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1haL lrlday leellng
lasLesL growlng producL ln lmpulse
A musL for all 12 baskeL freezers
uellclous Crunchle lce cream covered ln a fabulous mlxLure of Cadbury ualry Mllk chocolaLe and
explodlng popplng candy!

1he naLlons favourlLe ChocolaLe brand
A musL for all Cadbury Lovers
1PL CnL? alLernaLlve Lo Magnum
Cadbury ualry Mllk Lhlckly coverlng dellclous vanllla lce cream A favourlLe for all ages

A 99 llake lce cream or more commonly a 99 ls an lce cream cone usually made wlLh sofL serve lce
cream raLher Lhan scooped lce cream lnLo whlch a llake bar has been lnserLed Lyplcally aL an acuLe
angle Lo Lhe cone 1he lce cream ls usually vanllla flavoured 1hey are LradlLlonally sold by lce cream
vans and parlours varlaLlons lnclude a 99 wlLh Lwo flakes ofLen referred Lo as a double 99 or bunnys
ears and a 99 wlLh sLrawberry or raspberry Lopplng sauce someLlmes known as Monkeys 8lood1
1here are many references Lo 99s ln 8rlLlsh pop culLure 1he popelecLronlca duo 1he kLl noLably used
lce cream van lconography and lncluded Lhe phrase Make mlne a 99 ln Lhelr 1991 slngle verslon of
!usLlfled and AnclenL
An alLernaLlve savoury verslon of Lhe snack subsLlLuLlng mashed poLaLo for lce cream and a sausage for
Lhe llake was developed ln 2008 by AunL 8essles
1he llake chocolaLe bar lLself was flrsL developed ln 1920 An employee of Cadburys noLed LhaL when
Lhe excess from Lhe moulds used Lo creaLe oLher chocolaLe bars was dralned off lL fell off ln a sLream
and creaLed folded chocolaLe wlLh flaklng properLles3 ln 1930 Cadbury sLarLed produclng a smaller
verslon of Lhe sLandard llake bar especlally for lce cream cones1 1hese were markeLed under Lhe
name 99 llake and sold loose ln boxes raLher Lhan lndlvldually wrapped llke Lhe LradlLlonal llake

Crlspy wafer cone fllled wlLh caramel flavour lce cream wlLh swlrls of caramel sauce and Lopped wlLh
Cadbury ualry Mllk chocolaLe pleces

8omance lovers eaL your hearLs ouL! Cadbury llake ls an amorous eplc brlmmlng wlLh chocolaLe
desserL and pleces of real Cadbury llake 1hose dashlng rogues!

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