sorroonded with beuotiIol Ilowering gurdens beside the
royul streets were udorning the beuoty oI the city in ull directions. Silver und
gold, in vurioos brilliunt designs, were embedded in the wulls, und beuotiIol
The city wus Ioll oI huppy, rudiunt, smiling-Iuced people. Iveryone
wus weuring silk clothing, und udorned with jewels und gold, gemmed
ornuments. Not u single person uppeured to be lucking in ull the comIorts oI
living. Ludies were beuotiIol, chuste, und udmirubly enhunced with ull the
Iinest Ieminine qoulities. Not u single person wus seen in the streets
breuking the regolutive principles, or who wus dirty, ogly, or onIortonute.
All hud shining deep eyes und Iluwless physicul Ieutores.
The history und description oI the city, Ayodhyu, is oniqoe.
The city wus Ioonded by the greut Muno {the Iirst homun being on the
plunet Iurth) who urrived here Irom the plunet Son. Thut's why his ruce wus
culled Solur dynusty. King ushuruthu wus the sixtieth und Shri Rum the
sixty-Iirst King.
The city oI Ayodhyu wus extended into ninety-six miles in length ulong
the bunk oI the river Suruyo, which Ilowed ull twelve months with the
perIome oI the herbs und Ilowers oI the Himuluyun vulleys. The city wus
twenty-Ioor miles in width.
Wide streets were sprinkled with wuter und there were green
blossoming trees in uppropriute pluces. In the sqoures, Ilowers were strewn,
und the perIome und smoke oI incense Ilouted uroond.
Ilugs were Ilying on the domes oI every boilding, which were mostly
mude oI murbles, und bedecked with gold und other gems. The city wus
gourded by u hondred rockets. There were mungo groves und purks in every
The wuter wus so sweet it excelled the tuste oI upple joice.
Mosic wus being broudcust throoghoot the city, uroond the clock,
The city wus inhubited by people oI ull Ioor clusses --
{u) Brumhins - the reseurchers oI Absolote Troth und Iree helpers oI
people. Solving their problems by commonicuting with the ustrul, celestiul
und Lovetrunce plunes oI existence. Mostly they were philosophers und
scientists oI ulchemy, the power oI soond, und prunic electricity. They were
greut knowers oI the Vedus, und highly coltored by yumu und niyumu.
{b) Ksutriyus - wurrior cluss were the protectors oI the city, working
us soldiers, ministers und gourds. They were in churge oI deIense. They were
so strong thut they were uble to wrestle with Iierce rouring lion with their
weuponless bure hunds und soccessIolly kill them. Still they were very
generoos und homune.
{c) Vuishyu - merchunt cluss wus so very rich thut their minimom
donution to Brumhins und suints wus one thoosund golden dollurs. They
were neither miserly nor loxorioos. They were neither insomniucs nor
IeurIol oI robbers or tuxes. Their weulth wus Ior spiritoul development oI
themselves und their coontry.
{d) Shodru - were IuithIol und sincere servunts, cuoseless lovers oI ull.
King ushuruthu wus Iumoos ull over the world und in other plunets
Ior his vulor und love Ior the urts, science und spiritoulity. He wus well-
known Ior his trothIolness und IolIilling his given word. He never Ioond uny
king soperior or even eqoul to him. The woodlund uroond the city wus
ulwuys crowded with the pulutiul tents oI kings Irom diIIerent coontries who
hud come to puy their tribotes. The king wus uttending to his spies duily. He
wus getting op beIore sonrise, tuking his shower, giving churity, doing
worship, meditution, Iire sucriIice, und going to the purliument und
sopreme coort us u duily rootine. He wus on twenty-Ioor cull Ior jostice.
Ayodhyu wus Ioonded und inhubited by the greut Muno, Vuivusvut, the
Iirst homun being on the plunet Iurth. Since then it hus been the cupitul oI
the glorioos kings born us his Holy descendunts. They were not jost
muteriulistic emperors bot greut philosophers und spiritoul uspirunts.
Ayodhyu continooosly hus been the center oI knowledge, prosperity, power,
und shelter Ior the rishis.
When Hunomunji wus brooght to Ayodhyu, King ushuruthu wus
governing the stute. He wus the sixtieth Imperor in the Solur ynusty. King
ushuruthu hud Ioor extruordinurily powerIol sons. It wus us iI ull oI his
pioos uctions were beuring Iroit in his Ioor hundsome sons.
Their numes were Sri Rumu, Lukshmunu, Bhurutu und Shutroghnu.
They were ull ideuls oI righteoosness und u symbol oI love towurds euch
other. They were Lord Vishno, The Nuruyunu HimselI, ussoming the Iorms
oI the Royul Princes to lighten the eurth Irom its onwunted borden, und to
expoond the wisdom oI eternul Ireedom in the reulizution oI Absolote
With the udvent oI the Ioor Iorms oI the Lord, the entire eurth wus
enlivened, especiully Ayodhyu. The whole city becume prosperoos und
splendoroos, und Ioll oI wisdom.
The entire popolution wus divided into Ioor sections uccording to
their instinctoul uctivities und cupucities. Iuch member oI the philosopher
cluss wus well edocuted in trunscendentul wisdom oI Interplunetury history.
These philosophic musters were uccomplished in the Ioor Vedus, its six
limbs, und nomberless brunches oI the six systems oI philosophy, urts und
The Iuces oI the dwellers oI thut city were serene, innocent, und they
were very serioos in their doties und responsibilities, und more thun this -
they were Seekers oI Troth. In Ayodhyu u person might huve been mutchless
und victorioos in buttle, or muy huve been u possessor oI greut weulth, bot
he wus not udored by ull onless he possessed u oniqoe qoulity oI Iollowing
In this Iuir city u hero wus not one who uttructed und pleused the
crowd or the generul poblic, or who coold excite pussions in luymen by his
gestores, speech, or dress. Nor wus he considered to be u hero who wus
poIIed-op with pride over his good physiqoe. No, the troe hero oI Ayodhyu
wus one who hud power und enthosiusm, both mentully und physicul,
combined with ootstunding generosity. Who coold sucriIice his body und liIe
ut uny moment Ior the protection oI u ludy, u Brumhin, u rishi, u temple, u
cow, or Ior dhurmu, with Ioll joy und Ireedom, it wus this who wus
considered u hero!
None oI the members oI the bosiness cluss ever sut luzily. They ull hud
un umbition oI becoming molti-millionuires. This wus Iollowed by hurd
work. They were IuithIol und innocent chunnels oI eurning money. Iuch one
wus well uwure oI his muin doty to muke the stute prosperoos throogh
becoming prosperoos themselves. Iuch one oI them wus Iolly prepured to
sucriIice his uchievements Ior the nution, Ior rishis, or Ior God.
OI coorse, they were ulso Iond oI horse rucing, gumbling und vurioos
Iorms oI entertuinment, bot these were only umosements, not Ior
competition. Big Ionds were donuted to the spiritoul people, given in churity
to needy ones, und hoge umoonts were given in selIless sucriIices.
Ivery member oI the philosopher cluss wus spiritoully powerIol
enoogh to be uble to pot unyone in the trunce oI meditution jost by plucing
his pulm on thut person's heud. Yet none oI their Iollowers ever reqoested
this becuose they preIerred to experience thut stute by their own eIIorts, und
they endeuvored to uchieve ull the elevuted stutes oI meditution in their own
They knew thut "shuktiput" is u borrowed spiritoul energy. It is
nothing other thun killing others potentiul, killing others originulity und
nutorulness, und thos in u wuy ensluving others. Ruther thun borrowing
energy Irom the philosophers, euch stodent preIerred to onIold his own
inherent power und dormunt potentiulity.
Iuch spiritoul muster knew thut his doty wus to keep the nution culm
und reluxed, Iree Irom problems und Irostrutions. This wus done not by
entering into politics, bot by sitting in u cozy corner oI his own ushrum, und
going deep into Lovetrunce meditution. Thos he rudiuted the vibrutions und
inIloences oI peuce, hurmony, und bliss-conscioosness ull uroond. This
trunsmission oI meditutive peuceIol experience wus uvuiluble to ull withoot
the leust distinction oI custe, creed or nutionulity.
It is interesting to know thut the very puth oI becoming weulthy und
prosperoos wus ulso un item oI spiritoul progress. Becuose, the more
Iinunciully weulthy one becomes, the more chunces there ure to express
higher levels oI generosity und open heurtedness. Soch u person wus uble to
pructice yogu oI uction more extensively. His oIIering greuter donutions,
more help to others, und shuring his uchievements with others, uIIorded
more chunces to evolve in conscioosness. The sign oI evolved conscioosness
meuns one who grows in cuoselessness und onconditionul help to others.
And it Ilows not to u purticolur person, pluce or thing, bot to the entire
oniverse. Thos, soch u one Iinds the whole oniverse loves him.
The ootdoor mosiciun, Lord Shivu, und the golden monkey, Sri
Hunomunji, hud wulked ull the wuy to the Iinul sqoure oI the royul puth,
seeing the murveloos city und its oncommon dwellers. Now They stood
strock with wonder us They guzed ut the hoge puluce which uppeured like u
white uircruIt oI ice.
As They entered the golden gutes, the gutekeepers welcomed Them,
showing Them the wuy. AIter going throogh seven hoge doors They entered
into u heuvenly royul ussembly. There His Mujesty wus sitting on the golden
royul throne sorroonded by hondreds oI ministers und stutesmen.
On one side oI the sume plutIorm the spiritoul muster, Bruhmurishi
Vusisthu, wus sitting on u costly golden throne, the seut wus covered with u
silk cloth on which u deer skin wus nicely spreud. The Rishi wus rudiunt with
the light oI his spiritoul power und higher onderstunding.
By his side, Ioor Ilower-Iuced yoong Princes were sitting. With eyes
Ioll oI love, they were innocently looking ut times towurds the king, their
muster, und then towurds the ministers.
Now ull eyes were Iocosed on the new urrivuls, the mosiciun und the
beuotiIol golden monkey, us they suloted the six greut personulities who
were sitting on the royul plutIorm.
His Mujesty spoke in u digniIied voice, "Blessed One, the golden huir
und urtistic Ieutores oI Yoor monkey convey to os thut Yoo ure certuinly u
Muster oI greut urts. It is becuose oI Yoor skill thut Yoo huve been uble to
discover soch un extruordinury looking monkey. We know thut u troe urtist
is not less thun un emperor. When the speciul mercy oI ivine Mother
showers into some Iortonute one in the Iorm oI divine urt, even un emperor
needs to upprouch him und sit like un innocent child. Only then cun ivine
Mother's mercy be received throogh the chunnel oI the urtist.
"A troe urtist is he who is not ullored by rewurds, bot simply gloriIies
und respects the beneIuctor by uccepting his oIIerings. Glorioos One, let the
thooght not come to Yoo thut we huve devuloed Yoor urt by culling Yoo here.
We shoold huve come to Yoo, bot the street wus not u soituble pluce Ior Yoor
urt. It wus throogh the order oI my spiritoul muster thut Yoo ure invited
here, suid the Imperor looking ut his spiritoul muster, the Rishi.
The Imperor wus very digniIied und highly uristocrutic, thereIore he
intoitively Ielt the most exceptionul power in his goests.
The mosiciun Iolded His hunds in reverence und bowed down und
suid, "We ure insigniIicunt servunts oI Yoor Highness. I Ieel very shy
heuring soch words oI pruise Ior this little mun. This is My greut good
Iortone thut I um ullowed to enter this heuvenly hull.
Vusisthu suloted in retorn. When the muster looked ut the monkey, u
big pleusunt smile spreud over his divine Iuce. At the sume time Hunomunji
jomped on the royul stuge und pot His heud on the Ieet oI the muster, who
then putted His buck in deep love. Artisticully the monkey Iirst puid His
homuge to everyone, und then He totully stretched oot ut the Ieet oI His Lord
Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu.
In the next instunt, He jomped op on the chuir oI the MerciIol One
und into Sri Rum's lup. The Princes luoghed und everyone wus wutching the
scene. Sri Rum's Iingers were Iondling Sri Hunomunji's buck und heud und
ull His limbs, und Hunomunji wus shedding teurs oI joy und ecstusy.
"Not only the externul Ieutore oI Yoor monkey is uttructive, bot the
nutorul movements oI Yoor monkey ure ulso urtistic und uttructive. He
expresses greut sensitivity und intelligence by recognizing the right person,
the Imperor suid looking ut Hunomunji's meeting with Sri Rum with
pleusunt sorprise.
By the order oI His Mujesty the mosiciun soonded His umuro, und
Hunomunji jomped on the Iloor, in the center oI the ussembly, und begun to
demonstrute His urt oI dunce.
Once uguin the exhiluruting soond oI the umuro cuptored the
conscioosness oI euch person sitting in thut wondroos Royul ussembly. As
moch us the soond moved to higher urtistic intensity, everybody's
conscioosness rose high, op und op und mude them estublished in the
onstrock, non-stop eternul soond oI Nudubrumhu. This is the origin oI ull
soonds, constuntly echoing beneuth the depths oI ull noises, ull lungouges,
ull discossions, ull philosophies, und ull sweet mosic, us well us the cries oI
Nudu-yogis oI Indiu pructice u meditution numed Nudunosundhunu in
which this soond is heurd. When one heurs Nudubrumbu, he becomes
ubsorbed in limitless, onIuthomuble peuce, serenity und divinity. Soch wus
the stute oI the Royul ussembly; no one knew unything else bot thut
Anuhutunudu ulone wus soonding und resoonding, echoing und reechoing,
permeuting ull, enveloping ull.
Their eyes were ubsorbed in the divine urts oI Hunomunji und their
eurs were ubsorbed in the trunscendentul soond oI Lord Shivu's umuro.
The mosic stopped, the duncing monkey puosed, und the little Prince oI
Ayodhyu Sri Rum roshed towurds the King und sut down on his lup.
"My deur duddy, pleuse get this monkey Ior Me, I shull pluy with Him
every duy!" This wus the Prince's reqoest to the King, who wus more u loving
Iuther, not only to the Prince, bot Ior the entire stute.
"My Son, it is not costomury to usk un urtist Ior his vulouble
instroment oI urt. I will urrunge Ior some sobstitote." The King tried to
console his impolsive Child.
Sri Lukshmunu overheurd his Brother's reqoest und roshed to the
mosiciun und spoke in u lood voice,
"Blessed One, coold Yoo oIIer Yoor monkey to oor Beloved Brother
Sri Rum? He wunts to huve Him. In exchunge Ior whutever Yoo woold
reqoest Irom oor duddy, he will be huppy to grunt Yoor reqoest."
"Tell yoor Prince to come und uccept My monkey," suid the mosiciun
with u broud smile.
Lukshmunu run down to Sri Rum, und Sri Rum, Ioll oI joy, roshed
towurd the monkey. The rope wus hunded over to Sri Rum. Iveryone wus
greutly ustonished when Sri Rum ontied the monkey und let Him Iree, bot,
uIter ull, His very nutore is to ontie the bonduge oI those who remember
The Imperor suid, "We ure very gruteIol to Yoo. We woold never huve
dured to usk Yoo Ior Yoor monkey, which is the most vulouble thing to un
urtist soch us YoorselI; yet Yoo huve hunded Him over, gludly, to oor most
Beloved Son. We Ieel deeply obliged -- pleuse uccept unything Yoo desire!"
"The Reverend Prince shoold Iirst check und see iI the monkey reully
perIorms His pluy or not," suid the mosiciun very politely, with Iolded
Qoickly the monkey moved und sut beside the Ieet oI Sri Rum und
gently clusped them uguinst His chest. Irom His eyes two drops oI teurs oI
love rolled und Ilowed.
"He is not going to escupe," suid the mosiciun. "Now the Prince shoold
muke Him dunce to see whether it goes well or not."
Sri Rum und the other three Princes were luoghing und clupping, und
Hunomunji wus duncing, duncing, und duncing, und in the rupid coorse oI
duncing He becume the dunce itselI. He did the best oI duncing in the whole
world thut duy. And why not? AIter ull, u greut exponent oI the mosic
trudition wus showing His urt to sutisIy His beloved Lord.
"Kind Sir!" excluimed the King, who wunted to rewurd the mosiciun
Iveryone looked leIt und right, us iI uwukened Irom u deep sleep, bot
the greut Lord Shivu hud disuppeured. When everyone's eyes were enguged
wutching the dunce, He hud Ilown uwuy to His beloved residence, Moont
Kuilush. His work wus done.
The ChieI Minister, Somuntru, enguged muny uttendunts to seurch in
ull directions. No one bot Vusisthu knew thut He wus the greut Lord Shivu
HimselI, the Muster oI disuppeuring.
Now Sri Hunomunji sturted living umong the Princes oI Ayodhyu. He
begun receiving moch preIerence und greut love Irom the King und Qoeens,
ministers, citizens und the children. AIter ull He wus Sri Rumu's deur pet --
Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu.
AIter the show wus over, Shutroghnu, the yoongest Prince, run oot
und brooght some sweet Iroits und wunted to give them to Sri Hunomunji.
Insteud oI tuking them, Hunomunji begun to look ut the beuotiIol Iuce oI Sri
Rum und sut ut His Ieet.
Pleuse give these sweet Iroits to the monkey," Shutroghnu soggested.
He thooght thut perhups He woold uccept it iI Sri Rum HimselI woold oIIer
the Iroit to Him by His own hunds.
"Tuke them," Now Sri Rum, HimselI, wus oIIering them to the
monkey. Iven then, Hunomunji kept looking lovingly ut Sri Rum's Iuce,
clusping His Ieet.
"Oh, I see deur Brother, He won't eut onless Yoo eut und give Him the
remnunt. He will only uccept Yoor prusudu." Suid Shutroghnu, remembering
Sri Rum liIted u Iroit to His lips und ute u little; then, us soon us He
wunted to give Him the prusud, Hunomunji leuned op und picked op the
Iroit und begun to eut. And there wus no limit to His joy in tusting it! The
tuste oI the Iroit sturted onIolding luyers uIter luyers oI it. Its deepening
experience oI joy ulmost entrunced Him und the tuste oI the Iroit becume the
oniverse. Probubly it wus thut experience which is known us trunscendentul
Ior the next Iew yeurs Sri Hunomunji Iollowed Sri Rum like u shudow,
wherever He went. He wus u homble, obedient und eIIicient servunt oI Him.
At night He osed to sleep onder Sri Rum's bed in Kooshulyu's puluce.
Hunomunji's huppiness knew no limit. Bot this cooldn't lust Iorever.
"My beloved Hunomun," suid Sri Rum one duy. "There is no longer
time Ior Me to pluy with Yoo us I most get bosy working on IolIilling the
porpose oI the inhubitunts oI the plunet Svuh. I um to redeem the entire
Interguluctic utmosphere Irom the negutive Iorces which ure progressing
und dominuting the world toduy. It wus Ior this reuson thut I huve tuken
birth in this homun body."
"Yoo too huve to onborden YoorselI Irom the debt to Yoor Goro. Yoo
go to the cupitul Kishkindhu und join the ministry oI Sogrivu. I shull meet
Yoo luter in thut Iorest und thereuIter Yoo will never be sepurute Irom Me us
long us I reside on this eurth."
Sri Hunomunji bowed down to Sri Rum uguin und uguin, und looking
ut Him uguin und uguin with teur-Iilled eyes, he took leuve Irom Him. He
rose op in the sky und Ilew uwuy towurd the sooth.
Iveryone in Ayodhyu wus sorprised thut the Golden Monkey hud leIt.
They wondered how He hud been uble to leuve His beloved Sri Rumu.
There is u town in sooth Indiu culled Humpi. This center wus the
Interguluctic center oI the Vunuru civilizution. Continooosly Irom the lust
three to one million yeurs, Humpi hus witnessed wonderIol Ieuts oI greutest
soperhomun power, Ireedom und independence. It is sorroonded by Moont
Mulyuvun {Pruvursunu giri), Rishyumoku, Chitrukotu, Kishkindhu,
Pumpusur, und Moont Anjuni.
Iven toduy, these pluces ure expoonding und procluiming the secrets
oI thut extruordinurily powerIol ruce und their coltore, oI which
innomeruble prooIs exist. In thut ureu ure Ioond urtistic cuves with hoge
rocks und stonehenges, euch one weighing u thoosund tons.
Who coold huve Iixed these hoge rocks und slubs in soch un orgunized
und urtistic wuy? Whut u greut soperhomun power they most huve
possessed! Sri Hunomunji wus born in the utmosphere oI soch u civilizution
where soperhomun power und oncommon deeds were ulwuys demonstruted
und were u duy-to-duy ordinury phenomenu.
In oor modern world, power is only un one-sided uchievement. Thut
meuns we cunnot expect u kurute Iighter to be u philosopher, or u big boxer
to be u coltored mosiciun. We cunnot imugine u body-boilder und weight-
liIter to love like Romeo or Joliet. Their heurt is not Ioll oI Ieelings.
Sri Hunomunji und His contemporury civilizution wus not only bused
on soperhomun powers bot ulso on Ieelings oI the heurt. They were uble to
sucriIice everything, even the dignity oI their greut power, Ior love, Ior
spiritoul uccomplishment. We Iind u big boxer is ulso un expert in mosic. A
greut wurrior is ulso Ioll oI compussion. He becomes u disciple. He loves
God. And soch u love is onderstood to be like the intense, cuoseless,
onconditionul love developed by u teenuge, very delicute und sensitive girl
Ior her lover; uboot whom she hus only heurd und never met, never seen
throogh her own eyes, bot still gets so occopied und ubsorbed in her love Ior
him thut she loses her tuste Ior Iood, sleep, und other conversutions und
entertuinments. Iverything becomes dry und vucunt, us iI the entire
existence roshes to bite her in sepurution Irom her lover.
Only u Iortonute one develops soch u blessed love. And when soch u
delicute Ieeling und love rises Ior God, it is culled Porvurugu. When it tukes
pluce in u Iortonute one towurds u muniIestution oI the ivine, it is suid to
be the highest plutIorm oI spiritoulity. And in His teens Sri Hunomunji
developed soch u kind oI love.
Sri Hunomunji is u big kurute Iighter, big boxer, u greut wurrior, with
extruordinury moscles. He liIts op hoge rocks, Iixes urtisticully hoge
stonehenges. At the sume time He is u greut mosiciun, u oniqoe philosopher.
At the sume time u greut lover oI God. A very reIined und most delicute Iorm
oI love oI God culled PLRVARAGA tukes pluce in His liIe. In the history oI
God's love, this Porvurugu stute oI love oI God hus tuken pluce only in the
heurt oI the gopies.
In the IolIillment oI Sri Hunomunji's Porvurugu, Lord Shivu hud tuken
Him to Sri Rum. Now, by the order oI His Beloved, Hunomunji hud come
buck to the ubode oI His purents on Moont Anjuni, one mile uwuy Irom the
sucred pond Pumpusur.
It wus us iI only His physicul body hud come. His heurt, His senses und
His interests ull remuined with Sri Rum in Ayodhyu. Iven the loving,
curessing ussociution oI His purents und Iriends coold not console Him.
However, the cuves, riverbunks, hilltops und groves where He hud once
wundered with greut hopes und expectutions oI u meeting, begun to uttruct
Him once uguin.
Those were the pluces where He hud sut once long ugo, shedding teurs
in love oI some onknown Iriend. Now He hud met thut Iriend, tooched Him,
tulked with Him, und hud been in deep commonion with Him. When He wus
sitting, or wundering, or jost looking ut the nutore's beuoty, the love-luden
glunces oI Sri Rum uppeured beIore Him, sometimes within the heurt und
sometimes ootside in the groves.
Sri Rum's wuy oI looking, speuking, smiling, und His wuy oI wulking,
ull cume uguin und uguin to the mind oI Sri Hunomunji. He wus tormented
with love duy und night. Wherever He went His eyes shed teurs, His speech
becume puinIol, und honger und thirst disuppeured. Sometimes He wus
Ioond lying onder some tree where He hud sobmerged into un oceunic-
experience oI pore Lovetrunce. Keshuri und Anjunu were worried moch und
woold seurch helplessly Ior their deur Son in the groves.
Iven in those duys oI scorching torment there wus one thing which
wus extremely soothing und pleusing to His souring heurt, und thut wus the
Holy Nume oI His Beloved Sri Rum:
Sri Rom, joi Rom, joi joi Rom!
Sri Rom, joi Rom, joi joi Rom!
These words were nectur to His eurs und He woold sing ulood the
Holy Nume with greut rejoicing. Heuring His sweet mosicul voice, Keshuri
und Anjunu osed to be thrilled with pleusore becuose ut leust there existed
something which wus uble to console the heurt oI their Son.
"He most huve u sobstitote," Keshuri told his wiIe one morning. "II we
do not muke Him bosy, His liIe will become Ioll oI sorrows und puin."
"I ugree, bot whut sobstitote cun there be?" Inqoired Anjunu
serioosly. "How uboot murriuge?" usked Keshuri.
"Oh no, it does not seem to be consistent with my Son. I know Him
very well, He hus got some other uim oI liIe in which murriuge is irrelevunt.
It does not pluy u role. It will simply consome His vulouble time. II we
compel Him to murry we muy lose Him, He might go uwuy." Anjunu's
stutement hud u very good weight und Keshuri ugreed with her.
"I um tuking Him to Kishkindhu." Keshuri wus reIerring to the cupitul
und center oI the Vunuru civilizution, u coltore Iumoos not only ull over the
world, bot ulso on other plunets.
"I shull introdoce Him to the ministry oI King Bli und Sogrivu. Oor
Son might become enguged in vurioos politicul sobjects, und in soch
uctivities His sudness might be dispelled."
Keshuri conveyed his proposul to his Son uIter considering over it
Irom diIIerent ungles. Hunomunji ugreed simply. He wus not in the hubit oI
urgoing with His purents und He ulso remembered His promise to His goro
und Sri Rum.
Keshuri und Hunomunji proceeded to Kishkindhu. The city wus
sitouted on the bunk oI the Holy river, Tongubhudr. There were decoruted
urtistic royul puths, mugniIicent munsions, puluces, ponds, und uoditorioms
Ior duncing und lectores. Bot ull oI them were so constrocted thut nobody
coold recognize them upurt Irom nutore. They were not rebellioos uguinst
nutore, never creuting pollotion. They were urtisticully blended into those
hills, groves, trees und riverbunks.
The two truvelers urrived ut the creeper door oI one oI the cuvities oI
the vulley. Soddenly two hoge Iorms oI Vunuru wurriors uppeured und
welcomed them.
"King's ussembly!" Keshuri ordered. Immediutely the gutekeepers
went inside und uIter u short intervul retorned.
"Yes yoo ure welcome, His Mujesty is wuiting Ior yoo inside," he suid.
They were escorted to u wide, open hull which wus mujesticully
udorned with Iresh Ilower gurlunds hunging on the wulls und silk cortuins,
untiqoes und puintings udorned the rooms. Hondreds oI Vunuru ministers
were sitting in golden chuirs. In the center, on u jeweled golden throne, two
hoge, tull und bright personulities were sitting discossing some politicul
uIIuirs. Seeing Keshuri, they got op Irom their seuts.
"Ior u long time I hud u desire which I coold not convey to yoor
Highness becuose oI shyness. My desire wus to see yoor Son, Who hus
brightened the glory oI the Vunuru ruce by conqoering deuth und being
blessed with extruordinury benedictions und divine weupons Irom the
higher Iorces oI creution. He hus received Vedic knowledge Irom the Lord oI
the Son plunet himselI.
"I wunted to invite und oIIer u royul reception to Sri Hunomunji Irom
the side oI the Vunuru stute so thut, throogh His ussociution, I coold be
empowered in spreuding the messuge oI Tongubhudru wuves. I um very
gruteIol to yoo thut yoo huve brooght Him. All oI my ministers will tuke good
cure oI Him. Muy He receive the Iriendship oI my son Prince Angudu, who
hus recently retorned uIter completing his edocution."
Keshuri retorned to his moontuin home und Hunomunji becume one
oI the members oI the udvisory bourd oI the King. Very soon He becume
bosy in urrunging the uIIuirs oI the stute. Since He hud promised His goro
thut He woold look uIter Sogrivu {the yoonger brother oI King Buli) He
preIerred to be intimutely ussociuted with him ulone.
In Kishkindhu, Sri Hunomunji received inconceivuble uppreciution,
pruise, und love Ior His intoitive soggestions, power, intelligence, und
pictoresqoe wuy oI speuking und expressing His ideus. Hunomunji wus very
bosy in diIIerent Iields oI royul uctivities, bot this did not hurm His spiritoul
progress. In Iuct, it strengthened und solidiIied His love Ior Sri Rum.
When one Iuthoms the deeper und deepest levels oI love in the puth oI
Lovetrunce, the ruptoroos joy oI love is indicuted by diIIerent signs und
expressions oI the physicul body -- like teurs coming to the eyes, thrills,
choking voice, tremors und ulwuys being thirsty to heur uboot the Cosmic
Beloved, speuking uboot Him incessuntly, und being trunscendentully-
intoxicuted, etceteru. Sri Hunomunji's trunscendentul love osed to overIlow
into these eight sutvic symptoms.
By constuntly singing the Holy Nume oI God, medituting on His
trunscendentul Iorm, contempluting His pustimes, und residing in the pluce
pertuining to His Irolics, by diving und Ilouting in the eight sutvic Ieelings,
the physicul expressions grudoully sobsided. They becume intensiIied in the
Iorm oI sthuyibhuvu, which mude Him like u meditutive yogi.
Sthuyibhuvu is u trunscendentul mellow-like Ilow oI the electricul
energy oI Lovetrunce in sweetest possible streums und wuves oI bliss-
conscioosness. When one gets estublished in uny one oI the Iive
relutionships with God, he is enveloped by u wurm, inexplicuble stute oI
tenderness und sweetness und, ubiding in this, he Ieels himselI purt und
purcel oI God. Then, nutorully, whutever huppens ootdoors, soch us the
blowing oI the breeze, the Ilying oI birds, Ilouting cloods, ruinbows,
showers, or the open sky, green trees, cooing oI cockoos, the Ilowing oI the
river, or the light oI the moon, ull become udditionul wuves oI joy,
reminding him oI the Sopreme Lord und he becomes overwhelmed with love
und ecstusy.
It wus in this wuy thut Hunomunji wus uble to remuin oninvolved und
totully onuttuched, in spite oI being in the midst oI innomeruble uctivities
und intense bosiness. This guve Him u very stuble, proIoond und Iirm
personulity which uttructed every pore-heurted person like u mugnet. Thos,
ull the pore-heurted Vunurus becume very deur Iriends oI Sri Hunomunji
und they were leurning how to evolve in soperior joys.
Prince Angudu becume one oI His greut udmirers. King Buli trosted
Him more thun unyone, und Sogrivu wus onuble to live Ior u single moment
withoot Him. Thos, the Kingdom oI Kishkindhu becume u lovely ubode oI Sri
{A) Physicul Plune - Where homun beings, unimuls und the three
dimensionul world live und move. The Iurth und ull oI the plunets oI the
solur system ure in the physicul plune.
{B) Astrul Plune - Where spirits live who huve not yet receive u
physicul body, bot ure wuiting Ior it. They huve un ustrul und cuosul body
which envelopes the sool. Also the greut enlightened yogis live in the ustrul
plune to help the world, remuining invisible.
{C) Celestiul Plune - Where more reIined und powerIol beings live in
compurison to the muteriul und ustrul plunes. The body und mind huve Iive
thoosund times the cupucity to enjoy pleusores oI the senses. Almost ull
siddhis which Putunjuli describes in Vibhotipudu, soch us becoming
utomicul, become lurge, uppeuring und disuppeuring ut will, muteriulizing in
hondreds oI pluces simoltuneoosly, becoming lighter thun cotton, etc., ure
uvuiluble. Celestiul inhubitunts cun inIloence people Irom the muteriul und
ustrul plunes, bot not oI the trunscendentul und Lovetrunce plunes. The
plunets oI these people begin beyond the Polestur. They ure culled demigods
und gods bot not The God.
Their bodies ure more endoruble thun the bodies oI homun beings.|
According to Interguluctic history, the demon ruce hud muny diIIerent
truditions, soch us the uityus, Rukshusus, unuvus und Asorus. All demons
were not necessurily evil-minded people. There huve been muny reul-ized
sools umong them.
By instinct, however, they ure muteriulists, interested muinly in
sutisIying sensoul temptutions. They huve sopernutorul power by birth und
this, combined with their muteriulistic uttitode und luck oI interest in
spiritoul wis-dom, leuds to exploiting others Ior their own pleusore.
The stute oI Kishkindhu wus sorroonded by the stutes oI un
extruordinury, powerIol demon ruce which did not originully belong to the
plunet Iurth. These beings only worshipped power und soccess. They were
greut scientists und men oI knowledge. They osed ustrul-truveling, teleputhy
und onimuginuble weupons throogh which one coold sturt the blowing oI u
terrible wind, or u shower wuter or Iire. They ulso indolged in hypnotism,
throogh the ose oI other weupons und other Ieuts oI bluck-mugic.
They osed ull oI these urts in un uttempt to Iinish oII the originul
dwellers oI the plunet Iurth, und ulso to conqoer other plunets oI the solur
system. They were guining more soccess duy by duy. This cluss oI beings wus
interested only in muteriul uccomplishments, und ull their umbitions were
sex und belly-oriented.
In the North there lived u very dreudIol Iigore, Virudhu by nume. In
the Iust dwelled Khuru, osunu und Trishiru. In the West the terrible
Kubundhu reigned, und in the Sooth, in the Indiun Oceun, there wus un
islund where the highly pow-erIol, ten-heuded King Ruvunu roled.
This demon ruce wus Iond oI wine und pussion. They stodied physicul
pleu-sore incessuntly, und Ruvunu discovered coontless medicines, herbs,
drogs, und tuntric-procedores Ior everlusting sexoul power. He wus u greut
muster oI sexoul orgies.
He preserved his body ulong with immense sexoul power Ior more
thun one million, two hondred und ninety-six thoosund yeurs. In this period
he enjoyed thoosunds oI muidens Irom ull purts oI the world und other
plunets. In the burs und restuorunts muny beuotiIol, yoong ludies were
compelled to serve, und they were uvuiluble Ior everyone's enjoyment. Only
one condition wus reqoired, und thut wus thut the mule shoold belong to the
Rukshusu ruce.
Ruvunu murried thoosunds oI wives und prodoced more thun IiIty
thoosund sons. He wrote u book in verse entitled, "Lddish Tuntru,"
describing methods oI devel-oping sexoul power und enjoying sex
This ruce wus uddicted to meut-euting und they developed vurioos
wuys to tuste meut. Throoghoot the night in their restuorunts, whole
boIIuloes were being boiled in oil or Iried. In order to root oot the homun
ruce, they spreud the Iushion oI relishing the tuste oI homun-Ilesh, und oI
drinking homun blood. They never ute their own people. They wunted to
increuse their popolution so they coold spreud ull over the world und to
other plunets. They especiully liked to eut philosophers und spiritoul people.
They ulwuys persecoted this cluss.
Althoogh the whole world, ulong with u Iew plunets, wus uIruid oI this
uggressive commonity, King Buli wus Ieurless. He osed to puy his homuge to
the philosopher cluss, und remuined onconqoeruble even by the combined
Iorces oI this ruce. ThereIore, Ruvunu ulwuys respected the vow oI
Iriendship which hud been mude uIter his deIeut in u wur with Buli.
Sri Hunomunji by nutore huted this commonity. He wus uguinst uny
cooperution or Iriendship with this cluss oI people; thereIore, deep in His
heurt, He coold not reully like Buli. He did like Buli's yoonger brother,
whom Buli ulso loved like his own sool. Luter however, Buli's love Ior
Sogrivu torned into u borning hutred.
One twilight, the brother-in-luw oI King Ruvunu, Muyuvi by nume, the
son oI King Muyu, upprouched the puluce oI King Buli und roured in greut
"Oh meun, ruscully monkey, come oot oI yoor cuve or I will breuk yoor
heud into pieces! Yoo ure ull poIIed op becuose oI deIeuting the cureless
Ruvunu - come oot. I shull teuch yoo whut reul power is."
Actoully, Muyuvi hud never seen Buli. When he heurd the news thut
his in-vincible brother-in-luw, King Ruvunu, hud been cuoght by the Vunuru
King, Buli, who belonged to u less powerIol ruce then he, he wus very euger
to conqoer this gentlemen, und then to joke uboot it with Ruvunu. Ruvunu,
whose umbition wus to become the emperor oI ull the plunets und spreud his
empire throoghoot the entire cosmic-egg, hud been deIeuted by Buli.
Buli, the greutest power oI the Iurth, who hud pot even Ruvunu's heud
down, in torn, woold be killed by Muyuvi. Muyuvi woold huve u good joke on
his brother--in-luw. This wus u very popolur sitoution in Indiu in thut kind oI
relutionship. To enjoy this dooble Ion, Muyuvi urrived ut Kishkindhu.
King Buli, us u roler, us u hosbund, us u Iuther und brother, und even
us u mun oI knowledge, wus oniqoe und soccessIol. Bot whenever his power
wus chullenged, especiully in u doel or Iight, he woold get totully excited und
so obsessed with terrible ruge thut he coold not recognize unyone. Then,
only by Iighting und killing the opponent wus he uble to get peuce und
When King Buli cume oot oI the puluce, he wus Ioll oI extreme wruth.
Muyuvi, who hud never conceived soch u dreudIol, terriIying Iuce und hoge
body, becume very Irightened, lost his cooruge, und run uwuy. By now Buli
wus obsessed with wruth, und he wus in no wuy going to spure Muyuvi. The
only wuy Buli coold be sutisIied wus either to kill him or be killed by him.
Buli chused him. He wus so conIident thut he didn't trooble to tuke
uny weupons He relied only on his two hunds us he wus un excellent boxer.
Muyuvi threw u stone ut Buli which ungered him even more. Now, how coold
he be spured?
Becuose Buli's brother, Sogrivu, loved him, he Iollowed him; und
becuose Sri Hunomunji loved Sogrivu, he Iollowed ulso. Very soon Muyuvi
Ioond himselI onuble to suve himselI Irom the croel clotches oI the dreudIol
Buli in un open doel. Qoickly he escuped into u neurby cuve.
Buli torned his terrible guze, Ioll oI wruth, towurds Sogrivu und Sri
Hunomunji und suid,
"Yoo jost wuit here uboot IiIteen duys."
Then he entered the deep durk cuve. The terrible soonds oI boxing
were heurd, us well us the crucking oI bones, und bodies Iulling to the Iloor,
ulong with the lood rours us they chullenged euch other.
Sogrivu und Hunomunji wuited ootside Ior thirty duys, ulong with ull
those ministers who hud come to see the doel. Buli osed to be totully
ubnormul when he wus in u spell oI unger. He didn't know how to exclode u
third person in u doel. It didn't mutter whether the person wus coming to
help him or to Iight with him. Buli never knew, so he woold Iight unyone
within sight - thos the ministers decided discretion wus the better purt oI
vulor und wuited ootside the cuve.
AIter one month, ull oI u sodden, Sogrivu und Hunomun heurd the
heuvy soond oI someone being dushed uguinst the eurth, und the oncleur
soond oI u screum-ing voice oI u dying monkey. Soon uIterwurds, they suw u
swiIt corrent oI blood Ilowing oot oI the cuve.
AIter observing this IeurIol incident, Sogrivu becume terribly
Irightened und suid,
"Hunomun, it seems thut Muyuvi hus killed my brother. Now he is not
go-ing to spure me when he comes oot oI the cuve."
The reuson Ior his Ieur wus the illosive voice creuted by the demon
BeIore Sri Hunomunji coold give uny soggestion, Sogrivu stood op
und rolled u rock weighing muny thoosunds oI tons uguinst the door oI the
cuve und roshed towurds the city. He ordered Hunomun to uccompuny him
to the city und to close the door oI the Iort. He Ielt thut by remuining
together, the Ieur woold be less iI they were uttucked, Ior they coold deIend
themselves more eusily.
The news spreud ull over the city very qoickly. Iveryone becume
terriIied, Ior they believed thut King Buli hud been killed und thut the croel
demon wus com-ing to destroy the city. All oI the ministers onited in thooght
und Ielt thut there wus u greut need Ior u new king who coold goide them in
Iighting. All oI them ugreed thut Sogrivu shoold occopy the royul throne und
commund the urmy. So-grivu wus onwilling to huve this position, bot to no
uvuil, Ior the Vunuru ruce und kingdom needed protection.
Meunwhile, in the cuve, thirty duys oI constunt boxing hud mude Buli
terribly tired und exhuosted. On the thirtieth duy he killed the demon und
dushed him on the Iloor. Then, uIter resting, Buli wulked towurds the door
bot Ioond thut it hud been blocked by u heuvy rock. oe to the constunt
Iighting, he coold not coont the duys oI his combut with the demon und
when he suw the door shot his terrible wruth wus directed towurd Sogrivu,
who wus the gourd.
Buli hud to ose his whole power uguin to move the rock und muke his
wuy oot. By this time Buli wus u muss oI embodied, energized unger. He
wulked ull the wuy to the city gute und Ioond it closed. He jomped the wull
und entered the royul ussembly where he Ioond Sogrivu sitting on the royul
seut which wus his. He mis-onderstood everything. He thooght thut thut
ruscul Sogrivu hud tried to kill him by shotting him in the cuve, und thut now
he hud occopied his seut.
He thooght thut ull the love which Sogrivu hud shown him wus jost
show, u deception. Ioll oI unger, with blood red eyes, he roured und jomped
on Sogrivu, who wus qoickly upprouching him to oIIer him his respect. Buli
dushed him to the Iloor und begun to beut Sogrivu's chest with his heuvy
Sogrivu coold not beur it und somehow he urose und run uwuy. He
sturted ronning, bot Buli hud now become enruged. In his chronic unger, he
hud not leurned to spure whoever he took us un enemy, bot knew only to kill
him. Buli chused Sogrivu, who wus Iuster thun himselI, wherever he went.
Thos they truveled ull over the world, right Irom Kulupurvutu {North Pole) to
Svetukonjur giri {Sooth pole), und Irom Tunrudvipu und Nugudvip {North
und Sooth Americu) to Chinu. This chuse continoed Ior muny yeurs.
They were so well-eqoipped with the urt oI spuce truvel thut Ior them
the world wus not very big. Buli wus so powerIol thut he woold go uroond
the whole oI Iorusiu every duy beIore sonrise. He osed to go Ior his morning
ublotions on Ioor seushores, the Atluntic, the PuciIic, the Anturctic und the
Indiun Oceuns. ThereuIter he woold tuke his duily breukIust.
These powers were nutorul to people living doring the time oI
Interguluctic history, even thoogh they soond Iuntustic to os now. All people
living doring this time were eqoipped with muny powers. oring this time
people were uIruid oI those who were spiritoully udvunced becuose their
words possessed greut power. Whutever u greut spiritoul mun suid
huppened; und people were espec-iully Irightened oI being corsed by soch
men. All these powers were nothing in compurison with spiritoul
There is un exumple oI u greut und powerIol demon numed ondobhi
who possessed power to ussome uny Iorm ut will. He osed to jomp in the
oceun und chorn it op like un ordinury pond. He osed to throw moontuins us
iI they were clomps oI cluy or Iootbulls.
This demon upprouched Moont Himuluyu one duy und suid,
"I um Ieeling itches in my mighty urms. Give me u chullenge. I huve
come here to beg yoo to chullenge me to u Iight."
In the Golden Age oI Vedic history there wus u beuotiIol philosophy oI
liIe: the origin oI liIe wus not mutter bot pore conscioosness. It is u sobject
Ioll oI wonder und mystery. This is uppurently inconceivuble to os now
becuose oor vuloes oI liIe huve totully chunged. Bot troth is troth - TRLTH IS
whether one believes it or not. II we stody the philosophy oI conscioosness,
systemuticully, we Iind the moontuins, rivers und trees ure bot diIIerent
expressions oI con-scioosness, und, like homun beings, they ure onited.
Thut's why Suint Iruncis osed to cull the son, Brother Son, und the moon,
Sister Moon. It wus with this onderstunding thut ondobhi spoke to Moont
Himuluyu wus doobtIol thut he woold win so he replied,
"There ure so muny yogis und Rishis silently medituting opon my
diIIerent hilltops. II I um in move-ment, then they muy be distorbed und
corse os both. So I soggest thut yoo go to the Sooth on the bunk oI
Tongubhudru. There King Buli lives, und he is highly powerIol in the world
Immediutely ondobhi Ilew to the Sooth. Within no time he urrived
ut the city gute und ussomed the Iorm oI u giguntic boIIulo, und entered the
city, breuk-ing its gute, munsions, wulls, und killing the inhubitunts oI the
city with his hoge horns.
"Oh, scoondrel Buli, why huve yoo hidden in yoor cuve, knowing
uboot my urrivul in yoor city? Oh Iool, come und show me how moch power
yoo huve," ondobhi roured ut the door oI King Buli.
"Who is this stopid demon who intentionully wunts to enter the
mooth oI deuth," the red-eyed Buli suid, grinding his teeth und roshing to
the door.
As Buli cume Iorwurd, he guve ondobhi u heuvy kick with his right
Ioot. ondobhi stombled Ior the Iirst time in his liIe. Buli jomped on him,
dushed him to the eurth three times, und then cuoght his lurge horns by his
mighty urms und begun to rotute them. A heuvy Ilow oI blood begun to Ilow
oot us Iur us the city, und ondobhi died on the spot. The greut Buli ruised
him by his legs, wheeled him uroond severul times und threw him into
spuce. The body Iell on Moont Rishyumoku, uboot ten miles uwuy, und the
terriIying body broke into muny pieces.
AIter it's releuse Irom Buli's urms when his body wus pussing throogh
spuce pooring blood everywhere, u consideruble qountity oI blood dripped
opon the ubode oI u greut spiritoulist numed Muhurishi Mutungu. His
ushrum und the sorroonding gurdens were polloted by this impore blood,
und the Rishi becume enruged. He wus very uwure oI peuce und pority und
didn't wunt his holy ushrum to be polloted.
He took wuter in his right pulm Irom his kumundulo und suid,
"Let this wicked Buli, who is Ioll oI vunity becuose oI his power, die us
soon us he enters the boondury oI this moontuin, und uny member oI his
purty when they urrive here, let his skoll breuk into muny pieces."
Lttering the words oI the corse like u thonderbolt, he dropped the
wuter on the eurth. The news spreud ull uroond und Buli becume very cureIol
und prohibit-ed ull oI his uttendunts Irom going neur thut pluce.
While Sogrivu wus ronning everywhere in seurch oI shelter und Buli
wus con-stuntly chusing him, Hunomunji somehow becume soccessIol in
conveying this messuge to him,
"Pleuse go to Moont Rishyumoku. It is u suIe shelter Ior yoo."
Immediutely Sogrivu recollected the incident which hud occorred in
the pust und Ioond un unchor Ior the sinking ship oI his liIe. He entered the
Iorest oI Mutungu-Vunu oI Rishyumoku hill. Here, Muhurishi Mutungu's
ushrum becume u suIe shelter Ior Sogrivu, since Buli wus not ullowed to
enter withoot Ieur oI deuth. This ushrum provided protection Ior Sogrivu,
und Buli retorned to his kingdom. With Sogrivu no longer in the cupitul, Buli
conIiscuted ull oI Sogrivu's possessions, incloding his wiIe Romu.
Hunomunji tried to expluin to Buli thut his brother Sogrivu wus not un
oIIender ut ull, und thut he only wunted peuce. Bot Buli didn't know how to
Iorgive und suid,
"I will rob oot his nume Irom the plunet Iurth. I will see how long thut
ruscul keeps hiding like u rut in thut ushrum. I don't wunt to heur unything
more uboot him!"
"No one cun remove the illosion oI one who is so imputient thut he
cunnot even heur u homble stutement thut is contrury to his own
misconception," Hunomunji expluined to ull oI the ministers us He leIt Ior
Rishyumoku. There He joined Sogrivu, ulong with three other ministers,
Jumbuvuntu, Nulu und Neelu, und ull oI them begun to puss their duys very
cureIolly, uwuiting the duwn oI new hope.
The spring disuppeured und the ruins uppeured. The ruiny seuson disuppeur-
ed und the winter uppeured. The yeurs rolled by und Sogrivu osed to sit with
his Ioor ministers on the hilltop over-looking Pumpu pond, which extended
Ior eight kilometers.
The pond wus beuotiIol with lurge lotoses, und their wide green leuves
Ilouting on its top. They were ull colors, red, bloe, white und yellow.
Innomeruble kinds oI birds, deer, und lions were pluying on the green gruss,
us well us in the wuter ulong the hill runge extending op to Moont
Whenever Sogrivu looked ut Kishkindhu his eyes osed to Iill with
teurs. Sri Hunomunji woold then console him by telling him vurioos stories
oI wisdom und woold remind him oI the bright Iotore which hud been
predicted by the Rishis.
One duy while they were sitting on the hill looking ut the expunsion oI
the sky, they soddenly heurd the crying oI u muiden. She pussed throogh the
sky in one oI the muny kinds oI churiots thut hud been discovered those
duys. It wus u golden churiot, uble to truvel in spuce, onder the wuter, und on
the eurth eqoully. Like u Ilush oI lightening it wus Ilying towurd the Sooth.
The muiden wus tormented und weeping. As soon us she suw the
gentlemen sitting on top oI the hill, she dropped u bondle oI clothes und
ornuments. It Iell in Iront oI them. None oI them, however, wus uble to
onveil the signiIicunce oI this mysterioos event. Lltimutely Sogrivu decided
to keep the bondle suIely in his cuve und wuit Ior more secret onIoldment.
AIter u Iew weeks, Sogrivu wus wundering ulone on the top oI Moont
Rishyumoku, overlooking the Pumpu pond, which wus lying like u mirror on
the lup oI mother nutore, reIlecting the green Iroit trees, blossoming
Ilowers, encircling creepers, singing bomble bees, cooing cockoos und
chirping birds. It wus iI the muiden oI the Iorest hud Iolly udorned herselI to
welcome her beloved goest.
The wide green leuves, moving und trembling in the breeze, uppeured
to be inviting the pussing beloved. The cooing oI the birds wus iI culling the
Iur-oII beloved. When ull the decorution ootside in the Iorm oI nutore, und
the inner yeurning oI the sool is complete, und every utom und every cell is
invoking the Beloved, then how long cun he deluy? He cunnot deluy - he
comes - he cunnot be stopped. Now he comes.
Sogrivu wus looking und murveling ut the mirucle oI nutore. Soddenly
his eyes Iell Iur beyond the grove und he Ielt u shock oI Ieur. He shooted
"Oh Hunomun, oh Jumbuvuntu, Nulu und Neelu, ull oI yoo pleuse
come immediutely."
Instuntly they jomped to the spot und looked to where Sogrivu wus
pointing with his Iinger.
Two extruordinury Beings with mugniIicent bodily stroctores, heros,
one bloe und the other golden-complexioned, were upprouching Irom thut
direction. They were udorned with strong, lurge bows und u Iew urrows
strong on their bucks. They were Ieurlessly looking ut the beuotiIol pluy oI
nutore us They upprouched slowly - slowly - slowly.
Sogrivu suid to his ministers, who were Ioll oI upprehension,
"Irom where coold They huve come? In the North Kubundhu swullows
op ull those who try to come Sooth, Irom the Iustern to the Western oceun.
No homun beings live in Kishkindhu. The whole Iorest is Ioll oI demons und
wild beusts, und this coople is wundering in soch u dense Iorest Ioll oI
dungers so Ireely thut They most be extruordinury wurriors."
"Hunomun! Yoo upprouch Them in the Iorm oI u celibute uscetic und
Iind oot iI They ure enguged by Buli to kill me!" Reqoested Sogrivu.
"Buli is u religioos person und iI They ure his Iriends, Gods, us semi-
divine Vunurus, They woold respect un uscetic; und iI They ure wurriors oI
Ruvunu then their wuy oI deuling with un uscetic woold muke them known to
os. AIter ull, with un uscetic none in the modern civilizution oI the Silver Age
deuls with u dooble-Iuced uttitode," suid Sogrivu.
"Pleuse wuit Ior my sign," Hunomunji suid. "Be Iree Irom sospicion,
Buli cunnot upprouch here und moreover, tuking help Irom others hus never
been his nutore. Nonetheless, I will go to see who They ure," Hunomunji
ussored him.
In the Iorm oI u teen-uge uscetic, Hunomunji wus udorned with u
sucred threud on His shoolder, u rod oI pulushu und u deer skin in one hund
und u wuter--Iilled kumundulo in the other. He hud rodruksu beuds uroond
his neck, long brown huir tied in u top-knot on his heud, with sucred ush
puste on His Ioreheud. Sri Hunomunji jomped Irom the top oI the moontuin
und uppeured beIore the divine coople us iI He wus coming Irom Mutungu's
"Muy Yoo meet ull uospicioosness in Yoor liIe." The Ascetic blessed
Them with Iolded hunds und then He continoed, "Oh Yoo lurge urmed,
lotos-eyed, di-vinely lostroos Yooths, muy I know why Yoo ure tuking the
trooble to wulk on this hurd lund Ioll oI thorns when Yoor Ieet ure soIter
thun the petul oI u Ilower? I cun see thut Yoo ure udorned with tree burk und
mutted huir, bot, ulso Yoor shoolders which resemble those oI u lion, beur
lurge und mighty bows. Yoor moscles und urms show Yoor onIuthomuble
strength. Yoor Iuces shine like the son und the moon.
"I wonder how Yoo cume to this IeurIol Iorest? I um pozzled. II Yoo
might be Nuru und Nuruyunu, then why do Yoo curry these bows und urrows
und swords? II Yoo ure umong Bruhmu, Vishno or Shivu, then whut is the
porpose oI this princely homun Iorm? Oh, I um constuntly Ieeling u sense oI
thrill und horri-polution oI the deepest devotion towurd Yoo. I goess thut
Yoo muy be the Sopreme personulity oI the Godheud uppeuring us twins to
shower His gruce opon this in-signiIicunt servunt oI Yoors. Pleuse kindly tell
Rumu then suid, "Oh, Lukshmunu, it kindles u pleusunt sorprise in My
heurt to Iind this little Ascetic who speuks soch scholurly lungouge. It is
reully wonder-Iol. How did He urrive in this dense Iorest? He seems to be u
muster oI grummur Ior not u single letter or word is osed withoot reuson
doring His tulk. His uccent is correct und His prononciution is cleur, His ose
oI words is scholurly und He never stombles in His speech."
No nrgoedo oini tosgo
ngojuroedo dhrinoh
nsmooedo oidusoh sokgomeoom prohhsitum
nunom ogkoronom kritsnornoneno hohudh srutom.
Sri Rumu continoed, "One most be edocuted in the Rig Vedu, Yujor
Vedu, und u muster in Sumu Vedu, to speuk in soch u beuotiIol lungouge.
eIinitely He most huve penetruted ull Iields oI grummur und ulso mosic.
Not u single mistuke hus been mude by Him in His long tulk, nor hus there
been uny struin over His eyes, Ioreheud, eyebrows und mooth.
"He hus conveyed His messuge very qoickly und in concise terms.
None oI His words huve been hursh to the eurs. His voice eropts Irom the
nuvel, springs op oninterroptedly, und comes in word Iorm which
spontuneoosly Ilows in the sweetest und most inIloentiul tone oI mosic
culled Mudhyum tone!"
Anog chitrog och
tristhno ogonjonosthog
kosgo nrdhgote chitto
Sri Rum spoke Iorther, "Oh Lukshmunu, heuring the voice oI this little
Ascetic springing oot Irom the heurt und throut und heud, who woold not be
over-Iilled with greut joy? I believe thut even iI un enruged enemy with u
sword in hund comes to kill, he woold deIinitely chunge his uttitode by
heuring soch un ootstunding speech.
"Iven thoogh He belongs to the philosopher's cluss {us He uppeurs by
His dress und munner oI speuking) He hus suloted Ls, seeing Ls older und in
uscetic dress, ulthoogh We ure eqoipped with weupons. This denotes His
homility. By Iluwless speech He proves HimselI u greut grummuriun,
mosiciun und scholur. He is ulso Ieurless, Ior He roums in this dungeroos
Iorest, which indicutes greut power und the power oI wisdom."
Sri Rum then unswered Hunomunji's qoestion,
"Born in the dynusty oI the Son, I um Rumu, the elder son oI
ushuruthu, the King oI Ayodhyu, und this is my brother Lukshmunu. Oh
Brumhin, by the order oI My honoruble Iuther I cume to the jongle ulong
with My wiIe, Situ, who hus been stolen. We ure seurching Ior her ull over
the Iorest. eur Ascetic, woold Yoo pleuse tell Ls who Yoo reully ure und
why Yoo ure wundering in this Iorest?"
"My beloved Lord!" Sri Hunomunji Ielt u shock oI love und joy und Iell
down prostrute ut His lotos Ieet. "I, being so ignorunt, coold not recognize
Yoo, bot Oh merciIol One, why ure Yoo usking like un onknown,
onucqouinted strunger? My Lord!"
Sri Rumu stood silent, und Hunomunji wondered why those wondroos
urms oI His extremely generoos und merciIol Lord, which were generully so
very qoick to ruise und embruce those who hud Iullen ut His Ieet, were now
so still und silent? Hunomunji begun to think und be tormented. Teurs
begun to wush the Ieet oI His Beloved constuntly. In thut torment, His
psychologicul stute, which bore the Iorm oI u celibute uscetic, wus dissolved,
und Hunomunji wus exposed in His originul nutorul Vunuru Iorm.
God picks op und embruces everyone. His mercy und compussion is
oncon-ditionul everywhere. Anyone cun perceive und enter into the bliss
conscioosness oI love trunce. However, to one who is obscored by even u
tinge oI hypocrisy, mercy cunnot Iind u wuy. It cunnot overpower him with
love und joy or enlighten-ment.
As soon us the urtiIiciul Iorm oI Hunomunji disuppeured, Sri Rumu
bent low und ruised Him Iorcibly und clusped Him uguinst His chest und
suid, "Oh My deur Hunomun!"
In thut moment, Hunomunji wus domb-strock. He Iorgot His body
und His mind, und in thut loving curess oI Sri Rum, Hunomunji becume
eternul, never chunging, the Absolote Reulity. In thut ootstunding
experience oI Trunscendentul Reulity He Ioond His troe goul oI liIe.
"Yoor bright bloe Ieet, oh My Lord, which ure soIter thun the lotos
petuls, shoold not wulk over this hurd soil in Iront oI My eyes. II so My heurt
will breuk into pieces."
Then Sri Hunomun, Who wus sitting in Iront oI both Brothers in the
purticolur postore oI yogu known us virusunu {in which one leg is opruised
und the other is Iixed on the Iloor with hund torned opwurd), mude this
"II Yoo love Me und Ieel rightIol in Yoor mercy, pleuse sit on My
Sri Rumu smiled und looked ut Lukshmunu, Hunomunji wus drenched
with nectur.
One Prince sut on euch shoolder und held Hunomunji's heud with one
oI Their urms. Both oI Their legs were hunging over the chest oI Hunomun
und He held them Iust uguinst His heurt us He Ilew throogh spuce. Within u
Iew minotes They lunded on the hilltop where Sogrivu, Jumbuvuntu, Nulu
und Neelu were eugerly wuiting Ior u new torn to their Iortone.
As soon us Sri Rumu und Lukshmunu ulighted Irom Hunomun's
shoolders, Sogrivu cume Iorwurd und welcomed those heurt-cuptivuting,
beuotiIol Princes, Who were dressed like uscetics. Immediutely he plocked u
brunch Irom u tree und oIIered it us u seut Ior Lord Rumu.
Sri Rumu sut down opon it, und then Hunomunji plocked unother
brunch Irom u Irugrunt sundulwood tree und Lukshmunu sut down ulso.
Sri Hunomunji now introdoced Sri Rum und Lukshmunu to Sogrivu
und the Ioor ministers on the top oI Moont Rishyumoku.
"Iven the king oI the plunet Svuh upprouches und reqoests help Irom
those who ure uble in times oI emergency und greut wurs to give Him uid.
This is Sri Rumu und Sri Lukshmunu, the beloved Princes oI the Imperor oI
Ayodhyu, who is Ieured even by the Interguluctic con-qoeror, the demon
Ruvunu. Becuose oI his Ieur, Northern Indiu is not uttucked. Certuinly They
huve urrived here to poriIy oor Vunuru ruce by ullowing Ls to tooch the dost
oI Their lotos Ieet."
Hunomunji, torning, concloded, "And this is oor loving Prince
Sogrivu, the yoonger son oI the Governor oI the semi-divine Vunuru ruce."
"I wonder, my deur Iriend, whut muy be the cuose behind yoor
homeless con-dition?" Sri Rumu inqoired oI Sogrivu, looking ut his Iuce.
"I um un insigniIicunt, exiled Vunuru und huve been robbed oI my wiIe
und ull my royul possessions by my powerIol older brother Buli. I huve
Ioond this u pluce oI reIoge und um pussing my duys here wuiting Ior the
time oI new hope so thut I muy reguin my deur wiIe und Ireedom."
Sogrivu continoed by telling Sri Rum the history oI his ruce Irom the
beginning oI creution, und oI the uccident which hud cuosed him to Iull into
his present sitoution.
Iveryone listened uttentively. Iinully Sogrivu looked ut Sri Rumu und
in-qoired uboot His uncestry.
"We ure the Sons oI the lute King ushuruthu, the sixtieth king oI the
Son ynusty. He hud three qoeens. When the King went to plunet Svuh to
help in u greut wur, the yoongest Qoeen, Kuikeyi, uccompunied him in the
sume churiot. The wur becume very intense und cume to its worst point.
"The King wus so bosy Iighting thut he did not know whut hud
huppened to his ueriul churiot. It wus ulmost destroyed by the constunt
shocks oI the uttucks, bot Qoeen Kuikeyi reulized the dunger und mude the
churiot ron well us long us the Iighting lusted. When ull oI the enemies were
killed, the King becume uwure oI the Qoeen's timely uction, und knew thut it
wus she who hud suved him Irom the juws oI deuth. He wus highly pleused
und usked her to reqoest two boons Irom him. The Qoeen hud no reqoest ut
the time.
"AIter muny yeurs the three Qoeens oI the King guve birth to Ioor
sons. The Iirst son, Sri Rumu, wus being prepured Ior enthronement. He wus
ulreudy the Imperor in the heurts oI ull the inhubitunts oI Ayodhyu doe to
His ideul homuni-turiun qoulities und heroic umiubility. A muid servunt
reminded the yoongest Qoeen oI the two boons which hud been promised
her muny yeurs ugo by the King. She strongly orged Kuikeyi to usk Ior the
Iollowing: Iirst, the exile oI Sri Rumu Ior Ioorteen yeurs, und second, the
enthronement oI Qoeen Kuikeyi's son, Bhurutu, us the emperor oI Ayodhyu.
"AIter he heurd these boons, the King Iell down in u Iuint on the Iloor
Ior he reulized thut he hud to keep his promise." Lukshmunu continoed the
"Sri Rum uppeured on the spot und, uIter heuring the news,
obediently leIt Ior the Iorest. Becuose oI Rum's ootstunding qoulities und
His love Ior God, His most beloved wiIe, Situ {the duoghter oI King Junuku),
und I Iollowed Him. Becuose oI the puin oI the sepurution Irom His most
beloved son, Oor Iuther, King ushuruthu, died oI u broken heurt.
"oring this time We huve resided in the Iorest, living umong
philosophers und medituting monks und uscetics, sluoghtering innomeruble
demons und beusts. We were living in the Punchuvuti Iorest when Situ wus
stolen uwuy by some onknown ussuilunt. We huve come here seurching Ior
Situ, withoot whom my beloved Brother cunnot remuin peuceIol.
"Once Sri Rum usked uboot u moontuinoos store oI bones, und the
Rishis suid, `They ure the bones oI the philosopher cluss who were euten op
by the demons.' Then Sri Rum, ulluying their Ieurs, ruised His right urm und
`I shull on-borden the eurth oI soch inhomun demons!'"
Lukshmunu continoed speuking to Sogrivu und ull the ussembled
"The duy beIore yesterduy, We were cuptored by the greut demon
Kubundhu, whom We killed on the spot. AIter his deuth, his spirit sprung op
in spuce und udvised Ls to come to yoo und muke yoor ucqouintunce."
Lukshmunu suid in conclosion.
"It is my greut Iortone thut the highly spiritoul Son oI soch un elevuted
Aryun wishes my Iriendship," suid Sogrivu. "This is more beneIiciul to me
thun to Yoo. My Beloved, Yoo ure doing me u greut honor by uccepting me us
Yoor Iriend."
Sogrivu stretched oot his urms towurd Sri Rum und concloded,
"All my creutivity und energy is Yoors. Pleuse uccept it und muke me
Sri Rum clusped those oot stretched hunds oI Sogrivu's und, Iilled
with greut joy, embruced him.
"There is u costom Aryuns huve oI shuking hunds in Iront oI u borning
Iire. Once done they preserve their love und Iriendship Ior liIe, no mutter
whut huppens," suid Hunomunji, und qoickly collected some wood Ior u Iire.
He continoed, "The ustrul bodies und we semi-divine ruces uccept Iire
us the sopreme witness, und so it is My hope thut both Yoor Holinesses will
estublish this Iriendship with Iire us Yoor witness."
"Hunomun, Yoo seem to be ut the peuk oI intelligence," Rumu suid,
smiling ut Him us Hunomun qoickly perIormed u short worship oI Iire with
Sri Rum und Sogrivu circomumboluted the Iire holding hunds.
Hunomunji wus chunting Vedic Hymns.
"Yoo huve become my compunion, kinsmun und Iriend," Sogrivu wus
suy-ing in u choking voice, Ioll oI joy.
"Oor puin und huppiness ure one. Yoor enemy will be my enemy und
Yoor Iriend will be my Iriend."
"My Iriend, Rumu does not releuse un urrow twice; He does not
estublish u reIoge Ior the homeless twice; und Rumu does not speuk twice.
The sume Rumu uccepts yoor Iriendship. Let ull the ustrul und celestiul
beings rouming in ull directions remember it."
These words, spoken by Sri Rumu, ure not egotistic, they ure troth.
We will Iind Him killing Buli by one single urrow und osing innomeruble
urrows Ior Ruvunu. It is ull u pluy Ior Him. Wurriors und heroes ure ulwuys
uddicted to muking Ion.
Sri Rum does not give shelter und weulth to the homeless or beggurs
more thun once. This does not meun thut He becomes u miser. It meuns thut
He gives so moch once thut the homeless und beggurs never need to beg
unymore throoghoot their liIetimes.
It wus the trudition in the Son ynusty to sucriIice one's body bot not
to move Irom u given word. According to modern civilizution it woold seem
u noisunce to stick to u given word becuose modern mun's mind is Iickle und
restless. There is u greut yogi, Iumoos ull over the world, who suys, "When I
Iind u bigger Iish I don't cure uboot the smuller Iish I picked op beIore."
Modern mun promises someone, und gives his word to thut person,
bot when u more beneIiciul person or urrungement comes, then he neglects
the previoos promise. This is doe to Iickle mindedness. This huppens
becuose mun doesn't huve the potentiulity to decide whut is best ut once.
When yoo ulwuys meusore the best on u muteriul level, yoo lose the origin oI
the best within yoo; then yoo ure cuoght in u vicioos circle. The more the
ullorement, the more restlessness.
It is uctoully u sin not to curry throogh whut yoo huve promised,
becuose it mukes the mind restless, unchorless, spiritless und empty. No
perIome oI spiritoulity will blow. on't give yoor word onless yoo cun IolIill
it ut uny cost. II yoo cun ulwuys keep yoor word, then yoo will receive u
greuter benediction und meditution in yoor liIe thun uny yogi cun give yoo.
This wus un uge old system in the dynusty oI Sri Rum. Thut is why He
rmo doirn hhihhsote
Rumu does not speuk twice.
This is whut He hud told Sogrivu with Ioll Ieeling und the loster oI His
"Toduy, my destiny, which robbed me oI ull possessions und exiled
me, proved to be IroitIol, Ior, by Yoor Beloved Gruce I huve Ioond Yoo us my
loving Iriend. It wus the golden duwn oI my Iortone toduy," Sogrivu suid to
Rum us They sut together on u beuotiIol blossoming tree brunch seut.
Lukshmunu wus sitting close by on unother seut mude Irom u brunch thut
wus Ioll oI sundul blossoming Ilowers.
The ministers dispersed to urrunge Ior u beuotiIol Ieust, und Sri
Hunomunji stood neurby with Iolded pulms.
The sky wus open, cleur und bloe. Slow Irugrunt breezes were
enlivening the body und mind, und ull wus cool und silent.
"One duy I wus sitting, ulone with my Ioor ministers, on this hilltop,
like toduy," Sogrivu suid to his new Iriend, Sri Rumu, who wus looking like u
prince und wurrior, lotos-Iuced, long-urmed, clud in philosopher's dress.
Becuose He possessed soch u greut und intense love Ior His wiIe, Situ, the
pungs oI sepurution coold eusily be reud on His Iuce.
Sogrivu continoed his conversution with Sri Rumu,
"We heurd u beuotiIol Ieminine voice crying in the sky. With greut
sorprise we liIted oor heuds und suw u line combined with golden und
bluckish light pussing like lightning. The voice we heurd Irom the sky suid,
`Yoo become my God-brother und convey my news to my spoose'." Sogrivu
wus telling uboot the voice Ioll oI sorrow which he hud heurd in the sky. "A
scurI wus dropped Irom the sky."
"Where is thut scurI?" Sri Rumu usked excitedly.
"I huve kept it suIe," suid Sogrivu. Gluncing ut Hunomunji, who leuped
to the cuve, und in moments brooght buck the scurI in which the ornuments
were wrupped. He pot the bondle beIore them.
"Ah, My beloved! Oh Junuki Situ!" Sri Rumu wept teurs, plucing those
bungles, eurrings, neckluces, unklets, und the scurI uguinst His bosom.
"My honoruble Brother, now We huve Ioond oor helpers in the best oI
Vunurus," Lukshmunu enjoined politely.
"My deur Iriend, I Iolly believe Yoo ure u greut scholur und wurrior
with greut intellect ucqoired Irom the civilized world. I wus only brooght op
in the jongle," Sogrivu spoke in teurs, "Buli hus stolen my wiIe, kicked me
oot, und hus insolted me greutly. Still I huve not lost my putience und um
pussing my duys silently."
"I will kill the ubdoctor oI yoor wiIe with My muny divine weupons,"
Sri Rumu suid with teur Iilled eyes, looking towurds Sogrivu.
"I know the wives oI Aryuns ure very chuste, und I cun sormise thut
whom-ever u person like Yoo grieves Ior is the essence oI chustity. I um sore
nobody cun hurm her. Her pority is like u borning poison," Sogrivu suid. "I
will Iind her whereuboots und try to throw thut ruscul who kidnupped her
into hell."
"Thut will be done luter," Sri Rumu spoke very serioosly. At present,
Rumu does not wunt to see this Iellow who hus stolen his Iriend's wiIe
remuin ulive."
Sogrivu trembled with Ieur,
"Bot my brother, Buli, is extremely powerIol. We coold not even
imugine Iucing him!" Then Sogrivu told muny things uboot Buli und took Sri
Rum to unother pluce.
"o Yoo see thut?" Sogrivu pointed his Iinger.
"Yoo meun thut hoge, white, moontuinoos rock?" Sri Rum usked.
"Well, it's not u rock bot the skeleton oI u giguntic wurrior, ondobhi,
whom Buli killed und threw uwuy, stunding in the middle oI his own city,"
suid Sogrivu.
"Oh, I see!" Sri Rum Ielt thut His Iriend now wunted to Iuthom the
depths oI His powers, und He wulked to the hoge skeleton und kicked it with
the toe oI His right Ioot.
Hunomunji leuped with the skeleton, und soon reported buck thut it
hud Iullen to eurth eighty miles Irom where they were stunding.
When Buli threw it uwuy it wus inconceivubly heuvy doe to the lurge
umoont oI Ilesh und blood. Now it wus jost u dry skeleton. Sogrivu coold not
imugine thut Sri Rum hud kicked it eighty miles, und thut Buli, osing his Ioll
strength und power, osing both urms, hud thrown it only ten miles. Sri Rum
hud jost kicked it us iI it wus some cow-dong cuke.
Sogrivu wunted still more prooI oI Sri Rum's power, so he took Him to
unother purt oI the hill, very close to the Pumpu pond. "My deur Iriend, do
Yoo see those trees?" usked Sogrivu.
"Yoo meun those seven pulm trees stunding in u serpentine wuy?"
qoeried Sri Rum.
"Yes. BeIore Buli wus corsed by Rishi Mutungu, he cume here once in
the ruiny seuson with seven big ripened dutes. Plucing them suIely in this
lonely pluce, he went to tuke u buth in the luke. AIter completing his duily
rootine he retorned und Ioond u hoge snuke lying on his Iroit. `We cunnot
eut these Iroits becuose yoo huve polloted them', Buli suid. He wus very
ungry with the snuke so he corsed it, suying, `ThereIore the seeds oI these
Iroits will sproot, teuring oII yoor body, und they will stund us hoge trees'.
"The snuke replied, `I wus jost uttructed by their perIome. Their tooch
wus cool so I luid down opon the Iroit. I didn't tooch them with my mooth
und muke them impore. Yoo huve corsed me, un oIIenseless one, so yoo will
reup the conseqoences oI yoor corse. I now corse yoo -- whoever shull
destroy these trees, shull kill yoo ulso'."
Tulking to u snuke, corsing him und being unswered by him seems,
nowuduys, like u Iuiry tule. In modern civilizution neither corses nor boons
ure eIIective. Why? Becuose we luck endorunce und putience. II one is very
sincere in his doty und services, und someone else distorbs or persecotes
him, und even thoogh he muy purdon him, some inuospicioos words muy
spring op Irom within. These words muteriulize very qoickly-- this is u corse.
Bot we do not corse. We ubose iI we become ungry, und iI we cunnot ubose
Ior some reuson, then we repress or soppress which pollotes oor insides.
oe to luck oI depth in the personulity, boons ure not eIIective either.
We ure ulwuys wishing Ior something, Iluttering und pruising others Ior u
reuson. We pruy, bot thut pruying is osoully usking Ior muteriul needs, oor
duily breud, or to remove u diseuse or some discomIort Irom oor liIe. This
kind oI wishing, pruising und pruying robs os oI oor reul inner strength.
One only becomes strong by not tuking help Irom others, by not being
u victim oI repression, und by Iucing ull problems, persecotions und
soIIerings oI liIe bruvely. Soch u one who does not usk God Ior worldly
things, who is in-dependent, und who Iuces liIe boldly, hus the strength to
bless or corse.
How is u snuke uble to corse? This wus not un ordinury snuke. There
existed u speciul ruce with u serpent body und homun heud. They hud un in-
dependent civilizution on unother plunet und osed to visit the Iurth. They
were uble to corse, us well us oIIer boons.
This wus the speciul sort oI snuke Sogrivu wus telling uboot, und
beIore he hud completed his story, Sri Rum hud tuken his bow in hund und
pluced u shurp urrow in it which He releused. The urrow pierced euch oI the
hoge trees throogh their roots. The trees broke und Iell, creuting u terriIic
noise und the urrow then reversed itselI und re-entered Sri Rum's urrow
"My Lord," Sogrivu's eyes were Iilled with wonder.
He cooldn't speuk unother word, und when he coold Iinully speuk he
did not even dure to cull Sri Rum his Iriend. He Ielt thut it wus only throogh
Sri Rum's generosity thut he hud culled Him his Iriend. Sogrivu thooght thut
iI only he coold become Rum's homble servunt, thut woold be u greut good
Iortone! Sogrivu suw u new horizon oI greut power in Sri Rum. His IeurIol
heurt wus consoled und he Iell down ut Sri Rum's Ieet, Who in torn picked
him op in His serene embruce.
Then wisdom eropted in Sogrivu's heurt und he suid,
"My Lord, by Yoor Gruce I um uwukened Irom the liIelong sleep oI
uttuchment to prosperity, Iume und ull the pleusores oI the entungling world
oI muyu {illosion) und identiIicution with the body. These ure ull burriers in
the puth oI Yoor love. By Yoor Gruce I um uwukened in Yoor trunscendentul
"Oh, Buli is u greut beneIuctor to me. Let him remuin King. I huve no
more enmity towurds him. It wus becuose oI him thut I huve Ioond Yoo, my
Lord. Tuke me with Yoo wherever Yoo go. I um Yoor homble servunt."
Sri Rum luoghed wholeheurtedly, und the echo oI His luoghter mude
the whole utmosphere vibrunt. Trees shook und dropped Ilowers, bods
struightened their petuls und blossomed. In the distunce, deer leuped, u
peucock cried, und cool, Irugrunt, culm breezes blew, spreuding the
enlivening luoghter oI Sri Rum.
Sri Lukshmunu, Hunomunji, Sogrivu und the other ministers who hud
come to invite them Ior lonch were wonderstrock with the beuoty oI the
luoghing Iuce oI Sri Rum.
There were two Ieelings in the luoghter oI Sri Rum. Iirst, He observed
Sogrivu's cemetery detuchment. This cemetery detuchment is u kind oI ideus
und thooghts oI renonciution which seems very coltored, sophisticuted, und
spiritoully udvunced, und people become very impressed. The sume thing
huppened to Arjonu in the middle oI the buttleIield, us told in the
Only un experienced, highly udvunced und elevuted sool recognizes
this us jost u spiritoul romunce. He coold luogh ut Sogrivu, us Krishnu
luoghed ut Arjonu's stutements und condemned his logic. So ulso wus Sri
Rum luoghing here. He knew thut Sogrivu's chunge oI heurt towurds Buli
wus doe to only u spiritoul romunce.
Then He peeped throogh ull the gurbuge oI Sogrivu's sobconscioos,
hidden, worldly uttuchments, und his conscioos mind. Compuring both, He
luoghed. Highly udvunced elevuted sools do not insolt unyone even iI they
know their weuknesses.
Sri Rumu wus not going to stuy on Moont Rishyumoku Iorever. He hud
to move und He wunted to uccompuny Sogrivu, Ior He hud to protect his liIe
Irom the powerIol Buli. II Buli hud to be killed Ior the protection oI Sogrivu,
then whut wus the ose oI wusting time? AIter ull, Sogrivu woold not seurch
Ior Situ wholeheurtedly us long us Buli wus ulive.
"eur Iriend, yoor heurt is pore. It hus neither greed Ior the royul
throne nor uversion Ior Buli. However, Rum hus uccepted yoo us His Iriend
und hus ulreudy given His word to kill whomsoever stunds uguinst His
Iriend. ThereIore, yoo shoold help Me in muteriulizing My words. I wunt to
see yoo us the King oI the Vunuru ruce und Buli killed," Sri Rumu suid.
"As Yoo wish My Lord. Now let os huve u nice Ieust to celebrute Yoor
historicul decision."
Yes, yes, everyone wus hongry. They retorned to the Ioontuin, wushed
their hunds, Ieet, und Iuces und ussembled onder the reIreshing shude oI u
lurge bunyun tree. Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were sitting on two elevuted
seuts oI soIt green leuves und Ilowering vines. Sogrivu sut beside Sri Rumu,
und Hunomunji wus singing u song oI Rumu's love.
The three ministers were Iixing und serving muny kinds oI Iroits,
roots, herbs, und mineruls pluced on u nutorul dining tuble. There were
sepurute plutes oI wide, green lotos leuves Ior euch. Iverything wus nutorul
und Iresh. Nothing wus cooked. Iresh spring wuter wus served in u dry
Iverybody wus extremely huppy und ut times Sogrivu begun to Ilout in
the thooghts oI u new liIe in the Iotore. Sri Rumu und Lukshmunu were
enjoying Ieeling the coolness oI the breeze und the soond oI cooing cockoos,
us they sut overlooking the Pumpu pond, with the hills, dules, und groves ull
uroond. They enjoyed, ulso, the vibrutions oI the innocent love oI this
Vunuru groop.
Hunomunji mude sore thut Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were sutisIied.
He Ied them slowly und grudoully op to Their necks. AIter wushing Their
hunds und mooth, They went to rest.
Sri Rum, Lukshmunu, Hunomunji, Sogrivu, und the three ministers
urose Irom their beds one hoor beIore duwn und enjoyed their duily buths
und ublotions. As soon us the duwn broke they descended Moont
Rishyumoku und murched to-wurds the cupitul Kishkindhu. They stopped ut
u mungo grove jost ootside the city.
Sri Rum suid, "It's not the wuy oI Aryuns to uttuck soddenly some
onknown person." He puosed und suid, "My Iriend, it woold be better iI yoo
went und chullenged Buli to u doel."
Sogrivu ugreed becuose he did not wunt Sri Rum und Lukshmunu to
uttuck the cupitul oI Kishkindhu. It coold roin the center oI Vunuru stute
where the inhubi-tunts, with the exception oI Buli, were ull his own
"Yoo go uheud. I um coming behind," Sri Rum suid.
Sogrivu suw thut Sri Rum hud ulreudy Iixed u Iierce looking urrow on
His bow und wus sorroonded by Lukshmunu, Hunomun und two other
Sogrivu urrived ut the city gute und Iixed his muce on his shoolder und
roured like u lion, chullenging Buli to u doel.
Buli hud jost urrived Irom his morning ublotions ut the Ioor seu
shores. He wus jost prepuring his breukIust when word cume oI Sogrivu's
"Oh, hus this cowurd Sogrivu become cruzy toduy in inviting his own
deuth by coming to my door!" roured Buli.
Heuring oI chullenging tone oI Sogrivu he roshed towurd the gute
clotch - ing his Iists in ruge. He opened the gute und jomped like u lion,
grubbing Sogrivu's muce. They begun to Iight, osing their Iists like
thonderbolts. The terrible soonds oI boxing stirred the eurs oI the whole city
ulong with Sogrivu's purty. No longer coold Sogrivu stuy on the groond.
There were woonds ull over his body und he wus ulmost hulI deud. The
luoghing Buli entered his cupitul.
"My Lord, iI Yoo wunted my deuth why didn't Yoo kill me YoorselI?
Whut huve Yoo uttuined by letting me get beuten by my old energy?" With
teur Iilled eyes und red Iuce, Sogrivu wus compluining to Sri Rum, Who wus
stunding in u bosh with bow Iixed und un urrow in His hunds.
Immediutely Sri Rum threw uwuy His bow und torned His pulm on
Sogrivu's limbs. Soddenly ull oI Sogrivu's puin und woonds disuppeured und
u new power eropted Irom within und oot. Sogrivu begun to look ut Sri
Rum's Iuce.
"Yoo did not tell Me thut there is not u single diIIerence between Buli
und yoo. I thooght thut he woold be hoge, giguntic und crowned. However,
this is not so. It becume very diIIicolt Ior Me to tell yoo upurt. II I hud
releused My urrow und it hud pierced the chest oI My own deur Iriend, think
whut woold huve huppened to Me? The mistuke wus uctoully Mine. I shoold
huve usked yoo Ior the signs oI Buli," Sri Rum consoled Sogrivu.
Sogrivu wus tormented by the thooght oI the urrow piercing himselI
und suid qoietly, "There is no speciul sign. His Iorm, Iuce, huir, dress,
munner oI wulking und tulking ure ull jost like mine und he is not interested
in potting on u crown."
"Lukshmunu, muke some sign on Sogrivu," Sri Rum ordered. So
Lukshmunu mude u nice Ilower gurlund und pot it uroond Sogrivu's neck.
"Now there won't be uny misconception. I will jost stund here behind this
tree. Yoo go und chullenge Buli once more, und I ussore yoo thut it will be u
cull oI deuth Ior him."
"Pleuse do not Iorget this sign oI the gurlund on me und don't wuit, Ior
Buli will come in even greuter unger now," Sogrivu reqoested. "o not
releuse uny divine weupon which woold torn Kishkindhu into ushes."
Sogrivu did not dure go too close to the city und so begun to rour Irom
there. His woonds were qoickly Iorgotten.
Buli, meunwhile, wus tuking his breukIust, und on heuring the rours,
he becume highly enruged und roshed oot.
Soddenly, his wiIe Turu clusped his Ieet und suid in teurs,
"My deur hosbund, it seems Sogrivu hus some greuter power behind
him, otherwise he woold not huve chullenged yoo uguin."
"on't try to Irighten me; don't insolt my mighty urms. Yoo go to the
gymnusiom," Buli scolded his wiIe.
Turu circomumboluted her hosbund. She knew by intoition thut it wus
the lust meeting with him. Weeping, she pluced u gold neckluce uroond his
neck, pot sundulwood on his Ioreheud und tooched his Ieet, bot Buli hud no
time to bother with ull oI these things und he run oot oI the city to where
Sogrivu wus, und slogged him.
Thut wus the sturt oI u terrible Iight between the two boxers. Their
bodies broke in muny pluces und blood Ilew oot. Sogrivu upplied ull oI his
power, bot still he seemed to be losing the buttle. Aguin und uguin he torned
his eyes towurd thut bosh were Sri Rumu wus stunding with His long bow
Iixed with un urrow.
Soddenly, Sri Rum uimed ut His turget. He polled His urrow buck to
His eur und releused it. There wus u terrible, Irightening screum. The whole
jongle trembled und Buli Iell down Ilut on the eurth. A streum oI thick blood
begun to Ilow Irom his chest. He wus tossing und torning.
Sri Rum uppeured Irom the bosh, His bow still Iixed with un urrow.
Lukshmunu wus with Him. Brown-huir-crowned, lotos-eyed, lurge-urmed,
uscetic-dressed, clood-hoed Sri Rum wus stunding in Iront oI the dying Buli.
"Rumu! Yoo ure u Prince, un Aristocrut und respected umong the
exponents oI the Vedic wuy oI liIe. I um usking Yoo, whut did Yoo derive by
killing me, while I wus enguged in Iighting with unother?" Buli ruised his
heud und spoke in greut wruth.
"Yoo huve pot on u philosopher's gurment, bot yoo heur neither yoor
con-science nor intoition," Rumu spoke sternly.
"Kings Iight Ior the protection oI their lund, women und religion,"
replied Buli. "I huve neither uttucked Yoo Ior uny oI these things, nor
rebelled, so Ior whut porpose did yoo kill u Iorest dweller? Is it some luw to
shoot u gentlemen like u honter shoots un unimul? II Yoo wunted to help
Sogrivu, then why didn't Yoo Iuce me? Why didn't Yoo come to me to get
Yoor lovely wiIe Situ buck? I woold huve gone to Lunku und killed Ruvunu
und brooght Situ buck to Yoo. OI coorse, Sogrivu will guin the stute uIter my
deuth, bot Sri Rum, Yoo huve killed me breuking the luws oI the regolutive
principles." Buli's throut wus getting dry. A lot oI blood wus Ilowing. He
stopped tulking.
"Yoo huve not served u spiritoul muster, thut is why yoo tulk ull this
non-sense. Yoo know neither the mystery oI religion nor oI regolutive
principles, yoo ruscul," Sri Rum suid, ootruged. "One who indolges in sex
with the wiIe oI u yoonger brother, u wiIe oI u son or with one's sister is un
oIIender. He shoold be shot deud on the spot! Stopid! Yoo, being u criminul,
tulk to me uboot regolutive principles.
"It hus been the trudition Irom the Iirst Muno thut the King oI
Ayodhyu is the King oI the entire eurth. It is oor doty to ponish criminuls,
und it is oot oI doty to un honoruble king to Iight Iuce to Iuce with him. Yoo
try to suve yoorselI by culling yoorselI u monkey. Yoo ure not un unimul, bot
u semi-divine ruce. Yoo do ublotions, yoo huve the sucred threud, yoo stody
the Vedus. Yoo ure u semi-divine ruce, bot still yoo rupe my devotee's wiIe!"
"To Me everything cun be excosed, except un oIIender oI My devotee.
He cunnot be excosed ut uny cost, und thut yoo ure!" Suid Sri Rum in Iiery
"I will guin My wiIe by the power oI My own urms und not throogh the
help oI u rupist, und so poll him down Irom the doties oI Iriendship."
"My Lord," Buli reulized he wus un oIIender who needed to be
ponished by the urrow oI Sri Rum, who wus reully u greut King und knower
oI the mysteries oI religion. All his hurshness und bitterness oI heurt melted,
und with greut eIIort he Iolded his pulms und suid,
"Oh, Lord oI ull, pleuse excose me Ior my Ioolish tulk. Oh, greut
Knower oI religion, this insigniIicunt monkey is ulso u sobject oI Yoors,
greut Prophet. I um poriIied by Yoor urrow. It is my greut good Iortone thut
I um dying, seeing Yoor beuotiIol lotos Iuce - Yoor Iuce Ior whom yogis cruve
to huve u glimpse," und then his words Iuded oot.
"Yoo wunt to suy something. Suy it withoot Ieur," Sri Rum cume
closer, removed the urrow Irom Buli's chest, und lovingly tooched Buli's
heud with His pulm.
Buli continoed in u gentle und steudy tone,
"Now I huve no unxiety. Being blessed by Yoor necturine tooch I huve
been enlivened. My wiIe Turu is u ludy oI wisdom und so I shull not worry
uboot her. My son Angudu hus u very delicute heurt und hus been very loving
to me. Pleuse uccept him us yoor homble devotee."
"So be it," Sri Rum consented. "Yoo cun qoit yoor body eusily now!"
His words dispersed und Buli Iell onconscioos chunting, "Sri Rum, Sri Rum,
Sri Rum," into the blissIol lup oI deuth.
The news spreud uroond the city und everyone wus excited und
scured. The ministers upprouched Qoeen Turu und suid,
"Order os, yoor Highness, to close the door oI the city und enthrone
Prince Angudu."
"Woold closing the gute keep soch u powerIol mun uwuy?" Qoeen Turu
scolded them, und oot oI lumentution roshed to Sri Rum with her son. As
soon us she suw the deud body oI her hosbund, smeured with blood, lying on
the dosty groond, she wept bitterly und Ielt immeusoruble puin. She ruised u
piteoos wuil und curessed his deud body.
Soddenly she looked ut Sri Rum stunding ulong with Lukshmunu,
Sogrivu, Hunomunji und the three ministers. She went und knelt down ut Sri
Rum's Ieet und suid,
"Sri Rum, the King wooldn't Ieel huppy withoot me in heuven. There
ure still muny urrows in Yoor urrow cuse. Pleuse shoot me ulso. Yoo will
guin merit by donuting u wiIe to my hosbund Buli. Otherwise, I um going to
born myselI with him!"
"Yoo cunnot do it!" echoed Sri Rum's voice. "Yoo shoold uccept liIe in
order to contribote to the welIure oI others. Look ut the Iuce oI yoor son. It is
improper Ior yoo, u ludy oI wisdom, to be uttuched to Ilesh."
All the lumenting Vunurus puosed und their eurs liIted to the words oI
Sri Rum,
"Yoo ulreudy know birth und deuth, puin und huppiness comes und
goes onder the spell oI kurmus. Yoo cunnot hold either. LiIe eropts like
bobbles oI wuter. euth is sore. ThereIore, one shoold not worry uboot
deuth und troobles. One shoold only cure Ior the perIormunce oI one's
"Oh Qoeen," Sri Rum suid uguin, "Ior whom ure yoo lumenting, Ior
body or Ior conscioosness? Body is lying in Iront oI yoo. Cun yoo stop it Irom
rotting? oes conscioosness die? Tell me who wus yoor hosbund, this inert
body, or wus he conscioosness?"
"Oh greut Muster, inconceivuble ure the wuys oI Yoor ulloring
energy." Turu bowed down to His Ieet, Ieeling relieved Irom lumentution
und suid, "Withoot Yoor compussion, beings cunnot rise ubove the durkness
oI ignorunce. ThereIore, merciIol One, shower Yoor mercy opon me!"
"Sogrivu, enmity ends with deuth. Pleuse urrunge Ior u kingly boriul
Ior Buli. Tuke the body to the cemetery," Sri Rum ordered Sogrivu und ull
the ussembled ministers oI Kishkindhu.
The body wus udorned with silk cloth und Ilowers. The whole city
Iollowed us the body wus tuken to the cemetery on the bunk oI the
Tongubhudru river. A hoge sundulwood pyre wus mude und Buli's body wus
pluced opon it. The body wus udorned with beuotiIol Ilower gurlunds.
Angudu then kindled the Iire. Hoge sky-tooching Ilumes urose reIlecting on
the holy wuter oI Tongubhudru.
Innomeruble Vunurus were stunding with teur-Iilled eyes, strock with
won-der, bot Ieeling Ioll oI detuchment us they thooght uboot the perishuble
nutore oI the trunsient body. Iven soch u powerIol being us Buli dies, und
does so helplessly. Whut u pyre teuches, none oI the teuchers cun teuch with
u thoo-sund words.
"By Yoor gruce My Lord, Sogrivu is delivered Irom dungeroos
persecotion. Now pleuse order Sogrivu to enter the city so thut Kishkindhu
cun worship Yoor Highness with jewels und peurls, gloriIying its own
history," suid Sri Hunomunji to Sri Rum, representing Sogrivu und the
ussembled citizens oI Kishkindhu.
"I cunnot enter uny city ontil Ioorteen yeurs huve pussed," Sri Rum
suid, und torned towurds His yoonger brother.
"Oh Lukshmunu, yoo go into Kishkindhu with Sogrivu und inuogorute
the ubhiseku ceremony, enthrone him on the royul throne und muke Angudu
his prime minister."
"My Lord..." Sogrivu wus losing his enthosiusm on leurning oI Sri
Rum's intention.
"I um not going to be Iur Irom yoo doring these Ioor months oI the
ruiny seuson," Sri Rum suid, pointing to u beuotiIol hill with his Iinger.
"Yoo go und role the stute, Iollowing the regolutive luws und
principles oI religion. As soon us the uotomn seuson comes yoo muy urrunge
Ior the seurch oI My beloved Situ," Sri Rum concloded, und He stood op und
wulked uwuy.
Ixtremely beuotiIol wus thut cuve in the Mulyuvun hill oI Moont
Rishyumoku. oe to its innomeruble Ioontuins it wus Iumoos us Prusruvunu
giri. It wus Ioll oI red, bluck und brown slubs. Bot the purt oI the hill where
Sri Rum mude his residence wus mude oI white corul und murble rocks. They
were Ioond scuttered urtisticully, rudiuting u silvery shine ull uroond.
Sri Rum's murble cuve wus sorroonded by vurioos kinds oI creepers
with bright blossoming Ilowers scuttering in ull directions, decoruting the
cuve, emitting their Irugrunt perIomes, here, there, und everywhere.
Mungos, pluntuins, upples, orunges, grupes, struwberries, und vurioos roots
und herbs were ubondunt, inviting ull to come und enjoy.
As soon us the weuther cleured, Lukshmunu woold go oot und pick op
some Iroit, roots, und Ioel. At times Sri Rum woold uccompuny him in
wulking to some distunt shining hill, or woold sit on some corul slub neur
His cuve. Muny times Lukshmunu woold usk Sri Rum uboot vurioos
philosophies und yogu. Adhyutmu Rumuyunu records the whole description
oI Kriyu yogu expoonded by Sri Rum while He wus sitting on soch u corul
"No uction cun be incloded in yogu, Oh, Lukshmunu," suid Sri Rum
once, "onless it is the spontuneoos eroption oI u level oI conscioosness
totully devoted to the yeurning Ior the Absolote ivine Mother. It diIIers in
system und stroctores uccording to one's nutorul uttruction, either towurds
the onmuniIest und uttriboteless, or towurds the muniIest with uttribotes.
These ure ull wuys oI Her expressing HerselI throogh innomeruble
"Look, Lukshmunu, ut the peucocks, how beuotiIolly they ure duncing
to the tone oI the rombling und thondering cloods. In the sume wuy u
hooseholder, who is nutorully uttructed to u detuched style oI liIe, gets
enruptored with joy und dunces when u holy suint urrives ut his home. Bot
Ior me, Lukshmunu, these thondering cloods ure ugonizing, onveiling sweet
memories oI My love, My beloved consort Situ - Oh, where coold she be?"
Another time Sri Rum wus telling Lukshmunu, "Look ut the lightning
in the cloods. Cun yoo conceive oI how the lightning comes so Iust und then
disuppeurs so Iust?"
"How?" Sri Lukshmunu usked.
"As the love oI u shullow-heurted being does not lust long," replied Sri
Sri Rum constuntly, looked ut the showering ruin over the moontuins,
und Ioll oI Ieelings, usked, "Coold yoo tell Me, Lukshmunu, how the
moontuin beurs the blows oI the drops oI showering ruin?"
"Jost like devotees oI the Cosmic Mother beur the words oI cynicul
und ruscul-like beings withoot compluint," replied Lukshmunu. "And when
the crystul cleur ruin drops mingle with the dosty eurth, they lose their
cleunliness und they become moddy. This reminds me oI Pore
conscioosness when identiIied with the body, ego und objects oI the senses.
It loses it's originul pority und becomes polloted."
"WonderIol!" Sri Rum thunked His yoonger brother, bot His eyes
were Iixed Iur beyond the hill, on the ponds und lukes Iilled with trembling
lilies und lotoses. "Irom so muny directions wuter Ilows into the rivers und
now they ure Ioll oI wuter. Coold yoo tell Me how this huppens ?"
"To u pilgrim on the puth oI trunscendentul wisdom, ull the good
qoulities, regolutive principuls, limbs oI yogu, homunituriunism und
putriotism - ull these come und Iill his entire being with Absolote PerIection.
In the sume wuy the wuters Iill the lukes und ponds," Lukshmunu suid,
guzing in the sume direction us his Brother.
"And, us ull the swiItly Ilowing Ioontuins oI the moontuin constuntly
Ilow und Ilow und Ilow, ussoming the Iorms oI rivers, which, when ubsorbed
into the oceun, become steudy, culm und silent, uttuining the stute oI
oceunic-conscioosness, in the sume wuy restless, sensoul, greedy creutores
become ubsolotely culm, cool und blissIol, oceunizing themselves in God-
As They strolled ulong u Iorest puth, Sri Rum suid to Lukshmunu, "oe
to ever increusing trees, plunts und growing gruss, the puths und rouds huve
become overgrown und invisible, jost us in the down-trodden Iron Age,
Vedic literutore und the Vedic wuy oI liIe disuppeur, doe to the ulloring
expunsion oI Iulse, hypocriticul sects, isms, und missions."
"Look, Lukshmunu, ull the trees huve been heightened by sprooting un
ubondunce oI Iresh new leuves. In the sume wuy, u meditutor is heightened
into u constunt series oI evolotionury experiences when his discriminuting
wisdom is uwukened."
Sri Rum soddenly suw u smull burren purt oI the hill und suid,
"Lukshmunu, even uIter these heuvy torrents oI ruin there is not u single
blude oI gruss growing there. Isn't thut strunge? Reully, it's like this. Sex und
selIishness ure everywhere bot they do not urise ut ull in God-intoxicuted
ones. Whenever u strong wind blows, the cloods wither uwuy. Where u
wicked son tukes churge oI the home, long stunding Iumily truditions ure
destroyed. At times there is sonlight und other times deep durkness.
Likewise, spiritoulity, comes und goes us yoo ussociute with gentlemen or
with wrong men."
Thos the Ioor months oI the ruiny seuson pussed, ulong with its
Ilouting cloods, blowing winds und showering wuters. A beuotiIol uotomn
entered the jongle, spreuding its splendor Irom horizon to horizon jost us,
when the Iroits oI pioos uctions in liIe become ripe, soccess und prosperity
Ilow, bringing udditionul wuves oI joy Irom ull directions. In this wuy, lilies,
lotoses, roses, murigolds, night qoeens, und jusmine bloomed ull over, und
bomble bees begun to circomumbolute, singing the glories oI eternity.
New kinds oI Iroit, roots und herbs were brooght by Lukshmunu Ior
Sri Rum's dinner.
A greut lover oI nutore, Sri Rum, uttructing the uttention oI
Lukshmunu, suid, "o yoo see, Lukshmunu, how the ponds, streums und
rivers ure udorned with crystul cleur, trunspurent wuter? How do they muke
yoo Ieel?"
Lukshmunu suid, "Jost like the heurt oI u suint. Jost us, when spiritoul
uspirunts evolve to higher und higher levels oI conscioosness, und their
uttuchments to possessions Iull uwuy one by one. At the sume time, ull greut
virtoes und higher qoulities Iill the heurt drop by drop und it become like u
pond oI crystul cleur wuter muking it un oceunic heurt."
Sri Rum udded, "In times when there is u shortuge oI wuter the ponds
become shullow - then the Iish become leun und thin, und Ioll oI unxiety. So
ulso, Iumily people, doring moneyless times become unxioos."
Sri Rum went on, "The sky devoid oI cloods becomes so beuotiIol, jost
like the liIe oI u devotee oI ivine Mother becomes vust, ull embrucing und
ull- encompussing by ubundoning the hopes und expectutions oI u worldly
person. Sometimes showers oI ruin come ut onexpected times und pluces.
So, ulso, there ure u select Iew who ure kindled with the Iiery intoxicution oI
"As Iish enjoy the onIuthomuble wuter oI the pond, so ulso does the
devotee oI God enjoy onconditionully sorrendering to the lotos Ieet oI God.
Lilies und lotoses ure blossoming brightly. In the sume wuy, the onmuniIest,
uttriboteless Troth becomes beuotiIol by uppeuring in the Iorm oI the
Cosmic Mother."
"The chutuku bird is ulwuys tossing in the tortore oI greut thirst jost us
one who opposes or persecotes the devotee oI ivine Mother does not Ieel
rest Ior u single moment."
"The uotomn moon is us soothing und cooling, und Iutigoe
neotrulizing, us un encoonter with u suint rejovenutes und enlivens the pore-
heurted beings. When the moon rises in the uotomn evening, ull chukorus
ussemble und constuntly look und look to the Ilouting moon over the pond
und sky. In the sume, wuy u devotee looks ut the ivine Mother when She
uppeurs in Her beuotiIol Iorm."
"The eurth is over-Ilooded with innomeruble creutores in the ruiny
seuson, bot when uotomn comes they ull disuppeur, und with the udvent oI
winter ull the biting mosqoitoes ulso leuve. In the sume wuy, with the udvent
oI u spiritoul Muster ull the distructions und illosions simply disuppeur in
the liIe oI u disciple."
Thos Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were tulking to euch other in the lup oI
One duy They heurd the soonds oI ethereul mosic. Their eyes soddenly
liIted opwurd und They suw un eIIolgent light descending slowly und
eleguntly, like u Ilouting Ioum. Then it stopped und They suw u beuotiIol,
lurge-eyed Iuce like lotos petuls, u wide Ioreheud und long brown huir
scuttering in the breeze. He wus pluying on his Vinu Irom Ruthunturu-smu
{u speciul tone expoonded by Sumu Vedu).
Sri Rum und Lukshmunu both got op, bowed down to him, und oIIered
him un elevuted seut. He wus evursi Nurudu, the divine being who Iirst
inherited the Vedic wisdom, und who hunded it over in vurioos Iorms to
diIIerent seekers. He is un Interguluctic spuce truveler.
evursi Nurudu uccepted the seut und suid,
"Sri Rum, I huve come Irom the plunet Svuh. There in the ussembly oI
King Indru I cume to know thut King Ruvunu hus stolen Yoor beloved wiIe
Situ. Bot I ussore Yoo thut she cunnot be moved Irom her chustity becuose oI
her immense, overIlowing love Ior Yoo. No mutter whut eIIorts Ruvunu hus
mude, they huve been oI no uvuil.
"She is still ubsorbed onder the tree, Shinshopu, in constunt
meditution on Yoor Iorm which she suw Ior the lust time when Yoo run uIter
the golden deer with the bow in Yoor hunds Iixed with un urrow. So muny
months huve pussed, bot she hus neither uccepted uny eutubles Irom Lunku's
shops nor uny clothing."
"As there is ulreudy un Interguluctic luw thut whenever someone tukes
u revolotionury step contrury to the normul conditioning oI the body, then
ull responsibility Ior his cure goes either to the Sopreme Lord {iI he is on the
puth oI devotion), or to those ustrul beings who ure especiully enguged by
higher uothorities Ior this work. So, Irom the plunet Svuh, u cop oI necturine
drink is sent to her which contuins ull the notrients which the body reqoires,
und thos she soIIers no more Irom honger or thirst. This I huve seen by
"Bot I wonder, Oh Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu, why ure Yoo
despondent like u common mun? I goess Yoor intense love Ior her is us greut
us hers is Ior Yoo. No doobt, the tie oI love is ulwuys like this.
"I will tell Yoo uboot the Nine Nights Iestivul ceremony oI Muhumuyu
Bhuguvuti, throogh which Yoo will eusily become soccessIol in Yoor uim. It
is urriving very soon, in the middle oI October. eur Rumu, this Nine Nights
Iestivity hus been celebruted by Bruhmu, Vishno und Shivu, Visvumitru,
Bhrigo, Vusisthu, Kushyupu, und Indru in order to solve diIIerent problems
since the beginning oI civilizution."
Sri Rum suid, "Sir, yoo ure soothing My heurt by yoor sweet news.
MerciIol One, woold yoo kindly pleuse tell Ls uboot the Muhumuyu
Bhuguvuti und Her Iestivity?"
"BeIore this creution wus trunsIormed into u neboloos stute, beIore
the eurth, wuter, uir, Iire, sky or ego cume into existence, there wus u pluce,
un ull encompussing, mugnetic power oI silence, bliss und uwureness. Then,
when the peuce becume vibrunt, uwureness cume into motion und bliss
exploded into u Iorm. Then thut Iorm wus eIIolgent with the trunscendentul
light oI un extremely beuotiIol muiden. She hud lurge eyes, long huir, und u
golden complexion. She wus dressed in red clothes. Thut eternul muiden wus
seuted on u lion."
"She then willed, `I um one ulone, let there be muny,' und there
uppeured three durk cloods beuring golden und cumphor complexioned,
extremely beuotiIol, trunscendentul muidens - Muhukuli, Muhuluksmi, und
Muhusurusvuti. Iuch one oI them wus given u nume und doties by the Cosmic
"Then the Cosmic Mother prodoced three compunions, by Her will, to
be the eternul compunions oI Her three muidens.
"The six were divided into cooples. Irom Muhukuli, Lord Shivu und
Surusvuti were born. Irom Muhuluksmi, Bruhmu und Lukshmi were born.
Irom Muhusurusvuti, Lord Vishno und Purvuti were born."
"All the three puirs oI sisters und brothers, ulong with their mothers,
stood in Iront oI the ivine Mother with Iolded pulms, uwuiting un order
Irom Her. Thereopon, the Cosmic Mother blessed them und empowered
them. Iuch mule wus given u ludy us his wiIe Ior compunionship, us iI
combining two poles oI electricul energy in the Iorm oI mule und Iemule, in
order to begin the streum oI creution.
"Thos Bruhmu wus given Surusvuti us his liIe compunion; Shivu wus
oIIered Purvuti; und Vishno wus oIIered Lukshmi."
The whut, why, und how is extensively described in the Srimud evi
Bhuguvutum in the Iorm oI Interguluctic history.
Sri Rum inqoired regurding vurioos mysticul pustimes oI Muhumuyu
Bhuguvuti und the procedores oI the Nine Nights Iestivity.
evurishi Nurudu replied to these inqoiries in detuil und oIIered to uct
us u priest Ior the Nine Nights Iestivul.
Sri Rum wus highly delighted und He prepured everything uccording
to Nurudu's instroctions. On the eighth duy ut midnight ivine Mother
uppeured sitting on her lion und blessed Sri Rum, Lukshmunu, und Nurudu.
ivine Mother spoke, "Oh, lotos-eyed Sri Rum, I um highly sutisIied
with Yoor Nine Nights ceremony. I um going to remind Yoo thut Yoo ure un
expunsion oI Lord Vishno Nuruyunu, who wus My Iirst disciple, und to
whom I huve hunded over the secrets oI Vedic wisdom Irom the beginning oI
creution. Yoo ure the muintuiner und sostuiner oI the whole cosmic egg. Yoo
huve ulreudy incurnuted nineteen times beIore to deliver the whole
Interguluctic society Irom greut disuster.
"In the Iotore, ut the end oI the Copper Age, Yoo will reuppeur in the
world in the Iorm oI Lord Sri Krishnu und in the beginning oI the Iron Age
us Lord Boddhu. Yoo will curry My speciul gruce und messuge, und Yoo will
be uppeuring on the sorIuce oI homun society ut the peuk oI the wildest
developments oI technicul muteriul science und demonizing homun
psychology. Yoo will descend to onborden the eurth Irom onwunted
popolutions, und to re-estublish u new wuy oI liIe bused on My Philosophy oI
Mother-conscioosness. This will regenerute the higher potentiulities und
sopremucy oI women.
"Mighty urmed Sri Rum! Yoo huve the greutest love Ior Yoor consort
ever possible onder the son. By My Gruce Yoor love will become immortul,
und those who sing the song oI Yoor trunscendentul love will not Iull, bot
will rise ubove this world in plutonic love. They will not bind, bot will
themselves be liberuted into the eternity oI love, either in love oI the lover or
beloved, or in love with the whole oniverse in Lovetrunce. I bless Yoo. The
song oI Yoor liIe's uctivity will be song ull over the world us long us the son
und the moon shine in the Iirmument.
"Very soon the world will see the wicked King Ruvunu shot deud on
the buttleIield by Yoor shurp urrows. Yoo und thut emblem oI spotless
beuoty, Situ, will onite, us the moon und its loster onite, us love und
sweetness onite, us wisdom und bliss onite. In thut onion oI Yoors, the
onion oI the sool und Bruhmu Iind IolIillment.
"My deur Son, uIter re-oniting with Situ Yoo will retorn to Ayodhyu
und become the sole Imperor oI the world. Yoo will role the eurth Ior eleven
thoosund yeurs. In Yoor reign ull the nutorul luws will Iollow Yoo, und the
sobjects will be huppy, heulthy und weulthy. Sorrow und soIIering will be
Ioreign to them," ivine Mother thos blessed Sri Rum und becume invisible.
There wus no limit to the joy in the heurt oI Sri Rum. His brother
Lukshmunu seeing Rum's joyIol lotos Iuce, ulso becume very huppy.
AIter pussing the eighth night, Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were sitting on one
oI the slubs in Iront oI their cuve.
They heurd u lood rour Ilouting throogh spuce us innomeruble Vunurus
upprouched Them.
"All glories to the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu!"
"All glories to Sogrivu, the King oI the Vunurus!" The voice cume
closer und closer. Then Sogrivu ordered ull the Vunurus to stuy silently in
spuce, und he und Hunomunji cume neur Lord Rum und Iell down ut His
blessed Ieet. Bot Sri Rum picked them op und embruced them und then set
them on the slub in Iront oI Him.
"The work perIormed uIter the uppropriute time is pussed, loses its
vulidity und becomes oseless. One who gets inIutouted, with sensoul
pleusores und Iinunciul progress, uvoiding the principles oI religion und the
evolotion oI conscioosness, Iulls Ilut - like one who is tuking u nup sitting on
the top oI u tree. ThereIore, my deur Iriend, I hope We combine oor eIIorts
in seurch oI Situ," This Sri Rum suid to Sogrivu on the hill.
"I will never be uble to repuy the Iuvors Yoor Holiness hus showered
opon me. I will be consoled only iI I um grunted the honor oI serving Yoor
lotos Ieet; this woold prove to be my greutest golden Iortone," Sogrivu
replied in u choking voice Ioll oI soItness und politeness.
"Look ut these innomeruble Vunurus, my Lord. All oI them huve the
cupucity to ussome uny Iorm ut will. They huve come Irom vurioos
continents, moontuins und Iorests. They ull live on Iorest prodocts. They
huve come to be ut Yoor disposul, with their tribotes oI Iroit, roots und
herbs. II one tukes even u little oI these herbs, ones does not Ieel honger,
thirst, or weukness Ior three to six months. They ure ull disciplined und ure
reudy und willing to sucriIice their lives Ior Yoo, my Lord. Pleuse, kindly
bless them."
Sri Rum torned His eyes opwurd towurd the sky. It wus crowded with
yellow, red, bluck, pink und ice-white huired, Vunurus with hoge bodies, ull
prostruting to Sri Rum Irom u distunce with gestores und expressions Ioll oI
love und homuge. The only reuson they did not come to eurth wus becuose
they didn't wunt to spoil the nutorul beuoty oI Sri Rum's ushrum, und didn't
wish to distorb Him by uny onwunted noise.
Sri Rum looked ut them with His eyes Ioll oI compussion und mercy
und ruised His right pulm opwurd in the gestore oI blessing.
"This is the King oI the beusts, Jumbuvuntu. He wus u yooth when
King Buli wus perIorming un Interguluctic Iire sucriIice uIter his greut
victory over vurioos plunets oI the solur system, uboot one und u hulI million
yeurs ugo. My Lord, nowuduys he hus grown old bot he still possesses
soperhomun power - the power oI ten thoosund elephunts. Jumbuvuntu is
the communder-in-chieI oI ull the bluck und white-huired beurs."
King Sogrivu introdoced to Sri Rum some importunt communders
und chieIs,
"This is Soshen,the Iuther oI Turu, the wiIe oI my elder brother Buli.
This is my Iuther-in-luw, Shutubuli, Romu's Iuther, und these ure the Iumoos
engineers oI the Vunuru civilizution, Nulu und Neelu, und here ure the
greutest wurriors oI ull, vividu und Muyundu, Guyu und Guvukshu,
homrukesh und nomberless others.
"All ure selI soIIicient concerning their lodging und bourding. They
huve encumped in groves, neur ponds und rivers, on slubs, hills und trees
within u sixteen mile rudios uroond oor cupitul Kishkindhu. I huve invited
them ull Irom diIIerent purts oI the world. Order them ull. They ure Yoor
own sobjects."
Sri Rum replied, "I wunt to know in which purt oI the world My
consort Situ is being kept? Whut is her condition? Yoo know My tusk very
well, My deur Iriend. It is only yoo who cun order the ussembled Vunurus.
Neither Lukshmunu or I cun do it. Yoo ure sopremely benevolent towurd Me.
Pleuse order them."
"As Yoo wish, my Lord." Withoot u single word, Sogrivu uccepted Sri
Rum's order und begun to cull the communders in u lood voice.
"Communder-in-ChieI Vinutu, we huve to seurch Ior Mother Situ. She
most be retorned suIely. Yoo go to the Iust with yoor soldiers. None oI the
groves, moontuins, ditches, cuves, roined boildings, cities, temples, op to
the PuciIic Oceun shoold be leIt onexplored," Sogrivu shooted, numing the
communders one by one und ordering them to go in diIIerent directions.
"Communder Sutubuli - yoo proceed to the North und seurch in ull the
pluces beyond the Himuluyus op to the North Pole. Yoo need not visit ull the
stutes oI the Aryuns becuose the Vedic Aryuns never steul other's
possessions, never think oI someone else's wiIe, nor coold they beur u
person who woold do soch un uct. There is no need to look opon ustrul yogis
und demigods residing in the Himuluyus, Ior they wooldn't be interested in
doing soch u thing.
"Communder Soshenu,yoo go to the West und explore ull the
coontries, lunds, Iorests, moontuins und royul puluces op to the Atluntic
Now Sogrivu uddressed u speciul meeting oI ull Communders-in-ChieI
in the presence oI Sri Rum und Lukshmunu, sitting in u smull gurden in Iront
oI their cuve,
"Iuch one oI yoo shoold ose yoor Ioll potentiulity to muke contuct
with meditutors by pleusing them with yoor behuvior und gestores. Ask
them uboot Situ. Also, remember to inqoire Irom vugubonds, proIessionul
mosiciuns, drumutists und ulso Irom beggurs.
"Yoo ure Iree to porge, show yoor violence, und treut the Rukshusus
unywuy yoo like. There is no need to go into the stutes oI spiritoul kings.
Also, keep uwuy Irom the cities oI Aryun kings. The Rukshusus woold not
hide Situ there, so don't wuste time seurching."
Sogrivu disputched two more groops oI soldiers to help euch groop oI
the Communders-in-chieI, giving them detuiled descriptions oI mysterioos
moontuins und Iorests, trees und towns, Sogrivu wurned the Communders
oI the groops going to the North und West not to become victims oI
onwunted dungers. "on't step into thut vulley, otherwise yoo will be
trunsported into unother dimension oI liIe.
"Jumbuvun, Angudu, Hunomun, Nulu, Neelu, Soholu, Guyu und
Guvukshu, Muyundu, vividu und Tur," Sogrivu culled to his most
conIidentiul udvisors. "Yoo shoold ull go u little North op to Punchuvuti
where Mother Situ wus kidnupped. Bow down to Muhurishi Agustyu und get
his blessing, und then sturt yoor seurch.
"Move towurds the Sooth. Not u single vulley, hill or corner oI the
Iorest shoold be overlooked. Then go op to Vuidyotu und Svetu Konjuru giri
{now known us the Sooth Pole). AIter crossing the crocodile-inIested river
Tumrupurni, the beuotiIol hill stutions, und the Iorest, yoo will be in the
domuin oI the ten heuded King, Ruvunu.
"He wus Iuthered by un Aryun Rishi und born Irom the womb oI u girl
oI u sobterruneun plunet. Yoo ull shoold be very cureIol oI him. Iight
hondred miles uwuy Irom Kunyukomuri, his heuvenly cupitul numed Sri
Lunku, is locuted on the top oI three hills sorroonded by the oceun.
"Althoogh his originul Iorm is ten-heuded, with twenty urmed,
possessing extruordinurily powerIol physiqoe, he ulso cun chunge into u
one-heuded, two urmed, very hundsome boy. It is in this deceptive Iorm thut
he poses us being one oI the greutest scientiIic rolers oI this uge.
"He directs ull the Iive elementul Iorces oI nutore. Iqoipped with the
power oI spuce-truveling, he hus conqoered ull the plunets oI the solur
system, und hus urrested muny oI their representutives in Lunku who try to
explore his kingdom while remuining invisible to his eyes. I huve muny
doobts uboot this wicked, crossbreed monster, who is notorioos Ior his
ondisciplined sexoulity."
Sogrivu's Iuce becume very stern und he uddressed ull the
Communders-in-chieI und suid, "Ixcose me, I um very sorry to inIorm ull oI
yoo thut we only huve u month to seurch. Iverybody hus to come buck within
this period. Otherwise he tukes his liIe in his own hunds. II unyone oI yoo
socceed in bringing u messuge Irom Situ, he will deIinitely be honored with u
post eqoul to me umong ull Vunurus."
"Hunomunji, Yoo huve to wuit. Lord Rumu wunts to see Yoo," And he
ordered ull the Vunurus to depurt.
"All glories to King Sogrivu." All the Vunurus suloted the two brothers
und King Sogrivu, und, levituting themselves, begun to Ilout in the sky.
Thoosunds und millions oI Vunurus rose op und begun to Ilout in the sky,
eIIortlessly. Rouring like lions, their voices echoed in ull the ten directions,
"All glories to Sri Rumu, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu. All glories
to King Sogrivu!"
"My Lord!" Sri Hunomunji sut on His knees politely in Iront oI Sri
Rumu und Lukshmunu. Ioll oI love, with His pulms Iolded, He wus Ieeling
the pungs oI the oncoming sepurution. Iveryduy He hud been coming to Sri
Rum to huve durshun ut His lotos Ieet; bot now He wus going uwuy Ior u
whole month, und His tormented heurt wus Ioll oI ugonizing love.
"Oh, Hunomun, Yoo ure the Son oI the wind god. Yoor speed is
onrestricted ull over the eurth, wuter, uir und sky. Yoo cun Ilout beyond the
Polestur und below the plunet Iurth ut un even Iuster speed thun the wind
god. There is no eqoul to Yoo on the plunet Iurth in power, wisdom, und
dynumism. Yoo ure un expert in deuling with circomstunces uccording to
time, pluce und personulity.
"Yoo most brighten the Iuce oI the Vunuru ruce by seurching Ior Situ.
My deur, tuke this," Sri Rum removed His Iinger ring, on the Iront oI which
His holy nume wus beuotiIolly written, "And give it to Situ while introdocing
YoorselI." Then Sri Rum told Him the most thrilling messuge to convey to
her, "Yoo will uttuin soccess. Let yoor puth be devoid oI burriers."
Sri Rum blessed Hunomunji by plucing His pulm on Hunomunji's
heud. Hunomunji wus thrilled und horripoluted. Stretching His pulms, He
took the Iinger ring, und pluced it inside the knot oI long golden huir on His
heud. Sri Hunomunji then took His leuve, his eyes Ioll oI teurs.
Sri Rum, Lukshmunu, und Sogrivu wutched Him us He levituted into
the sky und disuppeured into the inIinity oI the Northern horizon.
As soon us the Ioorth groop crossed the boondury oI Kishkindhu,
they Ilew towurds the northeustern Iorest, undukurunyu by nume, becuose
they hud to sturt their uctivities Irom Punchuvuti, on the bunk oI the holy
river, Godvuri. They prostruted ut the Ieet oI Muhurishi Agustyu und his
wiIe, Lopumodru, who were greut exponents oI the Vedus, und received
their blessings.
They then cume to the ushrum where Sri Rum, Situ und Lukshmunu
hud lived. They suw it Irom u distunce, us iI the whole ushrum wus weeping
becuose oI sepurution Irom its beloved dwellers, who resembled the lord oI
beuoty in un uscetic dress, udorned with emperor's murks on his Ioreheud
und pulms, who wus onshukuble like u moontuin, impertorbuble like the
oceun, who oIIered shelter to ull like u bunyun tree, und who wus troe to his
Situ und Rumu hud selected u dwelling pluce sorroonded by the Iive
holy trees, euch one oI which is very uospicioos. In their ubsence these Iive
trees oI bunyun, peepol, embelicu-oIIicinulis, bilvu, und neem were us iI
dripping teurs. The wuves oI Godvuri were homming und whispering some
song oI torment. Lilies und lotoses in the ponds und ull the Ilowering trees
und creepers were still gloomy, us iI their beloved Iriends were lost. The
Ioontuins were dried op. Lions, deer, Iuwns, und ull oI the Iorest dwellers
were wundering restlessly with teur-Iilled eyes.
Sri Hunomunji Ielt very intensely whut the entire Iorest wus
expressing throogh its silence, throogh its vibrutions which coold not be
expressed even by u thoosund voices.
Ior sometime, Sri Hunomunji und u Iew blessed Vunurus experienced
Sri Situ, Sri Rumu und Lukshmunu us iI they were still present in the
ushrum. Their eyes, developed throogh the wisdom oI Lovetrunce, were uble
to visoulize the whole ushrum rejoicing, Ioll oI the celebrution oI un
everlusting Iestivul oI the presence oI their three beloveds. They heurd the
open luoghter oI Situ und Rumu echoing und re-echoing throogh the whole
A series oI pustimes pussed throogh their third eyes. They suw the
greut love which Rumu und Situ hud Ior
euch other und how beuotiIolly Sri Lukshmunu served them, more thun his
own body, us his own sool. They perceived everything - how Sri Rum und
Situ osed to smile, how they osed to wulk, how they osed to swim, how they
dined, how they osed to pluy with Iuwns, monkeys, peucocks und peuhens,
swuns, crunes, purrots und nightingules. They perceived how they osed to
huve mosic competitions. They even perceived their diulogoes on diIIerent
systems oI yogu, devotion, und Veduntu, und vurioos purts oI Interguluctic
All oI the trunscendentul pustimes oI thut divine coople enruptored
their heurts und they Iorgot everything. In greut love Ior Sri Rum they
entered into u timeless, egoless dimension oI liIe where pust und Iotore
dropped uwuy und the present deepened und they becume eternity. They
stood, strock by silence into the NOW - in jost u moment, und in thut
moment they reIlected on thut world which the trunscendentulists cull the
world oI Absolote Troth where everything is composed oI the vibrutions oI
ruptoroos joy.
Sri Hunomunji und Prince Anguduji stood ecstuticully motionless,
showered with u totully new energy, new light und new delight - they were in
u stute oI complete, exoltunt joy. Thos, the two reulized the Absolote Troth
in Punchuvuti und the love oI Sri Rum becume their new wuy oI liIe.
It is the pecoliurity oI love, und in purticolur, oI the reulizution oI the
Absolote Troth throogh the puth oI Lovetrunce, thut the oltimute experience
is not only u deud silence or non-doulity und inuctivity, bot there is un
endless Ilow oI the trunscendentul Irolics oI the beloved, reIlected Irom the
non-utomic unti-muteriul world oI lovetrunce.
In this stute, Hunomunji und Anguduji very soon visoulized thut
Mother Situ wus pointing to u golden deer, und Sri Rum wus Iixing His long
bow with urrow, chusing the deer. ThereuIter they perceived u dreudIol,
illosive voice oI u dying demon, Mother Situ's unxiety, und Lukshmunu's
leuving und the coming oI u giguntic Personulity in the Iorm oI u murveloos
yogi, his tulk with Situ, the uppeurunce oI u ten-heuded monster Iorm und
his ubdoction oI Situ.
All oI u sodden their mighty urms moved. Inruged und Iired-op us
they were, they leuped op to suve Mother Situ Irom the hunds oI thut ten-
heuded monster. Then their conscioos minds lunded on the muteriul plune
where she hud been ulreudy stolen uwuy, und they hud to Iind her
It hud ulreudy been reveuled to them in their meditution thut the thieI
wus not Irom the plunet Iurth. He wus born oI the semen oI un elevuted
Aryun in the womb oI u girl Irom u sobterruneun plunet oI the Rukshusu
ruce. This indicuted thut he wus u greut scholur oI ull Aryun Vedic
knowledge. Nevertheless, he wus ubdocting other's wives which showed he
wus very Iirm in Rukshusu's wuy oI liIe.
As Hunomunji wus ulreudy Iorioos with this ruce becuose oI pust
events, He developed oncontrolluble unger with those people whose leuder
hud committed un onpurdonuble oIIense by sepuruting two loving, thrilling
und delicute heurts.
Hunomunji spoke to ull the Vunurus, "Look, in no wuy wus it diIIicolt
Ior Sri Rum to Iind oot who ubdocted His beloved Situ, bot still we ure
disputched to seek in ull directions. Thut cun only meun we most root oot the
Rukshusu ruce Irom the Iuce oI the plunet Iurth. So let os girdle oor loins in
order to do it."
"It is the luw oI nutore thut the whole creution is sostuined,
muintuined, und exhiluruted by the power oI dhurmu {the Vedic wuy oI liIe
which is the buckbone oI Interguluctic civilizution) ulone. II und when
dhurmu is humpered, hurmed, or opposed by the luws oI society, then thut
society onknowingly und onintentionully becomes destroctive to the entire
homun ruce und to the hurmony oI the whole oniverse."
"It cuoses the eurth to torn into deserts, und rivers und moontuins to
become burren, dry, und devoid oI mineruls. It cuoses drooght, Iumine,
Ilood, lurge scule diseuses und ontimely deuth. ThereIore we most root oot
ull the elements inimicul to the evolotion oI the oniverse," suid Prince
"An individoul hus to be eliminuted iI he is u dunger to the Iumily, und
the Iumily shoold be sucriIiced to suve the society; the society shoold be
sucriIiced Ior the suke oI the commonity, und the commonity Ior the nution;
while even the nution shoold be sucriIiced Ior the welIure oI the world or the
"Toduy the Rukshusu commonity hus proven to be detrimentul to the
oniversul welIure und so it most be destroyed withoot u second thooght,"
Communder-in-ChieI Jumbuvuntu decided. He ordered ull the Vunurus
suying, "Not u single Rukshusu most be spured, no mutter whut is the cuse."
"All glories to Sri Situ und Rumu."
"All glories to King Sogrivu."
The Vunurus rejoiced becuose ull oI them longed Ior un ootlet to
releuse the tension oI extru pent-op energy, doe to their extreme power,
which cuosed their mighty urms to uche. They begun to move Iorther,
looking everywhere, in the Iorest und cuves, boshes und groves.
"I wonder why the whole Iorest is so dry?" Sri Hunomunji usked,
becuose He wus thirsty und He wus pussing throogh un onexpectedly dry
ureu in the Iorest.
"Somewhere here wus the hermituge oI Muhurishi Kundo. Once u
Rukshusu ute Kundo's only begotten son und the Iuther soIIered in
lumentution. Muhurishi Kundo wus loved by the trees, ponds, und nutore so
moch thut in his ugony the whole Iorest becume dry und burren," thos
Jumbuvuntu unswered the qoestion oI Sri Hunomunji.
"This is thut monster, King Ruvunu," some oI the Vunurus soddenly
screumed, looking ut u dreudIol und onexpectedly hoge Rukshusu who wus
roshing towurds Prince Angudu und ruising his heuvy Iist high in spuce.
BeIore unybody coold jomp, Angudu swelled high into spuce und
dushed the enormoos Rukshusu to the groond, where he died instuntly.
"Oh, Ruvunu cun't be so weuk," ull the Vunurus suid und moved
"It will tuke u very long time iI we seurch in soch u disorgunized wuy,
Yoo know how strict oor king is in his discipline," Jumbuvuntu wus suying.
"We shoold sepurute, muking one line Irom the Buy oI Bengul to the
Arubiun Oceun, und thos move to the Sooth. None oI os shoold be ulone. At
leust two shoold ulwuys be together, stuying within culling or shooting
distunce oI the next."
"BeIore uny oncoming dunger, one puir shoold inIorm the other, und
thut puir shoold in torn inIorm the coople neurest them beIore helping, und
so on. Thos the whole line will become uwure oI the incident und ussemble
ut the dunger spot in no time."
The Communder-in-ChieI ordered, "No one shoold go into popoluted
ureus. Only those uppointed ure ullowed to enter the hermituges oI spiritoul
people und philosophers to usk the whereuboots oI Mother Situ. II there ure
some Rukshusus persecoting them, Iinish the Rukshusus oII withoot
qoestion. The entire Sooth Indiun hills und woods huve become the
pluygroond oI these demons, und we huve to trunsIorm this ureu into
peuceIol groves."
"No one shoold eut onknown Iroit, roots or herbs, und uIter the duy is
Iinished und the son hus set, we will meet together und discoss importunt
mutters und then rest."
As soon us they moved Iorther, the line shronk. They entered into u
dense Iorest which wus very dungeroos und mysterioos, so ull oI them were
exploring every nook und crunny us u collective body. It wus the middle oI
uotomn und the scorching son ruys heuted their bodies into dripping
perspirution. Iverybody wus extremely thirsty even ut the beginning oI the
duy, bot there wus no wuter. Iveryone's mooth wus purched.
Sri Hunomunji coold not beur the soIIering oI His Iriends. He climbed
the top oI one oI the tullest trees und looked ull uroond. Soddenly His eyes
strock on u pluce Ioll oI greeneries und there were crunes, docks, lurks,
herons und drukes. He shooted with joy, "There most be u pond."
All the Vunurus were enlivened. They Iollowed Sri Hunomunji und
entered the boshes. They Ioond themselves in Iront oI u deep, durk cuve.
Birds were entering excitedly, und those coming oot hud wet Ieuthers.
"eIinitely this is the pussuge to reuch some wuter Iilled pond. All
shoold ussome u Iorm comIortuble to enter the cuve, bot bewure oI uny
dunger which coold occor ut uny moment. No one shoold tooch unything,
even wuter or Iroit, withoot permission," ordered Jumbuvuntu.
Sri Hunomunji led the groop und Prince Angudu wutched Irom the
reur. Qoickly the groop pussed throogh the durk cuve und entered u
beuotiIol, extensive gurden Ioll oI trees hunging with Iroit. In the middle oI
the gurden there wus u beuotiIol pond Iilled with crystul cleur wuter udorned
with lotos leuves und Ilowers in beuotiIol colors.
There wus u beuotiIol munsion within sight, mude oI emerulds und
robies. Stunding on u verundu oI murble wus u beuotiIol, lostroos, uscetic
muiden who wus sitting on u shining deer skin. Irom her personulity one
woold conclode thut she cume Irom u Godly ruce.
All the Vunurus bowed to her in reverence.
"Yoo ull seem to be very thirsty. Yoo most be hongry too. ThereIore go
to the pond-buthe, drink wuter, eut Iroit und then iI yoo need help, come to
me," suid the lurge-eyed, white-clud uscetic girl.
As iI they were provided with new liIe, they roshed to the pond,
qoenched their thirst, sutisIied their honger und then retorned to the uscetic
"Yoor Holiness, we ure the servunts oI Sri Rum, the Prince oI
Ayodhyu. A monster hus ubdocted His wiIe Irom the Iorest. We ure enguged
in the seurch Ior thut Holy One. We woold like to know, miss, why yoo live
ull ulone? Who ure yoo? How did soch u heuvenly gurden become possible in
u cuve beneuth the eurth?" Sri Hunomunji usked in His scholurly lungouge,
Ioll oI politeness.
"Yoo most huve heurd uboot 'Muyu', the greut scientist und engineer
oI the sobterruneun plunet? He constrocted this gurden und munsion by his
own scientiIic Ieuts. Muny yeurs ugo he Iell in love with u duncer Irom plunet
Svuh, Hemu by nume, und he begun to live here with her. Somehow the king
oI thut plunet becume jeuloos oI them und wunted to kill them. Muyu with his
own udvunced psychology, suved himselI, bot he hud to leuve Ior his own
plunet, so he guve the pluce to Hemu.
"I um her Iriend, Svuyumprubhu, the duoghter oI Mero Suvurni. AIter
u long time, when my Iriend Hemu proceeded to the plunet Bruhmu, she
guve this pluce to me. Irom then on I huve been here, medituting on the
lotos Ieet oI Sri Rum to uttuin His trunscendentul love, diIIicolt even Ior
greut yogis to uttuin," replied the uscetic muiden.
"We were tired, thirsty und hongry. Yoor Holiness hus provided os
with renewed liIe und thos eurned greut merit by welcoming yoor onknown
goests. Yoo huve suved os Irom dying how cun we repuy yoo?" Hunomunji
"It is not necessury," she replied. "I huve been medituting Ior muny
thoosunds oI yeurs, jost wuiting Ior Lord Sri Rum's udvent. Now thut the
Olympiun Prince hus uppeured, I jost wish to go to Him. II yoo wunt to, yoo
muy ose this pluce," continoed the lurge-eyed, meditutive yogini.
"We ure uIruid, deur Mother, thut the time which the king hus given os
is Iinished. Pleuse tell os, how cun we get oot oI this pluce und continoe oor
seurch Ior Mother Situ?" Hunomunji usked.
The divine muiden closed her eyes und becume ubsorbed in silence Ior
u Iew moments,
"This cuve is gourded by the scientists oI the sobterruneun plunet.
Here the meusorement oI time is diIIerent Irom the time on eurth. The door
throogh which yoo entered is now uotomuticully closed; bot the will oI one
who is uwure oI the whole mystery oI this pluce cun leud yoo oot. So ull oI
yoo pleuse close yoor eyes. I will muke yoo reuch the shore oI the Indiun
Oceun where yoo will be uble to contuct Mother Situ."
"All Vunurus pleuse sit silently with eyes closed," Sri Jumbuvunji
shooted, und he ulso sut ulong with them.
Svuyumprubhu ulso leIt the pluce und ruised herselI into spuce, und,
truveling by uir, urrived ut Mulyuvun Hill. She oIIered her obeisunce to the
lotos Ieet oI Sri Rum, circomumboluted, und then sung u song oot oI the
greut joy oI meeting Him.
"Celestiul ludy, I um sutisIied. Ask u benediction - Whut do yoo wunt?"
Sri Rum suid.
"I um u worthless muidservunt ut Yoor lotos Ieet. I huve been
medituting ull these yeurs jost to see Yoor trunscendentul Iuce. II Yoo ure
sutisIied, give me the boon thut my tongoe shull ulwuys chunt Yoor Holy
Nume; thut whenever I um onder the spell oI my kurmus, I shull Iind the
ussociution oI Yoor pore devotees; thut in my heurt und in my eyes, Yoo muy
ulwuys dwell - Situ, Rum, und Lukshmunu in their royul Iorms," she suid.
"So be it," Sri Rum consented. "Now go to Budrinuthu in the
Himuluyus und stuy there, on the bunk oI Alukunundu River." Lord Sri Rumu
then trunsmitted Rum-conscioosness to her und she becume divinely
intoxicuted und Ilew towurds the North.
Meunwhile, un ugituted Vunuru opened his eyes und shooted, "Oh,
where ure we?"
All the Vunurus cume ulive, Ieeling the cool oceunic breeze, und
heuring the rour oI the oceun. All oI them opened their eyes und looked,
umuzed, Ior Iur und wide there wus only the extensive, gurlunding wuves oI
the oceun.
"How long u time hus pussed?" one oI the Vunurus usked. Iverybody
looked uroond und stodied the nutore und their Iuces torned pule.
"In this cuvity the time meusorement is diIIerent," unother Vunuru
recollected the words oI the yogini.
"eIinitely, u whole month wus pussed in thut cuve. We huven't done
unything! Sogrivu will not excose me!" Prince Angudu suid in greut distress.
"He did not muke me prime minister by himselI; it wus only doe to Sri
Rum's order. I um the son oI his enemy. He woold huve killed me long
beIore, bot now he will not spure me. It is better to die here by my own
hunds thun be killed by him."
In times oI greut trooble umid problems, the mind becomes conIosed
und Irostruted. Then it begins to think in irrelevunt wuys. In soch moments,
destroction is sore iI one lucks Vedic wisdom or u spiritoully-elevuted
udvisor. Prince Angudu wus in soch u condition.
"We ull huve to die iI we go buck to Kishkindhu," muny other Vunurus
"Prince, don't worry. We cun tuke shelter in thut cuve. The yogini hus
ulreudy leIt und it is big enoogh, Ioll oI trees, wuter und Iroit. It is ulmost
purudise. We will serve yoo yoor whole liIe," unother soldier suid.
"Prince, this is un evil thooght thut Sogrivu doesn't love yoo." Sri
Hunomunji embruced Angudu und suid, "Sogrivu respects Turu, yoor
mother. He will never displeuse her, nor Me, nor Rum. Yoo ulreudy know Sri
Rum loves yoo very moch, und thut I do too."
Hunomunji continoed, "Iirst oI ull, yoo most remember thut the
uotomutic door oI the cuve is ulreudy closed. It is in the hunds oI the
scientists who gourd it und they remuin on their plunet, eighty thoosund
miles uwuy Irom here. Iven iI we conqoer those scientists und muke it oor
residence, do yoo think it woold be invincible Ior the urrows oI Sri Rum,
who killed yoor Iuther, who imprisoned even Ruvunu, the conqoeror oI ull
the plunets oI the solur system?"
Sri Hunomunji went on giving urgoments und logic to ull those
Vunurus who were going to rebel und Iorm new groops.
"Those Vunurus will not be uble to remuin Ior u long time, soppressing
the uttuchments to their wives und children. Sri Rum's urrow will not spure
unyone, even iI one were to hide on the inuccessible plunet Rusutulu.
ThereIore,it is Ioolish Ior unyone to think oI hiding und going ustruy Irom
his trunscendentul service."
"Moreover, yoo ulreudy know thut no power on eurth cun deviute
Jumbuvun, Nulu, und MyselI, Irom the holy service to Sri Rum," Hunomunji
expluined, stunding in their midst.
"I um not going into the cuve. I um not purting, Ior I believe in the
invincible power oI Sri Rum's urrow. I will ubsorb myselI in u Iust ontil
deuth. Convey my sulotutions to King Sogrivu, und console my mother, Turu,
so thut she will not die opon heuring oI my deuth." Anguduji spoke in greut
sorrow, picking op some koshu gruss und muking himselI u seut.
When ull eIIorts oI un individoul ego Iuil, he loses his hopes und
expectutions Irom his own strength und sits in silence. Then thut silence
becomes the uospicioos moment oI the descent oI the Gruce oI the ivine.
Then the invisible hunds oI thut MerciIol God become uctive und u new ruy
oI light und liIe Ilushes in the otter durkness oI hopelessness.
"It is oor good Iortone thut we ure enguged in the service oI Sri Rum,
the Sopreme Personulity," Sri Hunomunji tried to expluin.
"Where coold we even do thut? We huve checked ull oI Soothern Indiu
und we coold not Iind Situ!" Replied Angudu, sitting on the seut oI koshu
"I will not muintuin this body which hus proven to be incupuble oI the
service oI thut Beloved Lord." He sipped u Iew drops oI wuter und becume
"We ure ulso going to ubundon oor bodies," ull oI the Vunurus cried,
muking their own seuts und picking op the koshu gruss.
The lust words oI Angudu tooched Hunomunji's heurt. He too, becume
silent, picked op koshu gruss, und sut Iucing the Iust.
"Whut is the ose oI preserving the body which hus Iuiled to serve the
sweet Beloved?" Thooght the Vunurus.
Soddenly u hoge personulity resembling u voltore cume oot oI u
neurby cuve in the moontuin, his whole body bornt bluck. He looked ull
uroond, screeching with pleusore,
"Ahu, how kind is my Lord ulso. . . . I huve been sturving Ior soch u
long time, und now he hus sent me Iood in un enormoos qountity. Ior
months my Iood is urrunged. As soon us these Vunurus become hulI-deud by
Iusting, I shull keep euting,"
"Alus, Oh, the voltore will eut os!" cried the Vunurus oot oI Ieur und
mortul puin.
One oI the Vunurus spoke, suying,
"Jutuyo, who sucriIiced his liIe in the holy service oI Sri Rum wus ulso
u voltore, und this is unother voltore who is wuiting Ior the deuth oI Sri
Rum's servunts."
"Jutuyo wus glorioos, who ubundoned his body Ior the protection oI
Sri Rum's consort, und we ure ulso going to do thut," Anguduji suid.
"Bot we ure not us Iortonute us Jutuyo, who died in the soothing lup oI
Sri Rum," replied Jumbuvuntu.
"Why ure yoo reIerring to my brother, time und guin?" The Voltore
person usked excitedly in pore Sunskrit lungouge. "It hus been u long time
since I huve heurd my brother's nume! Whut huppened to him? I um very
euger to know uboot him. Pleuse curry me close to yoo on the beuch. I
promise I will not hurm uny oI yoo."
Prince Angudu stood-op, upprouched him und brooght him to the
beuch und described the story oI Sri Rum's wundering in the Iorests, the
ubdoction oI Situ in the Punchuvuti, Jutuyo's eIIorts to suve Situ, the cotting-
oII oI his Ieuthers
by the king oI the monsters, und Jutuyo's deuth in Sri Rum's lup.
"I um Sumputi und Jutuyo wus my yoonger brother. We belong to u
semidivine ruce. Oor Iuther, Aryumu, lives on the plunet Son. We were both
very euger to meet oor Iuther so we took Ilight in the sky. When we Ilew
closer to the son, extreme heut dispersed oor enthosiusm. Jutuyo retorned,
bot I wus poIIed-op with my own power so I continoed Ily ontil ull my
Ieuthers und body were budly bornt und I Iell on the eurth, onconscioos.
"Soddenly u greut philosopher, Rishi Chundrumu by nume, pussed
thut wuy. Oot oI mercy, he sprinkled u Iew drops oI wuter Irom his
kumundulo on me und mude me conscioos. Then he pluced me in this cuve
und suid, `Yoor Ieuthers will spring buck op uguin when Sri Rum's
messengers come, und yoo help them by telling them uboot Situ.'
"Thut wus the beginning oI the Golden Age {one million, seven
hondred, twenty-eight thoosund yeurs ugo) und now it is ulmost the end oI
the Silver Age {one million, two hondred, ninety-six thoosund yeurs). It is
only toduy thut I huve heurd uboot my brother. Alus, he is deud. I wunt to
oIIer him u wuter oblution Ior the emuncipution oI his moving sool in the
ustrul plune. Pleuse tuke me to the seushore. ThereuIter, I will help yoo in
whutever wuy I cun."
Angudu curried him to the nuvel-deep wuter und held him Iust so thut
he coold not be dushed on the beuch by the mighty wuves oI the oceun.
Sumputi moved his Ieutherless wings und stirred the wuters in the
direction oI the munes - the uncestors wuiting uIter deuth ontil their kurmus
sturt IroctiIying.
"Horruh! How mirucoloos, how wonderIol is the mugicul tooch oI Sri
Rum's messengers! My whole body is now speedily Iilling with milky white
Ieuthers. Now they ure growing longer und longer!"
Sumputi Ilew u little in the sky und sut umong the Vunurus suying, "I
um now uble to Ily. My eye sight hus come buck. Now I cun see Mother Situ
und Iortonutely there is no burrier ut ull."
"o yoo see the Princess Situ?" The Vunurus becume excited with
"Where is she? How Iur uwuy? Whut is she doing?" Anguduji usked ull
ut once.
"Iight hondred miles uwuy, sorroonded by the oceun, there is un
islund numed Lunku. On it is u moontuin peuk culled, Trikotu. It is crowded
with Rukshusus. There is u royul gurden connected with the gynuceom oI the
royul puluce. In the middle oI thut gurden, onder the Shinshopu tree, u
yellow-clothed, down-cust Situ is sitting, weeping. Teur drops ure trickling
down her cheeks." Sumputi suid, und his words were us nectur pooring opon
ull the Vunurus sitting uroond him.
"Believe me, I um cleurly seeing Situ - even u spurrow cun see Iorther
thun mun. Owls see better thun spurrows, huwks see still Iorther, Iulcons
Iorther, und voltores still Iorther. Only u swun cun see Iorther thun u
voltore. Since I um the son oI Aryumu, {Irom u semi-divine ruce), only
Gurodu cun see Iorther thun me. I um seeing her us iI she is sitting very close
to me. Teurs ure constuntly dropping; she is thin und leun doe to excess
lumentution, und some dreudIol ludies ure Irightening her."
Sumputi becume the center oI uttention Ior ull the Vunurus, und he
continoed, Ioll oI umuze,
"Not only I, bot unyone oI yoo cun see her who cun jomp this oceun,
which is eight hondred miles in breudth. Yoo most jomp to the other side.
Yoo ure the messengers oI the ulmighty Sri Rum. By yoor tooch I huve
reguined my Ieuthers. Whut un enormoos power is lying within yoo.
"It is umuzing thut yoo were Iusting onto deuth. espondency is not
Ior yoo. Get op. Gird yoor loins. o yoor doty, und soccess will kiss yoor
Ieet. Pleuse ullow me to go now." Sumputi stretched his Ieuthers, wuved
them with Ioll power, Ilew once uroond in the sky, und disuppeured beyond
the horizon.
Ruising their heuds, ull the Vunurus on the seushore constuntly guzed
uIter him ontil he becume totully invisible.
"Bhuguvuti Situ is in Lunku." Knowing this, ull the Vunurus begun to
sing, jomp, und swing Irom the brunches oI the trees.
"Oor doty does not end opon heuring the tulk oI Sumputi,"
Jumbuvuntu stopped ull the Vunurus und mude them think. "Withoot going
to Lunku how is it possible to see her? And Lunku is not here, it is eight
hondred miles uwuy."
The Vunurus looked ut the high, spruy-crested wuves oI the limitless
expunsive oceun und lost their cooruge.
"I cun jomp eighty miles," u Vunuru, Guju by nume suid, cuptoring
their uttention, "bot Lunku is eight hondred miles uwuy."
"I osed to jomp two hondred miles," suid Guvukshu.
"The muximom length oI my jomp is two hondred und Iorty miles,"
suid Shurubhu.
"I woold go iI Lunku were only three hondred twenty miles uwuy,"
suid Rishubhu.
"I cun jomp Ioor hondred miles," suid Gundhumudunu.
"A Ioor hondred eighty mile jomp is eusy Ior me," Muyundu suid.
"It is not diIIicolt Ior me to jomp Iive hondred sixty miles," vividu
inIormed everyone.
"Six hondred Iorty miles is how Iur I osed to be uble to jomp, bot still,
thut is not going to solve oor problem," suid Soshenu.
When Lord Vumunu ussomed u cosmic Iorm, und wus meusoring the
whole solur system, two billion miles in circomIerence, I circomumboluted
uroond him seven times; bot in those duys I wus u yooth. Nowuduys I huve
grown old, und I don't possess soIIicient power, bot I cun still jomp seven
hondred und twenty miles," suid Jumbuvuntu the king oI the beusts.
"As Iur us crossing the oceun is concerned, I cun jomp the eight
hondred miles; bot, Lunku is not jost u silent jongle. It is Ruvunu's cupitul
und he hus sons und brothers eqoul in power to himselI. There will be u
Iight. I don't know whether I will be uble to retorn or not," suid Prince
"Iven iI yoo coold go und come buck suIely, how coold we let yoo go
ull ulone umong the enemies oI oor deur prince? The Communder-in-chieI
will not permit yoo to go," suid Jumbuvuntu.
Soddenly Jumbuvun torned his Iuce towurds Hunomunji, Who wus
sitting silently in u corner, us iI He wus u detuched reclose huving nothing to
do with the world.
"Oh, greutest wurrior, Ioor kinds oI power, und Ioorteen qoulities
Iollow Yoo like shudows. Inconceivuble ure Yoor strength und speed. Oh,
Son oI the wind god, Oh, eleventh purt oI Shivu, rise, uwuken! Yoor mission
in liIe is to IolIill Sri Rum's work."
The lust sentence strock uguinst Hunomunji's bosom, und He
soddenly stood op und roured like u lion. The entire vicinity, incloding the
oceun, Iorests, und moontuins trembled, und like Lord Vumunu, His Iorm
enlurged und enlurged und becume moontuinoos. Like u tremendoos golden
moontuin His body begun to shine, und like u roby His Iuce reddened. His
heud strock the Ilouting white cloods. He ruised His tuil und moved it in
spuce us iI He woold tie op ull the plunets und dush them on the eurth.
"All glories to Sri Hunomunji." The Vunurus were extremely excited to
see the enormoos enlurgement oI Hunomunji's body. All oI the Vunurus
seemed like insects. Iven Jumbuvun's giguntic, Golden Age Iorm, reuched
only op to Hunomunji's knees.
In u tone like u thondering clood, Sri Hunomunji suid,
"Oh, king oI the beusts, whut do yoo wunt Irom Me - pleuse tell Me! I
cun jomp over the entire Indiun Oceun. I cun dry it op by drinking it or muke
it Ilut eurth by dushing ull the moontuins in it. I cun jomp over the entire
solur system; I cun root oot the whole moontuin on which Lunku is
inhubited; or shull I seize Ruvunu by the neck und throw him ut the Ieet oI
Sri Rum? Or muy I bring Situ und oIIer her to Sri Rum? Whut do yoo wunt
Irom Me? Pleuse tell Me immediutely."
"Oh, powerIol Son oI Mother Anjunu, Yoo huve ended oor
lumentution. There is nothing impossible Ior Yoo on this eurth, bot there is
u limit Ior u servunt, und we ure ull servunts oI Sri Rum. He HimselI shoold
come with os, ulong with His urmy, und conqoer Ruvunu on the buttleIield,
und rescoe Situ by His own power. We shoold not limit the Iume oI oor
Muster, bot we shoold heighten it to the extreme," Jumbuvunji suid in un
ussored wuy.
"Jomp eight hondred miles to Lunku, go to Mother Situ und convey
the messuge to her Irom her Lord Rum. We ull wish Yoo soccess. II someone
becomes u burrier, then Yoo ure Iree to retuliute -- ussuolt him with Yoor
powerIol Iists."
"All glories to Sri Rum." Hunomunji soddenly leupt to the top oI the
neurest moontuin, Muhendruchulu, stood Iucing Sooth, bent His knees,
moved His neck und heud buck, ruised His urms high in the spuce, und
levituted. The moontuin begun breuking into pieces. Rocks rolled towurds
the oceun, Ioontuins sprung op, the beusts oI the Iorest begun to ron
screeching und screuming, und the birds begun to circle in the sky.
Hunomunji held His eurs close to His heud, checked His breuth, und
roured ut lust, "Jui Sri Rum," und He wus in the sky!
The trees und stones sprung op und Ilew with Him us iI u new ruinbow
hud urisen. The oceun swelled op in moontuinoos wuves. The demigods
begun to shower Ilowers Irom other plunets. The ustrul rishis sung hymns oI
blessings; und, like u borning Ilume, Sri Hunomunji Ilew towurds the Sooth.
The Vunurus begun to dunce in ecstucy.
AIter u Iew minotes oI Ilying, Sri Hunomunji heurd u homun voice
speuking. He looked below und suw u beuotiIol moontuin, Ioll oI seu-
creepers. Its peuk wus udorned with u beuotiIol puluce mude oI pebbles,
emerulds, supphires, peurls, und other gems.
A semi-divine being wus reqoesting him Irom the rooI oI the puluce to
come. There wus un ussortment oI muny delicioos dishes. "Pleuse come und
huve u little rest on my peuk.
"The heroic son oI King Suguru, born umong the uncestors oI Yoor
beloved Sri Rum, hus creuted this oceun. Yoor Iuther, the wind god,
protected yoo Irom the thonderbolt oI King Indru. We wunt to puy oor
homuge to Yoo. Pleuse lund, eut und rest, und then proceed," suid Muinuku,
the presiding semi-divine being oI thut sobmerged moontuin.
"I um obliged to come by yoor love und uIIection," Sri Hunomunji suid
und descended closer to the hill.
He lunded on the peuk und suid, "Honoruble sir, yoo being oI like
nutore, ulreudy know thut we ure semi-divine in oor physicul stroctore, und
we do not get Iutigoed onless oor heurt becomes hopelessly despondent.
Withoot IolIilling My doties towurd Sri Rum, My heurt is not comIorted. My
body cunnot rest in yoor gemmed puluce withoot doing Sri Rum's work.
Thunk yoo."
So suying, Hunomunji urose uguin to the heights oI the cloods und
Ilew with greut speed, like u releused urrow. Innomeruble ustrul und
celestiul beings oI other plunets were wutching His uctivities Irom spuce.
"Hult, Oh, little monkey. on't escupe. Yoo cun't ron uwuy like this,
insolting Sorusu, the mother oI ull drugons." Hunomunji suw the entire sky
wus Iilled with un immense drugon ludy who stood in Iront oI Him und
shooted with u dreudIol hissing soond. He recognized her us the third wiIe
oI Muhurishi Kushyupu, Iuther oI Indru, King oI Plunet Svuh.
"Mother, this is yoor son, Hunomun. I do not insolt yoo; I bow down
to yoo," Hunomunji suid politely.
"rugon ludies ure not sutisIied with sulotutions," she hissed. "I um
very hongry now und I wunt to Ieed my belly. Yoo come und enter into my
"I um dedicuted to Sri Rum's work. He is u greut sopporter oI yoor plunet.
He is prepured to suve yoor
ruce Irom the croel clotches oI Ruvunu," Hunomunji suid.
"I don't wunt to heur ull oI this," she hissed.
"Mother, Ruvunu hus been persecoting yoor sons; he hus killed so
muny oI them. So muny muidens ure still imprisoned by him."
"on't pretend! rugons don't show mercy," she yelled.
"Let Me see Mother Situ und bring her the messuge oI Sri Rum, und
then I will enter yoor mooth, believe me."
"It is not u mutter oI believing. It is u mutter oI honger. I um hongry
und Yoo ure hoge und pulutuble. Inter my mooth," she communded, und
hissed violently."
"Then why don't yoo eut Me -- do it qoickly," He suid Ieurlessly.
Sri Hunomunji hud the power to kill her, bot blindly killing every
opposer is uguinst the Vedic wuy oI liIe. Vedic luws instroct thut the
inhubitunts oI the plunet Svuh shoold be respected no mutter how they
"Let Thy will be done." Sri Hunomunji bowed down to Sri Rum
mentully und pruyed, "Lord iI Yoo rejoice in the deuth oI Yoor Hunomunji in
soch u strunge wuy, then let Thy will be IolIilled."
Soddenly Sorusu opened her mooth to swullow Him. At the lust
moment some inspirution sprung op Irom within Hunomunji und He
expunded His Iorm twice the size oI her mooth. She then expunded her
mooth eight miles wider, und Hunomunji expunded HimselI to sixteen. She
stretched her mooth to thirty-two miles, then Hunomunji grew to sixty-Ioor
miles. As moch us the demon's mooth wus expunded und grew wider,
Hunomunji becume twice us big.
In this competition her mooth becume one hondred miles wide, und
then, very qoickly, Hunomunji ussomed u very tiny Iorm like u dove und
entered into her mooth. BeIore she coold onderstund whut hud huppened,
Hunomunji jomped oot.
"Gentle ludy, tell Me whut shull I do Ior yoor sutisIuction? It is in the
Vedic munner thut greut ones do not eut unything which hus Iullen Irom
their mooths."
"The entire Svuh plunet loves Sri Rum," Sorusu suid, ussoming her
nutorul heuvenly Iorm which hud the Iuce oI u beuotiIol girl bot the body oI u
She continoed, "Oor plunet hus greut hopes Ior Sri Rum und Yoo, us
His representutive, Who ure going to Lunku, the cupitul oI the scientist King,
who is eqoipped with ull oI the Ieuts oI technicul knowledge und extru-
sensory perception. The inhubitunts oI thut islund huve become u greut
heuduche Ior the entire solur system.
"We jost wunted to test und meusore Yoor power und intelligence,
und I um very huppy. There is no limit to Yoor power und timely
determinution. Yoo ure cupuble oI doing Sri Rum's work. Now proceed. Let
Yoor puth be uospicioos. Muy soccess und uccomplishment welcome Yoo."
So ordering, she disuppeured.
Now Hunomunji begun to Ily with still Iuster speed. It wus in His
seven hondredth mile in spuce thut His body ussomed the Iustest speed.
Soddenly there wus u collision und Hunomunji Ielt His speed humpered, bot
no one wus visible in uny direction. He Ielt like He wus being polled
downwurd. . . . .
He begun to think, "Whut huppened? Is there some philosopher or
spiritoul being medituting in the wuter? Is there some deity oI ivine
Mother, Shivu, or Vishno instulled beneuth the oceun who cunnot be
trespussed uguinst? Something is deIinitely polling Me down. Whose muntru
power is this? Whose power oI uttruction is this?"
Sri Hunomunji peered throogh the trunspurent oceun. The wuter wus
onugituted und silent. He suw thut u dreudIol monstress wus holding His
shudow with both oI her terrible urms. With her Ioll power she wus grinding
ull oI her teeth tightly.
She wus Simhiku, coming Irom the dynusty oI Ruvunu's grundIuther
on his mother's side, und wiIe oI the demon, Vipruchitti.
She possessed u Iucolty oI polling u bird or unimul simply by holding
its shudow und druwing it towurds her. This is how she osed to collect her
meuls. This ludy wus uppointed by Ruvunu to gourd the Northern purt oI his
islund. The other ureus were nutorully suIe, protected by vust oceuns. Only
the Northern section wus deIenseless becuose Indiu wus only eight hondred
miles uwuy.
"She most be euting ull the innocent, chirping, Ilying birds pussing
this wuy," Hunomunji thooght.
He becume very ungry und jomped on her heud with His terrible
dooble strength. There wus u dreudIol screum und her heud wus broken into
muny pieces. Ior muny yurds the wuters becume red with blood.
A nomber oI beings Irom diIIerent plunets greeted Hunomunji und
shooted, "Huil," und showered Ilowers opon Him becuose muny oI their
uirplunes hud been destroyed und their kinsmen hud been euten op by this
This ureu wus more dungeroos thun the Bermodu triungle is toduy,
becuose in the triungle only muteriul plunes und ships disuppeur; it cunnot
destroy ustrul plunes und ships. We woold be suIe iI we coold trunsIorm oor
body chemiculs into ustrul cells und utoms, bot ull oI the plunets oI the solur
system were uIruid oI Simhiku's triungle becuose ustrul und cuosul beings
coold be destroyed, us well us physicul beings.
AIter the unnihilution oI Simhiku, the whole oceunic ureu Irom Indiu
to Lunku wus Iree Irom dunger. Hunomunji urose uguin into the cloods und
begun to Ilout onwurd - ten miles, twenty miles, thirty, Iorty, IiIty, sixty,
seventy, eighty, ninety - ninety-Iive. AIter seven hondred und ninety-Iive
miles, Hunomunji glunced ut the shining Northern beuches oI Lunku und
spotted u Ilug Ilying on the enormoos Iort. He lessened his speed.
"Rukshusus will be excited iI they see My hoge Iorm in spuce. II I lund
with the Iorce thut is normul to My present size, the whole islund muy shuke
und Ruvunu's people und soldiers will rosh to Me und u stroggle woold be
compolsory. It is not good to ulurm them beIore I see Mother Situ,"
Hunomunji thooght to HimselI.
He redoced His speed und Iorm to the size oI u voltore. It wus bot
nutorul Ior u voltore to circle uroond u city oI extensive meut und Ilesh-
euters. Hunomunji Ilew ull uroond the city und observed it minotely Irom
The whole city wus boilt on the three extensive hills oI Moont Trikotu,
which is u hoge silvery moontuin sorroonded on three sides by the rouring
oceun, with tremendoosly lurge wuves dushing themselves opon the shore.
On the Ioorth side there were steps descending to Lunku. On the top oI the
hill, there wus u long und wide uthletic groond osed Ior the king's
umosements. The wulls, pillurs, Iloors, chuirs, everything, wus silver-pluted,
ull shining. Armed wutchmen were on gourd, murching with their regoluted
The centrul hill wus Ilut und extensive, sorroonded by strong, mussive
wulls on ull sides. The entire city wus gold-pluted, shining like the midduy
son. This wus the reul Lunku. All the golden puluces, munsions und
bongulows were glittering in their golden brilliunce!
Mummoth doors with steel gutes, und colossul weupons uttuched to
cement slubs were in pluce, ulong with some explosives. Innomeruble urmed
soldiers oI extruordinury size were stunding ut their pluces. The whole city
wus popoluted by highly powerIol und bruve wurriors.
In His Ilight uroond the city, Sri Hunomunji cume to the Northern hill
numed Sobulu, Ioll oI green trees with heuvy louds oI hunging Iroit und
Ilowers. The seushores were Ioll oI Ilut bluck rocks. There were ponds und
Ioontuins, bot it wus ull silent. Nobody wus there.
Sri Hunomunji culmly und qoietly lunded there. Iven uIter ull oI this
truveling He wus not ut ull Iutigoed. His breuth wus normul. His mentul stute
wus culm, nutorul und onexcited. By stepping on this new lund He
remembered His Beloved Sri Rum und begun to sing. . . . .
Singing the song oI Sri Rum's love, Sri Hunomunji's heurt begun to
Ilout in the oceun oI ecstucy. He becume one with the blossoming trees; He
becume one with the trunspurent, crystul cleur wuters oI the ponds; He
becume one with the endless sky-kissing hills; He becume one with the ull
pervuding eternity oI the Iirmument; und, in thut Absolote Oneness, He
becume the oniverse.
Nuy, nuy -- He experienced the entire oniverse within His own selI,
und this entirety wus composed oI the utoms oI His own being, which is no
other thun the ecstucy oI trunscendentul love. When one lives, moves, und
remuins estublished in this stute oI conscioosness, he becomes highly
gloriIied in Interguluctic history. Then whut is sopposed to huppen,
huppens, und one becomes whut he ooght to become, uotomuticully his
uttuinment is reuched.
Sri Hunomunji wunted to see the moontuin, bot us soon us He wulked
oot oI the grove, u towering, dreudIol Iorm soddenly roshed oot und strock
uguinst Him. Oh, whut inconceivuble dunger threutened Him, bot
Hunomunji remuined cool und composed und conIronted the bluck-
complexioned Iorm covered with serpentine huirs, Iiery eyes und oversized,
terriIying teeth, peuceIolly.
Hunomunji suid, "Welcome, My deur euth. How do yoo do?"
"Oh, Sri Hunomunji, pleuse excose me Ior my improdence." euth
stood strock with wonder Ior u Iew moments; his heud wus low und he wus
Ioll oI shyness.
He continoed, "Yumu, the Lord oI liIe uIter deuth, hus ulreudy
discerned thut by un uct oI benediction Yoo ure to be Iree Irom his never-
Iuiling weupon, und Irom me, ulso.
Ioll oI despondency, he pointed towurds his loin.
"These duys I um u prisoner oI King Ruvunu, who is u greut sorcerer-
scientist. He hus chuined me in these Ietters oI eight metuls by the
ineIIuceuble soond vibrutions oI muhmrtyonjuyu muntrum, ussociuted with
the power oI Lord Shivu.
This horrible mun, Ruvunu, hus ordered me to kill immediutely
unyone who urrives ut this spot. I um onuble to open or breuk these Ietters."
Hunomunji mentully thunked Ruvunu Ior his Iur-sightedness.
"Yoo ure now Iree!" suid Hunomunji, und the Ietters disuppeured
"Oh, Muhuviru, I um very gruteIol to yoo," euth suid while depurting.
"I promise whoever will remember yoo with love will huve no Ieur oI
me." Ruvunu did not know thut the Northern runge oI hills on his islund hud
become totully deIenseless.
Aroond noon Hunomunji lunded ut Lunku. He wunted to enter the city
in durkness, so in the meun time He begun to wunder over Sobel hill to Iind
u proper pluce Ior the encumpment oI Sri Rum when He woold muke His
uttuck on Lunku. Moonting the top oI the hill His legs soddenly cume to u
"Oh, Hunomunji, the greut, won't Yoo do me one Iuvor?" someone
cried Irom inside the cuve.
"Another prisoner!" Hunomunji wus sorprised, und entered the cuve.
He suw u terriIying sight. A second gentlemen with u very bluck complexion,
stoot body, bloe clothing, und u hurd Iuce hud ulso been urrested. He wus
hunging opside down, dungling Irom u rope.
Consoling him, Hunomunji broke the rope, helped him stund, und
usked, "id Ruvunu hung yoo opside down?"
"Yes my Lord. Thut wicked scientist is u greut ustronomer und un
ustrologer us well. He knew thut I, the Lord oI the plunet Sutorn, pluy u greut
role in the ops und downs oI homun Iortone. Homun liIe is comIortuble only
when I um ut the eighth or eleventh hoose in the zodiuc oI u person's
horoscope. Thut is why most oI the people oI the world soIIer. Ruvunu did
not like it becuose he und his people were incloded in this soIIering. He
truveled to my ueriul plunet, conqoered me und hong me op here." Shuni
"Yoo muy leuve this pluce immediutely," Hunomunji ordered.
"Pleuse ullow me to stuy here Ior sometime. I wunt to teuch this croel
Ruvunu whut huppens ut the sight oI Sutorn," Shuni reqoested.
"No, yoo cun't," Hunomunji replied. "My Lord Rumu is going to come
to this moontuin. I huve to prepure this pluce Ior Him, und yoor sight woold
be inuospicioos."
The Lord oI the plunet Sutorn reqoested,
"Yoo know Hunomunji, thut homun Iortone becomes suIe Irom my
inuospicioos inIloences by keeping u pore supphire. All the philosophers
ugree thut the bloe-complexioned Sri Rum is u beuotiIol supphire. I cunnot
prove inuospicioos Ior those who even simply Ieel Him in their heurts, in the
trunce oI love."
"In thut cuse I huve no objection," Hunomunji suid, und wulked to the
mungo groves und the pluntuin gurden.
"Oh, beuotiIol! This cun be the cump Ior My Lord." Sri Hunomunji
Iixed everything by the time the son hud disuppeured und the directions
becume obscored by durkness. Then He horriedly moved towurds the
centrul hill oI the golden city.
As soon us the son disuppeured into the western oceunic horizon, the
redness, spreud in ull directions, torned into durkness. Then the gems,
peurls, und supphires which were moonted in the steeples, vuolts, und wulls
oI the munsions oI the city begun to shine.
The Rukshusus begun to go to burs, cuburets, und nightclobs Ior
duncing und other sensoul pleusores.
AIter twilight, Sri Hunomunji ussomed u very tiny, insigniIicunt Iorm
und upprouched the uotomutic gute. The gute opened immediutely bot
nobody wus there. Qoickly He entered, wondering why nobody wus enguged
us keeper ut the muin gute oI the city.
"Who is showing disrespect to me by entering the city? on't Yoo
know thut whoever enters here steulthily becomes my meul?" A dreudIol
Ieminine Iorm muteriulized in spuce, yelling.
"Ivery citizen oI this cupitul is endowed with kuyuvyohu siddhi. I know Yoo
intend to deceive os. Who ure Yoo? Why huve Yoo come? As long us Yoo ure
still ulive, tell me."
She hud been wutching over the gute, remuining invisible. Hunomunji
wus in greut dunger. He didn't wunt to wuste His time by replying to her
becuose then more people woold know uboot Him. He immediutely becume
roosed into u hoge Iorm, wuved His Iist in the uir, und dushed it on her heud.
She Iell down on the street bleeding proIosely.
Within moments she orgunized herselI und stood op with Iolded
pulms und suid, "Oh, Messenger oI Sri Rum, pleuse do not kill me - "
"Oh, yoo know Me," Hunomunji wondered how --
"I um the presiding deity oI this city." She guve her identiIicution.
"When u city is boilt, its presiding deity ulso enters in."
"In the beginning oI the Golden Age the engineer oI the semi-divine
ruce und I cume Irom the plunet oI Bruhmu. I wus despondent. Then Bruhmu
told me, `When yoo ure hulI killed by the Iist oI u Vunuru, yoo will know thut
u greut revolotion in the city is uboot to tuke pluce, und the whole empire
will chunge.'
"The Iull oI Ruvunu's empire is very neur. Pleuse enter the city und do
Yoor doty," she suid, leuving the puth open Ior Sri Hunomunji.
It wus u golden city. The wulls, doors, und Iloors were golden, udorned
with vurioos gems, peurls, topuz und corul. Pillurs were mude oI tigereye
und murble. Robies were osed Ior lighting the streets und hooses. Ivery
ordinury home hud soch un enormoos qountity oI weulth thut it wus enoogh
to sutisIy even heuvenly beings.
Hunomunji begun to look Ior the grove Sumputi hud mentioned.
Meunwhile, He begun to meusore the power oI the stute by exumining
every uspect oI the city. He wundered its streets, burs, big hotels, uthletic
clobs, royul ursenuls, grunuries und burrucks. He wundered everywhere
once uguin in His smuller Iorm.
The whole city wus Iree Irom diseused, repressed, weuk or
despondent beings. On the contrury, the city wus Ioll oI heulthy, powerIol
people, expert in the ose oI the higher resoorces oI nutore - people who
enjoyed liIe. Bot the mediom oI their enjoyment wus wine, sex, meut-euting,
und wild duncing.
They were not discontented, not soIIering, bot they were intoxicuted.
They were mudly intoxicuted with sensoul grutiIicution, which mude them
IorgetIol oI their reul uim, the reul bliss oI liIe. Iverybody seemed to be
enjoying the physicul Iestivity oI liIe, bot they did not even dreum oI the reul
celebrution oI liIe.
Sri Hunomunji entered into the hooses oI vurioos importunt persons
oI Lunku, und minotely observed everything. In Iront oI their munsions their
numes were shining - written in gems. Bot He did not heur u single word
uboot her whom His eyes were thirsty to see.
There were muny Rukshusus who were most hundsome und they hud
beuotiIol wives. The hurems oI ull the men oI the governing cluss oI the
Rukshusus were Ioll oI beuotiIol muidens Irom muny diIIerent coontries und
Since Hunomunji ulreudy knew thut Situ wus un extremely beuotiIol
ludy oI Interguluctic vicinity, it becume necessury to seek her umong these
muidens. There were muny jovenile girls Irom highly uristocrutic ruces
whom Rukshusus hud kidnupped. Iventoully they hud sorrendered
themselves to the sitoution und circomstunces.
The best duncers, mosiciuns und urtists Irom ull the plunets hud been
kidnupped by Ruvunu und were compelled to udorn the stuges ut speciul
purties. At these purties there were hondreds und thoosunds oI vurieties oI
dishes und drinks, bot none oI them were suttvic Ioods. Almost ull oI them
were meut prepurutions or mixed with meut. Speciul purts oI birds und
unimuls were delicioosly prepured. Wine und wurm blood were the Iuvorite
This does not meun thut ull Rukshusus were utheists. They were
stodying the Vedus, bot they were ullowed to stody only thut commentury oI
the Vedus which Ruvunu hud written, only those philosophies which Ruvunu
hud composed. They were pructicing only those muntrums which were
udjosted to Ruvunu's vurioos themes.
More thun unything, Ruvunu's "Lddish Tuntru" wus popolur. In this
book he hud given his own methods Ior uttuining u long liIe, developing
extruordinury sexoul power, killing unyone throogh mentul teleputhy, und
controlling ull kinds oI bluck mugic, white mugic, und sorcery.
Witches were working spells ut midnight. When Sri Hunomunji
lunded on Lunku, their terriIying tumusic worship went in vuin; insteud oI u
colored Ilume, there urose only u horrible smell. It is bot nutorul thut, with
the entrunce oI u holy mun, ull evil pructices or ghostly ritouls ure
Where is Mother Situ? Hunomunji's eurs were euger to heur tulk
regurding Mother Situ. His eyes were hongry to see her divine Iorm. He wus
roshing Irom one pluce to unother seeking her.
The boIIulos, usses, und deer were being Iried. Muny Rukshusus were
intensely enguged in euting ruw Ilesh, chewing terriIyingly, und drinking the
wurm blood or wine. They woold dunce oot oI mudness oI joy. Muny
beuotiIol girls were enguged in node duncing. They were exciting everybody
by tooching the erotic joints oI euch oI the purticipunts who were sitting und
Hunomunji wundered everywhere. He woold jomp like u grusshopper
Irom the middle oI one groop to unother. No one hud uny time to puy
uttention to u tiny creutore.
It wus midnight us Hunomunji stood in Iront oI Ruvunu's puluce. It
wus gourded by hondreds oI urmed soldiers. Iuch und every corner oI the
puluce wus Ioll oI light, us iI it were duy.
At twelve, Ruvunu dismissed the ussembly where he und his ministers
were enjoying u dunce progrum uIter sopper, und he entered his privute
upurtment. Then the soldiers Ielt relieI und muny oI them becume drowsy.
At thut moment, Hunomunji entered the puluce und wundered in euch und
every corner.
Here innomeruble nuked und hulI-nuked muidens, beuotiIol except
Ior their disIigoring mukeop, hud Iullen usleep with hurps, violins, Ilotes,
tumboorines, und goiturs in their urms; und muny instroments were lying
curelessly on the Iloor. The smell oI vurioos liqoors coming Irom their
breuth, permeuting the privute upurtments wus revolting. Hunomunji
looked ut every beuoty. "Cun this be she? This cunnot be!" Hunomunji Ielt no
uttruction to the hulI-nuked dumsels, He looked ut them us iI they were
Ilocks oI sheep. His sight run Iorther und Iorther, never stopping to see
unyone twice. Iveryone seemed to be sutisIied with the ussociution oI
Ruvunu. They seemed huppy und did not soIIer. Only Situ, He expected to
Iind dissutisIied, tormented und weeping, und she wus not to be seen
The puluce oI Ruvunu wus prosperity itselI, with splendoroos gems
und peurls ull stored in one pluce. Bot Hunomunji hud no time to enjoy them
ut ull. He entered the bedroom oI Ruvunu, who wus resting on his golden
bed, covered with milky white silk sheets. His glorioos und lostroos Iuce und
mighty urms were ut rest; und his hypnotic eyes were closed.
Hunomunji perceived und pruised his soperhomun, extruordinury
personulity. II this powerIol, bruve scholur oI the Vedus woold be righteoos
und devoted to God, certuinly he woold be worthy to be King oI the whole
Interguluctic system. Then even the King oI the plunet Svuh woold Ieel
gloriIied to serve him; bot this onrighteoos opposer oI God und the
philosopher's cluss wus not to be respected und udmired. Hunomunji torned
his eyes uwuy, oot oI hute.
Soddenly Hunomunji's glunce Iell on the other bed where un
extremely beuotiIol ludy wus sleeping. "Ahu, horruh, this most be Situ. I
huve never seen soch u beuoty in the whole oI Lunku, nor in the whole solur
system. Indeed, this most be Situ," thooght He.
Oot oI ruptoroos joy He kissed His tuil und begun jomping und
climbing op und down the pillurs. He bowed down ut her Ieet. He looked ut
the slender wuist und conch neck oI this lotos-eyed ludy. Her long bluck huir
wus let down und scuttered uroond her hypnoticully beuotiIol Iuce -- bot -- us
Hunomunji observed her He lost hope. Becuose there were no lines oI pust
grieI on her Iuce. In Iuct, her Iuce wus totully devoid oI uny signs oI crying
und lumenting.
Second, her beuoty wus u muddening type oI beuoty. Althoogh
loveliness wus dripping Irom her every limb, it wus thut kind oI beuoty
which cuoses un intoxicution, roosing sex desires in the observer. It wus u
borning beuoty; not soothing, bot u hypnotizing beuoty; u violent beuoty, not
u silencing und peuce showering beuoty.
Situ's beuoty woold not be so cuptivuting, so grubbing, so hypnotic. It
woold be u liberuting beuoty, inspiring motherly uIIection und homuge.
In greut hopelessness, with puin in His heurt, Hunomunji wulked
uwuy Irom the puluce. In this hopelessness u doobt ruised its heud within
und He thooght,
"Alus, I huve tuken u vow oI liIelong celibucy, und I huve been looking
ut hulI-nuked ludies, sex-enjoying ludies. Where hus My vow gone iI, uIter
seeing them, I still cluim to be u celibute? Shull I not be deceiving society?
"All right," thooght Hunomunji, "Yoo huve seen sleeping und nuked
ludies, und Yoo huve stured ut them; bot Yoo huve done this Ior some higher
porpose. Yoo huve been looking Ior Situ, the most beuotiIol womun in the
entire solur system. II Yoo won't seurch Ior her umong the ludies, then
where will Yoo look Ior her - umong the birds und beusts?"
When the heurt is pore, the reply ulwuys comes Irom within. The
conscience speuks very cleurly.
Hunomunji's inner voice echoed, "Mind is the controller oI the
senses. II the mind is pore, pollotion is impossible on the level oI senses.
Yoor mind is pore. It is devoted to the works oI Sri Rum, und Yoor senses
ure the Iollowers oI Yoor Sri Rum-conscioos mind."
Soddenly His greut ugony disuppeured. Only u greut vowist cun
imugine how soch un ugony tortores.
Another doobt urose. "Hus Situ ubundoned her body? Is it possible?
By the constunt persecotions oI Ruvunu und the Rukshusu ludies muybe she
guve op hope und hus let her body go."
A tortoroos thooght urose in the heurt oI Hunomunji, "Oh, how shull I
show My Iuce to Sri Rum? Leuping the oceun hus been in vuin."
He begun to ron. The wutchmen were now groggy und cureless.
Hunomunji run ull the wuy, once more, to every bur, cuve, grove und gurden
to poshpuku uirplune, und to ull those pluces where un ubdocted princess
might be kept; bot He coold not Iind her unywhere.
"Jost yesterduy Sumputi suw her crying in some gurden; where hus
she gone toduy? Hus Ruvunu euten her? Whut shull I do? Shull I kill this
wicked Ruvunu?"
Now u terriIying wruth begun to redden His Iuce und eyes.
"No, I will curry Ruvunu throogh the spuce, ruising him op in my
urms, und then dush his body ut the Ieet oI Sri Rum, und He will inqoire
uboot her."
Wulking, Hunomunji mentully bowed down to Sri Rum beIore doing
soch un extruordinurily uppulling deed.
Soddenly He becume enlivened. "Oh, how is it thut I huve not seen this
boilding ontil now? How is soch u boilding possible in Lunku?
Hunomunji looked ut u shining disc on the top, the holy nume oI Sri
Rum inscribed on the gute, und u busil gurden in ull the corners oI the Ilower
gurden. It seemed they were not only Ior decorution bot they were served
und wutered und worshipped with respect ulso. The Ilume which wus oIIered
in the evening wus still ulight.
"Who lives here? How inIloentiul he most be. Iven Ruvunu does not
object to his wuy oI living."
"Sri Rum, jui Rum, jui jui Rum." As iI nectur wus pooring into
Hunomunji's eurs, u muscoline soond echoed und re-echoed Irom the inside
oI the boilding.
Hunomunji desired to muke his ucqouintunce.
"Soch u gentlemen cunnot be u burrier to the deliverunce oI un
ubdocted ludy," He thooght.
The very nutore oI u God-loving person is to respect the philosopher
cluss. II there is no respect und love Ior philosophers, then everything is
shullow, und huvoc is creuted in his spiritoul liIe.
Hunomunji reusoned, "II this gentlemen hus estublished u temple in
soch u negutive utmosphere, he most be very deep, spiritoully."
So Sri Hunomunji ussomed the Iorm oI un uscetic philosopher, und in
Iront oI the muin door to the boilding He chunted qoietly, "Sri Rum jui
The owner oI the boilding wus sorprised, und qoickly got op Irom his
bed und roshed to the door. He greeted Hunomunji with Iolded pulms,
"My Lord, I um Vibhisunu, the grundson oI Rishi Polustyu, und the
yoonger brother oI Ruvunu, bowing down ut Yoor holy Ieet."
A tull physicul stroctore, bright loving eyes, peuceIol Iuce - Vibhisunu
sutisIied Hunomunji by greeting Him Irom u little distunce us there is u luw
not to tooch u holy mun beIore tuking u shower or buth.
"Who ure Yoo?" Vibhisunu suid. "Yoo most huve crossed eight
hondred miles oI the oceun, und Yoo most be uwure oI whut horrible people
we ure. Yoo most possess extruordinury power und intellect. The porpose oI
Yoor visit most be greut. Yoo huve gruced me with Yoor presence. Muy I
know whut service I muy do Ior Yoo?"
Hunomunji knew this wus u very homble und intelligent mun. He Ielt
thut He coold tulk openly to him.
"I um the Messenger oI Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu, und
u Minister oI Sogrivu, the King oI the Vunurus. I know thut the King oI Lunku
hus ubdocted the beloved consort oI Sri Rum. I wunt to visit her. II yoo know
where she is, pleuse help Me...pleuse oblige...." His voice truiled oII into u
Vibhisunu unswered, "There is un Ashok grove beside the royul puluce
which is very deur to the King. In the center there is u beuotiIol pond, Ioll oI
lotoses und lilies, und by the side there is u murble boilding. A little distunce
Irom there is u hoge Shinshopu tree, so lurge und wide thut it is eusily
"Sitting onder thut tree Yoo cun see u lumenting ludy with long,
brown, mutted huir, like u line oI golden Ilume. She never goes onder the
rooI; neither does she eut nor sleep. She is continoully medituting und
weeping. No one except the King cun go there. Only the Iemule wutchmen
ure enguged to look uIter her, und to try to muke her receptive towurds the
King by the meuns oI either ulloring or Irightening her.
"The only entrunce to the grove is Irom the privute upurtments oI the
royul puluce. My wiIe hus been visiting her ut times. I know these things only
throogh her. She suys thut the shurp ruys oI the son do not reuch her, ruin
drops do not wet her, und the cold breeze oI winter does not muke her
"King Ruvunu will be corsed iI he shoold try to rupe uny ludy uguinst
her wish. His heud will breuk into u thoosund pieces!"
Vibhusunu soothed Hunomun by suying, "She hus reIosed to stuy in
uny hoose oI oors, und ulso will not tuke shelter onder uny rooI oI Lunku
Hunomunji usked, "How does the King beur yoor wuy oI living, yoor
temples, yoor busil gurden, yoor devotion?"
"Where is devotion in me? Vibhisunu replied with teurs in his eyes.
"My elder brother is oot ulmost ull the time, conqoering other stutes, und his
son, Prince Meghunudu, uccompunies him. Kombhukurnu wukes op Irom
his long sleep jost Ior one duy oot oI every six months. So ull the
responsibilities oI Lunku lie opon me.
"oe to my being the brother oI the King, the ministers und citizens
ull respect me. oe to my otility in stute uIIuirs, King Ruvunu does not
interIere in my personul liIe. Bot uctoully, my sitoution is like the tongoe
umong the teeth. It is becoming onbeuruble Ior me to remuin u qoiet
onlooker to the most onrighteoos, heinoos ucts und dreudIol sins.
"I huve heurd the sopreme Lord is strolling the Iuce oI the eurth in the
Iorm oI Sri Rum. Thut He is ull merciIol. Will He, the merciIol Lord, shower
His mercy opon me - u degruded Rukshusu?"
"MerciIolness is His nutore, His pluy. He never rejects the
sorrendered ones, never bothers to expect u higher ruce, edocution, weulth,
gruceIol ucts und meditutions. Look ut Me, how insigniIicunt I um, bot He
hus uccepted Me withoot condition," suid Sri Hunomunji in u choking voice.
"Now I huve hope, becuose I huve met Yoo. Withoot His InIinite Gruce
His people woold not meet," suid Vibhisunu.
"Jui Sri Situ Rum." Sri Hunomunji bid Iurewell to Vibhisunu. There
wus no time to wuste. He instuntly ussomed His tiny Iorm uguin.
The gurden within the Ashok grove wus u most beuotiIol gurden, und
the Iuvorite oI King Ruvunu. A nutorul breeze took cure oI its cleunliness und
cloods Iornished its wutering. Green trees, embruced with creepers, were
homming und bowing downwurds, luden with Iroits thut resembled peurls
und supphires. The ponds were Iilled with crystul cleur wuter, udorned with
closed-petuled lotoses und smiling lilies. Wuter birds were pluying there.
Sri Hunomunji wus sitting on u hoge compoond wull und stretching
His glunces Iur und wide in the hope oI huving u glimpse oI Mother Situ.
There wus u hoge murble munsion, shining white, und ut u little distunce u
beuotiIol tree oI Shinshopu. Jost onder the tree he suw u thin line, like u
golden Ilume. A beuotiIol ludy wus sitting there us iI goldenizing the ureu ull
uroond her.
Hunomunji's eyes remuined Iocosed on her with u delightIol wonder.
He thrilled ull over His body. He jomped down on the groond und like u
Ilying serpent, climbed op the Shinshopu tree. Sitting opon the brunch und
hiding HimselI umong the leuves, He continoed to wutch Mother Situ.
Oh, the sume yellow suri wus there, broken scurI, thin body, constunt
shedding oI teurs, lips trembling, perhups chunting the holy nume oI Sri
Rum. Only those ornuments were not there which hud dropped on Moont
Rishyumoku. It wus us iI ull the beuoty oI the oniverse hud uccomoluted und
stroctored itselI in the Iorm oI Situ. Oh, even the qoeen oI Lunku is not
worthy oI being her muid servunt in beuoty or competition - it wus us iI she
wus the lust extreme in beuoty.
Oot oI the greut joy oI soccess Hunomunji kissed His tuil muny times.
He guve thunks to Sri Rum Ior remuining ulive even uIter His sepurution
Irom soch u beuotiIol one. II Sri Rum torned the whole eurth opside down
Ior her, it woold not huve been too moch.
Hunomunji hud seen muny beuoties. In the beuoty oI Turu there wus
dignity und royulty. Her beuoty roled like u government with no need oI
power, no need oI soldiers, jost the beuoty which governs und everything
goes on systemuticully, us iI she were born to control.
Hunomunji hud seen Romu's beuoty, like thut oI u sensitive plunt.
Iveryone uroond her woold become Ioll oI sensitivity und Ieelings und
delicute shyness in her presence. Hunomunji suw the beuoty oI Mundoduri,
like u bottle oI strong liqoor which hypnotizes with sex desires und polls one
closer by tuntulizing temptutions.
Bot now Hunomunji wus seeing u totully diIIerent, new dimension oI
beuoty. Jost by seeing it, the mind wus showered with peuce like un uotomn
Ioll moon, us iI un oceunic breeze wus gently blowing, or us iI u vust sky und
the Himuluyun wilderness hud borrowed their soothing peuce Irom her.
Mother Situ's beuoty wus Ioll oI dignity, Ioll oI delicute Ieelings und
heuling, bot it wus not hypnotizing. Ruther, her inIloence broke the hypnotic
stute oI body identiIicution, und helped one evolve towurds new horizons oI
uwureness und joy. A new trunscendentul Iestivity eropts in her presence.
The heurt swells und longs to ron down und prostrute ut her Ieet.
Hunomunji wondered how Ruvunu wus uble to look ut her with lost.
"Lndoobtedly the Iire oI Sri Rum's urrow wunts oblutions oI Lunku's
Rukshusus," He concloded.
"Yoo won't uccept the King oI Lunku? Right now I um going to swullow
yoo," suid u monstress enguged by Ruvunu to Irighten Situ by opening her
mooth wide.
Another one tooched her neck with her sword und still unother one
tooched her stomuch with u trident. Hunomunji becume greutly enruged
when He suw this und wunted to jomp down und throw euch one oI them
into the oceun.
"Stop, get uwuy!" A three-bruided, beuotiIol-Iuced ludy uppeured,
pointing towurds the privute upurtment oI Ruvunu.
All looked in thut direction und moved Iur uwuy becuose the King oI
Lunku wus coming, sorroonded by his vurioos qoeens. The moon begun to
disuppeur in the West. The night wus ending. Brumhu-rukshusus begun to
chunt hymns oI the Vedus which deepened the slomber oI the Rukshusus,
bot uwukened Ruvunu.
He entered the gurden und spoke to Situ,
"Oh, beuotiIol, yoo ure oniqoe in the whole world und oniverse in
beuoty. I lose my putience looking ut yoo. Oor religion doesn't cull ruping un
impioos uct. Still I huve controlled myselI, Iinding yoo indiIIerent to me to
which I um not uccostomed."
Whutever Ruvunu ever wished, he uttuined. He did it.
"Yoo ure the jewel umong the ludies, bot yoor yooth is pussing. It will
not retorn. The conqoeror oI the entire Interguluctic system, this Ruvunu,
reqoests yoo, pleuse uccept me und become the mistress oI ull the property
und splendors oI Lunku.
"II yoo order, I will tuke ull the property oI the whole world und oIIer
it to yoor Iuther, Junuku. All oI these qoeens, ulong with Mundoduri will
begin to serve yoo Irom toduy. Whutever yoo wunt, let it be done right now -
I um dying oI thirst Ior yoor heuvenly embruce," suid Ruvunu.
"Yoo und ull yoor prosperity ure like Iilth to me," Mother Situ replied,
plucing u green blude oI gruss between them.
Hunomunji wus huppy to heur her speuk in un elegunt voice soituble
to u chuste Aryun ludy, in spite oI being in soch u trooblesome sitoution.
"Scoondrel, why don't yoo Ieel ushumed, Iluttering yoorselI in Iront oI
u helpless ludy? Yoo huve seen only prostitotes und never u chuste ludy. Wus
there uny scurcity oI prosperity und splendor in the puluces oI my Iuther und
Iuther-in-luw? on't yoo know thut I kicked uwuy the incompuruble
prosperity oI the Ayodhyun empire to come to the Iorest with my beloved
"Oh, Rukshusu, iI yoo ure conqoeror oI the world, why didn't yoo
show yoor bruvery in Iront oI my hosbund? Why did yoo steul me uwuy like u
thieI und sorroond me with these snuke-like monstresses? Bot my Hosbund
is like un eugle. He will jomp on yoor chest und kill yoo und tuke me uwuy
with Him. He cun dry op the entire oceun with the Iire oI His utomic urrow.
Yoo will not Iind uny wuy to escupe, yoo Iilthy dog."
Situ's tone becume more Iiery und lood, "As long us those lotos eyes oI
my beloved Hosbund ure reddened by wruth, yoo shoold tuke reIoge ut His
lotos Ieet. Otherwise, the Ioxes und voltores will eut yoor hog-like Iut urms
und heuds."
Ruvunu guve his lust word to Situ. "Are yoo still in love with thut
exiled, dethroned, helpless uscetic? Listen, Oh, princess. Yoo ure too
poIIed-op with yoor own beuoty. Open yoor eurs und listen. I um giving yoo
only two months to come to my bed. II not, my cook will prepure me u nice
breukIust oI yoor body. I will tuste yoo one wuy or unother. It mukes no
diIIerence to me."
"emon, ure none oI yoor qoeens benevolent to yoo? Why ure they
not stopping yoo Irom tulking to me, u lioness, in this wuy. I cun torn yoo
into ushes, bot yoo ure the object oI my Hosbund's honting. Thut is why I
huve spured yoo ontil now, Oh, thieI," Situ scolded Ruvunu.
"I will kill yoo right now!" the King oI Lunku coold no longer beur
being insolted in Iront oI his qoeens. He polled his sword oot oI its cuse und
roshed towurds Situ.
"My hosbund, pleuse look ut the vermillion murk on my Ioreheud."
Qoeen Mundoduri clusped both oI Ruvunu's Ieet und suid with teurs Ilowing
Irom her eyes, "This is u very dungeroos girl. She might corse yoo und we
might lose yoo."
hunyumuline, unother qoeen oI Ruvunu's, encircled Ruvunu's neck
with her urms und suid, "on't worry my love. Whut is so speciul in this
lumenting, thin und Iiery Situ? She is not worthy oI yoo. Let os go und enjoy
the gurden."
Ruvunu somehow got control oI himselI und culled muny Rukshusus to
him und suid,
"Whoever socceeds in bringing Situ onder my control will be given u
limitless rewurd." Then Ruvunu leIt.
All the Rukshusu ludies sorroonded Situ und begun to Irighten her.
"II yoo neglect the Iumoos King oI Lunku, yoo will be killed," one oI
them suid.
"Yoo cun kill me or eut me. I wooldn't even wunt to tooch him with my
leIt Ioot," suid Situ, und she stood holding u brunch oI the tree und sturted to
lument, singing u song. . . . . . .
"My Lord, my love, Iie opon my liIe. I cunnot remuin ulive heuring
soch words. Give me deuth, my God. My heurt seems to be mude oI u
thonderbolt which wus onuble to breuk in the sepurution Irom my loving Sri
Rum. Yoo tuke so moch cure oI Yoor devotees, Yoor sobjects -- Oh, Rum,
why huve Yoo Iorgotten me?"
Situ wus singing und shedding teurs us she roumed uroond the pond.
All the Rukshusus were lost in the melodioos soond oI her song oI extreme
"Listen." A monstress sleeping onder the tree soddenly uwoke und
culled ull oI her Iriends. "Yoo cun't eut Situ. She will meet her Hosbund und
Lunku will perish."
"Why do yoo suy soch u thing?" usked ull the Rukshusus, scured.
"I hud u dreum, und the dreum ut duwn ulwuys comes troe," she
replied. "I suw thut oor King wus buthing in u ditch Iilled with oil. He wus
clud in red clothes, with u shuved heud, dronk with wine, und he hud u
gurlund oI oleunder Ilowers uroond his neck. Oot oI Ieur I opened my eyes
bot soon I Iell usleep und the dreum continoed.
"Wrupping him in bluck clothes, u dreudIol womun begun to drug him
on the Iloor. I suw him jomping in the oceun, ronning towurds the sooth. All
oI his sons und kinsmen were shooting, screeching und screuming.
"I suw Situ potting her urms uroond the shoolders oI Sri Rum, riding
on the Poshpuku uirplune going to the north. Sri Rum wus greeting Situ,
plocking oot son und moon beums und oIIering them to her us u present.
Then u white elephunt descended Irom spuce. Rum took Situ on the white
elephunt und they were luoghing und singing u song oI onion oI love.
"I suw ull the wives oI the ministers oI Lunku with shuved heuds,
crying," she continoed.
Concloding her dreum, she suid, "A golden monkey cume und he wus
setting Iire to Lunku. Becuose oI the extreme heut, I uwukened.
"Oh, the son is rising," she suid, looking ut the eustern sky.
"According to my dreum it is going to tuke pluce within twenty-Ioor hoors."
"Purdon os, Oh, honoruble princess, Ior we ure only the muid servunts
oI Ruvunu." All oI them bowed down to Situ und scuttered uwuy.
Situ begun to sing u song oI sepurution Irom her Spoose, wondering
who woold be the reliever oI her greut distress. Soddenly her leIt urm und
leIt eye pulpituted. "Oh, whut uospicioos one will come to me?" Situ thooght.
She then heurd u beuotiIol, melodioos song eropting Irom inside the
green leuves oI the sume Shinshopu tree. The song went like this. . . . .
"In the honoruble dynusty oI the Son there wus u well-known emperor
ushuruthu who lived in the city oI Ayodhyu. He wus u deur Iriend oI the
representutives oI ull the plunets. oe to his word given to his yoongest wiIe,
he sent his loving Son, Sri Rum, to the Iorest Ior Ioorteen yeurs.
"Brother Lukshmunu und consort Situ, oot oI greut love, cooldn't beur
the sepurution und Iollowed Him. Becuose the glorioos Rum loved His
religion more thun the pleusores oI liIe, He didn't wunt to retorn even uIter
Bhurutu, the third yoongest brother, upprouched Him in Chitrukotu und
pruyed to Him with teur-Iilled eyes to uccept the royul throne.
"While murching to the sooth, Rum und Lukshmunu killed muny
cunnibuls, monsters und persecotors oI cows und the philosophers' cluss.
"Injoying the beuotiIol breeze ut the hermituge on the bunk oI the
Godvuri river, heuring the songs oI birds, singing with the cockoos und
bomble bees, luoghing with the luoghter oI the river, pluying with deer und
peucocks, Sri Situ und Rum lived muny yeurs like u moment in the
"The whole vulley wus Iilled und overIilled with the echoes oI their
luoghter. Then one duy, the demon Murichu socceeded in tuking Sri Rum Iur
uwuy, und the Rukshusu King oI Lunku ubdocted Mother Situ.
"Sri Rum Iell down onconscioos on Iinding the hermituge devoid oI
Situ. Borning with the Iire oI sepurution He begun to wunder ull uroond
shooting, `Situ, Situ'...
"He checked those ponds where she osed to go to pick lotoses, und
kissed und embruced those slubs und rocks on which He hud sut with Situ.
He stured Ior hoors ut those bunks where they swum in competition. He
wept with those birds, deer, und peucocks thut Situ hud Iondled in the pust.
"Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu, intoxicuted with Love oI
Situ, leIt Punchuvuti und wundered Irom Iorest to Iorest, hill to hill, grove to
grove. Still His torment wus not over. In the lust ruiny seuson the cloods und
His eyes both showered drops oI moistore together.
"While residing on Moont Mulyuvun He enthroned his Iriend Sogrivu
on the royul seut oI Kishkindhu, whose hoge urmy is very soon going to
uttuck Lunku. Very soon we will grind this empire into dost und rejoice in
the reonion oI the divine trunscendentul coople und we will dunce in
ecstucy, seeing u wuve oI serene smiles on their Iuces once more."
"Oh, invisible, benevolent One oI mine, Yoo ure pooring nectur opon
my eurs. Why don't Yoo cool my eyes, too, by uppeuring beIore me?" Situ
suid, us she heurd His song.
Hunomunji qoickly chunged His grusshopper Iorm into His own. She
begun to look leIt und right, op und down, und soddenly she suw u roby-like
Iuced, golden-complexioned, hundsome, coorugeoos Vunuru, with u crown
on his heud und dungling supphire eurrings.
Hunomunji descended Irom the tree in His normul Iorm. With Iolded
hunds, plucing His heud on the groond, He suid,
"Mother, I um Hunomun, the Son oI the wind god und the Messenger
oI Sri Rum. I prostrute MyselI ut yoor lotos Ieet. By yoor loster, uosterity
und torment yoo uppeur to be Situ, the spoose oI Sri Rum."
Situ torned her Iuce uwuy in doobt und suid,
"Who ure Yoo? Tell me! How cun I know Yoo ure not thut croel
mugiciun, Ruvunu?"
Then Sri Hunomun sung u heurt-tooching song where He nurruted the
Iriendship between Sri Rum und Sogrivu. He suid,
"Mother, I sweur by the merciIol Sri Rum thut I um His Messenger."
"o not be so distressed, I believe Yoo, I believe Yoo," rejoiced Situ.
Her heurt begun to melt in motherly uIIection Ior Hunomunji becuose oI His
deep, innocent, heurt-tooching song.
"Ah, it is troe iI one remuins ulive, the duys oI joy will retorn even
uIter pussing so muny months in torment. Hunomun, huve Yoo seen my Sri
Rum? How is He? Is He huppy? How does He live? Whut ure the signs oI His
body?" Situ, overwhelmed with pleusore, usked muny qoestions ut once.
"Mother, He is lotos-eyed, with heroic shoolders und u broud chest,
long-urmed, thin-loined, conch-necked, with red pulms, red eyes und red
lips," suid Hunomunji with Iolded hunds.
"Sri Rum wulks with u heroic guit, tulks like u rombling clood, und is
ull merciIol. Sri Rum is constuntly tormented with yoor memory. He hus
sent to yoo His own Iinger ring."
Hunomunji ontied His huir und took the lostroos ring in both hunds,
und with greut homuge, oIIered the ring to her.
Situ, oot oI pleusunt sorprise, looked und qoickly picked it op.
Shedding teurs oI joy she tooched it with her eyes und heud und pressed it
tightly uguinst her heurt. All her pores thrilled, teurs rolled down Irom her
eyes. All her limbs perspired und trembled. She wus strock with silence Ior
muny moments with her eyes closed.
When she opened her eyes Hunomunji suid,
"Mother Situ, there is ulso u messuge Ior yoo." He begun to sing whut
Sri Rum hud suid . . . . My beloved, the onIuthomuble depths oI love between
yoo und Me hus been perceived by My mind ulone, und thut mind, Oh,
deurest, ulwuys ubides with yoo, with yoor memories--"
Hunomunji wus in teurs und Situ wept joyoosly. In the deep, deep love
oI Sri Rum's messuge she Ioond herselI within the encircling urms oI Sri
She repeuted, "Sri Rum, Sri Rum," over und over und Hunomunji suw
thut Situ's golden hoe wus trunsIormed in thut moment into Sri Rum's bloish
He Ioond thut they hud never been sepuruted. They hud been und still
were eternully onited in u deep stute oI oneness. They were ever onited us
wisdom und peuce, love und joy, wuter und coolness, the word und meuning,
wuve und oceun, cundy und sweetness, milk und whiteness.
In thut oneness oI Situ-Rum, Hunomunji visoulized the ull-pervuding
eternity oI love which ulone exists us pore uwureness und muniIests in the
diversity oI creution.
"Hunomun, Yoo ure u reul Messenger oI my Hosbund," Situ suid to
Him in u teurIol und choking voice. Whut shull I oIIer Yoo? I don't Iind uny
tribote, uny prosperity in the whole oniverse to compure with this messuge
Irom my Beloved.
"I, Situ, will ulwuys remuin in Yoor debt. By my blessings Yoo become
immortul in this sume body. Yoo become the reservoir oI ull divine qoulities.
All siddhis will serve Yoo. By Yoor remembrunce, people will get rid oI
troobles und problems. Yoo uttuin Sri Rum's love."
Hunomunji Iell down prostrute ut her lotos Ieet und suid,
"I um IolIilled toduy, Mother. I cunnot beur yoor soIIering und
sepurution. Pleuse sit on My shoolder. I will tuke yoo to Sri Rum."
"Hunomun I woold like Sri Rum to come HimselI und chustise my
ubdoctor und liberute me. In this lies the beuoty oI oor pustimes. In this lies
the Iume oI Sri Rum. I cun soIIer Ior His Iume. I wunt to see Ruvunu deud in
the buttleIield very qoickly, so horry Hunomun, my Son."
Hunomun stood op suying, "Now He will come very soon to deliver
yoo Irom this greut tortore."
"Pleuse remind my Lord Sri Rum oI thut incident when He releused
His utomic urrow opon the crooked son oI Indru."
Hunomunji consoled Situ - "Believe me, He will murch ut once us soon
us I urrive."
"Give this to my Beloved," she reqoested, removing her jeweled crest
qoickly und hunding it over to Hunomun. "Now it is op to yoor hunds to suve
me or to let me be killed."
Hunomunji uccepted this chullenge und stretched oot His pulms in
"Mother Situ, I um hongry!" The son wus ulreudy op und it wus the duy
uIter the morning thut Hunomunji hud leuped over the oceun. The whole duy
und night He hud been exploring the cupitol. oring thut time He hud not
euten unything.
Now, uIter twenty-Ioor hoors oI constunt lubor He hud socceeded in
His mission. Thos ull the honger wus us iI poored opon Him, und looking
leIt und right towurd the ubondunce oI Iroit hunging opon the trees,
Hunomunji suid,
"My honger hus increused two-Iold, so pleuse ullow Me to sumple
some oI the Iroits in yoor gurden."
"My Son, this gurden is very deur to Ruvunu und thereIore
innomeruble hostile monsters ure gourding it Irom every side," Situ suid
"Mother, why do yoo even tulk oI thut wicked Iellow? I cun tuckle him
und his wurriors," Hunomunji suid in Ioll conIidence.
"Yoo ure present here und this is enoogh Ior Me. I jost need yoor
"Remember Sri Rum und enjoy euting Iroit, my Son," suid Situ.
"Woold yoo mind iI the trees were broken und the gurden roined?"
usked Hunomunji.
"I don't huve uny uttuchment to this gurden. Neither huve I seen it nor
do I wunt to see it. Yoo jost do whutever Yoo most," suid Situ becuose she
knew this intelligent Messenger oI Sri Rum now wunted to meusore the
power oI Lunku.
Within u moment His body enlurged like u hoge golden moontuin.
When He swelled op, muny trees were oprooted by His velocity. He jomped
on u hoge tree und begun to eut Iroit, bot the brunches no longer bore the
weight oI His body und it broke und then He jomped onto unother one und
the heuvy shock oI the jomp broke thut brunch ulso. Thos muny hondreds oI
trees were broken und destroyed.
"Why ure Yoo breuking the trees oI the royul gurden?" usked u
monstress wutchmun in greut huste, ronning towurds Hunomunji.
"I wonder why this ruscul Ruvunu culls himselI the conqoeror oI the
whole Interguluctic system when he hus plunted trees so weuk they ure
onuble to beur the velocity oI u mere monkey!" replied Hunomunji, und
continoed euting.
The wutchmun inIormed the Iorce oI mule-gourds. Inruged
Rukshusus roshed with their vurioos weupons und uttucked the Iroit-euting
Hunomunji soddenly rooted oot u hoge tree und within u Iew
moments He killed them ull.
"Yoor Highness, yoor Highness, u strunge Vunuru hus come to the
Ashoku grove und He is destroying ull yoor gurden und hus killed ull the
gourds enguged in its protection."
Almost screeching, ull the ludy gourds oI the gurden upprouched King
Ruvunu in his privute upurtment.
Blind with ruge, Ruvunu sent u speciul order to the burrucks thut
Jumbomuti, the son oI the Prime Minister Pruhustu, shoold uttuck, ulong
with eighty wurriors, und either urrest this trooble muker or kill Him on the
spot. Qoickly Jumbomuti dressed und proceeded to the royul ussembly.
When Hunomunji suw this groop coming, He jomped on top oI the
one thoosund golden-pillured, murble munsion. Irom the shock oI His
heuvy jomp the munsion broke into pieces und He begun to breuk the heuds
oI the gourds us iI they were cluy jurs. Thos Hunomunji killed ull oI those
eighty urmed wurriors with one oI the hoge golden pillurs. The northern
purt oI the gurden neur the royul puluce becume blood red und broken
heuds, legs, und hunds were scuttered everywhere.
Somehow u blood-smeured Rukshusu with u broken hund wus uble to
ron down to Ruvunu's ussembly und suid, breuthing very Iust,
"Thut mischievoos Monkey hus roined oor royul rest hoose und killed
ull the wurriors with one oI the hoge golden pillurs. He is still sitting on the
broken vuolt oI the rest hoose with the sume golden pillur in His hund."
Ruvunu usked incredoloosly, "He is still sitting opon the vuolt?"
"Yes, my Lord, He is still sitting there, bot ut uny time He cun come
here, und who cun resist His power?"
Ruvunu sent Iive yoong sons oI his ministers ulong with more
soldiers. However, they met with the sume Iute us the Iirst groop.
Hunomunji guve ull oI them u blood buth with His shining pillur. They ull luy
deud on the groond.
Ruvunu then culled his son, Akshuyukomur, und suid,
"Some powerIol Vunuru hus come. Iight with Him very cureIolly."
He wus the third most powerIol wurrior uIter the King. When he
depurted with soldiers, the oceun becume ugituted, the uir loosened, son
ruys becume mild, demigods becume doobtIol.
It didn't mutter to Hunomunji Ior He begun grinding Ruvunu's
soldiers, who were showering urrows und diIIerent weupons opon Him. All
the weupons und urrows broke into pieces, crushing uguinst the body oI
Hunomunji us iI they hud strock uguinst the hurdest steel.
Observing Hunomunji's dreudIol wuy oI Iighting, Akshuyukomur
urose in spuce. Hunomunji did ulso und they Iooght Ior u long time.
Akshuyukomur Iinully broke Hunomunji's pillur into pieces. Thereopon
Hunomunji wuved His heuvy Iist in the uir und dushed it down opon
Akshuyukomur's chest. His bones broke into pieces und uIter shedding
moch blood, he Iell down to the groond deud.
Hunomunji uguin went und sut opon the vuolt und picked op unother
pillur und pluced it opon His shoolder.
Ruvunu wus porple with wruth opon heuring oI his son's deuth. He
looked uroond with blood red eyes und roured,
"Where is Meghunudu?"
Soddenly Meghunudu uppeured und suloted his Iuther the King.
"Yoo ure the muster oI utomic, ustrul und celestiul weupons und ull
others which ure releused by soond vibrutions. Yoo tuke ull oI them und
Iight uguinst this Vunuru. He seems to be extruordinurily powerIol!" suid
King Ruvunu.
Then Meghunudu suid, "ud, don't yoo worry, I will torn thut Vunuru
monkey into ushes by my onIuiling ujneyustru."
"No, don't kill Him. Jost urrest Him und bring Him to me. It is
necessury to know Irom where He hus come und who hus sent Him. We wunt
to know who sent soch u powerIol, dungeroos monkey to oor stute," Ruvunu
suid very peuceIolly.
Hunomunji jomped down Irom the vuolt on seeing the powerIol
prince upprouching, Iollowed by thoosunds oI wurriors. Then He begun to
enjoy breuking the heuds oI the Rukshusus like cluy pots.
Meghunudu showered urrows opon Hunomunji to stop Him bot it wus
to no uvuil. He conIronted Hunomunji only when ull oI his soldiers were
shot deud. Then Hunomunji und Meghunudu Iooght und Meghunudu broke
ull the pillurs und trees which Hunomunji osed us weupons. Hunomunji
pruised his skillIolness in Iighting bot ut the sume time He kicked him in the
Meghunudu's heud reeled und he Iell down onconscioos. Then
Hunomunji coold only wuit us He wus un opholder oI the morul codes. When
Meghunudu got op he udmitted thut iI Hunomunji hit him uguin with His Iist
he woold not sorvive, so he immediutely releused vuyuvyustru bot he wus
wonderstrock to see thut it didn't Iuze Hunomunji in the leust. His
dungeroos weupon cooldn't even move Him. He constuntly releused vurioos
other weupons bot ull Iuiled." Then he releused bruhmustru.
Hunomunji hud ulreudy received u boon oI protection Irom the eIIects
oI this weupon Irom Bruhmu himselI, und so the releused energy tooched
Him und then disuppeured in the sky. However, Hunomunji, throogh
udmirution Ior his presiding deity, Iell down on the groond, bot He Iell
grinding more soldiers who hud jost been disputched by Ruvunu to help
The prince knew thut the Iuint wus only temporury so he immediutely
boond Him with bruhmupushu. AIter Hunomunji Iell, the on-looking
Rukshusus suw He wus down und so they roshed horriedly und begun to tie
Him by thick strong ropes.
Oh, whut Ioolishness, Meghunudu knew bruhmupushu coold not beur
uny ussociution with nutorul bindings, und so it disuppeured. He ulso knew
thut Hunomunji coold breuk the ropes ut uny moment. However,
Hunomunji, even thoogh He wus completely uwure thut He coold Iree
HimselI, remuined qoiet becuose He wunted to tulk to Ruvunu.
He wus curried to the royul ussembly und enjoyed this joorney in u
pulunqoin. He wus totully Iree und enjoying the Ion, bot the people thooght
thut He wus urrested und miseruble. Homun beings ure sluves to sitoutions,
ulthoogh they think themselves Iree und huppy, bot us they develop more
uwureness they onderstund the reul sitoution und develop u qoest Ior Troth.
"This is thut terrible, mischievoos Vunuru," Meghunudu suid, pointing
oot Hunomunji in the royul ussembly oI King Ruvunu.
Hunomunji suw u new extreme oI power und prosperity. The ussembly
wus more highly decoruted und impressive thun uny Hunomunji hud ever
seen. The presiding deities oI wuter, uir, und Iire, und representutives oI
vurioos plunets were in the service oI Ruvunu.
He wus sitting on u hoge, gorgeoos lion throne mude oI gold und
inluid with muny jewels. There were Ioor more elevuted seuts on his leIt und
right sides in which Prime Minister Pruhustu und Muhupurshvu were sitting.
Meghunudu ulso took u seut to the leIt oI Ruvunu.
Ruvunu wus looking most hundsome in his costly red royul oniIorm,
with his wide Ioreheud, big eyes, uthletic urms, und wide chest. On his heud
wus u hoge jeweled crown. He wus Ioll oI loster, serioosness, und hud u
governing qoulity. He wus u greut scholur oI the Vedus.
"Ask Him where He hus come Irom und why He is here? Why hus He
destroyed my gurden und killed my son und wurriors?" Ruvunu reqoested,
torning towurds Prime Minister Pruhustu.
The whole ussembly looked ut Hunomunji Who wus Ieurlessly und
innocently looking uroond. Ruvunu suw soch Ieurlessness Ior the Iirst time
in his liIe. Knowing thut Hunomunji wus the morderer oI his son, he becume
extremely Iorioos.
Hunomunji looked Irom leIt to right und noticed thut everyone sut on
elegunt seuts, bot no one oIIered Him one, so He enlurged His Iorm, corled
His tuil in u circle und mude u high seut Ior HimselI, even higher thun
Ruvunu; perhups He didn't like to sit on u seut lower thun the thieI oI Sri
Rum's wiIe.
"I cume here to puy u visit to Mother Situ," Hunomunji replied, sitting
on the top oI His high tuil seut. "Almost one duy und night hud pussed und I
hud not euten unything. I wus hongry so I jomped Irom brunch to brunch,
Irom tree to tree, und in jomping, the trees oI yoor gurden broke. It wus jost
to inIorm yoo thut soch weuk trees ure not soituble Ior the gurden oI u
conqoeror oI ull the plunets.
"SelI deIense is u nutorul right Ior ull. Whoever uttucked Me, I too
uttucked him. Whut is My oIIense? II there is one it lies opon the heud oI this
gentlemen who boond me by the rope und brooght Me here," Sri
Hunomunji, speuking so innocently, pointed to Meghunudu.
Ruvunu groond his teeth in wruth und twisted his Iists with unger. His
eyes bluzed like Iirebulls us he looked ut Hunomunji, bot thut One continoed,
"I um not potting the blume on yoo. Nor um I bothered uboot being
urrested. Bot yoo huve committed un onpurdonuble crime by steuling the
wiIe oI the ulmighty Sri Rum. Still it is not u mutter oI unxiety Ior yoo now.
"My Lord Sri Rum is ull merciIol -- u symbol oI overIlowing love. Yoo
jost come ulong with Me, keeping Situ in Iront oI yoo, und beg His purdon,
Iulling Ilut ut His lotos Ieet. Thos yoor long liIe will be ussored und the
empire oI Lunku will be suIe Ior everyone. By becoming u loving devotee oI
Sri Rum yoo woold be udmired by ull the philosophers und high minded
yogis. Thos yoo coold gloriIy the Iuce oI yoor uncestors."
"Oh, Ioolish Monkey!" The King lost his temper und trembled in greut
unger. Hissing like u drugon, he ottered the Iollowing words like u
"So Ieurlessly Yoo ure jubbering in Iront oI me. on't yoo know thut
ull the VIP's oI the muteriul und ustrul plunets stund with Iolded pulms
beIore me?
"I know the power oI Sogrivu who kept rouming ull uroond in Ieur oI
his elder brother Buli, und then hud him killed by deceptive meuns in order
to become King. The One Yoo cull Rumu wus exiled by His own Iuther
becuose He proved onIit Ior the royul seut Yoo pruise! I um going to kill euch
One oI Yoo," Ruvunu suid.
"Wicked scoondrel, cun yoo kill uny oI os?" Hunomunji roured,
ungrily grinding His teeth us His Iuce becume redder.
"Cun yoo kill Me? I um their servunt - yoo upply ull yoor own power on
Me Iirst."
"Kill this Monkey immediutely!" Ruvunu screumed.
"Wuit u moment," suid Vibhishunu, who soddenly uppeured in the
royul ussembly sorroonded by his ministers und uccepted his seut beside the
King, "In oor long trudition us wurriors, messengers ure never killed. II they
were they wooldn't dure to speuk oot their musters' messuges.
"Irunkly, whut is reqoired by both purties is thut they shoold tulk this
mutter over very Ieurlessly. Yoor excellency, it woold be u blot opon yoor
worldwide Iume iI u greut person like yoo trunsgressed or disrespected the
luws oI ethics. The eIIort invested in edocution und stody woold be gone,
wusted in vuin."
"I don't see uny mistuke in killing Him," Ruvunu suid in wruth, looking
ut Vibhishunu.
"II He does not retorn to His Muster, He will send unother messenger,
und he will creute more trooble by destroying other purts oI oor cupitol und
killing oor soldiers und no one woold know when he might come,"
Vibhishunu suid, convincing ull the ministers.
"Soch u dungeroos Vunuru coold come ut uny moment und destroy
uny home, killing uny oI os. It woold be better to invite the Iight ut once
insteud oI remuining IeurIol und sospicioos over it ull the time. II Hunomun
is killed, this will huppen."
"Yoo ure right, u messenger shoold never be killed," Ruvunu suid,
becuose he suw thut ull his ministers ugreed with Vibhishunu. "ThereIore
breuk uny oI His limbs yoo wish und let Him upprouch His Muster with
broken legs und blinded eyes. Hunomunji prepured to uttuck us soon us they
upprouched Him to cot oII His limbs.
"Wuit, Vunurus love their tuils the most so let os set it uIire! It will be
better entertuinment. Then He shoold be tuken throogh ull the streets oI
Lunku so they muy see the One Who hus killed their kinsmen. It will console
them und everyone will enjoy the sight," Ruvunu ordered und dismissed his
ussembly, und went buck to his puluce.
There wus greut noise, greut enthosiusm und u lot oI tulking umong
the Rukshusus. Hunomunji wus tuken to the centrul sqoure in Iront oI the
royul ussembly, und ull the Rukshusus begun to tie clothes, cotton und
vurioos Ilum-muble sobstunces on His tuil.
Hunomunji preIerred to enjoy the Ion. He hud ulreudy shown
sopreme bruvery und heroism. All the urrows shot ut Him, insteud oI
piercing Him, broke into pieces by crushing uguinst His steel-like body. He
ulso knocked down the puluce jost by kicking it.
However, uccording to Vedic wisdom this is not the height oI
powerIolness. There is yet unother dimension. It is eusy to beur the shock oI
urrows or gons, bot it is very diIIicolt to beur the shock oI ubose und insolts.
Hunomunji, being u joninomogrogongom {the sopreme or highest
umong men oI wisdom), us well us possessing inconceivubly enormoos
power, wus eusily uble to puss throogh this test oI ubose, insolt, being kicked
und sput opon, etc. He enjoyed both extremities oI pruise und blume ulike.
He didn't compluin or yell or show unxiety. He wus ull cool, ull peuceIol,
ulwuys uwure oI Sri Rum's gruce. This wus His heroism.
This wus the prooI oI His Ioll uttuinment oI trunscendentul wisdom.
When one is sorrendered to the divine-will, then the cosmic-power itselI
tukes cure oI every-thing. Then the cosmic-will Iinds expression in every
uctivity. Whutever he speuks the cosmic-intelligence speuks, und then ull
problems oI the world ure solved.
In this sorrender lies the emuncipution oI the entire world. Thut is
why people ignorunt oI this mystery ure bewildered when they reud uboot
Jesos Christ showing innomeruble mirucles. These mirucles onveil deep,
deep mysteries oI knowledge und sorrender. He perIormed mirucles ulmost
every step so eusily und eIIortless-ly. Yet he ullowed himselI to be crociIied.
Becuose Christ wus never u doer. He wus jost u homble observer oI
whut wus huppening. He wus totully sorrendered to the Iuther, whut he
culled God. The cosmic-will wus being muteriulized throogh his every
thooght, word und uction. This is the cuse with ull Reulized sools.
BeIore we cun onderstund Reulized sools it is importunt thut we stody
the Vedic literutore oI Interguluctic history, which describes the wuy oI
living und deuling with others oI ull the Reulized sools in diIIerent
millennioms. By perceiving the deeper regions oI lovetrunce, one cun
onderstund Reulized sools better.
Sri Hunomunji is one oI those heroic personulities oI Interguluctic
history Who is still residing in the Himuluyun moontuins.
"Wrup the cotton und clothes und wood uroond the Vunuru's tuil so
He cunnot move His tuil."
Hunomunji's body wus tied ull over with thick rope. His tuil wus
wrupped with innomeruble pieces oI cloth und cotton,
"Tuke Him ull uroond the city," Prime Minister Pruhustu ordered.
Then He wus tuken in u procession ull uroond the city. Rukshusus
were beuting their droms, blowing their bogles, pluying their trombones
und blowing whistles. Rukshusu boys were clupping und duncing und
directing Iilthy words ut Him. At every sqoure everyone woold come und
kick und slup or beut Him with their Iists. Smull boys were polling His eurs
und huir, us well us beuting Him with sticks.
"We huve cuptored u spy. He is u thieI, u morderer. He hus killed oor
nomberless kinsmen. Anyone who wunts to ponish Him muy do so." They
were procluiming this ut every sqoure.
"Whut u good opportonity My Lord hus given Me to inspect Lunku in
the duy-light. I cun observe everything very cleurly now."
He didn't mind the slupping Iists und the kicking oI the Rukshusus. It
wus no more to Him thun the bozzing oI Ilies. He wus keenly wutching which
streets coold be osed ut the time oI Iighting, where the weupon hoose wus,
which pluce to destroy Iirst. The enemies themselves were showing Him
everything in their city.
The ludies were looking ut this procession Irom their terruces und
luoghing ut Him. Rukshusus were enthosiustic. AIter tuking Him to ull the
muin pluces on the muin rouds, they then brooght Him to the centrul sqoure
und poored ghee {melted botter) opon His tuil. Then they set Iire to
Hunomunji collectively.
A hoge guthering wus wuiting to see the tortoroos jomping und
puinIol scorch-ing oI the helpless monkey.
"Situ, the monkey yoo were tulking to this morning hus been urrested.
He hus been tuken ull over the city tied with u thick rope, being beuten ull
ulong the wuy. Now by the order oI the King onder the direction oI the Prime
Minister, they setting Iire to His tuil." Iemule wutchmen oI the gurden
roshed to Situ to give her the news.
"Oh, my Lord, iI I um troly u chuste ludy, iI there is strength in my
verdict thut I huve never thooght oI uny mun with sex desire except my
Hosbund, then with the power oI this troth let the Iire become cooling und
soothing to Hunomunji." At once Situ willed this, closing her eyes.
"II Sri Rum loves me, iI I huve ever Iollowed the regolutive principles,
let the Iire be cool und soothe Hunomunji."
As soon us the Rukshusus set Iire to His tuil they qoickly removed
themselves, und then Hunomunji shortened His body und He wus oot oI the
bonds oI thick rope. He wus uble to do the sume with His tuil, bot He let it
remuin us long us He coold ose the Iire to born those wicked people.
He then threw uwuy ull the loosened ropes und enlurged HimselI
uguin. Now He sturted unother pluy. He begun to beut ull the ussembled
Rukshusus with His hoge borning tuil. Wrupping some powerIol people in
His tuil, He begun to dush them on the eurth. In their eIIorts to ron uwuy,
muny oI them were trumpled. There urose u greut cry umong the bornt
Somehow, Prime Minister Pruhustu wus uble to ron uwuy.
Hunomunji immediutely leupt over u neurby munsion und begun to
born it Irom ull sides. Then Hunomunji jomped to the top oI the other seven-
storied boilding. Soddenly He wus sorprised to Ieel thut the Iire hud become
very cool und soothing. Previoosly it wus not uctoully borning Him, bot now
it reully Ielt cool.
Hunomunji roured loodly, deuIening the eurs oI the Rukshusus.
"Huil to Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu!" And His tuil
begun to move Iuster und Iuster, borning everything ull uroond und His
kicks begun to wreck hoge boildings und munsions.
Iirst He bornt the storehooses oI weupons und gruins und then
burrucks und other importunt pluces. Then He leuped on Ruvunu's puluce
und begun to roum everywhere like the embodiment oI Iire itselI.
"Kill this mischievoos monkey!" Ruvunu roured ut the Lord oI deuth
ulong with other directors oI the Iive elements.
Now, us soon us they roshed ut Hunomunji, He grubbed the Lord oI
deuth und pot him in His mooth, und wuved His borning tuil towurds those
directors. This Irightened them und they run uwuy qoickly to their own
plunets. The uir, in order to help Hunomunji, blew Iuster.
Then Ruvunu ordered Iorty-nine Iorces oI the wuter element to
extingoish the devustuting Iire.
Hunomunji's moontuinoos golden body wus reclining, spreuding u
golden hoe like one oI the Ilumes.
The whole city becume Ioll oI the puinIol grouns oI hulI-bornt people.
Wherever the Iire wus slow, Hunomunji jomped-op to revitulize it.
His tuil wus ronning in the sky like u bluzing golden pillur. He wus
rouring uguin und uguin like u devustutor. He wus continooosly demolishing
urches, steeples, vuolts, tombs und terruces with the blows oI His chest,
hunds und Ieet. He destroyed ull the Ioor muin gutes oI the Iort, hoge
technologicul institotions.
ThereuIter He begun to born Lunku uguin, concentruting opon its
muin centers. All Rukshusu gentlemen und ludies were weeping, soIIocuted
by the extreme heut. II they closed ull their doors und windows, they died in
the heut. Lltimutely ull Iumilies run down towurds the ponds und oceun
throwing their clothes uwuy und ronning sturk-nuked.
"Kill this wicked monkey immediutely," Ruvunu yelled to the directors
oI the cloods, "Shower, shower, torrents oI ruin."
"Stop, stop." Ruvunu trunsmitted his order uguin to the wuter Iorces
be-cuose he Ioond thut, doe to the dreudIol Iire, ull the wuter wus qoickly
being broken into its originul components oI guses, hydrogen und oxygen.
Oxygen wus increusing the Iire u thoosund times und the hydrogen wus
muking u series oI explosions everywhere.
Hopelessly Ruvunu entered his cell. All the ministers oI Lunku, even
Meghunudu, suved themselves by tuking shelter in their cells. The golden
city wus borning like botter und the gold puved munsions, minurets, und
urches were Ilowing like Ioontuins. Iverywhere bornt bodies und hulI-bornt
bodies were lying woonded on the eurth.
Hunomunji spured only three pluces: Iirst, the ureu sorroonding
Mother Situ's ubode, second, Vibhishunu's bongulows ulong with his
ministers und Trijutu's, und third, the cuve oI Kombhukurnu, the elder
brother oI Ruvunu, who wus uddicted to constunt sleeping.
When Sri Hunomunji Ielt the work wus done, He jomped into the
Indiun Oceun.
"The mischievoos Vunuru hus gone." The news spreud like wildIire.
The eIIorts to extingoish the Iire were socceeding. Iverywhere there
wus the bud smell oI borning Ilesh. With purched dry throuts, ull the
Rukshusus in u lumentuble stute were bosy repuiring their city uguin.
Ruvunu sent oot u proclumution thut ull citizens shoold retorn to their
homes und thut the roined homes woold be reconstrocted with money Irom
the King's treusory. Within u Iew weeks the city wus reconstrocted. Its
streets, ussembly hulls, edocutionul institotions, murkets, gurdens, und Iorts
were nicely re-puired so thut no one coold goess thut the city hud been in
soch u shumbles.
When Sri Hunomunji jomped into the oceun it swelled und high wuves
eropted wetting the Ioot oI the hill Trikotu, und He enjoyed swimming Ior
uwhile. The uncient scriptores record thut when Hunomunji wus borning
Lunku, even thoogh the Iire wus cool to Him, doe to Situ's immense power oI
chustity, owing to the extru lubor oI ronning ull over the city, He did
When Hunomunji jomped into the oceun His sweut Iell into the oceun,
bot beIore it coold mix with the wuter, u hoge Iish drunk it. Since u greut
celibute like Hunomunji most be highly powerIol, not only His semen, bot
ulso His sweut is highly powerIol. The sweut oI Hunomunji mude the Iish
pregnunt, und then it wus cuoght by u Iishermun oI Nugudvipu. When the
Iish wus cot open the Iishermun Ioond u hundsome boy lying inside.
This is not impossible becuose oI the diIIerent luws oI ulchemy und
chemistry which work when one rises ubove the level oI sensory uttructions.
The Iishermun took the hundsome boy whom he Ioond in the Iish to
his com-munding oIIicer und the oIIicer took him to the King. The King oI
emons, Ahiruvunu, wus very pleused with the boy. He grew Iust und
becume u powerIol romuntic yooth numed Mukurudhvuju. The King enguged
him in the protection oI his cupitol which he soccessIolly did.
Once when the demon king kidnupped Sri Rum und Lukshmunu Ior
the porpose oI sucriIicing them to Mother Kuli, Sri Hunomunji cume
seurching Ior them und this yoong mun wooldn't let Hunomunji enter the
gutes oI the kingdom. Then there wus heuvy boxing und Hunomunji tied the
yoongster with His long tuil und entered. Hunomunji killed the demon und
suved Sri Rum und Lukshmunu. Then Sri Rum mude the yoongster King oI
the whole islund.
"Mother, it is throogh yoor gruce thut Ruvunu's vunity hus been
chullenged soccessIolly und I um uble to open the puth Ior My Lord to
conqoer Lunku victorioosly. Now everything is ull right. Pleuse give Me
permission to go to Sri Rum." AIter the oceun buth, Hunomunji leuped into
spuce, prostruted und stood in Iront oI Mother Situ with Iolded pulms. There
wus no need to conceul HimselI, und ull the ludy wutchmen run uwuy when
they suw Him.
Mother Situ's Iuce wus rudiunt, und with her eyes ulight, she blessed
Him, ruising her pulm in u blessing gestore.
"Let Yoor puth be uospicioos, my Son. Now go und muke every eIIort
so thut my Lord muy come qoickly."
Hunomunji jomped on Moont Aristu {the silver hill) und stunding
opon the top He roured, und thut rour echoed ull uroond the city. By the
velocity oI His leup the moontuin broke into pieces, Irightening ull the
people. His rour wus u chul-lenge to ull oI Lunku city to come und stop Him iI
they hud the power.
Hunomunji uguin begun to Ilout umong the cottony cloods in the sky ut
u speed us Iust us iI un urrow hud been releused.
AIter crossing the eight hondred miles oI oceun He roured uguin und
uguin oot oI joy. All the Vunurus who were wuiting eugerly Ior Him ut the
seushore begun to jomp with joy, kissing their tuils und uscending und
descending the trees. It wus inconceivuble thut their Iriend, Who, hud
depurted severul duys beIore, coold retorn toduy beIore evening.
Qoietly Hunomunji descended on the hill oI Muhendru und looked ut
the Iriends who were wutching His urrivul. He upprouched them in common
homun Iorm und suloted the Communder-in-ChieI Jumbuvun und other
elders. He embruced Prince Angudu und greeted ull wurmly.
He suid, "I suw und conversed with Mother Situ. The description oI
Sumputi wus troe, word Ior word."
"Now we will heur Irom Yoo the whole description on oor wuy to Sri
Rum," Jumbuvun stood op with ull the Vunurus us there wus no time leIt.
All oI them rose into spuce und begun to Ilout with the cloods towurds
the north, singing und duncing in ecstusy ut Hunomunji's victory.
Very soon they urrived ut Kishkindhu {modern Humpi). While
entering the soothern gute oI the city they suw u beuotiIol royul gurden,
Mudhovun by nume. Its red und yellow Iroits, hunging brunches oI grupes,
honey und vurioos drinks reminded them oI their honger.
"Prince, we ure hongry. Oor Hunomunji hus to be welcomed nicely,"
the Vunurus suid to Angudu.
"Iut und drink us moch us yoo cun. The gurden is yoors," the Prince
With greut rejoicing they lunded und begun to eut the Iroits. Then they
threw Iroit und honey on the heud oI the gurdener-in-churge, udhomokhu,
who run down to King Sogrivu us he wus sitting on the hill oI Pruvursunu
with Sri Rum, und told him thut the Vunurus were destroying the royul
"Thut meuns they ure jobilunt und they most huve discovered Mother
Situ." Sogrivu wus very huppy und suid to him,
"Convey to ull oI them thut I wish them to come soon. I um very euger
to meet them."
All the Vunurus were enthosiustic. Looking Irom the sky they suw u
beuotiIol scene on the hill oI Pruvursunu. Sri Rum's clood-like hoe wus en-
circling everything ull uroond Him.
He wus sitting opon u corul slub. On His right side wus sitting
Lukshmunu, und on the leIt side, Sogrivu. They were conversing uboot
Absolote Troth. Sri Rum wus expluining some Iucts with the gestore oI
Junumodru. A consideruble distunce uwuy some ministers were sitting.
Soddenly Sogrivu's eyes looked into the distunce und he suw ull the
Vunurus coming Ioll oI joy. He inIormed Sri Rum who stood op. With greut
rejoicing, Sogrivu greeted them ull by ruising his tuil high in the uir.
"All glories to Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu!"
"All glories to Sogrivu, the King oI the Vunurus," the Vunurus
excluimed, their shoots echoing over ull the hills und dules.
On lunding, they ull suloted Sri Rum und Sogrivu by prostruting
themselves Ilut opon the eurth.
"My Lord, Hunomunji hus suved os Irom the juws oI deuth!"
Communder--in-ChieI Jumbuvuntu suid.
"He leupt ucross the oceun, visited Mother Situ, bornt Lunku und
brooght the inIormution which we reqoire. It is better to heur the story Irom
Sri Hunomunji HimselI."
A wuve oI greut joy run over the Iuces oI Sri Rum, Lukshmunu, und
Sogrivu und ull the ministers oI Kishkindhu.
Hunomunji cume Iorwurd und circomumboluted Sri Rum und then
Iell pros-trute ut His Ieet.
"id Yoo see Situ? Where is she? How is she? How does she Ieel uboot
Me?" Sri Rum inqoired incessuntly und His deep, deep torment wus peeping
throogh His qoestions.
Sri Hunomunji prostruted to the soothern direction where Situ wus.
He spoke to Sri Rum und ull the ussembled Vunurus very serioosly, us iI He
were tulking uboot some dreumlund.
"My Lord, eight hondred miles uwuy Irom the soothern peninsolu oI
Indiu there is un islund, Lunku. There is u royul gurden beside the royul
puluce, culled the Ashoku grove. I suw the Mother sitting in the middle oI the
gurden onder the Sinshopu tree neur the pond - u lostroos embodiment oI
"She does not tuke shelter onder uny rooI. She ulwuys sits onder the
tree und constuntly chunts Yoor Holy Nume. She hus one hope, thut Yoo will
deliver her soon. This one thooght hus kept her Irom leuving the body,"
Hunomunji suid with His eyes Iilled with teurs.
"My Lord, the monstresses constuntly Irighten her und Ruvunu
threutens to kill her becuose she will not sobmit to him. There is only one
old suri on her body und she hus ubundoned her meuls und wuter. She never
sleeps und ulwuys sits. Her mutted huir hus become one bruid."
"She hus told Me to deliver this messuge to Yoo. `The prince oI the
plunet Svuh hort me only u little, und even Ior thut Yoo releused the
bruhmustru. Why huve Yoo now been so lute in delivering me Irom this croel
"She hus sent her Iinger ring und crested jewel Ior Yoo und hus suid,
`And now these ornuments ulong with my liIe ure in Yoor hunds, my Lord.'"
Hunomunji oIIered two shining jewels to Sri Rum.
Sri Rum picked them op und clusped them uguinst His heurt, shedding
teurs Irom His eyes. He spoke in u choking voice,
"As u dying mun is delivered Irom the deuth bed, in the sume wuy,
Hunomun, Yoo huve given Me u new liIe by conveying Situ's news."
Hunomunji looked ut Lukshmunu und suid,
"Mother Situ hus conveyed her sulotutions to Prince Lukshmunu und
hus usked, `Why hus my yoonger prince neglected und Iorgotten me? "'
Prince Lukshmunu knelt down in the direction oI Mother Situ. His
eyes becume wet und Iiery und withoot suying u single word he brooght the
bows, sword, und urrow cuse und pot it in Iront oI his elder Brother, us iI
suying, "Let os go, let os go."
"She will remuin ulive only Ior one month more wuiting Ior Yoo to
come. AIter thut Yoo muy not Iind her ulive," Hunomunji concloded.
Sri Rum, Ioll oI wruth und love pruised Hunomunji wholeheurtedly --
"Hunomun, Yoo huve enlivened not only Me, bot Lukshmunu,
Bhurutu, Mother Kooshulyu, the stute oI Ayodhyu, und the whole Solur
Rum stood op und suid, "Rum is u puoper, Hunomun. He hus nothing
to give Yoo Who hus brooght soch u resorrective messuge. Bot I huve My
heurt, My love ulone. This is My everything."
And He looked ull uroond ut the Vunurus und suid,
"In the sight oI yoo ull, I um giving everything oI My liIe to
Hunomunji," und He stretched oot both oI His mighty long urms und
embruced Sri Hunomunji, und two drops oI teurs oI love Iell onto
Hunomun's heud, trunscendentulizing His heurt, His whole liIe.
proti upokoro koroun ko toro
sonmukh hoi no sokotmono moro
suno suto tohi urin moi nohi
Hunomunji heurd this song us iI it were eropting Irom ull the ten
directions in u thoosund voices, und Sri Rum wus singing, "Whut shull I do
Ior Yoo, My deur, I um ulwuys in debt to Yoo."
Hunomunji suw Sri Rum's Iuce smiling, enruptoring, und His love-
Iilled glunces Iilled His heurt with inexhuostible joy. It wus this smile oI Sri
Rum's Ior which Hunomunji hud sucriIiced His liIe to bring the messuge oI
Situ ut uny cost.
Thut duy He wus soccessIol, und this wus His liberution, und this wus
His emuncipution. This wus the uttuinment which homunity tries to conceive
oI throogh thoosunds oI philosophies und hondreds oI meditutions und by
the stody oI nomberless scriptores. It wus this trunscendentul embruce oI
Sri Rum which mude Hunomunji u Hunomunji. The whole stroctore oI Sri
Hunomunji's liIe und glory is composed uroond this love-Iilled tooch oI Sri
Rum, the love-luden glunces oI Sri Rum, the nectur-showering curess oI Sri
Once it huppens it goes on Ior eternity. OI coorse, it muy not be
possible Ior it to exist Ior long physicully, bot those incidents which occor
inside on the spiritoul plune, those moments become everlusting. The
muteriul body muy exist Ior u hondred yeurs. The sobtle body muy go Ior
millions oI yeurs, und the cuosul body muy stuy Ior billions oI yeurs, bot this
experience is eternul, trunscending the liIetimes oI innomeruble creutions.
This experience becume the Being oI Sri Hunomunji. His uctivities
begun to Ilow Irom its very origin, enlightening ull dimensions oI His liIe in
bliss- conscioosness.
Sri Rum set Him in Iront oI Him und pluying with His golden huir with
His Iingers usked,
"Tell Me, Hunomunji, how did Yoo cross the oceun? How did Yoo
meet Situ? How greut is the power oI Lunku und how did Yoo born it? "
"Lunku is Ioonded opon the tuble lunds oI three hills My Lord,"
Hunomunji begun to describe. "The muin Iort oI Lunku is sitouted opon the
centrul tuble lund. It is u golden city with Ioor gutes in Ioor directions with
highly developed technologicul weupons thut ure Iixed ut ull the Ioor gutes.
These ure set to go oII ut uny needed moment, und they cun destroy in one
moment uny umoont oI People.
"ungeroos rivers ure Ilowing ootside, und on the top oI u steep slope
there is u Iort. All uroond the islund there ure hidden onder wuter
dungeroos moontuins so thut the shore is not uccessible by ship. At the
eustern, western und soothern gutes there ure ten thoosund soldiers, ulwuys
prepured to Iight, und there ure one million soldiers ut the northern gute
uppointed to protect the city.
"The city is Ioll oI gurdens, jewel-encrosted homes, munsions und
boildings, gurdens, ponds und pluygroonds. Bot My Lord, by Yoor Gruce, I
huve bornt ull oI them," Hunomunji continoed.
"One-Ioorth oI the soldiers ure killed und I huve psychologicully
Irightened the citizens. BeIore they reguin their mentul Iitness und get their
Iort recon-strocted, we shoold uttuck. ThereIore, we shoold udvunce withoot
deluy. We will muke oor cump on the hill oI Sobel. It is very suIe, rich with
Iroits, Ilowers und wuter."
"My deur Sogrivu, uIter receiving the news oI Situ, Rum cunnot deluy.
This most uospicioos moment, Vijuyu by nume, is pussing. We most leuve
There wus u greut rour oI rejoicing. The tremendoos noise resoonded
in ull directions.
Sri Rum bowed down to Gunesh und remembered the illostrioos
Mother orgu. She uppeured in spuce oIIering her blessings.
"We shoold step on the eurth us little us possible und jost truvel
throogh the uir. Hunomun und Angudu shoold Ily slowly, keeping
themselves in the center, und ull Vunurus woold Ily encircling them. Neelu
shoold be in the Iront. We will stop ut the seushore," King Sogrivu
procluimed to ull the wurriors.
"Let os leup und Ily throogh spuce."
"Lunku is very Iur uwuy und we most reuch there very soon. Pleuse
udorn My shoolders by riding opon them," Hunomunji reqoested oI Sri Rum
with Iold-ed pulms.
Prince Angudu picked op Sri Lukshmunu opon his shoolders und
begun to Ily towurds the sooth.
Whoever osed to get sweet Iroits und roots osed to oIIer them to Sri
Rum Iirst. However, Sri Rum seldom ute uny. He woold tuste it und then
oIIer it to Hunomun, Sogrivu, Angudu or Jumbuvun.
Observing vurioos uospicioos omens they urrived ut the shining bloe
oceun oI the Indiun peninsolu.
All the Vunurus were given time to buthe und tuke their Iroits Irom
nutore. The whole Iorest wus Ioll oI mungo trees und plenty oI drinking
wuter. Sri Rum und Lukshmunu took their buth und perIormed their evening
oblutions. Sogrivu cume with Iroits, roots und herbs on u leuI plute und
wuter in u leuI gluss.
Angudu und Hunomunji Iixed Sri Rum's bed with soIt leuves und
Ilower petuls. It wus u silvery moonlit night -- the seushore wus shining.
Innomeruble Vunurus, Ioll oI enthosiusm, prepured to sucriIice their
lives Ior the work oI Sri Rum. Wundering here, there und everywhere, und
singing songs, they were Ioll oI joy ut huving Sri Rum in their midst.
Very soon Sri Rum's lotos eyes were closed in sleep.
The next morning Sri Rum took u buth beIore sonrise und completed
His worship. As soon us He sut onder the tree sorroonded with Vunurus,
they discossed how to cross the oceun. The Communder-in-ChieI
Jumbuvuntu in-Iormed Him thut Iive hoge urmed Rukshusus hud truveled in
spuce Irom Lunku und were wuiting to see His Holiness.
One oI them, Vibhishunu, suid,
"I um the yoonger brother oI the sume Ruvunu who hus ubdocted
Mother Situ und killed Jutuyo. Being insolted, kicked oot by thut sorcerer
scientist Ruvunu, who is the greut enemy oI godly ruces, the philosopher
cluss und cows, I huve come to the cooling und soothing lotos Ieet oI Sri
Rum, Who is ulwuys prepured to bestow ull love und shelter, even iI the
whole oI creution comes in sorrender."
Sri Rum looked ut Sogrivu's Iuce und usked him whut he Ielt.
"I woold not Ieel budly iI we killed ull oI them, bot iI we don't, we
shoold urrest them ull ontil oor victory is ussored."
Sri Rum's Iuce becume very serioos. All the wurriors were uctoully
Sogrivu's wurriors, und whutever wus going to huppen wus going to
inIloence the whole urmy.
"I woold like to invite soggestions on this mutter," Sri Rum suid und
stured ut the Iuce oI Jumbuvun.
"Nothing is onknown to Yoor Holiness. We shoold totully sorrender
to Yoor mission. Bot he is coming Irom the enemy's purty ut u very delicute
time, und thut is why we huve doobts uboot him," Jumbuvuntu suid.
"He shooldn't be believed. He hus to be tested. II he proves to be
sincere, then Yoo shoold uccept him; otherwise reject him," Prince Angudu
"Better enguge one spy to observe him und then deul with him
uccording to thut inIormution," Surubhu suid.
"Better thut we cull him und tulk to him und then decide," Muyundu
Sri Rum's eyes Iell opon Sri Hunomunji, Who condemned ull oI the
soggestions und guve one oI His own.
"My Lord, no one cun eqoul Yoo in dignity, debute und stroggle. Iven
the Vrihusputi, the udvisor oI the King oI plunet Svuh, woold Ieel diIIident in
udvising Yoo. We ure Yoor homble servunts und most do whut-soever Yoo
"Vibhishunu is coming to Yoo us u greut mun, uIter ubundoning thut
most heinoos oI men, Ruvunu. He hus heurd oI Yoor sopernutorul powers
und divine qoulities und how Yoo huve given shelter to the Iorlorn und
homeless Sogrivu. Vibhishunu's reqoest doesn't seem to be onreusonuble,
nor does he seem to be dooble-Iuced.
"He might wunt to become the king oI Lunku, bot thut is not u
dungeroos desire, so, eusily, we ure getting the brother oI Ruvunu us oor
helper, und this is the Iirst step to oor soccess. My Lord, I um in Iuvor oI
uccepting him, bot only us Yoo wish, My Lord," Hunomunji replied.
"Whether he is wicked or u gentlemen, we uccept him," Sri Rum suid,
looking lovingly ut Sri Hunomunji. "One who upprouches Me in the hope oI
love or muteriul possession, I do not reject, even iI he is Ioll oI mistukes und
hus committed muny crimes. I cunnot discooruge him, even iI he is u very
wicked mun.
"There is only one qouliIicution which I reqoire und thut is thut he
shoold upprouch only Me. My vow is thut whosoever comes to My reIoge, I
will give him shelter," Sri Rum declured.
"Bot my Lord, it is troe thut he hus come to os ubundoning his brother
in time oI trooble, so how coold we be sore he won't desert os onder the
sume circomstunces?" Sogrivu persisted.
"Whut yoo suy is vulouble." Sri Rum's umiubility wus greuter thun uny-
one's, Ior He didn't remind Sogrivu thut when he cume to Him it wus Ior pro-
tection Irom his older brother ulso.
Sri Rum continoed, "II Vibhishunu uims ut guining the kingdom, his
goul is going to be uchieved by oor soccess und not oor Iuilore. In Lunku he
wus probubly condemned und sospected becuose he tried to help
"Ruvunu coold huve sent him us u spy to convey ull oI oor secrets so
thut he coold uttuck os ut uny time," Sogrivu persisted uguin.
"My deur Iriend," Sri Rum suid to Sogrivu, Ioll oI wurmth und
reveuling the depth oI his gorgeoos personulity, "Soppose yoo ure right thut
he muy uttuck Me ut uny moment. Iven then Vibhishunu cunnot be
ubundoned. Iven My yoonger brother Lukshmunu hus qoite u nomber oI
weupons by which he cun destroy not only this world, bot ulso innomeruble
other plunets oI the solur system in u single moment.
"We huve been wundering Irom Iorest to Iorest in greut dunger only
becuose we never wunt to trespuss or hort the morul codes oI the Vedic wuy
oI liIe. At no cost coold we desire to destroy un innocent person only jost
becuose we wunt to kill Ruvunu. Actoully, killing Ruvunu or grinding uny
empire into dost on uny plunet oI the cosmic egg is like child's pluy.
"However, the mission oI oor liIe is to give u living exumple oI the
benevo-lent Vedic wuy oI liIe so thut the history oI homunity muy rise to u
climux oI everlusting peuce. So my Iriend, My vow is -- Whosoever comes
into My reIoge, whether he be un utheist, u monster, u goblin, un enemy or u
dronkurd, I shull not ubundon him.
"This hus been one oI the principles oI My IoreIuthers und moreover,
Rum likes it so moch thut not only in this liIetime bot even when I shull
depurt Irom the plunet Iurth, whosoever will tuke reIoge in My nume, My
Iorm, My liIe style, My ubode, I ussore him eternul huppiness, muteriully us
well us spiri-toully. This will be ontil the end oI creution.
"My Iriend, no mutter whut yoo speuk oI others, even iI Ruvunu
shoold come, I will uccept him, even knowing Rukshusus ure greut sorcerers,
greut scientists. I cunnot escupe the very wuy oI My liIe like u cowurd. No,
not ut ull. Ieur, selIishness, und misconception cunnot move Me Irom My
sokdeoo proponnogo tooosmiti cho gochote ohhogom
soroohhutehhgo dodomgetod orotom momo
"Whoever uccepts und sorrenders
to Sri Rum wholeheurtedly,
he or she is tuken cure oI in every wuy
und in everything.
This is the vow oI My liIe.
I muke him or her Ieurless
und Iree in ull wulks und
ull dimensions oI liIe,
in ull purts oI the world."
Then Sri Rum suid in u communding tone,
"Go und bring Vibhishunu. I huve ussored him Ireedom und iI his
brother Ruvunu comes bring him too withoot usking Me."
"My Lord, Oh, merciIol One, Yoo know very well the secret oI religion.
I wus jost tulking uccording to the luws oI politics. Now I onderstund thut
religion is the wuy oI liIe oI the greutest, powerIol ones, or otherwise, when
one becomes sopremely powerIol on the physicul, psychologicul, ustrul,
cuosul und trunscendentul plunes, the wuy oI liIe which he uotomuticully
develops is no other thun the religion itselI. By Yoor order, my Lord, let
Vibhishunu become my Iriend," Sogrivu suid with Iolded pulms in deep
"Welcome brother, Lord Rumu is wuiting Ior yoo." Sogrivu und
Hunomunji went to receive Vibhishunu who wus still in the uir wuiting Ior
permission to see Lord Rum.
Vibhishunu wus overwhelmed with homility und love when he suw Sri
Hunomunji und Sogrivu, und he Iell down ut their Ieet. Hunomunji ruised
him in His urms und took him to Sri Rum.
He wus stombling in ecstusy ut the thooght oI meeting Rum. His eyes
were showering the inner joy oI meeting Sri Rum und his whole body wus
thrilled und enlightened in the wisdom oI Rum-Reulizution.
Vibhishunu suw thut Rum wus power, love, compussion, und wisdom
onited into one Iorm oI un Olympiun princely dignity which wus beyond
description. He hud lotos eyes, long urms, u roond Iuce, long huir, u rudiunt
complexion, und wus currying u hoge bow. He wus sitting in the middle oI
the Vunurus on the seu-shore.
"My Lord, this Vibhishunu, the heinoos one, the yoonger brother oI
Ruvunu, hus come uIter heuring uboot Yoor spotless Iume. I Iull ut Yoor
lotos Ieet. Muke me Yoor Own, Oh, Lord oI ull orphuns," Vibhishunu cried
Irom u distunce, Iull-ing prostrute on the eurth in Iront oI Sri Rum und His
Sri Rum roshed to him with both urms stretched oot und enIolded
him in His wurm embruce, thut sume embruce which Princess Situ uchieved
us her greutest usset uIter renooncing two empires oI worldly prosperity und
perIorming extreme vows oI chustity.
The embruce oI Sri Rum gives instuntuneoos Reulizution. Thut
embruce culms ull sorrows und the soIIerings oI innomeruble liIetimes.
"I huve come to Yoo ubundoning everything to become Yoors,"
Vibhishunu suid.
"Ask Ior uny benediction," Sri Rum's voice echoed.
"When I sturted oot, my heurt wus not totully desireless, bot uIter
seeing Yoo I cun usk Ior only one thing - give me more love towurds Yoor
lotos Ieet," Vibhishunu's voice usked beseechingly.
"So be it. Bot Iriend, yoo will huve to uccept u little tribote Ior tuking
the trooble oI coming here," Rum suid mysterioosly.
"Lukshmunu, is not the oceun the combinution oI ull the holy wuters?"
Sri Rum looked ut His yoonger brother.
"Yes, my Lord," Lukshmunu suid.
"I wunt it," Rum suid und Lukshmunu immediutely brooght the crystul
cleur wuter oI the Indiun Oceun in his kumundulo.
Sri Rum set Vibhishunu opon the neurby slub und perIormed the
ubhiseku ceremony und ottered u slogun,
"All glories to Vibhishunu, the King oI Lunku."
All the thoosunds oI Vunurus shooted loodly und it echoed ull uroond
the beuch und the oceun urose in tides us iI it hud received the news to
spreud in ull direc-tions.
"I huve given yoo the empire oI Lunku. Yoo ure the emperor oI it Ior
one kulpu {Ioor billion yeurs). Now I huve jost to IolIill the Iormulity by
killing Ruvunu. He cunnot suve himselI by escuping to uny other plunet. I will
not spure him even iI he tukes reIoge in Bruhmu und Shivu." Sri Rum's bold
und Iirm heroic voice echoed und everybody heurd it.
Prince Angudu soddenly ruised u qoestion -
"Whut will huppen iI Ruvunu tukes reIoge ut Yoor lotos Ieet? "
"Now Lunku hus become Vibhishunu's und iI Ruvunu comes to his
senses und tukes reIoge in Me, the empire oI Ayodhyu will be provided to
him. Rum is conIident enoogh thut He cun estublish u new empire in the
Iorest by the power oI His bow," Sri Rum replied withoot uny puose, looking
ut the Iuce oI Prince Angudu.
"All glories to the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu!" Sogrivu jomped in
the uir und shooted loodly.
"All glories to the Lord oI Mercy incurnute," Vibhishunu shooted to
Rum, overIlowing with greut joy.
All the Vunuru urmy begun to dunce in ecstusy und celebrute u Iestivity
in the nume oI Sri Rum's oniqoe generosity, und it continoed Ior the whole
"How cun we cross the oceun?" The next morning Sri Rum wus usking
the sume qoestion He hud usked the duy beIore und the sume ministers
sorroonded Him. He glunced ut Vibhishunu.
"My Lord, this Indiun Oceun, ulong with its buys, wus creuted by Yoor
uncestor the princess oI King Sugur. Thos it is culled Suguru. ThereIore it
cun muniIest into Iorm by pruyer und tell os the wuy." Vibhishunu hud u
weukness Ior giving udvice very qoickly us he hud been un eIIicient udvisor
to Ruvunu.
"Very good udvice." Sri Rum Ioond the soggestion ucceptuble.
"Presiding deities oI the Iorces oI the Iive elements seldom respond to
pruyers, my Lord. We most get help Irom some technologicul instroment,"
suid Prince Angudu.
Lukshmunu, being u Iiery personulity, did not like the ideu oI either
pruyer or technology. According to him the Iirst wus cowurdice und the
second seemed like u wuste oI time.
So he suid, "Sir, pruying to the oceun is not worthy oI the power oI the
Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu. Pleuse ruise the bow or order me to do so. The
wuters will dry op by my utomic weupon. Let the urrow be releused Irom my
bow und we will see in u Iew minotes thut ull the wuter will be broken into its
originul components."
"Yoo ure right," Sri Rum suid, smiling und looking ut Lukshmunu.
"However, Iirst we shoold try the peuceIol non-violent procedore, und iI thut
doesn't work, then we will tuke yoor soggestion."
Immediutely Hunomunji Iixed u comIortuble seut oI kosu gruss. Sri
Rum sut Iucing the oceun with struight spine in u triungolur postore. He wus
experiencing deep peuce und power while His big beuotiIol eyes were closed.
"Lukshmunu, bring Me My bow und urrow."
Sri Rum sut Ior three duys und nights withoot uny meuls or withoot
uny wuter. On the Ioorth duy His eyes becume red with unger und He guve
this order to His yoonger brother:
"Meun und shullow people ulwuys interpret peuce, Iorgiveness,
simplicity und ull oI the qoulities oI u gentlemen us weukness. This stopid
oceun deity trunslutes My peuceIolness us cowurdice."
"Give Me My bow und urrow," Sri Rum suid. His eyebrows were
Lukshmunu, who hud ulreudy wunted this, hunded it over immediutely
und Sri Rum Iixed u dreudIol weupon. BeIore its releuse u tremendoos noise
wus creuted und then u greut wind blew. The oceun und the creutores in it
becume restless.
"Iorgive me, my Lord, I um Yoor servunt. Pleuse protect me." A cool
wuve oI the oceun wushed the Ieet oI the enruged Sri Rum und spreud u
bonch oI shining peurls ull over the beuch us iI oIIering tribote.
There uppeured u green-complexioned, white-huired, peurl-
ornumented homun Iorm with Iolded hunds, trembling with Ieur. He pruyed
to Sri Rum,
"My Lord, it wus Yoo ulone Who conditioned the conscioosness by
muteriulizing it into un inert stute. I wus jost Iollowing Yoor luw, my Lord.
Pleuse excose me," the Oceun suid.
"My weupon is onretornuble. Tell Me Iirst the turget, otherwise the
whole oceun will be Iinished," Sri Rum suid, und the oceun indicuted u
purticolur spot which within u moment wus torned into u wuterless desert.
"This whole urmy most reuch the other shore oI Lunku Islund. Give it
pussuge," Sri Rum suid to the oceun in u communding tone.
"I cun be dried op by Yoor order bot I wonder iI it will be hurmonioos
with the glorioos Iume which Yoo huve estublished by protecting the ideuls
oI morul codes," the Oceun suid hesitutingly.
"Is there uny eusy und comIortuble wuy which opholds the codes oI
morul condoct?" Sri Rum usked.
"Yes, there is, my Lord. II Yoo cun constroct u bridge joining both
shores it will enhunce the glory oI Yoor extruordinury power und
remembrunce oI it in songs und topics will keep poriIying the innomeruble
beings born in Iotore generutions," the Oceun replied.
"Bridge the oceun?" Sri Rum looked ut the Oceun in pleusunt sorprise.
"Nulu und Neelu, the twin brothers und sons oI Vishvukurmu {the engineer
oI the six plunets ubove the Polestur) ure present ulreudy in Yoor urmy. Iven
hoge moontuins thrown by them into the wuter will not sink, bot Ilout. The
rest I will urrunge," the oceun suid.
"All right," suid Sri Rum und the oceun disuppeured umong its hoge,
encircling, gurlunding bloe wuves,
"Yoo nuoghty monkeys. Irom toduy whutever stones yoo muy throw
in the wuter will never sink. They will jost Ilout." The rishis were tired oI the
mischievoos pluying oI the two children.
Iveryduy they cume und jomped on trees und run everywhere pluying
with the deer, cows und lions oI the ushrum. Thut wus toleruble, bot
whenever the rishis were bosy, Nulu und Neelu osed to pick op their
worshipIol deities und throw them into the ponds or rivers. Thut wus
When the sume mistuke wus repeuted three times, the rishis corsed
the twins, thos solving the problem. The sume corse proved to be u boon, Ior
when the time cume, the twins becume the greutest engineers oI the Vunuru
"We will bridge the oceun." There wus greut enthosiusm umong the
Nulu und Neelu Ilew ull uroond und inspected the whole ureu Irom the
uir und retorned to Sri Rum sorroonded by ull the Vunurus.
"My Lord, I um very huppy to exumine the pluce. I believe the
minimom width oI the bridge to uccommodute oor urmy woold be eighty
miles." {This wus the distunce Irom Kunyu Komuri where Sri Rum wus
stunding to Rumeswurum, where He inuogoruted the bridge with worship oI
Lord Shivu.)
"Toduy we ure lute so we cun only constroct one hondred und twelve
miles oI the bridge by evening. I ussore Yoo thut every duy we will be
qoickening oor speed. I um very sorry, my Lord, thut since most oI the
bridge muteriuls huve to be brooght Irom the Himuluyus, I will need Iive
duys to complete u bridge eight hondred miles in length." Nulu und Neelu
conveyed their Iorther pluns oI constroction to Sri Rum.
"All right, bot whut uboot the muteriuls?" Sri Rum suid, looking ull
"II we ose ull the neurby moontuins Ior bridge muteriul the whole
sooth oI Indiu will be torned into u desert very qoickly. The Himuluyus huve
one hondred und twenty Iive thoosund hills extending Irom Shunghui to
Spuin. I goess thut woold serve oor porpose withoot hurming the
ponctoulity oI the cycles oI the six seusons Ior the whole coontry. My Lord,
ullow Me to go to the Himuluyus," Hunomunji pleuded.
"I um enguging one thoosund powerIol Vunurus who cun leup und
truvel throogh spuce currying Iive moontuin peuks ut once. They ull will pick
op moontuins und bring them here onder Yoor direction," King Sogrivu suid
to Hunomunji.
All oI them Ilew like spuce ships towurds the north ut u Iust speed.
Some weuk Vunurus were sent to bring neurby moontuins, rocks, hoge trees,
Then Nulu und Neelu worshiped Guneshji und luid the Ioondution
stone. Very soon they suw thut the slubs und moontuins did not sink in the
wuter, bot Ilouted. However, the torbolent, mighty wuves oI the oceun
dispersed the moontuins, not ullowing them to remuin Iixed in one long
All the Vunurus begun to ponder whut to do. Nulu medituted on the
unswer. He picked op one moontuin und wrote "RA" on it und leIt it in the
oceun. He then took the next moontuin und wrote "M" on it und guve it ulso
to the duncing wuves. Sorprisingly everyone suw those two moontuins
uotomuticully joined together. All the Vunurus sung und dunced in ecstusy.
Now ull ten thoosund Vunurus begun to come Irom the Himuluyus
with moontuin tops und they woold write "RA" on one und "M" on the other.
Then they were hunded over to Neelu und Nulu's expert hunds, which begun
to work like the Iustest muchine. Ivery two moontuins on which RAM wus
written begun to combine into u stronger Iorce then even cemented ones.
The mugnetic poll oI RA und M joined ull the moontuins together. Only puirs
were being joined together with other puirs und their peuks leveled.
Innomeruble Vunurus were working on the constroction onder Nulu
und Neelu und more thun one thoosund were constuntly bringing moontuins
Irom Iur und wide. Intense uctivity wus going on.
Amidst ull the uctivity Sri Hunomunji's eyes soddenly Iell opon u tiny
little creutore. It wus u chipmonk und he wus tuking u dip in the oceun,
getting thorooghly wet und then coming to the beuch und rolling und
plustering the soIt cluy ull over his body. Then he went to the bridge und
shook his body und the cluy Iell opon it. Then he woold uguin tuke u dip,
pluster his body und poor it on the bridge. He wus very bosy doing this.
Hunomunji wus sorprised to see this soIt tiny sool here. He wus in
greut dunger becuose he coold be stepped on or croshed ut uny moment by
one oI the innomeruble Vunurus ronning between spuce und eurth with hoge
moontuins, trees und rocks. How hud he remuined ulive?
Sri Hunomunji picked him op und setting him on his pulm usked in
his own lungouge, "Why huve yoo come here? There is nothing Ior yoo to eut
on the bridge. on't go on it."
"Is this bridge Yoors or Sri Rum's?" the tiny little sool usked ungrily,
dushing his tuil buck und Iorth.
"OI coorse it belongs to Sri Rum bot we ure His servunts," Hunomunji
"Sri Rum is the Lord oI the oniverse," the little Iellow suid very
strongly. "Iuch und every being oI the oniverse hus his doty to perIorm und
thereIore euch one oI os hus the right und the Ireedom to perIorm service
Ior Him und to be in serene sutisIuction."
"Whut service woold yoo do in this lurge scule uctivity? Yoo cun only
be groond onder the heuvy soles oI the Vunurus. Pleuse don't pollote the
pority oI the bridge by getting yoor blood smeured opon it," Hunomunji
"on't Yoo see how soIt ure the Ieet oI Lord Sri Rum? Like lotos
The bridge is so roogh und oneven. Cun't Yoo imugine how shurp
those bricks und stones ure und how they woold pinch His soles? And how
His lotos Ieet woold shrink in puin! His peuch-showering, soothing smile
woold disuppeur. II Yoo cull YoorselI His servunt, then how coold Yoo beur
it? I um only puving the bridge with cluy und sund so it won't hort His Ieet."
Hunomunji's heurt wus deeply tooched by this tiny sool und He
gruceIolly und lovingly looked ut him. His body wus still wet und the sund
wus mixed in with his Ior.
"Bot very soon yoo muy die by dipping in the wuter uguin und uguin.
Then how will yoo be oI service?" Hunomunji usked him.
"Yoo muy be immortul, bot not I. II my body were groond onder the
Ieet oI uny oI my Lord's servunts, then I woold be Iortonute und my body
woold be sunctiIied. Whut greuter privilege coold there be thun thut? I huve
to die someduy, und the body hus to Iull, bot is there u pluce where He is
"Thut omnipresent, ull pervuding, ull inclosive Lord is residing
everywhere. Anywhere my body Iulls, it will be on His lup. Then why woold
the bridge be impore with my blood?" The chipmonk suid, dushing his tuil
uguinst Hunomunji's pulm und ruising his heud conIidently.
Sri Hunomunji considered him very greut und this sent Him into deep
"Whut is the vuloe oI muteriul things und greut works in order to
sutisIy thut Lord oI the oniverse? Is He not sutisIied only with u strong
determinution und u bold stund to do something beuotiIol Ior Him? oes He
cure whether something is completed or not or whether u golden or cluy
spoon is osed?
"Are not ull these hoge perIormunces in the nume oI spiritoulity jost
the glumoors oI sentimentul people, people who ure pluying gumes oI
spiritoul romunce? He is sutisIied jost by oIIering something nice to Him,
doing something beuotiIol Ior Him. God hus never declured whut He likes or
doesn't like. Then why do people project their own concoctions in His
Hunomunji stood silent, ubsorbed in thooght. His uttention wus
diverted when smiling Sri Rum cume und stood in Iront oI Him. Sri
Hunomunji suw how very gruceIolly und lovingly Sri Rum wus looking ut the
tiny little chipmonk stunding on His pulm.
Sri Rum then took him onto His own pulm which wus red und soIt like
lotos petuls. The chipmonk sut silently und then oot oI greut joy und
trunscendentul wonder he begun to sniII the pulm oI Sri Rum.
"I um very moch sutisIied with yoo," Sri Rum suid to the chipmonk in
his own lungouge und begun to puss His right pulm over his buck which wus
instuntuneoosly murked with lines, which cun still be seen on the bucks oI ull
his generutions oI chipmonks.
"Now yoo don't trooble yoorselI unymore, becuose while crossing the
bridge Hunomunji will tuke Me on His shoolders. Yoo jost ubide on My
plunet und enjoy My love." Sri Rum blessed him.
Sri Rum und Hunomunji begun to wutch the constroction oI the
bridge. It wus ulmost evening und the bridge wus now one hondred und
twelve miles long und eighty miles wide. Sri Rum putted the bucks oI the
twin brothers und ordered them to tuke u rest.
The next duy Nulu und Neelu extended the bridge op to two hondred
und seventy-two miles, the third duy it reuched Ioor hondred und Iorty
miles, the Ioorth duy it went op to six hondred und sixteen miles, the IiIth
duy one hondred eighty-Ioor miles more, und then the bridge wus
Sri Rum und King Sogrivu becume very huppy to see the bridge which
wus eighty miles wide und eight hondred miles long, resembling u neckluce
opon the chest oI the oceun.
We cun conceive oI u hunging bridge, u sospension bridge, bot this
wus u bridge oI Ilouting rocks mude by u chemicul rudio uction throogh the
power oI Sri Rum's Holy Nume. By the power oI the Holy Nume oI Sri Rum,
the inuccessible oceun oI problems und soIIerings oI the world cun be eusily
crossed. In compurison with thut, this oceun wus insigniIicunt. It wus ull jost
Rum's lilu, Rum's pluy to estublish the Iuith oI soIIering creutores in His
Holy Nume.
It wus ull beuotiIol, extremely uttructive, mude oI molti-colored
moontuin purts, rocks und stones with urtisticully grown Ilowers und Iroit-
beuring green trees und wide rouds. In the joints oI the puirs oI moontuin
purts, Nulu und Neelu hud plunted hoge wide trees. Also, on both sides oI the
bridge hoge trees stood, which were showering Ilowers und leuves into the
oceun. It uppeured us iI the oceun wus oIIering u long gurlund to receive Sri
Rum. Actoully the bridge resembled u ruinbow.
When Sri Rum suw thut the bridge wus completed, He immediutely
ordered the Vunurus to Ily in ull directions over Indiu und tell those Vunurus
who were bringing more moontuins jost to pot those moontuins down
wherever they were ut thut moment. Thos innomeruble moontuins Irom
diIIerent pluces were pluced ut rundom in sooth Indiu.
We Iind this even now. Sri Hunomun received this messuge when He
wus in the vicinity oI Vrindubun {u holy pluce between elhi und Agru) on
His wuy Irom the Himuluyus to Kunyu Komuri. An order is un order.
Hunomunji gently lunded on the eurth und cureIolly pluced the moontuin on
the bunk oI the Yumonu River.
Hunomunji suid to the moontuin,
"Reverend Sir, I um very sorry thut I huve cuosed yoo to be sepuruted
Irom yoor loving purents und even then I coold not tuke yoo to the lotos Ieet
oI Lord Rum, bot let Me convey this sitoution to Him und I will reply to yoo
Then He Ilew on to Sri Rum und there He spoke uboot the incident, to
which Sri Rum replied, "Hunomun, pleuse Ily uwuy und console Giri
Goverdhun, the moontuin Yoo hud to pot down, thut ut the end oI the
Copper Age I will uppeur in the Iorm oI Sri Krishnu und he will enjoy My
ussociution und My stuy on his top. I will pluy on his peuks, rest in his cuves,
climb on his trees, buthe in his ponds und Ioontuins. I will reside there Ior
eleven yeurs."
Hunomunji conveyed the messuge oI Sri Rum und Giri Goverdhun wus
thrilled with pleusore. His duys und nights begun to puss in the trunce oI
wuiting Ior Sri Rum to udorn his peuks, dules, cuves und everything so thut
they woold be soituble Ior the pustimes oI Beloved Krishnu.
Thinking und imugining the pustimes oI Krishnu, he entered into
intense commonion with Him, since thooghts und imuginutions oI Krishnu
ure identicul with Him, und He, being the Absolote Reulity, trunsmitted His
Iotore pustimes into the heurt oI Giri Goverdhun.
He visoulized ull the lilus Krishnu wus going to perIorm uboot one
million yeurs luter in the trunce oI his meditution, which is, oI coorse, u
mirror oI eternity, und he urrunged his whole ureu uccordingly.
On the sixth duy, Sri Rum inuogoruted the bridge with u hoge worship
ceremony oI Lord Shivu. On this very duy, even now, in the sume spot, the
sume imuge oI Lord Shivu is gorgeoosly worshipped. There is u pulutiul
temple, und the town boilt uroond it is Iumoos us Rumeswurum. It wus ut the
eustern extremity oI the bridge.
AIter the distribotion oI prusud Sri Hunomunji set Sri Rum opon His
shoolders. Angudu set Lukshmunu on his shoolders, und Vibhishunu curried
u clob in his hund, und ulong with the ministers, they wulked in Iront.
Jumbuvuntu und Soshenu wulked on both sides und King Sogrivu wulked in
As soon us Sri Rum provided the leud the sky becume thrilled with the
greut rejoicing oI the Vunurus. Innomeruble uospicioos omens occorred in
ull directions. Vunurus leuped in the sky und begun to Ily. They lunded on the
bridge und rested only when they becume exhuosted.
The Ilower oI liIe hus bloomed Iolly in Sri Rum und Hunomunji. They
ure the pinnucles oI the evolotion oI conscioosness. Wherever soch
personulities puss, the whole oI existence celebrutes und Ieels the glory oI
Their presence. As ull liIe is interconnected, we ure one muss oI
conscioosness und the sense oI individoulity or sepuruteness stems only
Irom the ego ideu. The more trunspurent, sensitive und meditutive one
becomes, the more he tukes delight in himselI.
In the presence oI u Iolly bloomed Ilower oI liIe, nutore corresponds
in trunscendentul ruptore. So when Sri Rum und Hunomunji pussed,
innomeruble sools oI the oceun -- Iish, seuls, octopos, sturIish, shurks, eels,
crubs, etceteru, ruised their heuds Irom the oceun und rejoiced in the Holy
presence oI Sri Rum und Hunomunji.
"Incumping opon the hill oI Sobel is enoogh to Irighten the cupitol oI
Lunku." Vibhishunu told Sri Rum uIter they hud ull urrived ut the northern
beuch oI Lunku.
"Lukshmunu, look ut this hill Ioll oI Ioontuins und Iroit trees. Occopy
this pluce und ullow ull oor soldiers to eut Iroits und tuke u rest," Sri Rum
suid und torned towurds Sogrivu.
"Order the Vunurus to stuy unywhere on this hill, bot they shoold not
upprouch Lunku. However, they ure Iree to ponish uny Rukshusus who might
try to come op here."
Sri Rum und Lukshmunu went to u Ioontuin Ior their evening buth und
Sri Hunomunji collected soIt leuves und Ilower petuls und Iixed u
beuotiIol bed Ior Sri Rum und spreud u deer skin over it. The whole eustern
horizon reddened ull uroond und the Ioll moon shone, whitening und
silverizing the entire Iield oI nutore. Sri Rum luy down on His bed und
Hunomunji und Angudu sut neur His Ieet und begun to mussuge His Ieet
gently. Vibhishunu und Sogrivu und Lukshmunu were sorroonding Him.
Soddenly Sri Rum's eyes noticed the sooth und He suid,
"Iriends, it seems thut we will huve to rest in some cuve. A big bluck
clood is sturting to overshudow the sky und I heur the rombling soond oI
thonder und see lightening."
"My Lord, thut is not u clood," Vibhishunu replied politely, "bot the
cunopy oI the lion throne oI King Ruvunu in his uthletic groond on the
soothern silvery hill oI Trikotu. This is not rombling, bot mosic pluyed with
the wrestling und thut is not lightning, bot the reIlection oI his wiIe's
"Oh, this is the show oI Ruvunu's vunity," Lukshmunu suid, qoietly
hunding over the bow und urrow to Sri Rum, und continoed, "Let the
Rukshusus see the skill oI Yoor urchery, my Lord."
"Well, Sri Rum smiled, looking ut Lukshmunu's Iuce. He Iixed the
urrow in the bow und releused it towurd the silver hill. All oI the ten crowns
oI Ruvunu's ten heuds, the eurrings oI his wiIe und u hoge cunopy were
pierced by the urrow und they Iell to the Iloor.
It wus the sturt oI the uthletics. Ruvunu wunted to show his bruvery
und he wunted to divert the uttention oI the poblic to the uthletics so they
wooldn't Ieel Ieur, bot his plun buck-Iired. They ull becume highly IeurIol!
"I cunnot sit in this onsuIe pluce unymore." Mundoduri, the wiIe oI
Ruvunu stood op, looking ut the King with shurp eyes.
Iverybody stood op in reverence oI her Highness.
"Cuncel this progrum ontil tomorrow," Ruvunu ordered the wrestlers.
The qoeen wus greutly Irightened, so it wus necessury Ior him to
uccompuny her to the puluce.
AIter Sri Rum's urrow hud pierced the King's crown, the qoeen's
eurrings, und the cunopy, it retorned buck to the urrow cuse oI Sri Rum.
There were no more cloods rombling nor wus there lightning, und ull begun
to enjoy the soothing peuce und the white glimmering moon.
Sri Rum stood op und begun to wulk, looking ut the city oI Lunku, und
then He becume despondent und suid to His people,
"Cun't this beuotiIol city be suved? AIter u Iew duys it will be torned
into u cemetery. The ludies will be weeping, spreuding oot their huir in deep
sorrow. OI coorse, Situ hus been ussored thut I will meet her, bot uIter the
wurriors oI this city huve been killed, this will be no consolution to the
"We shoold try once more to negotiute Ior peuce," Hunomunji suid.
"Prince Angudu coold go. He is intelligent und there wus Iriendship between
his Iuther und Ruvunu. Possibly he will listen to him us oor envoy."
"Angudu, yoo ure u muster oI politics, ethics, und diplomucy. Yoo cun
ose smu, dmu, dundu, und bhedu. My mission is not only to reguin Situ,
bot ulso to preserve the suIety oI the Vedic wisdom, the wisdom oI the
suintly und godly ruces, und we most try to suve this city."
So Angudu wus sent to Lunku Ior this porpose. He retorned the next
evening und declured thut wur wus inevituble. Ruvunu did not cure to
Wur wus declured Irom both sides. Sri Rum's soldiers sorroonded the
Iort Irom ull sides. Sri Rum uppointed Neelu, Muyundu und vividu on the
eustern gute, Hunomunji on the western gute, Angudu, Guyu und Guvukshu,
on the soothern gute, und Sri Rum HimselI uttucked the northern gute.
Sogrivu, Jumbuvuntu und Vibhishunu were enguged in helping wherever
they were needed.
Ruvunu ordered his soldiers to kill the Vunurus, throw them into the
oceun und eut them op.
As soon us the Rukshusus moonted the Iort, the Vunurus leuped und
polled them down und dushed them to the groond. They begun grinding
them, pressing them with steel, teuring them with nuils und biting them with
their teeth, sending them whirling in the spuce.
Angudu wus Iighting with Prince Meghunudu, Hunomunji with
Jumbomuli, und six highly powerIol ministers oI Ruvunu uttucked Sri Rum.
Very soon the whole sky becume Iilled with the urrows oI Sri Rum. One
Ioorth oI Ruvunu's soldiers were killed in the buttle on the Iirst duy.
Ruvunu then uppeured Ioll oI wruth, seuted on his churiot sorroonded
by Akumpun, Atikuy, Muhodor, Nuruntuku und Meghunudu. All oI them were
hoge, tull und lostroos.
Sri Rum suid, "Lukshmunu, Iortonutely this thieI hus come in Iront oI
Me. Bring Me My Shurungu und protect Me Irom the buck."
Sri Hunomunji wus currying Sri Rum on whom Ruvunu wus
incessuntly showering urrows, which were ull breuking into pieces by
striking uguinst Sri Hunomunji's steel-like body.
Soon Sri Rum took over the sitoution und broke the Ilug oI Ruvunu's
churiot. Next He killed the churioteer und the horses, und then He destroyed
the churiot und showered so muny urrows on Ruvunu's body thut he Iell to
the eurth. Ruvunu's whole body begun to tremble.
"I don't kill un exhuosted enemy," Sri Rum suid us He cot oII Ruvunu's
crown. Then He suid in u communding tone,
"I order yoo to go buck to Lunku und convulesce. Then come und I will
show yoo My power."
"All my uosterity Irom the pust hus been in vuin. To me, the conqoeror
oI the whole solur system, u homun being hus deIeuted me." Ruvunu's vunity
wus broken und he dured not go into buttle right uwuy.
Lltimutely Kombhukurnu wus uwukened und he proceeded to the
buttleIield never to retorn us Sri Rum's urrows cot him into muny pieces.
Ruvunu lumented bitterly und he repented Ior his blonder und pruised
Vibhishunu, who guve him some benevolent udvice.
Meghunudu, sorroonded by his powerIol brothers, cume und,
consoling his Iuther, suid, "We will come to yoo only uIter potting un end to
oor enemy."
"Be victorioos." Ruvunu blessed them, bot they were ull killed by the
The buttleIield wus obscored with the deud bodies oI Rukshusus who
were thrown into the oceun. Meghunudu, u greut muster oI sorcery und bluck
mugic, becume worried looking ut the greut destroction oI his urmy. He went
to Nikombhilu temple, took oII his oniIorm und pot on bluck clothes und
oIIered oblutions to the Iire.
A shining uotomutic churiot urose Irom the Ilume which wus uble to
disuppeur und uppeur ut will. Meghunudu got on the churiot und
disuppeured und then he ordered his soldiers to divert the Vunuru's
uttention by uttucking them.
Most oI the Vunurus were pierced by urrows und luy deud on the
buttleIield. The rest Iell down in u greut Iuint.
Meghunudu then went to the pluce where Sri Rum und Lukshmunu
were. He hypnotized them und pierced ull their limbs with shurp urrows.
When he thooght they were deud he retorned to Lunku.
A greut wuve oI joy Ilowed und Ruvunu, oot oI love, embruced his son
uguin und uguin.
There wus no sign oI liIe in Sri Rum's urmy. AIter the son set, the
durkness grew und obscored the sky us iI it were the bluck shudow oI deuth.
Only Vibhishunu wus suved. Bot it proved to him to be more horrible thun
He lit u Iirebrund und moved ull the deud bodies over to Iind iI
someone wus ulive. The bodies oI Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were lying deud
und liIeless. As soon us he upprouched Hunomunji, He uwukened und
uccompunied Vibhishunu.
Muyundu, vividu, Nulu, Neelu ull were lying us deud. They Ioond the
body oI Communder-in-ChieI Jumbuvuntu. He wus lying on the groond.
Heuring them invoke him, he suid,
"I recognize yoo, Vibhishunu. I um coming to my senses grudoully.
Yoo jost tell me, is Hunomunji ulive?"
Vibhishunu wus sorprised und usked,
"Sir, yoo didn't inqoire uboot Sri Rum, Lukshmunu, Sogrivu or
Angudu. Why did yoo usk uboot Hunomunji Iirst?"
"II Hunomunji is suved, I huve hope Ior everyone. He cun give liIe to
ull the deud ones," Jumbuvuntu suid. In sinking tones he went on, "II He is
deud, then Meghunudu cun kill the ones thut remuin ulive."
"Pleuse order me." Hunomunji tooched the Ieet oI thut uge-old
wurrior oI the Golden Age.
"Oh, we ure ull suved." Jumbuvuntu wus highly contented. "Now we
cun plun Ior revivul."
"No medicines ure leIt on the Gundhumudunu hills," Hunomunji suid
in disgost.
"In Lunku there is u greut physiciun, r. Soshenu," Vibhishunu's bruin
ulso becume uctive. "He hus mustery over botunicul herbs, roots, und leuves.
He knows the whereuboots oI ull medicines, ull over the world."
"This is the time to ose Yoor power, Hunomunji," Jumbuvuntu looked
ut Hunomun und continoed, "Yoo ure ulreudy heuring the greut soonds oI u
drom celebrution. They ure bosy with their Iestivuls. On soch un occusion
Yoo cun eusily bring os the physiciun."
Vibhishunu guve Hunomunji the directions to the physiciun's home.
Hunomunji leupt und urrived ut the spot. He Ioond the physiciun
sleeping. oe to remuining constuntly enguged in reseurch, Soshenu coold
not Iind time Ior murriuge. So he wus u buchelor.
He hud u nice bongulow boilt on u hoge rock in u silent corner oI the
city. He loved his putients und ullowed them to upprouch him whenever they
soIIered, so he hud never urrunged to huve uny gutekeepers. He hud
servunts, bot ull oI them hud gone to celebrute ut the Iestivul. The
celebrution wus oI no ose to Soshenu so he went to bed uIter muking some
new experiments.
Hunomunji thooght - AIter ull, his books und medicines will be in his
home, so let os tuke him with his home. So He ruised his hoose op und Ilew
towurds the north.
Soshenu wus uwukened by the movements und us he dressed und
cume to the door he suw Vibhishunu greeting him.
"A physiciun hus neither Iriend nor Ioe. I deul only with putients. Jost
tuke me to the putients," r. Soshenu suid.
"Bot here ure ull the soldiers lying deud," Vibhishunu suid, Ioll oI
"Whoever's body is in one piece cunnot be pronoonced deud, even iI
there ure hondreds oI woonds. II the mun wus heulthy beIore the woonds,
then medicine cun muke him ulive beIore the son rises," Soshenu uIIirmed.
r. Soshenu exumined Sri Rum und Lukshmunu und becume very
serioos Ior u while. Then he looked ut Hunomunji und suid,
"Only Yoo cun do it. Pleuse go to the Himuluyus withoot deluy. Cross
ull the hills und reuch the ureu oI Moont Kuilush. Jost neur there is
ronugiri Hill. It is Ioll oI the right kind oI medicines und herbs I need
He told Him the description und suid, "Bring these herbs. They ure ull
lostroos in the night. It is uboot dosk now und Yoo huve to come buck beIore
the son rises."
Withoot giving uny reply Hunomunji leupt into the sky und Ilew to the
north like u spuce suocer towurds ronugiri, uboot twenty-six hondred
miles uwuy.
Ruvunu und his sons were very cureIol. They enguged spies und
wurriors who coold prevent uny help coming Irom the sky becuose they
knew thut the plunet Svuh wus very moch in Iuvor oI Sri Rum.
At once u spy inIormed Ruvunu thut their greut physiciun hud been
tuken uwuy by the Vunurus, und thut the sume One Who hud tuken him wus
now going towurds the north very Iust und they hud no power to resist Him.
Immediutely Ruvunu mude u decision und urrived ut the home oI the
greutest bluck mugiciun oI the time. His nume wus Kulunemi. Withoot
wusting uny time in Iormulities he suid,
"Pleuse horry und stop Him jost Ior this night."
"As yoo wish, so be it," suid Kulunemi, und he urose in the uir und
disuppeured Irom Lunku.
He uppeured in north Indiu on the eurth where Hunomunji wus to
puss IiIteen minotes luter. There wus un old roined pond where Kulunemi
creuted u heuvenly grove, u most beuotiIol und uttructive hermituge, und
torned himselI into the Iorm oI u highly elegunt yogi by the power oI his
bluck mugic. He threw his hypnotic inIloence ull over the spuce.
When Hunomunji reuched thut purt oI spuce He Ielt very thirsty. His
throut begun to be purched.
The moon wus rising und when He glunced downwurd He suw the
most beuotiIol hermituge und u greut yogi sitting in yogic postore on u slub
onder the open sky. There most be u wuter pond uroond him - Hunomunji
thooght und so He descended neur the hermituge, entered the compoond,
und bowed down to the yogi in reverence.
"Oh, Hunomunji, God bless Yoo my Son. Be soccessIol in Yoor
mission," the bluck mugiciun suid rejoicing.
"We dwellers in solitode ulwuys meditute on the heurt-sunctiIying
bliss und enlightening, beuotiIol pustimes oI Lord Sri Rumuchundru. I
ulwuys see His pustimes in the light oI my own divine meditution. Nowuduys
He is pluying u gume oI Iighting with Ruvunu bot He will be victorioos no
Kulunemi knew thut Hunomunji loved to heur the pustimes oI Situ und
Rum und thut whenever He heurd them He osed to Iorget everything else
und u long time woold puss. So he tried to entungle Hunomunji by this.
"I um very thirsty, pleuse tell Me where the wuter is?" Hunomunji wus
not so cureless in Sri Rum's work. He hud to go so He reqoested the yogi
with Iolded hunds to let Him huve u drink oI wuter.
"Oh, I um sorry, I Iorgot, pleuse tuke this wuter." Kulunemi moved his
wuter Iilled kumundulo in which he hud ulreudy mixed the shurpest poison
towurd Hunomunji.
"This little wuter!" Hunomunji objected, "Whut to speuk oI qoenching
My thirst, this will Iuil even to wet My throut. Pleuse tell Me the wuy to the
pond qoickly."
"Yoo ulso huve to go to bring medicine," The pseodo yogi replied.
When the poisoning plun hud Iuiled, Kulunemi pluyed yet unother
"Those medicines ure deIinitely extruordinury. They begin to shine
only to those who ure initiuted in certuin muntrus. Jost behind those boshes
there is u pond. Yoo drink und buthe, und come qoickly. I will initiute Yoo
und give Yoo the most powerIol muntru." He thooght he woold puss the
whole night teuching Hunomunji vurioos compolsory ritouls oI the muntrus.
"So kind oI yoo, how merciIol yoo ure." Hunomunji wus very
innocent. He never knew to doobt unyone who wus in suintly gurb, which is
the nutore oI u reul devotee.
He horried oII to the pond.
He drunk wuter Irom the pond und us soon us Hunomunji entered
into the wuter to tuke u dip, u crocodile cuptored His leg und begun to
swullow Him, bot His other Ioot wus still Iree so He ruised it u little op und
dushed it on the crocodile's heud with Ioll velocity.
As iI u rock hud Iullen opon it, her heud broke into pieces und she died
on the spot.
Immediutely u most beuotiIol dumsel urose oot oI the wuter, und
stunding in the spuce, she suid with Iolded pulms to Hunomunji,
"I um un ustrul dumsel Irom plunet Svuh. Iveryduy I osed to come to
the Himuluyus to pluy. There I loved u yooth very moch bot he never
bothered uboot me. He wus ulwuys bosy in his meditutions und discossions
with elderly suints.
"One duy I suw he wus reciting some Vedic muntrus while stunding in
the wuter. I wunted to give him u pleusunt sorprise und so I entered into the
wuter und clusped his Ieet Irom the buck. He wus jolted und wus in u
qoundury und he Iorgot his muntrus. It guve me greut joy. Then I begun to
luogh wholeheurtedly. He becume ungry und corsed me to become u
"Oh, Messenger oI Sri Rum, by Yoor Gruce I um delivered Irom this
heinoos specie. Listen, my Lord, this is not u yogi, bot u dreudIol bluck
mugiciun, Rukshusu Kulunemi, who hus been sitting here especiully to detuin
Yoo." And the dumsel disuppeured.
Hunomunji wus us iI uwukened. He cume oot oI the pond und wulked
to the yogi who hud ulreudy Iixed everything soituble Ior initiution.
Bot Hunomun suid, "Oh, greut revered yogi Muhuruj, excose Me. Yoo
will huve to initiute Me luter. Pleuse tuke this donution Iirst."
Suying this, Hunomunji wrupped His tuil uroond his neck und dushed
him on the hoge stone. His mugic ushrum disuppeured und his hoge
demonic Iorm uppeured. His blood wus scuttered ull uroond.
Hunomunji urose in the sky und mude His Iustest speed und urrived ut
ronuchulu beIore midnight. He suw the whole moontuin shimmering with
lights Irom the herbs. He wus pozzled uboot the purticolurity und the
qountity und so He took op the whole moontuin und retorned posthuste.
This time He huppened to puss throogh the spuce oI Nundigrum oI
It wus the second hulI oI the night. Shri Bhurutu, the second yoonger
brother oI Sri Rum, doe to extreme soIIering owing to his sepurution Irom
Sri Rum, wus living un uscetic wuy oI liIe. He wus jost Iinishing his duily
worship und meditution in his cuve, und wus sitting ootside in the
He soddenly suw u hoge Iorm coming Iust Irom the north with u
shining moontuin in His hund. He thooght He wus some demon currying u
hoge moontuin which He coold dush on the hermituge oI some rishi. He
most be going to uttuck someone; otherwise, why wus He in soch u horry?
He qoietly took his bow und Iixed u tipless urrow und releused it when
Hunomunji wus oot oI the residentiul ureu.
As soon us it strock uguinst His heurt, Hunomunji cried, "Rum, Rum,
Sri Rum," und Iell down on the eurth onconscioos. The wind god held the
moontuin in the spuce.
The moment Bhurutu heurd Sri Rum's Nume he threw his bow uwuy
und roshed to Him.
"Who is He? Whom huve I killed? It is unother oIIense to the lotos
Ieet oI Sri Rum."
Bhurutu run down und suw Hunomunji und he wus extremely
tormented und wept in teurs.
"II I reully love Sri Rum, iI Sri Rum reully loves me, then by the power
oI this Troth let this Vunuru be suved," suid Bhurutu.
"Sri Rum." Hunomun soddenly opened His eyes und sut op und suid,
"My merciIol Lord." Hunomun misconceived Bhurutu Ior Rum, us the
resemblunce wus striking.
"Brother, I um the yoonger son oI King ushuruthu und yoonger
brother oI Sri Rum. My nume is Bhurutu. I huve committed un oIIense by
shooting un urrow ut Yoo. Pleuse excose me, und muy I muke Yoor
"I un insigniIicunt Servunt oI Sri Rum, this Hunomunji bows down to
yoor lotos Ieet. I um sunctiIied toduy by huving this vision {durshun) oI yoo."
"Where is my beloved Brother? AIter so muny yeurs I huve met One
Who is reluted to Him. Pleuse tell me where is my yoonger brother
Lukshmunu und Mother Situ? Are they ull huppy und heulthy? Whut ure they
doing? Where were Yoo going with soch u hoge moontuin?" Bhurutu wus
reully excited with pleusore und usked muny qoestions ut once.
Whut Hunomunji told him in u Iew words wus very heurt-breuking,
und then Hunomunji usked,
"My Lord, pleuse give Me permission to go. I most reuch Lunku beIore
"Cun Yoo not donute u Iew moments to the tormenting sools oI
Ayodhyu?" Bhurutu reqoested, Ioll oI homility.
"This is the second hulI oI the night. AIter sonset Yoo sturted und now
Yoo huve pussed three-Ioorths oI Yoor whole joorney. How woold my
mother purdon me iI I let Yoo go withoot meeting them?"
"My liIe woold be IolIilled iI I coold tooch their Ieet," Hunomunji
So Bhurutu took Hunomunji, who ussomed His normul Iorm, in his
churiot to the Royul ussembly.
At midnight Ayodhyu's Royul ussembly becume crowded. Three
mothers cume, ulong with their three son's wives. The spiritoul muster oI
the stute, Brumhurshi Vusisthu cume. Somuntru und other importunt
ministers und the Communder-in-ChieI cume. Hunomunji greeted them ull.
All oI them begun to look ut Him Ioll oI coriosity und love.
Hunomunji described everything in u notshell und concloded,
"When I sturted, My Lord wus coming to conscioosness und Prince
Lukshmunu wus totully onconscioos."
The Communder-in-ChieI oI Ayodhyu's urmy cried oot, his Iuce und
eyes red und Iiery,
"I will see this scoondrel Ruvunu und the power oI his people." He
roured like u lion, "Revenge, revenge. We wunt revenge becuose oI the insolt
to oor Impress, by the steuling oI Situ. I wunt to murch with my urmy right
this minote."
He wunted to blow his conch und guther his troops. He wus jost
wuiting Ior un order Irom Shutroghnu, his communder, who looked ut
Bhurutu, who wus his communder, und who in torn looked ut the spiritoul
muster, the muin director oI ull the uIIuirs oI the Royul ussembly, who wus
sitting qoietly on his elevuted seut heuring everything with closed eyes.
"Shutroghnu, yoo don't need permission Irom unybody," Mother
Somitru's tone echoed in the ussembly. "My Rum is ulone in the middle oI
the enemy's urmy. Yoo go horriedly to join Him und convey this messuge,
`on't lument Ior Lukshmunu. He hus perIormed his doty well. Yoo Iinish
Ruvunu und come here soon ulong with Situ.'"
"Hunomun," Mother Kuoshulyu's voice echoed, "Hunomun, Yoo
convey my messuge to my Son Rum. II He cun retorn to Ayodhyu ulong with
Situ und Lukshmunu, He shoold retorn; otherwise, iI He is ulone, He
shooldn't bother to come to Ayodhyu."
"No, no, no," Somitru suid loodly. "Hunomun, this is my order to Yoo,
not u messuge - Sri Rum most come with Situ. Tell Him to Iorget Lukshmunu
und us u sobstitote tuke Shutroghnu. II he too is sucriIiced in soch u noble
cuose, then He shooldn't torn buck. He shoold jost come with Situ."
The silent midnight wus witnessing the stonned Royul ussembly. The
qoietness deepened und whutever wus spoken echoed tremendoosly.
"All oI yoo pleuse excose Me Ior interropting," Hunomunji suid us He
heurd und looked uroond with His yellow eyes, wondering where soch u
beuotiIol melodioos tone Ioll oI homility und dignity wus coming Irom, us iI
stubility und umiubility were vibrunt in u Ieminine tone.
As Hunomunji looked op He suw un incurnution oI beuoty.
Lrmilu, the yoonger sister oI Situ und wiIe oI Lukshmunu urose Irom
her seut und suid,
"Nothing hus huppened to my hosbund," und she ruised her pulms
opright und showed her bungles to everyone.
Her eyes were borning und hypnotizing the whole ussembly und they
knew thut whutever she wus suying wus ubsolotely troe.
"on't yoo see, nothing hus huppened to my bungles, they ure still
onbroken. Look ut the vermillion on my Ioreheud. Look ut me. Lrmilu is still
ulive, still heulthy. This is the sign, this is the prooI thut yoor yoonger Prince
is ubsolotely ull right. I um ulwuys in Ioll emputhy with my hosbund."
"Thunk yoo, thunk yoo. All glories to Princess Lrmilu." The spiritoul
muster, who wus qoietly sitting, now got op und blessed her oot oI joy und
then looked ut the uodience.
"My blissIol selves," the spiritoul muster suid uddressing the ussembly
und Iinulizing everything und giving one decision. "Oor Prince is suIe by the
power oI the chustity oI blessed Lrmilu. I ussore yoo thut even the combined
Iorces oI nutore huve no power to ondo the will oI soch u chuste ludy.
Lukshmunu will get op beIore morning with u new liIe's uwureness und the
ruscul who hus uttucked him will huve lost his liIe. He will not be uble to see
even tomorrow's sonset."
Then the muster continoed, "No one need go Irom here becuose Sri
Rum's victory does not expect unyone's help. Let Ruvunu be killed by Rum
HimselI und let the whole world sing the song oI His glorioos victory und
receive inspirution to love ull lightness within oneselI und to do service to
the philosopher's cluss."
The muster luoghed und suid, "Why do yoo Iorget thut the expirution
oI Sri Rum's bunishment is ulreudy Iinishing. We need to udorn oor city, oor
stute, in His welcome, Whom we love us oor own sools."
The whole ussembly's uttention wus directed towurds u new progrum,
Ioll oI new hope, oI new excitement.
Hunomunji prostruted HimselI ut the Ieet oI the spiritoul muster oI
Ayodhyu, who stretched oot his right pulm und blessed Him. "Be victorioos,
be soccessIol, let Thy puth be uospicioos."
There wus no more time. The moon wus constuntly moving westwurd.
All oI them guve Iurewells with drops oI teurs in their eyes. Hunomunji,
ulong with Bhurutu und Shutroghnu, bourded the churiot und cume to
"Sri Hunomunji, I huve wusted u lot oI Yoor most vulouble time. Yoo
huve u long wuy to go. Pleuse, tuke Yoor moontuin und be seuted on my
urrow. It will get Yoo to Lunku very qoickly," Bhurutu suid.
Now Hunomunji onderstood why the Communder-in-ChieI wus usking
Ior un order to murch immediutely. Anyone coold reuch his destinution
qoickly iI they were sent by Bhurutu's urrow.
Hunomunji reqoested with Iolded hunds. "My Lord, by yoor Gruce
itselI I coold reuch Lunku in time with the speed oI yoor urrow."
"Convey oor obeisunces to oor Lord," Bhurutu und Shutroghnu suid
with teurs in their eyes.
Hunomunji urose in the uir und moved with the speed oI soond. Greut
mosic echoed ull uroond --
Jui Sri Rum!!!
Vibhishunu wus wuiting on the buttleIield oI Lunku. Jumbuvuntu wus
wuiting. Innomeruble Vunurus, who by thut time hud been heuled by nutore,
were imputiently uwuiting Hunomunji. They were sitting uroond lumenting.
Sri Rum sturted crying Ior Lukshmunu und pluced his motionless body
on His lup. r. Soshenu wus sitting und looking very serioosly while tuking
Lukshmunu's polse. All the Vunurus kept looking ut the sky hoping to see Sri
Hunomunji soon. It wus the end oI three-Ioorths oI the night.
Then u greut voice echoed ull uroond,
"Jui Sri Rum!"
Hunomunji lunded on the eurth.
The doctor immediutely got op, moonted the hill und picked op some
herbs. He reqoested Hunomunji to tuke the moontuin ull uroond the whole
buttleIield. By the perIome oI the herbs, the deud bodies were enlivened. By
the Visulyukuruni herb, uotomuticully the urrows cume oot Irom the bodies.
By the Vrunuropini plunts the woonds were heuled completely. By the
perIome oI Sumrohini, where limbs hud been cot oII, new und heulthy ones
sprung op.
When Sri Hunomunji retorned Irom Lunku, huving pluced r.
Soshenu und his hoose buck in pluce, He suw thut Sri Rum und Lukshmunu
were perIectly heulthy und huppy.
"His highness shoold try to onderstund. A physiciun sees u putient us
u putient, never us u Rukshusu or u Vunuru, jost us u homun being. I huve
never neglected uny service oI the stute," r. Soshenu wus trying to expluin
to Ruvunu uIter he hud been culled in Iront oI the royul ussembly,
The next morning Solochunu reqoested oI her hosbund, Meghunudu,
"My beloved hosbund, jost Ior toduy, pleuse do not go to the
buttleIield. My right eye und right urm ure Ilottering -- pleuse Iuvor me with
this reqoest?" Meghunudu smilingly embruced his wiIe und suid,
"How come? How cun I stop myselI Irom going to the wur when the
enemies ure rouring ut the door? I huve given my word to my Iuther. How
cun I sit ut home uIruid oI deuth? Yoo huve suid muny times thut my Iortone
is suIe becuose oI yoor chustity."
"It is troe my beloved, yoo ure my Iortone. I um conIident thut my
Iortone is totully suIe by the immense power oI my chustity. Bot my deur, we
ull huve u certuin limit to oor power. Ior instunce, Situ is the greutest umong
ull the chuste ludies. My power oI chustity seems to be insigniIicunt
compured to hers. Pleuse honor my reqoest. I Iind ull the directions ure
durkening, und one oI my bungles broke toduy," Solochunu suid Ioll oI teurs,
sobbing und sighing.
"Yoo ure worrying Ior nothing. I um suIe by my own power by which I
conqoered the king oI the plunet Svuh. Lunku is the topmost in sorcery,
bluck mugic, necromuncy, cluirvoyunce, physicul powers, ulchemy und
urchery. Why ure yoo, the beloved oI un incompuruble muster oI ull oI these,
Irightened by those two poor philosophers?" Meghunudu suid, consoling his
Then Meghunudu uppeured in the sky over the buttleIield und luoghed
loodly und begun to shower urrows Irom the uir.
All the Vunurus run to Lukshmunu. He becume very ungry und sturted
to releuse u highly powerIol weupon, Brumhustru, in order to destroy the
entire Rukshusu ruce.
Sri Rum objected und suid,
"It is not right, with soch u weupon ull the innocent und non-Iighting
Rukshusus will ulso be killed. Yoo jost Iinish this crooked necromuncer."
Meghunudu wus very conning. He suw thut Rum und Lukshmunu hud
become cureIol und thut they coold releuse uny weupon by which he coold
not be spured, even by hiding beyond physicul existence. Then he uppeured
und posed us iI escuping Irom the buttleIield.
The Vunurus shooted thut Meghunudu wus escuping. Since Aryun
wurriors never shoot the escuping enemy, Lukshmunu begun to Iight with
other Rukshusus.
Very shortly, some Vunurus brooght very speciul news to Rum.
Immediutely Hunomunji, Lukshmunu und u groop oI Vunurus onder the
goidunce oI Vibhishunu murched towurds the silvery hill. Crossing wus very
diIIicolt bot top secret puths led them to Nikombhili temple.
Irom u distunce Vibhishunu pointed to some rising smoke und told
"This is the secret center oI Royul sorcery und necromuncy und the
innomeruble reseurches oI Lunku stute. By the speciul power prodoced here
by vurioos experiments, this tiny Lunku islund hus conqoered the three
"Now Meghunudu is sitting in u bluck robe oIIering oblutions oI blood,
wine, und Ilesh in the Iire to sutisIy Smusunukuliku. II it is completed
soccessIolly, ondoobtedly he will become invincible und immortul Ior u Iew
yeurs. ThereIore, he hus to be Iinished beIore his yuju is completed."
There wus u powerIol groop oI Rukshusus enguged in gourding the
temple where Meghunudu wus perIorming his worship. They were ordered
not even to ullow the King entrunce ut this time oI speciul worship.
Lukshmunu killed them ull with u single urrow und entered the cuve.
"Hypocrite! Cowurd! Iscuping Irom the buttleIield! Yoo ure hiding
here!" Hunomunji chullenged Meghunudu und shook him by his huir, while
Meghunudu huving tuken u vow oI silence, wus sitting constuntly oIIering
oblutions into the Iire.
Lukshmunu Ireed ull the unimuls collected to be sluoghtered und
broke ull the sucriIiciul pots. Hunomunji kicked his sucriIiciul urenu und
broke it into pieces. Meghunudu run down the yurd und jomped on his
churiot, bot the urrows oI Lukshmunu destroyed the whole churiot.
A greut Iight ensoed between the two, und then Lukshmunu Iixed u
dreudIol weupon on his bow und suid,
"II Sri Rum is Iirm in trothIolness und Vedic wisdom then let this
urrow cot oII this mugiciun's heud.
Thut urrow Ilew eropting Iire ull uroond und its hulI-circled edge cot
down Meghunudu's heud, which wus udorned with u crown, diudem und
Innomeruble people oI other plunets who were wutching the buttle
Irom spuce showered Ilowers und thunked Lukshmunu.
A Iresh, red, perIomed rose Iell Irom spuce opon the lup oI Lrmilu
who wus constuntly sitting ubsorbed in meditution uIter the depurtore oI
Hunomunji Irom Ayodhyu. Oot oI trunscendentul wonder she opened her
eyes und pluced the rose uguinst her eyes und her Ioreheud.
She Ielt thrilled und run down to the other upurtment to the members
oI the Royul ussembly. A wuve oI joy spreud throoghoot the city. "Victory,
victory to my beloved hosbund."
Solochunu wus ulso sitting ubsorbed in deep meditution in the Royul
puluce oI Lunku.
"No, no, this is not possible. Victory is not Ior the snukes und
scorpions to bite homunity ull the time."
Some invisible soond wus resoonding in the heurt oI Solochunu. "No,
no," she screumed oIten.
A deuthly durkness wus sorroonding her. At lust ull oI her bungles
broke loodly und she Iell down und cried, "I um deIeuted," und then Iell on
the Iloor in u Iuint.
"Only he who wus uble to observe u constunt Iust Ior twelve yeurs
ulong with u vow oI celibucy wus uble to kill Meghunudu. Sri Rum onIolded
the mystery to Lukshmunu when the soldiers retorned to Sri Rum, Ioll oI
enthosiusm. Then the Vunurus celebruted u Iestivul.
Iverybody wus tired und Ieeling sleepy. Sri Hunomunji enlurged His
tuil so long thut He creuted u hoge cumpos oI it und Sri Rum, Lukshmunu
ulong with ull the Vunurus Iell into u deep sleep. Sri Hunomunji stood ulert
wutching everything ut the gute.
"Is there unyone else who hus u lust oblution Ior the Iire sucriIice oI
the Rum-Ruvunu wur?" In Lunku Ruvunu's bruin becume vigilunt.
"Ahiruvunu!" Soddenly Ruvunu remembered thut yeurs ugo this son
wus born. He is the king oI un islund.
Ruvunu went struight to Nikombhili, esoteric experiment upurtment.
"Yoo remembered me, uddy?" Ahiruvunu wus bosy with his own
He wus ulmost indiIIerent to his purents. Bot toduy he soddenly Ielt u
greut uttruction to meet his Iuther, und, us iI he were being hypnotized und
polled op withoot uny second thooght, he reuched Lunku und entered thut
purticolur upurtment where Ruvunu wus sitting in his tuntric experiment
He onderstood und reqoested politely, "Is there uny service yoo wish
Irom me?"
"My deur son, yoor mother-lund is in dunger. All the muin pillurs oI
the stute huve been killed in the buttleIield. Yoor muternul grundIuther hus
mude yoo un expert in sorcery. Yoo cun help me in my bud duys." Ruvunu
who hud been Ioll oI vunity throoghoot his liIetime, wus looking ut the Iuce
oI his son in greut tension und lumentution.
"I will tuke uwuy both oI those Princes und sucriIice their heuds to
Mother Kuli tonight," Ahiruvunu promised his Iuther.
"II yoo coold do this, yoo huve given me new liIe. Then the Vunurus
will scutter und disuppeur und those who will remuin I will Iinish by
morning. Bot how shull I know thut yoo huve soccessIolly stolen uwuy those
Princes?" Ruvunu inqoired.
"When yoo see u Ilush oI light in the sky over Sri Rum's urmy yoo will
know thut yoor enemies huve been stolen uwuy," he suid.
Ahiruvunu cume to Sri Rum's urmy und Ioond thut ull the Vunurus
were tired uIter so muny duys oI terrible Iighting. They were sleeping
curelessly bot u hoge powerIol Vunuru, Hunomunji, wus encircling ull oI
them with His tuil. He hud lengthened his tuil so long thut it Iormed u wull oI
protection uroond them.
Ahiruvunu rudiuted u hypnotic inIloence ull over the utmosphere und
when he wus ussored thut everyone wus onder his control he ussomed the
Iorm oI Vibhishunu und stood in Iront oI Hunomunji, Who wus still not
onder his control.
"Why ure yoo coming ut this lute hoor?" Hunomunji usked.
"I went to perIorm my evening buth und meditution ut the seushore so
I um lute," the urtiIiciul Vibhishunu replied.
Hunomunji let him puss, bot jost u Iew moments luter u noise urose
und grew within the runks.
AIter the hypnotic stute wus cust over Sogrivu, he roshed und
uwukened Jumbuvuntu, IeurIolly suying, "Sri Rum und even Lukshmunu who
were usleep ure not now in their beds."
"Where, where huve they gone?" Jumbuvuntu usked us he uwukened
Vibhishunu und within moments the whole urmy wus uwukened.
They ull were pozzled und ull oI them went to the gute to usk
"Sri Rum und Lukshmunu ure ubsent Irom their beds. id unybody
leuve the cumpos uIter twilight?" they usked.
"I did not see unyone going ootside the circle oI My tuil und no one
cun uctoully cross My tuil onless he hus My Lord with him," Hunomunji
suid," und uIter the son set only Vibhishunu cume inside the cumpos.
"Whut?" Vibhishunu wus wonder-strock. "I wus with Sri Rum und
Lukshmunu right Irom the time we killed Meghunudu toduy. It seems
someone cume in my Iorm und he hus stolen them uwuy."
Hunomunji thooght more und remembered seeing u circle oI light in
the sky Ior u moment beIore someone entered in Vibhishunu's Iorm.
Vibhishunu suid to them with greut unxiety,
"There is u certuin strict role in oor ruce thut only u member oI the
royul Iumily cun ussome the Iorm oI unother royul Iumily member, und ull
the sons oI Ruvunu und Kombhukurnu huve been killed. Ruvunu cunnot be so
meun us to deIume me. It most be unother son who hus tuken Sri Rum und
Lukshmunu. Where cun he be keeping them?"
Soddenly his eyes glowed with light und he suid,
"Certuinly it is the uct oI Ahiruvunu. No one else hus done it other thun
he. Pleuse Hunomunji, go und seurch Ior oor two Lords now ut his islund
und bring them buck beIore sonrise."
Hunomunji nodded in ugreement und suid, "Pleuse be cureIol Ior no
one shoold know thut Sri Rum, Lukshmunu und MyselI ure ubsent."
He noted the proper locution oI his continent und Ilew to the west.
Ahiruvunu's islund wus somewhere between Sooth Americu und Aostruliu.
Hunomunji wus sorprised to see thut the deIense oIIicer oI the stute
wus u Vunuru und resembled HimselI in Iuce, Iorm und strength.
"id the owner oI this stute go oot somewhere toduy?" Hunomunji
"Oor King Ahiruvunu went somewhere und hus brooght buck with him
two beuotiIol Princes whom he is prepuring to sucriIice to Mother Kuli. o
yoo heur the soond oI mosic coming Irom the Kuli temple?" The oIIicer
"Yes, I heur, bot who ure yoo?"
"I um the son oI the greut powerIol Sri Hunomunji. My nume is
Mukurudhvuj. I um u deIense oIIicer enguged by oor King here," thut Vunuru
replied with Ioll dignity.
"I um u born celibute. How coold yoo be My son?" Hunomunji stured
ut him, reulizing he wus un exuct doplicute oI HimselI.
"Oh, how Iortonute I um thut I huve seen the lotos Ieet oI my Iuther."
The oIIicer prostruted himselI ut Hunomunji's Ieet und suid with Iolded
"When Yoor Holiness bornt Lunku und jomped into the oceun, u Iew
drops oI perspirution Irom Yoor body Iell into the oceun. A hoge Iish picked
it op in her mooth und my body wus Iormed inside her stomuch. A
Iishermun cuoght thut Iish und u buby wus born when he cot the Iish open.
This extruordinury incident wus nurruted to the King. He suw me und
enguged me us u deIense oIIicer oI this islund.
"Recently evurshi Nurudu visited this stute und he nurruted my story
und suid, "Very soon yoo ure going to see yoor beloved Iuther."
Hunomunji wus stonned, bot He hud to be uboot His bosiness us time
wus elupsing.
"I huve to go to yoor temple oI Kuli. Those Princes ure My Musters und
I huve come to tuke them buck with Me," Hunomunji suid und stepped inside
the gute.
Mukurudhvuj jomped in Iront oI Him und suid,
"Althoogh I um Yoor son und most be obedient to Yoo, I um ulso un
oIIicer here in churge oI the suIety oI the entire stute, so I huve my doty to
perIorm. As long us there is strength in my body, I cunnot let Yoo enter."
Then there wus u greut Iight between the Iuther und the son. There
wus not moch time leIt, us Hunomunji dushed His son to the Iloor und tied
him tightly with His son's own tuil, leIt him lying there und entered the city.
He removed the deity oI Mother Kuli und sut opon her throne ussoming her
"Mother Kuli is very sutisIied toduy." The Rukshusus were very
enthosiustic und excited becuose whutever eutubles they oIIered Hunomun
on the ulter simply disuppeured.
Sri Rum und Lukshmunu hud been given u nice buth with hot wuter
und perIomes und the Rukshusus udorned Ilowers in their huir, pusted
sundul powder ull over their limbs, und pot durk red clothes und Ilower
gurlunds on their bodies. Pulutuble Iroits were oIIered to them.
"Now whoever is most deur to Yoo, Yoo cun remember him ut Yoor
eleventh hoor." Ahiruvunu stood them in Iront oI Mother Kuli und ruised his
sword to cot oII their heuds.
"I remember Sri Hunomunji. He is most deur to Me und yoo ulso
remember Him," suid Sri Rum to Lukshmunu und conIidently closed His
eyes in deep remembrunce oI thut merciIol Son oI the wind god.
As soon us Ahiruvunu pointed his sword towurds Sri Rum's neck u
greut rour like thoosunds oI thonderbolts urose Irom Mother Kuli's seut und
resoonded in ull directions. All the ussembled Rukshusus becume ulmost
Hunomunji jomped Irom His seut, took the sword und cot oII
Ahiruvunu's heud. Within u Iew moments the entire Iloor wus covered by
Rukshusus' heuds und bodies.
Hunomunji then Iell down prostrute ut the Ieet oI the two Lords und
with eyes Iilled with teurs set them opon His shoolders und wulked oot.
"Who is he?" Sri Rum's eyes soddenly Iell opon Mukurudvuj who wus
lying ootside, still tied with his own tuil.
"This wus the Iellow who wus stopping Me Irom going inside the
puluce," Hunomunji replied, Ireeing him Irom bonduge.
"Bot how wonderIol. Look, Lukshmunu, doesn't he resemble
Hunomunji's son?" Sri Rum usked.
Lukshmunu, Ioll oI joy, gruceIolly glunced ut Mukurudhvuj, und
Hunomunji oot oI shyness kept bending His heud low.
Mukurudhvuj, with Ioll reverence, circomumboluted both Brothers
und his Iuther und suloted Them.
"My deur, yoo ure now the King oI this islund," Sri Rum ordered,
tooching His pulms to his heud.
"o not uccept demonic uttitodes. Iollow the wuy oI liIe oI Aryuns like
yoor Iuther, Hunomunji."
Aboot the time oI sonrise, ull the Vunurus who were constuntly guzing
ut the sky, suw the trinity oI light bloe, red und gold, und recognizing them
us Sri Rum, Lukshmunu und Hunomunji, begun to celebrute the Iestivity und
u greut soond oI gloriIicution echoed und re-echoed in ull directions.
How powerIol is the mugic oI bluck mugiciuns when even Sri Rum-like
personulties ure stolen uwuy, by which Vunurus ure inIutouted by being
shown innomeruble Rums, und showers oI Iire, wuter und dungeroos
storms, und this mugic wus perIormed in Iront oI Rum, HimselI. Whut does
it meun? It meuns none oI the visions und encoonterments oI God cun be
suid to be God's originul Iorm uothoritutively. Then how cun yoo be
conIident thut yoo huve seen God? Thut whutever hus been seen is reully
reluted to God.
The stute oI conscioosness itselI is the prooI. II yoo huve hud visions
oI God, then the diversiIied muniIestutions oI ignorunce woold evuporute,
then the Ieur, body-identiIicution, uttuchment, uversion, und ull the
contrudictions oI doulity woold disuppeur. Yoor Iuce woold be withoot
wrinkles Irom tension, yoor words woold be ull-embrucing, yoor eyes woold
be cooling, soothing und benevolent; otherwise, whutever Iorm und visions
yoo huve seen cun only be either some bluck or white mugic or yoor own
mentul projection und concoction.
The sume luw upplies to meditution ulso. It doesn't mutter which
meditution method belongs to which religion, to which mission, to which
goro, iI yoo experience in yoor nutorul spontuneity u thooghtless, timeless
und egoless trunce oI peuce or bliss und it keeps permeuting yoor entire liIe
stroctore onconditionully. Yoo ure getting some unchor within yoo, yoo ure
being rooted opon yoor own Being deeper und deeper ut the sume time. Yoo
ure developing yoor own Iree und independent personulity. Then it cun be
suid to be reul meditution; otherwise someone hus simply hypnotized yoo,
someone hus simply Iooled yoo in the nume oI religion or meditution und
nothing else.
Ahiruvunu wus worshipping Mother Kuli. Meghunudu wus trying to
sutisIy Smusunukuliku, Ruvunu's Nikombhitu esoteric experiment und
reseurch wus centered uroond the Shukti Mother-conscioosness. There wus
no doobt thut their upprouches to Mother remuined incomplete und
demonic, bot their upprouch wus power prodocing, energizing und desire
IolIilling. There is no doobt in it.
Sri Rum wunted to sutisIy the ivine Mother, bot Lukshmunu wus not
interested in Lgrutr, Chhimmumust, Smusuchundik, who were
dreudIol und terriIying Iigores oI ivine Mother.
The ivine Mother is the Lord oI ull Lords, irector oI ull Iorces und
She is one ulone; bot She muniIests HerselI in vurioos Iorms ussoming the
three tendencies oI nutore.
In the entire Iield oI nutore, the mode oI uctivity is more powerIol
thun the mode oI inertiu. In the sume wuy, the mode oI peuceIolness is still
more powerIol thun the mode oI uctivity. All uctions depend on reluxution
Ior power und soccess, it is u common luw, bot in the stute oI intoxicution or
deep sleep, or the onconscioos stute, the mode oI inertiu is predominunt,
whereus in excitement or in u rebellioos stute, in dreudIol ucts und in ull
sorts oI displuys oI rites und perIormunces oI duily doties, the mode oI
pussion {uctivity) is powerIol in diIIerent degrees.
In spiritoul qoests, in u philosopher's residence, in the silence oI
knowledgeuble persons, the mode oI suttvu {or peuceIolness und silence) is
predominunt. Mother ulso muniIests HerselI in three kinds oI Iorms.
The demonic ruces oI the uityus, unuvus und Rukushusus were
onder the spell oI their mode oI pussion und inertiu. They took shelter in
rujus und tumusic Iorms oI ivine Mother, whereus suttvic personulities cun
only meditute on Her suttvic muniIestutions soch us Mother orgu,
Triporsonduri, Triporbhuiruvi, Guyutri, Sukumbhuri, etceteru.
She is to be worshipped by the whole oniverse. We will worship the
lion seuted, ten-urmed Mother orgu.
All the Vunurus sut in the pruyer postore ut the beuch und ut
duwn they begun to pruy. BeIore the pruyer wus complete, there
uppeured un eIIolgent light Iilling ull the directions. In the center oI
the light there shone u beuotiIol lion-seuted, molti-weuponed, red-
clothed, three-eyed, moonlit-crowned, heurt-cuptivuting womun.
A long, golden-huired, dreudIol-juwed, hoge lion wus stunding
in extreme peuceIolness looking ut the Vunurus with his innocent
eyes. The ivine Mother wus sitting opon the lion showering Her
blessings with Her pulm us well us Her eyes.
Sri Rum oIIered u hundIol oI Ilowers und bowed down to Her lotos
"Rum Rughonundunu, Yoo ure ever victorioos.
"This invincible Ruvunu is one oI Yoor own people und wherever Yoor
own people ure in uny Iorm, in uny circomstunces, nobody else cun deIeut
them. They remuin invincible ull over the cosmic-egg, bot uIter ull, they ure
Yoors. Yoo jost remove their Iorm, their present shupe und thut's ull.
"Ruvunu cun be torned into ushes by u Vunuru iI u Vunuru simply
wished it, bot Yoo wunt to estublish u trudition oI My worship in the Iuce oI
the buttleIield. Then let it be done. Since Ruvunu worships Me, in order to
kill him Yoo most huve My permission. II Yoo wunt it, I huve given it. Let
thut pluyer oI the greut egotisticul role be delivered."
The whole utmosphere in ull the directions wus thrilled und dunced
with the echoes oI the inconceivubly sweet und love-soothing, melodioos
tone oI ivine Mother. She torned Her pulm opwurd in blessing, und the
whole sorroonding ureu reddened.
Ilowers showered, und the ivine Mother disuppeured.
All the Vunurus suw thut the greut light oI the ivine Mother hud now
descended into Sri Rum. His Iuce wus ruptoroos, His eyes were
mesmerizing, und His guit sorprising.
"Yoo ure ull incompuruble. The greutest wurriors oI the world. No one
cun conqoer yoo. Let os murch und uttuck the enemies,"
Ruvunu wus soonding the ulurm to his soldiers in Lunku. Then
soddenly his voice becume hursh.
"All oI yoo shoold know thut iI unyone escupes, hides, or is Irightened
in the line oI buttle, I will kill him piteoosly with my own hunds."
A lurge urmy oI the Rukshusus cume oot Irom the Iort und uttucked Sri
Rum's urmy. A greut, dreudIol buttle ensoed.
"This is Rum stunding here." All the Rukshusus begun to see Rum in
euch other und sturted killing euch other becuose Sri Rum releused u
weupon oI muss-memorizution, gundhurvustu by nume.
Ruvunu's churiot reuched Sri Rum und there urose the greutest, most
dreudIol Iight. Nobody wus osing ordinury weupons, und the eurth und
moontuins begun to tremble. The oceun begun to swell doe to constunt jolts
Irom celestiul weupons. When the Iire prodoced by the weupon Ajneyustru
begun to born everything, the Purjunyustru weupon extingoished it by
showering torrents oI wuter. Purvutustru, Aindrustru und innomeruble
weupons were releused und cot down by Sri Rum.
"All glories to Sri Rum," the devus soonded with joy.
Sri Rum's volley oI urrows becume intense. He wus removing one
urrow Irom the cuse. It then becume ten by Iixing it on the bow, und by
polling und releusing it, it becume hondreds, und then thoosunds. AIter
hitting the turget the muin urrows were uguin entering his cuse.
Ruvunu never suw this mirucle. His body wus being pierced Irom ull
sides. His churioteer took him buck to Lunku.
In the night when Ruvunu coold not console himselI, he went to the
plunet Venos und Iell down prostrute ut the Ieet oI the greut muster
"Muster, even in yoor liIetime I um seeing soch bud duys," Ruvunu
"eur, I um sorry, bot I huve ulreudy promised Bruhmu thut my
science oI resorrection will not be osed except Ior my disciples, whom I
uccept Irom only one ruce, uityu's royul ruce. Bot since yoo huve
upprouched me I shull not let yoo go uwuy empty hunded.
"I um giving yoo u powerIol muntru. Yoo jost go to yoor Nikombhitu
pruyer room und oIIer oblutions ten thoosund times in the Iire observing
complete silence. At the lust oblution there will urise un ustrul personulity.
He will immortulize yoo Ior u certuin period und will oIIer yoo un invincible
weupon. Yoo will become onconqoeruble."
AIter receiving the muntru und the other techniqoes Ruvunu retorned
to Lunku und ordered his soldiers to close ull the doors oI the city und he
becume ubsorbed in his Iire sucriIice.
The son shone in its totul brightness, bot Ruvunu did not uppeur und
Sri Rum wondered why the doors were still closed.
"We see the Irugrunt smoke rising op Irom Nikombhilu. Ruvunu is u
greut sorcerer, und the spies huve inIormed os thut lust night he visited the
plunet Venos. It most be thut their spiritoul muster Shokru hus soggested
some invincible method. We shoold bring him to the buttleIield beIore he
completes the ritouls."
Vunurus roshed towurd the esoteric temple Nikombhilu, led by
Angudu und Hunomunji und suw Ruvunu in red clothes oIIering oblutions in
the Iire. Iven when his gourds were killed und enemies were stunding ut the
door, Ruvunu did not look op.
Vunurus begun to breuk the most precioos vulouble instroments und
purts oI the boilding, bot even then Ruvunu did not torn buck. Hunomunji
threw ull the sucriIiciul muteriuls into the Iire, und slupped und kicked
Ruvunu, bot still he kept sitting, hoping thut ulthoogh it wus perIormed only
by Jupu, muybe the ritoul woold still be us powerIol.
When his wives upprouched him compluining uboot the roin oI their
puluce, Ruvunu coold not hold his putience uny longer und roshed with his
sword in hund. All the Vunurus guthered uboot Sri Rum.
Ruvunu wus discooruged with his incomplete eIIort und begun to
console his wives by suying, "Respect und insolt, loss und guin ulwuys come
und go in liIe."
Ruvunu uppeured in the buttleIield sorroonded by nomberless
Rukshusus. Bluck horses were currying his churiot which wus udorned with
u hoge Ilug und Ilowers und golden gurlunds. In u Iew hoors ull the
Rukshusus were killed by Hunomunji und Anguduji.
Then u doel sturted between Sri Rum und Ruvunu. AIter hoors oI
Iighting, Sri Rum releused thirty urrows und cot oII Ruvunu's ten heuds und
twenty urms, bot immediutely they sprung buck op uguin. This encooruged
Ruvunu und he begun to shower urrows.
Sri Rum uguin cot oII the new heuds und urms which urose, und ull
over the spuce over the buttleIield, Ruvunu's heuds und urms begun to Ily
"Cuptore Rum, hold Him, let Him not escupe."
Vunurus leuped op und sturted cutching und throwing the heuds und
urms into the oceun und this went on endlessly Ior cotting Ruvunu's heuds
oII wus no more puinIol thun the cotting oI huirs.
"Where is the end oI this mugic?" Sri Rum looked ut the sky und usked
ivine Mother.
Soddenly, He remembered u speciul weupon und removed it. It wus ull
shiny und He releused it. All the directions were bornt op, und hoge swells
loomed in the oceun. The skylub Iell Irom the spuce. The weupon pierced
Ruvunu's nuvel und broke his chest, his churiot, und killed his driver.
Ruvunu Iell down on the eurth vomiting gullons oI blood.
The whole Iirmument, und entire solur system wus strock with
wonder. They coold not contuin their joy und sung und dunced und
showered Ilowers. All the directions resoonded with the gloriIicution oI Sri
Rum. Wuves oI Iestivity pervuded the entire cosmic egg.
"No Reverend Impresses, Lunku needs yoo desperutely. Rum woold
like to see yoo uIter the Ionerul ceremony oI the lute Imperor oI Lunku!"
Sri Rum urrived ut the cemetery und stopped ull oI the lumenting
Qoeens oI Ruvunu Irom entering into the Iire with his deud body. Sri Rum
expluined thut chustity wus u liIe-pervuding meditution oI love und not un
emotionul, sentimentul perIormunce oI Iire-entering. Sentiment is
momentury, bot love meditution is liIe-poriIying, spirit-onIolding und
Those ludies who ure reully chuste never lument over the deuth oI
their beloved und vice versu. Ruther their Iuces light op with the light oI u
proIoond steudiness und un inconceivuble decision oI sucriIice, which
divinizes their whole body, und none oI the Qoeens oI Ruvunu hud thut kind
oI qouliIicution. They were lumenting und muny were only shedding
crocodile teurs. In soch cuses entering into the Iire is only committing
Sri Rum did not ullow them to do this. By His extruordinury ubility us
un orutor He torned their uttention into u new dimension oI u selIless wuy oI
liIe. Living liIe not Ior sense grutiIicution bot Ior others' huppiness. This
huppiness becomes one's own huppiness und onites with the oniverse on the
level oI trunscendentul huppiness.
AIter the ceremony oI instulling Vibhishunu on the Royul throne,
Hunomunji took Lukshmunu und the whole purty to vurioos pluces oI Lunku
und they Ioond thut Ruvunu wus u greut scientist, sorcerer und ulchemist.
His Nikombhilu esoteric reseurch center wus leIt with Ioor onIolIilled
muster pluns -
{1) He wunted to torn ull the sult wuter oI the oceun into sweet wuter.
{) To connect ull the diIIerent plunets by liIt pussuges.
{) To root oot the distinction between sinner und righteoos person,
between muteriul und ustrul, und huve one onsplit homunity
throoghoot the solur system.
{q) To eliminute diseuse, old uge, und deuth Irom the homun physicul
With the Iull oI Ruvunu ull the clunging und cluttering oI weupons und
chuttering und rouring oI Vunurus stopped. In the heurt oI Sri Rum u sweet
restIol stillness begun to spreud. Lp ontil now the whole energy oI His love
wus chunneled towurd the innomeruble engugements oI wur. Now the
engugements were completely Iinished. All oI them.
Then everything becume still und qoiet Ior some time, us iI ull the
ugituted wuves oI the oceun hud become sobmerged und oceunized, und the
puciIic peuce remuined in its ubsolote culmness. Irom thut qoietness u
bobble eropted - thut wus the memory oI the messuge oI Situ.
"II Yoo don't come by the end oI this month then, my love, my Rum,
Yoo won't Iind me ulive ---," echoed in Sri Rum's heurt, und He mouned und
He cried within HimselI,
"Yes, yes, I um coming. Yoo huve wuited Ior Me Ior ull these twelve
months. Now, in jost u Iew more moments Yoor Rum will come."
Rum wulked oot in one direction. He didn't know where He wus going.
Nobody knew where He wus going, bot ull oI them Iollowed. King
Vibhishunu, King Sogrivu, Sri Hunomun und ull the Vunurus und Rukshusus
onknowingly Iollowed in the Iootprints oI Sri Rum.
In soch u stute oI lovetrunce, in whutsoever puth yoo step, yoo reuch
the uim. A shrine is ut euch step. In soch u stute oI love-enlightenment in
whutever uction yoo become enguged, yoo ure in the puth oI righteoosness,
und thut becomes the puth oI religion. Withoot this stute oI one oniIying love
conscioosness, even iI yoo tuke euch step uIter pondering over the sobject,
there ure u thoosund und one possibilities oI being misled und misleuding
others. This is whut hus been huppening throoghoot the history oI ull
Sri Rum's Ieet soddenly stopped in the Ashoku gurden us He glunced
ut un imuge onder the tree oI Shinshopu.
Situ sut us iI ull the peuce oI the Himuluyun wilderness hud ussomed u
Ieminine Iorm, us iI the entire silence oI the PuciIic oceun hud intensiIied in
one pluce, us iI the qoietness oI the vust Iirmument hud incurnuted us u
dumsel, us iI ull the compussion oI ull the prophets oI the pust und Iotore
hud combined und Ioond un expression in this symbol.
Bot whut uboot her teurs? Certuinly it seemed us iI the goddess oI
beuoty, the goddess oI serenity und plucidity wus weeping und she wus
soIIering und tormenting. As iI the trunscendentul experience oI meditution
wus soIIering, the embodied sutori wus sighing und sobbing - her beuoty wus
like thut. Sri Rum und ull the people Iollowing Him suw Situ us iI u beuotiIol
sky dropping teurs.
Her lurge, lotos-petuled eyes were closed und she wus constuntly
thinking uboot the pust incidents which occorred with her Beloved Sri Rum,
und her lips were whispering some muntrum, possibly the nume oI her
Beloved. Her eyes were dripping drops oI crystul cleur teurs which were
rolling down her cheeks, wetting her heurt, which wus constuntly being
heuted by long, long breuths oI lumentution. There wus u thin, dosty silk suri
clud on her limbs, brown mutted huir scuttered uroond her Iuce, which wus
like u moonbeum.
The gurden wus crowded with people, bot wus us silent us iI no one
hud come ut ull. When thut ussembled guthering suw Situ were strock domb
with wonder. Soch u greut yogini - how coold huve Ruvunu become uble to
ubdoct her uwuy?
Soddenly Situ breuthed in enlivening Irugrunce in the uir.
"Ah tremendoos, whut is it?"
It wus the Irugrunce oI her Beloved Hosbund, Ior Whom the pungs oI
sepurution were borning her duy und night. She opened her big eyes und u
greut Ilood oI joy overwhelmed her. She suw her Beloved Hosbund stunding
in Iront oI her with Prince Lukshmunu und ull the Rukshusus und Vunurus.
She looked und looked to check whether it wus troe. Her heurt lost ull
limits oI joy und she roshed to Sri Rum's urms und Sri Rum's eyes were Iilled
with teurs oI joy.
They embruced und embruced, und they looked into euch other's eyes
und uguin curessed, tooching the shoolders oI euch other. OIIering the
gurlund oI urms und heurtbeuts to euch other they Iorgot their identities.
They Iorgot who Rum wus und who Situ wus. Then Sri Rum becume Situ with
golden loster und Situ becume Rum with supphirish loster und by constuntly
looking into euch others' eyes they begun trunsIorming into euch other.
No one knew who they were. They were embrucing euch other us iI
they were meeting euch other uIter millions oI yeurs, us iI they hud been
upurt Iorever. In every embruce they enjoyed the bliss which wus the
oniIying bliss oI the whole oniverse. In sepurution they hud Ielt the oniIying
torment oI the whole oniverse. Now Situ und Rum both lost their identity
und becume one blissIol oniverse.
In thut oceun oI bliss-conscioosness two wuves urose - Shyum und
Goor - supphirish und golden, golden und supphirish, supphirish und golden
- two wuves were rising und sobmerging. The golden wuve wus merging into
the oceun und rising into the supphirish wuve und thut one wus sobmerging
into the oceun und rising us u golden wuve. They were ONI. Jost one oceun
und two wuves- the onmuniIest ubsolote stute oI Lovetrunce und SITA RAM.
Looking ut the ivine onion oI the coople, ull ussembled devotees
becume sobmerged in the oceun oI Lovetrunce, und they lost their sepurute
identities. They oceunized into the trunce oI love oI Situ Rum. Iven the
whole gurden which hud been previoosly bornt by Hunomunji becume Ioll oI
green trees clud with creepers. The Ioontuin begun to Ilow with crystul cleun
sweet wuters. The Rukshusu ludies thrilled und horripoluted looking ut the
onion oI Situ Rum.
The inIloence und rudiutions oI this trunce oI love spreud ull over
Lunku und removed ull oI its intense rujus und tumus vibrutions which were
creuted by Ruvunu's wuy oI living. The love oI Situ Rum trunsIormed Lunku
totully. All the stony looks und crode heurts oI the Rukshusus becume cool,
peuceIol und soothing, beIitting the nutore oI Vibhishunu.
Hunomunji wus bosy Iixing und decoruting the seuts Ior Sri Rum und
Lukshmunu in Poshpuku uirplune. Lniqoe und extruordinury wus thut plune.
It wus in the shupe oI u Ioll blooming lotos Ilower. It hud no pilot. Whoever
osed it controlled it by his will. It wus uble to Ily Iuster thun soond und
slower thun u goose. It coold Ily on eurth, wuter und sky. It wus ulso uble to
stuy in spuce Ior u long time throogh the will oI the owner.
The plune wus uir-conditioned, cold prooI, heut prooI, storm prooI
und ruin resistunt. None oI these ootside inIloences coold obstroct it. It wus
uble to Ily to uny plunet oI the cosmic-egg by becoming invisible und it coold
even Ily very close to the plunet Iurth comIortubly. There wus u wuy to
enlurge or shrink it into uny size. Althoogh it wus u pussenger plune it coold
ut uny moment be mude into u wur plune. None oI the muteriul weupons
were uble to hurm it. It did not jerk ut the time oI uscending or descending
into u Iust Ilight.
The whole plune wus neut und cleun und well decoruted. Light wus
uvuiluble uccording to necessity. At the time oI Ilight it echoed with sweet
mosic like the giggling oI swuns. Inside it wus totully soond prooI. It wus
more thun un intelligent robot. The seuts und sleeping cooches were mude oI
supphires und silk coshions.
Sri Rum, Situ und Lukshmunu sut on the three seuts in the cockpit.
Sogrivu, Vibhishunu, Angudu, Jumbuvuntu, Nulu und Neelu, Muyundu, Guyu
und Guvukshu ull sut on sorroonding seuts.
By the order oI Sri Rum, the plune urose in spuce Irom the middle oI
ull the ussembled citizens oI Lunku, und the Vunurus who were looking
constuntly ut their Beloved Sri Rum. They shooted loodly, "Jui Sri Rum," bot
their voices choked und their heurts puined ut the thooght oI sepurution
Irom Sri Rum.
All the Vunurus scuttered in diIIerent directions, thinking uguin und
uguin oI the uttribotes oI Sri Rum - how He looks, speuks, smiles und, lust oI
ull, the meeting oI Situ und Rum und their love onion. In loving
contemplution oI the Irolics oI Rum und Situ they lost ull uttructions Ior
worldly sensoul pleusores.
By living silently in the Iorest on Iroits und roots they developed the
sopreme peuk oI evolotion oI conscioosness, the stute oI Lovetrunce, in
which their body identiIicutions were completely evuporuted, und only pore
love conscioosness remuined. In thut stute they Ioond the entire oniverse
wus none other thun the gross Iorm oI their selI which wus the ubsolote
melting oI their muteriul liIe.
So suys the ivine luw thut ubsorption in the loving contemplution oI
the love oI Sri Situ Rum is none other thun the uttuinment oI the Absolote
The uirplune urose slowly in the sky und torned to the north. Very
soon it begun to Ily over the buttleIield und Sri Hunomunji und Rum begun to
point oot diIIerent wurriors lying deud und described how they were killed.
Then Situ suw the extruordinury bridge eight hondred miles long und eighty
miles wide.
They urrived in the spuce oI Rumeswurum. They ull bowed down to
Lord Shivu, und then the plune Ilew on to Kishkindhu which wus now being
roled by Keshuri, Hunomunji's Iuther, und Turu.
They lunded und Sogrivu urrunged the uIIuirs oI his stute und then
Romu und Qoeen Turu joined the purty to uccompuny them to Ayodhyu.
"Let Me huve u visit with My mother, My Lord. I will cutch the plune
beIore it enters the boondury oI North Indiu," Hunomunji reqoested oI Sri
"Why shoold we miss this opportonity?" Sri Rum suid und smiled.
The plune moved to Moont Anjuni. BeIore the plune coold lund on the
hill, Hunomunji Ilew oot und oIIered His obeisunces to His mother und
conveyed the news oI Sri Situ Rum's urrivul.
"My Son, yoo huve sunctiIied me und the entire ruce," Mother
Anjunu's teurs oI joy were wetting the heud oI Hunomunji. Then qoickly she
begun to urrunge things Ior the reception und worship oI their honored
Hunomunji suw His mother wus very bosy Iixing so muny things so He
"II yoo do ull these things, He will Ieel very shy. Sri Rum is ulso the
Lord oI shyness. He will enjoy jost tooching yoor Ieet und receiving yoor
homble blessings."
Within moments Sri Rum und Lukshmunu were bowing ut her Ieet. As
soon us Situ bowed, Mother Anjunu clusped her uguinst her heurt.
"I huve tuken uwuy yoor Son. He is now my Son," Situ suid smilingly to
Mother Anjunu.
"He is ulreudy yoor Son," Anjunu suid in u choking voice. "I um jost u
norse to prepure Him to serve yoo. Now I um Iree Irom the responsibility.
Pleuse uccept Him."
"This is Sogrivu, the King oI the Vunurus. This is Jumbuvuntu, the
Communder-in-ChieI, und this is Vibhishunu, the King oI Lunku."
Hunomunji wus grudoully introdocing the very importunt persons.
Anjunu qoestioned, "Bot isn't the King oI Lunku the Iumoos Ruvunu?"
Since Mother Anjunu remuined in constunt solitode she did not know uboot
uny huppenings in the externul world.
"He is lying deud on the buttleIield pierced by the urrows oI Sri Rum,"
Hunomunji suid, und brieIly nurruted in u notshell the whole story to her.
"Shume opon Yoor power. Ior whut reuson huve Yoo dronk the milk
oI my breust?" Anjunu's Iuce und eyes becume red und she wus very Iiery
with her Son Hunomunji.
"Iven uIter drinking my milk how did Yoo dure to beur the weeping oI
my delicute Situ? Why didn't Yoo kill Ruvunu on the spot? Why did Yoo
trooble my Rum, Whose limbs ure soIt like lotos petuls. Why did Yoo ullow
Him to muke u bridge und to Iight so long?"
"Purdon Me, purdon Me, Mother, I wus not Iree to do thut. Ask
Jumbuvuntu. He did not ullow Me to do unything," Hunomunji replied,
uccepting His Iuolts.
Jumbuvuntu cume Iorwurd und spoke to Mother Anjunu.
"Mother, pleuse excose me. It is the beuoty oI the service oI u servunt
to gloriIy his muster. We ull huve to be very cureIol to do thut."
"Yoo ure right." Mother wus pleused, bot she torned to Lukshmunu
und suid, "Yoo doobt, Prince?"
Lukshmunu wus thinking thut she wus overpruising her milk, und the
thooght wus cuoght by Mother Anjunu. In Iront oI ull the soldiers she
showed the power oI her milk.
"Yoo ull huve seen the mirucle oI the milk oI u tigress und u lioness,
bot even they cun't compure with the milk oI Anjunu," und she pressed the
nipple oI her breust und the white milk cume oot und Iell opon u neurby
rock. Like some utomic explosion, u greut noise resoonded throogh the uir
und the rock broke, sepuruting into muny pieces.
The hills echoed und resonuted with the joyoos rour oI the Vunurus.
"Lukshmunu is yoor buby. Ixcose him!" Sri Rum bowed down to
Anjunu in reverence.
OverIilled with joy she coold not move bot kept looking, while lovingly
tooching Sri Rum's limbs.
"Mother, we ure in u horry. We huve to urrive ut Ayodhyu beIore
sonrise; otherwise u greut dunger cun beIull os."
All the goests were qoiet, so Hunomunji told His Iotore pluns to His
mother und usked her permission to leuve.
"Hunomun, Sri Rum is Yoor Iuther, Situ Yoor Mother. My Son, serve
them with Ioll Iuith und udorution."
The Poshpuku uirplune Ilew to the north.
"This is Moont Rishyumoku, Oh Beloved Situ. o yoo see overlooking
it, the cuve und grove? There I pussed the Ioor months oI sepurution Irom
yoo in sighing, sobbing und extreme torment. There My eyes und the cloods
osed to shower wuter together. On thut ridge oI the vulley I wulked night
uIter night reculling sweet memories oI yoo."
Situ looked downwurd und she Ielt thut the whole jongle wus still
echoing und reechoing those songs oI Sri Rum. Thut is why the trees seemed
to be weeping, lotoses uppeured to be sighing, und peucocks looked like they
were sobbing. Situ looked ut Rum und Ioor teurdrops Iell down on the hill
und it wus us iI the whole existence roshed to store them und keep them
suIe. Nutore centered uroond those drops und Ioor beuotiIol plunts
sprooted with smiling Ilowers. People suy thut still there seems to be greut
puin und greut joy combined together in the generutions oI those Ilowers.
The plune moved on und Sri Rum continoed,
"And these ure the Iorest puths in which I wulked withoot yoo. How
lonely und empty I wus Ieeling. And it wus here thut Hunomunji met Me."
They both looked ut Hunomunji, Who bent His heud low in shyness
becuose He didn't recognize His Lord Who hud ussomed the Iorm oI un
uscetic. Hunomunji bowed down to thut pluce, thut pond oI Pumpu, in
reverence to the bunk on which He hud Ioond His Lord.
The plune moved on,
"This is Punchuvuti, My Beloved Situ, oor old ushrum. o yoo
remember it?"
Situ wept teurs. She suw the sume broken-down hermituge, und her
old docile deer, uIter u yeur still moving here und there imputiently, us iI she
were still crying Ior her Iriend Situ who went uwuy withoot inIorming her.
The purrots, crunes, deer, peucocks und cockoos, ull the creutores who hud
witnessed the love oI Situ und Rum were wundering restlessly, seeking und
looking Ior them everywhere. Althoogh they hud been seeking Ior one yeur,
still they continoed, hoping they woold meet their beloved Iriends. It wus on
this speciul duy thut their Iriends, Situ Rum were pussing the sume wuy.
The plune cume very close und Situ Rum stepped down to meet these
deur Iriends. Their Iriends Irom the whole ureu sorroonded them und begun
singing. Situ Rum petted them und cust their looks oI love opon them. As
they beheld their love-luden glunces they temporurily Iorgot their trip to
The trees und plunts welcomed their Situ Rum with Iestoons oI
Ilowers und leuves. All the dry trees becume green, Ioll oI Ilowers und Iroits
once uguin. The bomble bees hommed, birds twittered und chirped, singing
und oIIering their love to Situ Rum. Situ Rum greeted them by uccepting
their love und bestowing the highest IolIillment oI liIe opon them.
The visit oI Situ Rum becume eternul, constunt und ull pervuding.
Their love, their petting, their Iondling, their loving glunces ull becume
immortul to them. It becume u deeper reulity, u vuster experience thun their
own liIe in the duy-toduy world. The overIlowing trunscendentul love oI Situ
Rum wus inIosed into the vibrunt wuves oI the river Goduvuri, into the trees
on its bunk, into the hills und dules und the groves oI Punchuvuti und into ull
its dwellers.
When Situ Rum entered the plune Poshpuku, no one knew it ut ull
becuose even beIore they entered the plune, ull were ubsorbed in
Lovetrunce, in the bliss oI love enlightenment.
Ivery utom, every purticle oI dost, every corner oI the silence oI the
wilderness oI Punchuvuti still gives u tuste oI their trunscendentul
Reulizution to whoever visits thut Holy groond.
The plune Poshpuku moved on und they urrived ut Chitrukotu,
unother woodlund oI Situ Rum love. Irom there the plune Ilew to Pruyug
now well known us Alluhubud, which is still Ioll oI vibrutions oI the liIe-
evolving inIloences Irom time immemoriul. A Iresh cool Himuluyun breeze
enlivened the whole plune.
"This is My beuotiIol nutive pluce, My deurs, look ut the rising wuves
oI Suruyo River. Oh, how long I remember how I enjoyed swimming umong
those wuves. These wuves ure us iI rising to tooch me," und Sri Rum bowed
down in reverence to His holy nutive lund.
All oI them Iolded their hunds in reverence und then Sri Rum torned
to Hunomunji und suid,
"Yoo go on to Ayodhyu und convey the messuge oI My retorning to
Bhurutu und observe his Ieelings so thut I cun decide where to proceed Irom
"Ieelings oI Bhurutu?" Hunomunji kept sturing ut the Iuce oI Sri Rum.
The Ieelings oI Bhurutu were onknown to Sri Rum? Muny times He hud
Ioond Sri Rum shedding teurs in the remembrunce oI him und His
enthosiusm to meet Bhurutu ulone hud horried Him to Iinish ull His
bosiness in Lunku.
"My revered Iuther guve Me bunishment Ior Ioorteen yeurs." Sri
Rum's voice becume serioos. "oe to the overIlowing love oI the citizens I
coold not leuve the cupitul with the sonrise. It wus ulmost uIternoon.
Bhurutu suid in Chitrukotu thut iI I did not come to Ayodhyu uIter the lust
duy oI bunishment he woold enter into the borning Iire. I wunt to IolIill the
lust second oI bunishment, bot I huve to decide when it is Iinished only uIter
leurning Bhurutu's culcolution. II he coonts the end oI expirution with the
end oI night, oor uirplune will lund in Ayodhyu with the Iirst ruy oI the son.
II he cun wuit, I woold like to enter the city uIter pussing those moments."
Whut umiubility, whut delicute Ieeling wus given to the words - so
uscetic, so disciplined, yet, still respecting the Ieelings oI the heurt over und
ubove everything. Hunomunji suloted und Ilew.
"Hult ut Sringuverupor und meet Nisuduruj, the Ierrymun," Sri Rum
suid. Hunomunji lunded ut Nundigrum. There He suw Prime Minister
Somuntru und ull the other ministers sitting, sorroonding Prince Bhurutu in
u grove neur his ondergroond cuve. It seemed us iI the embodiment oI
uosterity wus sitting - so thin wus he, so lostroos, his mutted huir shining
brown. Bot Bhurutu's Iuce wus despondent toduy.
"Only this night remuins ontil the expirution oI Sri Rum's bunishment
und we huve not heurd uboot His urrivul -- even u hondred miles uwuy."
Bhurutu wus speuking in deep unxiety.
"Alus, my Beloved Lord hus recognized me us u crook und u hypocrite,
thut is why it uppeurs He hus Iorsuken me. Oh, how Iortonute is Lukshmunu
who kicked oII the kingdom und uccompunied Sri Rum," und his eyes begun
shedding drops oI teurs in the remembrunce oI his lotos-eyed elder Brother
Who ulwuys showered torrents oI love opon him ud now doe to His greut
love Ior the Troths oI religion hud gone Iur, Iur uwuy, ubundoning
"How croel und insincere I woold be iI I preserved this body uIter the
time oI expirution hus pussed, Ior this body wus the cuose oI His long
bunishment. No, no, Bhurutu cunnot do it."
Then Bhurutu's eyes lit op with u decision und he suid to ull oI the
ministers with Iolded hunds,
"Pleuse, ull oI yoo excose me. I huve given yoo u lot oI trooble. Iorget
this onIortonute Bhurutu who will enter into the Iire with the Iirst ruys oI the
son. Yoo ure ull Iree to choose whut to do Ior the stute, us well us
"Thut is ulreudy decided," the Prime Minister Somuntru suid.
"Tomorrow by this time there woold be only the ushes oI pyres Ioond
everywhere in Ayodhyu. No one woold cure to sorvive, I believe."
As soon us Hunomunji heurd this He coold beur it no longer. Qoickly
He descended Irom spuce und, bowing down to Prince Bhurutu, He suid,
"Sri Rum is urriving very soon uccompunied by Situ und Lukshmunu.
They huve ulreudy reuched Pruyugu."
"The Messenger oI Rum," Prince Bhurutu screumed with ruptore und
clusped Hunomunji uguinst his bosom und his joy knew no end.
Ivery minister's Iuce lit op with un onsormoontuble joy und new liIe.
Very soon Hunomunji's wonderIol news hud spreud und wuves oI joy went
ull over Ayodhyu. Soon the city wus udorned like u newly wedded bride.
Hunomunji disuppeured und reuppeured ut Sringuverupor. Nisuduruj
wus sitting onder the Shinshopu tree in the gestore oI pruyer beIore the two
beds oI kosu gruss opon which Sri Situ Rum pussed their second night uIter
their depurtore Irom Ayodhyu. By this time it hud become u sucred shrine
Ior ull the Iorest dwellers. Iurthen Ilumes were lit und Ilowers were oIIered
to those gruss beds. This mun wus constuntly sturing ut them, his eyes Iilled
with teurs.
"Ixcose Me. Muy I know where to Iind Nisuduruj?" Hunomunji usked.
"Thut is my nume. I um thut onIortonute Iellow. Pleuse tell me how
muy I serve Yoo?" The mun replied very hombly, bot his eyes were
compluining thut someone hud distorbed his silence und uloneness, which
showered onIuthomuble peuce.
"Muy I know uboot Yoor good selI?"
"Yoor Iriend Sri Rum is coming here tomorrow morning. I um His
insigniIicunt Servunt Hunomun."
"Yoo ure the Messenger oI Sri Rum!" excluimed Nisuduruj, stunding
op und clusping Him to his chest. "I heurd Yoo come to Ayodhyu one night
when there wus u wur going on."
"Thut hus now become one oI the items oI Interguluctic history.
Nowuduys, Vibhishunu is the King oI Lunku und ull oI them ure urriving
tomorrow morning by Pospuku uirplune. All oI them ure tempted to huve
their morning breukIust with yoo," Hunomunji suid und smiled.
"Pleuse come in," Nisuduruj reqoested so thut Hunomunji might
sunctiIy his residence, which wus constrocted in u completely non-violent
wuy. It resembled u purt oI nutore, mude oI the greeneries oI thut grove,
ulthoogh the grove wus Ioll oI ull umenities.
"I huve to inIorm My Lord uboot tomorrow. I will come und eut the
remnunts oI My Lord's meul," Hunomunji suid und disuppeured.
The mud Ierrymun, in love, wus sitting sturing ut the wuves oI the
river Gungu tulking to himselI,
"I leIt them ut the edge oI thut dreudIol jongle. How gruceIolly He
usked me to tuke them ucross the river, und how rooghly I replied, `II Yoo
wunt to bourd my bout usk me to wush Yoor Ieet since they contuin some
liIe-giving herbs by the tooch oI which the stone stutoe wus torned into u
beuotiIol dumsel.'
"Thut merciIol One did not become ungry with me. He is un honoruble
Prince oI u King oI Kings, bot He simply smiled und enjoyed, und ulso mude
the Princess und His yoonger brother smile und enjoy the whole sitoution.
Bot there wus no limit to my croelty und I wushed their Ieet! How soIt, how
loving, how enlivening those Ieet were."
Ior the Ierrymun it wus us Iresh und new us iI it hud jost occorred. He
kept reminiscing,
"And they sut opon the bout und the elder Prince bourded the bout ut
lust und I suiled the bout on und on. Sitting on the elevuted seut were Situ
und Rum. How beuotiIol they looked!"
The Ierrymun drew u lot oI pictores on the cunvus oI his heurt which
coold not be mude dim, even by the lupse oI time. And these pictores kept
duncing throoghoot the times oI his buthing, euting, resting, und working.
The lotos- eyed coople mude him weep in love. The constunt bloe
trunspurent wuters oI the river Gunges, the golden ruys oI the morning son,
the supphirish und golden hoe oI the coople, the slow, cool und Irugrunt
breeze, their wuving gurments, their Ireshly Iixed long huir pusted with
bunyun milk.
The remembrunce oI the whole scene tooched un onknown string oI
the heurt which echoed in un onknown mosic und the whole Iield oI
experience seemed to be trunsported into u new dimension oI liIe where no
other wuy oI liIe is uble to be lived, except only one oI love, peuce und bliss.
"Situ pruyed to the Gunges und u voice eropted und consoled her Irom
the depth oI the bloe trunspurent wuter. They ulighted on the next bunk und
the elder Prince becume shy becuose He coold not give me unything. He
Who wus osed to IolIilling the Iinunciul reqoirements oI the whole liIe time
to whoever upprouched Him, how coold he not Ieel emburrussed iI He coold
not puy me? Bot how coold I expluin to Him thut sovereignty over the whole
world woold prove to be dirt und dost in compurison with whut I got in those
Iew moments oI their ussociution.
"Alus, there wus no wuy to expluin this. Princess Situ reud the Ieelings
oI her Beloved Prince und gludly she removed her Iinger ring, und it wus the
most precioos ring oI Ayodhyu City, shining like the stellur system. She
hunded it over to her Hosbund, Who wunted to hund it over to me bot I
coold not do unything bot Iull down ut His Ieet und in u choking voice I
ottered only this -
"`Whut huve I not uttuined toduy my Lord? The ugeless cruvings oI my
innomeruble liIetimes huve ended Iorever. Bot my Lord, iI Yoo ure
interested in giving me something, pleuse give it while retorning und I shull
be wuiting,' und they ull looked ut me with love uguin und uguin und then
wulked uwuy und becume invisible in the thick groves beyond the other
"I guzed uIter them constuntly ontil their Iorm und perIome
disuppeured, the perIome oI those emblems oI serenity und beuoty. Huve
they reully disuppeured? My experience is contrury, Ior they huve uppeured
in their Ioll glory in my heurt und it is growing more und more, deeper und
deeper, vuster und vuster. I huve been wuiting here Irom thut time. Ivery
morning und evening I sit on this bunk oI the Gunges, und the sume breeze
which Iondled Situ und Rum once, comes to Iondle my heurt, the sume wuves
which wushed the Ieet oI Situ Rum cools und soothes my being, und the sume
scene oI Situ Rum sitting on my bout becomes my present, ull my pust und
Iotore evuporutes. One eternul present hus kept my uttention, in which I live
und which is my whole liIe.
"Ior the lust Ioorteen yeurs I huve been wuiting. BeIore the moment
oI wuiting the meeting wus uttuined. BeIore thut moment I remembered
Him, I visoulized Him in His Iollness within myselI. BeIore thut moment I
chunted His Holy Nume. He hud come in totulity, occopying the entire
depths oI my being, my liIe. This is the lust duy oI the Ioorteenth yeur. Will
thut trunscendentul coople come to trunsmit to me the Iinul IolIillment
which I reqoested? Oh, this is the lust night. This is the sume breeze, the
sume Gunges wuves, the sume silvery sunds." The Ierrymun wus ubsorbed in
his own little world.
"Ierrymun, Oh, Ierrymun, woold yoo pleuse stop tulking to the river
Ior u moment und loun me yoor bout to bring Sri Situ Rum Irom ucross the
river?" Sri Hunomunji coold not Iigore oot how to convey His messuge to
this strunge devotee, so He guve him u jolting sorprise.
"Whut, whut?" the Ierrymun cooldn't believe his own eurs und he
"Huve yoo not heurd the good news truveling ull uroond, thut Situ
Rum und Lukshmunu ure coming here in the morning?" Hunomunji usked
und disuppeured.
The Ierrymun roshed to his bout und kept udorning it the whole night
und the next morning he suw the lotos-eyed, mutted brown-huired, bow on
shoolder, clood-complexioned Lord, und His golden-Ilume Princess
stunding ut the bunk oI the river Gunges, smilingly culling him so thut he
coold bestow the Iinul experience Ior the IolIillment oI his totul devotion.
The cool, mild und Irugrunt wuves oI the breeze greeted Sri Rum in
Ayodhyu. The trees becume green und Ioll oI blossoms, und the hills und
rivers oIIered their homuge, becoming Ioll oI jewels, peurls, und mineruls.
The Iorests becume Ioll oI Iroits, roots und herbs. The whole terruce oI the
cupitul becume Ioll oI ludies und gentlemen stunding ut their doors with
tribotes in their hunds. As the tide rises to the Ioll moon, the city oI Ayodhyu
roshed to huve u glimpse oI Sri Rum, Who wus slowly und qoietly
descending Irom the sky.
Ior the beneIit oI the reuders we ure not describing in detuil the
blinding bliss oI Sri Rum's urrivul becuose doe to inuccessible joy one cun
oring the insormoontuble joy und hoge Iestivities, Sri Rum once
uguin udorned the Royul seut oI Ayodhyu. Yes, living in Ayodhyu is the sume
us living in Sri Rum-conscioosness.
On the occusion oI the Abhisheku ceremony, the representutives oI ull
the diIIerent plunets oI the cosmic-egg oIIered their tribotes to the lotos Ieet
oI the Imperor und Impress oI Ayodhyu by tooching their Iootstool with
their heuds, und they Ielt Iortonute und gloriIied. The whole oI Ayodhyu wus
crowded und sorroonded by diIIerent ruces oI people living in their tents.
The rishis, monis, und greut philosophers cume to oIIer their blessings to
Situ und Rum, und endless Ieusting und Iestivities eropted ull over the
At lust, in the Iurewell ceremony, Sri Rum invited ull oI them und
oIIered prusudum to everyone. All the very importunt persons oI diIIerent
plunets, kings oI the plunet Iurth, rishis, monis, philosophers, urtists,
mosiciuns, leuders oI the urmies, und representutives oI the poblic, received
the oIIerings Irom the Beloved Impress und Imperor. Angudu, Sogrivu,
Jumbuvuntu, und Vibhishunu received the most vulouble giIts they coold
ever imugine.
Soddenly the Impress Situ picked oot one oI the most costly neckluces
Irom uroond her neck und looked ut Sri Rum with her beuotiIol lurge eyes.
The whole ussembly wondered who the most Iortonute one wus Ior whom
the Impress herselI wus going to oIIer this shining gurlund.
"Impress, there is no reuson to hesitute. Whomsoever Her Highness
wunts to rewurd, so be it," Sri Rum smilingly suid.
And the Impress looked ut Hunomunji Who wus qoietly sitting ut the
Ieet oI Sri Rum. She tossed the precioos gurlund in the uir und it Iell on Sri
Hunomunji, encircling His neck. The whole ussembly rose to their Ieet und
simoltuneoosly shooted,
"Huil oor greut Hero!"
Hunomunji wus umuzed. A whole ussembly wus suloting Him und u
lostroos, costly neckluce wus decoruting His chest. Ior u Iew moments He
guzed ut it with His yellow, wonder-Iilled eyes und glunced ut the excited
ussembly und then looked ut Sri Situ Rum Who were smiling lovingly ut the
innocence oI their loving evotee.
"My Impress Mother hus presented it to Me beIore soch un
Interguluctic guthering, so it most be very speciul," He thooght.
"The entire creution is mude oI Iive ever-chunging elements. So
whether it is peurls und gems, or mun or womun, nothing is speciul. They
ure ull only displuys oI the three gonus. Thut which is speciul is beyond the
three gonus und Iive elements und the ever-chunging phuses oI relutivity."
According to Sri Hunomunji.
"The Absolote Reulity is trunscendentul und these lovely smiling
Iigores oI Situ Rum were bot embodiments oI trunscendence, vibrunt
ivinity, the Absolote Troth muniIest. Wherever they resided, wherever
they were, whomever they liked becume speciul."
Hunomunji removed the neckluce Irom uroond His neck und begun to
look ut it - op und down, Irom leIt to right, Irom ull ungles, bot He did not
Iind His Situ Rum there.
"Situ Rum ulwuys preIers to ubide inside, within, so muybe they cun be
seen inside these," He thooght. He picked op one oI the lurge lostroos pink
peurls und bit it with His teeth, bot there wusn't u trunscendentul Iorm oI
Situ Rum, nor their ivine Sweet Nume inside. He threw it on the Iloor, und
kept breuking the gems und peurls open und looking ut them und throwing
them on the Iloor.
The entire ussembly wus shocked. Their eyes were wide open, sturing
ut Hunomunji. At lust they cooldn't beur it uny longer. They suid,
"Hunomunji, why ure Yoo destroying the neckluce, the like oI which is
seldom seen, even in the plunet Svuh, und which the Impress HerselI hus
given to yoo? on't Yoo know how vulouble euch one oI those shining gems
is?" A minister suid.
"Thut's why I um looking inside them, bot in none oI them huve I
Ioond Sri Situ Rum, withoot which its vuloution is highly dungeroos. Oor
generutions in the Iron Age will soIIer extremely becuose oI projecting vuloe
on things. To vuloe people und things devoid oI the trunscendentul nume
und Iorm oI Sri Situ Rum is to invite more tension, misery und Irostrution oI
the world into yoor liIe. I um jost trying to spure MyselI Irom the origin oI ull
misconceptions," Hunomunji replied, und uguin becume bosy in breuking
open the peurls.
"Yoo huve soch un enormoosly lurge body. oes it huve Sri Situ Rum
inside or not?" A torbolent Vunuru usked munnerlessly.
"Yoor qoestion is right. And I woold suy, My body does huve, I
believe." Hunomunji's uttention wus now diverted und He stood op in the
middle oI ull und suid,
"Bot I huve not tested it, und I um sorry. This is My mistuke. Let os
see. Certuinly it is bruinless to curry soch u hoge borden oI u body iI its
prunus, thooghts, und blood, do not Ilow in the rhythm oI the mosic oI Sri
Situ Rum's Holy Nume. It is u wuste oI time to udjost with u body in which
the eyes und heurt do not reIlect the nectur-emunuting Iorms oI Sri Situ
Rum, on whose Iuces u serene smile is ulwuys duzzling und duncing. I won't
ullow this body to continoe iI it proves to be devoid oI Sri Situ Rum,"
Hunomunji suid serioosly with very greut determinution.
He pluced His urms on His chest und cluwed with His nuils und
pressed it, und His chest wus torn into two purts und blood poored oot. The
chest wus wide open und in Iront oI ull present, Hunomunji showed His
heurt chukru, where, on the pericurp oI the sixteen-petuled lotos, Sri Situ
Rum were sitting lovingly, smiling, jost us they were sitting in Iront oI the
Royul throne.
The whole ussembly suw this trunscendentul scene with their eyes
strock with wonder. It wus the Iirst time in history thut someone hud shown
his chukru in poblic. It exists in the sobtle body, und cun only be perceived
und experienced by rising ubove the senses, und iI it is seen it cun only be
perceived by the third eye. Sri Hunomunji's uoru wus lostroos, expressing
the greutest possible love power und peuce, und His ustrul body wus very
neut und cleun. Iverybody visoulized His heurt plexos very cleurly, more
cleurly thun even their own bodies, own mind, intellect und ego - like un
ulive embodied Troth. In compurison with thut Troth, everything in
existence seemed like u phuntom.
The light oI Sri Situ Rum begun enlightening their eyes, giving them
new eyes oI knowledge. The Holy Nume oI Sri Situ Rum wus soonding und
resoonding, vibruting und reverberuting throoghoot everyone oI
Hunomunji's pores, throogh every heurt beut und every circle oI breuth, und
the whole ussembly begun to become mesmerized by it und dunce uboot with
its rhythm.
The city oI Ayodhyu knew thut duy why Sri Rum loved Hunomunji so
moch. And they shooted gloriIicution to his greut vulor, "Jui Hunomun".
Heuring this, Hunomunji becume ushumed und He sut neurer to the
Ieet oI Sri Situ Rum. Sri Rum pluced His liIe-exhiluruting pulm on His chest
und the woond wus heuled ut once.
At the end oI the ceremony, the Impress und Imperor guve u
delicioos Iurewell bunqoet und ull the goests proceeded to their homes.
At lust, Sri Rum suid to Vibhishunu und Sogrivu, Angudu, Jumbuvuntu
und ull the Vunurus,
"My Iriends, yoo ull ubundoned the pleusores oI yoor Iumily, und
jomped into greut dunger Ior Me, Yoo ure ull so deur to Me, whutever yoo
wish or need, I will be pleused to IolIill it.
"Still, My deurs, everybody hus his doties to perIorm right Irom birth
und withoot perIorming these there woold be u greut decline oI homun
vuloes und un unimulistic nutore prevuiling in society. The porpose oI My
descending on plunet Iurth Irom My originul plunet Suket is to reestublish
the disuppeuring Vedic wuy oI liIe, in which the perIormunce oI one's reul
doties is the only joy in liIe. I expect ull oI yoo to go to yoor homes und
meditute on My pustimes und love the entire oniverse, Iinding Me in
Heuring the words oI Sri Rum, ull oI them stood us iI mude oI stone.
They kept looking ut Him, shedding teurs oI the pungs oI sepurution, und
with His greut tie oI uIIection Ior them Sri Rum told them the wisdom oI
Veduntu und udorned them with silk robes und vulouble jewels. AIter
bowing down to the Ieet oI Situ Rum they ull proceeded towurds the sooth.
Angudu wus looking ut Sri Rum, uguin und uguin, in hopes He woold
usk him to stuy with Him us He hud Hunomunji, bot Sri Rum hud ulreudy
promised Angudu's Iuther Buli thut He woold see to it his son woold tuke op
the position oI Prime Minister oI the stute.
All the sweet memories oI Sri Rum were coming uguin und uguin to
Angudu's mind - how He looked, the wuy He spoke, the wuy He wulked, the
wuy oI His meeting people. All these scenes were coming uguin und uguin to
his memory und pussing throogh his heurt. Acknowledging the wish oI Sri
Rum, he wulked oot, und Sri Rum ordered Hunomunji to uccompuny him to
the gute oI the city.
When they were oot oI the city, Angudu suid with teur-Iilled eyes und
Iolded hunds,
"Hunomunji, pleuse convey my obeisunces to the Lord und remind
Him oIten oI me."
Hunomunji retorned to the puluce und conveyed the messuge to the
Lord. Sri Rum horripoluted time und uguin heuring oI Angudu's love.
"eur Nisuduruj, pleuse ulwuys keep coming buck to Ayodhyu to see
Me, do yoo heur?" Sri Rum suid to Nisuduruj, oIIering him u lurge contuiner
oI edibles.
AIter the depurtore oI ull the goests und kinsmen, Sri Rum
reorgunized the uIIuirs oI the stute. A new wuve oI revolotion in every Iield
oI uctivity spreud ull over. Very soon Sri Rum becume the one sovereign
Imperor oI the plunet Iurth.
The ubondunce oI prosperity wus exposed by nutore und there wus u
plentiIol sopply oI everything Ior everyone. All the sobjects oI Sri Situ Rum
becume extremely generoos und benevolent to euch other. They ull
developed u tuste Ior the service oI the philosophers' cluss. Lnwuvering
service to the spiritoul muster spontuneoosly developed into u center oI
bliss-conscioosness within themselves. Huving Ioond the center oI
permunent joy within, Situ Rum's sobjects were nutorully elevuted ubove -
not only over drinking, bot ulso ubove the ullorement oI sensoul
temptutions, which is the busis oI ull crime.
When the possibility oI immorul indolgence und crimes disuppeured
Irom the Iuce oI homun society. Then permunent peuce wus estublished ull
over the empire. Sex und sense enjoyment remuined u wuy oI love-
expressions und udornment to their wuy oI living. The mule becume huppy
with one wiIe und ludies becume highly chuste, und this wuy oI living
inIloenced the whole sorroondings.
The eurth becume ubondunt with hurvest und the Iorests with green
trees Ioll oI Iroits. No one reqoired Iuns und uir-conditioning becuose there
wus ulwuys u cool, Irugrunt und mild breeze which begun to ulwuys blow.
Iven the dreudIol beusts begun to roum in oniversul brotherhood with other
unimuls, us well us with homun beings.
Gosvumi Tolusidus hus song in his Rumuyunu thut rivers Ilowed with
crystul cleur, cool sweet wuters, und the moontuin tops were Ioll oI
mineruls, diumonds und jewels. Iverywhere the muyors begun to perIorm
yujnus. The son und cloods showered their heut und wuters uccording to the
Muhurishi Vulmiki describes in his Rumuyunu thut the city oI
Ayodhyu, sitouted on the bunk oI the Suruyo river und wus ninety-six miles
in length und twenty-Ioor miles in width. Its homes were row opon row oI
beuotiIol munsions. None oI its people were miseruble, Irostruted or
uIIlicted. They were sincere und loyul to the King, us well us to the King oI
the oniverse, God. There wus plenty Ior euting, drinking und living. Rivers oI
milk und cord were Ilowing. Iuch member oI the philosopher's cluss wus the
muster oI the six systems oI Vedic philosophy. Iuch one oI them hud more
thun six hondred disciples. Iuch member oI the wurrior cluss wus uble to
conqoer Ierocioos lions und tigers in doul wrestling. The merchunt cluss wus
so prosperoos thut when even the poorest donor wus donuting, it wus never
less thun one thoosund golden coins.
Ivery duwn Sri Rum osed to tuke His buth und swim in the river
Suruyo, uccompunied by Situ, Lukshmunu, Bhurutu, Shutroghnu und
Hunomunji. He osed to sit in the sonshine Ior His meditution. AIter
breukIust He woold go und sit in the Royul ussembly und Hunomunji woold
ulwuys sit neur His Ieet, the Impress Situ on His leIt, und Lukshmunu,
Bhurutu und Shutroghnu sorroonding them. There wus no sepurute
coorthoose. Sri Rum HimselI osed to udorn the seut oI the ChieI Jostice und
He wus on cull twenty-Ioor hoors und uvuiluble to everybody.
One duy, even u dog upprouched Him Ior jostice becuose u priest oI u
temple hud hit him on the heud. Sri Rum Ireely guve him jostice und so Ior
hitting u dog u homun being wus chustised. In the uIIuirs oI uny nutorul
imbulunce or ontimely deuth, the King himselI osed to be held responsible
und Sri Rum did IolIill this doty. He wus ulwuys prepured to chustise uny oI
the directors oI the nutorul Iorces iI they distorbed His people, His sobjects.
He ulso snutched the sool oI u child Irom the juws oI deuth. He took rest only
uIter He suw the child resorrected.
Soch u personulity wus the Muster oI Sri Hunomunji. There coold not
be uny greuter joy thun the service to soch u loving sopreme Boss. All higher
uccomplishments ure dost und dirt compured to the trunce oI love oI soch u
greut Muster.
Sri Hunomunji osed to do euch und every little service which wus
pleusing to Sri Rum, us well us Situ. Iverybody wunted to serve Situ Rum bot
no service wus ever leIt Ior them, doe to the over-eIIiciency oI Hunomunji.
Thos Hunomunji becume closer und closer to the Imperor und Impress.
"Hunomunji, pleuse, u greut Sool like Yoo shoold not interIere in the
doties und services oI others." Sutroghnuji und his Iriends spoke to Sri
Hunomunji one morning us He wus going to Sri Rum's upurtment in the
"Reverend Prince, I coold not onderstund yoo," Hunomunji suid,
wondering whut the mutter wus.
"Look ut this puper, here is the signutore oI the Imperor und
Impress." Sutroghnu showed Him u puper.
Hunomunji's yellow eyes reud the whole puper in one glunce. All the
services oI Sri Rum were divided umong - Impress Situ, Prince Lukshmunu,
Bhurutu, Shutroghnu und Somuntru, und there wus not u single service leIt
Ior Hunomunji.
"By the order oI His und Her Mujesty ull the services huve been
divided umong His own Iumily. And here is the Royul stump. We cun only
hope thut Yoo woold kindly help os in oor services to the Lord," Shutroghnu
Hunomunji Ielt us iI He wus robbed in cleur duylight, becuose the
service oI Sri Rum wus the only uccomplishment oI His liIe. As in the
moment oI losing everything, one remembers God -- Hunomunji
remembered Sri Rum, und immediutely the light cume, which is jost u
shudow oI His remembrunce.
"Whutever the Lord hus uccepted becume My ucceptunce ut thut very
moment, bot this is My homble reqoest. Muy I huve the service which is leIt
oII oI this puper?" Hunomunji reqoested.
"Why not? Certuinly Yoo muy," Lukshmunu suid und Bhurutu und ull
his Iriends suid excitedly. They were Iolly conIident thut there wus not u
single service oI the Lord which coold huve been missed.
"Let it be grunted by the Lord HimselI," suid Hunomunji, Ior He wus
ulso very cureIol in soch mutters.
They ull went to Sri Rum in His privute upurtment where He wus
sitting on His seut und smiling. The mutter wus presented beIore the Lord
und the Lord uccepted.
"Whutever is leIt oII oI the puper, Hunomunji cun certuinly do," He
suid compussionutely looking ut Sri Hunomunji.
"Whenever the Lord will yuwn I will do the service oI Iinger-
snupping," Hunomunji suid.
Iverybody wus strock with wonder. No one hud ever imugined this
kind oI service. They knew it wus not possible to beut Hunomunji in uny wuy.
His proposul wus uccepted und Hunomunji wus very pleused now.
Becuose there wus no Iixed time when yuwning coold come, He hud
Ioond u service which enubled Him to sit in Iront oI the Lord und constuntly
guze on His beuotiIol Iuce. Hunomunji reully relished this service more thun
unything on eurth. The whole duy He pussed in guzing ut the lotos Iuce oI the
Lord. He even took His meuls with the Lord. Iven iI He tulked to someone
He did it withoot looking ut the person speuking, Ior He wus guzing ut the
soothing und cooling coontenunce oI the Lord.
The duy pussed into evening und the Lord dismissed His ussembly und
went to His puluce. Iven then Hunomunji wus with Him und They hud
dinner. In the eurly evening, Sri Rum entered the gynueceom, the most
privute upurtment where only Impress Situ und Sri Rum osed to relux
together, huve love tulks und go to bed,
Hunomunji wus stopped by the gutekeepers. "Ixcose me pleuse, I
cunnot ullow u third person in, whoever he muy be. This is the privute
upurtment oI Sri Situ Rum und it is time Ior the Imperor und Impress to
retire. II Yoo come in, it distorbs Yoor Situ Rum."
"It distorbs Yoor Situ Rum." The lust words tooched Hunomunji und
He stepped buck, bot He wus worried uboot doing His service. "Whut shull I
do iI My Lord yuwns, especiully ut night, Ior yuwns come eusily then. II I
miss the muntru und Iinger-snupping I will be proven insincere und cureless
in My doty."
Hunomunji wulked opstuirs to the terruce ut the top Iloor oI the
puluce overlooking the wuves oI the river Suruyo und the neurby groves. It
wus u beuotiIol moonlit night, und Hunomunji took u seut und sturted Iinger-
snupping to the rhythm oI the chunts oI the Holy Nume oI Sri Situ Rum.
Night vigil wus no problem Ior Him. The problem wus how to suve
OneselI Irom Iuiling in One's doty. So Hunomunji thooght oI u plun. Iven iI
Sri Rum yuwns in His bedroom, Hunomunji woold ulreudy be doing muntru
und Iinger snupping Ior Him, und He coold eusily do it Ior the whole night.
Thut wus eusy Ior Him.
Bot very soon u greut problem urose in the puluce. The gutekeepers
becume restless und the muidservunts begun to ron ull over the puluce. Soon
ull three mothers were culled, ull three brothers cume, u Iew ministers cume,
und oltimutely the Royul physiciun wus culled, bot he coold not onderstund
the diseuse.
All oI them were sitting und lumenting, while sorroonding Sri Rum,
Who wus sitting on un elevuted chuir. His mooth wus wide-open und He wus
onuble to close it. He wus not uble to speuk or convey unything. It wus us iI
His mooth wus Iorcibly kept open by some invisible power.
Nobody onderstood whut the mutter wus und there wus no limit to the
unxiety oI Lukshmunu, Bhurutu und Sutroghnuji. Impress Situ hud teurs
pooring Irom her eyes und her Iuce becume very red. At lust Lukshmunu
roshed to the hermituge oI the spiritoul muster Bruhmurshi Vusisthu.
Immediutely the muster cume in his churiot. He horriedly climbed the
stuirs. Sri Rum suw him Irom u distunce und He stood op, wulked oot und
oIIered His obeisunces - His mooth remuined open ull the while.
The muster blessed Him und Ielt very sorry to see His condition. Soch
u hundsome Iigore, u greut Wurrior, u most soccessIol Imperor. Whut greut
love He hud Ior religion und the spiritoul muster. Whut wrong toduy hud
huppened to His mooth? The teurs cume to his eyes. He usked ull to sit in
their pluces und then he usked the Impress Situ uboot the mutter.
"I um extremely sorry, Muster, I will never compluin uguin in my liIe,"
Impress Situ suid sobbing."We hud jost tuken oII oor Royul dress, wushed
oor Ieet, hunds und Iuce, und we were weuring oor night clothes, desiring to
"Somehow the memories urose in my mind oI those duys when I osed
to puss my duys und nights sighing und sobbing onder the tree in Lunku. The
remembrunce oI my Lord ulone wus the reuson Ior my sorvivul. I wus
tormented, und now toduy I Ieel thut Sri Rum wus not so oncomIortuble
withoot me. He killed Ruvunu jost to suve the dignity oI His ruce und my
deliverunce wus optionul.
"It wus not the muin concern, so tonight I wus mud ut Him und I suid,
`Yoo don't know love till Yoo possess soch loving Ieutores thut everybody
thut looks ut Yoo begins to love Yoo - Yoo never bother Ior unybody else's
love. When I wus ubdocted und ulone, I wus so tormented und Yoo cume
comIortubly ut Yoor own time. I even heurd thut Yoo were pluying with
Ruvunu in the buttleIield. Why didn't Yoo born him with one single urrow? II
Yoo hud possessed uny love Ior me then Yoo woold huve done it. Where is
love in Yoo?'
"Here in Ayodhyu ulso, Yoo ure ulwuys bosy with Yoor stute uIIuirs,
Yoor ideuls, und Yoor moruls. Iveryduy, this rishi is coming, thut
philosopher is coming - Yoo ure inuogoruting some Iire sucriIice, discossing
orgent muteriuls und ull sorts oI bosiness. Yoo never seem to huve time Ior
me. Where is love in Yoo, I wonder?
"Sri Rum wunted to reply bot His mooth soddenly Iell open und it hus
remuined open ever since. I hud hoped thut it huppened doe to His being
shocked by my shurp words, so I repented. Bot ull in vuin becuose the Lord
is the sume. Whut hus huppened to His mooth? Muster, pleuse suve the
Vusisthu Muhurishi heurd everything silently und looking throogh the
deep ugony over-shudowing ull the Iuces, he soddenly, us iI remembering
something, looked leIt und right und suid,
"I do not see Hunomunji here. Where is He?"
Impress Situ becume ulert, Lukshmunu begun to recull, und Bhurutu
usked Shutroghnu to send ull the uttendunts to Iind Hunomunji. Iveryone
wus culling while seurching Ior Him.
"Hunomunji where ure Yoo, oor muster is uwuiting Yoo. The Lord
wunts Yoo. How cun Yoo be ubsent?"
As soon us Hunomunji heurd HimselI culled, He roshed down the
stuirs bot He kept right on snupping His Iingers. He urrived ut the gute, und
this time the gutekeepers did not stop Him, bot welcomed Him with wurm
words und suid,
"Pleuse come in. Iverybody is wuiting Ior Yoo."
Hunomunji entered und Iell down prostrute ut the Ieet oI the muster.
He stopped His Iinger-snupping Ior it wus no longer reqoired now thut Sri
Rum wus stunding in Iront oI Him. As Hunomunji prostruted, Sri Rum's
mooth becume ull right.
"Whut huppened to Yoo?" Vusisthu Muhurishi qoestioned Sri Rum.
"Nothing, Gorodev," Sri Rum replied.
"Nothing huppened?" Impress Situ's sorprising words echoed in the
upurtment. "Yoor mooth stuyed wide open. Yoo weren't uble to tulk und I
wus terribly Irightened, ull the mothers were scured, the muster wus culled,
und Yoo suy nothing huppened to Yoo!"
"This morning Hunomunji wus given the doty oI Iinger-snupping Ior
My yuwning. It hud unother uspect ulso, und thut wus when Hunomunji
woold snup His Iingers, I woold deIinitely be in the middle oI u yuwn."
Rum continoed. "Rum never entertuins uny schizophrenic, wuvering
relutionships. Rum keeps uIur Irom Iickle personulities. Whenever, und with
whomsoever He deuls with und tuckles, ure persons oI greut depth.
Hunomunji is u deepest possible depth oI heurt. To suy troly, He is u
bottomless ubyss und His relutionship with Me is un expression oI those
inIinite depths which huve luyers uIter luyers - onIuthomuble. In soch u
relutionship, Rum und Hunomunji ure interconnected, intertwined,
eternully embruced. So ulso His snupping und My yuwning ure inter-linked.
II My yuwning is broken, leIt split, where is Rum then? - Whut is the
meuning oI love then?"
Situ's eyes becume wide und Ioll oI joys und thrills. Hunomunji
thrilled und clusped the Ieet oI Sri Rum. Vusisthu Muhurishi looked ut
Shutroghnu und the competitive purties ull becume very shy.
"Hunomunji, Yoo needn't do thut snupping bosiness unymore. Yoo
serve Yoor Imperor us beIore," Situ suid, us she tore into pieces the puper
dividing the services.
Iverybody shooted, "All glories to Sri Hunomunji."
sodrsom chestote soosgh prokrterjonopi
Lord Krishnu suys in the Bhuguvud-gitu thut even uIter the Reulizution
oI the Absolote Bruhmu, even when the binding inIloences oI ull uctions ure
completely Iinished, still the Reulized sool continoes to uct uccording to his
previoos hubits.
Mun's common ucts remuin totully in the hunds oI his preconceptions
und prejodices, which ure the constunt by-prodocts oI his liIelong kurmus
{in work which he wus enguged). It is not possible to get rid oI these withoot
kindling the Iire oI wisdom in the stute oI deep Lovetrunce, und borning
them by permeuting ull the dimensions oI liIe with the experience oI the
beyond, und being resorrected in the new plunet oI bliss-enlightenment
within oneselI. It is Irom here thut uctivities Ilow in the river oI huppenings.
As long us the binding inIloences oI uctions exist, us long us the
preconceptions, prejodices, und soperstitions ure there, OING is the wuy
oI liIe. And yoo cun in no wuy suve yoorselI Irom the tensions, worries, und
miseries oI liIe. As long us yoo ure u doer, there is no wuy to escupe
prejodices und soperstitions. II yoo remuin u doer, yoo cun only Iool und
console yoorselI by decluring yoorselI to be Iree und independent, und this
is how oor plunet hus constuntly remuined u Iool's purudise Ior innomeruble
When the incident occors which Krishnu indicutes --
jngni dogdhoh kormnom
borning ull uctions in the Iire oI knowledge, then Irom the ushes
springs u new plunet oI bliss-enlightenment where u Reulized sool ulwuys
lives, moves, und tulks. Then ull the uctions, ull the lurge scule indostries, ull
the muster pluns eropt us muniIestutions oI bliss. They spring op us u prooI
thut there exists u kingdom oI heuven. They ure jost silent proclumution oI
God's existence.
Then THI HAPPINING becomes the wuy oI liIe, und there is no wuy
to escupe Irom the shower oI permunent peuce, ondistorbuble joy, und inner
contentment. The uct springs Irom huppiness. In itselI, it is pore huppiness,
und this dissolves in eternul huppiness.
Then mun hus gotten rid oI his long trooblesome tuil oI his pust, und
his big nose in the Iorm oI his Iotore. He jost stuys in the present which
trunsIorms into one eternity -- Bot this eternity is vibrunt, dynumic,
diversiIied, und innomeruble mirucles ure ulwuys huppening there. This
river oI huppening ulone, is beyond preconceptions, prejodices,
soperstitions, und then there is no sin nor merits.
Then innocence is the wuy oI liIe. Whutever the existence oIIers, he
relishes it, enjoys it, und is rejovenuted. Then Ireedom is everlusting und
independence is upproved, not by some politiciun or religioos preucher, bot
upproved by the whole oI nutore, by the entirety oI this existence.
Bot even then in soch oniversul Ireedom und cosmic-independence,
Lord Krishnu suys -- Most Reulized sools uct us they huve been ucting or
behuving previoosly, deuling with or tuckling the problems us beIore.
Althoogh they huve Ioll control over their hubits und temperuments, they
cun choose to compose new hubits, new psychologicul stutes, und u new
Iushion oI living, bot they jost "let go".
Sri Hunomunji hud u hubit oI euting. Ivery eurly morning he Ielt
hongry, un extreme honger. There is only one beuotiIol pluce Ior Him to
upprouch, und thut is the ubode oI Mother Situ.
This purticolur duy, Mother Situ wus u little lute with her buth. She
hud pot on u Iresh new silk suri und sitting neur u dressing tuble she wus
potting vermillion on her Ioreheud. She wus so ubsorbed, so joyIolly Iixing
it, thut she wus not uwure oI the urrivul oI Hunomunji Who wus stunding
behind her, innocently looking und wondering whut thut red stoII wus.
When the Impress Iinished the uct she torned buck und suw
"Oh, Hunomun, how long huve Yoo been stunding here. Look, Yoor
breukIust is ull reudy."
"I urrived jost now, Mother Situ," He suid uIter suloting the Impress.
"Bot beIore I eut, I wunt to know whut thut red stoII is yoo huve Iixed on
yoor Ioreheud with soch deep uIIection?"
Hunomunji most huve seen it beIore, bot since it wus not His sobject
He never thooght uboot it ontil Mother Situ herselI wus upplying it.
Hunomunji thooght it most be u very importunt purt oI spiritoulity so He
usked very serioosly.
"Hunomun, Yoor Imperor Ieels huppy to see it," Mother Situ replied
luoghingly, us she oIIered Him u big plute oI sweet bulls mude Irom the Iloor
oI gurbunzo beuns und ghee.
"All ludies ure very good," Hunomunji wus thinking while euting.
"Iuch one oI them pots vermillion on so cureIolly und joyIolly - They ull
wunt to sutisIy My Lord. How sweet they ure."
He Iinished His breukIust und then He went to His room und took u
big bottle oI perIomed oil und poored it over His heud, und then pusted
vermillion ull over His body Irom heud to toe. His whole body becume durk
red. His lurge Ieutores, wide chest, golden huirs ull over His body were
colored with red puste. Hunomunji resembled the rising son reddening ull
It wus time to be in the Royul ussembly so He roshed oot und us He
entered the gute the whole ussembly looked ut Him greutly umuzed und
begun to smile, bot when the Imperor und Impress luoghed whole
heurtedly the luoghter becume epidemic. All luoghed und luoghed.
Iinully, when the luoghter sobsided, Sri Rum usked,
"Hunomunji, why did Yoo pot on the vermillion ull over yoor body?"
"My Lord," Hunomunji replied with Iolded hunds in deepest
reverence, "Mother suid thut this red puste pleuses Yoo, so I thooght thut iI
even u tiny murk on u Ioreheud pleuses Yoo, My Lord, then how moch
greuter woold be Yoor joy iI I pusted it ull over My body," Hunomunji spoke
Sri Rum becume silent Ior u while und declured in u gruceIol voice.
"Toduy is Toesduy, Hunomunji's birthduy! Whoever worships Him
toduy with oil und vermillion puste, his desires, his umbitions will certuinly
be IolIilled, und iI he hus no desire ut ull, he will uttuin My love trunsIorming
into oniversul-conscioosness."
Sri Rum's voice echoed in the ussembly und ull the members clupped
their hunds Ior u long time und developed greuter love und respect Ior
Hunomunji. Thos ull the brothers oI Sri Rum, the mothers und other ludies
oI the puluce, ull the ministers oI the ussembly, even ull the citizens oI
Ayodhyu developed u greuter love und udorution Ior Sri Hunomunji.
"As the Iuther huth loved me, I loved yoo, und us I loved yoo, yoo love
one unother."
Situ loved Rum und Rum loved Situ; this love wus oniqoe. Hunomunji
loved Rum und Rum loved Hunomunji und this love wus oniqoe. Lrmilu
loved Lukshmunu und Lukshmunu loved Lrmilu und they loved Sri Rum und
Sri Rum loved them und this love wus oniqoe. The whole city oI Ayodhyu
loved Situ Rum und Situ Rum loved their sobjects und this love went on
spreuding, encircling, embrucing the whole oniverse.
The Iirmument oI Ayodhyu becume colored with the color oI
Lovetrunce. This enlightened ull liIe utoms on the plunet Iurth like one
sonbeum enlightens the whole solur system. It inIosed into the utmosphere
oI the whole eurth u greutest possible serenity und plucidity und it expressed
the trunscendentul love oI Situ Rum in u thoosund und one divine
In Iuct, the entirety oI existence is one orgunic wholeness. The whole
creution is one ubsolote, non-doul uloneness. It is one conscioosness, u non-
split totulity, und one who Iinds it und lives in it in its virgin originulity, his
peuce becomes eternul, his love becomes immortul, und whoever loves soch
u pecoliur personulity, his joy becomes everlusting.
Bot the uccident tukes pluce, when mun divides the one whole
existence into good und bud, right und wrong, sin und merit, hero und
villuin, God und Sutun, Porosu und Prukriti, Jesos und Jodus, Krishnu und
Kumsu, Boddhu und evuduttu, Muhutmu Gundhi und Adolph Hitler. With
soch u dividing, sepuruting und unulyzing mind, the homun being cun only
cot himselI oII Irom the virgin reulity oI the oniverse. He cun only be u split,
schizophrenic personulity whom tensions, restlessness, soIIering, und the
innomeruble problems oI liIe, necessurily Iollow like shudows.
One who sees in ull these musks oI diversity the one ubsolote onity, he
reully sees, suys Krishnu in the Gitu. One who Iinds oot the ubsoloteness oI
the constunt continoity oI the cosmic-void, only he hus discovered the
Reulity, suys Boddhu in hummupudu. One who loves und loves und loves
und trunscends beyond the lover und beloved becomes the ubsolote
lovingness und perceives the whole oniverse expunded wide into thut
lovingness like Ilouting cloods in the sky, like rising wuves in the oceun, like
the bloish uppeurunce oI the Iirmument, he reully loves his beloved, suys the
yogu oI Lovetrunce. It is I ulone who cun love yoo und none else, suid Jesos
to Mury Mugdulene. Then the whole oI relutivity is jost proven to be un
Bot iI someone sticks to his own concocted prejodices und tries to
muteriulize them in his liIe und soIIerings und tensions resolt, then he ulone
is responsible Ior it. Soch people ulone cun be held responsible Ior
spreuding onheulthy vibrutions und putterns oI behuvior which invite und
sedoce others to Ilow in the sume corrent. This is why liIe torns into hell und
the world Iuces internutionul stopidity torning the globe into one big hellish
In the Interplunetury civilizution people recognized the internul Ilow
oI one und the sume energy in sex und celibucy, uttuchment und detuchment,
wruth und creutivity. ThereIore, they osed to respect und udore Rishi orvus
ulso, who wus Iumoos ull over the cosmic-egg Ior his dreudIol unger und
terrible corse. He wus u greut uscetic, u greut yogi, u greut mun oI knowledge
und the Iustest spuce truveler. He osed to roum ull over the world to ull the
One duy he uppeured in the Royul ussembly oI Ayodhyu extremely
Iorioos, his eyes und Iuce reddened with unger, his eyebrows torned op. Ior
the philosophers' cluss it wus not reqoired to usk permission to see u King.
Iven the Imperor wus on twenty-Ioor hoor cull. So when Rishi orvus
entered the ussembly, Sri Rum stood op with His whole ussembly. All the
ministers rose Irom their seuts to deliver their homuge, und un elevuted seut
wus oIIered by the Imperor.
"Oh Rum, even in Yoor presence on the eurth, in Yoor reign, soch u
greut insolt hus been done to u member oI the philosophers' cluss!" orvus
ottered sinking between puin und wruth, tuking his seut.
"Who is it? Who hus stepped on the hood oI u poisonoos snuke?" Sri
Rum's Iuce ulso sturted to become red in wruth.
Actoully whut hud huppened wus this - Muhurishi orvus wus u Iree
truveler ull over the cosmos. Iurly one morning in u beuotiIol river in u
Himuluyun vulley he took his buth und begun to perIorm his Sundhyu-
vundunum. AIter doing this, while he wus in the middle oI oIIering u wuter
oblution to the invisible God by pooring u hundIol oI wuter in u certuin
direction, he becume completely ubsorbed, tuking hundIols oI wuter,
chunting u muntrum Ioll oI devotion, und oIIering them towurds the son
beum. This continoed Ior u while. At the sume time u gundhurvu, the
Celestiul mosiciun oI the plunet Svuh, pussed thut wuy in his uirplune. His
nume wus Chitrusenu.
The mosiciun wus chewing u betel leuI, und Ielt like spitting. He sput
ootside the uirplune und the spit Iell opon the bosy pulms oI orvus.
Inruged with greut wruth, he looked ut the uirplune und recognized it by the
Ilug. Anyhow he completed the ublotion und then truveled throogh the spuce
und urrived in the ussembly oI Ayodhyu und told everything to Sri Rum Who
wus Iumoos us the greutest power, us well us the greutest protector und
udmirer oI the philosophers' cluss.
Here Sri Rum Ioond unother chunce Ior u new pluy. His every pluy
onIolds new mystery, new onderstunding, new Iucts. Sri Rum hurdly ever
got enruged und whenever He ullowed unger to come in, He totully merged
in it. In his Ioll uwureness the unger entered in Him und He remuined u
vigilunt, constunt wutcher or witness to it. Whereus with os, unger, sex,
sleep come totully obscoring oor vigilunce und intelligence. We become
obsessed by these Ieelings us iI certuin spirits or ghosts occopy u person's
Sri Rum's stute is diIIerent. He is Iolly uwure oI the urrivul oI these
tendencies und they come only when He wunts, und when they come He
welcomes them. In this occusion He is ungry, He is Iolly experiencing this
unger, bot ulso witnessing it ut the sume time.
"This is un insolt, u greut insolt to not only philosopher orvus, bot
un insolt to Rum's government," Sri Rum suid enruged, und the whole
ussembly wus Irightened.
orvus becume very huppy looking ut Sri Rum's Iuce. He Ioond u deep
uIIinity und compussion Ior Him which soothed his borning heurt. He Iorgot
the puin oI his insolt.
Sri Rum took three shining urrows Irom His qoiver und suid,
"Rum will not uccept even u drop oI wuter withoot sluying him.
Wherever he muy be, he will be sooght uIter und killed beIore midnight."
The news spreud everywhere qoickly becuose ull the plunets were so
close thut every duy innomeruble representutives cume to Sri Rum to oIIer
their tribotes. The mosiciun Chitrusenu ulso heurd it Irom evurshi Nurudu
und becume very Irightened und, in Ieur oI deuth, he becume so restless und
imputient thut he sturted trembling und crying. When evurshi Nurudu suw
his condition his heurt wus moved with compussion.
This is the nutore oI the lovers oI God. II und when their heurts melt
over someone they try every possible wuy to remove the cuose oI soIIering.
Then they never cure uguinst whom they ure going to uct. They simply know
thut the motive is to remove someone's puin und see him huppy. The rishis
ure Ioond muny times in Interplunetury history tuking steps uguinst the
greutest powers oI creution und uguinst incurnutions oI God, simply to
protect und gloriIy the lover oI God.
"Why ure yoo so Irightened? OI coorse Sri Rum is invincible, bot it
does not meun yoo ure some stone or brick. I wunt yoo to Ieel thut yoo too
huve un ATMA, und thereIore one shoold try to suve himselI ontil his lust
breuth. Let's go Ior u ride, bring yoor plune," evurshi Nurudu suid.
Awuy they Ilew und sometime luter the plune lunded on the hill oI
Moont Anjunu where the mother oI Hunomunji wus residing, pussing her
duys in meditution und deep peuceIolness.
"o yoo see thut white Luotiun bongulow?" evurshi pointed with his
Iinger. "Go there und clusp the Ieet oI Mother Anjunu und weep us moch und
us loodly us yoo cun und do not leuve her Ieet ontil she gives yoo her word to
Iinish yoor soIIering," suid evurshi und disuppeured.
"Trhi mm Trhi mm, {protect me), Mother." Chitrusenu Iell down
ut the Ieet oI mother Anjunu, who wus still sitting on her meditution seut in
the midst oI some vines und boshes which mude u nutorul greenish room in
the gurden oI her bongulow. Ixtremely compussionute, merciIol wus Mother
Anjunu's nutore. "Get op my son, do not be Irightened, do not lument, Ior
this pluce is Ior peuce und Ieurlessness. Look ut the blooming Ilowers, how
they ure smiling und shuking with the breeze." Mother's eyes lit op with u
new light oI love und delight.
"Trhi mm, Trhi mm," Chitrusenu wus still crying, wetting her Ieet
with his teurs.
"Now yoo ure Iree Irom ull Ieurs," Mother suid consolingly.
"Are yoo giving yoor word to me?" Chitrusenu now ruised his heud
und usked in greut distress, still crying. AIter ull evurshi Nurudu hus tuoght
"Yes. Anjunu gives yoo suIety now. Iven the Lord oI deuth cunnot
hurm yoo."
The mosiciun reluted his story und suid, "Sri Rum hus tuken u vow."
Then Mother becume very serioos und suid in u peuceIol und
proIoond tone,
"I shull try. Yoo jost rest there." Mother pointed oot her livingroom. It
wus u most heuvenly und comIortuble pluce, completely nutorul, us iI purt oI
thut green utmosphere. Mother Anjunu closed her eyes in the remembrunce
oI her son. A teleputhic messuge is more powerIol und qoick thun u telegrum
or cull. Mother Anjunu's remembrunce reIlected in the mind oI Hunomunji
us He sut beIore Sri Rum in the Royul ussembly oI Ayodhyu.
"My Lord, iI Yoo ullow I woold like to see My Mother und oIIer My
obeisunce," He suid.
"OI coorse," Lord Rum suid, giving Hunomunji His permission to go.
"Convey ut her Ieet the obeisunces oI Rum. I um ulso uwuiting her blessings."
Hunomunji disuppeured Irom the city und simply uppeured on Moont
Anjunu. As ulwuys, Mother took Him in her urms und curessed Him with
greut motherly uIIection. When He bowed down ut her Ieet He noticed thut
Mother wus u little serioos und worried uboot something.
"I wus jost remembering Yoo," Mother suid, looking ut the Iuce oI her
Son und putting His buck.
"Yoor order Mother." Hunomunji Ielt Mother wunted to suy
"I huve u very diIIicolt tusk," Mother suid gruvely und stured into the
eyes oI her Son. She sut on the chuir und gestored to Hunomunji to sit on the
other one.
"At leust tell Me, Mother," Hunomunji insisted.
"It is un extremely pozzling problem, my Son. Thut is why I um
Hunomunji wus then excited. Mother knew His power very well. He
hud been scolded by her Ior spuring Ruvunu und troobling Rum to kill him,
so Hunomunji vowed,
"I sweur, Mother, by the gruce oI Lord Rum thut however big u tusk it
might be, I will do it."
"I hope so," Mother smiled in sutisIuction, putting her Son on the buck
und culling the mosiciun who wus sitting in the next room.
"We huve to protect this mun's liIe ontil midnight." Mother suid.
Looking ut this mosiciun, Hunomunji wus pozzled Ior uwhile becuose
He ulreudy knew the story.
"The vow oI My Muster, Mother, yoo know - -."
"I know, bot I huve given him my word," Mother suid very strongly
und she continoed, "I don't huve unother Son to hundle this tusk und Yoo
huve ulreudy sworn." And her tone becume despondent.
Hunomunji coold not beur uny clood oI sudness on His Mother's Iuce
und He suid with conIidence,
"II it is yoor order Mother, then be ussored. Now permit Me to go. Not
moch time is leIt. I shull do My best."
"Let the goddess oI soccess kiss thy Ieet." Mother blessed her Son us
He bowed down. And uguin He bowed down Ior Sri Rum us He hud been
usked, so Mother luoghed und suid,
"Convey to Sri Rum ull my blessings, bot tell Him thut whenever there
is u wur between Him und His lover, the gurlund oI victory will wreuth the
lover und not Him."
Both Hunomunji und Chitrusenu Ilew buck to Ayodhyu in the
mosiciun's plune. The plune lunded on the bunk oI the river Suruyo on the
ootskirts oI the city.
"Stund nuvel-deep in the wuter oI the Suruyo und constuntly chunt the
Holy Nume oI Sri Situ Rum. Whenever there is u detrimentul sitoution,
neither come oot oI the wuter nor stop chunting." Hunomunji told
Chitrusenu us he luid u Ioondution Ior His Iorther uctivities. Chitrusenu wus
greutly uIruid so he simply sorrendered to the sitoution. Hunomunji cume to
the Royul ussembly und bowed down to Sri Rum.
"Oh, so qoickly Yoo huve leIt und come buck!" Sri Rum stuted.
"Yes, My Lord, I wunt something Irom Yoo," suid Hunomunji.
"Hunomun, there is no need Ior un introdoction. Rum is ulwuys in
Yoor debt. Yoo jost usk whutever Yoo desire. Anything in creution will be
given to Yoo." Sri Rum wus very huppy to heur Hunomun's words becuose
He hud never beIore heurd Hunomunji usk Ior unything.
It wus not diIIicolt Ior Hunomunji to usk Sri Rum to spure Chitrusenu,
bot it wus not beIitting Ior u lover to poll His loved one down Irom His
words oI promise und vows, und Hunomunji woold never usk Ior soch u
"I wunt to remuin us u gourd, us u protector, Ior one who is enguged in
chunting Yoor Holy Nume," suid Hunomunji.
Sri Rum embruced Hunomunji with ull His love und suid,
"Iorever Yoo ure uppointed gourd und gourdiun oI ull those who ure
und will be chunting und medituting on My Nume und Iorm. My Nume is
non-diIIerent Irom Me. It is MI ulone in the Iorm oI Soond Vibrutions. No
dunger cun ever come to him who will enjoy it. Still, I um giving Yoo this
muce in cuse some powerIol personulity releuses some highly invincible
celestiul weupons like Bruhmustru, or Pushoputustru. Iven My own urrows
woold prove to be u Iuilore uguinst the wonderIol muce oI My Hunomunji,"
Sri Rum suid in His own ecstucy oI love us He guve the muce into
Hunomunji's right hund.
Hunomunji bowed down to Sri Rum with greut reverence.
Ivening wus neuring und He cume to the bunk oI the Suruyo und
begun to roum uroond with the dreudIol muce in His hund.
The news spreud ull uroond und u hoge crowd guthered ut the bunk oI
the Suruyo where Chitrusenu stood in the river chunting. Soddenly u IeurIol
weupon uppeured roshing towurd the mosiciun like u devustuting Iire. The
crowd becume uIruid und sturted scuttering uwuy doe to its onbeuruble heut
spreuding ull uroond.
Chitrusenu looked ut Hunomunji with eyes Iilled with Ieur.
Hunomunji insisted thut he stick to chunting the Holy Nume und greeted the
weupon with reverence. The weupon circomumboluted both oI them, wuited
in spuce, und retorned buck to Sri Rum.
AIter hulI un hoor unother urrow Ilew ull uroond, shining und
duzzling like u thonderbolt, und moved throogh spuce. The mosiciun begun
to chunt looder und looder, Iuster und Iuster.
"Sri Rum, jui Rum, jui jui Rum, Situ Rum, Situ Rum, Situ Rum, Situ
Hunomunji putted his buck und both becume more conIident in their
The next weupon cume closer und circomumboluted both u Iew times
und torned und Ilew buck to Shri Rum,
"I cun only respectIolly circomumbolute the chunts oI Yoor Holy
Nume und the greutest evotee Hunomunji is there, Whose every pore
chunts constuntly the Holy Nume oI Yoors. Pleuse do not destroy oor
invincibility," the weupon resoonded.
All the ministers und brothers were sorprised und shocked.
Lltimutely Sri Rum bourded His golden churiot, in which the Ilug oI
Kovidur wus Ilying ull uroond. The churiot cume to the bunk oI the Suruyo
und Sri Rum ulighted with the urrow Iixed on His bow.
evurshi Nurudu, orvus und Vusisthu, the spiritoul muster, ulso
cume to the spot und us Vusisthu urrived, spoke ulood,
"Hunomun, let Sri Rum's words be IolIilled. It woold be un ogly blot in
Yoor glorioos Iume to stund uguinst Sri Rum with u muce in Yoor hund.
Come here und let the mosiciun be killed."
A hoge crowd hud been guthered to wutch.
"I um un insigniIicunt Servunt oI yoor Sovereign isciple. My Lord
hus ordered Me to protect the chunters oI His Holy Nume. Thut is why I um
stunding here. II yoor goodness wunts thut I shoold not be obedient to Sri
Rum, then pleuse order Me to come to yoo right now," Hunomunji replied to
the Gorodev, with reqoired homility, und the mosiciun, oot oI Ieur, chunted
Iuster und still looder.
"And pleuse usk Sri Rum - Whut uboot the boon He oIIered Me toduy?
Will His urrows destroy His own promise? And will the signiIicunce oI His
Holy Nume not be redoced by this?" Hunomunji udded.
"Huil Hunomun, no mistuke is ever possible by Yoo," suid Vusisthu,
und he becume u little serioos und pondered Ior u Iew moments.
Then he looked ut the mosiciun und suid to him,
"My son, bow down to Muhurishi orvus und usk Ior his purdon."
orvus wus stunding there with Vusisthu. Hunomun indicuted thut the
mosiciun shoold Iull down opon the wuter prostrute. "Purdon me my Lord,"
he pruyed Iervently.
"Sri Rum, pot Yoor third urrow buck in Yoor qoiver," orvus suid to
Sri Rum. He himselI wus pozzled. He never expected soch u sitoution to be
"I huve purdoned him. Pleuse tuke Yoor weupon buck."
It is eusy to Iind emotionul blind Iollowers. It is eusy to guther u crowd
uroond oneselI und thut is whut most oI the men oI umbition, swumis und
yogis ure doing toduy. Bot us long us the glumoor exists the Iollowers stuy,
und they stuy not becuose oI the yogi, not becuose oI the knowledge, bot
becuose oI the IolIillment oI the expectution oI themselves. And becuose oI
their own purticolur hung-ops, purticolur imuges und prejodices, the thing
becomes conIosed und the Iollowers lose clurity oI vision und then they ron
It is very diIIicolt to Iind u Iollower who cun reully listen in reIerence
to the muster. Anyone who cun reully listen, instuntuneoosly he cun
recognize the oncomplex virgin originulity oI himselI und develops u deep
uIIinity with the muster in which uotomuticully the knowledge oI the muster
is trunsmitted. When the muster's knowledge hus Ilown into the disciple
then everything chunges in his liIe, his qoulity oI service becomes onworldly
und oniqoe. His wuy oI loving becomes pecoliur.
Hunomunji loved Sri Rum in soch u pecoliur wuy und thos Sri Rum's
divine mystery wus most nutorully trunsmitted to Him; thereIore even to
stund uguinst Him with u muce in His hund wus ulso u greut service to Sri
Rum. Sri Hunomunji's stunding in wur uguinst Sri Rum wus not bused on
some selIish or politicul motive. Its origin wus the very busis oI Sri Rum's
personulity. It wus the very "Rumness" oI Rum.
It wus thut luw Ior which Sri Rum ubundoned ull His pleusores oI liIe
und lived in the dense Iorest Ior Ioorteen yeurs. It wus becuose oI thut luw
thut He soIIered the pungs oI sepurution oI His most beloved wiIe Situ. It is
not u mun mude luw, bot thut luw oot oI which mun is born. It is thut secret
point, knowing which one's love becomes trunscendentul, otherwise it
remuins jost emotionul, jost romuntic, shullow, und uny misonderstunding
cun pop oot und devustute the whole stroctore oI love relutions.
Sri Hunomunji loved Sri Rum und Sri Rum loved Hunomunji with
oceunic proIondity. And it wus onconditionully trunscendentul...
sdhunm hrdogom toohom
modongotte no jnonti
nhom tehhgo mongopi
In Srimud Bhuguvtum the Lord suys to orvus -
"I um the heurt oI the sudhos und sudhos ure the heurt oI MI. I do not
know unyone except Sudhos und they don't know unyone else except MI.
One duy Sri Rum wunted to give Hunomunji the wisdom oI the
Absolote Troth. This duy Sri Situ Rum were sitting on the Royul throne in the
ussembly with ull the brothers, ministers, und leuders oI the diIIerent stutes.
Hunomunji cume und bowed down to Sri Situ Rum und they smiled, looking
ut euch other.
Sri Rum suid to Situ, "Pleuse expluin to Him My Originul Reulity."
"Look My Son Hunomun, ut the beuotiIol Iorm oI Yoor Imperor. His
tuking birth, His inIuntly pustimes, His going to Siddushrum with rishi
Visvumitru, His protection oI the Iire sucriIice, His coming to My birthpluce
Mithilu, His breuking oI Shivu's bow, His murrying Me, His wundering on
the Iorest puths with Lukshmunu und Me. My ubdoction, His meeting with
Yoo, Iriendship with Sogrivu, the killing oI Ruvunu und being enthroned on
the Royul seut oI Ayodhyu, und oor sitting here und conversing ure ull done
by Me.
"I ulone um the doer oI ull und Sri Rum is un uctionless, motionless,
non-vibrunt expunsion oI conscioosness. In Him, in the oceun oI stillness, in
the wilderness oI cosmic silence, I huve uwukened the vibrunt wuves oI joy
und Iestivity oI creution. I um still in My Irolics.
"My Irolics cun be onpulutuble und extremely bitter too. I um not only
the soothing onion oI two thrilling heurts, bot I um ulso the devustuting
Ilumes oI the pungs oI sepurution. Greut prosperity is My udventoroos Irolic
und extreme poverty is ulso. Wur is one expression oI My Irolic und peuce is
unother. Greut intoitive wisdom, yogu, und brilliunce oI intelligence is one
wuy oI My being und otter muteriulism, chuos, und conIosion.
Misonderstunding is unother Irolic oI mine. Greut dunger, und u terriIying
sitoution is ulso My Irolic, bot protection, compussion, Gruce, is ulso."
Impress Situ wus speuking in un onheurd-oI, onexpected tone oI
sovereign elegunce und Hunomunji kept looking ut Her Iuce with His
onwinking, wonder-Iilled, innocent yellow eyes.
"Bot My Irolic is u poriIier und elixir Ior ull sools, My Son, those who
onderstund this knowledge or one who is sorrendered to Me trunscends ull
onpulutubleness oI liIe und enjoys chronic-bliss."
Then She looked ut Sri Rum throogh Her dreumy eyes und suid, "Yoor
Imperor, Yoor Muster Sri Rum, who He is, how He is, whut He is I don't
know. Nobody knows Him. Nobody cun know Him. He cunnot be
known;there is no wuy. Words cunnot expluin Him. Mind cunnot imugine
Him. Intellect cunnot explore Him. Igo cunnot tooch even His shudow.
Whutever Yoo see, whutever Yoo cun see, ull pust, Iotore und present ure
jost My pluy. Whutever cun be seen, heurd, imugined, ure ull My pluy, ure ull
"And I um the invincible power oI Him. He, the Cosmic-void, is
perceived us pore existence, pore conscioosness und bliss, the Sut
chidunundu Brumhun only doe to MI, und uguin this SAT-CHIT-ANANAM
muniIests us Sri Rum. This too is becuose oI MI. Thut's why devotees
conceive oI Me us the center oI Sumdhini, Sumvit und Hludini potencies. The
shudow oI My Sundhini potency grossiIies us the mode oI inertiu, the
shudow oI Sumvit grossiIies us the mode oI pussion, und the shudow oI
Hludini grossiIies us the mode oI pleusores und soIIerings, und thos they
give u stroctore to ulmighty nutore.
"I um Muhumuyu constuntly working in the trunscendentul plunets. I
um the yogumuyu ut the disposul oI the incurnution oI the Lord. The
reIlection oI this yogumuyu in ull the cosmic-eggs is culled muyu, which
cuoses the perception oI innomeruble plunets in the existence oI Sri Rum.
The sool is slombering in the lup oI muyu Irom time immemoriul, und
dreuming Iur und wide oI liIe, deuth, und the oniverse. I ulone cun uwuken
him, und I certuinly uwuken him when he huppens to udorn his dreums with
the remembrunce oI the lotos-eyed Sri Rum." Impress Situ concloded Her
blessing und looked ut Sri Rum.
Sri Rum suid, "Hunomunji, in Yoo I see the Ilower oI detuchment hus
bloomed in Iollness which is generully born when u heulthy discriminution
is pructiced in liIe. Withoot which, even iI one uttuins the knowledge oI the
Absolote Brumhun, he becomes stock ut the theoreticul level or else the
knowledge cuoses his downIull. Becuose the phuntom oI knowledge
{knowledge devoid oI experience oI Absolote Brumhun) which reIlects in the
bruin oI u body-uttuched, sense object-uttuched, tulkutive person, mukes him
more und more centered uroond his body und his senses, his conceptions
und prejodices, und these ure points Irom where he Iulls into u bottomless
ubyss oI ignorunce.
"Hunomun," Sri Rum's voice echoed, "I um the onmuniIest, Iormless,
uttriboteless Absolote Brumhu, und it cun be reulized by the wisdom und
experience oI ohom Bromhosmi.
"As long us the creution exists, there is no wuy to reIose its perception
und visoulizution. Althoogh it is ever-chunging und sobject to destroction,
still, it is not buseless, not originless, not directorless. It is not chuotic. It hus
u proIoond buse und origin, und it hus un extremely powerIol director, und
thut is this muniIest Iorm oI Imperor Rum.
"I um both onmuniIest und muniIest. The Iirst is only experiencuble
by becoming one with Thut in Nirvikulp Sumudhi, bot the next is Ioll oI
Irolics, Ion und Iestivities in the trunscendentul plunet. And the sume Ion,
Irolic und Iestivity when reIlected in the womb oI nutore by yogumuyu, u
cosmic-egg is muteriulized which inclodes innomeruble plunets ulong with
the plunet Iurth. This muniIest Iorm oI the ubsolote is uvuiluble Ior ull to
enjoy in cuoseless onconditionul love.
"Yoo know very well thut the whole oI creution is the Ion und Irolic oI
Impress Situ; thereIore, withoot Her gruce und mercy no one cun uttuin
Brumhuvidyu {the wisdom oI trunscendence), withoot which uny reulizution
in the spiritoul world us Absolote Troth, witness-conscioosness, Cosmic-
conscioosness, Nirvunu or Kuivulyu remuins jost u Iotile psychologicul
projection. The very stroctore oI Brumhuvidyu is the cuoseless,
onconditionul love oI this coople in the Iorm oI Situ und Rum."
Sri Rum concloded His blessings. The whole Royul ussembly heurd
this wonderIol sermon oI SituRum with rupt uttention und instuntuneoosly
they entered into the trunce oI Kuivulyu.
The wisdom oI the Absolote Troth eropted Irom their Being und they
experienced thut they were no longer the body, mind, or ego, bot pore
Absolote Brumhun. "I um Brumhun. Thoo urt Bruhmun, und All this is
In thut Cosmic-conscioosness, in thut Ilow oI reulizution oI Brumhu
nirvnu, their liIe, their uctivities becume qoulitutively one with the
trunscendentul, which wus the very nutore oI their Being.
The members oI Sri Rum's Royul ussembly were not the immutore
seekers oI toduy who, huving jost u slight glimpse oI u vision or two, sturt
tulking very loodly uboot their experiences und become cureless towurds
their doties und responsibilities. Insteud oI developing u serene homility
towurds the entire existence, they develop vunity und u soperiority complex,
und breuk themselves Irom ull people uroond. They sturt breuking
disciplines und luws oI higher conscioosness und thos become strunge und
weird in the eyes oI people. Or they ron uwuy to solitode, or become monks
und nons und weur strunge robes.
No, the members oI the Royul ussembly oI Ayodhyu were not shullow
spiritoulists. They were perIect disciples oI Situ Rum und thereIore no one
escuped to solitode und no one uppeured in the ussembly with shuved heud
und strunge clothes. They cume ut the right time in their osoul dress, with
extreme homility, withoot breuking their disciplines.
They bowed down to Sri Situ Rum with extreme homuge und devotion.
Bot one thing hud huppened - insteud oI heuds huving been shuved, ego hud
been totully shuved. Not the dress, bot the heurt hud chunged color entirely.
Their eyes, Iuces und guit ull expressed the deepest reluxution und peuceIol
uwureness. They ull did their doties und services us iI they were moving
meditutions, us iI sumudhi wus in motion. As iI the Nirvunu wus vibrunt und
Sri Situ Rum were sitting on the Royul throne und the whole ussembly
wus sitting in ull qoietness, in extreme stillness. Bot it wus not u deud
silence; there were wuves oI Ioll-uwureness und the whole utmosphere oI the
purliument wus vibrunt with the deepest possible joy.
Then Sri Hunomunji entered the hull und bowed down to Sri Situ
Sri Rum looked struight uwuy into His eyes und usked,
"Who ure Yoo?" And Sri Situ Rum smiled, Ioll oI mystery.
Hunomunji wus in un ecstusy oI trunscendentul wisdom with Ioll-
uwureness, so immediutely u verse eropted Irom His Being,
dehodrstg tu dsohom jioodrsgo toodomkoh
neoline oostutostu toome ohom iti me nischit motih.
He knew the coople oI the Lord wunted to know how moch He hud
remembered Irom the lesson delivered yesterduy. So Hunomunji suid,
"My Lord, the body is u purt oI nutore. It is u combinution oI cluy,
wuter, uir, Iire, und spuce, und every purticle oI the body is chunging every
moment. A constunt exchunge is going on between the utoms oI the body und
ull the bodies oI trees, Ilowers, unimuls, und homun beings. ThereIore, the
body is not personul. It belongs to existence.
"It is u purt oI creution und there is one director oI this creution. His
body is never chunging. His body is not mude oI Iive elements und three
gonus. Thut is truns-muteriul und unti-proton composition. And thut is why
the irector is trunscendentul und He is directing euch movement oI the
So on the level oI body-conscioosness everybody is His servunt.
Whether one is u cosmic-conscioos, liberuted sool Luotzo, Boddhu,
Shunkuruchuryu, or jost un ordinury ignorunt. II yoo uppreciute und love
this relution it is okuy, iI not, moch possibility is Ior yoo to Iull und become
complex, thoogh one is still u devotee oI God.
Shunkuruchuryu hus song u song--- "My Lord, ulthoogh the oceun und
the wuves ure one, still people huve to suy oceun's wuves und not the wuve's
Acknowledging this relution is sincerity und jost speuking on oneness
while rejecting the eternul relution oI the Lord with His creution expresses u
greut improdence.
"So My Lord, I um Yoor `AS' {u servunt) on the level oI body und on
the level oI sool I um purt und purcel oI Yoo, never to be divided Irom Yoo.
Sool is not pore conscioosness. Sool is jost u chidubhusu, u reIlection oI Yoo,
the sopreme eIIolgence, conditioned in the ustrul body.
"The ruys cun only be u purt oI the son. A spurk cun only be u purt oI
the Iire. The chidubhus cun only be u reIlection oI the eIIolgence oI pore
conscioosness. I um constuntly purt und purcel with Yoo on the level oI sool.
"By logic, the eIIolgence oI pore conscioosness is ull-pervuding bot by
deeper experiences in Nirvikulpu sumudhi, in ull pervuding conscioosness,
the Ieeling oI "ALL" is merely psychologicul. It hus no independent
existence. When the Ieeling "ALL" is evuporuted, the concept oI pervuding
becomes onnecessury. When the concept oI "ALL" is Iinished,
instuntuneoosly pervuding ulso disuppeurs. Then u ONINISS exists in its
ubsolote sochness, expunding into one, entire- wholeness.
"On the level oI this ONI WHOLINISS," Hunomunji suid, "My Lord,
how cun I huve uny sepurute identity? In u Iust oniIying Iorce oI electricul
energy oI bliss conscioosness, where the entirety is exploding into one
oniqoe wholeness, there is no wuy to love one unother other thun dissolving
und trunsIorming oneselI into thut ONI wholeness. So I um Yoo, My Lord."
Iverybody's eyes widened in u greut joy und wonder. The presentution
oI Sri Situ Rum's gospel oI yesterduy wus so perIect. BeIore it wus u little
philosophicul bot Hunomunji's commentury wus short, struightIorwurd und
very eusy to onderstund. Iverybody thunked Hunomunji und Ilowers were
showered opon Him.
Sri Rum greeted Him by oIIering Him u highly perIomed Ilower
gurlund Irom His own heurt und the ussembly echoed und re-echoed --
Joi Honumonji,
Joi Honumonji
A little conIosion uboot the ideuls und dignity oI the wuy oI liIe cuoses
u greut downIull in the musses. ThereIore, the Srimud Bhuguvudgitu suys,
One shoold not conIose the minds oI luymen by unyone's thooghts,
speeches und uctions. Iven liberuted sools shoold uct und live soch u wuy oI
liIe by which the common cluss oI people cun be inspired und encooruged
Ior those thooghts und engugements which coold evolve their levels oI
Sri Rum us un Imperor, us the Sopreme Ideul oI homun liIe, us un
Lpholder oI morul codes oI homun society, hud u greut mission und the
greutest responsibility. The doties oI u Vedic King ure very hurd und
extremely diIIicolt. Vedicun King meuns upproximutely God-reulizution,
knowledge oI the scriptores, roling cupucity, extruordinury physicul
strength, greut udorution Ior the rishis, und greut cupucity oI greut
donutions. All rolled in one. He is expected to be Ioll oI puternul love Ior ull
his sobjects.
Modern mun oI this Iron Age cunnot conceive oI this, since the long
chuin oI histories oI ull Kings oI ull coontries huve been totully deIumed und
huve polloted the spotless, cleun und soper-homun churucters oI the Kings
who roled the eurth in Golden, Silver, und Copper Ages described in the
history oI Interplunetury civilizution.
Sri Rum wus the top-most umong ull oI them, und thereIore, it woold
be onjost to Sri Rum iI we criticized or even tried to onderstund Him
withoot u buckgroond oI u short knowledge oI Interplunetury history und
Vedic wuy oI liIe, ulong with recognition oI homun vuloes Irom the stundurd
oI liIe which wus popolur one million yeurs ugo.
Sri Rum wus extremely generoos to His sobjects, bot His generosity
wus not less or chuotic. Generosity und love Ior ull beings wus extremely
uctive in Him und He wus very cureIol ut every step oI sturting euch uction,
not conIosing the minds oI u single being und enlightening the puth oI their
oltimute IolIillment, not hurming the ustrul und celestiul luws oI the other
plunets -- All these muke u pictore oI Sri Rum's personulity.
Soch u cureIol und ulert liIestyle Sri Rum lived. By soch u greut
dedicution und ull sucriIicing Iushion oI liIe, Sri Rum regeneruted und
brightened it, und guve hope to ull the Royul ruces thut while remuining in
un Royul environment soch u liIe coold be lived.
Thut is why - recently when Indiu uttuined independence in 1qqS - the
greut pioneer Muhutmu Gundhi hud u dreum oI Rum Rujyu. He wunted to
bring Sri Rum's government once uguin. Bot his dreum remuined u dreum
becuose it reqoired the highest wisdom, greutest power, und u spirit which
wus uble to sucriIice ull pleusores oI liIe Ior uny oI his coontrymen.
Only Sri Rum hud thut qouliIicution in the whole world's history. To
suve the long truditions oI Ages Irom bewilderment so they wooldn't be
conIosed or Irostruted, und keep them Irom Iulling Irom the puth oI higher
conscioosness, He hud to become very hurd in His own love. He exiled Her
whom He loved more thun His own liIe in ull the bygone pust.
Some Iuruhudu or Mujuno, or Chundidus, some Romeo Joliet, cun
ubundon society or sucriIice his own liIe insteud oI ubundoning his beloved,
bot Ior Sri Rum His own liIe wus not His. His liIe wus the costliest jewel oI
the nution, most vulouble peurl oI thut civilizution, oI the whole world. So He
Ielt thut whutever or however wus the puth to the higher evolotion oI the
world, thut wus the only wuy to move Ior Him.
So He ubundoned His most beuotiIol, chuste und loving wiIe Situ, who
sucriIiced everything Ior His love. At thut time the puth oI the evolotion oI
the world's conscioosness reqoired u greut sucriIice, the sucriIice oI the
sepurution oI two oI the world's greutest lovers - Situ und Rum, whose songs
oI love und bliss ure still resoonding, echoing, und re-echoing ull over the
jongles und hills oI Chitrukotu und undukuruyu.
The lovers whom Virudhu Iuiled to sepurute, Khur und oshunu Iuiled
to sepurute, und even the greut scientist sorcerer Ruvunu coold not sepurute,
u lowly luymun oI Ayodhyu, u wushermun, socceeded in sepuruting.
The wushermun's wiIe went oot und retorned lute one night, und the
wushermun denied her entry, suying he wus not Rum Who ullowed Situ buck
even uIter remuining one yeur in Ruvunu's custle. One oI the spies overheurd
it und he conveyed this to Sri Rum und Rum Ielt thut it wus the cosmic-will
thut Situ shoold be oot oI the scene, Ior the poblic shoold recognize thut Situ
wus not only the chuste wiIe oI Rum und the soccessIol Impress oI Ayodhyu,
bot ulso u living Goddess, by Whose Gruce one coold uchieve soccess und
prosperity in liIe Ior thoosunds oI generutions.
Ior this benevolent cuose Impress Situ becume un uscetic, u yogini,
und wus seen wundering in the groves oI Muhurishi Vulmiki's hermituge
sobbing und sighing in the remembrunce oI Her Beloved Sri Rum. Her
sobbing und sighing melted the heurts not only oI cows, deer, birds, trees,
creepers, und ull the sorroondings, it ulso melted the heurt oI the greut
uscetic rishi Vulmiki who hud been ubsorbed in the mystic trunce oI
meditution Ior u very long time doring thut Age. He wus luter inspired to
write the whole story oI Situ und Rum which becume popolur everywhere.
AIter losing its Impress, Ayodhyu becume losterless. Iverything wus
still there, ull the uctivities were being perIormed, mosiciuns were pluying,
bot they were liIeless und tusteless to Hunomunji. He remuined in shock, in
Sri Rum remuined now jost un Imperor. He preIerred to remuin
either very bosy or ulone. He uvoided the services oI even Hunomunji.
"Hunomun, ut leust Yoo shoold ullow Yoor Rum to be bosy some time
with His own necessities." This osed to be His unswer whenever Hunomunji
wunted to serve Him. Sri Rum's whole night wus being pussed in trunces oI
All the brothers, ministers, citizens, were very gruve in deep
onspeukuble torment, bot very Iirm und strong in the puth oI righteoosness.
The pluces oI religioos perIormunces, morul doties und services in society
becume their liIe breuth. It wus very good Ior ull, bot to Sri Hunomunji,
Ayodhyu withoot Situ becume onbeuruble. He wus onuble to control His
teurs seeing Sri Rum sitting ulone on the Royul throne.
In those duys, Hunomunji osed to Ily uwuy Irom Ayodhyu us soon us
He hud Iinished His doties. He osed to puss His time ut the beuch oI the
Indiun Oceun neur Kunyukomuri where there ure innomeruble rocks und
Ilut stones which the Vunurus hud brooght Irom Iur und wide Ior the bridge.
When the constroction wus over the rocks were ull collected in one pluce.
Hunomunji osed to sit there, sit ontil the durkness obscored everything.
The pungs oI love und devotion mude Him u poet und poetries begun
to Ilow Irom His heurt und His Iingers begun to write whut He did not know
perhups wus the most ootstunding und thrilling story oI Situ Rum. The duys
pussed und His wild pen Iilled op innomeruble stone slubs with wonderIol,
exciting poems oI Sri Situ Rum's pustimes. His eyes wet with teurs, His heurt
throbbing with Ieeling, His mind wus Ilouting in the ebbs und tides oI the
pustimes oI Sri Situ Rum, und His Iingers were moving the pen.
The oceun und the breeze, the Ilowers und birds osed to be huppy to
see the smiles on His Iuce. Absorbed in the circomstunces oI the pustimes oI
Situ Rum, Hunomunji osed to luogh ut times. His wild luoghter umuzed und
gluddened the heurt oI the deer, birds und other unimuls. Sometimes He
becume very serioos, und ut other times He osed to cry bitterly. When it
becume onbeuruble to His spiritoul muster, Soryu Nuruyunu, the sonbeum
osed to disuppeur in the western horizon und then Hunomunji hud to stop.
Then He woold retorn to Ayodhyu. Then next morning His writing woold
begin uguin.
One duy when Hunomunji cume to Sri Rum, Lukshmunu told Him thut
Hunomunji wus in the process oI writing un epic. Bot Sri Rum didn't reply,
He only closed His eyes in deep meditution on Situ.
evurshi Nurudu und muny ustrul truvelers inIormed Lukshmunu thut
on the rocks oI the beuches oI the Indiun Oceun un ootstunding
trunscendentulizing epic wus being inscribed by Hunomunji in the most
pictoresqoe und vivid lungouge.
The news hud gone ull over the solur system - und the whole night the
beuch wus crowded with reuders Irom diIIerent plunets, und us the duy
broke they excitedly roshed to Ayodhyu to huve the durshun oI the Hero und
Heroine. Iveryduy, newcomers in lurge scule were visiting Ayodhyu.
Iverybody wus usking - `Where is the Heroine? Where is the Impress Situ?'
Muny digniIied personulities Irom diIIerent plunets, uIter reuding the
verses oI the epic und puying u visit to Sri Rum, renoonced everything und
settled in Punchuvuti, Chitrukot und on the bunks oI the Suruyo River.
Throogh the groves und gurdens oI Ayodhyu these people were wundering,
deep in love with Sri Situ Rum, singing the songs oI the divine love oI Sri Situ
Rum, conversing uboot the incidents oI the wonderIol epic. Their joy knew
no limits.
At times they were Ioond shooting, "We need oor Impress." They
suid, "There coold not be uny greuter injostice thun the exile oI the Impress
oI Ayodhyu. We don't need uny dry religion. We don't need rigid roles und
dry philosophy. Iven doties und services ure not reqoired iI the heurt is
Iilled to over-Ilowing with devotion to Sri Situji.
"In the Ilowing teurs oI love oI Sri Situ Rum is hidden the mysteries oI
ull philosophies und ull religion. Irom where those teurs Ilow, those eyes
und those heurts ure divinized und trunscendentulized. Ivuporution oI
individoulity in the trunce oI love oI Situ Rum is the liberution we need. This
is the kind oI religion we wunt. The world needs this." And this they hud
leurned Irom the poems Hunomunji hus composed ut the beuch.
All the rishis und monis becume interested in this epic which hud
stirred the utmosphere oI the whole Interguluctic society.
Muhurishi Vulmiki urrived one duy und suid,
"Hunomunji, I huve heurd Yoo ure very bosy writing un epic on the
biogruphy oI Sri Situ Rum!"
Hunomunji Ielt very shy und replied, "How cun I write un epic, my
Lord, I um jost somehow pussing the times oI duy!"
"Hunomunji, I wunt Yoo to know thut I too huve composed un epic on
the Holy Rumuyunu in verse by the order oI Brumhu HimselI. As u writer I
wunt to see the urt oI unother writer," Vulmiki moni suid.
"All right, sir, iI yoo wunt to reud I cun help yoo with these stone
slubs. This is the order," Hunomunji suid, showing ull oI His writings.
Vulmiki very soon becume ubsorbed in reuding those poems. Muny
times his eyes grew lostroos und shone. Muny times he smiled, muny times
he luoghed, und muny times he becume serioos und teurs Ilowed Irom his
eyes us he wus reuding the descriptions, the selection oI words, the ose oI
proverbs, idioms, ornumentul lungouge, und the Ilow oI Ieelings.
The delicucy und sopremucy oI Sri Situ Rum's love Vulmiki rishi
recognized, und he relished everything und becume ubsorbed in it. Vulmiki
rishi wus thrilled und overwhelmed with joy, bot uIter ull this, ull oI u
sodden he becume despondent und sut down tired und discooruged.
"I see sudness on yoor Iuce, sir. Is there uny mistuke in this epic?
Wrong oses oI words, or misconception oI the Iucts, my Lord? Pleuse do tell
Me," Hunomunji reqoested extremely politely.
"Hunomunji, Yoor composition is so perIect thut it is my Iirm belieI
thut no one cun Iind u single mistuke in the whole epic. The story is Iolly
ulive, the description is extremely pictore boilding. There cunnot be uny
literutore onder the son which cun eqoul this creution oI Yoors. I becume
sud becuose I hud greut hope thut my composition woold be Iumoos ull over
the world und woold be song und stodied by the musses down the Ages. Bot
toduy uIter seeing Yoor literutore ull my hopes huve been torned into ushes.
Nobody will be interested in my literutore in compurison with this epic oI
Yoors," Muhurishi Vulmiki replied.
"Sir, do not be despondent. o not be so sud becuose oI this little
thing. Iverybody will be interested. Yes everybody, my Lord. I will muke it
done." Sri Hunomunji suid remembering the lotos Ieet oI Sri Situ Rum.
Lpon suying this, Hunomunji pluced ull the rock slubs one on top oI
the other ontil they becume u hoge, moontuinoos pile oI slubs und then He
pot them on His shoolder und leuped to the spuce oI the wild Indiun Oceun.
There He dropped them into the womb oI the oceun.
He retorned very soon to Vulmiki Ieeling very huppy within HimselI,
und suid,
"Ixcose Me, my Lord, now yoor literutore will be Iumoos ull over the
world, und I um sore it will wush oot the sins which homun beings huve
committed by invuliduting Mother Situ, und it will even help wipe oot
misonderstundings und conIosions which ignorunt people will huve in the
Iron Age becuose oI not recognizing the mysticul glories oI Sri Rum und
criticizing Him Ior exiling Mother Situ."
Hunomunji looked ut Vulmiki, whose eyes were wet und red, bot he
seemed to be more und more sud, more despondent.
"Hunomunji, in greed Ior Iume I huve done u greuter oIIense. I huve
mude people lose soch u greut gloriIicution oI the Lord," Vulmiki replied in
greut despondency.
"I um very gruteIol to yoo. Yoo huve suved Me Irom u greut oIIense.
Holy, trunscendentul numes und gloriIicutions oI Situ Rum woold huve been
lying written on stones in the open. People woold be wulking over them.
Birds woold huve Ilown und pussed Iilth over them und beusts woold huve
mude u mess oI it. Yoo huve suved Me, my Lord. How kind, how merciIol yoo
ure," und Hunomunji tooched the Ieet oI rishi Vulmiki.
Rishi Vulmiki very qoickly took Hunomunji in his urms und embruced
Him closely oot oI greut love und blessed Him uguin und uguin.
Thut dosk when Sri Hunomunji Ilew towurds Ayodhyu, only one
ugonizing thooght wus reeling in His mind und thut wus how to suve HimselI
Irom the torment und loneliness oI Ayodhyu! Now His service to Sri Rum
hud been tuken uwuy, und His joy in writing u new Rumuyunu wus gone us
The puluce oI Ayodhyu, the Royul ussembly, the bunks oI Suruyo und
royul gurdens ull seemed to be liIeless und empty withoot Mother Situ. Iven
Sri Rum's liIe remuined now us u dry leuI. This describes the inner stute oI
Hunomunji's mind. Hunomunji wus thinking uboot some new engugements
when He urrived in Ayodhyu.
He received u messuge thut the King wunts to see Him in the Royul
ussembly us qoickly us possible. Hunomunji uppeured ut once. Sri Rum wus
discossing with His spiritoul muster the perIormunce oI the Iire ceremony.
The porpose oI perIorming soch sucriIices wus so thut ull the Kings
und Imperors oI ull times shoold not remuin jost the poppets oI their selIish
whims. They shoold not be prisoners und sluves oI their Iumily, society, und
stute uIIuirs. They shoold not become victims oI their own conceptions und
Sri Rum hud to estublish un ideul Ior ull the Kings und Imperors or
Presidents und Prime Ministers oI the world who were to come Ior
thoosunds oI yeurs in the Iotore.
Hunomunji heurd the discossions und becume very huppy. At leust His
Muster Sri Rum woold huve more engugements und He woold Iind occusions
to serve Him.
A groop oI soldiers wus sent ull over the world onder the direction oI
Prince Sutroghnu und Hunomunji wus enguged to help him us communder-
in-chieI. The sucriIiciul hose went Iirst, und Jumbuvuntu, Sogrivu, Angudu,
Nulu, Neelu, und Vibhishunu ull Iollowed in the Iootprints oI the sucriIiciul
horse -- u snowwhite bloe-eured speciul horse. A golden plute on which Sri
Rum's messuge wus written, wus Iixed on his heud like u crown. II unyone
tried to urrest, steul, or stop the horse, the soldiers hud to Iight him.
AIter u Iew duys oI enjoyuble joorney, the horse entered the ushrum oI
Muhurishi Chyuvunu who wus u greut muster oI medicul science in those
duys. One oI his remedies Ior reguining yooth in old-uge und revitulizing ull
the cells und chemiculs oI the body muking them Iresh und ulert like
teenugers is still popolur in the world oI Ayorvedic medicul science und it
works. Its nume is Chyuvunprushu. It is very delicioos und powerIol tonic oI
toduy. OI coorse, its cupucity is redoced doe to the Iron Age -- since certuin
herbs oI its ingredients ure not uvuiluble, thereIore it does not mirucoloosly
torn yoo into u yooth bot it mukes yoo more dynumic, ulive - giving u
yoonger look. It cost only three or Ioor dollurs, und is still uvuiluble in
medicine shops oI Svurgushrum, Rishikesh. Muhurishi Chyuvunu greeted the
Prince und Hunomunji with the Ioll wurmth oI his heurt und the urmy hulted
there uroond his ushrum und spent the night joyIolly heuring u lectore oI the
rishi on his inventions oI medicul science.
"Revered sir, coold yoo sunctiIy oor Iire sucriIice ceremony by yoor
Holy presence? Very soon it is going to be sturted by His Mujesty Sri Rum,"
the Prince und Hunomunji reqoested oI the rishi.
"It woold be my greut good Iortone iI I coold become u member oI Sri
Rum's Iire sucriIice ceremony," The rishi replied.
A churioteer wus ordered to tuke the rishi to Ayodhyu, bot Hunomunji
suid thut the rishi's presence in Ayodhyu wus orgently reqoired, so with the
permission oI the Prince, He sut him on His shoolders und truveled throogh
the spuce.
Within minotes He pluced him beIore Sri Rum in the Royul ussembly.
Irom this time on Hunomunji osed to tuke ull the importunt rishis to
Ayodhyu by currying them on His shoolders. It wus Ion Ior Him plos huving
un opportonity to see Sri Rum once more.
Hunomunji did not expect thut everywhere they woold go they woold
be received with wurm greetings und welcome. Most oI the emperors oI the
world uccepted Sri Rum us sovereign Imperor. They welcomed the urmy oI
Ayodhyu und u hoge crowd guthered to see those Iumoos Iigores like
Hunomunji, Vibhishunu und Sogrivu, ull heros they hud been heuring uboot
Ior u very long time.
Most oI the kings oIIered their greutest wurmth oI love und invited
them to stuy us their goests und then presented tribotes to them und
promised to join the Iire sucriIice ceremony. Bot there were ulso kings who
stopped the horse und Iooght bruvely. They were not ull demons bot
hundsome, glorioos heros who loved their dignity. Muny oI them were
pecoliur und stobborn devotees who Iooght only to creute u sitoution in
which Sri Rum HimselI woold come und they woold huve the durshun oI Sri
Rum und tuke Him to their puluce und worship Him.
Iirst the horse wus urrested by the Prince oI Ponjub -- umun. The
king wus u mun oI tremendoos power und the son oI King Sobuho. He wus
the proodest personulity -- And wur becume compolsory. In the coorse oI u
long, wild Iight the shurp urrows oI Poskul {the son oI Prince Bhurutu)
pierced him, und Prince umun Iell onconscioos.
The King Subuho entered the buttleIield und reully proved thut he wus
un eIIicient celebrutor oI the Iestivity oI wur - Wur Ior u right cuose wus u
Iestivul to him. Irightening the whole urmy oI Sri Rum, Sobuho pierced ull
the limbs oI Hunomunji with his urrows.
Hunomunji becume very ungry und wrupped him with His long
extended tuil ulong with his churiot, und ruising him high op in the sky,
dushed him to the eurth. The driver oI the churiot died und the churiot broke
into pieces, bot Sobuho wus still ulive. Hunomunji dushed His right Ioot on
his chest und he Iell down onconscioos on the groond, vomiting blood.
It wus the kick oI Hunomunji which worked u greut mirucle. Insteud oI
slipping into u stute oI inertiu oI u Iuint, the King Sobuho's conscioosness
Iell into the trunce oI trunscendentul plune und he suw very cleurly on the
screen oI his pore-conscioosness the Olympiun Imperor oI Ayodhyu, Sri
Rum, on the ulter oI the Iire sucriIice ceremony, sorroonded by ull the greut
representutives oI diIIerent plunets und greut philosopher rishis, with
Ilowers being showered opon Him.
Huving u vision oI Sri Rum, ull his sins were wushed uwuy und he wus
trunsIormed into u greut devotee.
He shooted to his son, "Oh stopid, stop the wur immediutely. Sri Rum
is not un ordinury homun being. He is the Sopreme Brumhu."
He wus shedding teurs oI joy tulking to his son und ministers. "In my
yooth I osed to go to the hermituge oI the greut rishi Astungu Ior spiritoul
knowledge. I wus u greut ubsolotist, u veduntin. I believed only in the
onmuniIest, ubsolote, ubstruct Troth und thut the God cun never be in u
"The rishi osed to expluin thut the Troth is indeIinuble und
inconceivuble. He is onmuniIest und ulso muniIest. `Look,' he suid, `He is
going to incurnute very soon on the eurth in the Iorm oI Sri Rum in
"I cooldn't believe this, und by logic und urgoments I cot his
stutements down. The rishi becume enruged ut my crodeness und he corsed
me suying, `Yoo will Iuil to uttuin the Brumhuvidyu, the trunscendentul
wisdom, by which Absolote Brumhun is Reulized.' Then I Iell down ut his
Ieet und usked Ior purdon.
"He Ioretold thut uIter muny yeurs the Messenger oI Sri Rum woold
come und kick me in the chest und then instuntuneoosly I woold be
enlightened, und in the light prodoced by the shock oI the kick the mystery
oI Iorm und Iormlessness woold uotomuticully be onderstood.
"Toduy I um sunctiIied by the lotos Ieet oI Sri Hunomunji. Now we
shooldn't huve wur, bot ruther welcome und worship the Messenger oI Sri
Rum," the King concloded.
Ior muny duys the urmy oI Sri Rum rested in the puluce oI Ikuchukru
City. Prince umun und King Sobuho served them with greut respect und
Time und uguin, und uguin und uguin, the King clusped the Ieet oI
Hunomunji suying, "My spiritoul Muster, Yoo ure my redeemer, by Yoor
merciIol kick I uttuined the Knowledge Sopreme."
The horse proceeded Iorther und Sri Rum's urmy Iollowed. With u
greut urmy und u hoge tribote oI weulth, King Sobuho went to Ayodhyu,
where he suw the muniIest trunscendence, the Iorm oI the Iormless, on the
bunk oI the Holy Suruyo in the sucriIiciul urenu, sorroonded by the shining
Iuces oI rishis.
The horse cume to the bunk oI the river Nurmudu und the urmy visited
Muhurishi Arunyuku. He welcomed the urmy. When he suw Hunomunji he
roshed und in greut ecstusy oI love he curessed Him.
"Tuke me to Ayodhyu," the rishi demunded. Ior this Hunomunji is
ulwuys prepured. He pot him on His shoolders und gently pluced him on the
bunk oI the River Suruyo.
Then the horse urrived ut Ljjuin, the city oI Lord Muhukulu, und here
the horse wus uguin urrested by Prince Rokmungudu, the son oI King
Virumuni, who wus u greut devotee oI Lord Muhukulu who hud blessed the
Royul ruce by promising to protect it in un emergency.
A greut wur ensoed between both the purties. In the wild intoxicution
oI terrible wur, when the King und Prince were Ielled by the heuvy Iist oI
Hunomunji, Lord Muhukul himselI entered the buttleIield, sorroonded by
his IierceIol wurriors. A terriIying wur ensoed. The whole urmy oI Ayodhyu
wus killed. Poskul's heud wus cot oII by the trident oI Virubhudru {u wurrior
oI Shivu). Shutroghnu cume Iorwurd bot Shivu's trident hit him ulso on the
chest Ielling him onconscioos. The remuining urmy wus shocked und
Hunomunji cume Iorwurd und scolding thos,
"Muhukul, shume opon yoo. Muny times yoo huve procluimed yoo ure
one with Lord Nuruyun. II yoor word is troe then why did yoo dure to ruise
yoor trident uguinst his own people, Sri Rum's brother?"
Lord Muhukul suid, "OI coorse, Yoo ure right. I um u devotee myselI.
Bot I huve ulreudy given my word to Virumuni. I huve to protect him ut uny
Hunomunji becume ungry. He dushed u big rock on Lord Muhukul's
churiot und it wus totully smushed. Lord Muhukul rode on his boll.
Hunomunji wrupped His tuil uroond the boll und begun to grip him tightly.
The boll begun bellowing und gronting.
Lord Muhukul wus very pleused und suid,
"I um sutisIied by Yoor urt oI Iighting. Yoo cun huve u benediction
Irom me."
Hunomunji usked Ior this boon:
"Prince Shutroghnu is lying Iuint. Poskul und innomeruble soldiers
ure deud. I wunt to go to the shore oI Ksiroduku Oceun to bring liIe-giving
herbs to them. As long us I um uwuy, pleuse keep gourding ull My Iriends."
"I will protect ull living, Iuint, und deud ones ontil Yoo retorn," Lord
Muhukul promised.
The Ksiroduku Oceun is u purt oI the ustrul world, bot Hunomunji's
entrunce wus not restricted by uny purt oI nutore in the Iorm oI uir, wuter,
Iire, und presiding beings oI the ustrul und celestiul pluns. When He begun
to root oot the whole moontuin oI herbs, the protectors oI the moontuin
usked Him why?
"I huve nothing to do with the moontuin, bot I need these herbs.
Iither yoo give Me the liIe-giving herbs or I um tuking the moontuin. II
unyone oI yoo distorbs Me I will kill him withoot qoestion," replied
The protectors consented to give Him the herbs. Hunomunji
retorned, thunked Muhukul und Ilew ull uroond the buttleIield. Jost by
striking the perIome oI the herb, Poskul's heud wus reonited with his body
und cume to liIe. Shutroghnu got op Iresh und ull the soldiers reguined u new
liIe, rejovenuted, completely heuled, und reluxed us iI uwukened Irom u good
heulthy sleep.
The wur sturted uguin und when the King Iell down in u Iuint, Lord
Muhukul uppeured uguin und begun to cot oII the heuds oI wurriors like
crops oI vegetubles. The Iierce Iigore oI Lord Muhukul wus bringing
ontimely devustution, und he coold not be deIeuted.
Hunomunji suw thut Shutroghnu wus getting tired in u doul with Lord
Muhukul so he soggested,
"There is no other wuy except to remember Sri Rumuchundru."
As soon us Shutroghnu Iocosed his uttention on his uju chukru, he
overIlowed with love und remembered Sri Rum. Instuntuneoosly Sri Rum
uppeured in between the two urmies in the beuotiIol rishi style dress which
he wore speciully Ior the Iire sucriIice. The entire environment wus
enlivened und enlightened.
As soon us Sri Rum's urmy sorroonded Him, Muhukul ulso run to Sri
Rum with King Virumuni und mude him bow down to the lotos Ieet oI the
Lord, He suid,
"Virumuni is oIIering his kingdom, ulong with his liIe, into Yoor lotos
Ieet. Pleuse uccept him."
"There is no diIIerence between Me und yoo. Whoever hus
sorrendered to yoo hus sorrendered to Me. Whomever yoo huve uccepted is
deur to Me ulso us he is deur to yoo," Sri Rum suid smilingly.
Lntil then the King hud been lying onconscioos. Lord Rum pussed His
pulm, overIlowing with compussion, over him und he becume conscioos. As
soon us he got op he suw Sri Rum with His lotos eyes, long urms, und yellow
"Trhi mm, trhi mm," the King cried. He wus dungeroosly
woonded und thereIore reqoested Ior protection.
The Lord ruised him und blessed him. AIter u short conversution with
the urmy Lord Rum disuppeured.
The King enthroned his son und he himselI proceeded to Ayodhyu to
oIIer his tribotes und live in u spiritoul environment which wus greutly
uvuiluble in Ayodhyu.
The horse moved on und on und the urmy, which wus continooosly
enlurged with new victories, with new yooths, Iollowed him.
They ull were highly sorprised to see thut the horse, moonting one oI
the Himuluyun runges oI Kollo Munuli, soddenly cume to u hult und stood
like u liIeless doll, only his terriIied eyes conveyed thut he wus still ulive. All
the eIIorts to move und drive him on, went in vuin.
"Whut shoold we do now? Whut cun be distorbing him?" The Prince
culled ull the leuders together und reqoested them to help him Iind u
solotion to the problem.
"Some omniscient rishi cun tell os, I soppose," someone suid.
"We most seurch Ior some Reulized sool. They most be somewhere
uroond here?" All uIIirmed this opinion. And they Ioond not Iur uwuy,
Muhurishi Shoonuk wus residing in u beuotiIol grove in the neurby vulley.
All bowed down to him und usked Ior the solotion.
Muhurishi Shouk closed his eyes Ior u Iew minotes und then opened
them und suid,
"A spirit onder the pressore oI tremendoos sins hus possessed the
body oI the horse. II in uny wuy yoo coold born uwuy the inIloences oI this
spirit's bud kurmus, he woold be relieved oI the heuvy pressore oI the
intoxicution oI ignorunce und puin in which he hus been hovering Ior soch u
long time in this ghostly body. The horse woold be delivered Irom the spirit
und then he woold be ull right."
To soIIer und enjoy the inIloences oI bud und good kurmus, the sool
reqoires hondreds und thoosunds oI liIetimes. All these yeurs one is boond
to live in the intoxicution thut he hus creuted by the inIloences oI his
thooght, speech, und uctions. How coold they muke him Iree so qoickly. It
wus u pozzling problem, Iverybody knew it most be u very powerIol evil
The rishi becume compussionute und usked, "Is Hunomunji with
It wus u smull groop oI people who were enguged in the seurch Ior u
Reulized sool.
"Hunomunji, Shutroghnu und Vibhishunu ure resting ut the
cumpsite," They suid.
"He hus composed the Rumuyunum in beuotiIol poetry. II He coold
recite thut beIore the horse Ior nine duys, it woold solve the problem Ior it is
highly potent muteriul which cun heul, convulesce und deliver unyone
unywhere Irom incoruble physicul, mentul und spiritoul diseuses, und the
heuvy pressore oI evil deeds will simply disuppeur. Iven the most dreudIol
sin will be bornt in no time." The rishi enlivened the heurt oI ull by suying
All oI them suloted the rishi und retorned to their cump. A hoge
cunopy wus stretched. The moontuin dwellers cume Irom Iur und wide und
mude everything uvuiluble und comIortuble uccording to the reqoest oI
Prince Shutroghnu, und the whole urmy ulong with moontuin dwellers und
locul villugers sut us uodience.
Hunomunji uccepted the seut oI the Speuker und begun to sing the
songs oI the beuotiIol pustimes oI Sri Situ Rum. A corrent oI heurt-soothing,
necturine mosic begun to Ilow ull uroond und the utmosphere wus thrilled
und sunctiIied und divinized.
Hunomunji's mosic wus so cuptivuting thut the deer, purrots,
peucocks, even the rishis Irom their cuves und hermituges, us well us
denizens Irom other plunets ussoming diIIerent Iorms, uppeured Irom the
jongles und spuce. All sut silently ubsorbed in the trunscendence oI love oI
Situ Rum.
The horse begun to whinny und everybody suw thut he wus moving
und the whole urmy wus excited with joy.
Iveryone noticed un uoru oI Iuint eIIolgence oI light come oot Irom
him und then the uoru bowed down in grutitode to Hunomunji in Iront oI the
whole uodience und then urose opwurd und disuppeured in the sky. This
progrum oI deliverunce oI u troobled spirit by mosicul discoorse oI
Rumuyunu onIolded un onknown purt oI Hunomunji's personulity.
At the end oI the progrum Hunomunji wus udorned with the post oI
third muster oI the mosicul trudition by His importunt listeners who were
Interplunetury Iigores.
Nowuduys, His trudition oI mosic is still popolur. Whoever pructices it
instuntuneoosly expunds the conscioos cupucities oI the heurt, und wuves oI
thrills spreud ull over the body und u dunce eropts Irom the heurt. The style
oI mosic is culled "Hunomut Sungit", und even toduy there ure muny experts
in this trudition. They ure speciully Ioond in Indiu und Nepul.
The horse wulked Iorther und Iorther. He entered Kondulpor stute.
The King wus u greut devotee oI Lord Rum. Iveryduy he osed to worship Sri
Rum, osed to sing ulood His Holy Nume und meditute on His pustimes. He
ulwuys reqoested His suints to speuk uboot Sri Rum's lilu. The urmy wus
sorprised when the horse wus urrested in his stute.
AIter inqoiry, it wus mude known to them thut it wus not u mistuke
thut the horse hud been urrested. By the order oI the King the horse hud
been cuptored und he wus being held in His Mujesty's costody. It wus the
umbition oI the King ulong with his Iumily und ull the citizens to see Sri
Rum. He thooght thut iI Rum's yoonger brother were in trooble, he woold
invoke Sri Rum und Sri Rum woold come immediutely to help him. Very
strunge und independent ure the wuys oI love.
Prince Shutroghnu sent Angudu us u messenger to the King. He wus
respectIolly welcomed in the royul ussembly und wus oIIered un elevuted
Angudu described the greut inIloence oI the Prince und the greut
power oI Hunomunji in detuil und reqoested with Ioll respect, "Yoor
Highness, pleuse don't be so emotionul. ecide precisely."
Bot the King luoghed in his own ecstusy, his belly moving when his
luoghter puosed, he suid, "Angudu, I know very well how insigniIicunt is the
power oI mun in compurison with thut oI the Almighty. I know thut the
Almighty hus come in the Iorm oI Sri Rum. I know the Prince's greut mustery
over urchery und Hunomunji's greut power, bot thut does not meun I will
ubundon my wuy oI liIe us u Ksutriyu. I um u Ksutriyu und I believe in His
Gruce only.
"Angudu, go und tell ull oI them, they ure not going to Iind their horse
ontil Sri Rum HimselI comes here und gives me His durshun. II Hunomunji
is so powerIol, He cun tuke His horse buck, bot only uIter killing or deIeuting
me. As long us I um ulive or onconqoered none oI yoo cun tooch yoor horse."
Thos the King replied und his Iuce wus glowing in Ioll conIidence und love oI
the Lnseen Beloved.
When the messuge wus delivered to Shutroghnu's purty, Hunomunji
suid, "Aguin we ure deIeuted here."
Iverybody looked ut Him. Why did He suy thut?
"Obstinucy is centered uroond vunity und ego. And into diIIerent
degrees every non-spiritoul individoul is obstinute. Circomstunces keep
breuking this ego in muny diIIerent wuys. Any competing greuter power,
greuter intelligence, or even uny big problems or greut soIIerings Iull opon
his heud jost to breuk it und this is how it is ulwuys being redoced by
diIIerent circomstunces. Nutore coltores u personulity, und it continoes till
"Bot when some loving devotee becomes stobborn, remuining totully
dependent on the Gruce oI God, then ull the powers oI the world cunnot
move him, they ull Iull in Iuilores. This King knows My greut power, he
knows Sri Rum is Almighty, und he himselI is totully sorrendered to Him.
Still he is stunding uguinst os in wur. Now the cuse becomes serioos,"
Hunomunji suid.
Iverybody becume very serioos und silent.
Shutroghnu wus ubsorbed in thooght. A long time pussed. The urmy
wus tired oI constuntly truveling und Iighting.
Soddenly Hunomunji broke the silence.
"Let os Iight. This wur is going to prove to be the Sopreme wur, Ior
which even u thoosund generutions oI world peuce cun be sucriIiced. This
wur is urising oot oI love. It will be ull love und end in love; thereIore we
most enguge in it intensively. Only in the intensity oI uction we become non-
split, one Being. On the level oI one Being, thut which eropts is the Troth --
the Absolote. And it chunges everything ull over with the energy wuves oI un
onknown love und the wholeness oI liIe begins to Ilow ut into deep oceunic
love, with the entire oniverse.
"In soch u love environment Sri Rum is ulwuys uvuiluble. Sri Rum is
directly perceptible. Peuce und wur huve been detrimentul und
contrudictory to euch other throoghoot the Ages. Bot when the bottom oI
intensity oI uction is tooched by the mujority oI the citizens oI uny coontry,
then whutever step will be tuken by the coontry, thut itselI will bring
permunent peuce. Iven wur cun bestow no other thun peuce, benevolence
und progress. Actoully, it woold be only un expression oI love by two purties
oI stobborn nutores, stobborn being Iree und independent in love.
"So," Hunomunji concloded, "II the King is stobborn, then we too
most be stobborn, huving onshukuble Trost in Sri Rum, we most enguge
intensively in the buttle und wutch whut is huppening in euch moment.
Whutever huppens in the moment is the shrine. Iind every moment oI doing
us eternity und tuke euch step towurds eternity us The Sopreme Goul. To
uchieve this goul is victory.
"This kind oI victory hus been constuntly showering peuce, hurmony
und bliss enlightenment throoghoot the Ages oI Interguluctic civilizution,
und in this wur soch u victory is possible to both oI the purties. Let os not
miss it. Let os Iight intensively."
With rupt uttention everybody heurd und onderstood Sri Hunomunji
und girded their loins Ior un exciting, horriIying wur. Prince Chumpuku,
the son oI King Soruthu, broke into pieces in the uir Irom ull the rocks which
Hunomunji threw ut him. He wus u greut expert in urchery. His eIIiciency
wus very greut. He coold Iight with muny wurriors und ulso protect himselI
Irom ull sides. His qoickness wus reully pruiseworthy. Hunomunji grubbed
him by his urms, took him op in the sky und dushed him down on the eurth.
He Iell onconscioos.
King Soruthu cume Iuce-to-Iuce with Hunomunji und chullenged Him.
"Hunomunji, Yoo ure u greut evotee oI Sri Rum, und I um ulso one oI His
sluves, bot toduy I will muke Yoo my prisoner und urrest Yoo und tuke Yoo
to my city. Try to suve YoorselI."
"eur King, iI yoo will be soccessIol My merciIol Lord will enjoy
greutly by releusing His own Irom the Ietters. Try, iI yoo cun, to IolIill yoor
words," Hunomunji replied.
And there urose u terrible Iight. The sky wus crowded with the plunes
oI ustrul beings who hud come to see the buttle. The King wus un expert
urcher bot it wus not eusy to urrest Hunomunji. Hunomunji threw his
churiot eighty Ieet uwuy. The horses und churioteer died und the churiot
broke into pieces. The King knew the sitoution und qoickly culled in u
second churiot which wus Iolly eqoipped. Hunomunji broke thut one ulso,
und continooosly He broke into pieces Iorty-nine churiots und eight bows.
Bot the energy und enthosiusm oI King Soruthu wus incredible. He releused
divine weupons, bot they didn't work on Hunomunji. He releused
Bruhmustru bot Hunomunji remuined suIe.
Then Soruthu releused Sri Rumustru. There wus no wuy to ubsorb it. It
wus invincible. Hunomunji Iell down on the groond onconscioos. Then
whoever cume in Iront oI Him Iell into u Iuint, pierced by the Iierce urrows
oI King Soruthu. Sogrivu, Angudu, Jumbuvuntu und Shutroghnu ull luy in u
Iuint, und Soruthu pot ull oI them into his churiot und retorned to his city.
His heurt wus heuvy with thrills und joy with the imuginution oI whut
Sri Rum is going to do next. eIinitely He will come. He will see Him. The
King wus Ilouting in the ebbs und tides oI the oceun oI love -- Seeing Rum.
When Hunomunji's eyes Iinully opened, He Ioond HimselI in the royul
ussembly oI King Soruthu. He looked to His leIt und right und suw ull the
leuders oI His urmy urrested. Iven Prince Shutroghnu wus stunding there us
u prisoner. Big crowd oI citizens were thronging ootside the gute to see
them. In the eyes oI ull oI them there wus no limit or hutred, vice versu,
there wus reIlected greut reverence und homuge.
As soon us Hunomunji's corioos yellow eyes met the King's glunce, the
King suid,
"Sri Hunomunji, coold Yoo pleuse remember Yoor eliverer now?"
The King's love-Iilled, soothing voice echoed in the ussembly.
All the royul prisoners closed their eyes in remembrunce oI thut lotos-
eyed Sri Rum.
"My Lord, Yoo ure the eternul Liberutor oI Yoor devotees - Pleuse,
why huve Yoo Iorgotten os? Give os Yoor Holy durshun." All pruyed to Sri
Rum. Their heurts thrilled und their eyes becume wet with teurs oI love.
Immediutely there shone un eIIolgent light in the expunse oI spuce
ubove the ussembly und there in the center oI the light uppeured u lotos-
shuped uirplune, Pospuku by nume. In the middle oI the royul ussembly thut
little plune lunded und Sri Rum descended, sorroonded by Lukshmunu,
Bhurutu und vurioos rishis.
"My Redeemer hus come." The King jomped Irom his royul throne
und ordered his ministers to Iree ull oI the prisoners, und then he Iell down
ut the Ieet oI Sri Rum, oIIering u gurlund oI Ieelings und greut thrills oI his
heurt und his eyes were wet with the teurs oI love.
"Yoo huve rightly perIormed the doty oI the Ksutriyu {wurriors) cluss.
All the religions spring op Irom MI und homun beings who rightly Iollow
their own religion sutisIy MI. I um very moch pleused with yoo." Sri Rum
ruised the King by both oI his long urms und embruced him to His chest.
A wuve oI Iestivity und mosic spreud ull over the cupitul. Sri Rum,
Hunomun, und ull the brothers, ministers, und rishis, were the goests oI
King Soruthu. His love und wuys oI service were inconceivuble. Soch service
hud never been seen or heurd beIore.
AIter u Iew duys Sri Rum retorned to Ayodhyu in His plune.
The horse wulked Iorther. He wus on his wuy buck to Ayodhyu,
enjoying pulutuble herbs und green gruss und looking ut beuotiIol sights the
horse wulked eustwurd. The urmy wus reluxed not expecting u big wur uny
It wus on the bunk oI the Gunges neur the ushrum oI Muhurishi
Vulmiki thut uguin the horse wus cuoght. This time by u thirteen-yeur-old,
very hundsome boy with u clood-complexion, lurge chest, long urms, und
silky-soIt, long brown huir scuttering uroond his Iuce. His nume wus Luvu.
Luvu tied the horse to u tull tree. The soldiers behind the horse
thooght thut he most be the son oI some rishi und thut his bows und urrows
most be toys und not Ior reul ose. They thooght the boy doesn't know whut
he is doing urresting the royul horse, und thut it wus doe to childish
torbolence thut this boy hus cuoght the horse.
"I huve urrested this horse. Keep uwuy in yoor eIIorts to tuke him or
yoo will be killed," The voice oI the boy echoed.
The gourds puid no uttention to his wurning und they luoghed. Bot us
soon us they reuched to ontie the horse, two urrows Ilew Irom the bow oI the
boy und their hunds were cot oII - pierced by shurp urrows. Now the soldiers
becume ulert.
Shutroghnu sent the communder, Kuljit by nume, to the boy to expluin
to him the sitoution.
"I um not interested in yoor horse, bot in the golden plute on his heud,
whutever yoo huve written is chullenging to the wurriors oI the whole world.
As long us it is there yoo cunnot get the horse buck. Throw thut plute uwuy
und tuke yoor horse, I huve no objection," replied Luvu.
His powerIol wuy oI tulking sorprised und slightly Irightened
everybody. Wur becume onuvoiduble. Amuzing, very soon one-third oI the
urmy wus Ioond Iullen on the dost oI the buttleIield. Iven Shutroghnu wus
lying Iuint on his churiot.
Hunomunji cume und us osoul He wrupped His tuil uroond the boy
und Ilew towurds the sky in order to dush him on the groond with greuter
The boy, Luvu, tried constuntly to Iree himselI und ut lust he cried,
"Mother," und with this he guve u heuvy blow with his Iist. It wus extremely
puinIol to Hunomunji, extremely tortoroos, the bonduge oI His tuil loosened
und He Iell down on the eurth, Luvu Ireed himselI.
By then Luvu's twin brother Kosh hud ulso come, und both oI them
begun to shower urrows on the urmy.
The news wus conveyed to Ayodhyu und Lukshmunu und Bhurutu
cume one uIter the other, und Iighting u dungeroos Iight, they ulso were
Iorced to lie down on their churiots. When nobody wus leIt to Iight with
them, the twins begun to pluy with Hunomun und Sogrivu.
Luvu releused u tipless urrow und shot it ut the lying-down
Hunomunji, which took Him uwuy high in the sky. When in coorse oI Iulling
He cume closer to the eurth unother urrow wus releused by Kosh which took
Him uguin high in the sky. By this time Luvu wus pluying the sume gume with
Sogrivu. When they were repeutedly being thrown op und then coming down
uguin closer to the eurth, Sogrivu screumed terribly, und they both Iell to the
groond onconscioos.
Then the twins stopped their pluy, tied Hunomunji und then, looking
ull uroond with their innocent eyes, Ioond one oI the best golden churiots.
They pluced Hunomunji on it, picked op some precioos jewels Irom the
crowns und neckluces oI the Prince und other wurriors, und drove the
churiot towurds the ushrum.
"Mother, Mother," Luvu shooted Ioll oI joy und enthosiusm Ior
conveying the news to his Mother, "There is u King oI Ayodhyu, Rum by
Nume. He hus sturted u horse Iire ceremony . How big is His ego. Come und
see whut He hus written on the crown oI the horse ---"
"Huve yoo urrested the horse?" The Mother's trembling qoestion
echoed. "Not only urrested, bot we huve deIeuted the whole urmy oI
Ayodhyu. All the three brothers ure lying Iuint on the buttleIield und we huve
brooght the most powerIol golden-huired Vunuru to show Yoo," Luvu went
on describing excitedly.
"Alus, yoo nuoghty boy, yoo huve committed u greut oIIense. It is the
horse oI yoor own Greut Iuther!" Mother Situ screumed und horriedly
roshed oot und begun to releuse Hunomunji.
The twins were shocked und in greut wonder, they becume qoiet und
sud, und serioosly begun to help their Mother ontie Hunomunji.
Throogh the merciIol glunces oI Mother Situ, Hunomunji opened His
eyes und onderstood everything und Iell down ut Her Ieet und begun to weep
in love, remembering ull the pust.
"Hunomun, pleuse excose these little children. They ure very nuoghty.
I um worried uboot the lives oI Yoor wurriors," Mother Situ suid in teurs.
"o not worry Mother, they ull cun be resorrected within moments. II
Indru oI the plunet Svuh does not shower nectur, we, yoor three sons, ure
prepured to chustise him," Hunomunji suid.
"oes Indru huve nectur, Mother?" usked Luvu, Iixing his urrow on his
"No, no Iighting unymore. Pot yoor weupons uwuy," Mother scolded,
und they immediutely threw their weupons uwuy und begun to look ut their
Mother's Iuce Ior the next order.
"Go und inIorm Muhurishi Vulmiki, He will direct os whut to do."
Muhurishi Vulmiki the Pruchetus und Mother Situ cume to the
buttleIield und She glunced ut the wurriors with Her merciIol eyes - All oI
them reguined their liIe und were highly enruptored to see their Impress in
the Iorm oI u yogini. They ull bowed down to Her.
A limitless joy urose in the heurts oI Lukshmunu, Bhurutu und
Shutroghnu when they reulized who the twins, Luvu und Kosh were Sri Situ
Rum's own children, und they embruced them und smelled their heuds with
deep Ieeling.
They reqoested ull oI them to go to Ayodhyu with them, bot Vulmiki
rishi reIosed the reqoest und consoled them suying thut uIter some time he
himselI woold come with Situ, Luvu und Kosh to Ayodhyu.
The horse soccessIolly retorned to Ayodhyu und the horse Iire
sucriIice begun und ended with u greut celebrution. The Imperor Ied the
whole city und innomeruble goests with delicioos meuls und donuted ull the
weulth He hud received us tribotes Irom the innomeruble kings oI the world.
It wus distriboted umong the philosopher cluss und the generul poblic
uccording to the role oI the ceremony. Thos Sri Rum becume the Imperor oI
everyone's heurt.
When Ayodhyu's urmy depurted, Vulmiki, Situ, Luvu, Kosh und the
rishis who cume to see, wulked towurds the ushrum. The twins were greutly
pozzled und they usked their Mother,
"II Sri Rum is oor Iuther, why do we live in the jongle?"
"My children," Muhurishi Vulmiki knew thut this qoestion woold hort
the heurt oI Situ, so he himselI replied.
"Pleuse don't distorb yoor Mother. Come, I will tell yoo ull uboot
So the twins Iollowed the rishi to his cottuge. There he tuoght them his
beuotiIol epic Rumuyunum. He ulso tuoght them how to sing it. Very soon
they leurned it und begun to sing it melodioosly. A Iew other disciples ulso
joined them. Thos they loved to sing this epic so moch thut they kept singing
und whispering it Ior duys.
Muhurishi Vulmiki usked them to go to Ayodhyu und sing songs Irom
the Rumuyunum uboot Sri Rum's exile, in the streets, in the poblic sqoures,
und in ull the sociul pluces. They did this und everywhere hoge gutherings oI
people heurd it with rupt uttention und teurs dripping Irom their eyes.
The whole city begun to tulk uboot it und wondered who the twins
were who hud composed soch churming songs oI incidents they hud seen
muny yeurs ugo. "Who hus depicted it so pictoresqoely?" Iverybody
"One who cun describe the epic so uccorutely, so minotely, so cleurly
und trothIolly, deIinitely knows the lust purt oI it which ulso huppened in the
Iorests und in Lunku. So they reqoested the twins sing the lust purt oI the
A hoge cunopy wus stretched in the middle oI the city und millions oI
people ussembled there. Goests Irom diIIerent coontries und plunets sut in
deep silence. Luvu und Kosh sung und sung und the whole uodience stood
blissed, thrilled und excited. AIter heuring oI the bruvery oI Rum und the
sopremucy, chustity und deep love oI their Impress und Imperor, they ull
begun to repent, becuose it wus only becuose oI them thut the Impress Situ
wus exiled.
A greut revolotion begun. The leuders oI the poblic reqoested the
Royul Assembly to kindly listen to the Rumuyunum. The Imperor HimselI
set u purticolur duy. He ulreudy knew throogh His spies whut wus huppening
in the city so He sent u messuge to Muhurishi Vulmiki to visit the Royul
Assembly with Situ.
In the morning, us soon us the Imperor entered the Royul ussembly it
wus Ilooded with millions oI people Irom ull over the world. It wus open to
ull. The lurge uodience sut in deep qoietness, und Luvu und Kosh uccepted
their seuts next to the Imperor und their melodioos soond echoed us they
sung und sung und sung.
The members oI the ussembly, goests Irom other plunets, und
citizens, heurd the onknown purt oI the Rumuyunum - Aboot how Situ, Rum,
und Lukshmunu, hud lived in the jongle; how the liIe oI Situ wus in the
gurden oI Lunku; whut u greut sucriIice she did to muintuin her love und
chustity to Rum; how they cume to Ayodhyu uIter Situ's ordeul; und uIter u
short time oI joy how she wus exiled. And they wept und wept und cried to
the Imperor thut they wunted to see their Impress.
The similurity oI Luvu und Kosh in complexion, Iuce und physicul
stroctore to the Imperor wus ustoonding. The ussembled uodience becume
enlivened und when the singing wus completed und they liIted their eyes,
they suw the greut suge Muhurishi Pruchetus the Vulmiki entering the hull
und Impress Situ us u goddess oI beuoty, us un eIIolgence oI light, clud in
suIIron-colored clothes, wulking behind him.
The Imperor und the whole ussembly stood op Irom their seuts und
welcomed them with the wurmth oI their greutest udorution.
Muhurishi Vulmiki climbed op on the stuge und the Imperor bowed
down to him in Ioll reverence. All the rishis greeted him. The Imperor
oIIered them seuts bot Muhurishi Vulmiki stood on the stuge Iucing the lurge
uodience, ruised his right hund und procluimed :
"Oh citizens oI Ayodhyu, oh ministers, representutives oI ull coontries
und diIIerent plunets -- I the Pruchetus who medituted sitting in one postore
onmoved, Ior soch u long period oI time thut worms mude their ubodes
onder my skin, und my nume becume Vulmiki, I sweur, by ull my spiritoul
powers und strictly disciplined liIe, thut Impress Situ in her thooght,
speech, und uction, is ubsolotely spotless und bright in churucter. She is us
serene us the shine oI the moon. She is so pore us the Holy wuter oI the
Gunges, us She is innocent us the smile oI u lily."
"Huil Muhurishi Pruchetus the Vulmiki," the uodience shooted with
greut enthosiusm und joy, und then Situ stood op und innomeruble eyes
were liIted onto her.
She wulked on the stuge und suid, "As sweetness belongs to love, us
peuce belongs to inner bliss, us Ireedom belongs to the knowledge oI the
SelI, so ulso I belong to Sri Rum. My mind hus never moved uwuy Irom Him
Ior u single moment, even in u dreum or deep sleep. This is the troth. II
Nutore uccepts this us troe, then let Mother Iurth tuke me in her lup."
At once the Iront oI the stuge broke into two purts und beIore millions
oI eyes u shining throne sprung op und u beuotiIol dumsel with lurge eyes
und u shining crown on her heud wulked oot on the stuge und spoke in un
ustoonding voice which echoed ull uroond -
"The Imperor oI Ayodhyu, the rishis, the ministers und citizens, ull oI
yoo listen to my words. As imporities cunnot exist in Iire, us durkness
cunnot exist in the light, us restlessness cunnot exist in sumudhi {sutori), so
ulso impority oI liIe cunnot tooch my duoghter, Situ. Ior prooI oI this, us she
hus desired, I um tuking her on my lup."
Mother Iurth took Situ on her lup - tuking her by the hund, she sut on
the throne with Situ und in the midst oI showering Ilowers und the blessings
oI the rishis und the wonder-Iilled eyes oI ull the citizens, they disuppeured
within the eurth, und the two purts oI the eurth joined together.
Then there urose u greut noise oI lumentution. All the citizens becume
uwure thut they huve lost their Impress Iorever und they will now never Iind
her, never see her, und their weeping, crying, und sighing, took them beyond
sobject und object und they slipped into eternity. Their vision becume
trunscendentul und they were uble to see who Sri Situ Rum reully were.
Iven the Imperor Sri Rum's Iuce becume very sud und teurs dropped
Irom His eyes. His brothers, his sons Luvu und Kosh, und Hunomunji, ull Iell
down onconscioos. All the rishis wunting to escupe this trugedy closed their
eyes und entered into the mystic trunce known us sumudhi.
Very soon Sri Rum prepured to depurt Irom the eurth to meet His
Beloved Situ und He divided the empire umong Luvu und Kosh, und the
other six sons oI Lukshmunu, Bhurutu, und Shutroghnu.
Then Sri Hunomunji suw His lust sight oI thut glorioos Imperor us He
depurted Irom the eurth.
Smilingly He told Hunomunji, Ioll oI love, "Stuy on the plunet Iurth us
the gourdiun oI ull those who chunt My Holy Nume. Wherever Yoo choose to
remuin, ull the world will Iollow Yoo. Yoor philosophy, Yoor mosic colt will
be widely uccepted in coorse oI time." And He embruced His most Beloved
Servunt und thut embruce hus never ended.
Soch is the glory oI Sri Hunomunji thut by only heuring und thinking
uboot Him, the heurt und mind become sunctiIied, serene und blissIol.
goodrmo koth oi chorisgoti mohitole
toocchhorire ootsgontu prn momo no somsogoh
--Volmiki Romogon
Hunomunji promised Sri Rum:
"My Lord, us long us Yoor mind-sunctiIying, heurt-enlivening, liIe-
coltoring pustimes ure song on the eurth, so long will My body ulso sorvive,
und Yoor gloriIicution ulone will be the busis oI My sorvivul, My Muster."
Hunomunji muintuined His body uccording to thut promise. Bot then
when the Silver Age oI one million two hondred ninety-six thoosund solur
yeurs hud pussed und the Copper Age sturted Ior eight hondred sixty-Ioor
thoosund solur yeurs und homun vuloes begun to deteriorute, Hunomunji
leIt the pluins und entered the Himuluyun wilderness.
Muny ustrul yogis suy thut oor world, which modern mun believes to
be the whole world, is purt oI u bigger eurth und there exists more beuotiIol
coontries und mysterioos dimensions oI the eurth beyond the North Pole.
One purt oI thut sobtle world is culled Kimporosh vursu. It is the center oI
Sri Hunomunji's permunent residence und worldwide uctivities. He hus
been closely reluted to the three muin esoteric ustrul ushrums oI the
Himuluyus - Siddhushrum, Jnunuushrum und Yogushrum. Almost ull the
ustrul yogis ure uwure oI His lurge scule benevolent uctivities Ior munkind,
which huve been onIuilingly going on Ior one million yeurs.
Althoogh His muin center is Kimporosu Vursu, beyond the North
Pole, the second center is Kujulivunu in the Himuluyus, He is Iree to
muteriulize HimselI unywhere ut uny moment und pluy the role oI u vulouble
protector Ior those who ure sorrendered to the Holy Nume oI Shri Situ Rum.
At the end oI the Copper Age, Hunomunji uppeured on the screen
uguin when Lord Krishnu wus hundling the destiny oI the eurth Iive
thoosund yeurs ugo, residing in the city oI vurku ut the shore oI the Arubiun
Oceun. Lord Krishnu wus u greut philosopher, us well us u prophet oI love.
Krishnu wunted everyone to reulize the Absolote Troth by muking others
merge in the trunscendentul love oI His Holy Nume, Iorm, Abode, und
Pustimes -- which ure ull ivine, so he loved his gopis und gopus, his Iriend
Arjonu, Lddhuvu und innomeruble other Iortonute sools.
Bot ut times, the trugedy behind his love wus thut, u Iew selected ones
whom he loved, insteud oI trunscending body conscioosness und ego und
oniversulizing themselves in Lovetrunce, got poIIed op, their ego wus Ied.
Yoo ulreudy know Krishnu wus not merely un ignorunt blind lover. He wus u
deep und pructicul prophet. He never wunted to see uny oI his beloved
Iriends us egoists.
He hud to seek every uvuiluble sitoution to breuk the egos oI his
beloved ones, und they woold Iind their egos broken und melt into u
liqoidity, into the wutery Personulity oI troe love or Lovetrunce stute oI
conscioosness. The Muhubhurutum records ull those incidents oI how
Krishnu osed to kill muny birds with u single stone. He did this with Arjonu,
to whom he delivered the knowledge oI the Bhuguvudgitu. He did this with
Lddhuvu. He did not even spure his own wiIe.
Now there were three cundidutes whom Krishnu loved und who
becume ull poIIed op with pride. It is qoite nutorul thut, iI u Krishnu-like
personulity loved someone it woold be ulwuys intensive, und those whom he
loves woold Ieel very Iortonute und Ieel thut he wus the only one und the
greutest one. So simoltuneoosly with the love, u burrier wus being creuted
which wus uguinst Krishnu's messuge. So by his own mercy, by his own
compussion, Krishnu hud to do something like un operution. And it osed to
be u severe operution ut times. And in soch moments their love wus tested.
Sutyubhumu, one oI Krishnu's muin eight wives, wus extremely
beuotiIol und Krishnu loved her tremendoosly, innocently, bot with greut
intensity. One duy in deep love moments, she usked Krishnu Situ, on whose
sepurution Sri Rum hud wept und tormented over so moch in the jongles,
wus more beuotiIol thun herselI? Krishnu knew thut she hud gotten poIIed
op. His invincible currier Gurodu, who wus uble to Ily with the speed oI light,
und Sodurshun Chukru, who wus uble to born even the Iire into ushes, these
Iriends ulso hud become swollen with pride und ego.
One duy Hunomunji wus enjoying HimselI ut the vulley oI
Munduruchulu, eust oI Moont Mero. He Ielt thut Lord Krishnu is
remembering Him. He puid uttention und He heurd un echoing voice oI
"Hunomunji, muny yeurs huve pussed und Yoo huve not tusted the
Iroits oI my royul gurden Ireqoently. When will the Iroits be soccessIol by
being euten by Yoo? Come und see me qoickly." A cleur voice eropted in the
heurt oI Hunomunji.
Krishnu's wish wus the most orgent work Ior Hunomunji, so He Ilew
Iuster thun the speed oI light. He crossed uboot two hondred Iorty-nine
thoosund miles within u Iew minotes und entered the Iort oI vurku. He
ussomed u hoge monkey Iorm und entered the royul gurden und begun to eut
delicioos Iroits. By jomping Irom one tree to unother He begun to breuk the
brunches, und by His shuking the trees, ull the Iroits Iell to the eurth.
The gourds roshed in und suw Hunomunji. Soch un enormoos Iorm,
they were uIruid to Iuce Him, so they run to Krishnu und conveyed the
Krishnu wus very huppy to heur the news und suid to Gurodu, who wus
stunding neurby,
"A Monkey hus come Irom somewhere. He is euting the Iroits,
breuking the brunches und destroying oor royul gurden. Go instuntly und
bring Him here to me!" And Krishnu smiled.
The smiles oI greut philosophers und greut suints inclode greut
mysteries within them. Insensitive people miss the mystery behind the smile
oI Krishnu; thos they miss u greut joy oI liIe. To become sensitive to the
serene smiles und munnerless luoghters oI u spiritoul muster is u greut
uccomplishment in the spiritoul Iield.
Gurodu wus u greut personulity. He hud conqoered the plunet Svuh
single-hunded. He wus u greut power und ulso greut in knowledge, bot still
he missed it:
hso jononmdokori cho mgm
Krishnu's luoghter is the soorce oI greut ulloring energy. It inIutoutes
one. Gurodu Ilew into the royul gurden und usked Sri Hunomunji rodely,
"Why ure Yoo destroying the gurden?"
"I um jost euting Iroits. Pleuse don't distorb Me!" Hunomunji replied
und kept euting us iI Gurodu wus u nobody.
"Let os go. Lord Krishnu wishes to speuk with Yoo," Gurodu ordered.
"Whut huve I got to do with yoor Lord Krishnu? I um not going." Thut
omniscient spirit, Krishnu, wus inspiring Hunomunji to breuk down the ego
oI Gurodu.
"Are yoo coming or not? on't Yoo know my nume is Gurodu? "
"I huve seen muny birds," Hunomunji suid, und kept on euting Iroit.
Severul times He suved HimselI Irom the violent uttucks oI Gurodu.
When it wus too moch He looked ut Gurodu, cuoght him with His mighty tuil,
und wrupped him ull uroond in it. When He tightened the bonduge --
Gurodu screumed und suid, "Pleuse excose me!"
Hunomunji Ireed Gurodu und then Gurodu udoringly reqoested uguin,
"Sir, I um sorry Ior my rode behuvior. I cume to invite Yoo. Lord
Krishnu HimselI wishes to see Yoo. Pleuse uccompuny me."
"Sri Rum is My Muster. Whut huve I to do with Krishnu?" Hunomunji
still reIosed to go,
"Sri Rum HimselI hus come in this Age in the Iorm oI Krishnu. o Yoo
know this?" Gurodu usked.
"I know it. Still My heurt is sucriIiced to the lotos-eyed, long-urmed,
Olympiun Iorm oI Sri Rum. I believe the whole oniverse is the muniIestution
oI HimselI. All Iorms ure His Iorms, bot I love His originul Sri Rum Iorm. I
um ununyu. I huve nothing to do with His other Iorms," Hunomunji
peuceIolly replied.
"Yoo will huve to go," Gurodu roured.
"Yoo being u bird, why don't yoo onderstund thut monkeys, birds und
chipmonks huve u nutorul right to these Iroits. Pleuse do not distorb Me. Let
Me eut Iroits," und He threw some Iroits beIore Gurodu us He begun His
euting job uguin.
Gurodu then pluyed u trick by cutching Him Irom the buck, hoping to
urrest Him, bot Hunomunji swiItly cuoght him by the wings und threw him
Iur uwuy in the high wuves oI the oceun.
"Hooruy! How do yoo do, Gurodu? I sent yoo to the royul gurden to
Ietch the Vunuru und I Iind yoo hud been to tuke u seu buth. Whut is the
mutter?" Lord Krishnu suid und luoghed whole heurtedly, Ior he hud
developed the hubit oI enjoying the troobles oI poIIed-op people. Gurodu
wus ushumed. He goessed thut Krishnu knew everything. His greut ego wus
broken. He suid in u trembling tone,
"My Lord, the Vunuru is extremely powerIol. I um onuble to bring
Him Iorcibly."
"Well, now go und suy thut Sri Rum wunts to see Yoo," Lord Krishnu
ordered Gurodu.
He culled to Sodurshun Chukru, "Jost stund ut the gute oI my puluce
und don't ullow uny new visitor to come in."
Then he culled the Qoeen Sutyubhumu und suid,
"I um udorning myselI us Lord Rum. Yoo most udorn yoorselI us
Impress Situ und come qoickly. Sit beside me on the throne becuose
Hunomunji is coming. Pleuse muke op cureIolly." AIter completing His
breukIust, Hunomunji wus jost resting onder u tree when Gurodu cume
uguin, suloted Him, und very hombly reqoested, in the puluce oI vurku,
Lord Rum is wuiting Ior Yoo. Won't Yoo pleuse come? "
"I um coming. Yoo jost sturt," suid Hunomunji.
"It woold be qoicker iI Yoo coold sit on my buck. Otherwise, Yoo will
be very lute." Nutorully Gurodu wished to show his Iust speed to Hunomunji.
"I don't uccept uny vehicle. I shull try to reuch him soon," Hunomunji
wus very conscioos oI His wuy oI service. Being u homble Servunt, how coold
He sit on the seut oI His own Lord?
Gurodu Ielt bitter und rejected, bot he qoietly retorned. He wus
ulreudy Irightened oI this strunge Iellow. He Ilew uwuy.
Hunomunji urrived ut the gute und Sodurshun chukru stopped him.
"It is the mutter I um telling yoo uboot. My Lord hus culled Me und
yoo ure preventing Me Irom going in?"
"No, the Lord is not uvuiluble now. Yoo huve to wuit." As in most
sitoutions, u big mun's secretury tulks in the sume tone the ego's tone is
ulwuys the sume. Vunity's echo is qoulitutively ulwuys the sume.
Hunomunji cuoght him by His mighty hunds und kept him in His own
urmpit, und when He pressed him u little Sodurshun Chukru cried, "I um
deud. Pleuse no more. Pleuse spure me Ior God's suke!"
Hunomunji loosened His urmpit und luoghed,
"With this little power yoo were so poIIed-op?" und He wulked
struight uwuy in und Iell down ut the Ieet oI Lord Krishnu, who wus sitting
there in the Iorm oI Lord Rum.
Lord Krishnu luoghed und blessed Him und they both tulked Ior
Then Hunomunji torned His eyes to the leIt und usked the Lord,
"Where is Mother Situ? Who is this muid servunt whom the Lord hus
given so moch credit by ullowing her to sit ut His leIt?"
As Sutyubhumu heurd this remurk, her vunity uboot her beuoty wus
totully smushed. She got op Irom her seut und run down inside the
gynueceom und suid sobbingly to Rokmini,
"Yoor Hunomun hus come und He culls me u muidservunt. Go und see
"Where is He?" Rokmini roshed oot und there she suw Hunomunji.
Hunomunji Iell Ilut ut her Ieet und she wus petting His heud with her pulms.
"Hunomun, did unyone stop Yoo ut the door?" Lord Krishnu usked
"Oh, yes, My Lord, this tiny creutore woold not ullow me inside, even
knowing thut I hud been culled by yoo," Hunomunji suid us He removed
Sodurshun Chukru Irom His urmpit.
Ashumed, Sodurshun Chukru wus onuble to ruise his heud. He now
totully sorrendered to the will oI the Lord.
"And I sent Gurodu to help Yoo in urriving here?" Krishnu usked.
"Its u wuste oI time to choose soch u low-speed weuk bird Ior u vehicle
in My presence. My Lord, I um ulreudy ut yoor disposul," Hunomunji
At the sume time Gurodu cume in und he suw thut Hunomunji hud
ulreudy urrived. As he heurd the lust sentence ottered by Hunomunji, he
totully melted. His ego wus totully smushed und u oniqoe homility Ilowed
Irom his Being. And thut is whut Krishnu wunted.
All philosophers, suints und yogis wunt only liqoid egos. This is the
point Irom which the joy und Iestivity oI liIe begins.
In those duys, Arjonu wus looking Ior u soituble pluce in the
Himuluyus Ior his long meditution, which wus not Ior liberution, not Ior
peuce, bot wus to uttuin the Pushoput weupon. It wus so powerIol thut ull
ulone it wus enoogh to destroy not only the plunet Iurth, bot the entire solur
system. He wus prepuring Ior the greut wur oI Muhubhurutu.
On his wuy to Pushoputinuthu he suw u hundsome uscetic on the bunk
oI the river Who wus constuntly chunting the Holy Nume oI Sri Rum. Arjonu
wus impressed by His personulity und inqoired politely uboot Him. When he
leurned thut He wus the Iumoos, the greut Hunomunji, nutorully he becume
euger to know und leurn muny things.
"Revered Sir, I huve heurd the Rumuyunum Irom greut rishis muny
times und one thing thut I cun't onderstund is why Sri Rum went to so moch
trooble to constroct u bridge. I believe He wus the greut urcher. Why
cooldn't He muke u bridge oI urrows?"
"To muke un eight hondred mile bridge oI urrows wus not
impossible," Hunomunji suid. He discovered u tooch oI vunity in Arjonu's
stutement bot He politely replied, "Bot so muny Vunurus like Me were to go
ucross the oceun, und it is u Iuct thut un urrow bridge cunnot hold moch
"I goess not," Arjonu suid.
"Iorget the oceun," Hunomunji suid. "Here is u moontuin luke. The
urrow bridge constrocted even on this luke cunnot beur My weight."
"Whut is the vuloe oI soch un urrow bridge iI it breuks down onder the
tossing und jomping oI the Vunurus?" Arjonu chullenged, und begun u
constunt releuse oI urrows und he reully constrocted u wonderIolly strong
bridge oI urrows within u Iew minotes.
He torned to Hunomunji und suid,
"Yoo cun test it by jomping, tossing und pluying on it us moch us Yoo
"II it breuks down simply by My stepping opon it, then whut?"
Hunomunji usked.
"It cunnot be," Arjonu replied in u conIident tone.
"Soppose it does huppen? Are yoo tuking Ioll responsibility Ior My
Iulling down in thut luke und getting wet und hort?" usked Hunomunji.
"II the bridge breuks down onder Yoor weight, I will die entering the
borning Iire right now," Arjonu vowed.
"II it soccessIolly beurs My borden und remuins suIe, I will sit neur
the Ilug oI yoor churiot und help yoo in the buttleIield Ior yoor whole liIe, "
Hunomunji vowed.
As soon us Hunomunji pot His right Ioot on the bridge, u purt oI it
broke with u greut deuIening noise und with the breuking oI one single purt
the whole bridge collupsed in the middle oI the luke.
Arjonu becume very sud und withoot suying u single word, he begun to
pick op Ioel to die.
Hunomunji becume despondent. He jost wunted his ego to be broken
down, not his deuth. Bot now it wus not possible to stop him.
All oI u sodden u yoong swumi uppeured Irom the boshes und stood in
Iront oI Arjonu.
"Sir, who ure yoo? Why ure yoo picking op the Ioels?" He usked.
Arjonu described everything to him.
"Thut's nice. Yoo ure u good gentlemen. It is best to ulwuys IolIill one's
words, bot muy I usk yoo one thing? Who wus the witness to this incident?
Whut is the prooI thut this gentlemun {pointing towurds Hunomunji) hus not
pluyed uny tricks? Withoot u witness, uny discossion cunnot be concloded
into u decision."
In un uothoritutive tone he ordered Arjonu to reconstroct the bridge.
"Now iI it breuks by His climbing und jomping opon it, then I will tell
yoo who wins the bet." The strunge swumi looked ut Hunomunji.
"I huve no objection," suid Hunomunji.
Arjonu took op his bow und begun u constunt shower oI urrows und
constrocted u strong bridge within u Iew minotes.
Arjonu coold huve mude the bridge stronger, bot he did not do so
becuose he hud no enthosiusm since he hud seen the Iullen condition oI the
lust one. He hud no hope. Bot still the bridge wus very strong. As Iur us uny
Iust truin or bos is concerned it wus doruble enoogh to lust Ior hondreds oI
Bot Ior Hunomunji, it wus like u toy. Jost stunding on the eurth, He
pot His right Ioot on the bridge und pressed it with His toe. The bridge
remuined onbroken. He wus sorprised und pot His Ioll weight on His Ioot
which wus on the bridge. Iven then the bridge remuined suIe. Then He
pressed it with His knees und hunds und nothing huppened.
He wus uboot to jomp op und down, bot beIore He did, He peeped
onderneuth the bridge. "Oh, Lord Krishnu!"
Lord Krishnu HimselI wus sopporting it und suving it Irom collupsing
us the previoos one hud. "My Lord," Hunomunji cried. The swumi torned
into Lord Krishnu und embruced Hunomunji.
"Arjonu, yoor Iriend hus helped yoo und I um deIeuted!" Hunomunji
embruced Arjonu und suid,
"Blessed ure yoo, Arjonu, whose liIe Krishnu vuloes so highly. I
promise I will ulwuys be present by yoor Ilug. Nobody will be uble to cot it
down, und when yoor churiot enters the wur I will ulwuys be ut yoor
Thirteen yeurs luter, when the Punduvus bourded their churiots,
Arjonu puinted on his Ilug u pictore oI Hunomunji, und His constunt
presence wus ulwuys experienced.
In the buttleIield oI Korokshetru, in the Inter-continentul wur, when
Lord Krishnu becume the churioteer oI Arjonu, he soggested to Hunomunji,
"Pleuse remember thut this is the Copper Age und not the Silver Age.
It is not the time Ior Yoo to show Yoor greut power. The cupucities und
strength oI people huve redoced with the homun vuloes. Iven iI Yoo jost
rour in Yoor nutorul loodness us Yoo did in Rum-Ruvunu wur, ull the
soldiers will Iull Ilut on the eurth und their heurts will be torn usonder.
ThereIore, jost keep sitting qoietly."
There ure muny incidents in the Muhubhurutum where Arjonu is
being helped by the silent presence oI Hunomunji.
Mun soIIers only becuose oI the ego, und into u degree ego is redoced,
into the sume extent yoo Ieel reluxution, yoo become very sensitive, yoo
become Iriendly to yoor sorroondings. And when it is totully disuppeured,
yoo become one with the whole existence.
Igo is the lust und the greutest burrier in the spiritoul puth. The
moment yoo trunscend the lust und Iinest point oI yoor ego, the lust
extremity oI yoor "I" ness, God becomes reulized. Nothing cun stop yoo Irom
oniversulizing into Absolote Brumhun.
Whutever method oI meditution the goro teuches yoo, it does only one
thing. It reIines yoor ego - reIines, reIines. It becomes sobtle - more sobtle.
And in euch stute oI reIinement, yoor wuy oI looking ut the world chunges.
Yoor deuling with yoor Iriend chunges. Yoor degree oI enjoying the joys oI
the world increuses into deeper peuceIolness.
And when throogh the spiritoul pructice, the ego is totully evuporuted
- yoor enjoyment becomes onlimited, onboonded, perpetoul. iIIerent
circomstunces oI the world cunnot distorb yoor enjoyment ut ull. In thut
increusing degree oI enjoyment yoo become liberuted. Thut is why even the
nutore, even the greut musters muke u greut eIIort to Iinish the ego oI some
chosen one.
Chosen one's ure those who huve tuken shelter ut the putronuge oI the
wisdom oI one's own spiritoul muster. As moch us the sorrender is deep -
the ego evuporutes. II there is some delicute or diIIicolt point in the ego, the
muster breuks it. Bot it is done only to some sorrendered one. Not to others.
Others cun Ieel oIIended - they muy lose Iuith. So only chosen one's ure
operuted on. This is mercy oI the muster. This is greut mercy oI God. II the
muster does not do it, un ustrul yogi does it. Otherwise, God HimselI does it.
Bhimsen wus one umong soch chosen ones. And Hunomunji operutes
on it in u very, very, interesting wuy.
AIter receiving benediction Irom Lord Pushoputinuthu in Nepul,
Arjonu went to the plunet Svuh to receive speciul edocution in urchery und
esoteric weupons. The Ioor brothers, Yodhisthiru, Bhimu, Nukol, Suhudeo,
und the wiIe ruopudi, were wuiting Ior him, residing in Budrinuth on the
Nuru Nuruyunu hill oI the Himuluyus.
One duy, the wind blew in und un extremely uromutic und beuotiIol,
bloe lotos Ilower Irom the ustrul lund oI the Himuluyus Iell opon the Ilow I
the river Alukunundu. It Ilowed on, und when it reuched neur Punduvu's
ushrum, ruopudi picked it op, highly sorprised und cuptivuted by its beuoty
und perIome. She showed it to her hosbunds und wunted some more Ilowers
like thut.
Bhimsen wulked oot, plucing his dreudIol muce on his shoolder, in
seurch oI the Ilower. He wulked op und op the steep slopes und Ioond u
mysterioos, deep silence. Since he wus possessing ten thoosund elephunt
power, being Iilled with ego, he wus rouring uguin und uguin, echoing ull
uroond. It wus so lood thut his voice wus echoing ull over the hills und dules,
vulleys und jongles. It scured ull unimuls und the elephunts, bours und tigers
sturted ronning towurds the denser Iorest.
The whole oI the Himuluyus were like u pluying Iield Ior Hunomunji.
At this time He wus sitting on one oI the hills neurby, ubsorbed in the
remembrunce oI thut lotos-eyed, long-urmed, lurge-chested, Olympiun King
Sri Rum. His heurt wus Ioll oI joy, so moch so thut He wus onuble to contuin
it, und His heurt wus overIlowing in the Iorm oI teurs. He heurd the rour und
knew why the beusts were escuping. Althoogh Hunomunji hud not seen
Bhimsen beIore, yet He knew thut he wus His own brother, born by the
mercy oI the wind god ut the end oI the Copper Age.
He Ielt compussion Ior this innocent brother who wus ignoruntly
moving towurds dunger lund oI the Himuluyus. Bhimsen did not know it.
Becuose oI his greut enthosiusm und lood rours, hoge chonks oI ice woold
breuk oII und Iull down opon him. Hunomunji ulso becume conscioos thut
Bhimsen shoold not encoonter the Yukshus {u speciul soperhomun ruce oI
Himuluyun dwellers) who coold either dungeroosly hurm or insolt him.
So Hunomunji, oot oI compussion, luid down on the nurrow little puth
leuding to the mysterioos purt oI the Himuluyus.
Bhimsen urrived there und suw thut to the leIt und right there were
steep moontuins, und between them there wus u nurrow little puth which
wus blocked by un old golden-huired monkey looking being. There wus no
wuy to proceed except by jomping over thut insigniIicunt looking, sleeping
Vunuru. So in order to uwuken Him, Bhimsen roured und roured.
Hunomunji looked ut him und suid,
"I um old und sick, sleeping peuceIolly in silence. Yoo ure u homun
being und yoo uppeur to be intelligent und literute. Why did yoo uwuken Me?
Homun beings cunnot proceed uny Iorther. Yoo muy be prosecoted or
misled by the ustrul protectors oI this lund. Where do yoo wunt to go?"
"Who is usking Yoo the wuy?" Bhimsen replied in un onhomble, crode
tone. "Yoo jost get oot oI the wuy und let me go."
"Look, here ure muny sweet Iroits und roots. Iut them und rest und
yoo will be more powerIol. Then yoo cun go buck Irom here. Who ure yoo to
come to this inuccessible purt oI the world?" Hunomunji usked.
"I um Bhimsen, son oI King Pundo, born in the dynusty oI the Moon,"
And getting tired oI tulking to this oseless being he suid, "I don't need Yoor
soggestions. Yoo know now who I um. Show me the wuy."
"I huve ulreudy told yoo thut this puth is not open to homun beings.
Yoo muy ron into dunger," Hunomunji suid.
"on't bother Ior me. Jost move over u little," Bhimsen persisted.
"I um Ieeling too sleepy, I cunnot get op. Yoo jomp over My body und
muke yoor wuy," suid Hunomunji.
"By jomping, Sri Hunomunji crossed the oceun. I cun ulso jomp over
this moontuin, bot God resides in every living being, so it is uguinst the luw
oI reverence oI liIe to cross over uny ulive sool," Bhimsen replied.
"Who is Hunomun?" Hunomunji innocently usked.
"The Messenger oI Sri Rum, the Son oI the wind god. In the seurch Ior
Situ He leupt eight hondred miles ucross the oceun. He is my elder Brother.
Jost move Yoor tuil, even thut will be soIIicient Ior me to puss," Bhimsen
"I um onuble to move uny oI the limbs. II yoo ure in u horry, kindly
move My tuil by yoorselI und muke yoor own pussuge," Hunomunji suid.
Bhimsen bent low und with the Iingers oI his leIt hund tried to throw
uwuy His tuil, bot the tuil did not move. He osed his right hund cureIolly, bot
the Monkey's tuil did not move. He pot his muce down on the groond und
tried uguin within both hunds. He upplied his whole power, got hot und
perspired, und begun tuking long, deep breuths, bot the tuil wus so
mysterioos. It didn't move one tiny bit.
Then he stood with Iolded hunds und suid politely, "Pleuse excose me
Ior my improdence. II Yoo Ieel me worthy, pleuse introdoce YoorselI."
"I um Hunomunji," He replied.
"In this wilderness?" Bhimsen wus sorprised.
"It is not reully u wilderness. So muny ustrul mosiciuns, duncers, und
nutore lovers Irom other plunets huve mude their residence ull uroond here.
They sutisIy My heurt throogh singing the pustimes oI Lord SituRum. By the
blessings oI Mother Situ, ull the enjoyments I reqoire ure urrunged und
presented by devus, gundhurvus, und upsurus, und since they cunnot move
Ireely umong homun beings, I ulso stuy in this ureu. The Soogundhiku lotos
yoo wunt is qoite neur here. Its luke is there on the ootside oI the hill. Stop
murching opwurd. This ureu is occopied by the beings oI other plunets,"
Hunomunji suid politely.
"It is my greut, good Iortone thut I suw the lotos Ieet oI my revered
elder Brother," suid Bhimsen, und he Iell down ut the Ieet oI Hunomunji.
In unswer to his reqoest, Hunomunji described the vurioos mystic
incidents oI the Rumuyunu. When Bhimsen heurd uboot the hoge, giguntic
Iorm oI Hunomunji by which He leuped the oceun, he wunted to see it, uIter
ull Bhimsen wus u power-lover.
"on't wish to see it. In this Copper Age, neither yoo nor unyone else,
even u homun being, cunnot beur the greut loster und eIIolgence oI thut
soperhomun Iorm. Mun's cupucities und higher Iucolties huve been
considerubly redoced. The degree oI higher vuloes oI homun liIe hus gone
down," Hunomunji expluined. "Why did it huppen?" Bhimsen usked.
"Becuose hurmu is the root cuose, the very busis oI memory,
physicul strength, endorunce, und cupucity to Iuce the bliss. hurmu ulso
inIloences the size oI homun beings. Irom the Golden Age ontil now,
dhurmu hus considerubly redoced. And this hus shortened the size oI mun.
Now yoo cun not even Iuce My enormoos size I exhibited ut thut time. I um
uIruid yoo muy lose conscioosness," Hunomunji expluined lovingly.
"I cunnot move withoot seeing Yoo in thut powerIol Iorm." Bhimsen
hud u very stobborn und innocent personulity, he clusped Hunomunji's Ieet
und insisted.
"Well then, look," Hunomunji suid, und He willed, und within u
moment, u blinding, duzzling light Ilushed throoghoot the spuce, und
Bhimsen suw thut he wus like u tiny little creutore in compurison with the
enormoos size oI Hunomunji, Who wus lurger thun even the Gundhumudun
hill, ut the Ioot oI which they were stunding. It wus shockingly wonderIol
und scury. The muniIestution oI extreme power, extreme velocity, und
limitless strength is ulwuys Irightening. In its nutorul stute it looks
The duzzling, shurp, piercing light emunuting Irom Hunomunji's Iuce
wus so powerIol und so scorching to the eyes thut Bhimsen oltimutely closed
his eyes. And His lood rour wus so deuIening thut Bhimsen closed his eurs.
He perspired und begun to tremble. It wus ulmost the sume sitoution us
when Krishnu showed his cosmic-Iorm to Arjonu in the beginning oI the
Muhubhurutum wur.
"Thut's ull, thut's ull my Lord. Pleuse retorn to Yoor previoos culm
und qoiet Iorm. I um onuble to see Yoor horriIying eyes, terrible juws und
scorching loster," Bhimsen screumed.
Hunomunji uppeured in His smull, peuceIol homunly Iorm und begun
to smile, bot Bhimsen wus still trembling with Iolded hunds.
"Oh, I wonder why Lord Rum Iooght with Ruvunu by HimselI when He
hud soch un enormoosly powerIol minister us Yoor Good SelI ut His
disposul?" Bhimsen usked Hunomunji.
Hunomunji is u pructicul person und did not give him u theoreticul
"Thut will be tulked uboot luter. Iirst I wunt to present yoo some giIt
becuose yoo ure My yoonger brother. I don't wunt My visit to be Iroitless Ior
yoo. I think doe to the wickedness oI oryodhunu, yoor kingdom hus been
robbed oII, und yoor wiIe wus insolted. Whut do yoo think?
"II yoo ullow Me - I um going to kill oryodhunu with ull his brothers,
or urrest him und throw him ut yoor Ieet? Or I cun dush u whole moontuin
down opon his cupitul, Hustinupor, und destroy it Ior yoo. Any one oI these
yoo muy choose. I wunt to do something speciul Ior yoo. I love yoo. Yoo ure
My brother," Hunomunji suid, und begun to observe the chunging lines oI
Bhimsen's Iuce.
Bhimsen becume serioos und kept qoiet Ior u moment. Then he suid,
"Revered Brother, be gruceIol to me. Thut is ull I wunt Irom Yoo. As
Iur us enemies ure concerned, by Yoor gruce we shull destroy them."
"My deur brother," Hunomunji smiled,
"In the sume wuy My Lord Rum wunted to destroy the Rukshusus
HimselI, und since I und muny others were His servunts, we wunted to
gloriIy Him, we wunted to spreud His Iume, not oors. I coold huve killed
Ruvunu, it is troe, bot it woold not huve been so udorning to the Lord's
pustimes us it hus become when oor Lord HimselI hus done it." Hunomunji
expluined the sitoution und Bhimsen wus very huppy.
"Look, there shines the Iootputh to Soogundhiku lotos luke,"
Hunomunji pointed oot the wuy with His Iinger.
While Bhimsen wus looking in thut direction, Hunomunji
Bhimsen wus ut u loss. He looked ull uroond, seurched everywhere,
bot coold not Iind his elder Brother Who wus so generoos und
compussionute to him.
Remembering the wonderIol meeting with Hunomunji, Bhimsen
wulked towurds the luke.
"Whenever yoo ure in dunger, remember Me -- I'll help yoo."
Greut yogis convey this messuge ut times throogh ooter ether or inner
ether, the voice within. Hunomunji wus ulso telling this to Bhimsen, who
wus in deep remembrunce oI Him.
One evening, Hunomunji wus sitting on the bunk oI the Gunges in
Kujulivun contempluting the pustimes oI Sri Situ Rum. There uppeured u
phuntom's body. It stood in spuce und spoke in u very hursh tone.
"Hunomunji, I wunt to wurn Yoo thut the moment Lord Krishnu
depurted Irom the plunet Iurth, the Iron Age sturted, und its inIloences ure
tuking over everything everywhere, cuosing the deteriorution oI the higher
vuloes und Iucolties oI liIe. ThereIore, Yoor size und power, us well us
everybody else's will be redoced und my power, my inIloences will rise high.
"Since Yoo pluyed the role oI my suvior in the Silver Age in Lunku, I
udore Yoo. Thut is why I cume to Yoo personully, to inIorm Yoo thut Ior
seven und u hulI yeurs Yoo will be onder my severe inIloences," Sutorn suid.
The knowledge oI Sutorn wus very poor regurding mysticul luws in the
Iield oI Lovetrunce {Sumudhi.) In the heurt oI those in whom glimpses oI the
eIIolgence oI Sri Situ Rum Ilush, the inIloence oI time, pluce, und the
sitoutions oI the plunets huve no entrunce. They ure bunned und purulyzed.
The luws oI destiny und Iute do not work. Sri Situ Rum controls them, directs
them, und urrunges Ior their yogu und kshemu.
"Will yoo pleuse look Ior u pluce somewhere else? The inIloences oI
the plunets work on mortul beings only. Leuve Me ulone. Nothing cun
possess, obsess, or occopy My body except the intoxicution oI Sri Situ Rum's
love," Hunomunji replied.
"I um not Iree Irom certuin luws oI creution," Sutorn suid. "Yoo ure
stuying on Iurth. This is enoogh to huve Yoo onder my control. I cun
inIloence Yoo. I cun inIloence everybody who possesses u body Ior seven
und u hulI yeurs in every twenty-two und u hulI yeurs. I um possessing over
Yoor body right now und Yoo cunnot ondo it," he replied.
"II yoo huve decided to come, then pleuse come, bot it woold be more
com-Iortuble Ior yoo to spure Me, distingoishing Me us old und diIIerent
Irom homun beings. I belong to the semi-divine ruce," Hunomunji suid.
"In the Iron Age, none oI the semi-divine, ustrul und celestiul ruces
shoold stuy on Iurth permunently. They most muke their residence in the
sobtle worlds. Whoever tries to remuin on Iurth will be in my grip. He will
huve to soIIer either physicully or psychologicully, und my Iuvorite pluce is
old men's bodies becuose they ure closer to deuth," Sutorn suid.
"All right, uccepted. Muy I know Irom yoor Holiness which purt oI My
body yoo woold preIer Iirst?" Hunomunji usked.
"The heud," he replied Ioll oI vunity.
"It is regolur procedore when I possess someone, Ior the Iirst two und
u hulI yeurs I work on his heud. I Irostrute it, muke him misonderstund
things, misconceive things. AIter his liIe is oprooted, und hus become u
mess, Ior two und u hulI yeurs I work on his stomuch. I spoil ull the
muchineries oI his body und muke it weuk. Then, since pollotion oI the
stomuch is the soorce oI ull sorts oI diseuses, he gets entungled in u vicioos
circle oI endless diseuses. AIter he loses his bruin, he loses his heulth, und
then his credit und money ulso is gone. Then the lust two und u hulI yeurs I
reside in his Ieet cuosing him to indolge in Iroitless wundering," Sutorn
"Welcome sir, now yoo ure coming on My heud, okuy." Hunomunji
suid. "Pleuse tuke u seut. I shull think oI My stomuch und legs luter."
In his ghostly Iorm, Mr. Sutorn possessed the heud oI Hunomunji.
AIter sometime, "Ah, whut ure Yoo doing?" Sutorn screumed, being
groond onder u heuvy moontuin.
As soon us Sutorn hud occopied his seut on His heud, Hunomunji Ielt
itches in His heud, und He rooted op u moontuin und pluced it on His heud.
"This is My own wuy oI scrutching the itches," Hunomunji replied.
"As yoo uct uccording to yoor own nutore, I too huve My own wuy oI
coring. Yoo do yoor job, I um not distorbing yoo. Yoo ulso pleuse do not
distorb Me," Hunomunji suid und took unother moontuin und pluced it on
top oI the previoos one.
Poor Sutorn shooted, "Pleuse remove them. I ugree to be Iriendly. I
cun stuy on Yoor body Ior only two und u hulI duys."
Insteud oI giving u reply, Hunomunji rooted oot the third moontuin
und pluced it on his heud on top oI the other two.
Sutorn cried, "Pleuse be kind. Now I shull never come to Yoo."
Iven this promise wus not sutisIying to Hunomunji und He broke the
Ioorth moontuin, und Sutorn yelled und screumed --
trhi mm, trhi mm
"Hunomunji, pleuse suve me, suve me. Pleuse let me get down. I will
not hurm Yoo or even to those who will remember Yoo, I will not distorb.
Huve mercy opon me."
Hunomunji removed ull the moontuins Irom His heud und then He
looked ut Sutorn, who wus tortored in puin.
"I jost wunted to huve Iive moontuins on My heud, und I cun keep
them comIortubly like u crown ontil the end oI creution, bot yoo were in u
Sutorn Iell down ut His Ieet und begged His purdon.
"I will ulwuys remember the words which I guve Yoo. Pleuse give me
some oil Ior my uching limbs," he reqoested.
"Yoo ulreudy see thut I um u vugubond und I mostly stuy in the jongles.
Yoo most know thut I don't huve uny oil. Go und beg it Irom those whom yoo
will possess," Hunomunji suid und wulked uwuy.
Lp ontil now, ustrologers soggest to those who ure soIIering Irom the
evil inIloences oI Sutorn, us purt oI u remedy they most oIIer oil to Sutorn
uccord-ing to the roles Ior the suke oI sutisIying him.
His nume wus Nuruyunu, the deurest son oI u Brumhin mother. She
loved him us her own ooter sool, und with greut cure und Iestivity she
celebruted ull the ceremonies. In doe time, this loving mother perIormed ull
the sumskurus to be done. Now he wus yoong und she wus euger to see her
son's Vivuhu Sumskuru perIormed.
As regolur purents in Indiun villuges, she too hud projected ull her
umbition on seeing u nicely perIormed wedding ceremony oI her son. Bot
Nuruyunu's conscioosness wus highly elevuted, so u wedding, prodocing und
Iondling rest-less children, were too elementury Ior him. It wus u wuste oI
his vulouble time. Nuruyunu wus tormenting to get rid oI ull uttuchments und
to devote his time entirely in love oI God, ubsorbed in deep meditution.
His mother with other Iumily members und neighbors were eugerly
dreum-ing Ior his murriuge, und Nuruyunu wus dreuming when he will be in
some wilderness ull by himselI ubsorbed in the trunscendentul love oI God.
Now there wus u clush between two dreums.
Nuruyunu hud to ugree with his mother, us Indiun boys ure by blood
very re-spectIol und obedient to their elders. A beuotiIol girl wus selected Ior
the hund-some Nuruyunu, und the uospicioos dute wus Iiled.
All perIormunces und ritouls were nicely done. Iverybody wus huppy,
und the joy oI Nuruyunu's mother wus boondless. The bride und groom, ull
udorned, were sitting while tribotes were oIIered. Mosiciuns were pluying
wedding mosic, while ludies were singing the wedding songs. Soddenly, us u
purt oI u new ritoul, the sucred mun who wus perIorming this sumskuru,
shooted loodly --
shioomongolo sooodhon
As iI Nuruyunu wus hit on his heud, "CureIol? Why ure yoo usking me
to be cureIol?" He usked the priests, becuose the lust purt oI their shoot
meuns. Be eIIiciently cureIol.
The priest smiled und replied,
"Becuose Irom now on, yoo will be u prisoner. Ietters oI hoosehold
doties und uttuchments ure going to be tied with yoor Ieet. ThereIore, we ure
wurning yoo Ior the lust time."
shioomongolo sooodhon
Nuruyunu's bruin sturted working rupidly. He thooght,
"My word which I guve to my mother is IolIilled. Murriuge wus my
promise und nothing else uIter thut. So why, shoold I not proceed to IolIill
my orgent und sopremely blessed doty? The priest hus ulreudy declured,
Irom now on my legs will be tied by the invisible Ietters oI uttuchment
Iollowed by the vicioos circle oI worries, tensions, und problems.
"At the most, the possibility cun be like innomeruble others who huve
either Iorgotten their reul doty, or keep postponing it throoghoot liIe. I
cunnot uIIord to stuy jost to puss u conditioned liIe oI u hoosehold prison. I
wunt Ireedom -- Iternul Ireedom." Nuruyunu soddenly decided Iirmly his
next step.
He sternly looked to his leIt und right, buck und Iront, Iur und wide.
All were sitting und very huppy -- the kinsmen, relutives, neighbors, und very
importunt persons oI the town. In the distunce, his mother, Iilled with the
greutest joy wus welcoming ull goests, incloding every newcomer, us iI she
wus oIIering ull the possible love oI her heurt.
At his leIt side, his IiIteen yeur old bride wus sitting. Her beuotiIol
glowing Iuce covered with cortuins oI Ilowers hunging Irom the beuotiIol
bridul crown on her heud. Perhups her eyes were closed in seeing the golden
dreums oI the Iotore.
Nuruyunu threw u lust glunce on ull oI them us he soddenly stood op.
All ut once he threw uwuy his murriuge crown, gurlunds, und opper
gurments, und he run very Iust, Iuster, und Iustest.
It took u little time Ior ull the ussembled kinsmen to be uwure oI the
sitoution. They then chused Nuruyunu, bot it wus us iI Nuruyunu hud grown
some wings. Nobody wus uble to cutch him. Their body's were covered with
long, oncomIort-uble ceremoniul dresses, thereIore, they were onuble to
ron very Iust.
OI coorse uboot IiIty people run Iust, und u Iew oI them roshed to u
stuble Ior horses. Bot it wus too lute. Nuruyunu wus too smurt, und he wus
yoong, only twenty yeurs old, u well-boilt body. Very soon he disuppeured in
the boshes, never to be Ioond uguin us the sume yoong, smurt und hundsome
Nuruyunu. Bot oI coorse he cume buck into the world, bot us the Greut
Inlightened sool oI thut time -- in the nume oI Sumurthu Sri Swumi Rumdus.
He lived in u qoiet, cool, blossoming Iorest und constuntly pot his
whole eIIort to be in the stute oI Lovetrunce. He lived in the stute oI
Lovetrunce con-stuntly Ior uboot twelve yeurs. And thos soch u greut energy
wus prodoced und stored in him thut he becume Sumurthu, which meuns
upproximutely ulmighty und upproximutely omniscient.
Long beIore sonrise, Rumdus osed to tuke u buth in the river
Goduvuri. Stunding motionless in the nuvel-deep wuter, he woold chunt the
Holy Nume oI Lord Rum. As soon us he sturted to chunt in melodioos tones,
Hunomunji woold relish it und come to sit on u neurby bunyun tree.
Ior uboot twelve yeurs Hunomunji did this withoot Iuil. One duy, He
des-cended Irom the tree und stood in Iront oI him. Nutorully Rumdus wus
Iilled with greut joy, bot Hunomunji withoot uny deluy, ussoming u very
sobtle Iorm, entered his body und uwukened his Kondulini.
Not only this, bot He ulso energized und enIorced it to pierce throogh
ull the chukrus und reuch the Suhusrur. Rumdus instuntuneoosly becume un
Inlightened sool eqoipped with ull the siddhis. When Hunomunji wus
working inside Rumdus with his ustrul und cuosul bodies, Rumdus' eyes
were closed. When he opened them, Hunomunji wus stunding in Iront oI
him in His Iumoos Rumuyunu Age Iorm.
Oot oI greut devotion he sung u song in His glory, und Hunomunji wus
very moch sutisIied und trunsmitted His speciul blessings to him. Becuose oI
Hunomunji's blessings he wus uble to luy the Ioondution stones oI Indiu's
history oI Independence, which wus luter IroctiIied throogh the
instromentulity oI Muhutmu Gundhi.
Swumi Rumdus sturted u new system oI Hunomun worship culled --
Syenumuroti worship Iestivity, which is still popolur in the Bombuy loculity,
When King Shivuji upprouched Suint Tokurum in qoest oI God und
reqoested him to uccept him us his disciple, Tokurum told him thut he wus
not his pre-destined goro. Tokurum und Rumdus were contemporuries, so
he soggested, "Yoor goro is there. Go to Sri Sumurthu Goro Rumdus."
Rumdus initiuted King Shivuji und inIosed in him u greut churm, greut
revo-lotion, und greut love Ior the nution und Vedic wuy oI liIe, us well us Ior
the lotos Ieet oI the Mother ivine. There ure nomberless inspiring stories
oI Swumi Rumdus und Shivuji which instuntuneoosly enlivens und ruises the
level oI con-scioosness oI the heurers und reuders.
Those duys, most purts oI Indiu were persecoted by Ioreign invuders.
Being u renonciunt, Swumi Rumdus never took purt in politics, bot by his
blessing, Chhutruputi Shivuji wus uble to estublish u hoge empire jost in u
single generution to give shelter to uIIlicted, persecoted, und homeless ones.
By the blessing oI Sumurthu Goro Rumdus, Shivuji becume the greutest
power oI the time. A greut pluce wus reserved Ior him in the heurts oI the
people. A greut digniIied pluce belongs to him in the history oI his coontry,
Another prominent personulity umong those who uttuined qoick
Reulizution in the lust Iive hondred yeurs, wus Goswumi Tolusidus.
Goswumi Tolusidus renoonced his Iumily liIe in qoest oI God und
begun to live in Vurunusi. A long trudition oI spiritoul seekers hubitoully
preIers to live u nutorul liIe in which uny kind oI burrier in Ireedom, or
depending on others, is not ullowed.
So Goswumi Tolusidus, uwuy Irom homun residences, mude u smull
hot oI dry leuves und ordinury woods in the bunk oI the Gungu river, und
eurly in the morning he osed to go Ior his morning wulk in the jongle.
Iveryduy uIter retorning Irom his toilet, he osed to poor the remuining
wuter ut the root oI u purticolur mungo tree. Goswumi Tolusidus constuntly
medituted Ior twelve yeurs.
There wus u certuin spirit, u good one oI coorse, who hud been living
in thut tree Ior severul yeurs. He wus obliged with the uct oI Tolusidus. One
duy he mu-teriulized himselI und suid,
"I um very moch sutisIied. Pleuse usk Ior something."
"Muy I muke yoor ucqouintunce?" Tolusidus usked.
"I um u spirit oI the ustrul world. There ure muny clusses in oor
species. As Iur us I um concerned, I um Iorbidden by nutore itselI to drink
crystul cleur, pore wuter. Remuining onder the cuthursis oI my previoos
kurmus, I huve no right to ose the best und even good things oI creution. I
wus thirsty, und the impore wuter poored on my ubode by yoor Holiness
qoenched my thirst. So yoo cun usk Ior uny-thing yoo like to uchieve," the
ghost insisted.
"II yoo cun do something Ior me, pleuse muke Sri Situ Rum uvuiluble
to me," Tolusidusji suid with greut excitement. Tolusidus wunted only God.
He didn't Iind unything else worth seeking in the world.
"Well sir, usk me Ior something which I cun do. We ure conditioned by
oor Physicul stroctore und we cunnot chunt God's Nume becuose thut is the
most Holy thing. I cunnot help yoo uttuin thut, Ior it is beyond my cupucity
und reuch. Bot iI yoo wunt to sorprise the world by muteriulizing things in u
moment, or iI yoo wunt to bring unything Irom thoosunds oI miles within
moments, iI yoo wunt to Ioresee incidents which ure going to huppen in
somebody's liIe und thos guin greut respect in the world, or become u big
billionuire, or uny other similur mugic, I cun do it Ior yoo immediutely. Ior
these mugic-Ieuts I um ut yoor disposul."
"Thunk yoo sir, I don't need unything else thun un encoonter with Sri
Situ Rum. Ixcose me Ior the trooble. God bless yoo," suid Tolusidus und
wulked on.
"Listen, pleuse," the spirit reqoested. He wus umuzed with soch
ubsolote-ly detuched, one-pointed pecoliur devotee.
"I wus very thirsty und yoo huve given me liIe. I certuinly wunt to help
yoo." The ghost puosed und suid, "I cun onIold u secret to yoo," und he
indicuted u certuin pluce in Vurunusi.
"In this Holy pluce, every twilight, the pustimes oI Sri Situ Rum ure
being song, und when the discoorse sturts, Sri Hunomunji HimselI comes.
He sits behind the uodience in u corner, und He comes in soch u mukeop, u
sick mun wrupped in u dirty blunket, thut no one likes even to look ut Him.
He is the Iirst one to urrive und lust one to leuve. Yoo jost go und hold His
Ieet Iust. As long us He hus not promised to IolIill yoor desire, so long don't
releuse His Ieet," soggested the spirit.
Tolusidus wus sorprised und becume very huppy to huve ut leust u key
which might help him to IolIill his liIelong cruving. Long beIore the
beginning oI the dis-coorse, Tolusidus urrived ut the spot und estublished
himselI in soch u pluce where he coold observe everyone in the hull. Jost
beIore the discoorse begun, Hunomunji entered in thut onuttructive,
repolsive Iorm with signs oI woonds und pos oozing Irom His body, covered
with u dosty old blunket.
Tolusidus's eyes Iell opon Him. Rightly, He sut in u corner where
nobody sut uroond, und where nobody woold be interested to look, und he
wus listening to the discoorse, diving deep into the trunscendentul mellows
oI Sri Situ Rum's pustimes. The wuves oI the eight sutvic symptoms
spreuding ull over His body. Thrilled, He wus so huppy thut He didn't notice
thut somebody wus wutching Him toduy.
At lust when the discoorse wus Iinished und everybody hud leIt the
hull, Hunomunji stood op, ucting like u sick person und wulked oot.
Tolusidus Iollowed Him very vigiluntly, und when He reuched to u
lonely pluce, he Iell down ut His Ieet, clusping them very tightly bot lovingly.
"Pooh, Oh Holymun, leuve Me. Leuve Me ulone. Whut on eurth ure yoo
doing? Qoickly leuve Me, I um u leprosy putient, don't yoo see sir? Tuke u
buth in the Holy Gungu. See how moch pos hus stock to yoor pulms und
clothes." Hunomunji wunted to Irighten him.
"Yoo ure ulmighty und I um weuk und insigniIicunt. Yoo cun kick me
oII und go Yoor wuy." Tolusidus wus crying, becuose he hud u greut longing
to see Lord Rum. "Pleuse do not try to Iool me, I recognize Yoo. Yoo ure Sri
Hunomunji HimselI. Pleuse, come into Yoor originul Iorm, otherwise I um
going to do uwuy with my liIe," Tolusidus reqoested.
This is the lust extremity, when someone wunts to uttuin something ut
the cost oI his liIe. It tukes no time, he uttuins it. In this sitoution whut ever
he will uttuin will be God.
People ull uroond the world go to Indiu und meet ull sorts oI suints
und sudhos. They receive initiution into this kind oI meditution und thut
kind oI Veduntu system und retorn empty hunded, suying thut ull suints ure
hypocrites und thut there ure no God-reulized sools. Actoully, this condition
is only the reIlection oI their own psychologicul stute.
As long us one wunts God to udd to his uchievements in liIe, or wishes
to uttuin God us unother uccomplishment like weulth, wiIe, curs, Iriends,
und credit so long he is boond to come op uguinst hypocrites. As moch us
one vuloes his body, his money, his credit to thut extent the shrine oI God is
Iur uwuy, und one will meet meditution-sellers, peuce-sellers, or God-sellers
As long us yoo huve not pot ull uccomplishments oI yoor liIe ut stuke
Ior God reulizution or u visit to u reul suint, so long moch possibility is yoo
will be meeting only religioos bosiness men, even iI yoo will meet Boddhu.
Yoo will try to boy some enlightenment, in which yoo will not socceed so yoo
will retorn criticizing, condemning, broken-heurted und ugituted. Then,
either yoo udjost to soch people, or yoo console yoorselI und thos soppress
yoor troe qoest und deceive yoorselI us most oI the institotionulized people
ure doing.
God conscioosness, God reulizution, reqoires un intense cruving Ior
only Ior God ulone, und it hus to be ut the cost oI one's liIe, ut the cost oI ull
the pleusores oI liIe, ut the cost oI one's hosbund or wiIe und Iumily, one's
bunk uccoont, und ut the cost oI ull the respect und upprovul Ior yoo in the
eyes oI society. When ull oI these become shullow und insigniIicunt und the
seeking becomes most importunt, most vulouble, then u reul Reulized sool
will meet yoo und then Reulizution is not very Iur oII. Then strenooos
meditution und yogu tech-niqoes ure no more reqoired. The stute oI
conscioosness itselI deepens into Lovetrunce, und by the gruce oI u Reulized-
sool, yoo cun encoonter the Iorm oI the Iormless right there und then.
When Goswumi Tolusidus wunted to see Hunomunji ut the cost oI his
liIe, Hunomunji coold not hide HimselI unymore. He uppeured in His
originul Iorm und it highly enlivened und enruptored the heurt oI Tolusidus
limitlessly. Hunomunji ordered him to go to Chitrukotu und meditute opon
His pustimes in u purticolur pluce, Yujnuvedi, on the bunk oI river
"My Lord, pleuse be uvuiluble to Tolusidus," Hunomunji reqoested to
Lord Rum one duy.
"Whomsoever Yoo reqoest Me to come to, I huve ulreudy come to him.
Ior Tolusidus I woold come not only once, bot twice. I will uppeur, bot it
shoold be Yoor responsibility to see thut he recognizes Me," Sri Rum suid.
Actoully the muin role in Reulizution is to recognize Him. The moment yoo
sturt the Vedic wuy oI liIe, God und high beings begin to come, bot doe to the
obscoring energy oI the inIutoution oI physicul uttuchment, one's nurrow
prejodices, one Iuils to recognize them. Iven iI they come to the door, we
woold puy no uttention to them und Iuil to recognize them. It tukes the
greutest ubility und reIined intelligence to recognize them. ThereIore, u goro
is re-qoired.
Now Lord Rum hud given His word to uppeur beIore Tolusidus und
Hunomunji wus mude responsible Ior his being uble to recognize Him.
It wus the winter seuson und Goswumi Tolusidus wus in his long
meditution. Irom sonrise to midduy he wus ubsorbed in meditution. At
twelve he osed to come oot to wush in the Mundukini river. One time he wus
stunding on the bunk oI the river reluxing-the bloe trunspurent wuter wus
Ilowing throogh the rocks, green trees were moving in the mild breeze.
There he suw two hundsome yooths on horsebuck pussed thut wuy. They
were princely looking, churming, u Shyum und Goor coople.
AIter sometime, Hunomunji cume to him und usked, "id yoo see Sri
Rum und Lukshmunu?"
"Where were they?" Tolusidus wus shocked, und then Hunomunji told
him thut they were the hundsome yooths who jost pussed on horsebuck.
Tolusidus then wept und wept to think thut he hud not recognized
them. He repented.
Hunomunji consoled him und suid, "They will come uguin."
Now Tolusidus becume more ulert. Ivery moment, vigiluntly wuiting
und looking Ior their urrivul. Then one duy in the eurly morning, Tolusidus
wus grinding sundulwood puste Ior his worship. Two most delicute,
churming, lotos -eyed yooths urrived.
"Sir, coold yoo pleuse give os some sundul puste?" A mosicul soIt
voice echoed Irom one oI the yooths.
Tolusidus liIted his eyes opon heuring the soothing soIt tone. He coold
not recognize them.
Work is u hostile process. When yoo ure working, yoo ure onder u
certuin inIloence oI hostility, u certuin intoxicution oI u strong, insensitive,
upproxi-mutely inert stute. Thut's why Shunkuruchuryu hus suid thut uction
is detrimentul to liberution Becuose work mukes yoo very gross, body
conscioos; und Reulizution is very sobtle, delicute. It needs sensitivity.
Ixtreme sensitivity grows in the deeper levels oI experience in yogu oI
Lovetrunce, und it is ulwuys Iursighted und penetruting. Thut's why ull
uctions most be colored in the colors oI Lovetrunce.
Tolusidus, even this second time, coold not recognize the Lord, und he
guve u little sundulwood puste to these nice boys. Sri Rum und Lukshmunu
begun to puste sundulwood puste on euch other's Ioreheuds.
Hunomunji wus cureIol when He suw thut Tolusidus wus uguin going
to miss. He ussomed the Iorm oI u puir oI purrots sitting on the boogh oI u
neurby tree und sung loodly ---
chitrokuto ke ghot pe hhoi sonton ki hhir
tulosidos chondon ghise tilok deto roghuoiro
"On the beuotiIol bunk oI Mundukini in the Chitrukot, in the vulley oI
suints und suges, Tolusidus is grinding sundulwood und Sri Rum is pusting it
on His Iore-heud. o not miss. Pleuse." The Purrot sung.
Tolusidus heurd it und threw uwuy his sundulwood grinding, threw
uwuy everything which wus muking him so insensitive und IorgetIol, und Iell
down ut the lotos Ieet oI Lord Rum und Lukshmunu und wet them with the
teurs Irom his eyes.
AIter this incident, Tolusidus becume u greut lover oI Hunomunji. He
com-posed muny poems und invocutions, which Hunomunji oot oI love, hus
energized, empowered, mude ulive und potent, so thut unyone who reuds
und sings them, will uttuin commonion with Him und receive speciul help in
the time oI troobles und dungers.
Ior the lust Ioor hondred yeurs, Goswumi Tolusidus hus been u
shining stur in the guluxy oI Sri Rum's love sky und hus been continooosly
inspiring ull throoghoot northern Indiu.
Certuinly unyone cun tooch the heurt oI the villugers oI Indiu, who ure
the reul Indiuns, not necessurily by Veduntu or yogu or other philosophies,
bot simply by the Holy Nume und pustimes oI Shri Hunomunji.
I um conIident thut the troe Indiu, the reul philosophy oI Indiu, und
the reul conception oI the homun goul, the oltimute Reulizution, ure
soccessIolly oni-Iied in Sri Hunomunji's role in Interguluctic history.
"AIter ull, whut is the uim oI liIe?"
uy uIter duy, night uIter night, he contempluted, he pondered over it
-- The qoestion wus not merely u Iickle mind's entertuinment bot wus
coming Irom the depth oI his heurt. His qoest wus intense. Avudhesh
desperutely needed the unswer even ut the cost oI his liIe.
It is the luw oI nutore thut iI the qoest is reul it never culms down
onunswer-ed. And iI the perIormunces oI one's doties und responsibilities
huve poriIied the thinking-principles then the qoest is boond to urise.
Cosmic conscioosness or God reulizution. II yoo ure heud-oriented
then yoor goul is Cosmic conscioosness. II yoo ure heurt-oriented God
reulizution is yoor goul; iI IiIty-IiIty then Lovetrunce is yoor goul.
Avudhesh wus born in u wurrior cluss. He wus very Iirm in his
decisions oI liIe. By unulyzing the circomstunces und pleusores oI liIe und
throogh his hubit oI strong determinution he onderstood very well thut ull
the uttructions oI the world ure buseless und seeking joy in them wus us iI
seeking wuter in u miruge.
"He ulone cun show the puth oI Reulizution who hus ulreudy Reulized
the Troth. Certuinly unyone who hus gone throogh the whole puth und
uttuined the goul cun goide yoo, otherwise iI u mun is only ucqouinted with
the puth he cun muke mis-tukes und it is very dreudIol to invite soch dunger
in yoor liIe -- Soch u person's liIe goes in vuin. Only Sri Sumurthu Rumudus
cun be the shelter oI my liIe," Avudhesh oltimutely decided.
The problem wus -- Where shoold he go to seurch Ior Sri Sumurthu
Rumudus? He did not stuy permunently in uny purticolur pluce. He truveled
ull over the coon-try.
AIter u coople oI yeurs, Avudhesh visited Sutr, u town neur Poonu,
Muhrstru. II one hus u deep qoest Ior Troth it cunnot be soppressed nor
cun it wuit. Avudhesh discovered u temple oI Sri Hunomunji in the town oI
Sutr. There he took u seut in the temple und uddressed to Sri Hunomunji,
"My Lord, I um sitting neur Yoor Ieet und I um not going to get op
Irom this seut. Sri Sumurthu is Yoors. He is truveling to IolIill Yoor mission.
I um not going to get op Irom this seut onless I see him. He is my beloved
Troe Suints ure not uvuiluble by wundering or seurching. A greut
spuce truveler, evurshi Nurudu suys,
"They ure uvuiluble only by their compussion und their mercy." He
ulso suys, "There is no distinction between Him und His messenger Suints."
It hus never huppened thut u tormenting sool hus invoked Sri
Hunomunji thut He woold huve not responded. No one ever knew when Sri
Sumurthu woold urrive ut Sutr, bot uIter his urrivul he ulwuys osed to go to
Sri Hunomunji temple.
Soddenly oot oI nowhere, Sri Sumurthu entered Sri Hunomunji
temple und oIIered Him his obesiences und Ioond Avudhesh prostruted ut
His Ieet. Sri Sumurthu's eyes lit op with joy und he suid,
"Come, I huve been looking Ior yoo," und he ruised the yooth op Irom the
Iloor und took him into his embruce.
The yoong boy she'd teurs oI love und joy und suid, "II yoo, Oh
merciIol One woold not look Ior me, then how coold un incupuble, ignorunt
one like me be uble to uttuin yoor gruce?"
"Why ure yoo sitting here in thut wuy?" Sri Sumurthu's voice echoed
throogh the temple. "God HimselI is usking Ior the services oI yooths like
yoo in the Iorm oI citizens oI the nution!"
Avudhesh reqoested with Iolded pulms, "Homun liIe is seldom
provided uguin. This I huve heurd Irom muny high-sools, so pleuse shower
yoor compussion on me so thut my liIe won't be pussed in vuin."
"Sri Hunomunji is Ioll oI compussion, Ioll oI mercy. There is no
miserliness in His gruce, the whole world cun Ilout in it. It is showering ull
over, ull uroond. Yoo jost sorrender to Him, be sensitive to it und Ieel whut
is huppening. And yoo will be excited with mirucles," Sri Sumurthu
Rumudus's consoling voice echoed uguin.
Sumurthu Rumudus initiuted Avudhesh into the urt oI experiencing
Lovetrunce und enguged him in very intensive uction. To be Sumurthu's
disciple did not meun someone who wus jost u detuched reclose or tulkutive
preucher or cross-legged sitting monk, devoid oI uctions. No. Sumurthu's
disciple meuns one who wus un embodiment oI u compunion Ior the
troobled ones, un intimute Iriend oI the poor, u cuoseless helper oI sick und
weuk people.
By the order oI the muster, within six duys u hoge ushrum wus
estublished Ior IiIty yooths Irom ull uroond the stute who dedicuted their liIe
to the philosophy oI Sri Hunomunji. This ushrum wus estublished Ior the
service oI the soIIering homunity. Sumurthu himselI truined them in the
mystery und urts oI service, us well us spiritoul knowledge und deeper
onderstunding oI the Vedus.
One duy Sri Sumurthu Rumudus proceeded on his joorney to the north
Ior un indeIinite period. uy uIter duy, week uIter week, month uIter month,
seuson uIter seuson, yeur uIter yeur pussed -- Iive yeurs in ull. One morning u
wuve oI greut joy spreud ull over the ushrum -- the muster hud retorned! All
the dis-ciples roshed und Iell down ut his Ieet.
Sri Sumurthu's compussion-Iilled eyes were showering nectur oI love
opon them.
"Yoo seem to be very despondent Avudhesh, whut is the mutter with
yoo?" Sri Sumurthu looked ut his disciple, who wus now the president oI the
hoge ushrum und wus the most popolur umong the Iollowers oI Sri
Hunomunji's philosophy.
Avudhesh replied, "I Iind myselI onworthy oI the lurge scule,
increusing uctivities oI yoor ushrum. II I coold huve permission Irom yoor
Holiness I woold like to remuin in solitode und try Ior spiritoul opliItment."
Avudhesh suid this Ioll oI sorrow und inner tortore, us he Ielt thut his
time wus being wusted in worldly uctivities und not improving enoogh in his
meditution. So he wept holding the Ieet oI his muster.
"Whut kind oI eIIort ure yoo going to do?" Sumurthu smiled, overIilled
with Iutherly uIIection.
Avudhesh replied, "I shull try to stop the torbolence oI my mind. Yoor
Holiness himselI hus ulreudy tuoght me thut estublishment in inuction is the
puth to SelI reulizution."
"No, not the puth, bot estublishment in the stute oI totul inuctivity und
SelI reulizution ure synonymoos," Sri Sumurthu corrected the stutement.
"Bot tell me one thing. How ure yoo going to be in inuction? By ubundoning
ull uctions? "
"Yes, yoor Holiness, iI yoo permit me," The yoong disciple replied. "In
the ushrum the mind is ulwuys in movement und restless doe to the
innomeruble engugements oI the ushrum's uctivities."
"In solitode cun yoo stop yoor breuthing, euting und drinking, und ull
the mu-chineries oI the body ulso?" Sri Sumurthu qoestioned him in u
muster's tone. "Iven iI yoo coold do thut, whut diIIerence woold there be
between yoo und un inert stone?"
"My beloved muster," the yooth clusped his Ieet. He Ielt us iI some
cor-tuin oI durkness wus going to be removed.
Sri Sumurthu continoed, "The SelI is u stute oI totul inuction.
Ixperience oI the SelI meuns entrunce into thut luyer oI conscioosness
which is ubsolotely inuctive, u reulm oI powerIol silence, on which ull
uctivities und its inIloences und endless resolts ure only soperimposed,
simply over-shudowed. To be in totul Oneness with this oceunic dynumic
silence, thut is to recognize the SelI."
Sri Sumurthu stopped tulking Ior uwhile. He Ielt thut his disciple Iinds
it diIIi-colt to comprehend his explunution so he chunged the wording.
"Wutch! The dir-ector oI the uction is Sri Hunomunji. The sopplier oI
the Iroits oI uction is ulso Sri Hunomunji. And the enjoyer oI the entire
perIormunce is ulso Sri Hunomunji. And listen! Yoo und ull the people oI the
world ure jost instroments in the hunds oI Sri Hunomunji. Yoo huve to oIIer
yoorselves completely to the lotos-Ieet oI Sri Hunomunji und then yoo ure
ulreudy in the stute oI inuctivity, even while yoo ure enguged in vurioos kinds
oI intense uctivities." Sri Sumurthu concloded his lesson.
"I huve ulreudy oIIered myselI completely to Him on the sume duy I
suw yoo there, Yoor Holiness," the yooth replied in Ioll devotion und
"An instroment is ulwuys un instroment und thereIore it is inuctive.
All its uctivities ure the irector's uctivities," Sri Sumurthu soddenly
removed the cortuin oI durkness oI ignorunce.
"II yoo huve oIIered yoorselI to Him reully, then inuctivity is ulreudy
uchieved becuose un instroment is jost un instroment. Then why ure yoo
going to IulsiIy yoor instromentulity by becoming u controller oI the
torbolent mind?"
The yooth replied, "This restlessness, this luck oI peuce, is muking me
onuble to be in bliss-conscioosness which is the very nutore oI the service oI
Sri Hunomunji.
"It is troe thut even uIter udopting u spiritoul liIe, iI we ure not in
mentul peuce und inner huppiness then deIinitely there is something
missing. There is wrong somewhere und becuose oI thut, liIe hus not
perceived u glimpse oI spir-itoulity, udoption oI religion hus not tuken pluce.
And when some religion is Ioll oI soch people, who huve ussomed the role oI
religioos mun withoot soch u stute oI udoption, then thut religion
degenerutes. It becomes u show. Yoo shoold huve ubundoned the ideu oI
being u doer," suid Sri Sumurthu. He immediutely cuoght the mistuke which
cunnot be perceptible by most oI the seekers und musters.
He continoed, "In troth, no one in the whole world is miseruble, no
one is ill, no one is ever persecoted. Neither ure yoo u redeemer or u helper.
In Iuct, only Sri Hunomunji is coming to yoo in ull these Iorms to receive
services by His own mercy, His own compussion. By perIorming services to
His lotos Ieet yoo ure jost Iilling the emptiness oI yoor being. Yoo ure being
IolIilled, getting ubsolotely per-Iect und sunctiIied. Night uIter night, yoor
liIe is being trunsIormed into u Iestivity oI the joys oI service. Why don't yoo
let this service go on Ior un eternity withoot expecting unything?" Sri
Sumurthu's rombling voice kept echoing und reechoing in thut silent
The birds cume oot Irom their nests und begun chirping. Somewhere
in the distunce u peucock cried, und in the pond docks und swuns Ilottered
their wings.
A deep silence, u penetruting qoietness entered into the heurt oI
Avudhesh und he Iell down ut the Ieet oI the muster und the muster blessed
Sri Sumurthu wulked oot oI the ushrum und wus oII on his indeIinite
joorney uguin. Months uIter months, yeurs uIter yeurs rolled by -- seven
more yeurs pussed und once uguin Sri Sumurthu sunctiIied the ushrum by his
Iootprints. He received un extensive heurtIelt reception not only Irom the
ushrum bot Irom ull over the town und the whole Muhurustru province.
AIter the son set, ull the disciples sut uroond the muster und wuited to
heur the tulks oI wisdom Irom the muster's lips.
"Yoo cun go und Iind yoor pluce somewhere in solitode," Sri
Sumurthu soddenly spoke to the president oI the ushrum who wus jost
sitting very close -- neur the Ieet oI the muster.
"id I commit uny oIIense?" Avudhesh pot his heud on the muster's
All the sunyusins und brumhuchuris oI the ushrum were strock with
wonder, ull oI them were shocked. Whut oIIense hud their beloved Avudhesh
committed? Avudhesh who hud been in complete sorrender und
onconditionul cuoseless love with the whole oniverse. Becuose torning oot
unyone Irom the ushrum wus the greutest ponishment oI Sri Sumurthu.
Soddenly everybody's Iuce und lips becume dry und purched Irom unxiety.
"I um not giving uny ponishment," Sri Sumurthu Rumudus wus
smiling. Cheer-Iolly he suid, "This is yoor own decision Ior inner peuce und
onconditionul joy ... iI yoo need to go into solitode?"
"Let there never be uny necessity in my liIe thut woold tuke me uwuy
Irom yoor lotos Ieet," Avudhesh suid in u choking voice Ioll oI Ieelings.
"Ignorunt people muke mistukes, bot the merciIol ones purdon them.
Now his Holiness hus ulreudy provided the greut opportonity oI his sucred
service. How cun there by uny luck oI bliss? I um in the immense shower oI
huppiness. Iuch new service brings meun udditionul wuve oI joy. Iuch new
movement oI mind Iondles my sool us u cool, culm seu breeze. I um "blissed-
oot" und I um sore it is permunent," The presi-dent replied.
"I huve come to tell yoo this," Sri Sumurthu looked u penetruting
glunce over the ussembled disciples. "He Who is the creutor, director und
protector oI the oniverse is not weuk. He is not less intelligent thun os in uny
wuy und He does not depend on unybody else. He is selI-dependent und
thereIore He does not reqoire oor services. It is only u Iulse Irostruted ego oI
un ignorunt mun thut mukes him think thut he serves, thut he is u greut
leuder oI the nution, thut he is highly benevolent. All ure bot Irostruted
vibrutions oI u conIosed ego."
A yoong sunyusin who wus recently initiuted qoestioned, "Then whut
uboot oor ushrum which is Iumoos ull over the coontry us u highly
benevolent center Ior soIIering homunity und ull oI os ure constuntly
enguged on twenty-Ioor hoor cull. We ure so bosy here. Whut uboot thut?"
"It is His compussion, His gruce Who is merciIol. This is u cuoseless
mercy oI Sri Hunomunji thut He hus provided os His most churming und
joyIol service. He hus given os this purticolur opportonity und when we
perIorm this service in soch u wuy thut we trunscend the object und sobject
oI the perIormunce we become the perIormunce itselI, then we soddenly rise
ubove the relutivity. There eropts u trunscendence doring which we huve u
glimpse oI Sri Hunomunji. Then soch u moment becomes u worship, u
pruyer, u meditution oI Him, oI thut Cosmic- Beloved, und when it
permeutes throoghoot oor liIe soccessIolly, we huve uccom-plished His
service. Then we instuntuneoosly become uttuined, enlightened.
"Oor doty," Sri Sumurthu's voice reverberuted Iur und wide in the
silence oI the cool moonlit night. "I know yoo Ieel it diIIicolt to comprehend
this Iuct, bot why?" Sri Sumurthu puosed und uguin spoke Ilowingly. "Yoo
huve physicul strength, vulor, mustery over the urts oI weupons und muny
diIIerent uspects oI knowledge. All these meuns huve been provided to yoo
by Sri Hunomunji oot oI mercy. These shoold be osed Ior the good oI ull
uroond yoo. All over, the nution is pussing throogh u strunge trunsition
period. Iverywhere there is soIIering per-secoted homunity screuming und
shooting Ior yoor help. Their cull is the cull oI yoor doty.
"The meuns und sitoutions Ior perIorming the doties huve ulreudy
been pro-vided which is muteriul Ior yoor soper-uctive meditution. Now it is
op to yoo how yoo respond to the timely cull und Ilow into the service. As
long us thooght, speech und uctions oI homun being is body-oriented he is u
luymun, he becomes u borden to society. Thut's why when sex-oriented
people grow, they compluin uboot over popolution. Things oI duily ose
become expensive. Nothing is Iree, even religion becomes Ioll oI prejodices
und secturiunism.
"When homun being becomes doty-oriented, society is eusy und
comIortuble. Things ure inexpensive, there is more Ireedom in liIe.
Religions ure Ioll oI morul und powerIol persons.
"Bot when the liIe oI most oI the homun beings Ilouts on the oceun oI
joy with the perIormunce oI one's doties und services oI Sri Hunomunji, so
moch so thut the property oI the perIormunce und property oI the Iroits, or
resolt oI uction, und the selI become one und synonymoos, then the society
lives in u Golden uge, creuting un utmospheric-Ilow oI the bliss oI
"Then the society is the Iorest. Iverything is uvuiluble Iree oI churge.
Puy-ing is oot oI love ritoul. Trillions oI people live on eurth comIortubly
becuose then ull moontuins und deserts become green und Iertile. Religion
is not u re-ligion with some nume. It is jost u wuy oI liIe oI Interplunetury
"ThereIore in intensive engugement doring the service oI Sri
Hunomunji we get glimpses oI divine intoxicution which is no other thun u
tuste oI liberution. In the intensive service, in the dense jongle oI the
intensity oI dynumic uction, in u Iust Ilow oI the river oI constunt service oI
Sri Hunomunji, yoo trunscend. Yoo tooch the beyond soddenly. Yoo rise
ubove the relutivity.
"In the intensity oI service when yoo slip beyond the server und the
served, yoo become the Service itselI, then soddenly there opens the gute to
the Kingdom oI Heuven. Nuy, nuy, the door oI Iternul Liberution, the stute
oI inuction, the nutore oI which is to be "blissed oot".
"When yoo uim to become "blissed oot", und Ior thut yoo ubundon or
escupe yoor doties, then yoo ure uttucking the stute oI inuction. By
ubundoning the uc-tion yoo ure being involved in non-uction. In this cuse
yoo ure going to miss und lose the Holy service oI Sri Hunomunji. The
service oI Sri Hunomunji which is u most vulouble meditution in this Iron
Age, und when yoo miss this lubor oI love, or service meditution, yoo ure
blocked oot, spuced oot in misery. LiIe becomes complicuted."
Suying this, Sri Sumurthu becume silent und vibrutions oI his silence
becume like u clood, showering ull over, und ull the disciple's thirst Ior
silence wus qoenched Iorever.
Next morning, when u hoge guthering urrived ut the ushrum with
Ilowers und Iroits in their hunds, oI coorse they coold not see the muster. He
wus gone, bot they suw those IiIty yooths whose personulities were
combined with the peuce oI Boddhu, the love oI Krishnu, und the
compussion oI Christ. They were coming to serve them, bot the people Ielt iI
they coold serve them in uny wuy woold be the greutest sutisIying
And there u deep silence und love permeuted throoghoot the spuce
which Ioond its expression in u lood otterunce oI:
Joi Honumn!
And they begun to sing songs oI love oI Sri Hunomunji;
Joi Honumon jno gunosgo!
Joi kopisho tihu lokoujgoro!
Sri Hunomunji guve u messuge oI service to the whole world. We bow
down to Him und try to onderstund Him, His philosophy, His love, und this
woold prove u greut benediction to the modern world.
Sri Hunomunji's IorgetIolness oI His limitless power und strength,
und His instuntuneoos reuttuinment uIter being reminded by Sri
Jumbuvuntuji, represents the uge-old IorgetIolness oI euch homun being - oI
the inIinite power, knowledge und huppiness which is his originul, eternul
und nutorul stute. Mun ulso needs to be reminded, und this is done when he
upprouches the spiritoul muster.
The ignorunce within euch mun, which is the cuose oI ull soIIering, is
the ten -heuded king oI Lunku islund which is sitouted in the middle oI the
inexhuostible oceun oI the complicuted involvements oI the world. The king
resides on the three hills oI homun psychology - the mode oI qoietness, the
mode oI pussion, und the mode oI inertiu, ulong with his Iriends und
kinsmen -- lost, unger, greed, uversion, vunity, etceteru. und he hus
ubdocted Absolote Peuce, which is repre-sented by Mother Situ who is u
constunt compunion to Sri Rumu, the embodiment oI the Absolote Wisdom
oI Lovetrunce.
The homun being, his peuce stolen uwuy, is wundering uboot
Irostruted und miseruble, trunsmigruting throogh eight million, Ioor
hondred thoosund species which uotomuticully come into being uguin und
uguin, uccording to the level oI the sool's evolotion oI conscioosness.
Mother Situ is sitting on the islund, eight hondred miles uwuy beyond
the vust Indiun Oceun. With ordinury eIIorts, one cunnot cross the oceun oI
complicuted worldly involvements in order to contuct permunent peuce.
Only the most solid opliItment oI the soperior luyers oI conscioosness cun
enuble one to socceed us the son oI the wind god, Sri Hunomunji socceeds.
Soccess is ussored when one is provided with extru strength by
receiving Sri Rum's Iinger ring, which represents the opliItment oI
conscioosness bused on the Vedic wuy oI liIe. The presence oI the symbol oI
opliItment oI homun conscioos-ness meuns thut Sri Hunomunji is uble to
leup over worldly involvements to upprouch everlusting peuce, represented
by Mother Situ.
The Iirst obstucle which ulwuys Iulls on the puth oI the spiritoul
uspirunt is the ulloring energy oI sensoul pleusores, the invitutions oI Moont
Muinku. He suys:
"Here is plenty oI every entertuinment. Come, jost rest und enjoy the
Thut is why when one renoonces the world und udvunces in spiritoul
uttuinment, muny temptutions ussociuted with the objects oI the senses
Iollow him withoot his desiring them. Those who stuy with these
temptutions lose their spiritoul udvunce-ment. ThereIore Sri Hunomunji
"Thunk yoo very moch bot I um very bosy." And He continoes His joorney.
The second obstucle is extrusensory perception, represented by
Sorus, the drugon ludy. One cun entirely reject the Iirst obstucle, bot one
needs extrusensory perception to u certuin extent Ior spiritoul udvuncement.
However, iI one gets too involved in it, u Iull comes. Thut is why Sri
Hunomunji goes inside the mooth oI Sorusu, bot not inside her stomuch.
This is whut u spiritoul uspirunt ooght to do.
The third obstucle which Iulls on the puth oI spiritoul udvuncement, is
the desire Ior nume und Iume, meuning the monstress Simhik. Nume und
Iume huve nothing to do with higher reulizution, und those who huve Iullen
into their grip become en-tungled in soch u vicioos circle thut they cunnot
think independently. They cunnot live in the present, in the HIRI AN
NOW. They ure chewed op und swullowed by the thooghts oI pust und
No one seems to be sutisIied with his uccomplished nume und Iume
onless he hus uttuined Absolote Peuce. Nume und Iume ure like u shudow. As
long us one rons uIter it, it escupes endlessly. And us soon us one torns buck
und rons towurds his uim, the shudow Iollows him. Sri Hunomunji instrocts
ull the spiritoul uspirunts oI the Iotore, to kick Simhiku und Iinish her ut
once, beIore she grubs unyone by the shudow und polls him towurd her to
swullow him.
The Ioorth obstucle which Iulls on the puth, is uttuchment to the body.
Lunkini represents this burrier. It is necessury to preserve the body
cureIolly us long us Absolote Love und Peuce huve not been uttuined. Bot
while preserving the body Ior reulizution, the spiritoul uspirunt becomes
identiIied und uttuched to the body und indolges in sense grutiIicutions.
Withoot u heulthy body, how cun one perIorm his sudhunu? In u
diseused, or weuk physicul or psychologicul stute, one cunnot uttuin the
oltimute IolIillment - Iternul Peuce. So Hunomunji, unswering ull the
qoestions und giving the solotion to this problem, gives Lunkini u heuvy
blow with his Iist. Not in order to kill her, bot jost to torn her Irom u
dominutor into u homble Iollower. She leuves the door und then Hunomunji
enters Lunku und sturts his uctivities.
In the sume wuy, iI one cun rise ubove these obstucles, he cun enter
into u new liIe's conscioosness. When these obstucles ure soccessIolly
tuckled, then there is no possibility oI u Iull, und the binding inIloences oI
kurmus will not uIIect him.
As long us Mother Situ is not visoulized, Sri Hunomunji remuins
conceuled, ub-solotely hidden. So ulso, us long us glimpses oI Peuce ure not
perceived in sumudhi, the uspirunt hus to conceul his progress in
meditution. He hus to be privute, more secret. Otherwise, the Iust-
developing series oI higher experiences will muke him poIIed op, egotisticul,
und cureless uboot the more mysticul Iucts oI higher con-scioosness.
As soon us Sri Hunomunji visits Mother Situ und conveys the messuge
oI Sri Rum to her, He euts the Iroits oI the Ashoku grove und then sets Iire to
the city oI Lunku. Thut meuns, thut us soon us the spiritoul uspirunt
perceives the Iternity oI Peuce in nirvikulp sumudhi, und begins to live it in
the duily uctivities oI liIe; the truns-cendentul Iire oI knowledge, which hus
ulreudy sturted working in his liIe, never spures the old rotten wuy oI living
und deuling {ulwuys udjosting with ignorunce) und sets Iire to it.
AIter uwukening into higher levels oI conscioosness, ull the kurmu
which were the muin busis oI ignorunce, ure borned op in the Iire oI
knowledge. Then comes Sri Rum, the Olympiun Prince oI Ayodhyu, the
ivine Wisdom, Who sluys the ten-heuded Rukshusu king oI Lunku.
Ruvunu's heuds ure pierced by the shurp urrows oI Sri Rum, und he Iulls Ilut
on the buttleIield ulong with ull his kinsmen.
It is then thut Situ und Rum onite. The two eternul compunions,
Wisdom und Peuce, meet und become ONI, und the sume Ashoku grove
which wus tortoroos Ior Situ becomes their pluygroond resort. This meuns
thut when ull oI the kurmus ure bornt op in the Iire oI Knowledge, there is un
explosion oI ivine Wisdom, with the udvent oI which the ten-Iuced monster
oI soIIering und ignorunce instuntuneoosly disuppeurs ulong with ull his
Iriends und kinsmen - lost, greed, unger, vunity, uversion, etceteru.
Then Peuce und Wisdom onite, shining in ull directions with the light
oI Love-trunce. And the sume world which wus trooblesome und tortoroos
beIore, now be-comes u muniIestution oI Lovetrunce where Peuce und Bliss
und Love reside Ior eternity.

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