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leLer 8uregel has achleved a real sense of dlsLance ln Lhls palnLlng

ln Lhe foreground he uses warm and vlbranL colours Mlxlng Lhls wlLh Lhe lncredlbly
deLalled flgures and crop you sLarL Lo feel as Lhls ls close Lo you As lf you are ln Lhe palnLlng
1he yellowy orange colour makes Lhe crop warm and vlbranL
ln Lhe mlddle dlsLance Lhere are sLlll brlghL oranges and yellows buL much less brlghL
Also green and brown neuLral colours have been lnLroduced unllke Lhe foreground Lhere ls
llLLle deLall addlng Lo Lhe far away feel of Lhe mlddle dlsLance
ln Lhe far dlsLance Lhere ls no colour buL llghL blue ueLall ls almosL non exlsLenL and
formed enLlrely from dlfferenL shade of blue LhaL blend lnLo Lhe sky 1hls makes lL seem very
far away
WhaL l llke mosL ln Lhe palnLlng ls how deLalled and reallsLlc lL ls
l don'L llke Lhe sLrange sLraw huLs ln Lhe foreground

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