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urlnary dlverslon

W ulverslon of urlnary paLhway from lLs naLural paLh
W 1ypes
ndlcaLlons of permanenL urlnary dlverslon
W When Lhe bladder has Lo be removed
W When Lhe sphlncLers of Lhe bladder Lhe deLrusor muscle have been
damaged or have losL Lhelr normal neurologlcal conLrol
W When Lhere ls lrremovable obsLrucLlon ln Lhe bladder dlsLal Lo LhaL
W LcLoplc veslcae
W ncurable veslco vaglna flsLula
1emporary urlnary dlverslon
W Suprapublc cysLosLomy
W yelosLomy or nephrosLomy or ureLhrosLomy (wlLh lndwelllng caLheLers)
llustration of suprapubic tube placed to aid bladder drainage
nephrostomy is a
surgical procedure by
which a tube, stent, or
catheter is inserted
through the skin and
into the kidney.
ermanenL urlnary dlverslon
W ureLero slgmoldosLomy
W leal condulL
W Colon condulL
W leocaecaecal segmenL
W Lowsley's operaLlon

1ypes of urlnary
CuLaneous urlnary
Wleal condulL (lleal loop)
WA 12 cm loop of lleum led ouL
Lhrough abdomlnal wall
WSLenLs used
W1he space aL cysLecLomy slLe
dralned by a dralnage sysLem
WAfLer surgery a skln barrler
and a LransparenL dlsposable
urlnary dralnage bag
WConsLanLly dralns
CompllcaLlons of lleal condulL
W Wound lnfecLlon
W Wound dehlscence
W urlnary leakage
W ureLeral obsLrucLlon
W Small bowel obsLrucLlon
W leus
W SLomal gangrene
W narrowlng of Lhe sLoma
W yelonephrlLls
W 8enal calcull
ureLero slgmoldosLomy
W CompllcaLlons
8eflux of urlne
Pyperchloraemlc acldosls
8enal lnfecLlon
SLrlcLure formaLlon
ConLlnenL urlnary ulverslons
W ConLlnenL leal urlnary 8eservolr
ndlana ouch
W MosL common conLlnenL urlnary dlverslon
W erlodlcally caLheLerlzed
koch ouch
CharlesLon ouch
W voldlng occurs from recLum
oLenLlal compllcaLlons
W erlLonlLls due Lo dlsrupLlon of anasLomosls
W SLomal lschaemla and necrosls due Lo
compromlsed blood supply Lo sLoma
W SLoma reLracLlon and separaLlon of
mucocuLaneous border due Lo Lenslon or
ladder reconsLrucLlon
8ecLo slgmold pouch
nurslng process 1he paLlenL undergolng urlnary dlverslon
reoperaLlve assessmenL
W Cardlopulmonary assessmenL
W nuLrlLlonal assessmenL
W Learnlng capclLy assessmenL
reoperaLlve nurslng dlagnosls
W AnxleLy
W knowledge deflclL
reoperaLlve plannlng and goals
W 8ellef of anxleLy
W Lnsurlng adequaLe nuLrlLlon
W Lxplalnlng surgery and lLs effecLs
nurslng ManagemenL
W n Lhe lmmedlaLe posLoperaLlve perlod urlne volumes are
monlLered hourly
W An ouLpuL below 30 ml/h dehydraLlon or obsLrucLlon
W romoLe urlne ouLpuL a caLheLer may be lnserLed Lhrough
urlnary condulL
W rovlde sLoma and skln care consulL wlLh enLerosLomal
W Skln care speclallsL consulLed
W SLoma looked for color dark purpllsh blood supply
W Skln lnspecLed for lrrlLaLlon
W leedlng
W Wound lnfecLlons
osLoperaLlve nurslng lnLervenLlons
W MonlLor urlnary funcLlon
W revenL compllcaLlons
lnfecLlon sepsls resplraLory compllcaLlons fluld and
elecLrolyLe lmbalances flsLula formaLlon
W 8yle's Lube asplraLlon
W AmbulaLe qulckly
W MalnLaln perlsLomal lnLegrlLy
W 8elleve paln
W mprove body lmage
W Lxplorlng sexuallLy lssues
W 1reaL perlLonlLls
W Look for sLomal lschaemla and necrosls
W Look for sLomal reLracLlon and separaLlon
W neomycln kanamycln
W mmedlaLely afLer operaLlon caLheLer ln recLum Lo prevenL
reflux lnLo ureLers and lnfecLlon of Lhe newly formed ureLerlc
openlng lnLo Lhe lnLesLlnes
W MonlLorlng fluld and elecLrolyLes lnLesLlnal mucosa absorb
urlne waLer and elecLrolyLes dlarrhoea due Lo poLasslum and
magneslum malnLaln Lhe balance L advlsed Lo empLy Lhe
recLum every 2 hours Lo bulld up of pressure and Lhereby Lhe
absorpLlon of urlnary salLs
W 8eLraln Lhe recLum speclal sphlncLerlc exerclses learn Lhe
dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhe need Lo defaecaLe and Lhe need Lo
W romoLlng dleLary measures avold chewlng gum
W SalL lnLake resLrlcLed Lo prevenL hyperchloremlc
acldosls oLasslum lncreased Lo make up for
poLasslum losL ln acldosls
W MonlLorlng and managlng poLenLlal compllcaLlons
pyelonephrlLls due Lo reflux of bacLerla from recLum
long Lerm anLlbloLlcs laLe compllcaLlon due Lo
lrrlLaLlon adenocarclnoma
Managlng osLomy appllance
W LmpLy Lhe pouch when 1/3 full Lo prevenL welghL pulllng
W A small amounL of urlne ls lefL Lo prevenL collapse of Lhe
bag agalnsL lLself
W 1he collecLlng boLLle and Lublng ls rlnsed wlLh cold waLer
dally and once ln a week wlLh a 31 soluLlon of waLer and
whlLe vlnegar
W ConLlnulng care look for meLasLases
W Look for leakage of urlne from Lhe appllance
W urlne pP ls kepL below 63 by admlnlsLraLlon of ascorblc acld
W Appllance Lo be flLLed properly Lo prevenL skln from geLLlng
lrrlLaLed by urlne
W f Lhe urlne ls foul smelllng CS done
W leal condulL mucosa mucus produced urlne geLs mlxed
wlLh mucus paLlenL encouraged Lo Lake loL of fluld Lo wash
ouL Lhe mucus
W Appllances reusable or dlsposable
W Skln barrler used Lo proLecL skln from urlne
romoLlng home and communlLy care
W 1each paLlenLs self care
W ConLrol odour food LhaL glves odour Lo urlne avolded eg Cheese eggs
W ueodorlzers or dlluLe whlLe vlnegar lnLroduced lnLo Lhe dralnage bag
W Ascorblc acldlfles suppresses odour
W Asplrln lnLroduced lnLo bag Lo deodorlze may cause ulceraLlon of Lhe sLoma
W Pome and communlLy care
W 1eachlng self care
W ConLlnulng care
uLure aspecLs
1 More Lhan 40 varlanLs of conLlnenL
dlverslon no slngle besL Lechnlque
2 Whlch bowel segmenL ?
3 Whlch conLlnenL Lechnlque ?
4 Whlch anLlreflux Lechnlque ?
Ooly looq tetm follow op coo ooswet tbese

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