Adverb Lesson Plab

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Lesson Plan

School : Junior High School xxxx

Subject : English
Topic : Adverb
Class/Semester : IX/2
Activity Time : One class time (40-50 minutes)

A. Standard Competence

To understand, deIining, identiIy and using adverbs in daily liIe.

B. Basic Competence

The Students are able to understand about adverbs

C. Indicators

1. The students are able to construct sentences by using adverbs
2. The students are able to make a sentence by using adverbs

D. Goals

At the end oI the lesson, the students are able to understand all about adverb.

E. Material

1. Text Book
2. Picture/ Flash Card

F. Class Activity

1. Giving an explanation about adverb
2. Asking the students about the meaning oI adverb
3. Ask the students to make an example oI adverb
4. Giving chance to the students to ask questions

G. Technique

Oral Explanation

H. Evaluation

1. Students perIormance in oral test
2. Students worksheet/ writing

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