Gone (Your Privacy) in 32 Bit by Azra Rizal

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Gone (Your Privacy)in 32 bit

Azra Rizal MVP, Consumer Security

How easy to be trace?

IE 9 has (some) the answer


How many information do you need to go from this

To this

As of 2009 , it requires only 33 bit of information

S = - log2 Pr(X=x)
Total S = 37.4

Days Population = 365 Population = 6,909,000,000 Population - log Pr(1/365) = 8.51 S = = 6,909,000,000 2 Zip Code log2 Pr(1/6,909,000,000) = 32.68 S = - population = 69,000 5,000 Ethnic Population = S = - log2 Pr(69,000/6,909,000,000) = 16.61 S = - log Pr(1/12.28) = 12.28



Variable User Agent

Source Transmitted by HTTP, logged by server Transmitted by HTTP, logged by server Inferred in HTTP, logged by server JavaScript AJAX post JavaScript AJAX post


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Days Population = 365 S = - log2 Pr(1/365) = 8.51

How did we arrived to that number ? S = - log2 Pr(X=x) How did we arrived to that number ? S = -log2 (1/6909000000) = 32.68 bits My postcode is 57000 assuming there is around 100 post code in KL and population of Kuala Lumpur is 6,900,000 so each postcode is assume to be around 69,000 people? S = -log2 (69,000/6909000000) = 16.61 bits My birthday is in December 12 1974 S = -log2 (1/365) = 8.51 bits My Ethnicity is Malay and assuming the world have around 2000 ethnic community S = -log2 (1/5000) = 12.28 bits Combining all there S = 16.61 + 8.51 + 12.28 = 37.4 With just 3 information we can deduce a person Infact there is a study done by Dr Ohm mentioning that you can identify 87% Of people from United States just by 3 information Zipcode, Date of Birth and Gender

IE 9 Tracking Protection

Why Tracking Protection?

Websites track everything Websites share everything

Whats in Tracking Protection

Blocked third-party content using an XML list 2 methods of Tracking Protection - Tracking Protection Lists (TPL) - Do Not Track header and DOM property

Demo #1
IE 9 Tracking Protection

Post or not to Post :D

Dr Ohm MIMOS Security Labs IE 9 TechNet Edge

Thank You Q&A

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