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W3 Status Analyzer

Web Based Application

W3Analyser includes three components namely web tracker, hit counter and real-time detailed web statistics. Just by inserting a simple piece of code on a web page it will be possible to analyses and monitor all the visitors to the website in real-time.

When someone visits the website, the small piece of code is executed and the visitor's public details (IP address, browser, operating system, referrer, page title and URL etc) are analyzed and stored for reporting to the website owner later. The website owner has control on which pages he/she wants to track just by placing the code in required pages. The hit counter display's a counter on the web page. The webmaster has the option to choose between displaying unique visitors or page loads and also to customize the appearance such as the background and digit color for the counter to blend in perfectly with the website.

Purpose of the system

The purpose of this project is to analyze and monitor all the visitors to the website in real-time, and this are done by inserting a simple piece of code on a web page. The analyses can offer both free and premium service. The type of service will determine the features accessible for their site. The features that can be implemented are: Magnify User Popular Pages Entry Pages Exit Pages Visitor Paths

Recent Page load Activity Recent Visitor Activity Recent Visitor Google Map Email Reports The log-size determines how many page loads are covered by this vastly more detailed analysis. The implementation is based upon java script and cookies.

Module1 Module2 Module3 : User Module : Administrator Module : Mail Reports

Language Technologies IDE Operating System Database : Microsoft c# .Net Language : Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 : Visual Studio 2008 : Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher : Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Hardware Requirements:
Processor RAM Hard Disk : Intel Pentium4 : 512 MB : 40 GB

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