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Title of Submission: WASHMS Software Module Design and Test report for Data Processing and Management (Report

t Tools) of Wind Measurement (Logical Design) Submission Ref. : CSF-OT/09407/A Arup Ref. : 23192/(HY/02/26)/C50/200(1306) Item 1. Description Section 3 Figures 3.1a), b) and c) for data flowchart of U-Ane3D, U-Ane-2D and P-Ane at DAU refers. The function IDs for the designated formula function tools of pre-processing are different from the information as shown in your Software Function Design Proposal submitted under CSFOT/009188/B, for example, the function ID wind-u3-dau-01 should be data input of formula function 10-min gust instead of 3-sec gust. Please rectify, Section 4 refers. Typing error for the cross reference to the module design for the function stated at Tables 2a-2, 2b-2 and 2c-2 should be revised to Tables 1a-2, 1b-2 and 1c-2. Section 5 refers. Cross reference to the separate submission for SHDMS regarding the linkage between the web interface to the MATLAB modules. Reply Comment is noted and rectified.


Typo is rectified.

3. 3.1

Cross reference is added.

Title of Submission: WASHMS Software Module Design and Test report for Data Processing and Management (Report Tools) of Wind Measurement (Logical Design) Submission Ref. : CSF-OT/09407/A Arup Ref. : 23192/(HY/02/26)/C50/200(1306) 3.2 Please provide detailed description for individual MATLAB modules presented in
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Comment is noted and rectified.


5. 5.1


Figures 5.1 to 5.11. Please confirm that all the result plottings for wind data specified in PS Clause 33.5.7 are incorporated. Figure 6.1 Testing Plan in page 20 of 35 refers. Please elaborate providing details of the simulated signal with and without known error. Also please explain the meaning of Still Hande and why the test result is regarded as OK when the data is Still Hande. Please revisit this flow chart. Appendix B refers. The result plots for modules ID MAT-W007, MAT-W008, MATW009 and MAT-W010 are illegible. Please rectify. The result plot for module ID MAT-W007 should include the plotting of wind data in 3second, 1-minute, 10-minute and 1-hour intervals as stated in PS Clause 33.5.7. Please rectify.


Flow chart is revised as per comment.

Comment is noted and rectified.

Plotting of wind data in 3-second, 1minute, 10-minute and 1-hour intervals are included.

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